Obsidian Tower Game Master Handout
Obsidian Tower Game Master Handout
Obsidian Tower Game Master Handout
Sword + 3
The Warden’s Pet Beetle
Hammer + 1
Beloved by Francois, this purple beetle
(Hammer) Graft Flesh + 4
resides in a cage on his bedside drawers.
If forced to fight, Finch will strike a
It’s true name is Dinklebamp, though only
character with the hammer to deal
the Warden knows this.
1 Health
Bell + 4
0 Dying
As soon as Finch feels threatened, he will
ring the bell. To ring the bell, roll Conflict.
If his total score is 10 or higher, his pets
Create Noxious Gas + 6
will arrive within the next scene. Lower
Dinklebamp will only use this skill if it
will result in both pets taking 2 scenes to
feels threatened. The noxious gas will
engulf whoever is immediately next to
Dinklebamp. Failing the Opposed Conflict
roll will cause the target to fall
unconscious for a scene.