S3 1130 Monday Singh
S3 1130 Monday Singh
S3 1130 Monday Singh
in operation. A photograph of the test unit is shown Carbon steel (AISI 1060) coupons with
in Fig. 2. dimensions of 7.5 cm (length) 1.2 cm (width) 0.1
Pressure was measured using a Bourdon cm (thickness) were used for experimentation.
pressure gauge (WIKA make, range: 0 – 100 bar, These coupons were fixed vertically at two
accuracy: ± 1.0% of full scale) and also using a prescribed levels on a solid central shaft which could
WIKA make pressure transmitter (range: 0 – 150 be rotated up to 1450 RPM. A maximum of 6
bar, accuracy: ± 0.5% of full scale). A reflux numbers of coupon (at 60o positions on a discs)
condenser was used to condense any low boiling could be anchored at a particular level. Fig. 3 shows
vapors arising from the sample which were directed the photograph of a test coupon. A SCADA based
Data Acquisition System (AMAR DAS 4.0)
provided by Amar Equipment Pvt. Ltd. (Mumbai,
India) was used to record data.
experimentation. The important properties of the oil the corrosion rate increasing above this temperature
are listed in Table 1. [16], [17].
The higher temperature also promotes chemical
Table 1 Properties of crude oil# reactions among organic species in the soft deposit.
Element Result These reaction rates dominate the rate of formation
API 30.87 of FeS at higher temperatures (> 275 oC). These soft
Viscosity (cP) @ 38 oC 2.631 deposits will subsequently adhere to the FeS layer
Viscosity (cP) @ 200 oC 0.843 due to change in surface characteristics. This will
C (wt. %) 84.22 result in a higher organic content in hard deposit (as
H (wt. %) 12.13 confirmed by TGA).
N (wt. %) 1.33
S (wt. %) 1.83 35
Saturates (wt. %) 25.58 Hard Deposit
30 Soft Deposit
Aromatics (wt. %) 44.38
Wt. of deposits, mg
Resins (wt. %) 27.37 25
C7-Asphaltenes* (wt. %) 1.76
CII 0.38 20
Fe (ppm)** 2.31 15
Mg (ppm)** 1.26
Na (ppm)** 7.16 10
Ni (ppm)** 6.95
Si (ppm)** 86.54
V (ppm)** 17.7 0
# Reproduced from [18]; *Estimated using ASTM D 6560 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310
protocol. **Elemental analysis done using ICP – AES.
Fluid bulk temperature (oC)
Foulant deposit was collected from each coupon
post washing with n-heptane. A part of the deposit Fig. 4. Effect of bulk temperature on formation of
formed was carried away by n-heptane, while a hard and soft deposits at 100 RPM after 80 hours
portion remained strongly adhered to the coupon
surface and could only be removed by scraping. The effect of temperature on hard and soft
These are henceforth referred to as soft and hard deposits was also investigated at 250 RPM and is
deposits respectively. shown in Fig. 5.
In the subsequent sections, influence of bulk
temperature and rotational velocity on the amount of 160
hard and soft deposit formed on a coupon surface is Hard Deposit
140 Soft Deposit
Wt. of deposits, mg
Effect of bulk temperature 100
The impact of fluid bulk temperature at 100
RPM on the amount of hard and soft deposit is 80
shown in Fig. 4 at 250, 275 and 300 oC. The results 60
presented are for a single representative coupon (C1)
immersed in the test fluid during the above runs. The 40
average coupon surface roughness (Ra) across these 20
three runs was 1.584 μm. The variation in coupon
surface roughness between 250 and 300 oC was
0.059 μm. 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310
The amount of hard and soft deposit formed on Fluid bulk temperature (oC)
the coupon surface increases with temperature. At
250 oC, the soft deposit is one order of magnitude Fig. 5. Effect of bulk temperature on formation of
higher in amount than the hard deposit. The orders hard and soft deposits at 250 RPM after 80 hours.
are comparable at 275 and 300 oC due to increase in
the rate of FeS formation (via a corrosion The trend in hard deposit was found to be similar.
mechanism) at these temperatures. The FeS formed However, a significant increase in amount of hard
is part of the hard deposit (confirmed later by deposit was observed beyond 275 oC. This is due to
characterization). Sulfidic corrosion based fouling the increased attachment of organic content in soft
on carbon steel has been reported as a predominant deposit to the FeS layer formed. At these
mechanism in past works at 260 oC and above with temperatures, the attachment is also preceded by
increased rate of chemical reactions of FeS
formation and chemical species in the soft deposit. of decrease in amount of hard deposit. The
The soft deposit is found to decrease with increase discrepancy in soft deposit values for the two
in temperature. coupons at a shear stress of 0.18 Pa can be attributed
to flow conditions being laminar and applicability of
Effect of RPM equation 1 in this flow regime.
The effect of RPM at a constant temperature on
the amount of hard deposit formed on a coupon 40 C1
surface after 80 hours is shown in Fig. 6. The results
are presented for 2 representative coupons (C1 and 35 C2
Ω = (3)
60 C2
temperature. The increase in volatile fraction is as compared to FeO. Similar spectra were obtained
relatively higher as compared to the increase in for hard deposit samples collected at other
combustible fraction. The organic content is likely temperatures and RPMs’.
to originate from the soft deposit.
L width of the coupon, 0.012 m temperature crude oil fouling, Heat Transf.
𝜐 kinematic viscosity of the fluid, m2/s Eng., vol. 30, no. 10–11, pp. 794–804, 2009.
N rotational speed, RPM [11] Wang, W., and Watkinson, A. P., Iron
sulphide and coke fouling from sour oils:
Review and initial experiments, in Proc.
Subscript International Conference on Heat
c coupon surface Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning IX, pp.
23–30, 2011.
[12] Saleh, Z. S., Sheikholeslami, R., and
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