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European evidence-based guidelines on pancreatic

cystic neoplasms

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027 on 24 March 2018. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on December 5, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
The European Study Group on Cystic Tumours of the Pancreas

Correspondence to Abstract guidelines,8 9 the present guideline deals with all

The European Study Group on Evidence-based guidelines on the management of common PCN. The European evidence-based
Cystic Tumours of the Pancreas,
Pancreatic Surgery Unit, Division pancreatic cystic neoplasms (PCN) are lacking. This guidelines on PCN aim to improve the diagnosis
of Surgery, Department of guideline is a joint initiative of the European Study and management of all PCN, and identify areas that
Clinical Science, Intervention Group on Cystic Tumours of the Pancreas, United require further research.
and Technology (CLINTEC), European Gastroenterology, European Pancreatic Club,
Center for Digestive Diseases,
European-African Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, Methods
Karolinska Institutet, Karolinska
University Hospital, Stockholm European Digestive Surgery, and the European Society This guideline is a joint initiative of the European
14186, Sweden; m ​ arco.​del.​ of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. It replaces the 2013 Study Group on Cystic Tumours of the Pancreas,
chiaro@​ki.​se European consensus statement guidelines on PCN. the UEG, the EPC, the European-African Hepa-
European and non-European experts performed to-Pancreato-Biliary Association (E-AHPBA), Euro-
Received 15 January 2018
Revised 13 February 2018 systematic reviews and used GRADE methodology pean Digestive Surgery (EDS) and the European
Accepted 13 February 2018 to answer relevant clinical questions on nine topics Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) and
(biomarkers, radiology, endoscopy, intraductal papillary involves both European and non-European experts
mucinous neoplasm (IPMN), mucinous cystic neoplasm (online supplementary appendix 1).
(MCN), serous cystic neoplasm, rare cysts, (neo)adjuvant A methodology committee (gastroenterologists,
treatment, and pathology). Recommendations include surgeons, radiologists, oncologists, endoscopists,
conservative management, relative and absolute basic scientists) identified the nine most important
indications for surgery. A conservative approach is topics: biomarkers, radiology, endoscopy, intra-
recommended for asymptomatic MCN and IPMN ductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN),
measuring <40 mm without an enhancing nodule. mucinous cystic neoplasm (MCN), serous cystic
Relative indications for surgery in IPMN include a main neoplasm (SCN), rare cysts and (neo)adjuvant treat-
pancreatic duct (MPD) diameter between 5 and 9.9 ment and pathology. Next, multidisciplinary expert
mm or a cyst diameter ≥40 mm. Absolute indications groups were formed and each assigned to one topic.
for surgery in IPMN, due to the high-risk of malignant In March 2016, each expert group received a list
transformation, include jaundice, an enhancing mural of questions about their topic. The groups could
nodule >5 mm, and MPD diameter >10 mm. Lifelong suggest changes and add relevant questions based
follow-up of IPMN is recommended in patients who are on their expertise and available literature. Once
fit for surgery. The European evidence-based guidelines all questions were finalised, the following steps
on PCN aim to improve the diagnosis and management were taken: (a) a systematic literature search was
of PCN. performed in the PubMed, Embase and Cochrane
databases, and the systematic review included
randomised or observational cohort studies with a
minimum of 20 patients or systematic reviews on
Introduction PCN, which were published in English, and avail-
Pancreatic cystic neoplasms (PCN) are estimated to able in full text; (b) based on the literature review,
be present in 2–45% of the general population.1–4 recommendations were formulated including a
PCN comprise a clinically challenging entity as GRADE rating for the quality of the evidence and
their biological behaviour ranges from benign to the strength of the recommendation10–12; (c) rele-
malignant disease. Consequently, correct manage- vant remarks concerning the recommendations—
ment of PCN may prevent progression to pancre- for instance, about subgroups or availability of
atic cancer while minimising the need for lifelong diagnostic/therapeutic strategies, were included; (d)
screening and related costs.5 Unfortunately, it is a table of relevant studies was provided. The results
often difficult to differentiate between the various of these evidence-based recommendations were
types of PCN.6 In 2013, the European Study Group presented and discussed at a plenary meeting of the
on Cystic Tumours of the Pancreas, in association European Study Group on Cystic Tumours of the
with United European Gastroenterology (UEG) and Pancreas in October 2016 during the UEG week.
the European Pancreatic Club (EPC), published a In January 2017, each expert group submitted
European expert consensus statement on PCN.7 the modified version of their task to the method-
In 2016, as a group, these stakeholders felt that ology committee. A synthesis of the work from
sufficient data were available to mandate an update different groups was completed in April 2017
To cite: The European Study of these guidelines. In contrast to the previous Euro- (MDC and MGB) and this document was circulated
Group on Cystic Tumours of pean,7 and international8 guidelines, an evidence- and approved by all the group leaders. Finally, in
the Pancreas. Gut based approach was chosen. Similar to the previous October 2017, the final recommendations were
2018;67:789–804. European,7 but in contrast to other (inter-)national discussed at a plenary meeting of the European
The European Study Group on Cystic Tumours of the Pancreas. Gut 2018;67:789–804. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027    789
which the diagnosis is unclear, and a change in diagnosis will alter
Table 1 Classification of cystic lesions of the pancreas
management, analysis of these mutations using highly sensitive
Epithelial neoplastic Epithelial non-neoplastic techniques, such as next-generation sequencing (NGS), may be

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027 on 24 March 2018. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on December 5, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm all types Lymphoepithelial cyst considered17–20 (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
Mucinous cystic neoplasm Mucinous non-neoplastic cyst Currently, there is insufficient evidence to support the use of
Serous cystic neoplasm Enterogeneous cyst
Retention cyst/dysontogenetic cyst RNA or non-carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) protein markers in
Peri-ampullary duodenal wall cyst pancreatic cysts (GRADE 1B, strong agreement).
Serous cystadenocarcinoma Endometrial cyst The role of CEA in cyst fluid is discussed in recommendation
Cystic neuroendocrine tumour G1−2 Congenital cyst (in malformation 3.4.
Acinar cell cystadenoma syndromes)
Cystic acinar cell carcinoma Additional biomarkers in the differential diagnosis of PCN are
Solid pseudopapillary neoplasm amylase/lipase levels. Amylase may exclude pancreatic pseudo-
Accessory-splenic epidermoid cyst cysts (amylase <250 U/L; sensitivity 0.44, specificity 0.98), but
Cystic hamartoma
Cystic teratoma (dermoid cyst)
does not differentiate between other non-mucinous and muci-
Cystic ductal adenocarcinoma
nous cysts.21 22
Cystic pancreatoblastoma
Cystic metastatic epithelial neoplasm
2 Radiology
2.1 What is the accuracy of MRI/cholangiopancreatography (MRI/
Non-epithelial neoplastic Non-epithelial non-neoplastic MRCP) and CT for identifying the specific type of PCN?
Benign non-epithelial neoplasm (eg, Pancreatitis-associated pseudocyst The reported accuracy for identifying the specific type of PCN is
lymphangioma) Parasitic cyst between 40% and 95% for MRI/MRCP and between 40% and
Malignant non-epithelial neoplasms (eg, 81% for CT.23–27
sarcomas) PCN are increasingly being detected, with a reported prev-
alence of 2.1–2.6% for CT28 29 and of 13.5–45% for MRI/
MRCP,2 30 31 with the difference between CT and MRI most
Study Group on Cystic Tumours of the Pancreas during the probably due to the higher contrast resolution of MRI
UEG week. Thereafter, in November 2017, all members of the compared with CT and thus increased sensitivity but not spec-
expert groups were surveyed and asked about their agreement ificity. However, the accuracy remains relatively low, using
with the final recommendations on a five-point scale (ie, defi- either single, or combining imaging modalities, for identifying
nitely agree, moderately agree, neutral, moderately disagree, the specific type of PCN,6 for differentiating small PCN from
definitely disagree) via an anonymous web-based vote. Recom- non-neoplastic or non-epithelial cysts, or for connection to the
mendations with at least 75% consensus (combining ‘definitely’ ductal system.6 32
and ‘moderately’ agree) were accepted as ‘strong agreement’;
otherwise ‘weak agreement’ was listed. The results of this survey
were added to the evidence-based recommendation in order to 2.2 Which radiological (cross-sectional) imaging method is preferred
provide readers with more insight into the level of agreement for the surveillance of patients with PCN taking into consideration
among experts. In December 2017, the members of the method- accuracy, cost, and modality-related risk factors?
ology committee and the group leaders approved the final draft. Pancreatic MRI is the preferred method for follow-up of PCN
Each statement includes the grade of evidence, strength of the (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
recommendation, voting result and, where appropriate, remarks. Dedicated pancreatic protocol CT and pancreatic MRI/MRCP
are reported to have a similar accuracy for the characterisation of
Definitions PCN.33–35 MRI/MRCP is more sensitive than CT for identifying
PCN are defined and classified according to the WHO criteria13 communication between a PCN and the pancreatic duct system,
(table 1). Disease-free survival was defined as the length of time and the presence of a mural nodule or internal septations. In addi-
the patient lives after primary treatment without any signs or tion, MRI/MRCP is very sensitive for identifying whether a patient
symptoms of recurrence. has single or multiple PCN, with the latter favouring a diagnosis
of multifocal side-branch IPMN.25 33 36 37 Patients with PCN may
Recommendations require lifelong imaging follow-up. This is important, as studies
This guideline aims to provide evidence-based guidelines for the have shown that repeated exposure to ionising radiation following
diagnosis and treatment of PCN. CT increases the risk of malignancy.38 39

1 Biomarkers 2.3 Are there specific clinical scenarios where use of one cross-
1.1 What is the role of blood and cystic biomarkers in the diagnosis sectional imaging modality (CT/MRI) instead of another, or
and follow-up of PCN in current clinical practice? combined use is preferable?
Blood In general, MRI is the preferred method for the investigation of
There are no available DNA, RNA or protein biomarkers in blood patients with PCN. Multimodality imaging should be considered
for clinical use to differentiate pancreatic cyst type or identify in cases where the identification of calcification is important, for
high-grade dysplasia or cancer. Serum cancer antigen (CA) 19.9 tumour staging, or for diagnosing postoperative recurrent disease
may be considered in IPMN where there is concern for malignant (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
transformation14–16 (GRADE 2C, strong agreement). The use of CT should be considered in the following clinical
Cyst fluid a. For the detection of parenchymal, mural or central
DNA markers, in particular, mutations in GNAS and KRAS, have calcification, and especially when differentiating pseudocysts
shown promise in identifying mucin-producing cysts. In cases in associated with chronic pancreatitis from PCN.40 41
790 The European Study Group on Cystic Tumours of the Pancreas. Gut 2018;67:789–804. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027
b. When there is suspicion of a malignant PCN or concomitant A combined analysis of cyst fluid CEA, cyst fluid lipase levels,
pancreatic cancer, and when assessment of vascular and cytology provides the highest accuracy for differentiating
involvement, peritoneal, or metastatic disease is required. mucinous from non-mucinous PCN (GRADE 2C, strong

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027 on 24 March 2018. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on December 5, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
c. When there is suspicion of postoperative recurrence of agreement).
pancreatic cancer. EUS-FNA should only be performed when the results are expected
to change clinical management (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
2.4 What are the minimum technical requirements for MRI or CT for EUS-FNA should not be performed if the diagnosis is already
the diagnosis and surveillance of patients with PCN? established by cross-sectional imaging, or where there is a clear
No definite MRI or CT protocol can be recommended for the indication for surgery (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
diagnosis or surveillance of patients with PCN because of the Relative contraindications for EUS-FNA in PCN is a distance
wide spread of published data and the lack of dedicated compar- of >10 mm between the cyst and the transducer, the presence of
ative studies (GRADE 2C, strong agreement). a high-risk of bleeding due to bleeding disorder, or the use of dual
In 2016, a short protocol for the surveillance of PCN antiplatelet drugs (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
that included T2-weighted ultrafast spin echo technique The role of EUS-FNA in the diagnosis of PCN is still a matter
(T2-HASTE) and T1-weighted pre-contrast imaging was found of debate and consensus in the literature is lacking.54 55
in one retrospective study to provide equivalent information to
a longer protocol which included diffusion-weighted imaging 3.4 When EUS-FNA is performed, which tests should be performed
(DWI) and contrast enhanced T1-weighted sequences.42 DWI and what is their yield?
may be added to this short protocol in order to minimise the Evaluation of cyst fluid CEA, combined with cytology, or KRAS/
risk of missing a concomitant pancreatic cancer. A combination GNAS mutation analyses (although the latter is not yet standard
of T2-HASTE and DWI has been shown to have similar accu- management), may be considered for differentiating an IPMN or
racy to a comprehensive contrast-enhanced MRI protocol for MCN from other PCN (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
the detection of pancreatic cancer.43 A recent study suggested To differentiate benign PCN from those harbouring high-grade
that MRI with MRCP has a better diagnostic performance dysplasia or cancer, EUS-FNA may be considered, and any solid
than endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) for differentiating malig- component or thickened cyst wall targeted for cytology (GRADE
nant from benign pancreatic IPMN and MCN,44 but conclu- 2C, strong agreement).
sive evidence is lacking. Brush cytology, and forceps biopsy are not recommended owing to
a lack of high-quality evidence. Further studies are required before
these tests can be considered in clinical practice (GRADE 1C,
3 Endoscopy
strong agreement).
3.1 What are the indications for performing EUS in PCN?
In a recent meta-analysis cytological analysis of cyst fluid had
EUS is recommended as an adjunct to other imaging modalities
42% sensitivity and 99% specificity for differentiating mucinous
(GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
from non-mucinous PCN.56 A cyst fluid CEA level of ≥192 ng/
EUS is helpful for identifying PCN with features that should be
mL can distinguish mucinous, from non-mucinous cysts, with a
considered for surgical resection. Similar to MRI andCT (see 3.1
sensitivity of 52–78% and specificity of 63–91%.57–64 Differenti-
statement), EUS is imperfect at identifying the exact type of PCN
ating between MCN and IPMN based on CEA and/or cytology is
(GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
not possible and CEA seems inaccurate to differentiate between
EUS is recommended if the PCN has either clinical or radiological
benign mucinous cysts and cysts with high-grade dysplasia or an
features of concern identified during the initial investigation or
associated invasive carcinoma.65
follow-up (GRADE 2C strong agreement).
Data for EUS-based differentiation between benign and malig-
nant PCN are conflicting.45–48 In addition, there is considerable 3.5 What is the diagnostic performance of EUS +/−FNA?
interobserver variation in EUS-based diagnoses.49 50 EUS morphology alone has a modest diagnostic yield (GRADE 2C,
strong agreement).
EUS-FNA is recommended to achieve a better performance for diag-
3.2 When should contrast harmonic enhanced EUS (CH-EUS) be nosing PCN (GRADE 1C, strong agreement).
performed for PCN and does it alter management? The reported accuracy of EUS morphology alone for
CH-EUS should be considered for further evaluation of mural differentiating mucinous from non-mucinous PCN is rela-
nodules. CH-EUS is also helpful in assessing vascularity within tively low (48–94%),54 58 59 66 67 with a sensitivity of 36–91%,
the cyst and septations (GRADE 2C, strong agreement). and a specificity of 45–81%.54 58 59 66 Although cytology is
The presence of hyperenhancement of a mural nodule, solid highly specific (83–100%),54 58 59 66 68 it is relatively insensi-
mass, or septations on CH-EUS raises concern for malignant tive (27–48%),54 58 59 66 68 resulting in low diagnostic accuracy
transformation, and EUS-fine needle aspiration (FNA) of the (8–59%).58 59 66
lesion should be considered (GRADE 2C, strong agreement). Combination tests, such as EUS morphology, cytology and
CH-EUS seems superior to standard EUS and CT for the iden- cyst fluid CEA, provide greater accuracy in detecting mucinous
tification of mural nodules.51 52 Interobserver agreement is excel- PCN than either EUS morphology or cytology alone.58 59
lent for Sonazoid, and moderate for Sonovue.51 53
3.6 What are the potential adverse events associated with EUS-
3.3 What are the indications and contraindications for EUS-FNA for FNA of PCN? Are there any measures that can be taken to prevent
PCN? complications?
EUS-FNA improves diagnostic accuracy in PCN for differentiating EUS-FNA for PCN is a safe procedure with a relatively low risk
mucinous versus non-mucinous PCN, and malignant versus benign (3.4%) of complications (GRADE 2B, strong agreement).
PCN, in cases where CT or MRI are unclear (GRADE 2C, strong No specific measures are suggested to minimise the risk of compli-
agreement). cations in EUS-FNA (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
The European Study Group on Cystic Tumours of the Pancreas. Gut 2018;67:789–804. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027 791
Following EUS-FNA, 44/1313 (3.4%) patients developed of 56–89%.85–92 Several series including surgically resected
an adverse event.69–75 These complications were mild in 34, IPMN have reported a high risk of harbouring at least high-
moderate in nine, and severe in one patient(s). One retrospective grade dysplasia or cancer of 37–91% even for a MPD size of

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027 on 24 March 2018. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on December 5, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
study of 253 patients found that antibiotic prophylaxis had no 5–9.9 mm.93–95 Several studies have recently identified serum CA
effect on the risk of infection (7% vs 9.3%), although conclusive 19.9 as an independent predictor of malignancy in IPMN.14–16
evidence is lacking.76 Current practice is often a single shot anti- Analyses of surgical series of patients with BD-IPMNs who have
biotic treatment after EUS-FNA of a cystic lesion. undergone surgical resection, have found that a mural nodule
measuring ≥5 mm on EUS has a sensitivity of 73–85% and spec-
3.7 Is there any role for endoscopic retrograde ificity of 71–100% for the presence of high-grade dysplasia or
cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and/or pancreatoscopy and/or cancer.96–99 The presence of a cyst size ≥30 mm, without any
confocal laser endomicroscopy (nCLE) in the diagnosis of PCN? other radiological or clinical risk factors, has a positive predic-
ERCP should not be used as a diagnostic modality for differenti- tive value for malignancy of between 27% and 33%.85–92 Patients
ating PCN (GRADE 1C, strong agreement). with an IPMN measuring ≥30 mm have a 5% risk of developing
Pancreatoscopy may be used in selected cases to provide informa- malignancy, from which they will die within 3 years, whereas the
tion on the location and extent of main duct (MD)-IPMN and can 5 years disease-free survival after resection of IPMN is 96%.100
be useful in differentiating chronic pancreatitis from MD-IPMN Even for BD-IPMN <30 mm, the 5-year risk for developing
(GRADE 2C, weak agreement). malignancy is reported to be 45% if a cyst increases in size
nCLE should not be used for the differential diagnosis of PCN by >2 mm/year.101 One study, with imaging surveillance for 36
(GRADE 1C, weak agreement). months, detected a 20-fold higher risk of malignant progression
ERCP has a higher risk of adverse events, and a lower sensi- in IPMN whose size increased >5 mm/year or had a total growth
tivity and specificity for identifying the type of PCN than of 10 mm.102 In predominantly surgical series the presence of
conventional radiology and EUS, and should not be used for this new-onset diabetes, pancreatitis, and abdominal pain have been
indication.77 78 associated with malignancy at varying rates, indicating that the
The accuracy rate of pancreatoscopy is higher in MD-IPMN level of evidence for these risk factors is low.14 85–91 Table 2
(88%) than in branch duct (BD)-IPMN (67%).79 Intraoperative shows the risk of high-grade dysplasia or malignancy according
main pancreatic duct (MPD) pancreatoscopy combined with to the dilatation of the main pancreatic duct in IPMN.
frozen section of intraductal biopsies may be helpful in estab- Follow-up of BD-IPMN is required as progression of disease
lishing the extent of IPMN involvement of the MPD, and assist is expected in about 10–15% of patients during 3–5 years of
surgical decision-making about the extent of resection required.80 follow-up. Surveillance should also include the entire pancreatic
Although promising, further studies are required and it should gland because of an increased risk of new-onset cancer.103 104 In
not be used in routine clinical care. A major concern about nCLE patients with MD-IPMN and those with mixed-type (MT)-IPMN
is the rate of adverse events (7–9%).81 82 Some suggest that nCLE several factors may predict progression during surveillance (eg,
could be useful in correctly diagnosing serous cystadenomas, and diffuse MPD dilatation, serum CA 19-9, serum alkaline phos-
thereby might prevent unnecessary surgery in these patients.83 84 phatase, and absence of extrapancreatic cysts).105 106

4 IPMN 4.2 What are the clinical implications of the presence of potential
4.1 What is the risk of malignant progression of an IPMN lesion and risk factors, including morphological features, with regard to
what risk factors are predictive of cancer progression? determining follow-up investigations, and the decision to proceed
Jaundice, the presence of an enhancing mural nodule (≥5 mm) or a with surgical resection
solid component, positive cytology, or a MPD measuring ≥10 mm For patients with an IPMN without an indication for operative
are highly predictive of malignancy and should be evaluated in all intervention, routine follow-up is recommended. A 6-month
patients fit for surgery (GRADE 1B, strong agreement). follow-up in the first year, and yearly follow-up thereafter is
MPD dilatation between 5 and 9.9 mm, cystic growth- adequate when no risk factors are present that establish an indi-
rate ≥5 mm/year, Increased level of serum CA 19.9 (>37 U/mL), cation for surgery. Changes in clinical symptoms should trigger
symptoms, enhancing mural nodules (<5 mm), and/or a cyst investigations (GRADE 1B, strong agreement).
diameter ≥40 mm are also associated with an increased risk for For patients with relative indication for surgery (see statement
high-grade dysplasia or cancer (GRADE 1B, strong agreement). 4.12), the ‘elderly’, and those affected by severe comorbidity,
Nine studies, including 1510 surgically resected IPMN, a 6-month follow-up is recommended. (GRADE 1B, strong
have concluded that the presence of jaundice, a contrast-en- agreement).
hancing mural nodule or solid component, or MPD dilatation In young individuals, the risk of malignancy and surgery has to
of ≥10 mm, has a positive predictive value for malignancy be balanced against the burden of lifelong follow-up.107 However,

Table 2 Risk of high-grade dysplasia or malignancy according to dilatation of the main pancreatic duct in IPMN
Patients with either high-grade
Reference Study design Number of patients MPD dilatation dysplasia or malignancy (%)
Ogawa et al127 2008 Retrospective 61 ≥6 mm 91
Shin et al128 2010 Retrospective 204 ≥6 mm 30
Abdeljawad et al95 2014 Retrospective 52 ≥8 mm 56
Hackert et al94 2015 Retrospective 320 ≥5 mm 59
Seo et al93 2016 Retrospective 158 ≥5 mm 49
MPD, main pancreatic duct.

792 The European Study Group on Cystic Tumours of the Pancreas. Gut 2018;67:789–804. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027
after partial pancreatectomy for IPMN lifelong follow-up is still measuring between 5 and 9.9 mm is a relative indication for
indicated. Resection therefore does not eliminate the need for surgical resection, while MD-IPMN measuring ≥10 mm (see
regular follow-up screening. statement 4.1 for details) is an absolute indication for surgical

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027 on 24 March 2018. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on December 5, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
4.3 Is there a certain size cut-off point for resecting an IPMN
regardless of the absence of clinical symptoms or (other) risk 4.8 Should mixed-type (MT)-IPMN be managed in a similar manner
factors? Is age of the patient a co-factor that should be analysed to to MD-IPMN?
define better management strategy? MT-IPMN carries a risk of malignant transformation that is
Patients with IPMNs >40 mm have an increased risk of harbouring comparable to MD-IPMN, and resection is therefore advised in
malignancy (GRADE 1B, strong agreement). patients who are fit for surgery (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
Several studies including both surgically resected or observed Few studies have investigated MT-IPMN as a single entity.
IPMN have reported an increased risk of malignancy ranging Malignancy rates appear similar for MT-IPMN and MD-IPMN.120
from 12% to 47% in cases of a cyst ≥30 mm.85 96 108–110 In some Recently, a pathological classification distinguishing minimal
of these series, the risk of malignancy produced by cyst size was (microscopic) and extensive (macroscopic) involvement of the
stratified by the presence of other features for malignancy, indi- MPD showed a significant difference in the risk of high-grade
cating that cyst size alone is not an appropriate indication for dysplasia or cancer (17% and 70% respectively).121 However,
surgery since the risk of malignancy is actual but low.92 111 If this classification can be used only after resection, and is thus
multiple risk factors are present the sensitivity to detect malig- irrelevant for clinical assessment before surgery.
nancy increases.89 112

4.9 What type of resection is indicated when the entire MPD is

4.4 What is the best imaging modality for the follow-up of IPMN?
MRI is the preferred imaging modality for the follow-up of IPMN. dilated on imaging?
EUS can be used in selected cases (GRADE 1B, strong agreement). Pancreatoduodenectomy with frozen section analysis of the resec-
See section 3 for details. tion margins is recommended for patients with MPD dilatation
comprising the entire length of the pancreas (GRADE 2C, strong
4.5 Should the progress of IPMN be followed for as long as the
In cases in which there is a mural nodule within the MPD further
patient is fit for surgery? along the duct, or in patients with an increased risk for malignancy
The risk of IPMN progression increases over the time, therefore (ie, patients with familial pancreatic cancer), a total pancreatec-
patients affected by IPMN without indication for surgery should tomy can be considered (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
be followed up until they are no longer fit for surgery (GRADE It is important to assess the MPD for a mural nodule
1B, strong agreement). before surgical exploration (see sections 2 and 3 for details).
The risk of progression of IPMN increases over the time as There are conflicting data and opinions about the extent of
does the risk of developing indications for surgical resection. surgery for MD-IPMN.122 Some authors advocate total pancre-
Interruption of surveillance is not recommended if the patient atectomy in every patient affected by MD-IPMN with radio-
is fit for a potential surgical resection.107 113 114 A single study on logical involvement of the entire MPD because of the relatively
IPMN concluded that patients with a Charlson-age comorbidity high-risk of high-grade dysplasia and cancer.123 124 Others
index ≥7 have an 11-fold risk of comorbidity-related death suggest total pancreatectomy only when there is a positive
within 3 years and only 6% of patients will die of malignant family history of pancreatic cancer,125 or partial pancreatectomy
IPMN.115 followed by close surveillance, with completion pancreatectomy
where progression or recurrence is suspected.126 In this situation,
4.6 Should patients with IPMNs be screened for other tumours pancreatoscopy may be useful to determine the extent of MPD
(including pancreatic cancer)? involvement (see statement 3.7 for details). Where there is either
The incidence of new extra-pancreatic neoplasms during the a radiological suspicion, or histological proof of an IPMN-as-
follow-up evaluation of pancreatic IPMN is not significantly sociated invasive carcinoma in the head of the pancreas, total
greater than in the general population. Comprehensive screening pancreatectomy is not recommended, as the cancer will deter-
outside the national protocols might not be necessary. Patients mine the prognosis.
with IPMN are at risk of developing pancreatic cancer and atten-
tion should be paid to its concomitant development even when
an IPMN has been successfully resected (GRADE 1C, strong 4.10 At what MPD diameter should surgery be considered?
agreement). Recent studies demonstrate malignancy rates of 30–90% even in
A systematic review concluded that the available data remain cases with a MPD dilatation of >5 mm.93–95 127–131Consequently,
inconclusive.116 Two large studies including both surgically the threshold of MPD dilatation for surgical resection is >5 mm
resected or followed IPMN did not find any difference in terms in both MD-IPMN and MT-IPMN (GRADE 2C, weak agreement).
of incidence of extra-pancreatic neoplasms in patients with The main goal of surgery is to resect IPMNs when high-
IPMN if compared with the general population.117 118 grade dysplasia is present, and before patients develop pancre-
atic cancer. Given the recent studies, and the goal of surgery, a
cut-off point of >5 mm is reasonable (see figure 1).
4.7 Should MD-IPMN always be resected?
Patients with MD-IPMN who are fit for surgery should undergo
resection (GRADE 1B, strong agreement). 4.11 What are the absolute criteria for resection of BD-IPMN?
Surgery for MD-IPMN is universally accepted considering the The presence of jaundice, cytology positive for high-grade
high-rate of malignancy due to MD-IPMN,93 119 even though dysplasia or cancer, the presence of a contrast-enhancing mural
no randomised trials comparing surgery with observation are nodule (≥5 mm) or solid mass should be considered as absolute
available. As discussed in statement 4.1 above, a MD-IPMN indications for surgery (GRADE 1B, strong agreement).
The European Study Group on Cystic Tumours of the Pancreas. Gut 2018;67:789–804. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027 793

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027 on 24 March 2018. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on December 5, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1 Indications for surgery. EUS, endoscopic ultrasound; IPMN, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm.

See statements 4.1–4.2, for a detailed description of the ratio- malignancy.136 137 Table 4 shows the risk of high-grade dysplasia
nale for this. or malignancy according to cyst size in BD-IPMN.

4.12 Which are the relative criteria for resection of BD-IPMN? 4.13 Which kind of surgery should be performed for patients with
Growth rate ≥5 mm/year, increased serum CA 19.9 level (>37 U/ BD-IPMN?
mL in the absence of jaundice), MPD diameter between 5 and The surgical approach for most BD-IPMN is an oncological
9.9 mm, cyst diameter ≥40 mm, symptoms (new-onset of resection with standard lymphadenectomy. Parenchyma-sparing
diabetes mellitus or acute pancreatitis), and contrast- enhancing pancreatectomy (PSP) is a non-oncological procedure, which is
mural nodules <5 mm can be considered relative indications for suitable only for lesions with a very low probability of malig-
surgical resection (GRADE 2C, strong agreement). nancy—for example in patients without risk factors who have a
Table 3 shows absolute and relative indications for surgery. strong wish to be operated on (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
CA 19.9 values in the serum >37 U/mL have been associated Considering that surgery is indicated only for lesions with
with a positive predictive value of 74.0% and accuracy of 81.7% a potential risk of cancer or high-grade dysplasia, the indications
to identify patients with invasive IPMN. Highly elevated levels for PSP are very limited. Diagnostic use of these procedures is
of CA 19.9 may thus be helpful as an additional but not sole reported occasionally in patients at increased risk of malignancy
indicator for invasive IPMN.132 (ie, familial pancreatic cancer).138 Since the morbidity of PSP is
A recent large cohort of patients, who underwent surveillance the same as that of conventional pancreatectomies, the advan-
for IPMN in accordance with the previous European expert tage of performing PSP over conventional pancreatectomy is
statement, validates the safety of observation of BD-IPMN unclear.139 140
measuring <40 mm in the absence of other risk factors.107
However, other data show that even small IPMN may develop into
high-grade dysplasia or cancer. This highlights the importance of 4.14 When is full lymph node dissection required?
evaluating for the presence of multiple risk factors.88 133–135 The An oncologic resection including standard lymphadenectomy is
greater the number of risk factors, the higher the probability of the preferred procedure for IPMN with an absolute indication for
resection141 142(GRADE 1C, strong agreement).

4.15 How should multifocal BD-IPMN be evaluated for surgery? Is it

Table 3 Absolute and relative indications for surgery in IPMN
safe to leave in place BD-IPMN without clinical or radiological signs
Absolute indications Relative indications
of high-grade dysplasia or cancer when resecting another part of
Positive cytology for malignancy/HGD Grow-rate ≥5 mm/year the pancreas?
Solid mass Increased levels of serum CA 19.9 In multifocal BD-IPMN, each cyst should be evaluated individ-
(>37 U/mL)* ually for the presence of features associated with malignancy.
Jaundice (tumour related) MPD dilatation between 5 and 9.9 mm Cysts without concerning features can undergo surveillance143–148
Enhancing mural nodule (≥5 mm) Cyst diameter ≥40 mm (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
MPD dilatation ≥10 mm New onset of diabetes mellitus In cases of multifocal IPMN each lesion should be evalu-
Acute pancreatitis (caused by IPMN) ated for surgical resection as a single entity according to the
Enhancing mural nodule (<5 mm) criteria reported in statements 4.10–4.11. Once this appraisal
*In the absence of jaundice. is performed, a tailored surgical approach can be planned. An
HGD, high-grade dysplasia; IPMN, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm; MPD, intraoperative analysis of the surgical margins may help to deter-
main pancreatic duct. mine the need for expanded resection.145 149
794 The European Study Group on Cystic Tumours of the Pancreas. Gut 2018;67:789–804. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027

Table 4 Risk of high-grade dysplasia or malignancy according to cyst size in branch duct IPMN
Patients with either high-grade

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027 on 24 March 2018. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on December 5, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Reference Study design Number of patients Cyst size dysplasia or malignancy (%)
Woo et al109 2009 Retrospective 190 >30 mm 28.5%
Sadakari et al110 2010 Retrospective 73 >30 mm 3.6%
26.3% (if MPD>5 mm)
Ohtsuka et al143 2012 Retrospective 172 >30 mm 29.2%
Hirono et al96 2012 Retrospective 134 >30 mm 47.4%
Sahora et al85 2013 Retrospective 240 >30 mm 12%
Masica et al, 2017 Retrospective 584 >40 mm 88% sensitivity
40% specificity
IPMN, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm; MPD, main pancreatic duct.

4.16 Should frozen section analysis be performed routinely in IPMN comorbidities, and the patient´s preference (GRADE 2C, strong
undergoing surgical resection? agreement).
Frozen section analysis of the pancreatic resection margin should A more conservative approach may be considered for IPMN
be performed for all partial pancreatectomies and PSP in patients located in the head of the pancreas in elderly patients or patients
with IPMN (GRADE 1C, strong agreement). with multiple comorbidities.100 107 173 However, this conservative
Although frozen section analysis is recommended, data on its approach should be weighted with the potential risk of progres-
clinical impact on the resection margin of an IPMN undergoing sion107 or development of high-grade dysplasia or cancer.174
surgical resection are contradictory.126 149–164
4.20 How should patients be followed up who underwent surgical
4.17 How will the frozen section result alter the surgical procedure? resection for an IPMN?
If high-grade dysplasia or cancer is present at the surgical margin, Lifelong surveillance is recommended following resection of
further resection is warranted, up to a total pancreatectomy. an IPMN as long as the patient is fit and is willing to undergo
In contrast, the presence of lower grades of dysplasia may not surgery if indicated. Patients with evidence of anIPMN-asso-
require any further resection (GRADE 2C, strong agreement). ciated invasive carcinoma should be followed up in the same
Extending the resection may be considered in young fit manner as those with a resected pancreatic cancer. IPMN with
patients, especially those at an increased risk for cancer (ie, high-grade dysplasia or MD-IPMN should have close follow-up
familial pancreatic cancer), with low-grade dysplasia at the every 6 months for the first 2 years, followed by yearly surveil-
resection margin. Frozen section analysis is useful for detecting lance. IPMN with low-grade dysplasia should be followed up in
microscopic spread of cancerous lesions but is unable to detect the same manner as non-resected IPMN (see statement 4.2 and
the presence of discontinuous (skip) lesions, which occur in figure 1 for details). Patients with IPMN in the remnant pancreas,
6−42% of cases.165–167 Moreover, detailed observation of the who do not have high-grade dysplasia or MD-IPMN, should be
remnant MPD using intraoperative pancreatoscopy may provide followed up in the same manner as non-resected BD-IPMN (see
identification of preoperatively undetected lesions.80 168 169 section 4.15 and figure 1 for details). Follow-up imaging using
Patients should always be counselled about the potential need MRI or EUS is recommended (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
for a total pancreatectomy. Several studies have reported that IPMN recurrence is possible
5 to 10 years after resection.175 176 The risk of BD-IPMN and
4.18 What is the value of the frozen section in resected IPMN with MD-IPMN recurrence is similar (7–8%).161 Resected IPMN with
cancer? low-grade dysplasia have a low risk of recurrence (5.4−10%)
Frozen section examination of the pancreas resection margin with disease-free survival of approximately 52 months, while
should be performed in patients with an IPMN and cancer. In IPMN with high-grade dysplasia or an IPMN-associated invasive
cases with a resection margin, which on frozen section is posi- carcinoma have a higher risk (>50%), with disease-free survival
tive for pancreatic cancer, it is strongly recommended that the of 29 months.85 161
resection is extended. In cases of high-grade dysplasia at the
resection margin, extension of the resection should be considered. 4.21 What preoperative investigation should be performed for a
No extension of the resection margin is indicated for low-grade patient with an IPMN-associated invasive carcinoma? Should the
dysplasia (GRADE 2C, strong agreement). same criteria be used as for pancreatic cancer?
Data vary on the value of a positive frozen section to predict The diagnostic investigation for an IPMN-associated invasive
IPMN cancer recurrence after surgery.126 149 150 154–157 159 161 170 171 cancer should follow the same algorithm used for pancreatic
An IPMN associated with invasive carcinoma, with no lymph cancer177 (GRADE 1C, strong agreement).
node metastases, appears to be associated with a better long- No studies have examined the differences between an
term outcome than pancreatic cancer.172 For this reason, exten- IPMN-associated invasive carcinoma and spontaneous pancre-
sion of the resection margin in cases of cancer or high-grade atic cancer with respect to local tumour extension or staging for
dysplasia appears reasonable in these patients. distant metastases.

4.19 How are surgical outcomes affected by cyst location, 4.22 Should patients with an IPMN and a family history of
comorbidity, patient age, and how should these features be pancreatic cancer be managed in a similar manner to patients with
weighted? an IPMN but no family history?
The surgical strategy should be individualised for each patient, We recommend that the management of asymptomatic patients
based on the type of surgical resection, the patients’ age, with an IPMN and a positive family history of pancreatic cancer
The European Study Group on Cystic Tumours of the Pancreas. Gut 2018;67:789–804. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027 795
is the same as that of patients with a sporadic IPMN (GRADE 2C, and malignant transformation and different features predictive
weak agreement). of malignancy.195
There is no reported evidence that IPMN occurring in patients

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027 on 24 March 2018. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on December 5, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
with a family history of pancreatic cancer have more rapid progres- 5.4 Is cyst fluid analysis recommended for MCN?
sion to high-grade dysplasia or cancer than sporadic cases.178–181 See statement 3.3.

4.23 Should patients who have undergone an organ transplant, and 5.5 Which surgical procedure(s) should be performed for an MCN?
have an IPMN be managed in the same way as non-transplanted To avoid incomplete treatment of invasive carcinoma, a standard
patients with IPMN? oncologic resection (distal pancreatectomy in 90–95% of MCN)
We recommend that surveillance of patients who have undergone with lymph node dissection and splenectomy is indicated for any
an organ transplant and have an IPMN should be the same as for MCN with imaging features indicating high-grade dysplasia or
non-transplanted patients182–186 (GRADE 1B, strong agreement). cancer (GRADE 1B, strong agreement).
MCN without suspect features with a low risk of malignancy
4.24 Should patients who have an IPMN which fulfils criteria for can be treated with a non-oncological resection (distal pancre-
surgical resection but who are not surgical candidates be treated atectomy with splenic preservation with or without preservation
with ablative techniques? of splenic vessels, or PSP) (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
Further studies are required to clarify the indications for, and A PSP may be considered in selected patients to decrease the long-
safety of, EUS-guided ablative injection techniques (ethanol, term risk of diabetes, provided the anatomical location is favour-
paclitaxel), radiofrequency ablation, or cryoablation for treat- able (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
ment of IPMNs. These should not be performed outside of clinical PSP are associated with higher early morbidity and longer
trials approved by the institutional review board (GRADE 1C, hospitalisation.139 140 196 A laparoscopic approach is feasible for
strong agreement). MCN. Its benefit over an open approach is comparable to other
EUS ablative procedures for the treatment of IPMN are not indications.197
standardised and their efficacy is unclear. Furthermore, there is
a lack of reliable markers to indicate successful and complete 6 Serous cystic neoplasm
ablation.187–191 6.1 Does malignant SCN exist? is there a risk of malignant
SCN is a benign entity. There are essentially no deaths that are
5 Mucinous cystic neoplasm attributable to dissemination/malignant behaviour of an SCN.
5.1 Should patients with MCN always undergo surgical resection? Specific mortality due to an SCN is nearly zero198 199 (GRADE
MCN ≥40 mm should undergo surgical resection. Resection is 2C, strong agreement).
also recommended for MCN which are symptomatic or have risk Cases reported as ‘malignant’200–202 do not fulfil the WHO
factors (ie, mural nodule) irrespective of their size192 (GRADE 1B, criteria for an SCN.
strong agreement).
The rate at which the size of an MCN increases should be
considered. Some case reports have suggested considerably 6.2 If there is a clear diagnosis of an SCN, can follow-up be
faster growth of MCN during pregnancy, potentially leading discontinued?
to tumour rupture.193 Therefore, patients with MCN should be Asymptomatic patients with radiological evidence of an SCN
observed closely during pregnancy. should be followed up for 1 year. After 1 year, symptom-based
follow-up is recommended (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).

5.2 Is it safe to follow up presumed MCN, which measures <40 mm? 6.3 When does a possible SCN require follow-up?
It is safe to follow up presumed MCN that measure <40 mm, in Only when the diagnosis is uncertain is follow-up required. In
the absence of risk features such as a suspicious mural nodule or these cases, a patient should undergo the same follow-up as for a
symptoms192 (GRADE 2C, strong agreement). BD-IPMN (see section 4.15, and figure 1 for details) (GRADE
For patients with MCN measuring between 30 and 40 mm, 2C, strong agreement).
clinicians can incorporate other factors such as age, comorbid-
ities, patient’s surgical risk, and patient preference. For cysts 6.4 When does a SCN require surgery and which procedure should
measuring <30 mm, it may be difficult to make a definitive diag-
be performed?
nosis of an MCN, and smaller MCN may sometimes be diffi-
When the diagnosis of SCN is clear, surgery is recommended only
cult to distinguish other cystic lesions. We therefore recommend
in patients with symptoms related to the compression of adjacent
similar surveillance for MCN and IPMN measuring <3 cm.
organs (ie, bile duct, stomach, duodenum, portal vein) (GRADE
2C, strong agreement).
5.3 How should MCN, which is not resected, be followed up? The size of about 60% of SCN remains stable. An increase
MCN measuring <40 mm without a mural nodule or symptoms in cyst size is seen in 40% but the rate of growth is slow and
may undergo surveillance with MRI, EUS, or a combination of new onset of symptoms is very rare.198 203–211
both.7 194 Surveillance is recommended every 6 months for the
first year, then annually if no changes are observed. Patients with 7 Other uncommon and undefined cystic tumours of the
an MCN measuring <40 mm and with no concerning features or pancreas
symptoms should have lifelong surveillance as long as they are fit 7.1 When the diagnosis of a cyst is unclear based on a specific
for surgery (GRADE 2C, strong agreement). imaging modality, should other investigations always be
Earlier studies have evaluated features associated with undertaken?
malignant transformation for all mucinous lesions combined. For a cyst measuring <15 mm, either cross-sectional imaging or
However, IPMNs and MCN may have different rates of growth EUS alone may be performed.212
796 The European Study Group on Cystic Tumours of the Pancreas. Gut 2018;67:789–804. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027
For cysts ≥15 mm, or if the diagnosis is unclear, both 7.7 What are the indications to resect cystic PNEN and which
cross-sectional imaging and EUS should be performed, including procedures are recommended?
EUS-FNA if warranted. For cystic PNEN >20 mm, surgery is recommended (pancreato-

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027 on 24 March 2018. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on December 5, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
duodenectomy, distal pancreatectomy, or enucleation (including
7.2 How should a small, undefined cyst be followed up? lymphadenectomy), according to tumour localisation).
Cysts which are of unclear aetiology, have no risk factors for For asymptomatic cystic PNEN ≤2 cm, in the absence of signs of
malignancy, and measure <15 mm, should be re-examined after malignant behaviour, surveillance is recommended (GRADE 2C,
1 year. If stable for 3 years, follow-up may be extended to every 2 strong agreement).
years.209 Cysts measuring ≥15 mm should be followed up every 6 A recent meta-analysis concluded that cystic PNENs tend to be
months during the first year and annually thereafter107 (GRADE biologically less aggressive than their solid counterparts. Despite
2C, strong agreement). this, cystic PNENs have an approximately 20% risk of malig-
As an undefined cyst may be mucinous by nature, surveillance nancy, with a 5-year overall survival of 87–100%.221 A small
is recommended.85 107 Most studies report that the risk of malig- tumour diameter is a favourable prognostic factor among
nant transformation of PCN increases with size. This probably PNENs. Therefore, small cystic PNENs ≤20 mm may be consid-
also applies to cysts of unclear aetiology. ered as indolent tumours with a small risk of malignant transfor-
A prospective population-based study found that uniden- mation222 and an observational strategy has been suggested in
tified cysts are very common (49% when including diam- the absence of symptoms.
eters of ≥2 mm), increase in number and size with age of the
population (57% of subjects), but have no effect on pancreatic 7.8 Which are the rare cystic pancreatic lesions? When should they
disease-associated mortality over 5 years.32 be considered and how is the diagnosis established?
Recommendations that include 6-month surveillance intervals Rare cystic pancreatic lesions include hydatid cysts, haeman-
may therefore constitute overtreatment in cases where IPMN gioma, lymphoepithelial cysts, acinar cell cystadenomas,
and MCN have been ruled out. desmoid cysts, and haemolymphangiomas.223–229 Such cysts
require a multidisciplinary approach, in an expert pancre-
atic centre, to determine the optimum management strategy.
7.3 Duration of follow-up of undefined cysts Surgery may be necessary if the diagnosis remains unclear
Patients with undefined cysts should undergo lifelong follow-up, (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
unless the patient is unwilling, or unfit to undergo pancreatic
surgery (GRADE 2C, strong agreement). 8 Adjuvant and neoadjuvant treatment
The long-term evolution of PCN is still largely unknown, 8.1 Is adjuvant treatment recommended for resected IPMN or MCN
which also applies to undefined pancreatic cysts. Therefore,
with associated invasive carcinoma? if yes, what is the optimal
no rational term for termination of surveillance can be given.
However, recent data suggest that the risk of progression
Adjuvant systemic chemotherapy is recommended for IPMN
increases over time.107
with an associated invasive carcinoma with or without posi-
tive lymph node status, as they have more aggressive biological
7.4 Should all solid-pseudopapillary neoplasms (SPN) be resected? behaviour165 230–239 (GRADE 1C, strong agreement).
Radical resection should be performed for all SPN (GRADE 1B, As for patients with pancreatic cancer, adjuvant treatment
strong agreement). can also be recommended for patients without lymph node
Even in the absence of a large series, the surgical resection of involvement, but there is no scientific evidence to support this.
SPN is internationally recommended and associated with posi- Adjuvant treatment of MCN-associated invasive carcinoma is
tive long-term outcome.213 214 similar to sporadic pancreatic adenocarcinoma, although no
evidence is available to support or refute this approach (GRADE
7.5 Can locally advanced SPN be resected? Should synchronous or 2C, strong agreement).
metachronous metastases be resected? No specific recommendation can be given for which chemo-
In cases of locally advanced, metastatic or recurrent SPNs, an therapy agent should be used, as there is substantial heterogeneity
aggressive surgical approach, with complete resection is indicated among studies. The most commonly used drugs are 5-fluorouracil
(GRADE 2C, strong agreement). and gemcitabine, similar to adjuvant treatment of pancreatic
SPNs are rare, and there is a lack of high-quality studies to adenocarcinoma (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
guide care. Most studies are small, retrospective case series,
making comparison between studies difficult.215–217 8.2 Is neoadjuvant treatment recommended for locally advanced
carcinoma associated with an IPMN or MCN?
No recommendation can be made for neoadjuvant treatment of
7.6 How is the diagnosis of a cystic pancreatic neuroendocrine locally advanced IPMN- or MCN-associated invasive carcinoma, as
tumour (PNEN) established? there are insufficient data240–243 (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
A definitive diagnosis of a cystic PNEN can be established Two case reports have been published, supporting the use
only by histological examination. A preoperative diagnosis of preoperative chemotherapy for IPMN and MCN.244 245 An
is often suspected based on particular features of cross-sec- approach similar to that used for patients with pancreatic cancer
tional imaging, and can be confirmed by EUS-guided cytology can be considered, given the similarities between the two diseases.
(GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
Cystic PNEN often have a peripheral hypervascular rim visible 8.3 Is adjuvant or neoadjuvant treatment indicated for SPN? If yes,
on an arterial phase CT scan.218–220 However, SCN may have what is the optimum regimen?
a similar appearance, hampering differentiation. Data on func- Neoadjuvant therapy for SPN is not routinely recommended,
tional imaging with Octreoscan, or Gallium Octreotate positron as there are no studies proving its efficacy (GRADE 2C, strong
emission tomography in cystic PNEN are limited. agreement).
The European Study Group on Cystic Tumours of the Pancreas. Gut 2018;67:789–804. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027 797
The only data for neoadjuvant or adjuvant therapy for SPN oncocytic), based on morphology and immunohistochemical
are from case reports, the majority of which report different staining.259 260 For grading of dysplasia in an IPMN, the use
chemotherapy regimens, and many of which were used in a palli- of a two-tiered classification system (low-grade vs high-grade

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027 on 24 March 2018. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on December 5, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
ative setting after postsurgical recurrence.246–252 dysplasia) is recommended258(GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
IPMNs with associated invasive carcinoma:the largest diameter of
8.4 Is palliative chemotherapy recommended for non-resectable or the invasive lesion should be measured and reported, in addition
recurrent malignant cystic tumours of the pancreas? to the overall size of the lesion. The associated invasive carcinoma
Systemic palliative chemotherapy for non-resectable or recurrent should be reported according to the WHO and Union for Inter-
malignant cystic tumours may be considered as for pancreatic national Cancer Control (UICC) recommendations.261 If transi-
adenocarcinoma, although there is no evidence available to support tion from an IPMN to invasive carcinoma is not demonstrable,
or refute this approach230 253 254 (GRADE 2C, strong agreement). complete sampling of the intervening tissues should be conducted
Given the similarity to pancreatic cancer, palliative chemo- to substantiate whether the IPMN and invasive carcinoma are
therapy may be considered for patients with non-resectable, truly separate.258 (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
recurrent, or metastatic disease occurring in the setting of a The term ‘malignant IPMN’ should not be used. Instead, it
malignant IPMN or MCN, analogous to pancreatic cancer. should be simply stated whether invasion is present or not.257 258
It is important to assess the histological subtype of IPMN, since
it is associated with prediction of postoperative patient prog-
8.5 Is surgical resection of metastases, or recurrence of an IPMN or nosis. The pancreatobiliary subtype, for example, is considered
MCN cancer justified? to be strongly associated with malignancy.262
Surgical resection of metastasis, or local recurrence cannot
be recommended because there are no studies evaluating this
9.3 How to examine and report surgical specimens with an MCN?
(GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
Gross examination
See statement 9.1.
9 Pathology
9.1 How should PCN surgical specimens be examined? Histopathological examination
Specimen dissection The use of a two-tiered grading system for dysplasia (low vs high-
Axial specimen slicing is the standard in an increasing number grade) is recommended.257 The terms malignant MCN, invasive
of European countries and pancreatic centres255 256 (GRADE 2C, MCN, or mucinous cystadenocarcinoma should be abandoned
strong agreement). and replaced by ‘MCN with associated invasive carcinoma’,
No studies have been published on the optimal grossing of according to the WHO and UICC recommendations258 263
pancreatic resection specimens with cystic lesions. (GRADE 2C, strong agreement)

Macroscopic examination 9.4 Use of potential molecular markers

Size, uni-/multilocularity, wall thickness, solid areas/mural See statement 1.1.
nodules, cyst content, relationship to the duct system, and
appearance of the background pancreas should be documented. 9.5 Methodology for evaluation of cytology in PCN
In the case of macroscopically visible invasive carcinoma, a full EUS-FNA is the preferred method for obtaining cytology in PCN.
macroscopic description is required, similar to that documented The preparation of the aspirated fluid may differ between labora-
in ductal adenocarcinoma. The spatial relationship and distance tories: direct smears for thick mucus, cytospins, and liquid-based
of the cancer from the cystic lesion should be recorded.257 258 preparation for fluid material (GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
(GRADE 2C, strong agreement). Cytology for PCN has a low sensitivity but a high specificity
(see statement 3.5).263 Low sensitivity and frequent non-diag-
Tissue sampling nostic yield are mainly due to low cellularity of the aspirated
Extensive sampling is paramount to establish an accurate diag- fluid.
nosis. Sampling of the resection margins should be conducted as
recommended for pancreatic specimens resected for pancreatic 9.6 How to interpret and report PCN cytology
ductal adenocarcinoma (GRADE 2C, strong agreement). A six-tiered classification system can be used.259 The mucinous or
The minimum number of tissue samples that should be taken non-mucinous nature of a PCN and the degree of dysplasia are
to ensure accurate diagnosis has not been established for PCN. the most significant determinants of patient management264 265
(GRADE 2C, strong agreement).
9.2 How should surgical specimens with an IPMN lesion be International consensus on standardised terminology for
examined and reported? pancreas cytology is lacking.
Gross examination
See statement 1.1. Involvement of the MPD and/or branch duct(s), Discussion
the length of the MPD that is macroscopically involved, and the The European evidence-based guidelines on PCN aim to
largest diameter of the dilated MPD or of the cyst, in cases of improve the diagnosis and management of PCN. Eventually,
BD-IPMNs, should be recorded. In cases of multifocal BD-IPMNs, the European Study Group on Cystic Tumours of the Pancreas
the largest diameter of each lesion should be reported257 (GRADE strives to develop a global evidence-based guideline for PCN in a
2C, strong agreement). joint venture with the various national and international guide-
line groups, in order to harmonise care and to avoid confusion
Histopathological examination caused by conflicting statements. Future studies should deal with
IPMN without an invasive carcinoma:the histological subtype the optimal diagnosis (aetiology and neoplastic grade), appro-
should be documented (gastric, intestinal, pancreatobiliary or priate selection criteria for surgery, surgical strategy (ie, partial
798 The European Study Group on Cystic Tumours of the Pancreas. Gut 2018;67:789–804. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027
committee, nine review groups and the manuscript committee. The initial draft of the
Box 1 Current clinical dilemmas in pancreatic cystic manuscript was written by Marco Del Chiaro (Karolinska) with the help of Lianne
neoplasms (PCN) and topics for future research Scholten, Marc G Besselink (both AMC). The following collaborators were each

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2018-316027 on 24 March 2018. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on December 5, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
involved in one or more of the committees and review groups (see supplementary
material for details): Marco Del Chiaro, Marc G Besselink, Lianne Scholten, Marco J
Diagnostic investigation Bruno, Djuna L Cahen, Thomas M Gress, Jeanin E van Hooft, Markus M Lerch, Julia
►► Which modality can most reliably distinguish neoplastic from Mayerle, Thilo Hackert, Sohei Satoi, Alessandro Zerbi, David Cunningham, Claudio
non-neoplastic cysts (eg, imaging, needle-based confocal De Angelis, Marc Giovannini, Enrique de-Madaria, Peter Hegyi, Jonas Rosendahl,
Helmut Friess, Riccardo Manfredi, Philippe Lévy, Francisco X Real, Alain Sauvanet,
laser endomicroscopy, cyst fluid analysis, secretin-stimulated Mohammed Abu Hilal, Giovanni Marchegiani, Irene Esposito, Paula Ghaneh, Marc
pancreatic juice collections)? RW Engelbrecht, Paul Fockens, Nadine CM van Huijgevoort, Christopher Wolfgang,
►► Which modality can most reliably detect high-grade dysplasia Claudio Bassi, Natalya B Gubergrits, Caroline Verbeke, Günter Klöppel, Aldo Scarpa,
or early cancer (neoplastic progression) in patients with PCN, Giuseppe Zamboni, Anne Marie Lennon, Malin Sund, Nikolaos Kartalis, Lars
to enable timely resection? Grenacher, Massimo Falconi, Urban Arnelo, Kostantin V Kopchak, Kofi Oppong, Colin
McKay, Truls Hauge, Kevin Conlon, Mustapha Adham, Güralp O Ceyhan, Roberto
Surgery Salvia, Christos Dervenis, Peter Allen, François Paye, Detlef K Bartsch, Matthias Löhr,
►► What are absolute and relative (contra)indications for surgery Massimiliano Mutignani, Johanna Laukkarinen, Richard Schulick, Roberto Valente,
in main duct (MD) and branch duct intraductal papillary Thomas Seufferlein, Gabriele Capurso, Ajith Siriwardena, John P Neoptolemos, Aldis
mucinous neoplasm (BD-IPMN), especially in the subgroup Pukitis, Ralf Segersvärd, A Aghdassi, S Andrianello, P Bossuyt, R Bülow, K Cárdenas-
Jaén, P Cortegoso, M Fontana, L Haeberle, M Heckler, A Litvin, K Mann, C Michalski,
30–40 mm BD-IPMN? P Michl, G Nappo, G Perri, S Persson, F Scheufele, F Sclafani, M Schmidt, L Venezia, F
►► How extensive should a resection for MD-IPMN be (total vs Volker, M-P Vullierm, and L Wüsten.
partial pancreatectomy)?
Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any
►► Is there a role for pre-/intraoperative pancreatoscopy to funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
determine the extent of resection in MD-IPMN?
Competing interests None declared.
►► What is the potential benefit of preventive surgery in relation
to potential side effects, especially in patients with increased Patient consent Not required.
surgical risk or a limited life expectancy due to comorbidity? Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Surveillance Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the
►► What is a cost-effective and personalised approach to Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,
surveillance of (undefined) PCN? and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work
►► Which risk factors for progression need to be considered is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http://​creativecommons.​org/​
(eg, cyst size, smoking, diabetes mellitus, concurrent licenses/​by-​nc/​4.​0/
immunosuppression, familial pancreatic cancer history, other © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the
genetic syndromes)? article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise
►► What is the optimal modality and follow-up scheme for expressly granted.
patients after a partial pancreatic resection for IPMN?
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