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The use of organometallic precursors allows the synthesis in mild conditions of nanoparticles of uniform small size (1–3 nm)
and of clean surface, which can be stabilized by polymers or ligands. These nano-objects display an interesting surface chemistry
comparable to that of molecular species. This involves classical elementary steps of organometallic chemistry such as
substitution and oxidative addition as well as ligand fluxionality. An overview of recent work in this field from our group will be
presented including stabilization of metal nanoparticles by asymmetric ligands and preliminary catalytic attempts. To cite this
article: K. Philippot, B. Chaudret, C. R. Chimie 6 (2003).
© 2003 Académie des sciences. Published by Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
© 2003 Académie des sciences. Published by Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
K. Philippot, B. Chaudret / C. R. Chimie 6 (2003) 1019–1034 1031
Fig. 22. TEM micrographs of oxazoline stabilised platinum particles showing the platinum nanowires and their assemblies in bundles (the inset
of (a) is presented at a higher magnification in (b)).