Lonely Streets - A Frostrgave Solo Campaign
Lonely Streets - A Frostrgave Solo Campaign
Lonely Streets - A Frostrgave Solo Campaign
Scenario 1:
Time Shift
Whilst returning from an expedition into the Frozen city, you and your warband cross between two pillars, and you realise all too late, that
it is a trap. You are thrown into another time, as runes on the pillars glow brilliantly. You have only heard rumors of these Chrono-traps,
and never thought you’d encounter one yourself.
To make matters worse, the Chronomancer who set the trap has left an ambush, waiting for you.
As an arrow clatters off a nearby wall, you and your warband duck for cover.
A trap like this needs great magical power, so your best hope of escape, is to destroy the source...
A road, 5” wide should run from one table corner, to the diagonally-opposite corner. The road should be littered with debris and
obstacles. On each side of the road, there should be ruined walls and buildings, with alleyways, 3” wide between.
A marker for the Trap trigger should be placed on the road, within 3” of one of the table corners. The Player sets up their entire warband
within 4” of this same table corner.
Within 6” of each of the other table corners, place a counter to mark the power sources. Adjacent to each of these, place a Bandit (use
as a Thug) and a Bandit Archer (use as Archer).
Two of your models must be given a treasure token each.
Special rules:
Within the trap, the servants of the Chronomancer are not bound by the same restriction of time as your warband, and occasionally seem
to vanish and reappear elsewhere in the blink of an eye.
After the first round, at the start of each Wizard phase, roll a d20. On a 10+, randomly select 2 non-player controlled models, they
imediatly make a free move action, ignoring all terrain in their path. If they would end their movement inside a piece of terrain, such as a
wall, move them back as short a distance as possible until they can be placed.
At the end of each round, Roll a d20, on a 10+ roll on the table below and place the encounter as instructed:
D20 roll Encounter Placement
Scenario 2:
The hall of portals
You have only recently left your base in search of a long lost library, when the clear skies rapidly cloud over with clouds, heavy with
snow. The winds pick up and you find yourself in a blizzard. All you can see around you is white. Over the howling winds, you yell at your
soldiers to follow you, your eyes, half closed against the ice and wind, searching for shelter.
At last you spot a dark, cavernous opening, between two buildings, with stairs leading underground. Leading your warband inside, you
are relieved to be out of the wind. After the screaming wind, the underground cavern you find yourself in is deafeningly quiet.
One soldier lights a torch, and you find the cavern walls are carved with intricate seals and icons, many you do not recognise. To one
side of the cavern, there is an archway, similarly marked like the rest of the walls. Leading on from there, you find yourself in a long,
narrow corridor, with many open doorways leading off into small chambers, filled with skeletal remains. One of your soldiers, spying
something worth taking, steps through one of the doorways, and lets out a yell of surprise. You are also surprised by the yell, as it comes
from a completely different room to the one the soldier entered. Before you can stop them, another soldier has run into the room to help
their companion, but the curse they utter, comes from yet another room. Surely there must be some method to escape this maze of
doors, you think, just as another yell causes you to look into the nearest door way, just in time to see some of the discarded bones begin
to move. Another Soldier yells out that you are sealed in the hallway, the archway you passed under, now sealed shut with a magical
This Scenario is set underground in a dungeon. You will need to mark out the walls of rooms as required:
A central corridor, 2.5’ long x 4” wide runs through the center of the table, with 6 door ways, 1” wide, 3 on each side of the hallway,
evenly spaced apart, and one Main doorway at the end of the hall. Each of these doorways leads into a room, 8”x8”. Number each room
by placing a counter, numbered 1 to 6 in the middle of each room. The rooms and hallways should be filled with columns, fallen rocks,
discarded furniture and crates.
Place a treasure token centred against the wall opposite the door to each room.
Adjacent to each EVEN numbered marker, place a skeleton.
Finally, randomly choose 2, random Soldiers in your warband, and place them adjacent to a random doorway inside a random room.
Special rules:
When a treasure is picked up, roll a d20. On a 1-10, it is a normal treasure, 11-15, it is a Door Key, 16+ it is a worthless object. Once 2 of
an object have been found: Treasure, door key, or worthless object, roll again, until another object is found. A carried door key takes up
one unused item slot, so can be carried with a treasure. A model with a key may spend an action to drop the key, or pass it to another
model they are within ½” and line of sight
Models are not slowed by carrying treasure.
When a player controlled model leaves or enters a room via a door, their current action ends immediately, roll a d20, and place them
according to the chart below:
D20 roll
Scenario 3:
The Vampire Reaver:
A mysterious ship has arrived in a nearby harbour, bringing with it a host of undead crew who scourer the city for living slaves to bring
back to the ship. The ship, you have learned, is captained by a Vampire Reaver, who controls the undead crew. If this is the same
vampire reaver of the legends you have heard, then the only way to beat them, is to destroy their coffin, and slay the vampire.
This Scenario is played on a 2.5’’x2.5’ table. At one end of the table should be a ship, at least 12’ long and 5’ wide. The Ship should have
2 levels: below deck and upper deck, as well as a captains cabin “5x3” at the rear of the ship. A doorway should separate the cabin from
the upper deck and a hatch should separate the upper and lower decks. A Coffin or sarcophagus should be placed in the center of the
cabin. 2 Ramps should lead onto the ship from the ground. The rest of the table should be set up with ruined buildings to represent a
ruined dock district.
Place 4 spawn counters, numbered 1-4 on the table. One should be placed below deck on the ship, another should be placed at the
center of the player's edge, and the other two on the table edges left and right of the player's edge.
Lastly, place 2 skeleton archers on the upper deck of the ship, and a zombie 12” away from each of the numbered markers.
Special rules:
During their activation, all undead other than the vampire, not controlled by the player, who are required to make a random move, will
instead move directly toward the ship.
The Vampire will never move beyond their cabin unless a player-controlled model has already entered the cabin.
Any player controlled figure within 1” of the coffin, may spend one of their actions to try and destroy it. To do so, they must make a Fight
roll with a target number of 20, adding +2 for each other friendly figure within 1” of the coffin. If the roll equals or exceeds the TN, then the
coffin is destroyed.
Until the coffin is destroyed, if the Vampire ever should fall below 1 health, they instead ignore any damage received, staying at 1 health.
At the end of each turn that the vampire is still alive,, roll a d20 and refer to the chart below:
D20 roll Zombie crew
17 1 ghoul at spawn 1
18 1 ghoul at spawn 2
19 1 ghoul at spawn 3
20 1 ghoul at spawn 4