Breeding For Mulberry Improvement A Review

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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2023; 12(2): 477-481

ISSN (E): 2277-7695

ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.23
Breeding for mulberry improvement: A review
TPI 2023; 12(2): 477-481
© 2023 TPI
Karthik Kumar Manjunath, Harshitha BS, Anusha NM and Bhargavi HA
Received: 01-12-2022
Accepted: 06-01-2023 DOI:
Karthik Kumar Manjunath Abstract
Division of Genetics, Indian Sericulture, the art of raising silkworms, plays a great role for livelihood support in parts of southern
Agricultural Research Institute, Karnataka, particularly in the districts of Chikkaballapura, Kolar, Mysore, and Ramanagaram, as well as
New Delhi, India
in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, and Assam. Among all the
Harshitha BS
species of silkworm, Bombyx mori is the most commercially raised silkworm for raw silk production
Division of Genetics, Indian which depends on mulberry as a host plant. Mulberry is a perennial plant that grows quickly with deep
Agricultural Research Institute, root system and produces a lot of biomasses. In addition to its usage in sericulture, the leaf extract is
New Delhi, India recognized to have significant therapeutic effects. Yield of mulberry leaves is contributed by three key
elements such as superior variety, package of practices and integrated pest control. Although many
Anusha NM mulberry genotypes can be grown commercially, there is a need to produce mulberry varieties that are
Division of Fruit Science and suitable for a given region and for both rainfed and irrigated environments. The development of
Horticulture Technology, Indian genotypes with inherent resistance to pests and diseases is essential, as chemical control is not
Agricultural Research Institute, practicable. The genetic improvement methods include conventional breeding through hybridization and
New Delhi, India selection, mutagenesis, molecular approaches including markers, and genetic engineering. Development
of improved varieties of mulberry is the key to support sericulture farmers.
Bhargavi HA
Scientist, Division of Crop Keywords: Sericulture, mulberry, silkworm, victory-1, varieties
Improvement, ICAR- Indian
Grassland and Fodder Research Introduction
Institute, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh
The production of raw silk through the rearing of silkworms is called sericulture. Sericulture in
rural areas generates employment, earns better returns, and has a regular and stable income at
fixed intervals. The nature of the occupation is eco-friendly and women friendly. Further, the
utilization and export of silk and silk goods at domestic and international levels contribute to
the economy. The silk industry is one of the significant employment-generating sectors of the
country; the foreign exchange generated through exports is 211 million US dollars (Minister of
Textiles, 2022). India ranks second in the production of raw silk. In India, five different
silkworms are generally reared commercially, of which the mulberry silkworm is the most
important. The other non-mulberry silkworms include tropical tsar, temperate tsar, ere, and
mega silkworms.
Mulberry silk accounts for 75% of all silk production in India (Kaviraj et al., 2021) [13].
Mulberry (Morus L.) is a perennial tree that belongs to the family Morceau, which is fed to the
silkworm Bombyx mori (mulberry silkworm) (Dhanyalakshmi & Nataraja, 2018) [9]. It
originated in the foothills of the Himalayas (Koidzumi, 1917) [15]. The plant's economic part is
its leaves, which are used as feed for silkworms. The fruits of the mulberry tree are edible and
a good source of vitamin C and iron, which are known to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol
levels and improve digestion (Khalifa et al., 2018) [14]. Mulberry leaf extract also possesses anti-
diabetic, anti-tumour, anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties (Ben Bakrim
et al., 2018) [4]. The remnants of the mulberry plant can be used as fodder, fuel, and fertilizer.
It is well known that the mulberry silkworm is the most reared and feeds on mulberry leaves.
Mulberry is a perennial tree cultivated in paired or single rows to obtain a higher leaf yield.
About 15,000 to 25000 Kg of mulberry leaf per year from one acre can be harvested
depending upon varieties and method of cultivation. The amount of leaf required for rearing
100 DFLs of the popular crossbreed PM X NB 4 D2 is 1000 kg. So, it is crucial to improve the
yield of mulberry to increase silk production indirectly (Vijayan et al., 2012) [25]. Hence,
varieties with higher leaf yield and good adaptability are the need of the hour. Mulberry plants
Corresponding Author:
can be propagated through seed and vegetative parts such as stem cuttings, the latter being
Harshitha BS more commonly used. This nature of the mulberry is better exploited in breeding programs
Division of Genetics, Indian because desired hereditary characteristics can be maintained without change in genotype, and
Agricultural Research Institute, many plants can be reared quickly and economically.
New Delhi, India
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Pest and disease-resistant clones can be directly released as a The leaves are typically smooth, glossy, and dark green,
variety, and varieties adapted to specific localities can be though they can sometimes be yellowish green. The weeping
developed.Breeding for improved mulberry with higher mulberry (M. alba 'Pendula') is often used as a lawn tree.
nutritive value, resistant to pests and diseases is important Black Mulberry is the most common species; it is native to
because the chemical control of insect pests is not possible as west Asia. Before the Roman Empire, it was introduced to
well as the quality of the mulberry leaves has a direct impact Europe, where it has since been grown for its fruits. It is
on the normal growth and development of the larvae and primarily grown for its enormous, juicy, purple-black fruits,
hence on the quality of the cocoon (Adolkar et al., 2007; which are more flavorful than red mulberries. Red Mulberry
Legay, 1958) [1,17]. It is crucial to have appropriate knowledge (Morus rubra) is the largest genus native to eastern North
of the genetic architecture of the plant, plant type, and plant America. It is a medium-sized deciduous tree that grows up to
breeding methodologies to make genetic improvement in the 21 meters in height. The leaves are alternate and more
mulberry. The present review details the economic botany, extensive than white mulberry leaves. It bears dark purple
breeding methods to develop superior varieties and the list of edible fruits and leaves that might be two, three, or unlobed.
available varieties for cultivation. The optimum time to plant white mulberry seeds is right after
fruiting. Germination rates can be raised by cold stratification
Economic botany for four to sixteen weeks. Layering is also said to be effective.
In temperate climates, trees are often deciduous. However,
trees cultivated in tropical areas may be evergreen. It is a 10– Objectives of mulberry breeding
20 m tall, small to medium-sized mulberry tree that grows The primary breeding objectives in India are high leaf yield
quickly (33–66 ft). The leaves on young, active stems can per unit area, good leaf quality for successful silkworm
grow to be up to 30 cm (12 in) long, are serrated and rearing, resistance to one or many local adverse conditions,
occasionally lobed, and are placed alternately along the stems. i.e., alkalinity, drought, disease, early sprouting and late
Each fruit, referred to as a multiple, derives from an entire hardening of leaves, adaptability to a wide range of soil and
flower cluster. It bears sweet edible berries, which can be climate, and good rooting ability.
eaten when it is ripe. The fruit's colour cannot determine the
mulberry species. For instance, white mulberries might yield Breeding Strategies in Mulberry
white, lavender, or black fruit. The best varieties of red Origin, distribution and genetic resources of mulberry
mulberry have fruits that are often deep red, almost black. A wide diversity of germplasm is essential for any breeding
Black mulberry fruits are large, juicy, and delicious, with an program. Mulberry basically originated in the Himalayan
excellent combination of sweetness and acidity. foothills but distributed to continents like Asia, Europe, North
The trees can be dioecious or monoecious; the flowers are and South America, and Africa (Yokoyama, 1962; Machii et
held on short, green, pendulous catkins that develop in the al., 1999) [26, 18] and presently, mulberry is under cultivation in
axils of the current season's growth and on spurs on older almost all Asian countries, including India (Vijayan et al.,
wood. Intense catkin clusters contain minute flowers. Flowers 2011) [20]. Taxonomical studies reveal that mulberry belongs
are yellowish green with chromosome number 2n = 28 to the genus Morus L. And more than 68 species have been
(Tahara, 1910) [22]. The wind pollinates them, and some recorded in this genus (Vijayan, 2010) [23].
cultivars will produce fruit without being pollinated. Female In China, India, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, there are several
catkins are ovoid and stalked, whereas male catkins are germplasm accessions available. More than 1120 germplasm
cylindrical and broad. Female spikes catkins are also shorter accessions are reported from India
than male spikes. Clusters of small fruits from mulberries are ( The genetic resources of
placed longitudinally along the center axis. The Mulberry mulberry are conserved in India through four different
ovary is unicellular and has bifid stigmas. Fruits have many techniques: DNA banks, in vitro conservation, ex-situ
drupes enclosed in a fleshy perianth, up to 5 cm long, sub- conservation, and in situ conservation. The genetic divergence
globose or ovoid. A bifid stigma is present in the unicellular of 25 mulberry (Morus spp.) genotypes from various
mulberry ovary. This genus has diverse ploidy levels; Morus agroclimatic environments in India was examined using 14
species with 14, 42, 56, 84, 140, and even 308 chromosomes morphometric characteristics. (Banerjee et al., 2007) [3].
(Diploid to Decupled) with ploidy levels x to 22x (Osawa,
1920; Janaki-Ammal, 1948) [19, 11] are found. Conventional breeding- Selection and Hybridization
Mulberries are native to temperate Asia and north America A highly precise process is followed by the traditional
but are widely distributed across Europe, southern Africa, breeding method that has been utilized to improve the
South America, and south Asia. It is a deciduous tree of the genetics of mulberries. (Vijayan, 2010) [23]. Prior to parental
genus Morus of the flowering plant family Morceau. There selection, morphological, biochemical, and physiological
are about 68 species of the genus Morus, the majority of traits such as stem cuttings' capacity to root, leaf yield, leaf
which are found in Asia. The most widely recognized species moisture, protein and sugar contents, photosynthetic
of the genus Morus are the white mulberry (Morus alba), efficiency, physiological water usage efficiency, and others
black mulberry (Morus nigra), and red mulberry (Morus are used to characterize germplasm accessions. Parents with
rubra) (Jan et al., 2021) [10]. White mulberry (Morus alba) has the required features are chosen by controlled hybridization,
a wide distribution range in Asia, Europe, Africa, and the and statistical analysis is carried out. For harvesting of seeds
Americas. The origins of most cultivated mulberry varieties for breeding, ripe fruits from both controlled and natural
are believed to be in the China/Japan area and the Himalayan hybridization of chosen mother plants are gathered. In
foothills. It is one of the main species fed to silkworms. It is a progeny row trials (PRT), seedlings cultivated in nurseries are
short-lived, fast-growing, small to medium-sized tree that transplanted to the field for first screening based on chosen
reaches heights of 10 to 20 meters. features like growth, branching, leaf texture, and disease
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susceptibility. Traditional breeding techniques primarily rely and genomic investigations (2n = 2x = 28). Domesticated
on creating F1 hybrids because nearly all mulberry accessions mulberry was divided into three regional groupings based on
are highly heterozygous and have a long gestation time (Das, a population genomic study using resequencing of 134
1984). The progeny row trial identifies hybrids with desired mulberry accessions: Taiho Basin of Southeast China (Hu
features, further assessed in the primary yield trial (PYT) for mulberry), Northern and South-western China, and Japan.
important agronomic, biochemical, and silkworm-feeding Several abiotic stress conditions, such as drought, salt, heat,
properties. The top 5-10% hybrids from the PYT are chosen and cold stress, negatively impact the productivity and quality
for detailed evaluation in the final yield experiment (FYT), of mulberry leaves. A trustworthy and popular technique for
which uses 3-5 replications and 25-49 plants per replication. locating genes and molecular mechanisms in many plant
Further, the plants' leaf yield, leaf quality, adaptation, species that are susceptible to abiotic stress is quantitative
susceptibility to pests and diseases, rooting ability, real-time PCR (qPCR). For qRT-PCR studies that normalize
responsiveness to agronomic methods, and silkworm-feeding gene expression, choosing appropriate reference genes is
attributes are thoroughly evaluated. The best hybrid is crucial. Eight prospective reference genes in mulberry have
selected and multiplied vegetatively for additional testing in been chosen to study the analysis of the stability of their
other locations (MLT). In most cases, regional multi-location expression under various abiotic stress conditions, including
studies employ 8–9 hybrids. The All India Coordinated drought, salt, heat, and cold stresses (Shukla et al., 2019) [21].
Experiments on Mulberry (AICEM) tests hybrids from all
across India under various agro-climatic conditions for at least Genetic engineering
four years. The hybrids that consistently perform well across Recent genetic engineering developments have accelerated
all seasons, locations and years are chosen and tested further. the mulberry breeding program. Using Agrobacterium
The AICEM's top performers are made available for tumefaciens and particle bombardment, effective protocols
commercial usage. This has led to developing and releasing have been created for direct plant regeneration from explants
several high-yielding mulberry cultivars for use in India's and the insertion of desired genes into the plant genome
commercial agriculture. (Saratchandra et al., 2011) [20]. (Bhatnagar et al., 2002, 2003) [5]. There have generated
transgenic mulberry plants with several desirable genes (Lal
Biotechnological tools et al., 2008) [16]. The transgenic plant overexpressing HVA1, a
Molecular markers and their application in mulberry group-3 LEA protein identified and described from barley,
breeding demonstrated enhanced cell membrane stability, higher
There are several native mulberry species in India, just a few relative water consumption efficiency, and growth under salt
of which are commonly grown. Using inter-simple sequence stress (200 mM NaCl) in mulberry. (Lal et al., 2008) [16]. This
repeat primers, the genetic distance of eleven mulberry transgenic mulberry plant performed significantly better than
cultivars from six different Indian states encompassing a large the non-transgenic plant when exposed to salinity (200 mM
geographic range was examined (Vijayan, and Chatterjee, NaCl) and drought (2% PEG, MW 6000) induced stressors,
2003) [24]. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and according to physiological, biochemical, and molecular
Directed Amplification of Minisatellite DNA (DAMD) analyses. Under salinity and water stress, transgenic plants
technologies based on Polymerase Chain Reaction are used demonstrated improved cell membrane stability,
for the molecular characterization of varieties. These have photosynthetic productivity, reduced photo-oxidative damage,
been used to determine variation among nine varieties of and high relative water content.
Morus spp. (Bhattacharya and Ranade, 2001) [7]. Jiao et al.
(2020) [12] reported a high-quality, chromosome-level Improved mulberry varieties
domesticated mulberry (Morus alba) genome. M. alba is a The details of improved varieties are given in table 1 and
diploid with 28 chromosomes, as determined by karyotype depicted in figure 1.

Table 1: Detailed description of mulberry varieties


Varieties Characteristics
Victory1 (V1) 1) Erect branching habit, Thick, Succulent, smooth, glossy, ovate, and truncate base.
Selection from a hybrid of S-30 and Ber 2) Good rooting ability, superior in yield.
1) Short internodes, semi-erect habit, unlobed, glossy, pale green with a smooth surface.
S36 2) High moisture and high nutrient quality of leaves.
3) suitable for chawki rearing
S 13 1) Short internodes, high branching habit, leaves are thick, unlobed, pale green with a smooth surface.
Selection from hybrid Kanva-2 2) Recommended for rainfed areas and can withstand water scares conditions.
1) Leaves are medium to large in size, unlobed, and suitable under rainfed conditions.
S 34
2) Fast-growing, Deep root system, resistant to water stress conditions and good water retention
A hybrid between S-30 and Ber
Sahana 1) Short internodes, medium branching, fast-growing, large, thick, glossy, and dark green leaves.
A hybrid between K-2 and Kosan 2) Suitable for intercropping with coconut, it performs under limited shade.
Resource Constraint (RC-1) 1) Short internodes, medium branching habit, slightly spreading habit, leaves are thick, glossy and dark
A hybrid between Punjab local and green.
Kosan 2) Grow well under reduced irrigation and fertilizer condition.
Resource Constraint (RC-2)
1) Short internodes, fast-growing, slightly spreading, leaves are thick, unlobed, dark green, and glossy.
A hybrid between Punjab local and
2) Grow well under reduced irrigation and fertilizer conditions.
AR12 1) Short internodes, medium branching, leaves are unlobed, thick, slightly rough surface.

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A hybrid between S-41 (4x) and Ber 2) High rooting ability even under alkaline conditions.
1) Leaves are smooth, glossy and dark green in color.
Selection from hybrids of M.
2) Best suitable for chowki gardens.
multicaulisin and S-34
1) Short internodes, fast-growing, straight branches, and leaves are thick and wavy margins.
Selection from hybrids of M.
2) Suitable for late-age silkworms.
multicaulisin and S-34
1) Developed by selection
2) Recommended for irrigated conditions
1) Developed by selection
2) Six harvests can be taken per year, with good moisture retention capacity
Suvarna 2 & 1) Developed by selection
Suvarna 3 2) Good moisture retention capacity, Recommended for irrigated conditions
Source: (Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute, Mysore, Karnataka; Karnataka state sericulture research and development institute)

Fig 1: Improved mulberry varieties.

Conclusion References
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