An Idyllic Kingdom D&D Compatible
An Idyllic Kingdom D&D Compatible
An Idyllic Kingdom D&D Compatible
I NTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 2
Running The Adventure ............................................................................................................ 2
Story Overview ....................................................................................................................... 2
Causing Behind the Phenomena .................................................................................................. 2
The Spirits and Inhabitants ...................................................................................................... 2
Adventure Hooks .................................................................................................................... 2
About Xunder ........................................................................................................................ 2
Spells in the Capital ................................................................................................................ 2
P ROLOGUE ......................................................................................................... 2
R OYAL A UDIENCE ...................................................................................................2
The Mission .......................................................................................................................... 3
The Locations ........................................................................................................................ 3
The Affliction ........................................................................................................................ 3
NPCs .................................................................................................................................. 3
The Western Mine ................................................................................................................... 3
Rill’s Forge ........................................................................................................................... 4
Herbalist’s Field ..................................................................................................................... 4
Herbalist’s House ................................................................................................................... 5
The Fields End ......................................................................................................................
A PPEASING THE S PIRITS .......................................................................................... 56
E PILOGUE ............................................................................................................ 6
A PPENDIX A ........................................................................................................ 7
A PPENDIX B ........................................................................................................ 18
Life in the dwarven kingdom of Dun Vung is peaceful, its inhabitants going about their daily affairs without a care in
the world. Strange phenomena have afflicted Dun Vung for days. The king, stressed and focused on outside threats,
was displeased that an official could not handle the issue.
The king explains it has come to his attention that Some dwarves in the streets of the capital are
some strange phenomena have been occurring in willing t o talk to the PCs. Use the table below as a
certain parts of the capital for the last couple of guide for some of the interactions.
days. Busy with other more serious matters, he
ordered some guards to investigate, but they proved Information Table
to be durut dum. He asked for Diogen, the sage, to NPC Event
be sent for but he hasn’t been found. Because of the failed ritual, Jaadoog lost his
Needing to leave immediately to the frontier, he memory and cannot recall the events of the
will ask the party to investigate. They have per- past days. He will wander about the capital,
mission to talk to anyone and so forth, but he Jaadoog,
looking for his wife Doona. The wife is not
reminds them that dwarves are superstitious, so Stoneflower
missing, she’s away on a trip. He will ask
not everyone will be cooperative. The king will rise Herbalist the party if they’ve seen her or to contact
and throw a pouch with one beautiful silver dag- him if they do. His house is almost at the
ger adorned with ethyx worth over 100 gp. Durnar end of the Herbalist’s Field.
will finish by saying, “there’s a lot more where that
came from if you succeed” before leaving without Charming and eager to please. He will try
further explanations and not receiving more ques- to sell something to the PCs at all costs.
tions. Glander, Items from the PHB equipment list will be
25% off. And if the PCs refuse he will even
lower it down to 40%, becoming desperate
THE L OCATIONS Trader if they are not interested. The reason for
this is that the phenomena has turned all
The king gave two locations where to begin: The his gold into worthless rusty coins.
Western Mine, and Rill’s Forge. The party can visit
them in any order they wish. One of the capital’s brave guards. He is
The party can move across freely. Most inhab- standing doing his watch. Miluir will try to
itants will be carrying out their daily activities, finish any conversation quickly. This is be-
ignoring the party or trying to avoid a conversa- Miluir,
cause the phenomena has made his armor
tion. Some will interact, but avoid talking about Gatekeeper
and weapons much heavier than usual and
the phenomena. If any of the PCs insist too much Sentinel
or try to charm an individual, they will attract the he can’t move. He’s afraid someone will re-
ire of the target who will storm away and never talk port him to the grumpy king if he displays
to them again. any kind of weakness.
Eiisak will pass by the party on many occa-
THE AFFLICTION Eiisak, Map- sions whilst looking at a map. He noticed
stone Car- his maps are continuously changing. Every
As soon as the party abandons the Iron Manor to tographer time he draws one of the city and tries to
commence their investigation, the phenomena will follow it, he ends up in the opposite place.
start to afflict them as well. Only by appeasing the
spirits can they be cured. Have each of the PCs roll
a d4 once and use the table below to determine the T HE WESTERN MINE
phenomena’s effects.
Dwarves have exploited the mine for centuries, but
Phenomena Effects it still holds deposits to be excavated, but it re-
D4 Event quires skilled and veteran hands. Most miners have
switched to other mines, but a few stubborn ones
Exhausted. The PC feels very tired and has remain.
disadvantage on all ability checks.
As the Iron Manor, the mine is located right on the
Open wound. A wound appears on the mountain’s skirt. It is situated far from most buildings.
2 character’s body. It takes 1d4 piercing dam- The more you approach, the fewer people you see until
age. there’s not a single soul, except for one silhouette stand-
Freak boils. Boils appear all over the body ing at the mine’s mouth.
3 and face. All checks relying on Charisma
are done with a -2.
Failing item. A weapon or armor becomes
4 soft like rubber, making it useless in com-
Development. A single Deepvein Delver named
Gruvar stands on the mine’s threshold. When Underneath the sign are the words: “The Clanking Anvil.”
he notices the party approaching, he will fidget The door is ajar, and you hear voices coming from the
around with his equipment as if preparing to enter inside. People are arguing, but it’s undecipherable from
the mine. He will make small conversation as to
how he’s one of the few miners that still explore the outside.
this old and vast mine. If asked about strange
phenomena, he will act unaware of anything. A Development. Three Forgehammer Blacksmiths
successful DC 11 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals surround a forge on a stomp of wood. Rill, Stan-
that he is nervous and not telling the complete nor, and Tamak are bent over and watching the
truth. If pressed further, he will continue with fire. Rill is the leader, and the other two are his
white lies. Players can get him to open up with a assistants. When they notice the party, Stannor
successful Wisdom (Persuasion) or (Intimidation) and Tamak will welcome them and ask them if they
check. The first has a DC 12 and the second a DC desire something while Rill hammers away.
14. If Intimidation was used, Gruvar will state that If asked about the phenomena, the two assistants
there’s something strange in the mine’s fifth tun- will answer that they’ve heard rumors, but noth-
nel and that the party shouldn’t go in there before ing more. A successful DC 13 Wisdom (Insight)
storming away resentful of the party’s questioning reveals that they are lying. Rill will ignore the party
methods. However, if the party uses Persuasion, and continue crafting. However, if one of the PCs
Gruvar will disclose that he is afraid to enter the watches him, a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Per-
mine. For three days he has heard strange voices in ception) check reveals that Rill is not hammering
the fifth tunnel, whispers in an unknown lan- properly, as if purposely avoiding to strike the item
guage, and that some folk in the capital have been and just striking the anvil. If the PC gets closer, he
acting strange, like Thondrik the explorer beyond notices that the fire is giving away no heat. If either
the Herbalist’s Field or Runesage Diogen who was of these two facts are mentioned, Rill will throw
last seen in that area. He will finish by saying that his hammer on the ground. He will confess that
he’s ashamed to be afraid; a miner unwilling to for three days no fire they have kindled gives heat.
delve in the dark is a laughingstock. Gruvar will The dwarves have tried magic, but with no result.
not enter but tell the party how to reach the fifth They are frustrated. Rill will add that he tried
tunnel, which is the one furthest to the right. getting Runesage Diogen’s help when it started, but
Fifth Tunnel. The PCs go down a main shaft that saw the first run like mad and disappear into the
ends in an enormous dome with five tunnel woods beyond the herbalist’s field, and the latter
mouths, all numbered. Four of them are closed acting stranger and more unhelpful than usual.
off with huge boulders. The fifth tunnel is the The Fire. If any of the PCs get closer to the fire or
only operational one and is 200 feet long. Halfway try to touch it, a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Per-
across the tunnel, the party will hear voices whis- ception) discloses the sound of whispers emanat-
pering in an unknown language around them. ing from the fire. They are repeating the words
Each player must succeed a DC 13 Wisdom saving as the voices and text found in the mine’s fifth
throw or become frightened, leaving the tunnel tunnel: “... and may the land never forget we were
immediately. PCs that succeed notice that the once here, Kelios Vlator…”
voices are stronger on a spot on the right wall. A After interacting with the voices from the fire. The
successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check flames will suddenly turn green and one burst of
reveals some writing covered by layers of dust on fire will shoot out in all directions. All PCs must
the wall. The words belong to some unknown and succeed a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4
ancient language, but a successful DC 13 Intel- - 1 fire damage. The flame will then vanish.
ligence (Religion) check reveals that it has to do Aftermath. After the burst, Rill will say that finding
with burial rites. If anyone has the comprehend the Runesage beyond the Herbalist’s Field is maybe
languages spell, they can cast it to discover that the the party’s best chance to discover more about the
text reads: “... and may the land never forget we phenomena.
were once here, Kelios Vlator…” They also discov-
er that the voices are repeating the same.
Aftermath. After the party has interacted with the
writing, the tunnel will start to collapse. PCs must On the other side of the River Urahyl lie the fields
succeed a DC 11 Strength saving throw or take 1d4 that farmers and herbalists use for their work. The
-1 bludgeoning damage from the falling debris as fields are splendid, matching those of larger cities
they rush out. in Eluan. Beyond the fields are the woods that
signal the city’s end. The field is divided into two
RILL’S FORGE areas. The farms and houses of farmers who work
the fields on the left. It only covers one tenth of
A huge two-storey structure with a wooden sign the area. The other nine-tenths is the field, divid-
with the image of a hammer and an anvil. ed into crops and places for the animals to graze.
This area also houses one single structure,
Stoneflower Herbalist Jaadoog’s house.
The sight is impressive. These dwarves are unlike others
Kitchen. A stone fireplace lies below the only win-
dow. There are some baskets and wooden shelves
of their kin, who have no place for nature in their hearts. on the corners. Any inspection of them reveals
However, there’s something off. There’s nobody working that the food is off. As for the oven, there are no
on the field, just a single farmer with her pig and chicken. ashes and it seems it hasn’t been used in days.
Bedroom. Located beside the kitchen, the room
has a single bed between two wooden night tables.
Development. Brewcrop Farmer Dubrama is There’s nothing of interest in this room.
bending over a basket, inspecting its contents as Laboratory. The smell originates from this room,
her pig and chicken stand beside her. As the party the largest of the house. The interior is a mess:
approaches, a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Animal broken jars with herbs, knocked down chairs and
Handling) hints that the animals are acting ner- dust on the floor. Some are knocked over, and
vous and looking in all directions as if they see others broken. On the far end, there’s a large desk
something. If a PC casts speak with animals, the underneath a broken window. A successful DC 13
animals share that there’s weird voices and green Intelligence (Investigation) check exposes burn
lights everywhere. Dubrama will greet the play- marks on the surface as if something exploded.
ers and stop her inspection immediately. Smiling Furthermore, it reveals two different sets of
and courteous, she will ask what brought them to hands were touching the desk when the explosion
Xunder. If asked about the phenomena straight occurred, implying two different individuals. Fi-
on, she will say she’s heard that people all over are nally, etched on the desk, is a triangle surrounded
acting strange. Some are not even opening their by five small circles and some symbols. A successful
businesses like the forge, or some miners have DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) discloses that they are
gone to mines further away. She will say nothing symbols used in necromancy for speaking with the
about herself. The players can get her to open up if dead.
they flatter her with a successful DC 12 Charisma Parchment. If any of the PCs investigate the floor
(Performance)check, after which she’ll insist the or desk, they find half of a ripped parchment.
party don’t tell anyone but her cows aren’t giving Written in dwarven, it reads: “Ir Trakken Horrek,
milk or when they do, it’s spoiled, and that the Dur Dalas… Those of you who remain, those of
vegetables taste bitter or have none. They can also you whose name is lost in time, heed our words
get her to open up if they offer to buy the eggs, now…” A successful DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana)
which she confesses the yolk is always black. A suc- check suggests that the parchment deals in some-
cessful DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana)check disclos- thing to do with Necromancy. Whatever it was, the
es that they can be used as a magical component other half is needed.
substitute. If the party flattered or bought her eggs, Treasure. Along the broken bottles there are four
she will finish by saying she heard an explosion healing potions.
coming from the herbalist’s house three days ago.
She didn’t investigate it, nor has she seen any-
one around except Thondrik the explorer heading T HE FIELDS END
towards the woods at the end of the field on several
occasions. The field ends abruptly, giving way to tall pines,
spruces, and cedars. The woods seem thick and are
H ERBALIST’S HOUSE ancient. A bank of mist forms from the ground up
to the knees, but reaching higher as one enters the
woods. This is where the capital ends.
A massive wooden hut located close to the field’s
end. A bitter smell emanates from inside. The Thondrik. A successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception)
house is empty at the moment, but if the party tries check reveals a panting sound springing from the
knocking, they’ll discover the door is open. The fog. Soon after, Stonepath Explorer Thondrik
house is divided into the following parts: living emerges from the fog and drop to his knees. When
room, kitchen, bedroom, and a large laboratory. he notices the PCs, he will look at his surround-
ings and start cursing. Thondrik will explain that
Living Room. The walls and ground are made of he is an explorer. His job is to head out and delve
unpolished wood, giving off a natural look. The into other territories and collect items or spec-
chairs and table are simple, sticks, and planks tied imens. But he hasn’t been able to recently, not
together with as little craftsmanship as possible. In since the fog appeared three days ago. No matter
the table’s centre there’s a wooden bowl with fruit what route he takes, he always ends up back in the
on it. If any PC checks the bowl, underneath it field. He can’t tell if he’s losing his mind (some-
they discover a note which reads: thing that happens to Stonepath Explorers when
they reach a certain age, an inability to leave). He
“I’ll be back in a month or so, honey. I went to sell some of our will not stop repeating this.
herbs to Thamarya. Please be careful and tidy up Jaadoog. Love,
To calm him down, a successful DC 12 Wisdom
(Persuasion) is required. When calmed, he will act Spheres of green light crawl from the ground. At first
more relaxed and mention that just after the fog five, then ten, then twenty, until there’s a hundred now
appeared, he saw Runesage Diogen storm towards
the woods and disappear. At first he tried to catch floating around you and the surroundings. A wave of
up with him and ask him if something was wrong, voices emanates from them, a cacophony of past souls who
but lost him in the fog. once made the area their home. There’s no anger … only
The Fog. After Thondrik’s revelation, sounds of longing. The spheres transform into humanoid silhou-
booming erupt from inside the fog, followed by ettes, their features barely discernible. Without warning,
flashes of green light. The booming is close, and the green shapes begin to glow brighter until they explode
it only takes the party some minutes to reach it.
When they arrive at the source, they discover in a white flash that engulfs the entire city. When the flash
Runesage Diogen. He is surrounded by moving fades, there’s no trace of the spirits.
spheres of green light that dance around them. He
is casting spells to disperse the spheres. A success- After the spirits are appeased, all the phenome-
ful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) discloses that the na that affected the capital cease, including the
lights aren’t attacking the dwarf, but rather attract-
ed to him. If the players approach, the dwarf will PCs’ afflictions. Dwarves will approach the party,
see them as a threat and attack them. However, including Runesage Diogen, who is now free from
he has no further spells. The party can stop him his madness.
by knocking him out or grappling him (he can’t
defend himself). After days of wandering the fog,
he has no strength to resist. This will cause the
The Runesage, having regained some of his
madness that had possessed him to disperse, and strength, reveals that the herbalist and him dis-
he’ll collapse.
covered the capital was built over the cemetery
of some forgotten people and that the founders
The dwarf is exhausted. His clothes are covered in dirt decided to erase any trace of it. Feeling a pro-
and leaves. He keeps on repeating the same thing repeat- found shame, the sage, and herbalist tried to
edly: “We missed it … we missed the name…” make amends, but their ritual failed. The other
dwarves, thankful, guide the party towards a
tavern to drink in celebration while they wait for
At this moment, as the dwarf is calmer, a silver the king’s return.
owl descends from above and perches itself on Milestone. All PCs gain one level and are re-
the dwarf. On its beak, it has the other half of warded with +1 magical weapons of their choice.
the parchment. Convincing the owl to release it
requires a DC 13 Wisdom (Animal Handling)
check. This half of the parchment says: “Forgive us, we
didn’t know the land was sacred. Our ancestors hid it from us. Be
appeased … Ir Trakken Horrek …”
NPCS AND MONSTERS Gatekeeper Sentinel
Medium humanoid (Dwarf), Lawful good
There is no combat in this adventure since it’s a peaceful commu-
nity. However, here are some stats you can use. Armor Class 18 (Sentinel Armor, Shield)
Hit Points 30 (6d8+8)
Speed 25 ft.
Boar-Steeler Rider
Boar-Steeler Rider “Don’t whistle around it. The boar finds it very ir-
Medium humanoid (Dwarf), Lawful good
ritating, and if you do it, well, you’ll find out how
Armor Class 17 (Steeler Armor, Shield) sharp its tusks really are.”
Hit Points 37 (6d8+6) Two centuries ago, the dwarves of the kingdom
Speed 25 ft. domesticated the large wild boars of the region,
turning them into fierce and dependable mounts,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA and riding them into battle.
16 (+3) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) Boar Steeler Rider Inosh is a brave warrior who
patrols the outskirts of his community, making
Damage Resistances Poison sure no bears, goblins, or other dangerous folk are
Skills Athletics +4, Intimidation +2, Perception +2 wandering about the valley or woods.
Senses Darkvision 60ft., Passive Perception 13 Spending more time riding than standing, Inosh
Languages Common, Dwarvish has developed a strong bond with his boar Vilds-
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
vin, who has the largest tusks of any boar in the
Dwarven Resilience. The dwarf has advantage on saving throws against poison. Unlike the other boars, Vildskin was not do-
mesticated, but wild. Inosh found him during an
Cavalry Training. When the dwarf hits a target with a melee attack while mount- expedition. The boar was small, wounded, and
ed, the mount can use its reaction to make one melee attack against the same target.
fighting off a rock wolf. Inosh saved the boar and
ACTIONS then raised him.
Inosh trains with Vildskin daily, making sure
Multiattack. The dwarf makes two melee or one ranged attack. the boar understands every single command, and
Steeler Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range
rehearsing mounted combat maneuvers.
30/120 ft. , one target. Hit: 8 (1 d8 + 4) piercing damage. The two together make a formidable pair, having
repelled foes on various occasions when outnum-
When not in the wild, Inosh keeps the boar in
his house. This is because the creature is very
suspicious of everyone except Inosh, who fears that
Giant Boar one day the boar might hurt someone if he’s not
Large Beast, unaligned
Vildskin is massive and strong. A larger creature
Armor Class 12 (Natural Armor) like a human or orc could ride it easily and the
Hit Points 30 (4d10+13) boar wouldn’t notice the difference.
Speed 40 ft.
In combat, the boar wears an iron mask to protect
its face, as well as the special saddle all Boar Steeler
Riders use.
17 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 7 (-2) 5 (-3)
Relentless (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). If the Boar takes 10 dam-
age or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is reduced to 1 hit point instead.
Tusks. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3)
slashing damage.
Diogen meets with few people, Jaadoog being
Runesage Diogen amongst them, but it is mainly for consultation.
He doesn’t dislike people, he’s just too busy re-
Medium humanoid (Dwarf), Chaotic good searching.
Armor Class 15 (Runesage Armor) Pucee is the name of his owl companion, who is
Hit Points 83 (10d8+30) perched on a roost that the sage has attached to his
Speed 25 ft. clothes. People say the owl and Diogen talk to one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA The sage wears numerous magical rings that are
16 (+3) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) said to enhance his already vast power. Whether or
not this is true, nobody knows for sure since no-
Saving Throws Wis +4, Cha +7
body has had the courage to ask the venerable sage.
Damage Resistances Poison
Skills Arcana +6, Intimidation +7
Senses Darkvision 60ft., Passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Sylvan, Thamaryan
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Dwarven Resilience. The dwarf has advantage on saving throws against poison.
Multiattack. Diogen casts two eldritch blast twice.
Eldritch Blast (Cantrip). Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 120 ft., one crea-
ture. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) force damage.
Runesage Diogen
“There’s not enough time to study all the tomes
and even less to write it all down. I do my best,
which is why I always carry my tome. ”
When it comes to chronicling their people and
their knowledge, the Runesages are the primary
source for maintaining these dwarves’ legacy, so
future generations can consult it.
Diogen is Durnar’s first cousin and shares the
same birthday. Although one would think this
would make them closer, the two cousins never got
Durnar was far too ill tempered for Diogen,
while Diogen was too much of a bookworm for his
Study and research is what’s always on Diogen’s
mind, devouring any scrolls or tomes that come
across his desk.
Whenever something is important or of interest,
Diogen scribbles it down on his tome, which he’s
always carrying about him. People claim that the
sage has told them that his tome has the ability to
produce more pages, no it will never end.
Gemtreasure Trader Glander
“There’s not enough time to study all the tomes
and even less to write it all down. I do my best,
which is why I always carry my tome. ”
When it comes to chronicling their people and
their knowledge, the Runesages are the primary
source for maintaining these dwarves’ legacy, so
future generations can consult it.
Diogen is Durnar’s first cousin and shares the
same birthday. Although one would think this
would make them closer, the two cousins never got
Durnar was far too ill tempered for Diogen,
while Diogen was too much of a bookworm for his
Study and r “It’s not a successful day unless your
coffer is full of coins and gems!”
The merchants of the Kingdom of Vun Dung are
called Gemtreasure Traders, individuals who spe-
cialize in selling all the wonderful items that the
dwarves make.
Glander believes himself the better of all the
dwarves in his community. Being the richest and
most acute, he spends most of his time in his store,
buying items from the blacksmiths, and food from
the farmers, to sell them to others at a higher
price, thus making a considerable profit.
He not only deals in dwarven merchandise, he
also sells items like potions, scrolls, trophies, and
many other foreign items and goods. How he gets
them is unknown to the others, and might touch
on illegality.
Because of the workload, he has assistants to do
appraisals, accounting and other chores.
Not stopping at trading, he also acts as the
moneylender on the side, hoping to chain all the
others to him. “Let no coin or item pass without it
passing through me” is one of his mottos.
He wears expensive foreign clothes, and loves
wearing jewelry. This is part of his strategy, looked
refined enough so that customers trust your busi-
ness acumen, but not so much as to be considered
dishonest or a fortune hunter.
When he is not in his store, he is roaming about,
talking to others and trying to purchase items or
make an investment.
He has more money that he can count, and isn’t
thinking of retiring anytime soon. Glander nev-
er married, nor was he ever interested. The only
thing that matters to him is trading.
He is a smooth talker and a hard negotiator.
esearch is what’s always on Diogen’s mind, devour-
ing any scrolls or tomes that come across his desk.
Whenever something is important or of interest,
Diogen scribbles it down on his tome, which he’s
always carrying about him. People claim that the
sage has told them that his tome has the ability to
produce more pages, no it will never end.
Stonepath Explorer Thondrik
“Every fresh path is a new opportunity.”
For generations, the Stonepath Explorers have
wandered into all regions of the kingdom, collect-
ing items along the way and reporting back to their
communities of their findings.
The Stonepath Explorers began as scouts, but
soon developed into a body that probes all regions
close to the kingdom. They are the first to go into
a new tunnel or a new valley, making sure there’s
something of value or if it will make a fitting place
for a settlement. They have now spread far and
Thondrik has been an explorer for over a hun-
dred years, and knows the surrounding landmarks
like the back of his hand.
On some trips, Thondrik would disappear for
months, returning with so many things that he
suffers from hernias.
When heading out for a trip, Thondrik carries as
much equipment as a small adventurers party. Be-
ing aware that his tools are the difference between
life and death when in the wild, he protects his
backpack and belongings with a green cloth tied to
four wooden poles.
Of quiet demeanor, Thondrik says only what is
necessary when surrounded by other people.
Whenever he communicates his findings, he does
it through notes where he carefully details every
rock or tree he comes across.
When he returns home to sell some of his find-
ings, he buys new equipment for the next outing.
These stays usually never last over three days,
the spirit of wanderlust being too strong in him,
causing him to be anxious after the third day has
Always prepared, he is recognizable thanks to the
cloth arrangement that protects his equipment,
and the helmet with goggles that protect him from
the rain and wind during his travels.
He is always in a hurry, the wanderlust drives
him to continue his journey and explore new ter-
People looking for equipment can trade or buy
from him the following items: adventurer’s kit, 1d6
healing potions, 1d6 rations, oil, lamp, hunting trap, component
pouch, climber’s kit, antitoxin, acid, and mess kit to mention a
Forgehammer Blacksmiths
“A forge is only as good as the team that runs it.”
Few occupations are as admired in the kingdom as
the Forgehammer Blacksmiths, those crafters of
weapons, armor, and more.
Tamak, Stannor, and Rill are amongst the com-
munity’s most famous blacksmiths, having been a
team for many years.
Rill is the eldest, the most experienced out of
the three, and the boss. He is the Master Forge-
hammer. Rill spends the most time hammering
over the anvil, especially when it involves special or
delicate items that he believes only he can do.
When working, he stands on top of a stomp of
iron wood, a formidable wood that is stronger
than steel.
When he works, he is very careful, bearing a scar
on his left eye as a reminder of a forge accident
many years past.
Stannor is the most experimental of the three,
mixing styles or techniques to improve the quality
of whatever he is working on. Recognisable be-
cause of the goggles he crafted himself, he adores
working on swords and other blades. He is the
senior assistant.
Finally, there’s Tamak, the gentlest of the three
and the one who’s always making sure that the
forge has ample water, a stable fire and all the
other tools necessary for crafting. He is the junior
Each of them compliments one another, making
them a formidable team whose output can match
that of forges operated by larger teams.
Whenever they finish a piece, they always add
a tiny rune to prove its authenticity. The rune is
made up of the three first letters of their names. A
mark that denotes quality.
Stoneflower Herbalist Jaadoog
“You can cure any ailment if you know which plant
to use.”
Respected and venerated are the kingdom’s
Stoneflower Herbalists, whose knowledge and
hands have kept the population healthy for centu-
Jaadoog is no exception, having spent a better
part of his life studying and experimenting with
the herbs of the area. When this wasn’t enough, he
didn’t hesitate to travel or ask Stonepath Explorers
to obtain a specific or rare herb.
He lives outside his community with his wife
Doona, who is also a skilled herbalist, and his
principal source of joy.
Known as an eccentric, talking to himself and
using a cane given to him by a tree, he spends most
of his time in the fields around his hut with his
wife Doona. Sometimes they venture far.
Most of his recipes and formulas are written on a
thick tome, which he is always carrying. On nu-
merous occasions, merchants have tried to pur-
chase or even steal his book. They have all met with
A lot of the other dwarves find him aloof, some
claiming that they’ve seen him talking to animals
and even plants on several occasions. However,
they mostly considered him a harmless old dwarf.
Of course, this is different with his wife, who is
also his best friend and the person he talks to the
Brewcrop Farmer Dubrama
“Perception is of the essence. The moment you
turn your back on one of the animals, they’ll be all
over your crops.”
How could miners and forgers go about their
business if they lacked the strength to carry out
their duties?
Brewcrop Farmers are the backbone of their
kingdom; raising crops and animals that satisfy all
of their kin’s dietary needs.
Taking advantage of the fact that the kingdom is
located between the skirt of the mountains and the
river Urahyl, the farmers work the fertile ground
and end up with massive crops.
Dubrama has toiled the land for almost half a
century. Thanks to her dedication, she has one of
the largest farms and plots in the community.
She is always in motion, never stopping until the
end of the day.
Recognizable because of her trademark braids,
and her pig companion Krum, who follows her
everywhere, she epitomizes these dwarves’ connec-
tion to nature and joie de vivre.
Dubrama is an individual who is genuinely happy
with her life, something revealed by the radiant
smile on her face.
While some dwarves seek the darkness of the
mines, or the glitter of gems and treasure, she
desires the smell of fresh air, and the chirping of
birds as the feel of dirt on her hands as she plucks
out vegetables from the ground.
She works the field with her husband Otteren.
14 14
Deepvein Miner Gruvar
“Don’t just pick away. You must aim your blows.
You can cause an entire tunnel to collapse. Mining
isn’t a game, you know!”
The Deepvein Delvers are the kingdom’s miners.
Although this kingdom has the fewest mines of all
the other Dwarven Kingdoms, mining still makes
up an important sector in their economy and com-
Masters at navigating in the dark, the delvers
can spend entire weeks without returning to the
Gruvar hardly remembers his life before enter-
ing the mine. Coming from an extensive family of
miners, his knowledge of rocks and gems is formi-
During his years, he has seen many come and go,
and even more perish under the rock.
A coarse communicator, he prefers to teach oth-
ers by example and doesn’t hesitate to chastise the
rookies or reckless when they do something that
could cause a tragedy inside the mine.
His pickaxe is his most precious possession, and
of his own design. After finding a large gem, he
used it to pay Forgemaster Blacksmiths to make his
Gruvar respects the mines, even viewing them as
a living entity -like a spirit- that demands respect.
Failure to do so will result in severe consequenc-
es for all the delvers.
King Durnar Goldheart
“We aren’t like the other dwarves. We enjoy life.
Gems, forges, and metals are important. As are the
fields and bountiful food. We must work hard and
The venerable ruler of Dun Vung, the southern-
most Dwarven Kingdom.
Ruling from the Iron Manor, Durnar is seen as a
strict father figure by his subjects.
He has ruled the kingdom longer than any of
his predecessors. Originally, he was not meant to
inherit the crown, being the youngest of three sib-
lings, but destiny had other plans for him.
Unlike his brothers, Durnar loved spending time
out in the fields, playing with animals and watch-
ing the herders and farmers go about their daily
business. Those activities, he felt, are what made
the dwarves of Dun Vung unique.
When the crown was forced on him, Durnar’s
sweet personality vanished and he became the irri-
table dwarf that he is today.
Durnar governs the kingdom with the familiar-
ity of a tight-knit village community. He spends
most of his time traveling around the settlements,
making sure that his subjects are carrying out their
duties and scolding those that fail in them. Need-
less to say, he expects everyone to do their best,
and mistakes deserve a chastisement.
Despite having passed his fighting years, he
remains one of the wisest monarchs in Eluan, es-
pecially in matters of politics and combat.
Durnar walks using a cane which has the King-
dom’s Ruby engraved on it. All former rulers have
carried the gem about their person in one form or
It is believed to be worth a fortune.
Mapstone Cartographer Eisakk
“Where did you say that town was located? Was it
east or west of Thamarya? You need to be precise.
Any mistake on the map ruins it.”
Unusual amongst other dwarves, the dwarves of
this kingdom like to travel and study maps. This is
born out of their location. They are the closest to
other peoples and interact more with them, awak-
ening a curiosity not found in other dwarves.
Eisakk is a diligent cartographer who adores his
occupation. He makes most of his business by sell-
ing maps to explorers or dwarves heading out in a
trading caravan.
Thorough student of the territory of Eluan, Ei-
sakk buys any map that he comes across before he
copies it and improves it.
Always carrying around maps, Eisakk also collects
objects from other realms and people in order to
add them to his collection.
He has an enormous collection of coins from
other kingdoms and epochs, and considers that
they inspire him when he’s making a map about
that region, imitating any writing that the coin
might have, so the map has a more authentic feel.
Eisakk is one of the few dwarves that shuns hav-
ing a beard, trying to come across as more cosmo-
Since map making is laborious on the eyes, Ei-
sakk has worn glasses from a very young age.
He is friendly and upbeat.
Written by Cast n Play | 2024
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