CH 6

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Unit -6

Physical Education
Unit – 6

Test and
Measurement in
Unit Contents
6.1 Fitness Test – SAI Khelo India Fitness Test in school :
• Age group 5-8 years (Class 1-3) :
1. BMI,
2. Flamingo Balance Test,
3. Plate Tapping Test

• Age group 9-18 years (Class 4-12) :

1. BMI,
2. 50mt Speed test,
3. 600mt Run/Walk,
4. Sit & Reach flexibility test,
5. Strength Test (Abdominal Partial Curl Up, Push-Ups for boys,
Modified Push-Ups for girls).
6.2 Measurement of Cardio-Vascular Fitness – Harvard
Step Test – Duration of the Exercise in Seconds x100/5.5
X Pulse count of 1-1.5 Min after Exercise.

6.3 Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

6.4 Rikli and Jones - Senior Citizen Fitness test

1. Chair stand test for lower body strength

2. Arm curl test for upper body strength
3. Chair sit & reach test for lower body flexibility.
4. Back scratch test for upper body flexibility.
5. Eight foot up & go test for agility.
6. Six minutes walk test for aerobic endurance.
Sample Question
CBSE Sample Paper 2023

Q17. Match the following :

I. Chair stand test. 1. Lower Body strength

II. Arm curl test. 2. Aerobic Endurance
III. Back scratch test. 3. Upper body strength
IV. Six minute walk test. 4. Upper body flexibility

a) I-1, II-3, III-4, IV-2.

b) I-2, II-3, III-1, IV-4
c) I-1, II-3, III-2, IV-4
d) I-2, II-3, III-4, IV-1
CBSE Sample Paper 2023

Q23. Write down the objectives and

administration of the flamingo test. (2M)
Q35. Make a table of test items listed under
fitness test by SAI (Age group 9-18 yrs )
along with the objectives of conducting them.
Explain the administration of any one of
them. (5M)
Complete Chapter’s Summary
6.1 Fitness Test – SAI Khelo India Fitness Test in school :
Age group 5-8 years (Class 1-3) :
1. BMI,
2. Flamingo Balance Test,
3. Plate Tapping Test

Age group 9-18 years (Class 4-12) :

1. BMI,
2. 50mt Speed test,
3. 600mt Run/Walk,
4. Sit & Reach flexibility test,
5. Strength Test (Abdominal Partial Curl Up, Push-Ups
for boys, Modified Push-Ups for girls).
1. Age group 5-8 years (Class 1-3) :

At Primary class 1-3, children should

acquire Fundamental Movement Skills
(FMS) leaving the learning of specific
physical activities to later stages.

Locomotor, Manipulative & Body

Management abilities are key to success
in most sports and physical activities.

Abilities of children in class 1-3 which

need to be measured and tracked are
1. Body Composition (BMI)
2. Coordination (Plate Tapping)
3. Balance (Flamingo Balance)
1. Body Mass Index (BMI) :

The test performed is Body Mass Index

(BMI), which is calculated from body
Weight (W) and height(H).
BMI = W / (H x H), where
W = body weight in kilograms and
H = height in meters. The higher the score
usually indicating higher levels of body fat.

Body Composition :
It refers primarily to the distribution of
muscle and fat in the body. Body size such
as height, lengths and girths are also
grouped under this component.
2. Plate Tapping Test :
What does it measure :
Tests speed and
coordination of limb

Required :
Table (adjustable height), 2
yellow discs (20cm
diameter), rectangle (30 x 20
cm), stopwatch
How to Perform :

1. If possible, the table height should be adjusted so that the

subject is standing comfortably in front of the discs.

2. The two yellow discs are placed with their centres 60 cm apart
on the table.
3. The rectangle is placed equidistant between both discs. The
nonpreferred hand is placed on the rectangle.

4. The subject moves the preferred hand back and forth between
the discs over the hand in the middle as quickly as possible.

5. This action is repeated for 25 full cycles (50 taps).

Scoring : The time taken to complete 25 cycles
is recorded
3. Flamingo Balance Test :

What does it measure :

Ability to balance successfully on a

single leg. This single leg balance
test assesses the strength of the
leg, pelvic, and trunk muscle as
well as Static balance.

Infrastructure/Equipment Required:
Non Slippery even surface,
Stopwatch, can be done on just
standing on beam.
How to Perform :

1. Stand on the beam. Keep

balance by holding the
instructor's hand (if required to

2. While balancing on the

preferred leg, the free leg is
flexed at the knee and the foot
of this leg held close to the
Scoring :

The total number of falls

or loss of balance in 60
seconds of balancing is

If there are more than 15

falls in the first 30
seconds, the test is
Age group 9-18 years (Class 4-12) :

For Class 4 to 12, it is important for

students to have an overall physical
fitness. The following Components are to
be considered in Physical Health and
Fitness Profile:

1. BMI,
2. 50mt Speed test,
3. 600mt Run/Walk,
4. Sit & Reach flexibility test,
5. Strength Test (Abdominal Partial Curl
Up, Push-Ups for boys, Modified Push-
Ups for girls).
2. 50 m Speed Test :

Procedure :
1. Sprint over 50 meters, with the
time recorded, start from a
stationary standing position.

2. Once the subject is ready, the

starter give the instructions
“set” then “go” participant
should be encouraged to not
slow down before crossing
the finish line.
Scoring :

Time take to cover

50 m distance is
expressed in
3. 600 m walk/Run :

Procedure :

1. The subject takes a standing

start from the stating line. The
subject may walk in between.

2. Objective is to cover the

distance in the shortest time
when he crosses the finish line
he is informed of his time.
4. Sit and Reach Flexibility test :

Procedure :

1. This test involves sitting on

the floor with legs stretched
out straight ahead.

2.The soles of the feet are

placed flat against the box. Both
knees should be locked and
pressed flat to the floor.

3.The tester may assist by holding them down with the palms
facing downwards, and the hands on top of each other or side by
Scoring : The score is recorded to the nearest
centimeter or half inch as the distance
reached by the hand.
5. Strength Test - A. Abdominal Partial Curl up :
Procedure :

1. The starting position is lying on the back with the knees flexed
and feet 12 inches from the buttocks.

2.The feet cannot be held or rest against on object. The arms are
extended and are rested on the thighs. The head is in a neutral
Scoring : Record the total number of curl-ups,
only, correctly performed curl ups should be
5. Strength Test - B. Push up: For Boys
5. Strength Test – C. Push up [Modified] : For Girls
6.2 Measurement of cardio
vascular fitness: Harvard step
test Rock prot test (one mile)

Cardio-vascular fitness is the

ability of the heart and lungs to
supply oxygen-rich blood to the
working muscle tissues and the
ability of the muscles to use
oxygen to produce energy for
Harvard Step Test :

It is a cardiovascular
fitness test. It is also
called aerobic fitness

It used to measure the

cardiovascular fitness
or aerobic fitness by
checking the recovery
Harvard Step Test : The harvard step test is a test of
aerobic fitness, developed by Brouha et al. (1943).

Objective : The objective of this test to monitor the

development of the athlete’s cardiovascular system.

Required Resources :-

Gym bench (45 cm high)

How to Conduct the test :

This test requires the athlete to step up and down off a

45 cm high gym bench for 5 minutes at a rate 30

1. The athlete warm up for 10 minutes

2. The assistant gives the command “Go” and starts the
3. The athlete steps up-up and down-down onto a
standard gym bench once every two seconds for five
minutes (150 steps)
4. The assistant stops the test after 5 minutes.

5. The assistant measures the athlete’s heart beat

rate (bpm) one minute after finishing the test
pulse 1

6. The assistant measures the athlete’s rate (bpm)

two minutes after finishing the test - Pulse-2

7. The assistant measure the athlete's heart rate

(bpm) three minutes after finishing the test pulse
Computation of Fitness Index =
Duration of the Exercise in Second × 100/ 5.5 ×
Pulse count between 1 to 1.5 Min after Exercise
6.3 Basal Metabolic Rate
(BMR) :

The acronym BMR stands

for Basal Metabolic Rate.
It is the number of
calories our body burns
during complete rest.

We can get an insight into

your energy level if you
know the BMR levels.

Our body needs some energy even during sleep for performing some
basic functions like breathing, circulating blood, and repairing cells.
Our body burns more
calories by movement
and exercise.

So, by monitoring our

consumption, it will
be better to prevent
unwanted weight
gains or severe
weight loss.
What is the Metabolic Age?

BMR stands for a basal metabolic

rate that changes as our age
progresses. The peak time for BMR
is during teenage and slows down
gradually henceforth.

As we grow older, consuming fewer

calories helps us to keep a better

If your metabolic age is higher,

then it is time to exercise to burn
off those fats accumulated in your
How to calculate BMR?

BMR was introduced to the world by James Arthur Harris and

Francis Gano Benedict. So, the equation is popularly known as the
Harris-Benedict formula.

A new equation was formulated in 1990, which is known as the

Mifflin-St. George equation.

P= (10.0 x m/1 kg) + (6.25 x h/1cm) - (5.00 x a/1 year) + s

P= total energy output during rest(BMR)

M= weight of the person in kgs
H= height of the concerned person
A= age of the incumbent
S= constant which is +5 for males and -161 for females
6.4 Rikli and Jones -
Senior Citizen Test

Rikli and Jones

developed the senior
citizen fitness test in

This test has proved to

be beneficial for senior
1. Back Scratch Test :

Purpose :- To assess the

upper body (shoulder)
flexibility, which is important
in performing various jobs
such as combing one’s hair,
putting on overhead
garments and reaching for a
seat belt etc.

Equipment Required :-
A ruler.
Fingers should be aligned.
Measure the distance
between the tips of the

If the finger tips touch then

the score is zero.

If they do not touch measure

the distance between the
fingertips ( – v e score).

If they overlap measure by

how much (+ive score).
2. Chair Stand Test :

Purpose : The main purpose of

this test is to measure the
lower body strength,
particularly legs strength
which is usually required for
various tasks such as climbing
stairs, getting in and out of
vehicle, bathtub or chair.

Equipments Required :
A chair with a straight back
and a seat of at least 44 cm
and a stopwatch.
Instructions for Participants :-

1.The participant should sit in

the middle of the chair.

2.She/He should keep his hands

on the opposite shoulder crossed
at the wrists.

3.The feet should be flat on the


4. Her/His back should be erect.

5.Repeat sit up and down for 30

3. 6 Minutes Walk Test :
Purpose : This test measures aerobic fitness of senior citizens.
Equipment required : Measuring tap to mark out the track distances,
stopwatch, chairs positioned for resting.
Procedure :

1.The walking course is laid out in a 50 yard (45.72m)

rectangular area (dimensions 45 × 5 yards), with cones
placed at regular intervals to indicate distance walked.

2.The aim of this test is to walk as quickly as possible for 6

minutes to cover as much distance as possible.

3.Subjects are set their own pace (a preliminary trials is

useful to practice pacing), and are able to stop for a rest if
they desire.
4. Arm Curl test of Rikli
& Jones :

Purpose : It is used to
Testing upper body
strength of senior citizen

Equipment :
Women will curl a 5 lb.
weight in this test and men
will curl a 8 lb weight for
their test.
Procedure :

1.Test assistant will tell to begin and will time

for 30 seconds, using the stopwatch or a
watch with a second hand.

2.Do as many curls as can in the allotted 30-

second time period, moving in a controlled

3.Do a full curl, squeezing lower arm against

upper arm at the top of each curl and
returning to a straight arm each time. Keep
upper arm still.

4. Do not swing the weight.

5. Eight Foot up and Go Test :
Purpose :
To assess speed, agility and
balance while moving.
These are important in performing
various jobs which require quick
maneuvering, such as getting of a
bus in time and to answer the
phone etc.

Equipments Required :
A chair with straight back (about
44 cm high) a stopwatch, cone
marker, measuring tape and an
area without any hindrances.
6. Chair sit and reach test :

Purpose : To Test Lower

body flexibility. It also plays
a role in balance, posture,
in fall prevention, or
walking. Lower body
flexibility is important for
maintaining an active,
independent lifestyle.

Equipment required :
Ruler, straight back or
folding chair, (about 17
inches/ 44 cm high)
Ǫ.1. The 600 metres run/walk
measures ……….

1. Speed and agility

2. Power
3. Endurance.
4. All of the above
Ǫ.2 In the Chair Sit and Reach Test for
Senior Citizens, the distance measured
is between the …….. and the ……………

1. Wrist, Toes
2. Fingers, heels
3. Tip of the finger tips, toes.
4. None of the above
Ǫ.3 The Six Minute Walk Test for Senior
Citizens measures …………..

1. Overall physical fitness

2. Walking fitness
3. Lower body fitness
4. None of the above.
Ǫ4. The Back Stretch Test for upper body
flexibility is done in a ……. Position.

1. Standing.
2. Sitting of the floor
3. Sitting in a chair
4. Either 2 or 3
Previous Year Ǫuestions
1. Sit and reach test is conducted for?

A. flexibility.
B. motor fitness
C. endurance
D. speed
CBSE Sample Paper Ǫuestions
CBSE Sample Paper 2023

Q17. Match the following :

I. Chair stand test. 1. Lower Body strength

II. Arm curl test. 2. Aerobic Endurance
III. Back scratch test. 3. Upper body strength
IV. Six minute walk test. 4. Upper body flexibility

a) I-1, II-3, III-4, IV-2.

b) I-2, II-3, III-1, IV-4
c) I-1, II-3, III-2, IV-4
d) I-2, II-3, III-4, IV-1
CBSE Sample Paper 2023

Q23. Write down the objectives and

administration of the flamingo test. (2M)
Q35. Make a table of test items listed under
fitness test by SAI (Age group 9-18 yrs )
along with the objectives of conducting them.
Explain the administration of any one of
them. (5M)
Ǫ3. Which test is developed to test fitness in
senior citizens?

a) Harvard step
b) Rikli and Jones
d) Rockport
Ǫ11. Which test is used to test the
functional ability amongst senior

a) Rockport one mile test

b) Harvard step test
c) Rikli and Jones test
d) Fitness Index score
Ǫ12. What is the t e s t duration for the
Arm curl test?

a) 1min
b) 2 min
c) 30sec
d) Number of repetitions
Procedure of Arm Curl Test :

1.Test assistant will tell to begin and will time for 30

seconds, using the stopwatch or a watch with a
second hand.

2.Do as many curls as can in the allotted 30-second

time period, moving in a controlled manner.

3.Do a full curl, squeezing lower arm against upper arm

at the top of each curl and returning to a straight arm
each time. Keep upper arm still.
Ǫ37. Identify the odd one.
Case Study
Ǫ50. Mr. Lakshman, aged 65 years
worked as a civil engineer in a
construction company .He had to walk
and climb a lot as part of his job. After
retirement, he settled with his son and
spent time with his grandchildren.
Nowadays he is experiencing difficulty in
doing certain chores which involve
physical movement.

The test shown in the picture is

performed to assess which component?
(a) agility (b) endurance (c)flexibility (d)
Assertion & Reason

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