Nihms 1796194
Nihms 1796194
Nihms 1796194
Author manuscript
Hypertension. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2023 February 01.
Author Manuscript
Vesna D. Garovic, MD, PhD [Chair], Ralf Dechend, MD, S. Ananth Karumanchi, MD,
Suzanne McMurtry Baird, DNP, RN, Thomas Easterling, MD, Laura A. Magee, MD, FRCPC,
Sarosh Rana, MD, MPH, Jane V. Vermunt, MBChB, MSc, Phyllis August, MD, MPH [Vice
Chair] on behalf of the American Heart Association Council on Hypertension, Council on
Author Manuscript
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) remain one of the major causes of pregnancy-related
maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Affected women are also at increased risk
for cardiovascular disease (CVD) later in life, independent of traditional CVD risks. Despite
the immediate and long-term CVD risks, recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of
HDP in the United States have changed little, if at all, over past decades, unlike hypertension
guidelines for the general population. The reasons for this approach include the question of benefit
from normalization of blood pressure treatment for pregnant women, coupled with theoretical
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concerns for fetal well-being from reduction in utero-placental perfusion and in utero exposure to
antihypertensive medication.
This report is based on a review of current literature and includes: normal physiological changes
in pregnancy that may affect clinical presentation of HDP; HDP epidemiology and their immediate
and long-term sequelae; the pathophysiology of preeclampsia, a HDP commonly associated
with proteinuria and increasingly recognized as a heterogeneous disease with different clinical
phenotypes and likely distinct pathological mechanisms; a critical overview of current national
and international HDP guidelines; emerging evidence that reducing blood pressure treatment goals
in pregnancy may reduce maternal severe hypertension without increasing the risk of pregnancy
loss, high level neonatal care or overall maternal complications; and the increasingly recognized
morbidity associated with postpartum hypertension/preeclampsia. Finally, we discuss the future of
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research in the field and the pressing need to study socioeconomic and biological factors that may
contribute to racial and ethnic maternal health care disparities.
1.0 Introduction
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) encompass chronic hypertension, gestational
hypertension, preeclampsia/eclampsia, and preeclampsia superimposed on chronic
hypertension.1 The diagnostic criteria for HDP in the U.S. have evolved over the past
5 decades;1 (Table 1) the most current definition of hypertension in pregnancy from the
Garovic et al. Page 2
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) was published in 2013,1 with
updates and recommendations made in 2019 and 2020.2, 3
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Most guidelines around the world are aligned in defining hypertension in pregnancy as
BP ≥140/90 mm Hg (Table 6, has all the references). There is variability regarding the
threshold for initiating antihypertensive treatment due to uncertainty about the maternal
benefits of lowering blood pressure (BP) and the potential fetal risks from medication
induced reductions in utero-placental circulation and in utero exposure to antihypertensive
medications.2 In contrast, diagnostic and treatment thresholds for the general population
have evolved over the years;4, 5 the 2017 American College of Cardiology (ACC)/
American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation,
and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults threshold for the diagnosis of Stage
1 hypertension was further lowered to 130/80 mm Hg, from 140/90 mm Hg,6 based on
observational studies and clinical trials demonstrating reduced CVD events with treatment to
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lower levels.7, 8
This scientific report presents a synthesis of the scientific evidence (from literature
published until August 31st, 2020) that is relevant to the current controversies regarding
HDP diagnostic and treatment strategies. It is a timely statement given that current
trends indicate the incidence of HDP continues to increase9, 10 due to advanced age
at first pregnancy, and increased prevalence of obesity and other cardio-metabolic risk
factors. Cardiovascular disease, including cerebrovascular accidents and cardiomyopathy,
now account for approximately half of all maternal deaths.11 Pregnancy related stroke
hospitalizations increased more than 60% from 1994 to 2011 and HDP associated stroke
rates increased 2-fold compared to non-HDP related stroke.10 Thus, in the discussion that
follows, we emphasize the need for future research aimed at recognizing and appropriately
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treating HDP.
2.0 Epidemiology
The HDP are the second leading cause of global maternal mortality behind maternal
hemorrhage12 and are a significant cause of short and long-term maternal morbidity.
HDP are also associated with adverse fetal outcomes (Tables 2 and 3). Elevated systolic
BPs throughout pregnancy, even below the diagnostic threshold for hypertension are also
associated with increased risk of pre-term delivery, small for gestational age, and low
birthweight.13, 14
(Table 2).
It is well accepted that hypertension develops significantly more frequently after HDP,
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but studies indicate that hypertension also develops faster and is diagnosed up to 10
years earlier compared to women with normotensive pregnancies,23, 30, 46–48 though the
precise timing requires further examination. Earlier onset of cardio-metabolic risk factors
and CVD events,26, 34, 46 as well as higher rates of accumulated chronic conditions and
multi-morbidity,23 support the thesis of accelerated aging among women who have a history
of HDP.23, 25, 49
studies found that compared to BP at 10 or 12 weeks, the BP drop during the second
trimester was on average 1–2 mm Hg.53–55 There is wide inter-individual variability and
BP trajectories likely relate to pre-existing maternal health factors,55 such as chronic
hypertension, and require further clarification. Renal blood flow and glomerular filtration
rate increase by 50% in normal pregnancy, but are approximately 30% lower in women
with preeclampsia as a result of both decreases in renal blood flow and the ultrafiltration
coefficient, attributable to endotheliosis in the glomerular capillary bed.56 Plasma volume
increases in normal pregnancy, and earlier studies have suggested that it may be decreased
in women with preeclampsia.57 However, multiple longitudinal and cross-sectional studies
in preeclamptic women demonstrating suppressed plasma renin activity, high blood
pressure, decreased glomerular filtration rate and frequent development of edema are more
consistent with an overfilled, vasoconstricted circulation rather than true hypovolemia and
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3.2 Abnormal Placentation and the Pathogenesis of the Maternal Preeclampsia Syndrome
The diameter of the uterine spiral arteries increase greatly during normal pregnancy due
to remodeling of the endothelium and vascular smooth muscle, stimulated by release
of proteases from endovascular trophoblast and uterine Natural Killer cells.61 Failure of
spiral artery remodeling (i.e., retention of smooth muscle) is a feature of preeclampsia
(Figure1)62, 63 and leads to decreased utero-placental perfusion, demonstrated by non-
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invasive blood flow and perfusion studies using Doppler ultrasound or magnetic resonance
oxidative stress.
placental ischemia and adverse fetal outcomes (fetal growth restriction, in particular).
Preeclampsia occurring later in pregnancy, labeled by some as maternal preeclampsia, has
been associated with more pronounced maternal vascular dysfunction prior to pregnancy
(secondary to hypertension, diabetes, or obesity), less pronounced placental pathology, and
fewer fetal complications. In maternal preeclampsia, pregnancy acts as a physiological
stress test that exacerbates preexisting endothelial dysfunction. This underscores the
heterogeneity of HDP, whereby the extremes of clinical subtypes (early versus late,
mild versus severe, and presence or absence of fetal growth restriction) may reflect
distinct underlying mechanisms.69 Sharp discrimination between maternal vs. placental
preeclampsia is overly simplistic and artificial as both processes likely play a role, but
with varying contributions. Regardless of the clinical subtype, diagnosis and treatment of
hypertension remains a mainstay of the prevention of immediate maternal complications and
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permanent cardiovascular injury, together with seizure prevention using magnesium sulfate.
between 12 and 16 weeks of gestation, reduces the risk of preeclampsia and related adverse
outcomes by 10 to 20% in women at increased risk (Table 4).75–78 ACOG recommends daily
low dose aspirin for women with a history of early onset preeclampsia and preterm delivery,
or for women with more than one pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia.77
The optimal dose of aspirin has not been formally tested, with most trials using 81
to 150 mg daily.76 Promising results from experimental studies and a pilot trial of
pravastatin104, 105 need to be critically viewed due to concerns related to fetal safety.
Experimental evidence suggests that metformin may prevent preeclampsia by reducing sFlt1
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and soluble endoglin secretion from primary endothelial tissue and through senomorphic
mechanims.106, 107 65 Clinical studies have indicated that metformin may reduce the odds
of gestational hypertension in women with gestational diabetes, and that it may prevent
Standard gestational age-specific BPs and centiles can assist in clinical interpretation of
BP changes from expected levels.55, 122 Nationally representative, population-specific,
gestational BP references have been reported from China and the United Kingdom.51, 53
Studies addressing the association of BP changes in relation to healthy BP standards with
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should be managed concurrently with a sleep medicine specialist for application of available
diagnostic and therapeutic methods depending on the stage of pregnancy.
metabolic dysregulation such as insulin resistance and weight gain.129, 130 Patient education
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is an important tool for early recognition of symptoms and signs. Novel approaches such as
remote hypertension monitoring programs have potential to improve compliance and early
diagnosis of postpartum hypertension and preeclampsia.131
type of HDP) in young women without other CVD risks. Second, there are concerns that
lowering maternal BP may compromise utero-placental circulation and negatively affect
fetal well-being and growth. Third, therapeutic options are limited due to concerns regarding
potential adverse fetal effects, particularly malformations from intrauterine exposure to
antihypertensive medications. Furthermore, discrepancies among international guidelines are
a reflection of the country specific context within which they were developed. Such debate
and subsequent inconsistencies in recommendations hinder progression towards consensus
for optimal management of HDP internationally. For example, differences in BP thresholds
for initiating antihypertensive therapy make combining results from observational studies of
antihypertensive therapy for meta-analysis more challenging.
6.2 Blood pressure goals for pregnant patients: emerging data, limitations and current
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There are several compelling reasons to consider lower BP thresholds. First, more aggressive
treatment of hypertension in pregnancy prevents the development of severe hypertension,
as demonstrated by both a systematic review of randomized trials155 and the Control of
Hypertension In Pregnancy Study trial (CHIPS), in which the average BP achieved by
tight control was 133/85 mmHg.16 While comparison of less tight versus tight control
showed no effect on rates of preeclampsia, the former group demonstrated a higher risk
of thrombocytopenia and elevated liver-enzyme levels, markers of disease severity. Also,
in this trial and elsewhere, ‘tight’ control may have decreased the risk of preterm birth.156
The importance of severe hypertension as an outcome has been questioned,22 although
exploratory analyses of the CHIPS data (adjusted for allocated group and prognostic factors)
showed that severe hypertension is a surrogate marker for adverse maternal and perinatal
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have been associated with lower rates of preeclampsia, including preeclampsia with severe
features, and lower rates of pre-term delivery.156 Lower rates of preeclampsia with treatment
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of hypertension reported by these most recent studies are in sharp contrast with the
majority of previous studies indicating that treatment of hypertension does not prevent
preeclampsia. Whether there is a difference between women with chronic (who were
preferentially recruited in these 2 studies indicating benefit) versus gestational hypertension,
remains unknown; the answer will require prospective, adequately powered studies. Based
on results of retrospective studies, including one showing benefit of tighter BP control,159
and the other indicating that malignant/uncontrolled hypertension in the non-pregnant state
has similar changes in the brain as eclampsia,160 a large randomized controlled trial The
Chronic Hypertension and Pregnancy (CHAP) Project is nearing completion in the United
States ( Identifier: NCT02299414) comparing outcomes between pregnant,
chronically hypertensive women who are given antihypertensive treatment to maintain BP
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Fifth, the classical view that young, hypertensive women without other CVD risk factors are
at low short term CVD risk from untreated hypertension during the duration of pregnancy,
is challenged by current epidemiological and demographic trends towards advanced age
at first pregnancy and higher CVD risk (subclinical or diagnosed).164–167 This could also
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be relevant among women with multiple pregnancies, who may spend several years of
their lives either pregnant or breastfeeding with uncontrolled hypertension. In addition,
modern fertility techniques facilitate pregnancy in women with pre-existing conditions
associated with elevated CVD risk (e.g., diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and polycystic
ovary syndrome). Pre-existing chronic kidney disease and heart disease are present in 3%
and 1–4% of pregnancies in high income countries, respectively.168 Several guidelines
consequently endorse more aggressive treatment in these women.150, 151
Finally, there is abundant evidence that HDP are associated with increased risk of both
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for gestational age risk and decreased preterm birth in women with tight vs. less tight BP
control in CHIPS.170 Limited, though reassuring information regarding possible risk of drug
associated fetal malformations, long-term neurodevelopmental effects on offspring,171 and
the suggested differential effects on these outcomes by antihypertensive class155, 172 are all
areas that require further investigation.
Given new developments in the field of hypertension outside of pregnancy that support
lower BP treatment targets, together with emerging data from larger clinical trials in
pregnancy, this working group supports continued investigation to determine whether BP
levels similar to those recommended outside of pregnancy for initiation of therapy and
as therapeutic targets are beneficial for the mother, and safe and beneficial for the fetus.
While awaiting more conclusive data and trials nearing completion, we endorse informed
decision making in partnership with the patient as to whether or not to treat non-severe
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clear evidence that one drug is preferable to another based on systematic review of
randomized trials for all types of pregnancy hypertension considered together, for all
antihypertensives considered together, or for beta-blockers (including labetalol) considered
separately.155 However, in a separate network meta-analysis, specifically for treatment of
chronic hypertension, atenolol was associated with fetal growth restriction,173 especially
when given for a longer duration.174 These data conflict with some observational studies
that have associated beta-blocker treatment (including labetalol) with an excess of small for
gestational age infants, although authors did not necessarily adjust for treatment indication
and severity of maternal disease.175 These conflicting data underscore a need for more fetal
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and newborn data on the safety of currently used antihypertensive agents in pregnancy.
Numerous clinical trials have compared various short acting antihypertensives in the setting
of acute, severe hypertension in pregnancy. The drugs most commonly examined are
parenteral hydralazine, parenteral labetalol, and oral nifedipine (short, intermediate or long
acting). A Cochrane review concluded that these drugs were comparable with respect to
safety and efficacy, and recommended that providers choose on the basis of experience and
familiarity with a particular drug.176 Most cases of severe hypertension can be successfully
controlled with these drugs using doses and protocols recommended by professional
societies.177 In resource-poor countries, a report documented successful treatment of acute
severe hypertension with oral preparations of labetalol, intermediate acting nifedipine,
and methyldopa.178 Additional agents that may be considered for resistant hypertension,
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While it is first trimester exposure to medication that raises concern about structural
malformations (other than those due to physical or vascular disruption), the fetal central
nervous system develops throughout gestation and may be affected by exposures at any time
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point. However, no firm conclusions can be drawn regarding long-term child outcomes given
the paucity of relevant high-quality studies.171 No adverse neurodevelopmental effects have
been observed for methyldopa,185 nifedipine,186 or atenolol,187 although atenolol should
be used with caution (see above). Registry data adjusted for important covariates were
reassuring about the effects of preeclampsia itself; only a minimal effect was seen on
standardized mathematics test scores in children from affected pregnancies at ages 9, 12, and
15 years.188 Also, when untreated or treated hypertension controls have been used, children
from labetalol and methyldopa-treated women had similar IQ scores.2, 16, 161, 189, 190 Small
clinical trials and observational studies suggest that amlodipine, clonidine and thiazide
diuretics are probably safe in pregnancy as well.191–193 It is also widely accepted that
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all renin angiotensin system blockers should be avoided during pregnancy,194 especially
during the second and third trimesters when blockade of the fetal renin angiotensin system
clearly interferes with kidney development and function. Given suboptimal, and, frequently,
contradicting data regarding fetal safety after exposure to antihypertensive medications in
utero, well-designed, carefully controlled trials are needed, with attention given to short and
long-term fetal as well as maternal outcomes. Finally, the providers in the field should be
familiar with services offered by The Organization of Teratology Information Specialists.195
The organization was founded in 1987 as a way of connecting experts in the field of birth
defects research to the general public. It provides up-to-date information about the risks of
medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding to patients, health care professionals, and
researchers in the field of teratology.
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also needed.
bundles and toolkits ensures timely communication with a physician or advanced practice
nurse and has been shown to reduce maternal mortality from hypertensive disorders.198
racial maternal health disparities are unacceptably large. The estimated MMR in 2016 for
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Caucasian women was 13 per 100,000 live births; 30 for American Indian and Alaskan
Native women and 41 for Black American women, similar to that of an upper-middle
income country.200 In addition to having poorer social determinants of health, implicit
racial bias is present within the U.S. health care system, and management of severe
maternal morbidity is consistently worse for Black and American Indian and Alaskan
Native women.201 Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy disproportionally affect Black and
American Indian and Alaskan Native women,200, 202, 203 predominantly due to the overall
higher prevalence of CVD risk factors,204 but there is also evidence to suggest biological
factors (e.g., specific genetic variants) may increase the risk of preeclampsia for Black
women.205, 206 Furthermore, preeclampsia-related severe morbidity and mortality are higher
for Black women, while for Hispanic women, pregnancy outcomes tend to be better than
those of Black or Caucasian women of similar risk.207, 208
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Studies must include sufficient numbers of participants from all racial groups, especially
Black women, to address maternal health disparities and inform policy and clinical practice.
We endorse studies addressing prevention of shared risk factors for HDP and CVD, and
those aiming to improve antenatal and postnatal outcomes.
USA has one of the highest hypertensive related maternal mortality,12 and increasing
maternal morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular conditions and cerebrovascular
accidents.10, 11 A lower treatment threshold than currently proposed by ACOG, has the
potential to decrease serious hypertensive end-organ complications. The view that mild to
moderate hypertension of short duration during pregnancy is not harmful to the mother,
may be partly addressed by the Chronic Hypertension and Pregnancy study, a trial that
will extend observations made in earlier trials of women with chronic hypertension which
demonstrated normalization of BP with antihypertensive treatment did not adversely affect
fetal growth or neurodevelopmental outcomes. Based on existing data, physicians are
encouraged to individualize treatment decisions, taking other risk factors into account.
Future clinical trials should address questions regarding the optimal BP treatment thresholds
and should be adequately powered to assess the effects of different BP targets on
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maternal and fetal/neonatal outcomes. Of note, when HDP was reclassified using the lower
ACC/AHA diagnostic threshold (SBP≥130 mm Hg or DBP ≥80 mm Hg), results indicated
that using the lower diagnostic threshold for hypertension in pregnancy may better identify
women at risk for developing preeclampsia and pregnancies at risk for adverse fetal/neonatal
Studies are also needed to determine adequate levels of BP control in the postpartum period
given that first, there are no longer reservations about the impact of BP treatment on the
fetus, second, significant maternal morbidity and mortality occurs during this time period,
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and third, prolonged postpartum in-hospital stay and readmissions, have a significant impact
on health care resources and birth experiences.
Treatment of hypertension, prevention of seizures, and timed birth with close fetal
monitoring are currently the main therapeutic options for women with preeclampsia. The
superiority of any of the widely used antihypertensive(s) has not been demonstrated, and
combination therapies have not been tested. While a ‘same drug for all’ approach is
practical in many settings, a more personalized approach, based on patient preferences,
age, race, heart rate, BP variations measured at home or in clinic, or more detailed
hemodynamic assessments, may be more effective in protecting women from complications
of hypertensive pregnancies and possible post-pregnancy CVD consequences. Ongoing
research addressing causative pathways has the potential to identify new biomarkers and
novel therapeutics that target fundamental mechanisms of preeclampsia.
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history, genetic and immune factors increase the risk of developing a HDP (hypertensive
disorder of pregnancy). The molecular and pathophysiological mechanisms of preeclampsia
are largely unknown, but the etiology is likely a combination of, and interaction between,
factors from both maternal and placental pathways.63 Variable contributions of the
underlying maternal and placental pathophysiological pathways result in the heterogeneous
phenotypes of HDP. The associated widespread endovascular damage and dysfunction may
be long-lasting with a possible intergenerational effect.
TPR, total peripheral resistance; CO, cardiac output; GFR, glomerular filtration rate;
Author Manuscript
ROS, reactive oxygen species; uNK, uterine natural killer cell; sFlt1, soluble fms-like
tyrosine kinase 1; sENG, soluble endoglin; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor;
PlGF, placental growth factor; IL-10, Interleukin 10; Th-1, Type 1 T helper cell; AT1-
AA, angiotensin II receptor 1 autoantibodies; ET-1,endothelin-1; TNF-α, tumor necrosis
factor alpha; SASP, senescence-associated secretory phenotype; RAS, renin angiotensin
system; Ang I, Angiotensin I; Ang II, Angiotensin II; ACE, Angiotensin converting
enzyme; ATR1, Angiotensin II type 1 receptor; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation;
VTE, venous thromboembolism; PRES, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome; MI,
myocardial infarction; PCM, peripartum cardiomyopathy; SCAD, spontaneous coronary
artery dissection; CAD, coronary artery disease; HF, heart failure; AKI, acute kidney injury;
CKD, chronic kidney disease; ESKD end stage kidney disease; SGA, small for gestational
age; FGR, fetal growth restriction.
Author Manuscript
Table 1.
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists definitions for Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy1, 2
Author Manuscript
Hypertension in Systolic BP ≥140, or diastolic BP ≥ 90 mm Hg, or both measured on 2 occasions at least 4 hours apart
Severe-range Systolic BP ≥160, or diastolic BP ≥110 mm Hg, or both measured on 2 occasions at least 4 hours apart (unless
hypertension antihypertensive therapy initiated before this time)
Chronic Hypertension diagnosed or present before pregnancy, or before 20 weeks of gestation; or hypertension that is diagnosed
hypertension for the first-time during pregnancy and that does not resolve in the postpartum period
Gestational Hypertension diagnosed after 20 weeks of gestation and a previously normal BP
Chronic Preeclampsia in a woman with a history of hypertension before pregnancy, or before 20 weeks of gestation
hypertension with
Preeclampsia Hypertension in pregnancy >20 weeks of gestation and previously normal BP or severe range hypertension, in addition
Author Manuscript
Preeclampsia with • Severe range hypertension (Systolic BP ≥160, or diastolic BP ≥110 mm Hg, or both)
severe features
• Renal insufficiency (creatinine > 1.1 mg/dL or doubling of the serum creatinine concentration in the
absence of other renal disease)
• Thrombocytopenia (<100× 109/L)
Author Manuscript
BP, blood pressure; PCR, protein creatinine ratio; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase
Author Manuscript
Table 2.
Myocardial infarction
Peripartum cardiomyopathy
Still birth
Placental abruption
Chronic hypertension aOR 1.4 (1.4–1.5)17
Gestational hypertension aOR 1.1 (1.1–1.2)17
Author Manuscript
Postpartum hemorrhage
The study endpoint was a composite of mortality and other serious complications
Effect estimates are unadjusted unless specified as aHR/aOR. Different studies have adjusted for different variables; for specifics, please refer to the
original references. Comparison groups are women who had normotensive pregnancies.
SCAD, spontaneous coronary artery dissection; SGA, small for gestational age; OR, odds ratio; RR, risk ratio; a, adjusted.
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Table 3.
Type 2 Diabetes
OR 2.14 (1.5–3.0)29
Carotid–femoral pulse wave velocity Weighted mean difference 0.6 m/s (0.2–1.1)31
Author Manuscript
Cardiovascular disease
HR 1.7 (1.5–1.8)34
RR 2.5 (1.4–4.4)36
Heart failure
Atrial Fibrillation
All stroke
Vascular dementia
Venous thromboembolism
Preeclampsia Mean difference 0.36 kg/m2 (0.04–0.68)43
Author Manuscript
Chronic hypertension was included as a CVD endpoint in this study.
Cardiovascular disease includes ischemic / hypertensive heart disease or stroke
Cardiovascular disease included cardiomyopathy, hypertension, pulmonary heart disease, arrhythmia or heart failure.
All effect estimates are unadjusted unless specified as aHR. Different studies have adjusted for different variables; for specifics, please refer to the
Author Manuscript
original references. Comparison groups are women who had normotensive pregnancies.
BMI; body mass index, SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP diastolic blood pressure, HR; hazard ratio, OR; odds ratio, RR; risk ratio, a; adjusted.
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Table 4.
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Classification of risk factors as high or moderate is based on the ACOG recommendations for aspirin therapy to prevent preeclampsia. Therapy is
indicated when ≥ 1 high or ≥ 2 moderate risk factors are present.77, 100
Others are based on an emerging number of factors that may increase risk of preeclampsia.
Based on the 2017 ACC/AHA Guideline for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults6
Cohabitation of >12 months101 and smoking102, 103 have an inverse association with preeclampsia risk.
All estimates are unadjusted unless specified as aHR/aOR. Different studies have adjusted for different variables; for specifics, please refer to the
original references. Comparison groups are women without the risk factor of interest.
Author Manuscript
BMI, body mass index; HR; hazard ratio, OR; odds ratio, RR; relative risk.
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Table 5.
Primary Hyperaldosteronism Postpartum HTN exacerbation Hypokalemia Preeclampsia risk increased Calcium channel blockers
Suppressed PRA Labetalol
Thiazide diuretics
Potassium supplementation
Pheochromocytoma Hypertension Elevated plasma + urine Severe hypertension MRI without gadolinium
Tachycardia metanephrines or catecholamines Fetal + maternal mortality Alpha blockade
Calcium channel blockers
Surgery in second trimester
eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; IUGR, intrauterine growth restriction; HTN, hypertension; PRA, plasma renin activity; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin; EPO,
erythropoietin; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure.
Table 6.
Summary of and key discrepancies between published guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
PREGNANCY Continuation of anti-
Guideline Treatment threshold (mm Hg) Treatment target (mm Hg)
hypertensive therapy
Garovic et al.
American College of Obstetricians 20131 ≥ 160/105 with diagnosis of chronic hypertension1 120–159/80–1051 Guided by informed
and Gynecologists 20192 ≥ 160/110 if acute3/chronic hypertension2 120–159/80–109 if chronic2 discussion with women
20203 † †
World Health Organisation 2018144 Not defined ‡ Above lower limits of Not specified
Not specified
2020145 normal145
National Institute for Health and 2019146 ≥ 140/90 ≤135/85 Continue treatment unless
Clinical Excellence <110/70 mm Hg or
symptomatic hypotension
Society of Obstetricians and 2018147 ≥ 140/90148, 149 DBP 85148, 149 Not specified
Gynaecologists, Canada 2020148 <140/90 + comorbidities149
International Society for the Study 2018112 + the absence of preeclampsia ≥ 140/90 in office 110–140/85 Not specified
of Hypertension in Pregnancy features ≥ 135/85 at home
European Society of Cardiology 2018150 “Antenatally unclassified” if first ≥ 150/95 Not specified Consider discontinuation if
BP measure > 20 weeks of ≥ 140/90 + end-organ damage / gestational BP 140–159/90–109 mm Hg
gestation hypertension + normal renal function
Society of Obstetric Medicine of 2014151 ≥ 160/100 Based on clinician Consider discontinuation if
Australia and New Zealand ≥ 140/90, optional assessment BP fall <20 weeks of
American College of Obstetricians 20191 Chronic hypertension + a sudden change in ≥ 160/1101 Not specified
and Gynecologists preeclampsia diagnostic parameters
National Institute for Health and 2019146 Symptoms include utero- Not specified ≥ 140/90 ≤ 135/85
Clinical Excellence
Society of Obstetric Medicine of 2014151 Symptoms include fetal growth Pre-existing hypertension with proteinuria or ≥1 160/100 Individual assessment
Australia and New Zealand restriction systemic feature of preeclampsia 140–160 / 90–100, optional
BP, blood pressure; PE, preeclampsia; SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP diastolic blood pressure