Farsight RPG - GM Screen
Farsight RPG - GM Screen
Farsight RPG - GM Screen
COMBATIVITY STRENGTH DEXTERITY PERCEPTION INTELLIGENCE WILL TECH Value Difficulty Class Outcome BLEEDING GRAPPLED • The creature has disadvantage on melee attack rolls. • If a creature carries a weight greater than its carrying Distance Description Defense Bonus d12 Location Effects d10 Effects
Cold Weapons Athletics Acrobatics Alertness Erudition Charisma Astronautics 7 Trivial Poor • The creature loses blood and takes 1 biotic damage • A grappled creature’s speed becomes 0, and it can’t • Attack rolls against the creature have advantage capacity (CC) and up to twice that value, it’s hindered. Adjacent Within melee reach – 1 Head You are stunned until the end of your next turn. 1 You have the instinct to repeat a certain gesture over and over.
Energy Weapons Climbing Dancing Insight Lucidity Cunning Computer 10 Easy Mediocre at the start of each of its turns. benefit from any bonus to its speed. if the attacker is adjacent to them. Otherwise, they • A creature can push, drag, or lift a weight that is Your PER or INT score decreases by 1.
Close Up to 10 meters – 2 You have hallucinations, you have disadvantage on all ability
• If the creature is dying (0 HP), the bleeding does • The creature has disadvantage on any action other have disadvantage. more than twice its CC and up to 5 times that value, 2–4 Torso You are stunned until the end of your next turn. checks.
Gunnery Might Piloting Inspection Medicine Fortitude Cybernetics 13 Normal Ordinary Short Over 10 and up to 30 meters +2
not cause damage but implies the automatic failure than attacking the grappler or trying to break free. • A prone creature can stand up using 3 m of its speed. but while doing so it’s hindered and incapacitated. Your STR or DEX score decreases by 1.
Kinetic Weapons Stamina Reflex Music Nature Intimidation Explosives 17 Moderate Decent of the death saving throw that the creature makes Medium Over 30 and up to 50 meters +4 3 You have extreme paranoia, you have disadvantage on INT and
• The condition ends if the grappler is incapacitated
Natural Weapons Swimming Riding Survival Psionics Socialite Mechatronics 21 Challenging Good at the start of each of its turns. RESTRAINED EXHAUSTION (SPECIAL) 5–6 Right arm You have disadvantage to any check involving the WIL checks and struggle to trust even your friends and loved ones.
or if an effect removes the grappled creature from Long Over 50 and up to 100 meters +6
• A restrained creature’s speed becomes 0, and it can’t The lack of rest, as well as other dangerous effects 7–8 Left arm use of the injured arm. 4 You have an overwhelming instinct to eat something disgusting.
Wrestling Zero-G Stealth Visual Arts Science Streetwise Mystification 25 Hard Great • The creature cannot recover vitality points until the reach of the grappler or grappling effect (such
the bleeding is stopped. as when a creature is hurled away by an explosion). benefit from any bonus to its speed. or environmental hazards (such as starvation, high Extreme Over 100 meters +10 or more 9–10 Right leg You have disadvantage on any check involving the
Throwing Sleight of Hand Warfare Trading 28 Formidable Excellent 5 You begin to stutter and are no longer able to speak normally
• The creature has disadvantage on DEX checks altitudes, etc.), can lead to a special condition called 11–12 Left leg use of the injured leg. Your speed is reduced by 2 m.
31 Prodigious Astounding • As an action, a character can spend one use of a first or completely lose the ability to speak.
HINDERED and attack rolls. exhaustion. Exhaustion is measured in six levels, as After taking the Dash action, you must succeed on
aid kit or succeed on a DC 15 INT (Medicine) check
shown in the following table.
COVER 6 You feel repulsed by something. Whenever you see it, you must
EXPLOITS while in contact with a bleeding creature (including • A hindered creature’s speed is halved. • Attack rolls against the creature have advantage. a DC 13 DEX (Reflex) saving throw or falling prone.
Cover Description Defense Bonus succeed on a DC 16 WIL (Fortitude) save or be frightened of it.
Rank Combat exploits SETBACKS himself) to stop the bleeding and end the condition. • During their turn, the creature can only take an action
or a minor action, but not both. SICKENED Exhaustion Light It covers at least one third of the body +2 7 You have tremors and tics, you have disadvantage on all ability
2 On guard: You take a better defensive stance. You get a +2 bonus to your Defense until the start of your next turn. 2d10 Setbacks level Effect SEVERE PHYSICAL TRAUMAS (IMPAIRMENTS)
BLINDED checks.
Trauma: If appropriate to the circumstances, you suffer a trauma, • If the creature makes a reaction, they won’t be able to • A sickened creature has disadvantage on all ability Moderate It covers at least half of the body +4
Quick movement: You can immediately move 3 meters or stand up if you're prone. This extra move does not count on how far you can 2 • A blinded creature can’t see and automatically checks due to malaise, pain, or disorientation. 1 Disadvantage on STR and DEX checks General effects 8 You have transient amnesia. You keep your species traits and
3 otherwise no setback happens. take any actions or minor actions on their next turn. High It covers at least two thirds of the body +6
move during this turn. fails any ability check that requires sight. 2 class features, but don’t recognize other people and don’t recall
Sickened • You are stunned until the end of your next turn.
Extra minor action: You can immediately take an extra minor action. You can also use this extra minor action to make an attempt to grab, 3
“Not right now!”: Something breaks or stops working • The creature has disadvantage on attack rolls. INCAPACITATED STUNNED Full It covers the entire body Can’t be targeted anything about what happened before you suffered the trauma.
4 at the worst moment. 3 Hindered • You are bleeding until that condition is eliminated.
disarm or shove against an opponent. • An incapacitated creature can’t take any actions, • A stunned creature is incapacitated, can’t move,
• Attack rolls against the creature have advantage. 4 9 You become attached to a “lucky charm” (person or object) and
Fright: Something scares you. You are frightened until the start minor actions or reactions. and can speak only falteringly. Vitality point maximum halved • Each time you attempt an action during your turn you must make
Effective strike: The attack deals +1d6 extra damage and the target must succeed on a DC 17 STR (Stamina) saving throw or be sickened 4 • Any other creature is considered invisible to VISIBILITY have disadvantage on all ability checks when you’re more than
5 of your next turn. • The creature has disadvantage on all ability checks. 5 Speed reduced to 0 a DC 15 STR (Stamina) saving throw. If you fail, you lose the action
until the start of your next turn. a blinded creature. 10 m away from it.
INVISIBLE • Attack rolls against the creature have advantage. Visibility Examples Effects and can’t take reaction until the start of your next turn.
Team play: Choose one ally you can see and who can see the target of your attack. That ally can immediately make an attack against that Defensive breach: You lower your guard. Attack rolls against 6 Reduced to 0 vitality points 10 You become submissive and obey whatever you are told to do
6 5 • An invisible creature is impossible to see without Dimmed Dim light, fog, moderate Disadvantage on Perception • You suffer a specific effect from the table below.
target using their reaction. you have advantage until the start of your next turn. CHARMED that is not blatantly self-destructive.
the help of special senses or technological aids. The UNCONSCIOUS Area foliage or rainfall checks that rely on sight
Outrage: You say or do something that offends an interlocutor, • A charmed creature can’t attack the charmer or An effect can give a creature one or more levels of d12 Location Specific effects (permanent)
7 Help: You can immediately take the Help action as an extra action. 6 creature’s location can still be detected by any noise • An unconscious creature is incapacitated and
worsening their attitude towards you and your companions. target the charmer with harmful abilities or effects. exhaustion, as specified in its description. If an already Obscured Darkness, dense fog, or Impedes vision; is equivalent
8 Vanish: You can immediately take the Hide action as an extra action, if circumstances allow to do so. they make or any tracks they leave. For the purpose can’t move or speak. It automatically fails any 1 Head Your PER or INT score decreases by 1. SEVERE PSYCHIC TRAUMA (PSICOSIS)
• The charmer has advantage on any ability check exhausted creature suffers another effect that causes Area dense foliage to the blinded condition
"Damn!": The weapon you’re holding slips from your hand or jams. of hiding, the creature is obscured. checks that require physical action and is unaware 2–4 Torso Your STR or DEX score decreases by 1.
9 Powerful strike: The attack deals +1d8 extra damage and the target suffers a trauma. 7 to interact socially with the creature. exhaustion, their level of exhaustion increases by General effects
As a minor action on your turn, you can pick it up or unjam it. • Attack rolls against the creature have disadvantage. of its surroundings. the amount specified in the description of the effect. 5–6 Right arm Compromised arm: You can only hold one object • Your INT, WIL or TEC score decreases by 1.
10 Lethal strike: The attack deals +1d10 extra damage and the target suffers a trauma. Ringing in your ears: Your ears are ringing annoyingly. • The creature has advantage on attack rolls. • The creature drops whatever it’s holding and falls OBJECT STATISTICS
8 DAZZLED The effects of exhaustion levels are cumulative. 7–8 Left arm at a time and you can no longer hold anything with
11 Climb the initiative: From the start of the next combat round, you will act first in the initiative order. You are deafened until the start of your next turn. • A dazzled creature has disadvantage on attack rolls prone. For example, a creature with 3 levels of exhaustion is Structure Points • Each time you attempt an action during your turn you must make
two hands. If you lose the use of both arms you
Rank Other example exploits Uneasiness: Something upsets you unexpectedly. and on any Perception check that requires sight. PARALYZED • Attack rolls against the creature have advantage. sickened, hindered, and has disadvantage on STR and Object size Fragile Normal Sturdy a DC 15 INT (Lucidity) saving throw. If you fail, you lose the action
can no longer hold anything.
9 • A paralyzed creature is incapacitated and can’t move DEX checks. The conditions imposed by exhaustion and can’t take reaction until the start of your next turn.
Memorable joke: You come up with a shrewd joke that seals your action. If you can't think of anything, the GM and the other players You have disadvantage on your next ability check. • Any attack that hits a unconscious creature Tiny (bottle) 3 (1d6) 7 (2d6) 14 (4d6) 9–10 Right leg Compromised leg: Your speed is halved and you
2 DEAFENED or speak. It automatically fails any checks that require cannot be removed except by decreasing the level of • You suffer a specific effect from the table below.
can suggest you some options. Rumors about your joke are likely to spread, for better or for worse. “It fell!”: Something you are carrying falls off, loosening automatically deals max damage if the attacker 11–12 Left leg have to use a cane or crutch to walk; after taking
10 • A deafened creature can’t hear and automatically physical action, but can perform purely mental tasks. exhaustion. An effect that removes exhaustion reduces Small (chair) 10 (3d6) 17 (5d6) 21 (6d6)
from a strap or slipping out of a pocket or backpack. is adjacent to it. the Dash action you fall prone. If you lose the use d8 Specific effects (permanent)
Distraction: Your check attracts someone's attention. Choose a target that can see and hear you. Until the start of your next turn, fails any ability check that requires hearing. • Attack rolls against the creature have advantage. the target’s level of exhaustion by the amount specified Medium (barrel) 21 (6d6) 28 (8d6) 35 (10d6)
3 Distraction: Something distracts you momentarily. • A sleeping creature is considered unconscious but of both legs, your speed is reduced to one third
the target has disadvantage on Perception checks that are not directed towards you. 11 • Any attack that hits a paralyzed creature automatically in its description. 1 Dissociative disorders (hallucinations, amnesia, multiple personality).
can use its Perception passively with a -5 penalty. Large (cart) 35 (10d6) 42 (12d6) 49 (14d6) and you can only move by crawling.
4 Masterful execution: You complete the check-related task using only half the time and resources it normally requires.
You have disadvantage on your next ability check. FRIGHTENED deals max damage if the attacker is adjacent to it. Finishing a full rest reduces a creature’s exhaustion 2 Anxiety or mood disorders (panic attacks, catastrophism,
The creature will wake up if it hears a loud noise,
Something in the eye: A glimmer of light or airborne dust blurs • A frightened creature has disadvantage on all ability level by 1, provided that the creature has eaten and Material Armor Value hyperactivity, phobias, mania, obsessive-compulsive disorders,
"One more thing!": You can make a second ability check to expand the results of the original check (for example, discover more 12 is shaken or if it takes damage.
your vision. You are dazzled until the start of your next turn. checks if the source of its fear is within line of sight. PRONE drunk enough (see “Resting and Healing,” above). Paper, parchment, fabric, hemp – post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, bipolar disorder).
5 information or deepen an interaction). This extra check cannot use the same skill used in the original check and cannot generate
• The creature can’t willingly move closer to the source • A prone creature is lying on the ground and its only
exploits, but it doesn't require additional time or resources since it's considered contemporary to the first. Gaffe: You say or do something trivial, but that an interlocutor OVERLOAD (SPECIAL) However, the levels of exhaustion caused by some
13 Crystal, glass, ice 1 d10 Temperature Wind Precipitation 3 Impulse disorders (kleptomania, uncontrolled anger attacks,
does not like or finds inconvenient. of its fear. movement option is to crawl, unless the creature Overloading is a special condition that results from specific effects (such as starvation or radiation) require
Focused attention: You have advantage on any other ability check made to examine, study, or understand the target of the check Wood, bones 2 pathological lying, pyromania, compulsive gambling).
6 stands up and thereby ends the condition. carrying excessive weight and has the following effects: specific care and cannot be removed simply by resting. 1–6 Normal for the season and climate None None
you just made. This benefit lasts for 10 minutes or until circumstances change in some way. 14 Tumble: You stumble and fall prone. 4 Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, pica, binge eating disorder).
Stone, concrete, hard plastics 3 7–8 1d10 °C colder than normal Light Light
Influencing the audience: Your arguments are so effective that, in addition to the intended target, they also influence others who witness Incorrect certainty: You are convinced that your action is 5 Psychotic and personality disorders (schizophrenia, megalomania,
7 15 Common metals, polymers, steelglass 4
the scene. Many of those present will be led to support your reasons relating to the current circumstance. successful, without realizing that in reality it's the exact opposite. 9–10 1d10 °C hotter then normal Strong Heavy misanthropy, delusional omnipotence, paranoia, narcissism, etc.).
From bad to worse: Failing to avoid a harmful effect, you suffer SIZE CATEGORIES DAMAGE SEVERITY DAMAGE CATEGORIES Metal alloys, advanced polymers 5
Astonished silence: Your performance is so impressive that everyone who witnessed it is astonished and speechless for one round. 16 6 Sleep disorders (nightmares, sleepwalking, insomnia, narcolepsy).
8 worse consequences (double damage, double duration, etc.). Size Space Typical reach Damage DC Severity Examples Category Avarage Category Avarage Category Avarage Advanced super alloys, nanocarbon 6
Out of combat, this effect lasts at least as long as it takes for you to start doing something else. TRAVEL PACE ON FOOT 7 Somatoform disorders (psychosomatic disorders, hypochondrism).
Emotional response: Choose a target who can see and hear you. Your behavior causes the target to have a strong emotional reaction Friendly target: Your attack misses the target and accidentally Tiny 0,5 x 0,5 m 0,5 m 1d6 (3) 7 Minimal Slight burn, collision with a Tiny object (frying pan, hammer) 1d4 2 3d6 10 4d8 18
17 Distance traveled per… 8 Sexual disorders (nymphomania, sadism, masochism, necrophilia,
9 towards you. The type of reaction depends on what you do. It could be amazement, admiration, contempt, anger, friendship or even hits an ally that is adjacent to it (or in the direction of the shot).
Small 1x1m 1m 2d6 (7) 10 Low Localized burn, collision with a Small object (chair, stool) 1d6 3 2d10 11 6d6 21 TRAP DANGER Pace Minute Hour 8 hours Effect pedophilia, exhibitionism, fetishism).
infatuation. It is up to the GM to decide what happens in detail and what that implies, but it depends a lot on how you continue to act. Illness: You suffer from a sudden illness. You are stunned
18 Medium 1x1m–2x2m 1m 4d6 (14) 13 Moderate Strong electric shock, collision with a Medium object (barrel, table) 1d8 4 3d8 13 4d10 22 Trap danger DC Attack Bonus Damage Disadvantage
Discovery: You guess additional information. Depending on the type of check you made, the GM may reveal hidden details until the start of your next turn. Fast 120 m 6,5 km 53 km
Large 3x3m–4x4m 2m 6d6 (21) 16 High Extensive burn, collision with a Large object (dumpster) 1d10 5 4d6 14 7d6 24 Mishap 11–14 from +2 to +4 1d6 – 3d6 on Alertness
10 about its target, notions that can influence the situation you are in, one or more personality traits or some well-hidden secret Sudden fatigue: You suddenly feel exhausted. You suffer
19 Normal 90 m 5 km 40 km –
of an interlocutor, and so on. a level of exhaustion. Huge 5x5m–6x6m 3m 8d6 (28) 20 Lethal High voltage shock, collision with a Huge object (car) 2d6 7 3d10 16 5d10 27 Dangerous 15–18 from +5 to +7 4d6 – 6d6
11 Sign of destiny: You get an EDGE card and can choose any exploit of rank 7 or lower. 20 Loss: You break or lose something important. Gargantuan 7 x 7 m or more 4m 10d6 (35) 24 Deadly Struck by lightning, collision with a Gargantuan object (container) 2d8 9 5d6 17 8d6 28 Lethal 19–22 from +8 to +10 7d6 or more Slow 60 m 3,5 km 27 km Able to use Stealth