11 Khejri A Wonder Tree For Nutritional Value
11 Khejri A Wonder Tree For Nutritional Value
11 Khejri A Wonder Tree For Nutritional Value
32 Indian Horticulture
Table 1. Nutrient content of khejri fruits (pods) from It is known to improve soil fertility; it aids nitrate
arid zone retention in soil.
y The tree contributes to the micro-flora in desert soil.
Name of nutrient Quantity Its tap root goes deep into the earth, to depths of
Protein 23.2% about 25 feet, seeking water. Wells are often dug close
to the tree, for one can be sure of finding water near
Carbohydrate 56.0%
it. When vultures were more common in the desert,
Fat 2.0% they would roost and nest in its branches.
Fibre 20%
Vitamin ‘A’ - Production Technology
Vitamin ‘B2’ - Plant propagation
Attempts have been made in the past to propagate
Vitamin ‘C’ 523.0 (mg/100g)
khejri through micro-propagation and air layering but
Calcium (Ca) 414.0 (mg/100g) those could not be commercially viable. A patch budding
Phosphorus (P) 400.0 (mg/100g) technique has been successfully used in top working to
Ferrous (Fe) 19.0 (mg/100g) convert wild trees of khejri into more improved ones that
bear good quality pods with more nutritive value. The
Energy (Kcal/gm) 334.8 (Kcal/gm)
improved cultivar ‘Thar Shobha’ of khejri developed by
Central Institute of Arid Horticulture (CIAH), Bikaner
crude protein and 6-16% can be powdered and used is very good bearing in one year after budding in deshi
in the preparation of bakery items such as biscuits and root stock.
cookies. The fruits from arid zone are nutritionally far However, we have developed a technique for
more superior to the commercially available fruits viz. production of transplantable budded plants on one
apple, banana, grapes etc. They are rich in carbohydrates year old seedling rootstock for producing true-to-type and
and protein which are present in negligible amounts uniform stands of khejri. Raising of rootstock seedlings
in commercial fruits. Also, they have higher mineral and budding technique, the seeds from ripened pods
contents. Prosopis cineraria fruit is very rich in vitamin C of khejri are extracted during May-June. The seeds are
and calcium and phosphorus contents. Other important treated with Thiram @ 3 g/kg before sowing to control
roles of khejri whole plant are: the seed borne disease in the nursery. They are then sown
y Khejri tree plays a vital role in maintaining the in polythene bags (10×25 cm, 200 gauage) filled with
ecosystem of the dreary Thar region because of standard nursery mixture of sand, clay and goat manure
its ability to survive in such tough conditions and the (3:1:1) in the month of July. The seedlings are raised in
different ways in which it can be used by the farmers. sunken nursery beds with proper drainage facility. A year
y Apart from being a source of firewood and fodder, later, the seedling rootstocks with diameter of 0.4–0.8
the Khejri also helps in sustaining the nutrient value cm are selected. The bud wood is collected from
of the soil and ensuring a good yield. juvenile branches of selected plus trees. The bud sticks
y In addition, the fruit is used to make the very popular should have plumpy, slightly swollen and green buds. The
local dish ‘Sangri’ and can fetch up to ` 300 per kilo rootstocks are prepared by removing all the side shoots
for the farmers. The flowers make an amazing bee- and heading back at the height of 25-30 cm from the base.
fodder. Even the timber is useful. The method of budding during July to September gives
y The khejri tree is adapted to withstand both frost and about 60% success. In this method, a vertical incision is
drought, and survives both high temperature and low. given in the bark of the rootstock to a length of 2-3 cm
May–June 2023 33
Heavy growth of cotton crop under Full mature khejri plant for cutting Intercropping with khejri and henna
Khejri shed loom
Khejri pods Full bearing of tender pods Tender pods for dehydration
at about 15 cm height from the ground level. The bark is bud may faster.
slightly loosened from the sides with the help of budding
knife and a piece of scion having plumpy bud is inserted Lopping
into the loosened bark of the rootstock. It is then tied In western Rajasthan and adjoining areas of Haryana,
with a polythene wrap. Proper aftercare regarding timely the lopping of trees starts from mid-November and
watering, removal of side shoots, weeding etc. are taken. continues up to January. The leaves and pods constitute
The bud sprouting start in about 20-25 days after budding a major source of fodder. The dried leaves of khejri
and the budded plants are ready for out planting in the called as loom or long are used as quality fodder for
field after 40-50 days of budding (Fig. 1). The out planting the animals during lean period. There is contrary report
in the field may be done during September October before about lopping practices. It is reported that if trees are
the advent of low temperature. lopped at 3 years intervals, they produce 172-242% more
leaf fodder by weight than those recurrently lopped. In
Orchard establishment general, annual lopping is common practice of khejri
To development true-to type plantation of khejri by the farmers, though annual lopping is not suggested
variety, Thar Shobha vegetative propagations technique for sangria production. The tree may be lopped after
is necessary either budding on nursery raised root stocks harvesting of the pods, in order to promote physiological
or in situ budding in field established rootstocks. The bud maturity of the shoots for production of sangria next
grafted plants have vigorous growth, thornless, precocious season. These observations must be verified by conducting
flowering, high pod yield and bio-mass from 3-4 years of field experiments.
establishment. For easy germination and healthy growth
of seedlings, prior to sowing, seeds should be soaked in Harvesting
water for 4-6 hours and also treated with fungicide. For The trees of seedlings origin come in bearing after
field planting, 9-10 months old seedlings should be used 8-10 years but the vegetatively propagated plants came
and it should be started with the on-set of monsoon rains in fruiting after 3rd year and thus the gestation period
from July-September which gives 80-90% establishment. reduced markedly. The plants flower during February-
March and fruit setting takes place in April-May. Only
Training and pruning immature tender pods are used as vegetables, hence stage
Training and pruning are essential practices for of harvesting is very essential, which should be done
plant structure, canopy management and harvest of crop within fortnight of fruit setting in two-three consecutive
produce khejri. After successful intake of scion buds on operations. It is very difficult to assess the yield of khejri
the rootstocks either in nursery raised or in situ established growing under natural conditions due to variation in age,
seedlings, the upper portion of the stocks should be site conditions, uncontrolled lopping and other biotic
removed or pruned so that growth of sprouted scion and abiotic interferences. As an estimate, a fully grown
34 Indian Horticulture
up tree (> 12 years old) gives on an average 7-8 kg green caqnopy spread and tree volume as compared to those
tender pod yield per year. The recovery is about 25-30% growing in open. The percentage increase in tree volume
after dehydration of fresh sangria. However, there is high was highest with ber followed by anola, beal, pomegranate
variation in market price of fresh sangria (` 20-25/kg) and and minimum in guava plants. The observations indicated
dehydrated sangria (` 150-200/kg). Therefore, setting of that the khejri tree has not only positive effect on annual
dehydrated sangria is more economical than the fresh crop but it also improves the vegetative vigour of several
ones. Ripe pods may be collected by hand picking or fruit trees planted in their proximity.
by shaking/beating the branches. Nearly 1.4 quintals of
pods/ha with a variation of 10.7% in dry location can be Dehydration of sangri
obtained. The pod yield is significantly correlated with The tender pods of khejri both fresh and dehydrated
diameter at breast height of the tree. One tree of Khejri are utilized as vegetable. Now-a-days, khejri dishes are very
gives at least 5 kg of ripe pods. popular in some of top class hotels in Jaipur, Jodhpur,
Jaisalmer, Jalore, Pali and Barmer of Rajasthan. However,
Production economics the dehydrated Sangri available in the market are not of
Since profitability is the prime concern of farmers, ideal quality because of improper harvesting stages, un-
hence the economic analysis of the production of pods, cleaned and un-blanched before dehydration. Therefore,
leaf, bark, sticks and roots is compared on the basis of an experiment was initiated to see the effect of blanching
feedback received from the farmers. Monetary advantage treatment on dehydration quality of sangri. It has been
obtained through cultivation of Khejri by adopting found that 5 minute blanching in 2% salt solution gives
improved production technologies can be very well light green colour after rehydration and liked by the
accessed through comparison between other plants and people on organoleptic scoring as compared to either
crops on the average yield, resources/inputs used and un-blanched (control) or blanching in boiling water only.
prevailing price of inputs and produce. Table 2 showsthat However, the product of prolonged blanching (10 minutes)
net return obtained ` 154968/ha (B: C ration of 8.6) both in water and in 2% salt solution also was not liked
from Khejri than other crops and fruit plants. Thus by by people.
cultivating such arid plant through adoption of suggested
scientific ways will surely uplift the economic status of Preparation of khejri cookies
farmers of western Rajasthan. A preliminary attempt was made to prepare cookies
from dried khejri pods (khokha). After proper cleaning and
Utilization drying, the powder of khokha was made with and without
Each and every part of the khejri including root, stem, seeds. Thereafter the khokha powder was mixed with
bark, leaf, flower, fruit, seed and gum are being used in wheat flour by replacing 10, 20, 30 and 40% wheat flour
one or the other way (Tables 1 and 2). The main uses while other ingredients remaining almost constant and its
are thicking wood as timber, lopped branches as fuel, biscuits were prepared. By scoring, the 10% replacement
leaves as fodder, green tender and dehydrated pods for of wheat flour by khokha powder without seeds was the
vegetables, dried pods (khokha) for fresh consumption best among all other treatments. With increasing ratio of
and flour of dried pods are used by the rural people for khokha powder, the taste of biscuits becomes bitter. The
making chapatti to limited scale and also as cattle feed. interesting point was that the highest organoleptic score
The immature pods of khejri (sangria) are rich in protein was secured by control (without khokha powder) indicated
content (15%). The gum, inflorescence and bark have that colour and taste were more important than nutritive
various medicinal uses adopting by rural communities value from marketing point of view. The extraction of
as indigenous practices. The seeds obtained from dried seeds from khokha was the other limitation.
pods are oil yielding.
As agro-forestry component The importance and prospects for further use
Khejri is compatible perennial component of various of Prosopis cineraria (L.) MacBride is reviewed. This
agro-forestry systems in arid ecosystem because of its leguminous tree species is common in the arid and semi-
deep root system, leguminous nature, prone to lopping arid zones of the Indian state of Rajasthan, and is of great
and capacity to tolerate various biotic and abiotic stresses. economic importance as almost every part of the tree is
Farmers have retained the khejri plants in their fields utilised. It is extremely drought resistant, supports a higher
and bunds as the trees have least or no adverse effect understorey plant population than other dryland tree
on several ground story crops. In arid region of western species and has a major role to play in agri-silvicultural
Rajasthan, moth, guar, bajra, mixed with kachri, mattera, and silvo-pastoral systems.
tinda, kakri etc. are being grown in association with natural
growing khejri under rainfed condition since long back.
The effect of khejri tree on vegetative vigour of fruit trees
like anola, ber, guava, pomegranate and bael grown under For further interaction, please write to:
shade and in open conditions was also assessed. It was Dr M L Meena (Senior Scientist and Head), Krishi Vigyan
observed that the fruit trees grown under shade produced Kendra, Turki-Muzaffarpur, Bihar. *Corresponding author email:
more vigorous growth with respect to plant height, mlmeenacazri@gmail.com
May–June 2023 35