6 CHAPTER: TEST AND MEASUREMENT IN SPORTS Meaning Of Test and Measurement: Test : Test is a tool, a question, set of questions, or an examination which is used to measure the skills and performance of a person. Measurement : Measurement refers to the process of conducting a test to obtain quantitative data. Importance/advantages/significance/objectives /need of test and measurement: 1.Talent identification: 2. Selection of athlete. 3. To identify strengths and weakness of a player: 4. To study the development of athletes. 5. Classification of players: 6. Motivate athletes. 7. Helps in evaluation of teaching process: 8. To do research: SAI Khelo India Fitness Test in schools Motor Fitness : It is a person’s ability to perform physical activities. Purpose: To Measure Motor Fitness of Boys and Girls. Test Items: This test consists of 9 test items for 2 categories. Battery Of Tests: I.AGE GROUP 5-8 YEARS | CLASS 1 to 3 1.Body Composition (BMI) 2.Coordination (Plate Tapping) 3.Balance (Flamingo Balance) 1.Body Mass Index Purpose/Aim : The purpose of the test is to measure whether a person is underweight or have a healthy weight, excess weight, or obesity. Infrastructure/Equipment Required: Flat Clean surface, Weighing Machine, Stadiometer/Measuring Tape pasted on a wall. Pen and paper Procedure : Measuring Height Accurately , Measuring Weight Accurately Scoring: Height recorded in cm and mm. Weight will be recorded in kilogram (kg) and grams . weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. 2.Plate Tapping Test Purpose/Aim: The purpose of the test is to measure speed and coordination of limb movement. Infrastructure/Equipment Required: Table (adjustable height), 2 yellow discs (20cm diameter), rectangle (30 x 20 cm), stopwatch, Pen &paper Procedure : 1.The non-preferred hand is placed on the rectangle. The subject moves the preferred hand back and forth between the discs over the hand in the middle as quickly as possible. 2.This action is repeated for 25 full cycles (50 taps). Scoring: The time taken to complete 25 cycles is recorded 3. Flamingo Balance Test Purpose : The purpose of the test is to measure the strength of the leg, pelvic, and trunk muscle as well as Static balance. Infrastructure/Equipment Required: Non Slippery even surface, Stopwatch, can be done on just standing on beam .Pen & Paper Procedure : (P.K. AHMAD 8360347981) 1.Stand on the beam. While balancing on the preferred leg, 2.Start the watch as the instructor lets go of the participant/subject. 3.Pause the stopwatch each time the subject loses balance 4. Count the number of falls in 60 seconds of balancing. If there are more than 15 falls in the first 30 seconds, the test is terminated. Scoring: 1.The total number of falls or loss of balance in 60 seconds of balancing is recorded. 2.If there are more than 15 falls in the first 30 seconds, the test is terminated. II .AGE GROUP: 9-18+ YEARS | CLASS 4 to 12 1.Body Mass Index: Already Explained above 2 Abdominal Strength: Partial Curl Up: Purpose : To measure abdominal muscular strength and endurance of the abdominals and hip flexors, Equipment: Flat mat, stopwatch, pen & PAPER Procedure : 1. The subject lies on a flat, clean mat surface with 2 tape markings 6 inch apart with hands straight on the sides (palms facing downwards) fingers touching the first marking knees flexed, usually at 90 degrees and heels 18 inches away from buttocks , 2. On the command the subject raises the trunk in a smooth motion curling up the desired amount (at least 6 inches above ground). Finger tips touching the second marking 3. Repeat the same and Perform as many number of curl ups as possible a certain time period, such as 30seconds (Age 9-14 years) or 1Minute (Age15+) Scoring: Total number of curl ups done is score. 3..Muscular Endurance (Push Ups for Boys, Modified Push Ups for Girls) Push Ups (Boys), Push Up Fitness Test (also called the press-up test) Purpose: To measure the strength and endurance of the arms and shoulder girdle. Equipment :A mat on the floor procedure: 1. Straight arm front leaning rest position with the hands and toes touching the floor. 2.The body and legs in a straight line, feet slightly apart, the arms at shoulder width. 3.Perform push ups. scoring: The number of correctly completed push-ups is the score. Modified Push Ups Fitness Test ("bent knee") (Girls) 1. Kneel on the floor, hands on either side of the chest and keep your back straight. 2. Lower the chest down towards the floor, till your elbows are at right angles or your chest touches the ground. 3. Do as many push-ups as possible until exhaustion. scoring: The number of correctly completed push-ups is the score 4.Sit and Reach Test: Purpose : To measure flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles. Equipment : Sit and Reach box , Pen & paper. Procedure of Test: 1. The soles of the feet are placed flat against the box. Both knees should be locked and pressed flat to the floor - the assistant may help by holding them down. 2.With the palms facing downwards, and the hands on top of each other, the subject reaches forward along the measuring line as far as possible. Scoring: The score is recorded to the nearest centimeter as the distance reached by the hand. 5.600M run: Purpose : To measure Cardiovascular Fitness/Cardiovascular Endurance Equipment : A marked track, a stop watch. Pen & paper. Procedure : 1.The student stands near the starting line. 2. On the command “Go” run and cover the distance of 600M as fast as you can. 3. Record the time taken. Scoring: Total time taken to complete the distance is taken as score. 6..50 M Standing Start Test: Purpose : To measure speed. Equipment : Marked 50M Area, Stop watch ,Pen & paper. Procedure : 1. The student stands near the starting line. 2. With standing start, On the command “Go” run as fast as you can to cover the distance of 50M. 3.. Record the time taken. Scoring: Total time taken to complete the distance is taken as score. 6.2 COMPUTING BASAL METABOLIC RATE (BMR) Basal metabolic rate or BMR is an estimate of the minimum number of calories a person needs each day while performing daily life activities at a resting state. BMR estimation formula was devised by Harris- Benedict which was published in 1919. Purpose: To estimate the minimum number of calories a person needs each day while performing daily life activities at a resting state. Equipments: Weighing Scale, Stadiometer(for Height) Pen and Paper Procedure : Measuring Height Accurately,Measuring Weight Accurately BMR also takes into account a person's Age & Gender Once the 4 parameters are recorded, we put the scores in formula to calculate BMR
Gender Equation Men:BMR= (10x weight in kg) (6.25x height in cm) -(5x age in years) +5 Women=BMR= (10x weight in kg) + (6.25 x height in cm) -(5x age in years)-161
Introduction: The Senior Fitness Test was developed at Fullerton University, by Dr. Roberta Rikli and Dr. Jessie Jones in 2001. As such, the test is sometimes known as the Fullerton Functional Test. Purpose: The purpose of this test is to assess(measure) the functional fitness of older adults Test Items: This test consists of six test items. Test Item # Purpose # Equipment 1.30 Second Chair Stand Test: #1.To Measure Lower Body Strength.# Chair without an arm, stopwatch .pen & paper 2. 30 Second Arm Curl Test: # 2. To Measure Upper Body Strength. # 5 pound wt. (women), 8 pound wt Chairwithout arm,Stop watch,Pen &Paper 3.Chair Sit & Reach Test: #3. To Measure Lower Body Flexibility. #Chair without arm, Scale 4.Back-Scratch Test: #4. To Measure Upper Body Flexibility. #Scale 5.Eight Foot Up & Go Test: #5. To Measure Agility/ Speed /Balance. #Stopwatch, Chair without arm, one marker/cone, measuring tape, 6. Six Minute Walk Test # 6. To Measure Aerobic Endurance. # Marked area, stopwatch, Pen &Paper or 2 minute Step Test: BEST OF LUCK THE END OF UNIT 6 P.K. AHMAD 8360347981