Reiki Tibetano

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Reiki Master/Teacher Training Manual

Reiki Level III - Introduction PART I -
For your Reference: A Quick Reference Reiki Glossary is available which explains Reiki Learning and Using The Reiki III Symbols
Terms, Practices and Concepts. The Reiki Master/Teacher (Level III) consists of learning the master symbol, receiving the attunement, and
Welcome to the third degree! The Reiki Third Degree completes the training in Reiki. It is not an end but a learning the attunement process. For those wishing to learn the "Tibetan" symbols Fire Serpent, Dumo, and
new beginning. The symbol of third degree Reiki is the Dai Ko Mio which means the "great shining light". Raku, visit the Usui/Tibetan Level IIIb Section of this manual.
The goal of level three Reiki is to learn to live always in the light. In Traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho, Reiki A brief statement regarding symbols needs to be addressed. Symbols are exactly that, a symbol. They are
Level III is the teaching degree where you learn the fourth Usui Symbol and where all the information is not the thing they represent. These symbols, like the level II symbols are representations of a specific
given on how to pass Reiki on to others. manifestation or property of the Reiki energy. They are not the energy themselves. As people progress
Teacher curriculum for this manual includes the traditional Usui symbols, attunements and the knowledge to spiritually, they find increasing levels of simplicity. It is not uncommon for people to move past the need to
pass them. For those wishing to study the Usui/Tibetan Symbols and system visit the Usui/Tibetan Page. use the symbols and simply use the source energy directly.
The Usui/Tibetan Reiki's divide the third degree into two sections: Reiki IIIa, and Reiki IIIb. Reiki IIIa, from Symbols are a stimulus and responce tool. The act of seeing them, drawing them or saying the name of
what I have been taught and observed are various non-traditional add-on and new age techniques. them is a stimulus that cause the responce of connecting to the energy in an
Some of these you will find in the Level IIIa Reiki Section included with this manual. Generally at the attuned person. The symbols also teach us that there are ways that we can
Level IIIa, you would be taught these add-on techniques which include meditation techniques, a "Healing focus on different aspect of the energy and use them. Different arts
Attunement", the Usui Master Symbol, the Hui Yin, the Violet Breath, Psychic Surgery, Reiki Crystal developed from Reiki such as Seichim or Karuna are examples of using
Grids a Meet your Reiki Guide Meditation, and then given the Master Attunement. You are not taught the different symbols as a way to focus on other aspects of the energy. In Usui's
attunement process or how to do it. At this point you are told you have a "Personal Mastery" level, or a original system called Reiki Ryoho, the symbols were taught to those that had
"Master Practitioner" level. The Master Attunement is done but the attunement process is not taught difficulty connecting to the energy or little experience in energy work. They
and/or is withheld. The reality is that these "Master Practitioners" are Reiki Masters who have not been were a tool to be used and let go when the connection to the energy was
taught the Attunement Process. At level IIIb they are taught two or three "Tibetan" symbols, and then strong and mastered. They were like training wheels to aid us until we grow
receive the same attunement again and then are taught how to do the attunements. and no longer need them. In Reiki Ryoho in Japan you would have met
It is my personal belief that Master training in the West is for everyone. Not for the select few who weekly with your group and master and practiced healing. Then you would
"qualify", or can afford a 10 thousand dollar fee, but for everyone. The world needs a great deal of have done hatsurei ho and received "Reiju" or an empowerment. After a year
healing and the spread of Reiki will help that. I have found that some masters are very selective in whom or more you might have been invited to learn the second teachings. If you
they train as masters. For some, the Master Degree is given only to those people who are willing and were taught the symbols at all, you would have been expected to have moved
able to completely dedicate their lives to Reiki. While that is wonderful for those who are able to do that, past them before moving to the second teaching.
it can also bring out the competitive nature in people who make their living from Reiki and have to In Usui Shiki Ryoho of the Hayashi-Talaka lineage the symbols were of
compete with other masters for students. My belief is that all are eligible for this wondrous gift. greater importance. The system was set up to teach others faster than the
Many people take the Master level to "complete" their Reiki training. There is in reality nothing to lengthy training in Reiki Ryoho. As a result the emphesis has to be greater on
complete and nothing to attain. It is a new beginning aand in many ways a return to simplicity that we symbols because people had to be able to connect to the energy. This
had when we learned Reiki I and had no symbols and just the energy. It is the greatest gift to be able to emphesis was given and instilled in Mrs. Takata's masters that she trained.
share Reiki with others and it is a joyful thing to do and share in attunements. This was codified into the "secret" and "sacred" practices that the Alliance
teaches and some other masters hold.
In Japan the symbols are common to many traditions and they are not secret.
Reiki is sacred, the symbols are kanji, or Japanese words. They are found on
temple walls, in books, in Buddhist practices, and all sort of other places in
plain view in Japan. Indeed, anyone with a Japanese dictionary could look
them up. The secretive belief, presumably, is that if the symbols are known
they will lose their power or that others will profane them or try to use them for
uses other than reiki, or to harm. The symbols have no power of their own.

They are a connection to the source, not the source itself. The symbols cannot be profaned or used for process for all three degrees. Any attunement is a Ritual. Rituals generally follow a pattern whether you are
harm, they represent the Reiki source, and Reiki cannot be used for harm. The symbols are not sacred. talking about a Catholic Mass or High Magick or Reiki Attunements. There are usually three parts to a ritual,
They have no inherant power other than as a focus or a medium and a tool. When the connection to the the Beginning, the Ritual action / Invocation, and the End.
energy is mastered, we move past them and work with the pure energy itself. The first part is the beginning. The Beginning is a call to the sacred. It differentiates that what is to follow is
The Usui Master Symbol going to be different. In a Catholic Mass the Beginning is when the priest processes in and Makes the sign
The Usui Master Symbol has several meanings. The most common is "The Great Shining Light". Another of the cross. He says, "Let us Pray" and follows with prayers. This separates what is to follow from daily life.
translation might be "Great Being of the Universe Shine on Me." In Zen practice, I have seen it stated as It is special. In Reiki, the beginning is when we start the attunement. It can be as simple as drawing the
"Treasure House of the great beaming Light," and is symbolic of one's "Buddha Nature" and of states of symbols in the air, the preparation of the student by having them meditate, saying a prayer or statement of
enlightenment. intent or any other practice. The beginning in any Reiki Attunement is the Intent.
Dai Ko Mio The next phase is the Ritual action / Invocation. The ritual is the structure of what we are doing. Saying
The spiritual body is thought to effect the physical body. There are many schools of thought, both Eastern prayers, doing readings and other practices are an example of ritual. They are steps to be followed to bring
and Western that believe this. Healing at this level is thought to effect the spiritual body and can lead to about the desired action. An invocation calls forth the power we wish to manifest. In a catholic mass, we call
wondrous changes and at times, Miracles. The practice of Johrei uses channeling the Great Light of God forth the power of God to be in our midst. By using the ritual of saying psalms and prayers and readings, we
into people and the world for healing. The founder of Johrei, Mokichi Okada, writes in his book "Health and bring forth more clearly the manifestation of God in our lives. By using the ritual of consecrating bread and
the New Civilization", that all disease comes from clouds forming on the spiritual body, and by channeling wine the God is brought forth in presence in body and wine. Wiccan practitioners and practitioners of Magick
Johrei onto people in need of healing it removes the clouds and cleanses their spiritual body. The Johrei (such as Hermetic Magick) will recognize how their own practices fit into this pattern. In a Reiki Attunement,
Fellowship exists worldwide and has done extensive medical research on the efficacy of Johrei. (Visit them we use the structure of the ritual actions along with the symbols to invoke the reiki energy and bring for the
at ) purpose of connecting the student with the reiki energy. The dirty little secret of reiki is that any attunement
The Dai Ko Mio is a return to simplicity. The three other symbols together in one. Level one was the will work. There are crown to crown variants, short forms, long forms, traditional forms, singular master
simplicity of Reiki, trusting in the source and simply doing it. Level II is learning the ways the source attunements (my personal favorite) and many many others. All are reiki and all work.
manifests and expands our conception of what the source can do. Level III, with the Dai Ko Mio brings us The Last part of a Ritual is the End. The end is the finish to the process and lets all know that it is finished
back to the simplicity and the oneness. Like all Reiki Symbols, the Dai Ko Mio should be memorized if at all and complete. In a mass the priest says, "the mass is ended go in peace", and the people reply "Thanks be
possible, although even that is not necessary, just preferable. Memorizing is useful, because when doing to God". In a Reiki attunement, the process can be as simple as giving an affirmation to the person, telling
healings or attunements, it helps to be able to draw them quickly and correctly. The DKM, looks surprisingly them "It is done" or "It is complete", to telling them "This attunement is done, you are a Reiki Master now
similar to the top of the White light symbol (johrei) that is used by the Johrei Movement worldwide. The link and forever". Generally the end has little or no formal ritual attached to it, since the formal ritual is over.
becomes even more interesting because Usui almost certainly would have known and or studied with The reason that I have discussed Rituals here is to demonstrate that the Ritual is a process. You can modify
Onisaburo Deiguchi who taught Mokichi Okada who founded Johrei. It was said that Morihei Tanaka who them as are warranted to suit your needs. The Usui attunements have been modified by many people who
founded Dei Rei Jutsu also had taught Usui and Okada. If nothing else there is some connection involved have added symbols, taken away parts, added parts and all sorts of other things. Make the ritual work for
with these practices that all developed and evolved around the same time in Japan. you and your students. Having said all that the only caveat is do not make what ever you do a distraction. I
The DKM is said to represent the Amida Sanzon, a triune of love light and harmony. These three together have seen some people into the bells and whistles attunement experience. They burn incense, have music,
represented the ultimate source in the same way that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost do. The DKM is the special lighting, candles, perform ceremonies to the goddess, catholic rituals, kaballah…… All of that is nice,
"Greath Shining light". This was the source. Once you know the Dai Ko Mio, you can use it for any Reiki and may provide the recipient with grand ceremony, but remember they are not necessary. My preference is
use, even in place of the other symbols. This is both because as a triune symbol it contains the others, and SIMPLICITY. I do not play music. I do not burn incense. In my opinion, the more simple the better, anything
because it is the first step in moving from symbol reliance to just using the energy. Use it everywhere and else detracts from the experience of the attunement and the connection to the Reiki Energy. As in all things,
anytime you might want to use the others. Use the name of it as a mantra to meditate concentrating on the you decide how you wish to do them.)
Ultimate source of all, the great shining light and let it illumine your mind. Intent
The only real important part of the attunement is the intent. It can be done by intent and the energy alone. If
PART II - Ritual as a Process your intent is clear, there is nothing that you can do wrong in the attunement. If you make a mistake do not
In Traditional Reiki training, there are four attunements for Reiki I, each different. There is an additional fret! Either re-do the section or action, or trust that the reiki will correct it and intend it be so. I have seen
attunement for Reiki II and III. In nontraditional methods, attunement methods vary greatly. Some have a attunements as simple as holding the person's hand and sending the energy in up the arms to the chakras
combined level I attunement, some use a combined level I and II attunements, and others use the same to one's as complex as involving incense, candles and ceremonial dance type actions. It is the actual doing

of the attunement that is sacred, not necessarily the process. The process seems to matter little if the intent Above the head, draw the Usui Master Symbol and repeat "Dai Ko Mio" three times. Again visualize the
is clear and focused. symbol moving into the into the Crown Chakra, through the head and into the base of the brain, guiding it
Distant Attunements with your hand. Do the same with the Sei Hei Ki, the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and the Cho Ku Rei.
Distant Attunements are also possible and appropriate and just a perfect as their hands-on counterparts. It Signal the student to raise their hands held in prayer position to the top of their head. Draw the Power
is done by using the distant symbol and visualization and intent. The Master/Teacher visualizes the symbols Symbol in the air over the hands. Then picture the Symbol moving into the hands, down into the Crown
entering the Crown Chakra of the recipient and move through the aura. He or she can visualize each of the Chakra, through the head, and into in the base of the brain saying the name of the power symbol three
attunement steps, and see and feel them taking place. You can use a picture of the person or a teddy bear times and guiding the Symbol with your hand. (Repeat this with the Sei Hei Ki and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen for
or other representation to assist when doing them. More information on Distant Attunements can be read level II, and with the Dai Ko Mio for level III.)
about in my article, "Distant Attunements" Part Two
Move to the front and place the students prayer-held hands in front of the heart. Draw the Power Symbol in
the air in front of the middle of forehead (brow or third eye chakra). Then picture the Symbol moving into the
PART III - Sample Attunement Method brow chakra. Guide it in with the hand if you want. Say the name of the power symbol three times. (For
There are many attunement methods. I personally have in my possession over a dozen "Usui" attunements,
Level II do the same with the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distant Symbol. For the Master Level, use
at least three "traditional" attunements (all different), Usui/Tibetan attunements, Tibetan/Usui attunements,
all four symbols, remembering to repeat the name of each symbol three times).
Short forms, and others.
Draw the Power Symbol in the air in front of the heart chakra. Then picture the Symbol moving into the heart
What follows is an attunement set that I developed. It would most appropriately be classified Non-
chakra. Say the name of the power symbol three times. (For Level II do the same with the Mental/Emotional
Traditional Usui Reiki and uses the four Usui Symbols. It uses a standard form for all three levels. This is
Symbol and the Distant Symbol. For the Master Level, use all four symbols).
offered here for your review. As in all things, use the attunement that resonates best with you. If you are
Next open the student's hands like the cover of a book so they are next to each other palms up facing the
interested in different attunements, or wish to learn other attunements, my book The Reiki Attunement
ceiling. Place you left hand under their hands and with your right hand draw out the Power Symbol on the
Guide is available at Use the link below to the AngelReiki Bookstore at
hands on the Palm. Say the name of the power symbol three times. Then lightly slap the hands three times.
Non-Traditional Usui Attunement (Only the Power symbol is placed in the hands in level I, the Distant symbol and mental /emotional symbol
This is an attunement process that I developed. It is in the Usui Tradition. This attunement is used for all are placed in the hands in level II, and all four of the symbols are placed in the palms in the Master level.)
three levels with the modifications for the second and third level in patenthesis. The first level attunement is Bring the student's hands together in prayer position, and move them back in front of the student's Heart.
repeated 4 times with a minimum of an hour between attunements. Attunements may be repeated as often Blow over the hands, down to the Solar Plexus, then up to the Third Eye and Crown, and back over the
as the person likes. They are always pleasant to receive. Reiki Shares and other gatherings of hands.
practitioners are a good place for the beginning reiki teacher to practice. Part Three
Beginning Move behind the student. Place your hands on the student's head. Use a positive affirmation and repeat it to
Begin by saying a "prayer" of intent, either silent or out loud. Ask for the help of the Reiki Source to do a yourself three times, Intend it to be accepted by the student. (Some examples might be: "You are a perfectly
perfect attunement for this person. If you have spirit guides, "reiki" guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, etc., attuned", "you are a competent Reiki Healer", or "you are filled with Divine Love and Wisdom", or any other
you can ask them to assist that this be a perfect attunement for this persons highest good. (Angels, guides affirmation that is significant to you or the student. You can say them out loud if you prefer.
and other "helpers" are not necessary for the attunement to work.) Open your hands and look down through the Crown Chakra, visualizing through to the root chakra. Intend
Draw the Power Symbol on your palms, Crown and Heart Chakras, intending them to open to the Reiki that the beautiful great shining light of the Reiki Source send a ball of light into the heart and fill all the
Source and Light. Cleanse the room by drawing the four Usui Reiki symbols in the air in front of you. This chakras.
not only can clease the room but sets the tone for the beginning as a sacred event. Move your hands to the student's neck, and then place the right hand on top of the head and the left at the
Part One base of the skull. Visualize a door and then draw the power symbol on it and see the door being closed. Say
On the back, draw the Cho Ku Rei from slightly above the top of the head and down the back of the student, to yourself, "I seal this Attunement with Divine Love and Wisdom". Intend that the Process is sealed and
ending at the base of the spine. Place both hands on top of the head to get an energetic rapport with the complete and the student is now forever connected directly to the Reiki Source. Say, "you forever
student. connected to the Reiki source."
Breathe in visualize the Dai Ko Mio. Exhale the Breath into the Crown Chakra blowing the Dai Ko Mio in Place your hands on the student's shoulders briefly experiencing the moment with them. Say, "We have
gold into the Crown Chakra, and move it through the middle of the student's head, and into the base of the both been blessed by this attunement".
brain. You can guide it with your hand. Part Four

Move back to the front of the student. Hold your palms toward them. Visualize a white mist surrounding you. 4. If you feel blockages or the hands not heating up, place the person's finger tips against your palm and
Breath in and be filled with this white light mist of reiki. Blow the mist at the student allowing the final send the energy up to the heart, or blow up from palm to heart to open the channel.
energy of the attunement to bless the student. 5. Use the Raku after attunements to "disconnect" from the other person, or make sure to "mentally"
Say, "the attunement is complete". Afterwards, wash the hands to ensure that the energetic connection with disconnect from the other person by intent.
the student is broken. 6. Remember that Intent is the key for a "perfect attunement". You are just a channel, the source does the
attunements, so you cannot mess up! Forgetting a step or action is not going to matter. The reiki source will
PART IV - Performing Distant Attunements make sure that it is right and trust that it will.
Occasionally, there are times when we as Reiki Masters would like to share Reiki with someone (a friend, 7. When you finish giving an attunement, you will feel exhilarated. You should not feel drained. Make sure
family member, loved one) and the limits of distance prevent us from being there with them. Distant you separate yourself from all expectations. Do the attunement with the intent that the person be perfectly
Attunements are one way to bridge this gap and to allow us to be able to share this great gift with others. attuned to Reiki. Let the Reiki do the work. Do not strain, or try to put your own energy into the process. Do
Distant Attunements are easy to perform if you are familiar with a "hands-on" attunement procedure. There not use your energy, let the Reiki do the work.
is no special procedure to perform, just some slight modifications to the regular attunement set you are 8. The easiest way to perform the attunement is for the student to sit on a chair with their feet on the floor.
familiar and comfortable with. The modifications will be described below. Have the students hold their hands with palms together at chest height (namaste or gasso position), and tell
Some people have difficulty with the concept of distant attunements, and have some issues with the and show them where you will touch and what you will do with their hands.
process. These are discussed in my article on this website on Distant Attunements. 9. You can attune the chakras in the feet. Bend or kneel and draw the symbols on both the feet at the same
time. This can help ground the person.
Distant Attunement Procedures 10. You can do the Attunements without symbols. Only attempt this if you have sufficient experience with
1. Use your regular attunement set that you are familiar and comfortable with.
the energy and with doing attunements. The empowerment that Usui used was called Reiju and was a
2. This practice is best done by either arranging a set time with the person for them to receive, or to be on
symbol-less attunement. The level one attunement of the Alliance is done without symbols.
the telephone or on-line with them.
3. Have them meditate, pray or other activity to clear the mind and prepare for about 20 minutes prior to the Usui Tibetan Reiki Manual
start time of the attunement. Introduction
4. You must both state clearly that the intent for the attunement to be done. Welcome to the Usui/Tibetan Material. This Section consists of the Level IIIa Manual and the Usui Tibetan
5. Begin the attunement as usual. State clearly that you intend to attune the person. Draw the Hon Sha Ze Reiki Manual. In most Usui Tibetan Reiki the material for Level I and Level II are consistent with the
Sho Nen in the air and state that you intend this to be fully empower the person. Traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho as taught in the Western Hayashi - Takata style. It is at Level IIIa and Level
6. Some people use a teddy bear, photo or other proxy to gain an energetic rapport with the person to be IIIb that the changes become obvious. The Level IIIa Material can be viewed by clicking this link. Level IIIa
attuned. This can be helpful. You can also just "feel" the sense of them and do it. These are nice ways to Manual
"feel" the connection, but simply intend and will the attunement to be done, and perform it. Trust the divine The "Tibetan" material was originally added to traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho by Arthur Robertson. Arthur
source and the reiki attunement will be done. Robertson was a student of one of Mrs. Takata's Masters, Iris Ishikuro. The style he created was called
7. Perform the attunement. Visualize doing it. See the symbols and draw them as usual. Raku Kai Reiki. Although the idea that Reiki is from Tibet has been widely popularized by such authors as
Following these easy steps will fully allow someone via diatance to be attuned to reiki. William Rand and Diane Stein there is in actuality no evidence that Reiki was ever practiced in Tibet. Usui
Reiki Ryoho was developed by Mikao Usui in Japan incorporating elements of Tendai Buddhism, Zen
PART V - Attunement Suggestions Training, and Japanese Ki Ko and most likely elements of Dai Rei Jutsu. It is my opinion that it likely shares
Here are some notes about attunements in no particular order. These are practices that you can do during common roots with the religion Johrei. In Tibet, there are hands on healing arts that might be considered
attunements that you may be led to do, or issues regarding the process. similar to reiki. These are the Green and White Tara Empowerments, and the Medicine Buddha. There are
1. All attunements are unique. They are individual. Sometimes you will have feelings to do something or some similarities in that they use empowerments and some hands on techniques but they are not reiki.
another that might not be in the "script". Trust the Reiki and do them. The "Tibetan" Practices were incorporated into Usui Reiki and renamed Raku Kai Reiki. The techniques
2. You can attune all 7 chakras including the feet when doing attunements, not just the top four and the added included the Breath of the Fire Dragon (i.e., Violet Breath), the Microcosmic Orbit called the Hui Yin,
hands. The effect can be a bit much for people so use your judgment. the White Light Symbol from the Johrei Religion, the Antahkarana Symbol, Reiki Guides and Reiki Guide
3. You can place the symbols/energy directly in to the persons aura / etheric field as well as placing them in Meditations and a few other techniques. The symbols of the Raku, "Tibetan Master Symbol", and the Fire
the chakras. Visualize the symbols in the energy field and bring the Reiki energy in the field. Serpent were also added. The two schools most influenced by Raku Kai would appear to be Kathleen

Milner's Tera Mai (tm) Reiki, and William Rand's Usui/Tibetan Reiki. The Usui/Tibetan Tradition has been incorrect belief that reiki was from Tibet, rather than these were techniques that some masters felt gave
popularized by William Rand and Diane Stein. them a better experience of Reiki.
The Usui / Tibetan Schools often add a level IIIa in their curriculum. This means they are teaching four The Reiki Level 1 and Level 2 in the "Tibetan" Reiki's are essentially the same as they are in Usui Shiki
levels rather than the traditional three in Western Usui Shiki Ryoho. This level is generally taught as a Ryoho as practiced in the west. To review this material, please refer to the Usui Shiki Ryoho Level 1 and
"personal mastery" level, and a number of new age techniques are taught including Reiki Crystal Grids, Level 2 Manuals on this site.
Healing Attunements, the Antahkarana Symbol and Meditations, Reiki Guide Work, and other Techniques. Usui Tibetan Reiki Level IIIa Manual
If you would like to read about these please visit the Reiki Level IIIa Section of this manual. With the The Usui Tibetan Level IIIa was added in a few years back. It was conceived of and is called a level of
exception of Scanning and Beaming (which were part of the original system) this material was added on by "Personal Mastery". This generally amounts to being taught a number of new age add-on techniques. The
Iris Ishikuro, Arthur Robertson, William Rand, Diane Stein and others. most common of these are a reiki Symbol Meditation, a Goal Manifestation Technique, a Reiki Crystal Grid,
The Level I and II in Usui Tibetan Reiki are generally consistent with what is taught in Traditional Western a Technique to meet your "Reiki Guides", a Healing Attunement, a Psychic Surgery Technique, and the
Usui Reiki. Please refer to the Level I and Level II Manuals for this information. This section begins with the Antahkarana symbol and Meditation.
Usui Tibetan Level IIIb Master symbols. I have often seen those teaching level IIIa claim that the level IIIa class "deepens the connection with the
The Usui/Tibetan traditions did not exist before 1984 and were developed after that date. Since the Reiki Source", or "people who take level IIIa are better healers", or "most people do not want to teach and
Usui/Tibetan Traditions have added a level in between The Traditional Usui Shiki Levels of Level 2 and so this level of 'personal mastery' enables them to practice more fully as reiki practitioners". Let us examine
Level 3 it is important to examine the levels and the changes that this entailed. In the Hayashi-Takata each of these claims and evaluate what is being said with what we know about Reiki.
tradition that developed in the Western World there were only three levels. These were Level 1, Level 2, The first statement was, that level IIIa "deepens the connection with the Reiki Source". The reality is that
and Level 3 or the Reiki Master Level. Level 1 typically included receiving one attunement, taught the hand any practice of Reiki, whether that be self-treatments, treating others, or hatsurei ho, "deepens the
positions, the reiki history, some basic guidelines to healing, and practice using the reiki. Level 2 added connection with the reiki source. Consistent practice is the key. That being said even extensive practice
distant healing, the three reiki symbols (power symbol/focus, mental-emotional symbol/harmony, and does not seem to change the healing outcomes here in the western tradition. In the west it is commonly
Distance Symbol/Connection) are taught and uses are given. Some Alliance masters continue to teach an taught that Reiki does the healing, not us. We are channels of the Reiki energy from the One Source
emotional healing program. Some still taught scanning. Level 3 taught the master symbol, the attunement (God/Goddess/Creator/Whatever phrase floats your boat). A personal connection to the Reiki Source is
process and how to do attunements. It is useful to examine what continued to be taught in the Gakkai in wonderful, indeed it is that feeling that makes Reiki so wonderful to do. It allows you to experience a loving
Japan in an unbroken line since Usui. In Reiki Ryoho as practiced in Japan in the Gakkai there are personal connection to the Creator. That being said, a "deepening" of that connection is not in any way
presently four levels. These are Sho-den, Oku-den zen ki and Oku-den Kouki, and Shinpi-den. The necessary to heal using Reiki. How could it be, since we are not the one's doing the healing. If Reiki truly
Japanese have two levels of "second teachings", where in the West some schools have Level IIIa and IIIb. always acts in the highest good of the person receiving it, then as long as I am connected to the reiki
Oku-den Zen ki is the second teaching. This contained Hatsurei-ho (a way to develop and expand your reiki source, then is flows through me into the person receiving for their highest good.
channel and grow spiritually. Hatsurei ho includes self cleansing and meditation. It also includes Ushi-te, The second statement was, "people who take level IIIa are better healers". Let us again look at the basic
Oshi-te, and Nade-te which are tapping hand, pushing hand, and stroking hand respectively. These assumptions of Reiki. Reiki does the healing and we are channels, and Reiki can do no harm and always
techniques are common in chi kung and probably came from Japanese Ki Ko. They are used to remove works in the highest good of the person receiving it. If these assumptions regarding Reiki are true, then you
negative energies. (They are also massage-like in some sense and will get you into a lot of trouble here in ability as a healer is irrelevant. Reiki does the healing, you are along for the ride (but it is a very nice ride,
the Regulatory paradise in the west where massage is licensed! This level also included Seikaku Chiryou. enjoy it!). You can learn all the meditative, crystal using, space alien, ascended masters, goddess
Oku-den Kouki is the second teaching part II. In the Reiki Ryoho in Japan this level is a level of personal channeling, angel working practices you want, they won't make the Reiki any better. (Although there is the
and spiritual development, while in the west it is called level IIIa and is a level of "personal mastery". Level argument that Reiki increase the efficacy of those practices, and if that is the case some argument could be
IIIa in the west bears little resemblance to the practices taught in this level in Japan. This included made regarding their inclusion. However, at that point are you still doing Reiki?)
additional meditations (as listed above) as well as Enkaku Chiryou which is known in the west as distant The third statement above made was, or "most people do not want to teach and so this level of 'personal
treatment. Usui Reiki Ryoho was not to develop psychic powers. It was an enlightenment system which mastery' enables them to practice more fully as reiki practitioners". What if one fine day you decide you want
healing was one part. to pass this to you mother, father, children, siblings, friends? What then? Do you then go and pay for
Raku Kai Reiki added the Breath of the Fire Dragon, the Water Ceremony, the White light symbol (Johrei), another class to learn the attunement process that you could already do, had it been taught when you
The "Tibetan" symbols, the Hui Yin, and Ralf Jenson's Master Frequency Generator Plates. Later Masters received the master attunement in IIIa? Or do you, like some, simply get a copy of the attunement process
such as William Rand and Diane Stein seem to have added the teaching of reiki boxes, sending at intervals, and then use it, but worry that you may not be doing it correctly?
crystal grids, Antahkarana symbols, Tibetan symbols, Reiki Guides, Healing Attunements, Symbol
Meditations, and other techniques. The popularity of these approaches have led to the widespread but

This level to me seems artificial, and a great marketing strategy. Personal Mastery with Reiki comes from To do this meditation, use guidelines that anyone doing meditation of any sort might follow. Get yourself into
experience with Reiki, not with pseudo-Reiki add on techniques. Personal mastery comes from doing Reiki. a comfortable position. Sitting in a comfortable chair that allows your spine to be erect is good. Placing your
Reiki, from the Divine source, teaches many subtle experiential lessons. These are "your" lessons. Soft hands on your lap and having your feet comfortably touch the floor generally works well. Relaxing the body
loving experiential lessons that cannot be adequately communicated to another in a class no matter how using some deep breathing, or muscular relaxation can sometimes help.
good a communicator you are. They can only be communicated by Reiki in the doing and being. Doing Reiki As with all meditation, if your mind wanders while meditating, allow the thoughts to slip away, paying them
on yourself or others 30 minutes a day will teach you far more than any manual (especially one as mediocre no mind, and gently refocus. Having done that, breathe slow and deep, shut your eyes and focus on the
as this one is!). If you truly desire to develop "personal mastery", I would strongly encourage you to learn feeling of Reiki. Sometimes it helps to allow that sensation to begin in your palms. Allow the reiki to pour into
the Reiki Ryoho technique of Hatsurei ho and practice it daily. Additionally, do the principles morning and at you and intend that it do so. Let your mind stay on this sensation and feeling. Now allow the loving feel of
night and any time that you feel emotionally charged, angry or stressed. This is in accord with the original the Reiki Source to be with you as the reiki energy flows into you. Stay with this feeling for a time and then
intent and design of the Usui System and will make a profound difference in your own inner healing. when you are ready, you can begin to meditate on the symbols.
Reiki Advanced Techniques(R.A.T.) The first symbol we will use is the Master symbol. Either draw it in front of you or visualize it in your mind.
Welcome to the Reiki Advanced Techniques Section of the On-Line Manual! Reiki Advanced Techniques or Say the name of the symbol (either out loud or in your head). Visualize the symbol as golden, intensely
R.A.T. are supplemental techniques added to traditional Usui reiki from a vast array of sources. During the bright and empowered with the loving energy of the reiki source. Allow it to flow into you, and for any
time that Mrs. Takata was teaching, the practice of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki in America, was consistent and message it might have for you to manifest. Stay focused on the symbol and the reiki flow and the source.
fairly standardized. Mrs. Takata died in 1980. After Mrs. Takata's death, people began to question pricing The Master symbol is the symbol of empowerment, and of the Great Shining Light. Allow the symbol and
and various practices in Reiki. Many people that practice Reiki, have experienced other systems on their energy to show you what that means. Stay with this as long as you feel comfortable.
journey. These might include Wicca, Hermetic Magic, Kaballah, Crystals, Meditation, Tibetan Buddhist When you are ready, do the same with the Power Symbol, the Mental/Emotional Symbol, and the Distance
Practices, and everything in between. Some Reiki Masters began experimenting with this simple art of Reiki, Symbol. You can so the meditation with all four symbols in one setting, or my personal preference is to only
and adding everything under the sun into it. New symbols were added. People began speculating then work with one symbol per session and increase the time meditating on that symbol. The connection feels
stating Reiki came from Tibet, Egypt, Atlantis, and whole new arts were built onto the framework of what more personal that way.
was Reiki. When you are finished, draw all four symbols in front of you saying their names. That the reiki source for
New styles emerged. Styles such as Usui/Tibetan Reiki, Vajra Reiki (was Johre Reiki), Blue Star Reiki, sharing this with you. At this point, you are likely to be filled with energy and this would be a good time to
Karuna Reiki , Tera Mai Reiki , Seichim Reiki, Lightarian Reiki Siddheartha Reiki , and more others than I work on doing self-treatments, treating others, doing distant healing, manifesting goals, charging your reiki
can probably name. Some added new symbols, others modified the attunement process, still others crystals, or watching reruns of "Green Acres". (no really!!!, Arnold the pig helps ground people. Ok, so that
changed the focus from a healing art to a tool for ascension work or self-development, or for "Galactic was a bad joke. However, grounding yourself is important! If you are not grounded, you might find yourself
Healing". Some of these arts claim to be "higher frequency energy", or "more powerful", or even light headed and dizzy after this meditation. Find something that is grounding and do it. You can place your
enlightenment producing! palms on the earth, go for a walk, visualize roots running to the center of the earth and connecting, drink
Understand that none of these techniques are necessary to practice reiki effectively, and none of the were water or whatever works for you. You can also put your tongue on the soft pallate (just behind the teeth),
used in Japan. Some Reiki Masters question the validity of these practices, or the inclusion of them under draw the power symbol on the feet, that hara (just below the naval) and the palms. Place your palms on the
the descriptor "Reiki". I will list some of the more common modifications and Reiki Advanced Practices hara and concentrate on that area for a few minutes. This tends to bring the excess energy from the upper
(RAT) here, as well as some other Techniques of Advanced Reiki (T.A.R.). Try them if you choose. If you chakras and into the hara. Any method of grounding works and keeps the dizzies from happening!
find them useful, add them to your practices. Here you will find some of what are commonly referred to as There are an infinite number of possibilities of Reiki Meditations available. You can do it focusing only on the
"advanced" techniques. These are my personal modifications of these practices are presented here. connection to the reiki source. You can add other meditative practices such as light body meditations, or
Mer-Ka-Ba. Experiement and know that your modifications are just as good and valid as anyone else's, they
Reiki Symbol Meditation just cost less!
Reiki Symbol Meditation is meditation using the Reiki Symbols. It is a hybrid of meditation and visualization
that is half attunement and half meditation. It is designed to increase the connection to the reiki source by Manifesting Goals
meditating on the symbols. Knowing this is the process, those of you who are familiar with meditation could There are several methods available to help use reiki and the reiki symbols to manifest goals. Advocates of
easily fashion your own meditation on the symbols, visualizing the symbols and meditating on the these techniques feel that they can help manifest changes in your life. Manifestation practices can be done
connection to the reiki source. Experiment and explore. These practices are not written in stone, and were alone, or after doing a Reiki Meditation like the one described above. No matter what method you use to
developed by other people, just like you. Their ways are no better (or no worse?!!) than yours. manifest goals, always be ethical in what you ask for.

Sit and relax, breathing gently and deeply. Either out loud or to yourself, say your goal. State it in such a best to place them in rock or sea salt or salt water for 24 hours. Say a prayer over them after you have put
way that their can only be one interpretation and cannot be misinterpreted. Connect to the Reiki energy. them in the salt or salt water, asking that they be purified for your highest spiritual good.
Draw the symbols on your palms. In your mind, create a mental movie, or mental image of this goal being Choose a place for the Reiki Grid. The best location is one where others do not go so that the grid is not
accomplished. Draw the reiki symbols on the mental picture starting with the power symbol and ending with disturbed. Take the eight crystals that you have cleansed, and choose the one that seems the strongest.
the power symbol. Repeat this same procedure for each goal you wish to accomplish. When you are This will be the Master Charging Crystal. For your central (Master) crystal, you may want to choose a
finished, say (out loud or in your mind) "If this be possible within Divine love and wisdom, then let it be so." double terminated crystal, a cluster, a pyramid or a crystal ball. (Some practitioners conceptualize this in
Finish by drawing all the reiki symbols again on the visualization and sealing it with a power symbol. Believe terms of yin and yang. You are looking for the crystal that is the most yang or having the strongest male
totally that this process is done and that this goal is already being manifested. energy.) Next, place six of the crystals at equal points around a circle about 10 to 12inches in diameter.
Another Manifestation technique is a Manifestation Triangle. This technique is a better choice for those who This creates a hexagon or six-sided figure. Place the last crystal in the center. This makes seven stones in
are not as good with visualization techniques. Also, because it involves writing, it is more concrete and can the design in total. The eighth will be used as the Master crystal. Play with the arrangement until it feels
help focus you on what you truly want. The first step is to draw a triangle. At the bottom left hand corner right. This arrangement uses a six sided figure. It is possible to construct them in any geometric shape.
write the person's name that this manifestation is to be for (yourself or someone else). Next, at the top of the Various Magick traditions such as Wicca and Hermetic Magick attribute different meanings to the various
triangle, write what you want to happen. This should be the best possible solution to the situation. The shapes. Choose one that best represents what you are trying to accomplish. Take a picture of yourself or
situation and person's name should be specific. You can say "This will manifest for the highest good of the person that you want to send reiki to. Draw the four Reiki Symbols on the back, the person's name, and
(person's name)". Next, at the bottom right hand corner, write the situation. After setting up your triangle, an affirmation to help empower and set the intent of the process. Be creative. You can use a piece of
and writing out the name, solution and situation, draw a power key symbol over each corner. Draw a power paper with a goal, intent or need on it instead of a picture. Draw out the four Reiki Symbols on the paper
symbol over the whole triangle. Place your hands on the triangle picture and do reiki on it, intending it to and then Reiki it between your hands and place it within the crystal Grid. The Grid will continuously send
manifest. Reiki to heal the person or bring about the goal. At this point you have the purified crystals and your
Reiki Crystal Grid prepared picture. The next step is to charge the crystals with the reiki energy. This is very simple to do.
This technique was developed to set up a continuous flow of reiki energy for healing or protection by using Take each crystal into your hands and send Reiki into it for about 10 minutes or so. Do this with each
crystals and the reiki energy. This technique did not exist in Reiki Ryoho in Japan, and was not part of the crystal, one at a time until all of them are done. You can also say prayers, or ask your Reiki or spiritual
Hayashi-Takata Usui Shiki Ryoho, but like most of the add-on's was developed after the death of Mrs. guides to assist you while you are charging them. Another way to charge them is to do a Reiki Attunement
Takata. It is not my belief that you can empower a grid to continuously send Reiki. I think sending reiki on each crystal or do an attunement on the grid once it is completed. Once the crystals are charged put
involves intent and a connection between the sender, the energy and the receiver. I do not teach this each back in its place on the grid. Put the Master Crystal in last. It is suggested that you not move the
practice. It is included here for your reference. The advocates of this procedure believe that a crystal grid crystals after they are in place as it will weaken the energy connections. The Master Crystal is used to keep
can be created and charged with Reiki energy. It is thought that it will continue to send Reiki energy for your Reiki Grid charged. This stone can be recharged when needed by holding it in the hand during a reiki
healing, protection, or to assist with goal manifestation for several days or longer. The idea of using meditation, beaming reiki into it, or reattuning it. To finish the grid hold the Master crystal in your right hand.
charged objects to bring about a desired outcome for the user or wearer is nothing new. Talismans have Starting at the top, begin to connect the dots that are formed by the crystals on the grid. You will be starting
been used throught recorded history. These techniques are generally from magical traditions. at the top and making six triangles as you connect the imaginary lines between the stones on the outside
Psychologists believe that there is a self-fulfilling prophecy regarding the wearing of such objects as well as and the center stone. Move around the Grid in a counterclockwise direction. You can also say an
a placebo effect. affirmation or mantra as you do this. Some masters meditate with they Master Crystal frequently to keep
To make the Reiki Grid you need eight crystals. (There are many books on crystal selection with rather their Reiki Grid charged up.
lengthy guidelines about how to select the "perfect" crystal for you.) For our purposes, the easiest method Reiki Guide Meditation
of crystal selection is to pick the crystals up and just see how they feel to you. Try not to so much "think" This technique is commonly taught in the Level IIIa classes of the Usui/Tibetan School and has been
about this as "feel" it. Send some reiki into the crystal and see how that feels as well, allowing your intuition popularized by authors such as William Rand and Diane Stein. Reiki Guides were not part of Traditional
to guide you. Most new age shops and many science or hobby shops sell crystals. Regular Rose Quartz, Reiki as taught by Usui. Like most of the "add-on" material, Reiki Guides and the belief in them were added
or White Quartz tumbled smooth stones are sufficient for the puspose of making this grid and are on by other masters in the west after the death of Mrs. Takata and were never used by Usui. Understand
inexpensive. You will also need a picture of the person that the grid will send to or protect. After you have that Reiki works without "guides" and that guides are not necessary to practicing reiki, or doing attunements.
the stones, they will need to be cleansed. Some crystal experts believe you should cleanse them in clear Many people use reiki their entire lives without ever having a guide. Although I do believe that people can
water and then leave them in the sun and moon light for a period of three days. Other experts believe it is have guides (and there is plenty of precedents set by the world's religions with guardian angels and other
spirit protectors) I am not of the mind that there are specific "reiki guides". There are some authors believe

that reiki "guides" are really the ones that do reiki, and are the presence doing the attunements and will future, all you need do is acknowledge their presence and ask for their help when you need it. Start bringing
correct errors made by the Reiki Master during an attunement. I do not share this belief and my opinion is yourself back to the room where you are physically. When you open your eyes, you will awaken, refreshed,
that reiki in all manifestations comes from the source of all. I do not use guides in my practice, nor do I alert, and completely aware. You have now met your guide. Talk to them in meditations. Call on them
teach them or this procedure. It is included here for your reference only. when you need. This can be as simple as calling their name in your mind. Also, by remember the feeling
Like all meditation practices, find a time alone and a place without distractions. Sit comfortably in a straight you had of them (energy signature) you can connect with them. (Author's Note: Be careful what spirits you
backed chair with your hands on your thighs. As you breath in, see the breath as white light filling every ask into your life. Make your own decisions. You have free will, USE IT. Never surrender your will to
part of your body. As the white light goes through your body with your breath, it collects this tension and is another human or spirit. Above all else, be careful.)
blown out of you with the release of the breath. Reiki Psychic Surgery Technique
Visualize a fountain of white Light descending down over you. This light flows over you and down to the This technique was developed by William Rand. It is a pseudo-hypnosis/visualization psychodrama
ground. As it touches your energy it collects the negative energy and everything that is not for your highest technique that tries to focus a person on solving an area that they are "stuck" in and breaking up blockages.
good. The Reiki Light transmutes the negative energy into light. Allow the light to form a protective bubble This technique reminds me of some neuro-linguistic programming techniques I was once taught minus the
around you. You are completely surrounded by this bubble of light and you feel safe and protected. reiki. I do not teach this material in any of my classes. You may click the link here to review the proceedure
Do some form of systematic muscular relaxation. One that I use is: for your reference.
Allow the relaxation to come into the soles of both of your feet at the same time. Feel your feet relax. Let Reiki Psychic Surgery
the relaxing sensation move up the legs into the ankles, letting the muscles and bones relax. The relaxing
energy moves up the legs into the calves, relaxing them, and then up through the knees into the thighs.
Allow the legs to totally relax, and then let the energy move up into the hips, relaxing the hips. And your legs
Techniques of Advanced Reiki (T.A.R)
Welcome to the Techniques of Advanced Reiki (T.A.R.) Here you will find a "Healing Attunement", and the
and hips are totally relaxed. Now let the relaxing power move up the spine, and a warm feeling of energy
Antahkarana Symbol and Meditation.
moves up the spine as it relaxes the muscles of the back. The energy moves into the shoulders, and you
allow your shoulders to relax. The energy now moves down the arms, and into the hands, relaxing your Section One - The Reiki Healing Attunement
upper arms, fore arms, and hands. Now the energy moves up the neck, relaxing the muscles in the neck Background
and up the head, into the scalp and the head and scalp are relaxed. The energy moves down over the A Reiki Healing Attunement is a non-initiatory attunement that is given for healing purposes only. It was not
forehead, and into the jaw, and you are totally relaxed and now ready to start the meditation to meet your a part of traditional Usui Reiki and as such is not necessary in the least to practice Reiki. This Attunement
guide. At this point, concentrate on the breathing and let go of all thought. was conceptualized to be non-initiatory which means that it is not supposed to initiate the person receiving it
As you sit in your chair, see a beautiful column of Pure White Light, or a column of Golden Divine Light. into Reiki. It was thought that it would bring higher frequency energies and more powerful levels of energies
Allow the divine light to come in your presence and then to envelop you, and be with you. As you gaze at into the person than a traditional hands on treatment. (Okay, for those diligent readers who have ploughed
this Light, you see a figure emerging from out of the Light and coming towards you. As they approach, you through all this ranting and raving of mine, here is your test - How am I going to respond to these "claims"?)
start to see more of what they looks like. You may wish to ask them some questions to help them The prime directive of reiki is that we do not control the energy, reiki does the healing not us, and reiki
communicate with you. As you ask these questions and receive the answers, know that you will remember always works for the highest good of the recipient. So…….. using that as a guideline I would have to say
them clearly upon awakening. You will both intuit, feel, hear or otherwise receive the answers. Ask and or that the healing attunement would not work any better at healing than any regular hands on treatment.
notice their gender, size, appearance, shape, smell, form, clothing, etc. Indeed, how could it? Reiki does the healing not us, and Reiki decides what is in the highest good of the
See them come towards you and give you a hand. Note how it feels to meet this being? Are the familiar and person, not us, so we cannot control the energy by doing extra special healing attunements.
do you recognize them from having met them before? What does their energy feel like to you? Please Note: This Attunement as conceptualized is not supposed to initiate the client into Reiki. The
See them sit in front of you. Ask them their name, why they are here for you at this moment in time, what inventors of this procedure believe that it is not an Attunement Process for conferring the status of Reiki
role they are to play in your life, and if they have a specific message for you at this time. Listen carefully for practitioner, therefore the Reiki Master can utilize this particular process in his or her healing work. It is
the answers. thought that the reason the Healing Attunement does not initiate the client into Reiki is that the Symbols are
When you feel comfortable with your guide and the answers have come to you, be with your guide for a time not placed into the hands, but instead are placed in the recipient's Heart Chakra. My experience tells me
and allow the connection and communication between you to deepen. Some people have a good sense of that any attunement confers the status of a reiki practitioner on a person. (This occurred a number of times
when it is time to leave and others do not. You may wish Ask them how you can recognize their presence after doing the Healing Attunement and having people contact you days later telling you that their hands are
the next time and how to ask them for assistance when you need it in the future. You should not share this very hot, and that when ever they touch themselves or others they become hot and it feels relaxing and
information to anyone. Then, thank your Reiki Guide for making their presence known to you. Know that pleasant to the receiver. Upon examination and having them try this on me, it appeared that they had
your guide will be with you from this time forward, guiding you, protecting you, and assisting you. In the received an attunement.) Understand full well when giving this that you are initiating someone into reiki. If

you do this and the person experiences post attunement effects, you are ethically bound to instruct them in symbols go into the base of the brain. The developers of this technique believe that means the person will
reiki so they understand the gift given them. not be Initiated into Reiki. I believe this to be incorrect. Read the warnings regarding this which are part of
It was told to me that the effect of this attunement does not last more than 30 days. That also has not been this section.)
borne out by my experience. With a willing volunteer, it was found that the effect was still active after 95 Do the same technique with the Usui Master Symbol, this time saying the name of the Usui master symbol
days (and counting) and so please heed the cautionary statement above. three times as you move it from the crown shakra to the heart. Repeat this with the Power Symbol, the
This Reiki Healing Attunement was thought to be a way for a client to be able to remove blockages and is Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distance Healing Symbol
used with a pseudo-therapeutic technique to help the person focus on the "blockage" and why it might be Part Two - Move to the Front
occuring. As with any attunement, it can remove negative energies from the client's physical body, aura and Draw the Tibetan Symbol over the crown chakra. Say the name of the Dumo three times as you move it
chakras. It can also help release blocks. It needs to be said that this is what any regular hands on reiki from the crown chakra to the third eye chakra. the heart and then into the solar plexus. Gently tap the top of
session or attunement does. the head three times with the finger tips. Repeat this with the Usui Master Symbol, the Power symbol, the
To Utilize the "blockage releasing" potential of the Healing Attunement explain to the person that they must Mental/Emotional symbol, and the Distance Healing Symbol.
be willing to let go of the block as well as any other effected areas in their life related to the block. In order Blow toward the Solar Plexus, and gently blow from the Heart, the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. Blow
for it to be most effective they must be willing to let go and heal and make the necessary changes related to back down to the Solar Plexus, then back up to the Crown. This is one slow even breath. You are opening
the block. The client's intent in the attunement should be focused on the issues relating to the block and the channels when you do this so you can use your hands to help guide the energy. You can also keep a
letting go of it and healing. strong intention to remove and sweep out all negative energy by sweeping out this energy as you blow by
This "Healing Attunement" is also conceptualized to help "empower goals". (For more information about making a sweeping motion with the hands. Sweep it from the aura to the light.
Goal Empowerment and Manifestation of Goals. To do this, discuss with the person what goals they have
had trouble achieving, and what might need to be released and healed so it can be achieved. Realize that
Part Three - Move behind the Person
Look down the head through the crown chakra, and visualize and imagine that you can see the heart. Look
there are often unconscious fears and feelings that prevent the person from achieving the goal. Also, there
for a soft green, white or pink ball of light. Place a positive affirmation into the person's heart by repeating it
can be fears that if the goals is accomplished the person may have to make changes in their life which may
to yourself three times. Iintend it to enter the heart and to be accepted by the subconscious mind. Some
be uncomfortable or frightening and so they avoid completing that goal. These blocks and fears can be
examples might be "You are completely healed by Divine Love", or "You are empowered by Divine Love
focused on and released during the healing attunement.
and Wisdom"
Procedure Place one hand on the back of the person's heart Chakra and your other hand on their shoulder. Say aloud,
Like all attunements, the client should sit in a chair, back erect, with their feet on the floor. The developers "I now perfectly seal this healing process with Divine Love and Wisdom" Picture a door with the Power
of this technique believe that the recipient's eyes should be closed for the duration of the healing symbol on it being closed and locked over the Heart Chakra. While you do this, intend, will and feel that the
attunement. This is because they need to focus "inwardly" on achieving their primary purpose. It is also healing process is sealed and complete. Place your hands on the person's shoulders knowing that you
done so they cannot see the attunement process. have both been blessed by this process.
Prior to starting the Healing Attunement move behind the person and say a silent prayer and state your
intent. You can also ask for the help of your spiritual Guides, Reiki Guides, angels, etc. Draw the Power
Part Four - Move to the Front
Hold your hands at waist level, palms out facing the person, makse sure the hui yin is contracted and breath
symbol on your palm, Crown, and heart Chakras and intend that they be opened to the Light. Draw all six
a final breath at the person intending that the energy act as a blessing for the person. Some masters
Reiki Symbols in the air in front of you, then you are ready. .
"program" this attunement to last a specified time for the person to be able to work on the issue.
Part One - Move behind the Person Section Two - Antahkarana - Ancient Symbol of Healing
From behind the client make the sign of the Fire Serpent. This starts from above the head, down the back
and spirals at the base of the spine. Place your hands on their shoulders, or on top of their head for a few (Author's note - The Antahkarana exists in several styles of Reiki including the Usui/Tibetan, Tibetan and
moments to develop an energetic rapport with the person. Raku Kai. To the best of my knowledge, it did not exist in Usui Reiki. Although it is claimed to be a
Contract and hold the Hui Yin, and hold it throughout the entire attunement. Do the Violet Breath. (To see "Tibetan" symbol that is most ancient (some even trace it to "Lemuria" 100, 000 years ago!) I can find no
the Hui Yin and violet breath, see the instructions in the Reiki Level III Section of this manual. Open your record of its existence as a symbol used for healing in Tibet or anywhere else. I showed it to a Tibetan
hands and exhale into the Crown Chakra, picturing the Tibetan Master Symbol moving from the middle of monk I met, who said that he has never seen or heard of it before. This does not mean that it is not a
your head, out with your breath, into their crown chakra. Move the symbol down through their head, guiding symbol of antiquity, or that the procedure is ineffective. It does mean that I cannot substantiate the claims
it with your hand, into their heart chakra while saying the name of the Dumo (Tibetan Master Symbol) three made regarding it.)
times. (Moving the symbol into the heart chakra is how this differs from a traditional attunement where the The Antahkarana is reputed to cure everything (although I have repeatedly tried and my beautiful golden
mane of hair has not returned and still I have this receeding hairline. Lucky my wife likes Captain Piccard

and his bald head from Star Trek:TNG, so perhaps this is not necessarily a bad thing......) Most descriptions what you need at the time. I was taught that it cannot be used for harm, much in the same way Reiki
I have seen of the Antahkarana describe it as bring in the "spiritual anatomy" of all living things. It is the cannot be used for harm. I was taught you can place it on things, under them, and all sorts of places to
connection between your brain and your higher self. It is thought that if you are to ever grow spiritually, you assisst in healing.
must develop and heal this connection. The symbol itself is thought to represent that connection and is It is primarily used for Meditation, and there are a number of methods for doing that. The simplest is to gaze
thought by its mere presence (i.e., seeing it) to facilitate that connection. Indeed, just having the thing in on the form on a paper or to make a cube with the image on it and stare at it and meditate. Some people
sight is supposed to have a beneficial and uplifting effect on the chakras and auras. It will also increase the report that the image will fade in and out of consciousness or that they will see visions.
efficacy of all healing techniques. It is thought to complete the Microcosmic orbit by meditating on it, which The size of the image is supposedly related to the masculine and feminine aspects of the image. It was
facilitates a flow of energy to all the chakras. I have heard of it being used to clear and cleanse crystals of taught me that a large single image feminine and the smaller symbol was masculine in energy.
negative energy. A Meditation using the Antahkarana Symbol
The Antahkarana symbol is a cube shaped symbol. It has on its surface three "sevens". These are thought This meditation, as it was taught me appears to be like the Reiki Meditation in the R.A.T (see above)
to correspond to the 7 chakras, seven colors, seven tones on the musical scale. In the apocryphal book of Section of this manual, along with some basic Chi Gung Macrocosmic Orbit work. This process was
Revelations there are the three sevens of the seven trumpets, the seven candlesticks and the seven seals. thought to cleanse the system of negativity, negative energy, and to cleanse the chakras as you circulate
Its energy moves through all dimensions, leading us to out higher self. It probably corresponded also to the the energy. (Author's note: Any good meditation or chi gung practice will do this.)
"seven" plantets. This meditation is purported to improve your healing skills, open the third eye, increase your clairvoyance,
The Meditation practice included here is attributed to Tibetan practices. From the information I was taught, and any other number of wonderments. The process begins with Using the Reiki Master Symbol (Author's
it was said that the monks would use a room lit with seven candles. An earthen vessel would be in the note: has anyone but me noticed that most of these additional techniques need the Reiki Symbols/energy
room. Its shape was oval. It contained water. The oval shaped vessel represented the "cosmic egg" of the to power or empower them?)
universe. There was a stool that the monk would sit upon, which contained the Antahkarana symbol made First place the Antahkarana Symbol under your feet. Next do a complete Reiki Healing Attunement on
out of a silver metal (This might be a "master frequency plate" or "master frequency generator", that Ralf yourself. Place your hands on your thighs and relax. Feel the Reiki flow. Now draw the Usui Master symbol
Jensen developed. They are for sale at the American Reiki Masters Association(tm).) Purportedly the in the air before you. (Some visualize white light coming from their hand as they draw the symbol. As you
monks would sit on the stool and meditate on the reiki symbols which were on a copper mirror on the other draw the symbol, say the name of the Usui Master symbol three times. Keep the image in your mind and
side of the room which would merge the heavenly reiki energies and the antakarana would focus the earth meditate on it. Now Focus your gaze on the Antahkarana Symbol. Say the name of the symbol three
energy blending them in the chakras (does this sound like SKHM to anyone but me???) times, and then hold the symbol in your mind's eye and meditate on the symbol. When you feel done,
(Author's note - It is highly unlikely that Tibetan Lama Monks would be meditating on "Reiki" symbols, focus on the symbols and move them up, into the light, or a field of intense white light. When this is done,
especially the HSZSN and the DKM, which are Japanese Kanji. I know that the Diane Stein fans out there do the Hui Yin, then visualize the Usui Power symbol at the Hara, and then at each chakra all around the
are reminding themselves at this moment that Diane writes that there are 300+ symbols in a monestary in channel until you reach the hara again. This is to clear each chakra. See the light and Reiki energy at
Tibet waiting to be re-revealed to the world. However, there is no evidence that Reiki was ever practiced in each chakra as you do this.
Tibet. There is even less evidence that there are multitudes of
symbols waiting to be discovered anywhere. In my opinion, this Well, there you have it. Level IIIa. Use this if you like, but understand that none of this is done in Japan and
is what happens when people pass on information to others who it is not necessary to do Reiki, or do it effectively.
pass it on and pretty soon, everyone "knows" it, and all accept it
to be true. They even begin quoting each other as sources! For Level IIIb
more information try my Article on "What is and is not Reiki" , or Level IIIb generally consists of two parts. The first teaches the Usui Shiki Ryoho Level III Master material
my article "Reiki History and Commentary". These articles including the Usui Master symbol and its uses. Second, the Tibetan material and symbols was taught.
address this subject in more detail.) Click this link to view the Usui Shiki Ryoho Level III Master Manual on this site. This material should be
The Antahkarana Symbol learned before proceeding.
The Antahkarana is reported to be quite a panacea. It is said to Learning and Using The Usui / Tibetan Symbols
have its own consciousness, to work on the aura, the chakras, The Usui/Tibetan symbols consist of the Fire Serpent, Dumo, and Raku.
the organs, and various other aspects of the energy body. It is A brief statement regarding symbols needs to be addressed. Symbols are exactly that, a symbol. They are
said to connect you to the higher self. It is like that shampoo not the thing they represent. These symbols, like the Usui symbols are representations of a specific
that adjusts to what your hair needs; in that it adjusts itself to manifestation or property of the Reiki energy. They are not the energy themselves. As people progress

spiritually, they find increasing levels of simplicity. It is not uncommon for people to move past the need to The Hui Yin and Violet Breath are generally not considered Traditional Techniques. You can pass
use the symbols and simply use the source energy directly. attunements either using them or not. Some people feel the attunements feel more powerful when using
Some may find the presentation of the symbols here abhorrent. To them, the symbols are secret and these techniques. This is most likely because the Hui Yin is a chi kung technique called the Microcosmic
sacred. The secretive belief, presumably, is that if the symbols are known they will lose their power or that Orbit. When using this, your chi becomes part of the mix while doing an attunement. It is my experience that
others will profane them or try to use them for uses other than reiki, or to harm. The symbols have no power the attunements "feel" stronger when doing them this way.
of their own. They are a connection to the source, not the source itself. The symbols cannot be profaned or The Hui Yin
used for harm, they represent the Reiki source, and Reiki cannot be used for harm. Reiki is sacred, the The Hui Yin point is located between the anus and the genitals. To do the technique, the point is contracted,
symbols are kanji, or Japanese words. They are found on temple walls, in books, in Buddhist practices, and and the tongue is placed against the soft palate (behind the upper teeth. I have seem some Masters
all sort of other places in plain view in Japan. Indeed, anyone with a Japanese dictionary could look them speculate that when using the Hui Yin and Violet Breath when passing Attunements, a special type of high
up. frequency Chi enters the system and passes through the Hui Yin point, making this a more powerful
DUMO or Tibetan Master Symbol process.. Some masters go so far as to speculate that this point must be held for the entire time you are
The Usui/Tibetan style also refer to the Dumo as a "Dai Ko Mio", or the Tibetan DaiKoMio. In my practice, I doing the Attunements to prevent the Ki from escaping from this point. As with all speculation of this type,
refer to the Usui Master Symbol as the Dai Ko Mio, and the Tibetan Master Symbol as the Dumo to avoid no one really knows what the veracity of such claims are. All I can offer is the Usui did not use this process.
confusion. Diane Stein, in her book "Essential Reiki" stated "that many modern teachers feel that the If you are going to use the Hui Yin, you must practice to develop the muscular control to hold the point for
Traditional Dai Ko Myo Symbol is more in tune with the older time, whereas the nontraditional Symbol flows lengthy periods.
more closely to the vibrations of today's world and teaching needs." Something for everyone, I suppose. To develop this muscle, practice contracting the muscles in this area. Pull gently!!!!!! Do not strain and hurt
Some people prefer the Traditional Usui, and others prefer the Usui/Tibetan. If you feel drawn to use one yourself!!! You can also practice contracting these muscles continuously as you go about your daily
over the other, then do so. activities. As you continue practicing, it will become easier and you will be able to hold them for longer
Some see the Dumo as the Goddess Spiral. Coincidentally enough, many of these are people involved with periods of time.
Wicca and other Goddess Religions. I do not believe that is the intent of this symbol and it is not a Wiccan The Violet Breath
based goddess spiral. (Although Diane Stein draws hers that way.) The Dumo is though to unify the body Visualize a White Mist surrounding you. Next, contract the Hui Yin point and place your tongue behind the
and mind. It is reported to work with fire in the base chakra by igniting the Sacred flame (i.e., the Kundalini upper teeth. Breath in and imagine a white Light coming down through the crown Chakra, through the
energy). It is believed to pull negative energy and disease from the body and mind. tongue, down the front of the body (Functional channel), through the Hui Yin point and up the spine
The Dumo represents the flow of the fire of the Kundalini. This Kundalini (Governing channel), to the center of the head. Imagine the white mist filling the head. (This is
energy goes up the spine when the Kundalini awakens as body and mind come commonly referred to as the Microcosmic orbit). Now, visualize the white Mist turn blue, then indigo
together. This produces a "heat" and hence the description of the energy as a blue and begin rotating clockwise. As the Mist rotates see it turn to Violet. In the Violet Light/Mist
kind of fire. Kundalini awakening is a discipline unto itself and something never visualize the Dumo (see it as golden). During the attunement, blow the Dumo Symbol and Violet
lightly undertaken. breath into the student’s crown Chakra and imagine the Symbol moving into the base of the brain as
Fire Dragon, Fire Serpent or Nin Giz Zida you say the name of the symbol in your mind.
The Fire Serpent is thought to open the Chakra system. This allows the Reiki PART III - The Attunement
Healing energy to flow into the person receiving the attunement or healing. There are many attunement methods. I personally have in my possession over a dozen "Usui"
Typically, it would be drawn down the back of the person receiving at the attunements, at least four "traditional" attunements (all different), Usui/Tibetan attunements,
beginning of an attunement of a healing session. Tibetan/Usui attunements, Short forms, and others.
Raku What follows is an attunement set from the Tibetan tradition using the four Usui Symbols and the
Raku is used in passing attunements, but generally not in individual healings. I Dumo, Fire Serpent and Raku. It uses a standard form for all three levels. This is offered here for
have seen some authors state that Raku "helps to lift negative Karma, and your review. As in all things, use the attunement that resonates best with you. Some people are not
brings the student to higher levels of consciousness during an attunement. It is used at the end of an comfortable using attunements other than from their Reiki tradition and lineage, and that is fine. My lineage
attunement to separate the auras and energies of the master and the student. is so convoluted, that I would be hard pressed to pick one that is more important than all the others. If you
PART II have not yet picked it up, I am one of those attunement Junkies who really really likes receiving
attunements. I have had a lot of them. A real lot and in a lot of different traditions.
The Hui Yin and the Violet Breath
Reiki Tibetan/Usui Attunement

This attunement process that I developed. It was originally from the Tibetan/Usui Tradition but felt Bring the student's hands together in prayer position, and move them back in front of the student's Heart.
"incomplete" to me as it did not place the symbols in the heart but only the Crown, Third-eye, and palm Blow over the hands, down to the Solar Plexus, then up to the Third Eye and Crown, and back over the
chakras. It is used for all three levels. The modifications for level II and level III are in parenthesis. hands.
Beginning Part Three
Begin by saying a "prayer" of intent, either silent or out loud. Ask for the help of the Reiki Source to do a Move behind the student. Place your hands on the student's head. Use a positive affirmation and repeat it to
perfect attunement for this person. If you have spirit guides, "reiki" guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, etc., yourself three times, Intend it to be accepted by the student. (Some examples might be: "You are a perfectly
you can ask them to assist that this be a perfect attunement for this persons highest good. attuned", "you are a competent Reiki Healer", or "you are filled with Divine Love and Wisdom", or any other
Draw the Power Symbol on your palms, Crown and Heart Chakras, intending them to open to the Reiki affirmation that is significant to you or the student. You can say them out loud if you prefer.
Source and Light. Cleanse the room by drawing all six Reiki Symbols in the air in front of you (four Usui Open your hands and look down through the Crown Chakra, visualizing through to the root chakra. Intend
Symbols along with the Dumo and Fire Serpent).This not only can clease the room but sets the tone for the that the beautiful great shining light of the Reiki Source send a ball of light into the heart and fill all the
beginning as a sacred event. Contract the Hui Yin and hold it throughout the attunement. (Do not fret if you chakras.
cannot, it will still work!) Move your hands to the student's neck, and then place the right hand on top of the head and the left at the
Part One base of the skull. Visualize a door and then draw the power symbol on it and see the door being closed. Say
On the back, draw the Fire Serpent from slightly above the top of the head and down the back of the to yourself, "I seal this Attunement with Divine Love and Wisdom". Intend that the Process is sealed and
student, ending at the base of the spine. Place both hands on top of the head to get an energetic rapport complete and the student is now forever connected directly to the Reiki Source. Say, "you forever
with the student. connected to the Reiki source."
Bring your tongue to behind the teeth, (remember to keep the Hui Yin Held) and do the Violet Breath. Place your hands on the student's shoulders briefly experiencing the moment with them. Say, "We have
Exhale the Violet Breath into the Crown Chakra blowing the Dumo symbol in gold into the Crown Chakra, both been blessed by this attunement".
and move it through the middle of the student's head, and into the base of the brain. Repeat Dai Ko Mio Part Four
three times as it is moving into the brain. You can guide it with your hand. Move back to the front of the student. Hold your palms toward them. Visualize a white mist surrounding you.
Above the head, draw the Usui Master Symbol and again repeat Dai Ko Mio three times. Again visualize the Breath in and imagine a white Light coming down through the crown Chakra, through the tongue, down the
symbol moving into the into the Crown Chakra, through the head and into the base of the brain, guiding it front of the body through the Hui Yin point and up the spine, to the center of the head. Imagine the white
with your hand. Do the same with the Sei Hei Ki and the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. mist filling the head. Exhale the white mist while releasing the Hui Yin point and tongue, allowing the final
Signal the student to raise their hands held in prayer position to the top of their head. Draw the Power energy of the attunement to bless the student.
Symbol in the air over the hands. Then picture the Symbol moving into the hands, down into the Crown Draw the Raku in the air in front of the student. Say, "the attunement is complete".
Chakra, through the head, and into in the base of the brain saying the name of the power symbol three
times and guiding the Symbol with your hand. (The Sei Hei Ki and the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen are added for Current Issues In The Reiki Community
Level II, and the Symbols are added in level III.) Some of you may wonder why I am addressing "Issues" of reiki. This is because there is much going on in
Part Two the Reiki world today. Reiki is expanding, growing, and developing. In any endeavor, there are always
Move to the front and place the students prayer-held hands in front of the heart. Draw the Power Symbol in growing pains. Some of these issues are contentious, but they summarize what is going on in the Reiki
the air in front of the middle of forehead (brow or third eye chakra). Then picture the Symbol moving into the Community at large.
brow chakra. Guide it in with the hand if you want. Say the name of the power symbol three times. (For
Level II do the same with the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distant Symbol. For the Master Level, use
The Reiki Alliance was formed in 1982 after Mrs. Takata died. At that time there were 22 Masters Takata
all six symbols, remembering to repeat the name of each symbol three times).
had trained in the western world. From what they knew, Reiki was not practiced in Japan after the death of
Draw the Power Symbol in the air in front of the heart chakra. Then picture the Symbol moving into the heart
Mr. Hayashi and World War II. They believed themselves the last masters in the world. The group met, and
chakra. Say the name of the power symbol three times. (For Level II do the same with the Mental/Emotional
Mrs. Phyllis Furumoto, Mrs. Takata's Granddaughter emerged as the leader of the group. Mrs. Barbara
Symbol and the Distant Symbol. For the Master Level, use all six symbols).
Weber Ray, another of Takata's masters, did not attend. (She stated that Takata had revealed to her the
Next open the student's hands like the cover of a book so they are next to each other palms up facing the
secret techniques and named her successor. She started a style called "Real Reiki" and later changed that
ceiling. Place you left hand under their hands and with your right hand draw out the Power Symbol on the
to the "Radiance Technique")
hands on the Palm. Say the name of the power symbol three times. Then lightly slap the hands three times.
When Mrs. Takata died, she named no successor. Phyllis assumed that role, at the urging of the other
(Only the Power symbol is placed in the hands in level I, the Distant symbol and mental /emotional symbol
masters, following in the footsteps of her grandmother. Over the years, Phyllis has moved from leading the
are placed in the hands in level II, and all the symbols are placed in the palms in the Master level.)

Reiki Alliance to claiming to be the "Lineage Bearer", holding the "spiritual lineage", and GrandMaster of ego that leads us to think that we have such importance in the cosmic scheme of things that we must
Reiki. Takata did not name a successor, nor was she referred to as the lineage bearer or grandmaster (she "balance" things.
did not refer to herself in this manner). It is my opinion that Takata did not name a successor because one In looking at the teachings of Jesus, or Buddha, we do not see the idea that "exchanges" must be done to
was not needed. That itself was the message. It is also my opinion that Phyllis is certainly the head of the repay acts of kindness that we do. Jesus tells us that if someone takes our shirt to give our cloak as well,
Alliance, but not more than that. It is hard for her to substantiate the claim of lineage bearer, when we know not if they take our cloak to make sure we get their shoes......
conclusively that Chujiro Hayashi was not Usui's chosen successor. It now seems that Mr. Hayashi was not Any act of kindness effects many many people, far beyond our ability to see or know. Who is to say that
ever a member or the Gakkai (Usui's Reiki Ryoho organization in Japan). The Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho something I do today will not effect many others through that person. Are "energy exchanges" met and
Gakkai has had five presidents of the society since Usui's death, none of whom were Mr. Hayashi. This is satisfied then? I offer this caveat, do whatever you do with no strings attached, no expectations on the
not to down play Mr. Hayashi's great contributions to Reiki who almost certainly developed the hand behavior of the other and you will never go wrong. Surely if Energy Exchanges were so important to the
positions in use in the West today as well as the attunements, but Chujiro Hayashi was a well respected balance, then at least one of the great spiritual leaders would have mentioned it.......
disciple of Dr. Usui, not the lineage bearer. TRADITIONAL and NON TRADITIONAL
The Reiki Alliance has a number of core beliefs and practices that they follow for pricing, content of courses, The problem here is myriad. First, what is a Traditional Reiki Practitioner? Would that be the group calling
and discriminatory guidelines for who can be taught the master level and under what circumstances. Their themselves "Traditional Japanese Reiki"?, or the Reiki Alliance Members Practices, or the Practices of the
current pricing is $150.00 US for Level I, $500.00 US for Level II, and $10,000.00 US for Master/Teacher Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai in Japan? It seems that all believe they practice "Traditional Reiki". For the
Level. There are generally no scholarships or lowered rates for Reiki III or any other degree are offered, nor purposes of this discussion what is generally referred to as "Traditional Reiki" is that of the Usui-Hayashi-
are any payment plans allowed. The Master student is also required to apprentice with the Master for a Takata lineage.
period of at least one year, and once he or she begins to teach, it must be under the Master's supervision, Some traditionalists do not acknowledge training from non-traditional schools. Non-Traditional generally
who receives all class fees. A new master must apprentice with their Teacher for one year. They must not refers to the practices added on and the "other" Reiki's. Styles such as Usui/Tibetan Reiki, Karuna Reiki,
make any new masters for three years. Additionally, they unquestionably acknowledge Mrs. Takata, and Tera Mai Reiki, Lightarian Reiki , Angelic RayKey, are examples of different styles. Techniques such as
Phyllis Furumoto as the "Grand Master" of Reiki. They follow the practices of Mrs. Takata dogmatically, and distant attunements, other symbols, the Hui Yin, Violet breath, reiki guides, seeing auras, psychic powers,
the price for mastership is $10,000. dolphin breathing, Antahkarana symbols, angels and others are considered non traditional techniques.
The $10,000 price was used by Mrs. Takata to ensure that only those most committed to Reiki would Many of these styles and techniques are wonderful additions for a healer to have in their arsenal of effective
achieve the master level. I have heard it stated that Mrs. Takata believed that the people in the West did healing modalities. It is important to know that they were not a part of traditional reiki, that way people can
not appreciate what they receive free. However, it is important to note here that Takata did not always make better and more informed decisions.
charge for training or treatments. Recently in the Western World, we have been lucky that Frank Petter and Hiroshi Doi have been releasing
In the traditional Usui History, Usui healed beggars in the slums in Tokyo who reportedly came back time material from Japan. What is becoming apparent is that in the west we have moved far from the original
and again. They did not appreciate their healing and thus he vowed never to give it away free again. This practice and intent of the system. That does not negate the wonderful healing and developments in the
story is used as part of a justification of having others pay, and pay dearly for learning. What now appears to west, but it does highlight that the original system was an system that developed inner peace, and led to
be the case with this story, is that Usui did in reality work with those in Tokyo, following the earthquake there enlightenment. In the west there is only the healing, with the acknowledgement that it is a "spiritual" art.
and he offered healing to many, which spread the knowledge of Reiki throughout Japan and enhanced The effect of this vacuum is that many have tried to fill in the gaps with every possible new age practice
greatly his reputation as a healer. This would tend to take away the emphesis about money in the traditional including crystals, ancient civilizations such as Tibetan, Atlantean, Lemurian, hypnosis, space aliens, crop
story, as well as the emphesis on "exchanges". The irony is that Mrs. Takata told this story to illustrate that circles, and so many others that I cannot keep up with them all.
some people hold on to their illness and that some people refuse to change.
Another issue to be addressed is the idea of "exchanges" or "energy exchanges". This is a new age
This is an area that brings heated arguments. A Reiki Joke.... What do you call one Reiki Master alone?
concept added in post Takata. This was never a part of Usui Reiki. The idea behind the "energy
Answer: A Healer. What do you call two Reiki Masters together? Answer: An Argument!
exchange", is that when you receive Reiki, it is a great gift and thus there must be some energy exchange
A Reiki Master is a person that has learned the Usui System of Natural Healing. It is someone that knows all
in order to satisfy Universal Law. Along with this reasoning is that to those in the West, money is what is
the symbols, attunements, and has been trained specifically in passing the symbols, training and
truly valued and thus it must be a great sum of money (i.e., $10,000). This to me seems a justification to
attunements to others. Nothing more or less than that. Period. A Reiki Master is not a guru, a spiritual
charge a high fee.
leader, enlightened master, or anything else. (Although some are!) The arguments regarding the title "Reiki
It is my opinion that this philosophy of energy exchanges unnecessary I find the idea of "energy
Master" seem to center around this central point. There is a group that is decidedly uncomfortable in the
exchanges" and the philosophy behind them somewhat odd. The universe maintains it's own balance, it is
term "Master". Perhaps that term was a poor translation of the Japanese word "Sensei" and teacher would

have been a better word. Others see the proliferation of Reiki Masters as something not to be desired and Reiki Masters under law. It also set specific fees for training (10,000 dollars for the Master level) and severe
something that cheapens their accomplishments. For those that paid dearly for the training and spent years penalties for violating the law. As of this writing it was fiercely opposed and most likely will fail. Although the
apprenticing, they feel that those that learn less expensively or do not intern as being less than masters. (It Alliance denied involvement in the Texas law, their name being named on the legislation did nothing to help
is interesting to note that this exact problem is going on in the academic world. Those with Ph.D's are the already contentious atmosphere in the Reiki Community. In New York, the board of Massage therapists,
seeing their prestige and ability to charge higher sums devalued by the glut of Ph.D.'s out there. There is tried to legislate Reiki under the auspices of the Massage therapy Board and Laws. After witnessing a
even talk of instituting a new degree even higher than a Ph.D. I have heard the term "Chancellor" thrown demonstration of Reiki, the board decided that Reiki was not massage and dropped the legislative attempt.
about. If nothing else it is an interesting parallel.) The most current attempt pending is in Florida, where the massage board has usurped the right of Reiki
In Usui's Reiki Ryoho, the level of energy that you could channel was important. Reiki Ryoho used two Practitioners to legally practice. The board has placed Reiki under the auspices of massage law, even
different scales. One was a scale from 6 to 1 (one being highest) indicating the energy level of the person. thought there is no manipulation of tissue as in massage. The matter will now have to be settled
The other scale indicated the level of teaching you have received and is the closest to the "levels" in the legislatively.
west. Usui placed himself at energy level 2. He did not claim to be level I to motivate his students to work SPIRITUALITY
hard. Practices such as Gassho Breathing and Hatsurei ho were taught by Usui to strengthen the reiki Reiki is not a religion. It developed out of some very exciting religious times in Japan and the world. At that
channel, and build up one's internal chi. These were empowering techniques that slowly over time time many great spiritual people were seeing the great light. Mokichi Okada, the founder of Johrei (Meishu-
strengthened you. Sama) developed the religion Johrei (also the name of their God). Johrei is both a religion and a practice of
FEE STRUCTURES channeling the Great Light of God. Johrei is similar in application to Reiki, although philosophically very
Current Fees for practice and training vary considerably. Some Masters feel they should charge only for different. Although Johrei can heal, its purpose is to bring the light into people and clear away the clouds
their time, as Reiki (the energy) is free. Alliance members charge set fees for training. These days, the that formed on their spiritual selves that block the light of God. Amazing healing have been recorded as a
current fees for non-Alliance members vary greatly. The average would be about $150 for level I, $300 for result of this practice and the Johrei Fellowship Worldwide does extensive medical research on the subject.
In terms of treatments, a fair guide as to what to charge is whatever a massage would cost. In terms of In many of the Reiki books available today, there is talk about meeting your Reiki Guides, seeing auras and
training, that is entirely up to you. As a libertarian, I believe things are worth whatever people are willing to angels, increases in your psychic abilities and a whole host of others abilities that the author states followed
pay for them. Libertarian leanings aside, you can base your fees on what is usual and customary in the an attunement. Indeed, some people do experience these things. However it needs to be pointed out that
area, or charge what you think is fair. Tied up in all this is can be your sense of self worth and the idea of the none of these things were in the original system by Usui. Usui was a contemporary of Morihei Tanaka.
value of your time and commitment. Tanaka created a healing art that used spirits in healing called Dai Rei Jitsu. Since we know that Tanaka
TRADEMARK / LAWS had these practices, in Reiki they are conspicuous by there absense. One can only conclude that since
In 1997, Phyllis Furumoto and the Reiki Alliance attempted to Trademark the words "Reiki", and "Usui Shiki Usui knew Tanaka and his practices that they are absent from Reiki because they are not part of the
Ryoho". Their rationale was that others were adding things on to traditional Usui Reiki, as they defined it, system.
and they wanted to make sure the public knew the difference and a trade mark would allow them to be able A story Hawayo Takata tells that once she began to develop psychic abilities after practicing Reiki for a
to determine what was "Usui Shiki Ryoho". Others in the Reiki Community (the vast majority of practitioners time. She asked Hayashi about it when he visited her in Hawaii. He asked her, "Do you want to be a psychic
and masters are NOT alliance members) felt this was a usurpation of their ability to use the word Reiki, and or do you want to practice Reiki?". She chose the Reiki.
an attempt to control the practice of Reiki. There was a lot of bad blood in the community following this act. It is my opinion that many authors do Reiki and the public a great disservice in telling them to expect all
Some expressed the attitude that the Alliance saw their power base and control slipping through others sorts of fireworks, bells and whistles following an attunement. People experience guides, angels, and
offering reduced rate Masterships. The Alliance, for its part, did not help the situation by having statements psychic abilities, when they are READY to receive them. Just as an attunement will not make me a
on Mrs. Furumoto's website ( in letters that masters charging less than $10,000 championship caliber baseball player, it will also not make me psychic. Reiki Attunements and practicing
were creating a deficit economy and implying that charging less than the full 10,000 would result in Reiki help to open us up spiritually and are a wonderful connection to the source of all. Do not promise
incomplete energy and less than perfect attunements. Although the trademark attempt failed because the people what you cannot deliver. In the end it will harm your reputation as a healer and damage the
word Reiki had been in the public domain for over 50 years in this country, the ill will that the attempt credibility of Reiki itself.
generated continues to this day.
Several groups have attempted to pass laws regulating the practice of Reiki in several states. The most Mudras in Reiki and Healing
current attempts were in Texas, New York and Florida. In Texas, the legislation was crafted so that only On these Pages you will find information on Mudras and some of the Raku Kai Mudras. Some of you might
members of the Reiki Alliance and Reiki Touch (and those trained by Alliance masters) could be considered be wondering why I am choosing to include these Mudras here on a site about Reiki. The answer to that is

both simple and complex. A short while back, I learned that there were Mudras used in Raku Kai Reiki. activating each channel and energy. The practice of doing this is best done with meditation and
You can view these by clicking this link. There are also mudras used in Karuna Ki. To View these, click the contemplating the meaning of each cut individually. The meaning of each will vary with each student's
link below. understanding and time spent using the cut. With practice and insight, and a pure heart the meaning will
Raku Kai Reiki Mudras deepen and increase over time. Its applications will also become more apparent.
Karuna Ki Mudras (for Healing and Strengthening the channel) To get the most benefit from these activities, using breathing techniques and meditation is necessary. This
In my martial arts training, I had seen these hand positions and been taught them some 17 years will be added shortly. When using the Mudra, focus on where you feel the pulse in the hands.
previously. When I was taught them, it was not necessarily in the context of healing, but in the context of Raku Kei Reiki Mudras
inner cultivation and energy work and development. Once I learned that they were part of Raku Kai Reiki, I These are the Raku Kai Mudras. The origin is suspected to be from Aurthur Robertson. Included is the
began to reevaluate my knowledge of these positions and to apply them in healing as they were used in Mudra, a brief description and the name as it would by used from other sources.
Raku Kai Reiki. Kanji Position #1 - SHA
Of particular interest to me was that the first four hand positions (Rin, Kyo, Toh, Sha) seemed to have the Position #1 is the fingers interlaced with the two index fingers extended and placed together. Concentrate
same meanings as the four traditional Reiki Symbols and I have speculated that their might be some on the point where you feel the pulse, usually where the finger tips touch. Note the position of the thumbs,
connection. they are not crossed. This was used for spiritual healing. It was also used to cause distant healing. It was
These three hand positions used in Raku Kai Reiki are part of a larger set known as the Kuji-in or "Nine taught that this was done before any type of Reiki healing session. It was thought to bring spiritual energy
Hands Cutting", or "Cutting the Nine Ideographs". They were also referred to as the "Shuji Shuriken". They into the channels in the body.
were used to develop your mental abilities, your ability to control and use energy, and to increase one's Ki, This position is called SHA in other systems. It is used to balance the energy in the body, and develop the
and for protection. These Mudras are seen not only in Japan, but also in Chinese Taoist practices and heavenly chi and spiritual power. It was used to heal self and others. This was done in conjunction with a
Hindu and Tibetan Tantra. In Japan, the practice of "cutting the nine ideographs" was taken up by yin-yang meditation that focused on seeing the bodily fire and connecting to the fire of the universe. This would
practitioners, some Buddhists, Samurai, and ninja. Some swordsmen and ninja performed it in the morning seem analogous to the Reiki Dai Ko Mio symbol in application of bringing in the spiritual light and healing.
after arising or before combat or engaging and enemy.
Each Mudra was performed with meditation, breathing and in invocation/mantra. The mantras are included Kanji Position #2 - RIN
with the information on the Hand Positions. The entire set of made up of nine cuts. A grid was sometimes Position #2 is the fingers interlaced with the two middle fingers extended and tips touching. Note the
made called the Jumon, that was made up of a 9 x 9 grid. position of the thumbs which are crossed. This was used to increase the efficacy of a hands on healing
The entire set was sometimes called the "Jumon Vow" The vow was the mantras "Rin, Kyo, Toh, Sha, Kai, session.and to promote balance. It was thought to help connect to the power and energy and allow it to flow
Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen". In the Zai section there is a discussion of how all these fit together to form a more readily in the channels.
complete pattern and path to enlightenment. This position is called RIN in other systems. Rin is to help connect to the power or energy of the universe
The links below will take you to the pages with pictures of the Kuji Kiri. Included are the mantras that are (cosmic energy) and increase the power in the body. It is interesting that in Raku Kai that this position was
spoken when using the position as well as two views of the picture. chosen for this. It would seemingly be analogous to the intent of the Cho Ku Rei symbol in function.
It is important to state here that it is imperative that the mental focus be correct. This is more important than
having exact finger positions. That being said, the hand positions line up and direct the energy in the body. Kanji Position #3 - JIN
The hands represent a microcosm of the elemental relationship of the universe. The meridians terminate in Position #3 is the fingers folded inward and all interconnecting. The thumbs cross and also are inward to
the hands and taking the Mudras helps a practitioner to direct the flow of energy in the body along these the palm. It was described in Raku Kai as bringing knowing. It facilitates a connection to the subconscious
channels. mind of the client and helps correct imbalances in the client.
Each cut represents one of the Nine levels of power. Your understanding of this will change with time and This position is called JIN in other systems. It was thought to help you Know the thoughts of others. It
practice. This is something that is learned by doing and the significance of each will increase with time and increased the empathic abilities and increased the ability to feel the thoughts of others. At the highest level
effort. one could sense others thoughts and feelings as well as hide your own thoughts, feeling and intent. It is
Kuji-kiri: The Nine Cuts unclear why this would have been included in Raku Kai as there is no similarity to any of the Reiki Symbols
Rin - Strength Kyo - Direction of Energy Toh - Harmony or practices.
Sha - Healing Kai – Premonition
Jin- Knowing the thoughts of others [Way of the Mind Gate] Retsu - Mastery of Time and Space
Karuna Ki Mudras
There are two mudras used in Karuna Ki. Kai is used for developing intuition in treating. Sha is used to
Zai - Control [Thousand Petal Lotus] Zen - Enlightenment
develop and strengthen the Karuna Ki Channel and bring about health, clarity of mind and purpose, and the
It is easiest to learn these once at a time. In practice and application they are done one after the other,

cultivation of compassion. Hara area and see if fill the area making the light there grow, and brighten. You will feel energized. When
Karuna Ki Meditation to develop and strengthen the Channel using the Sha Mudra you feel energized and filled, allow the energy to expand outwards and through your body spreading ever
Sha Mudra and Healing Meditation outward further and further to the top of the head, the tips of the toes and the tips of the fingers. See it
This is a meditation using the Sha Mudra to help develop and spread through all the organs. Focus on the Mudra, and hold it between the sternum and the hara. Breath
strengthen the Karuna Ki Channel. This is taught to all Karuna Ki in through the hands and into the hara, and on the exhale from the hara out through the hands. Do this for
Students and they are strongly ecouraged to practice this daily. 10 minutes or so. When done, focus the mind back on the Hara. Allow your consciousness to return to
Consistent practice clears and focuses the mind and helps one to normal. Stand, and shake the hands three times, and then the feet three times.
cultivate compassion toward all beings. Once you master this breathing technique, you can do this activity any time by using the mudra and just
This Mudra is called Sha in Japanese. It is also used in Taoism, concentrating on breathing and increasing the light. Done regularly it strengthens the body and mind, and
some Tibetan arts, and in Ninjutsu. Sha is used for Healing of Self and increases the vitality of the body. Like with Karuna Ki or Reiki, you will notice that the hands will be very hot
Others, and ro develop and strengthen the inner channel-. It was said when doing this and after. This can be done with any of the other Kuji-in hand
that those that mastered the Inner connections using Sha would positions.
develop an inner power and would no longer succumb to viruses and The Third Cut - Toh
other afflictions. In this mudra the index fingers and thumbs are
extended while the other fingers are interlocked. Using Sha is an Mantra - ON JI RE TA RA SHI I TA RA JI BA RA TA NO-O SO WA KA
excellent mudra to use when meditating. When doing any of the Karuna Ki Meditations you can use the Toh means Harmony with the Universe.
Sha Mudra as you meditate. Additionally, it can be used when doing healings. Before you actually begin Harmony with the Universe is with the Universe all around us. It can be be
doing the healing, place the hands in Sha, connect to the Karuna Ki energy, focus on the compassion of peace with all beings or peace and harmony within oneself. It is an
the source and let the energy flow into the hands. Then separate the palms and begin healing. appreciation of all life. It is being free of fear. With Toh we connect to the
Sha is used for healing self and others. Using this Mudra in the meditation below helps to increase within us patterns of the universe and see in totality.
health, vitality and healing strength. The following exercise can help to fully develop the use of Sha. To do Toh may be used with the Sei Hei Ki or Harmony symbol. It can be used in meditations with the Sei Hei Ki
this, first place your hands in the Sha Mudra. This activity helps link the pathways within the body. By or prior to using the symbol in treatment.
forming the Sha Mudra with the hands the appropriate pathways of energy are linked within the body. This Toh is formed by connecting the fourth fingers on both hands and the fifth fingers on both hands making a
brings health and knowing. The activity helps increase your inner strength, expands your channel, expand "v". The thumbs are extended, and the remaining fingers interlock.
the mind and the ability to sense self and others and to remove fear. The Fourth Cut - Sha
Breathe in through the nose and out of the nose. Empty your mind by focusing only on the breathing. If that Mantra - ON HA YA BAI SHIRA MA TA YA SO WA KA
is difficult, count slowly to seven on the inhalation and to seven on the exhalation. If other thoughts arise, Sha is Healing. It is the healing of self and others. With Sha you connect to
pay them no mind and let them slip away. Focus within and on the flow of energy within the body and on the the inner universe. Consistent use of Sha helps develop an inner peace with
spirit. in yourself. It is a loving relationship to the physical body.
Deep within us burns a Fire, behind the hara and it is the area of Personal Chi. This meditation replenishes This position is called SHA in other systems. It is used to balance the energy
our personal chi with the compassionate loving energy of Karuna Ki (or Reiki, etc.) and strengthens us, in the body, and develop the heavenly chi and spiritual power. It was used to
reduces stress and anxiety, and increases our ability to channel the energy. heal self and others. This was done in conjunction with a meditation that
Focus on the Hara, or slightly behind it. Some people see or focused on seeing the bodily fire and connecting to the fire of the universe.
visualize this as see it as a ball of light, fire or heat. Visualize the When you sense your inner power you will no longer sucumb to viruses and
ball of fire deep within you, behind the Hara. Connect to other ailments. With Sha you have the ability to heal yourself and others by
Karuna Ki or Reiki energy. This activity is to focus on the fire directing the energy. This would seem analogous to the Reiki Dai Ko Mio symbol in application of bringing
and to make it burn brighter and warmer and to increase its in the spiritual light and healing. Sha is formed by extending the index fingers with the tips touching. The
radiance throughout the body. thumbs are extended and the remaining fingers are interlocked. Focus on where you feel the pulse. The
As you breathe in the breath, the loving light energy (Use source of Sha is in the solar plexus.
Reiki or Karuna Ki) comes in energy comes in through the This is the #1 hand position in Raku Kai Reiki.
crown (top of head). See the energy move down to behind the

Scanning and Mudras toward the person. Allow your hands to "sense" the person and their energy field. This seems odd, but the
Karuna Ki uses two different scanning methods to determine areas needing treatment, hand scanning and sense of it will generally be felt. Move your hands, or visualize seeing the field and then note how it feels to
the Karuna Ki Scanning Method. you. Use distant sending/healing techniques to treat those areas. This technique can also be done on a
Hand Scanning - This is the traditional Scanning technique taught in Karuna, and other Systems. Scanning person accross the room.
is placing your hands into the energy or auric field of another to try to discern differences in their energy
field. You are essentially looking for anything different. Try to feel for hot spots, cold spots, tingling The Ninth Cut - Zen
sensations, obstructions. Start at the head and work to the feet and then back up. Mantra - ON A RA BA SHA NO-O SO WA KA
Begin with the hands about 2 inches (4.5 centimeters) above the person's body. After the first pass, Zen is enlightenment, Satori, Nirvana or bliss. With Zen one is awake and has final awareness of oneself
increase the distance to about 6 inches (14 centimeters). Scanning is something that requires a great deal and others.
of practice to become proficient at. (Remember, you do not diagnose since that is illegal to do in most Zen is formed by the right hand covering the left hand. The thumb tips of both hands are touching.
places without a medical license!) This is a tool to aid in treating. Make a mental note of the areas that feel
different. Ask your client if there is any specific illness associated with the area. This process is done to find
areas that need additional treatment. This also is done to guide hand placement which is more intuitive in
Karuna Ki.
Karuna Ki Scanning Method - This is the scanning method developed by Vince Amador for Karuna Ki. It
incorporates a hand position or Mudra and uses the third eye to help develop the intuition to find areas that
need treating.
The above Mudra is called Kai in Japanese. It is also used in some Tibetan arts, Taoist practices and in
Ninjutsu. Kai is used for breaking the bonds of passions and desires, the premonition of danger, sensing
energy around you, and inner knowing. It was said that the Taoist master that achieved Kai would "know
what can not be known". It is only when our minds are clear and we have stilled our thoughts that we can
sense clearly all around us. Kai is an activation of the psychic sense which allows us to see beyond sight.
In this mudra the fingers are all interlocked.
The Mantra for Kai is " ON NO-O MA KU SAN MAN DA BA SA RA DAN KAN ".
To use Kai in scanning first place your hands into the Kai mudra, close your eyes, relax for a moment and The Eighth Cut - Zai
take several deep breaths. Focus on the Ultimate Source of Compassion that is Karuna Ki. Breath in the Mantra - ON CHI RI CHI I BA RO TA YA SO WA KA
energy into hands and then into the Hara. Let the expand through the body. Next, direct the energy into the Zai is called the gesture of the "Thousand Petaled Lotus". Zai is the oneness with all the universe. In Zai all
hands. Do this by breathing in the energy into the Hara and then exhale the energy out through the hands, is one.
radiating the compassionate energy outward around you. When the hands are filled with the energy, bring Masters of Zai were said to be able to control of the elements of nature. It is
the connected hands up to the level of the third eye and place the knuckles of the thumb against the third said that when one achieves Zai, that they have the ability to control thoughts
eye. Focus the energy on the third eye. Continue to breath through the hands. Visualize the Zonar, then the into physical effects. You are also not affected by Presence, Dominate, mind
Gnosa symbol, and then any other of the Karuna Ki Symbols that you may intuit. Allow any sensations to be influencing or affecting illusions or abilities.
"seen" or "felt". You will feel the sensation of the third eye active. It will feel like a tingling in the center of the Zai has a special meaning because it is the combination of all the Kuji-in that
forehead or a pressure behind the forehead. When you are ready, begin separate the hands and begin have come before it. Rin is knowledge and power. With Kyo it is evoked and
scanning with the palms as described above in the "hand scanning" section. Continue to focus on the third channelled. Toh brings attunement with the universal pattern. Sha is inner
eye area. Impressions are "seen" but not so much seen with the eyes as they are felt or experienced. This alignment. Kai is inspiration and heightened consciousness. Jin is developed
method also helps develop the third eye area and intuition in all areas of your life, as well as to focus on the intuition. Retsu is oneness with the spiritual and development of our spiritual
compassionate source of the Karuna Ki energy. This helps us stay focused in compassion toward all. nature. Zai builds on all that has come before and is oneness with the
Distant Scanning Method - This method incorporates both Hand Scanning, Karuna Ki Scanning, and universe. Zai is formed with the fingers spread out, palms facing away from
Distant Work. Focus on the person to be scanned by distance. If you have a picture, letter, or other thing you. Your index fingers and thumbs are touching.
from them that might help you facilitate the energetic connection then that can be used. Do the Karuna Ki
Scanning hand technique and third eye connection described above. Then place your palms outward as if

Rin represents the Vajra Thunderbolt of Tibetan Buddhism. It destroys Ignorance and creates inner peace,
power and wisdom. Rin is spirituality in daily life.
It is possible that Rin can be used in meditation and practice in conjuntion with the Cho Ku Rei symbol,
since they seem to share the similarity of purpose.
Rin is formed by interlocking the fingers, thumbs crossed with the middle fingers extended. Focus the
energy and attention on the point where you feel the pulse.
This is the #2 Hand position in Raku Kai Reiki.
The Second Cut - Kyo

Kyo means connection to or the Direction of
The Seventh Cut - Retsu Energy. It is the great diamond of spiritual
Mantra - ON HI RO TA KI SHA NO GA JI BA TA I SO WA KA knowledge and higher consciousness. Kyo
Retsu is Wisdomand Benevolence, the ultimate actuality and pure knowledge. It is also called the Mastery helps harmonize the flow of internal energy.
of Time and Space. Retsu is the oneness within the spiritual realm. It is being one with cause and effect This can represent connecting to the Cosmic
and seeing the interconnectedness or the "Great Chain of Being". Retsu masters were said to control one's energy and bringing it in to use, directing and
own time around them. It was thought that at this level a master of Retsu was able to blend and shape using your energies, or it can mean directing internal or external energy to increase your inner power. It
Time and Space around themself. Boxers often notice that in the ring time stands still and things appear in may also refer to using energy to direct thigs elsewhere, or using energy to deflect negativity or attacks.
slow motion. When you are interested in an activity and in the "Flow" time appear to pass in an instant It is possible that Kyo can be used with the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol. The purpose of Kyo is
when hours may have passed. Controlling your own time is an ability that everyone has. With this connection, and direction of energy. It can be used in meditation when contemplating the Hon Sha Ze Sho
knowledge you can use this. There are some that think in the oneness of all there is no time, only the now, Nen, or prior to using the symbol in treatment.
this moment. Living in the now you are the master of time and space. To form Retsu, the index finger of the To form Kyo, wrap the middle fingers around the index fingers, thumbs parellel and extended with the
left hand is pointing up with the fingers of the right hand curling round it. The thumb of the right hand is remaining fingers interlocked.
pressed against the outside edge of the nail on the index finger of the left hand. Press in while inhaling for 9
heartbeats (about 7 seconds or so). This hand position is known as Sho Yo or the large intestine meridian This manual and information is for Karuna Ki Masters, Practitioners and students. If you have not had some
point #1. It is used in acupuncture to treat fever and diarehhea. Usui Reiki Training, this information will be of little use to you or make little sense. This Manual is here for
The First Cut - Rin my students, and those interested in learning or participating in Karuna Ki.
Rin means Power, or Strength of Mind and Body. Some may think that this Introduction and Overview
means physical strength, and for them it might. Others may think it means Karuna Ki is an art that I developed from my practices with Karuna and the Karuna Symbols. Karuna Ki is
mental or emotional strength and for them it may also mean that. Others the Way of Compassionate Energy and a Healing and Meditative practice using the Karuna Ki energy and
might think is means strength of character or moral strength and again for symbols to be the Divine Heart of Compassion.
them it may mean that. It could also mean the power of God. What is Power, The History of Karuna Ki tries to be balanced in its understanding of how the Karuna arts came to be, and
what is Strength? St. Paul said, "When I am weak, that is when I am strong", tries to give due credit to those who invested time and effort in its development. Karuna Ki represents my
what did he mean? development and practice with the Karuna, the symbols, Karuna Ki Do meditations and other practices.

Karuna Ki shares the symbols and early development with Karuna ReikiÒ, and Tera MaiÔ Reiki. Karuna The Karuna Ki System respects the traditional sanctity of the Teacher and Student Relationship, which has
Ki has new attunements and Karuna Ki Do meditations, and is a new development apart from either Karuna stood the test of time for centuries. It is my belief that the healing and teaching relationship should be an
ReikiÒ and Tera MaiÔ Reiki. The basic principle of Karuna Ki is the connection to (and becoming) the individual relationship free of outside controls, conflicting loyalties, and other requirements. This is the case
embodiment of compassion both for healing self and others, and to send healing and compassion to all with the vast majority of the Independent Usui Reiki Masters. As such, the Karuna Ki system is offered as
creation. The attunement and subsequent meditations link us to the compassion of God (which we all an alternative. The Karuna Ki system is free of trademarks, registrations, conflicting loyalties and external
already are and have!), and it is through this power that we heal. During the healing we strive to reflect controls. It is a system, like Usui Reiki, that is for everyone. Teachers of this system are free to add
compassion and love not only to those we heal, but to all creation. For those uncomfortable with the use of material as they see fit to address the needs of their individual students.
"God", this principle is reflected wonderfully in the Buddhist Goddess of Compassion, Kuan Yin (Kannon in This manual is Copyright by Vincent Amador 1999. It is offered for Karuna Ki Teachers to use, without
Japanese). This is a "heart centered compassion" and a heart centered healing. It is sharing in the obligation, with the exception that if it is used in a class as a student manual that it is given in its entirety.
compassion of God, or the compassion of Kuan Yin for all the universe. It is only in this perfect love that Karuna Ki Teachers are always free to use their own materials, develop their own materials, establish
one is truly healed. whatever requirements for certification that they wish for their individual students and teach however they
Similarities and Differences to other Karuna Arts and Systems choose. Those who are Karuna Masters from other Karuna traditions finding themselves disinfranchised
Karuna Ki evolved from other Karuna arts. Similarities include that it shares the Symbols Zonar, Halu, due to registration issues are welcome to practice Karuna Ki, and free to use the name for their practice. It
Harth, Rama, Gnosa, Kriya, Shanty, Iava, Om, Fire Serpent, and the Tibetan Master Symbol. is not trademarked and open to all. The manual is a resource for all to use. It will be updated regularly.
Karuna ReikiÒ uses a process of 4 attunements. In reality there are only 2 attunements. There is a Karuna
I and a Karuna II attunement. When learning Karuna Practitioner Level I, you receive the first of the two Karuna Ki Do Meditations
attunements. When you learn Karuna Practitioner Level II, you receive the second attunement. When you In Karuna Ki Do Meditations, there are four types of meditations. Of primary importance in the Karuna Ki
learn the two master levels, you receive the same attunements again with the intent that they be master System is the meditation to strengthen and develop the Channel. There are also meditations to expand the
attunements this time. In Tera MaiÔ Reiki, there are three attunements. These are Level I, Level II, and oneness of the loving heart centered compassion and to share it with all the universe; meditations with the
Master Level. There is also a Water ceremony and a Yod initiation. symbols; and Toning in mediitation.
Karuna Ki is very different. It has a two faceted attunement system. For those who are already Reiki or The first type of Karuna Ki Meditation, is an activity that uses a mudra (hand positon) and specific breathing
Seichim Masters, there is a Singular Karuna Ki Master Attunement that attunes you to all the symbols to the to focus on strengthening the healing channel, increasing the personal chi, and healing the self. In
Master level in one attunement. For those with less than master energy work, there is a three leveled conjunction with the attunements, it forms the basis of the system and transmission of the energy.
attunement system. The theoretical underpinnings of this are discussed in more depth in the attunement Consistent practice clears and focuses the mind and helps one to cultivate compassion toward all beings.
section of this manual. The second type is to meditate on the Compassionate energy that is Karuna Ki and to use that to expand
It should be noted that I do not claim anything supernatural or mystic in developing this Karuna Ki system or your awareness. The meditation also allows you to expand your compassionate awareness to all the
these attunement processes. They do not come from Ascendant Masters, Channeled beings, "from God" or universe.
anything else. They come from a human being who studied carefully the process, how it worked and what The third type of Karuna Ki Do Meditation is with the symbols. Meditation with the Karuna Symbols can help
was necessary for it to work. These practices developed naturally out of my practices. These days, there to develop the connection with the symbols and thus the connection to the Compassionate Heart that is the
are many claims by some systems being "higher frequency", "faster healing" and "better than Usui Reiki". It basis of this system. There are many ways to meditate on the symbols. The simplest is to use a meditation
must be noted that the Karuna Ki System makes none of these claims. Karuna Ki is offered as a healing art that you already use and to draw the symbols before you, concentrate on the connection to the energy and
and spiritual practice. No other claims are made than that. As the founder of this style of Karuna Ki, I contemplate the individual meaning of the symbol.
acknowledge that meditation and practice of any energy system or art has the effect of increasing your The fourth practice in Karuna Ki Do Meditation, is using Toning. This practice can be used in either of the
capacity to handle energy as well as your own personal vibration. That includes consistent practice with first type of Karuna Ki Do Meditation, to change or enhance the effects.
Usui Reiki or personal meditation. Specific exercises are listed below. These are my practices. Trust in yourself and your intuition.
In developing Karuna Ki, I have redesigned and incorporated new developments in a manner that I Experiement and see if these work for you. Consistent practice is the key. To do these Karuna Ki Do
personally feel resonates better for with the Way of Compassionate Energy. I have designed new Meditations, use guidelines that anyone doing meditation of any sort might follow. Get yourself into a
meditations, developed new uses for the symbols, and designed new attunements. Karuna Ki is a unique comfortable position. Sitting in a comfortable chair that allows your spine to be erect is good. Placing your
creation that is separate and different from the Sai Baba Reiki and Karuna ReikiÒ . hands on your lap and having your feet comfortably touch the floor generally works well. Relaxing the body
using some deep breathing, or muscular relaxation can sometimes help. As with all meditation, if your mind
The Karuna Ki System - Trademarks, Registrations and Controls wanders while meditating, allow the thoughts to slip away, paying them no mind, and gently refocus. Having

done that, breathe slow and deep, shut your eyes and focus on the feeling of love and compassion. this daily. Consistent practice clears and focuses the mind and helps one to cultivate compassion toward all
Sometimes it helps to allow that sensation to begin in your palms. Allow the Karuna Ki Do to pour into you beings.
and intend that it do so. Remember that the feeling of this system is one of total compassion and love in the This Mudra is called Sha in Japanese. It is also used in Taoism, some Tibetan arts, and in Ninjutsu. Sha is
oneness of all creation. Let your mind stay on this sensation and feeling. Now allow the loving and used for Healing of Self and Others, and ro develop and strengthen the inner channel-. It was said that
compassionate feel of the Source to be with you as the energy flows into you. Stay with this feeling for a those that mastered the Inner connections using Sha would develop an inner power and would no longer
time and then when you are ready, you can begin to meditate on the symbols. succumb to viruses and other afflictions. In this mudra the index fingers and thumbs are extended while the
other fingers are interlocked. Using Sha is an excellent mudra to use when meditating. When doing any of
The Symbols and their Meanings the Karuna Ki Meditations you can use the Sha Mudra as you meditate. Additionally, it can be used when
This list is a summary. For more specific aspects of the symbols refer to the Karuna Ki Symbols Page. doing healings. Before you actually begin doing the healing, place the hands in Sha, connect to the Karuna
Zonar - Zonar helps us to work through and release karma and pain. Work at this by sending this loving Ki energy, focus on the compassion of the source and let the energy flow into the hands. Then separate the
compassion of Karuna throughout yourself at a cellular level during the meditation. palms and begin healing.
Halu - Clears the mind of delusion and denial. It can clear and open a channel to higher consciousness. It Sha is used for healing self and others. Using this Mudra in the meditation below helps to increase within us
can also be used to dispel psychic and/or psychological attack. health, vitality and healing strength. The following exercise can help to fully develop the use of Sha. To do
Harth - Symbol for the heart from which healing and love flow. This helps one develop the highest this, first place your hands in the Sha Mudra. This activity helps link the pathways within the body. By
compassion and is the base symbol of Karuna Ki. Use it to heal the the heart and issues of the heart. forming the Sha Mudra with the hands the appropriate pathways of energy are linked within the body. This
Rama - Connect with the abiding joy that is the Compassion of Ram or God. Also use it to ground to the six brings health and knowing. The activity helps increase your inner strength, expands your channel, expand
directions, connect with the earth energy, and to open, connect and balance the lower chakras to the earth. the mind and the ability to sense self and others and to remove fear.
Gnosa - Helps link you with mystical and spiritual knowledge acquired through feeling and prophecies from Breathe in through the nose and out of the nose. Empty your mind by focusing only on the breathing. If that
God. It can link you more fully with the higher self is difficult, count slowly to seven on the inhalation and to seven on the exhalation. If other thoughts arise,
Kriya - The Law of Kriya is that of creation and of action, and raises awareness; transforms thoughts into pay them no mind and let them slip away. Focus within and on the flow of energy within the body and on the
action and manifestation. spirit.
Iava - It is used to send the Karuna (loving compassion) through the universe. Can be used for planetary Deep within us burns a Fire, behind the hara and it is the area of Personal Chi. This meditation replenishes
healing. Will help to heal the Earth (situations, places, disasters, disease, etc) our personal chi with the compassionate loving energy of Karuna Ki (or Reiki, etc.) and strengthens us,
Shanty - Heals our holding onto the past; helps to focus on living harmoniously in the moment, and to reduces stress and anxiety, and increases our ability to channel the energy.
release the futures we create for ourselves. Focus on the Hara, or slightly behind it. Some people see or visualize this as see it as a ball of light, fire or
Om - Represents the Universe functioning as a whole. It brings in wholeness into our lives. Also, use to heat. Visualize the ball of fire deep within you, behind the Hara. Connect to Karuna Ki or Reiki energy. This
clean, stabilize and seal the aura. It bings in light, purifies, protects and connects with God. activity is to focus on the fire and to make it burn brighter and warmer and to increase its radiance
Fire Serpent - Connects and opens all chakras, and opens central channel allowing the flow of kundalini throughout the body. As you breathe in the breath, the loving light energy (Use Reiki or Karuna Ki) comes in
fire. Used specifically here to balance. energy comes in through the crown (top of head). See the energy move down to behind the Hara area and
Usui Dai Ko Mio - The Great Shining Light. It is a pure connection to the source and the Karuna (loving see if fill the area making the light there grow, and brighten. You will feel energized. When you feel
compassion of God for all creation). energized and filled, allow the energy to expand outwards and through your body spreading ever outward
Tibetan Dai Ko Mio - revitalizes and energizes the center of each chakra, and the unification of the body and further and further to the top of the head, the tips of the toes and the tips of the fingers. See it spread
mind. through all the organs. Focus on the Mudra, and hold it between the sternum and the hara. Breath in
through the hands and into the hara, and on the exhale from the hara out through the hands. Do this for 10
Karuna Ki Do Meditation Number One minutes or so. When done, focus the mind back on the Hara. Allow your consciousness to return to
Developing the Channel normal. Stand, and shake the hands three times, and then the feet three
Karuna Ki Do Meditation #1 is done using the Sha Mudra and focuses on strengthening the healing times. Once you master this breathing technique, you can do this activity any
channel, increasing the personal chi, and healing the self. This is also described on the Karuna Ki Mudra time by using the mudra and just concentrating on breathing and increasing
Page. the light. Done regularly it strengthens the body and mind, and increases the
This is a meditation using the Sha Mudra to help develop and strengthen the Karuna Ki Channel. This vitality of the body. Like with Karuna Ki or Reiki, you will notice that the hands
practice is one of the most basic skills in Karuna Ki and is fundamental in cultivating both mental clarity, will be very hot when doing this and after. This can be done with any of the
health and compassion. This is taught to all Karuna Ki Students and they are strongly ecouraged to practice

other Kuji-in hand positions. from the upper chakras and into the hara. Any method of grounding works and keeps the dizzies from
Karuna Ki Do Meditation Number Two There are many symbols in Karuna and thus the symbol you choose to do the meditation on depends on the
Karuna Ki Compassion Meditation particular aspect of the energy you with to explore more fully. Ideally all of them should be done over time,
In this meditation we will use all the symbols and connect to the Loving Compassionate Heart of the with a minimum of a week spent on each one. There are an infinite number of possibilities of Karuna Ki Do
Universe. We will center this in our hearts and then send it out to all the universe. Begin by breathing in Symbol Meditations possible. You can do it focusing only on the connection to the Karuna Ki source. You
deep breaths through the nose and out through the mouth. Visualize the symbols and draw them in your can add other meditative practices such as light body meditations, or Mer-Ka-Ba. Experiement and know
mind (it is ok to have a picture of them if you have not memorized them yet!) Draw the Zonar, Halu, Harth, that just as the human creators of the Karuna Systems used their intuition and guides to develop their
Rama, Gnosa, Kriya, Iava, Shanty, Usui Dai Ko Mio, Tibetan Dai Ko Mio, and finally the Om. Feel the practices, you can develop your own as well!
peaceful energy of the compassion that is Karuna Ki flow all around you.
Now, focus on the energy of the universe, all the stars, the planets, everything. Focus on breathing in all the Karuna Ki Do Meditation Number Four
energy in the universe, pulling it into you, energizing you, filling you completely. Let yourself be filled with Toning Meditation
the peaceful, loving, compassionate energy of the universe. Breathe in pure loving compassionate energy This fourth practice of Karuna Ki Do Meditation is to add the toning and chanting aspects of Karuna Ki
and breathe out all the toxins and negative things not in your highest good. Stay with this feeling as long as healing into the meditative practice. Meditation techniques such are Transcendental Meditation, Praying the
you wish. It is in this loving compassion that we experience the oneness of all things (whether that be "we Rosary, the Tibetan "Om Mani Padme Hum" to for Kuan Yin's assistance are all examples of chanting from
are all one in Christ's love", or "in the love of compassion for all souls to reach enlightenment", that is Kuan many faiths. To use this Karuna Ki Do technique, simply decide on what symbols, or what aspect of the
Yin). Now, think of the feeling of loving compassion, and concentrate on breathing in that. This is the energy you are trying to manifest. Then use those symbols names as mantras when performing Karuna Ki
Karuna Ki Do. When breathing out send that out to every part of the universe. Do this for a time and then Do Meditation One or Two. Some possible combinations might be Om-Shanty-Om, or Om-shanty-shanty-
when you are ready, allow yourself to fill every part of you with this energy. Begin at the toes and let your Om, Om-Gnosa-Om, or Om-Iava-Om. Many patterns are possible using the symbols names and the intent
body and energy field fill totally until you brin with this wonderous feeling loving energy. When finished, of the symbol as the guide to what you are trying to accomplish.
slowly allow yourself to reorient to your surroundings and then go out and be this compassion to all.
Karuna Ki Symbols
Karuna Ki Do Meditation Number Three You can use the Karuna Ki symbols just like using the Usui Reiki symbols. They can be drawn at the
Karuna Ki Symbol Meditation beginning of a session to gain rapport with the Karuna, they can be drawn on the palms prior to healing, or
Choose a symbol to work with. Either draw it in front of you or visualize it in your mind. Say the name of the they can be drawn on the person receiving helaing. The names of the symbols can be chanted or in-toned
symbol (either out loud or in your head). Visualize the symbol as golden, intensely bright and empowered (as previously described). The following descriptions of these symbols are
with the loving energy of the Source. Allow it to flow into you, and for any message it might have for you to complied from various sources including Light and Adonea's Karuna
manifest. Stay focused on the symbol and the Compassionate Karuna Ki energy flow and the source. Allow Manual, Kathleen Milner's Books, and from various Karuna Websites on the Web.
the symbol and energy to show you what that means. Stay with this as long as you feel comfortable. Focus
on your breathing. Breathe in the compasion and love of all the universe, and then on the exhale radiate
out that love to all living beings. When done with the symbol, feel the connection to the source and see the
symbol fully activate and experience the oneness of the source.
When you are finished, draw all the Karuna Ki Do symbols in front of you saying their names. Thank the
Source for sharing this with you. At this point, you are likely to be filled with energy and this would be a good
time to work on doing self-treatments, treating others, doing distant healing, manifesting goals, charging
your reiki crystals. Grounding yourself is important! If you are not grounded, you might find yourself light
headed and dizzy after this meditation. Find something that is grounding and do it. You can place your
palms on the earth, go for a walk, visualize roots running to the center of the earth and connecting, drink
water or whatever works for you. You can also put your tongue on the soft pallate (just behind the teeth),
draw the power symbol on the feet, that hara (just below the naval) and the palms. Place your palms
on the hara and concentrate on that area for a few minutes. This tends to bring the excess energy

Zonar Rama
This symbol is pronounced "zoe nar". It was channeled by Marcy Miller and purportedly given to Marcy from This symbol is pronounced "ra ma". It was channeled by Kellie-ray Marine. Rama translated means
Sai Baba during a meditation. Zonar means "infinity" or eternity. To draw the symbol, first draw the "Z" and abiding joy and is interchangeable with Ram or God. Rama grounds to the six directions, connects with
then the infinity three times. This symbol is thought to work with past lives. The theory being that the cells earth energy. It opens, connects and balances lower chakras to the earth Harmonizes the upper chakras
carry the memory of trauma, and ideas from both this life and previous lives. This symbols is thought to with the lower. Rama clears lower chakra energy. It can help to get a person out of lower chakra issues
help us work through these issues and release them and the associated Karma. Because of this it is (survival, lack, over indulgence or lack of desire for sex, power
thought to work well with child abuse. It is also to help with things or formulate issues not clearly defined, struggles, etc.) Rama can be used to clear crystals and to clear a room
and allow us to open ourselves to the awareness of these issues and our humanity. Lastly it is used for of negative energy. It empowers material goals and helps to manifest
dimensional access. In Karuna Ki, the specific technique for using Zonar is to connect to the loving them. Rama creates steadfastness and determination. If you initiate the
compassionate energy of the divine source which is infinite, and use this infinite love for healing. feet with Rama and the power symbol, it will open the feet chakras, and connect
with the earth energy bringing balance and increasing the
Halu amount of Ki energy channeled.
This symbol is pronounced "hay-lou" It was channeled by Kathleen and Marcy and was given purportedly
by Sai baba during a meditation. Halu means love, truth,and beauty. It can also mean harmony. It is
supposed to be a deeper ray of healing. This symbol is an amplification of Zonar. To draw this, the Z is
completed and the pyramid is added. Halu is thought to be more powerful than Zonar and works in higher
dimensions and at deeper levels. Halu is said to restore balance. It is thought to bring about "deep healing"
at causal and karmic levels. Like the Usui Reiki symbol, Sei Hei Ki, it is supposed to help dissolve negative
patterns in the unconscious mind that we use to keep ourselves from truth, and also to break up delusion
and denial. It is also used to open a channel to higher consciousness. It can be used to repel and dispel
psychic attack and psychological attacks. To use Halu for this purpose, draw the symbol in the air and
connect at your heart center to the divine compassion. Infuse and surround yourself with the symbol and Gnosa
this energy. Know and intent that no psychic or psychological attacks can harm you in the oneness of this This symbols is pronounced "know sa". It was channeled by Maria Abraham. It is also
love. raise your hands and send this loving energy to those that might be attacking. Both Jesus and called "Planetary Healing and Enlightenment" by Maria and Kathleen. The word
Ghandi believed in "loving your enemies" and "praying for those that persecute you". This technique is the "Gnosa" is derived from the Greek "Gnosis" meaning mystical and spiritual knowledge
embodiment of that belief. acquired through feeling and prophecies from God. Gnosis is also the belief that
God reveals equally to all creation, and through personal intimate connections. Gnosa
Harth links you more strongly with the higher self, and brings higher
This symbol is pronounced exactly as spelled. It was channeled by Kathleen consciousness into the physical body. Gnosa increases
Milner and Marcy Miller. Harth means Love, Truth, Beauty, Harmony and awareness of dimensional levels of self. It can create a
Balance. It is the main symbol of Karuna Ki. It represents the Infinite Love spinning merkaba at the heart center uplifting consciousness.
and Compassion of the source. Harth is a symbol for the heart from which healing This symbol, like Harth is a primary symbol in Karuna Ki. It is
and love flow. It is used to heal the heart and issues of the heart, and helps one develop through Gnosis that we develop the oneness with the
Karuna (compassion). It is useful and helpful in healing relationships. Harth restores compassion of God.
our love of life and for the things we do. Harth is good to use for addictions of all kinds.


This symbol is pronounced "kree yah". It represents perfect balance. It was This symbol is pronounced "do moe". (Also known as Tibetan Master
channeled by Pat Miller. It is also called "Chokurei" by Kathleen Milner, Symbol or Tibetan Dai Ko Mio.) It represents the swirling fiery heat of the
or double chokurei by others. Kriya means action. The Law of Kriya is Kundalini. Dumo or Dumo Fire is the heat which ascends over the spine
that of creation and of action. Draw the symbol with both hands as a result of Kundalini awakening. The unification of mind and body
simultaneously. Kriya is used for physical manifestation. It is produce the emanation of heat. Heat is the lowest range of vibration,
thought to help to heal the human race. Kriya brings in and/or radiating out to produce form (Body). Dumo is the igniter of the Sacred
releases energy creating balance. Kriya raises awareness; and Flame or Kundalini fire. Dumo unifies the mind and body and works with
transforms thoughts into action and manifestation. It is used in the fire in the base chakra. Dumo pulls negative energy and disease out
the attunement, drawing over the body and sweeping off the of a body, room, or situation and releases it. It is thought to heals the soul,
hands (resting on knees), saying something like "You are in brings spiritual growth. It can be
Perfect Balance and Oneness with all that is"

used on
Iava crystals to
This symbol is pronounced "ee-ah-vah". It was channeled by Catherine Mills. The symbols balances the self-
four elements. When drawing the four small loops, say "Earth" with the first, "Water" with the second,
"Wind or Air" with the third, and "Fire" with the fourth. Iava helps pierce the viel of illusion that is our
conditioned thoughts and beliefs. By doing this we see things as they are, not as our conditioned beliefs
would lead us to believe. In this oneness of mind, we are free to respond to another in the moment ranther clear.
that react from past conditionings. Iava can heightens awareness to reality. It is used to help you to take Dumo's main
action on your own plans. Iava is used for planetary healing. It will help to heal the Earth (situations, places, focus is healing.
disasters, disease, etc.). It is used in the
process with Violet
Shanti Breath where it is visualized
This symbol is pronounced "shawn-tee". It was channelled by Pat Courtney. Shanti
in gold. It is not the goddess spiral used in Wiccan based faiths.
translated means Peace. Shanti helps heal the past. Shanty can help you to
live harmoniously in the present and to release the past and future. We often hold
onto paast hurts and dreams that prevent us from healing. Shanty helps us Usui Dai Ko Mio
to stop re-creating for ourselves the feelings stemming from the past and our
beliefs about them. By using Shanty and sending peace to these past
situations, we free ourselves from the attatchments we hold onto the past. It is
in this love that we heal. Shanty can be used for manifesting the best
possible results. It releases fears and nightmares. Shanty soothes
the aura creating a feeling of peace Creates integration
(Kathleen Milner and William Rand state this occurs on 7
dimensions). Shanty is used in the attunement, drawing over the body
and sweeping off the hands (resting on knees), saying, "You are filled with Divine


The Usui Master Symbol is used as the highest level of healing. In the Usui Reiki System it is used in all
healings. The name of the symbol can mean "Great Being of the Universe Shine on Me". It can also mean OM
the "great shining light". It is Zen expression for one's own true nature or Buddha-nature, through which one This symbol is pronounced "Ah uu mm". It is a Sanskrit symbol used in many eastern spiritual practices.
becomes cognizant in the experience of enlightenment or satori. The spiritual body is thought to be the Represents the Universe functioning as a whole unit; A father/mother beckoning creation, U = son/daughter
template from which the physical body emerges. It is thought that all disease comes from clouds forming on the evolution of individual souls; and M absorbing of all that is created. The sacred sound of the Universe.
the spiritual body, and the Dai Ko Mio cleanses and heals the spiritual body. It is used in the attunements Om cleans, stabilizes and seals the aura. It brings in light, purifies, protects and connects with GOD. Om is
and for healing. The Usui Dai Ko Mio is used in Karuna Ki as a representation of the total connection to the chanted and visualized in gold by and individual or in groups to be used for healing or psychic attunement;
compassion of the divine source. sound psychically charges the air with prana which is under the direction of thought and can be directed
specifically. It is recognized as the primal sound and chanted to control natural manifestations; represents
the three manifestations of all life: creation, preservation and destruction Use in the initiation process to seal
in the other symbols or to seal each part of the attunement. Om opens the crown and if drawn above the
head opens a pathway to God and higher consciousness.

Raku is used in passing attunements, but not in individual healings. Raku helps to lift negative Karma, and
takes the initiate to higher levels of consciousness. It activates the Hara Line and brings Reiki energy in
through the Ki channels, and grounds it in the Hara. It is used at the end of an attunements in Karuna Ki Do
to separate the auras of the master and the student. Raku is an initiatory symbol.

Treatments and Healing Using the Symbols

Karuna Ki Treatments
In Karuna Ki, there are no specific hand positions as in Usui Reiki. When using Karuna Ki for healing, a
Tibetan Fire Serpent more intuitive apporach is used. Techniques such as scanning (sensing for changes in the recipient's
The Fire Serpent represents the "Sleeping Serpent" coiling at the base of the spine. The fire Serpent is energy field) are used. Additionally, the practitioner of Karuna Ki is encouraged to use their own intuition by
used during an attunement with horizontal line over top of crown, snaking down the spine, and spiraling placing their hands where they are guided. In a typical treatment using Karuna Ki, I generally do the first
clockwise at base of spine; grounds energy into lower (feet to tailbone) body. By reversing the spiral four Usui Head positions. Next, I will perform scanning to sense for any changes in the energy field and
(counter-clockwise) starting at base of spine, snaking up spine and ending with horizontal line over the treat those. Lastly, I will allow myself to place my hands where they are guided to anyplace that might be in
crown; it pushes energy up to four upper chakras. It does not allow energy to escape out of crown chakra. need of treatment. In contrast, you can use the standard Usui Reiki hand positions and this will work nicely
The fire serpent connects and opens all chakras. It opens the central channel allowing the flow of Kundalini as well. (To view different sets of hand positions, visit the Level I Reiki Manual on this site. For more
fire , or the " Dumo". It can be used in healing or meditation for more balance and information about basic Scanning Techniques, visit the Level III Reiki Manual on this site.)
receptivity. Karuna Ki Scanning
In Karuna Ki Scanning can be done using the basic scanning techniques or an advanced process using the
mudra "Kai" as part of the process. Both are effective. Using the Kai Mudra consistently helps develop the
ability to sense problem areas more readily. To read and learn about using the Kai Mudra in Scanning, click
the link to take you to the Karuna Ki Mudras Page.
Using the Symbols in Treatments
Described here is one possible use of the symbols in healing. There are as many different uses as you can
create. Necessity and intuition are wonderful teachers. First use Zonar. Zonar is a deep healing symbol
that connects to the infinite. It it cleansing. It also can help resolve issues left undone from relationships,
activities, situations (and/or lives?). Halu (like Sei Hei Ki) helps release and break up negative patterns and
emotional difficulties and beliefs that keep us from seeing reality as it truly is. Harth is the principle symbol

of the Karuna Ki system and is the symbol of loving compassion. Use is and let the compassion that is this Hatsurei Ho was a meditation technique that strengthened the body and mind as well as helped increase
energy flow. Loving compassion is healing, restoring balance to energy and emotions. Rama grounds and the ability to use the reiki. Reiju was the empowerment (attunement) that was received weekly in a group
connects us from the source through to the earth. It is both grounding and clearing. Use Shanty next, to Hatsurei ho practice that empowered the students to reiki and helped them continue to grow. Lastly, the
help release the past, and to focus on living harmoniously in the moment, and to release the futures we symbols were added in to aid those that had difficulty connecting directly to the energy.This was the Reiki
create for ourselves. Finally use Om to bring in wholeness into the life of the client, and to clean, stabilize system. A simple elegant system. Let us now move to exploring the spiritual and healing aspects.
and seal the aura. Enlightenment System
This is one possible sequence. Another possibility is to simply focus on the Karuna Ki energy and let it flow It is impossible to fully understand the intent and design of these practices without looking at the time and
and allow the energy to direct the session. This is the highest level of practice. We simply "be" and allow mindset in which Usui lived. In doing so, we must move past our conditionings, new age-isms, and other
the energy to flow with intuition as our guide. present day thoughts and ideas so that we avoid reading history backwards with our present views.
Toning the Symbols in Treatments First and foremost, Usui was unquestionably Buddhist. The Teaching story that Mrs. Takata used with Usui
The symbol names can be chanted or toned when performing a healing. Visualize the symbol in your mind as a Christian Monk was a story that was used to teach westerners unfamiliar with Japanese Buddhist and
and write it on your palms. See it clearly in gold. Then say the name of the symbol. This is partly an culture the idea that Usui was a seeker in a religious sense. It was an effective teaching tool, which
intuitive process where you just "let it out". It is thought that the sound helps intensify the effect of the unfortunately became dogmatized. ( There are ideas that are common to a culture that are unspoken and
healing energy and drive it to "deeper level". One small word of advise...... Healing sessions are often times simply understood. An example of this is the idea of the "American Dream" - to get ahead. These unspoken
of great relaxation for people, and times when people entered altered states. Make sure what you are doing parts of the Japanese cultural mindset are difficult to communicate to those not familiar with the culture and
is not a distraction that interferes with the healing session. so Mrs. Takata tried to use western ideas to teach reiki principles.)
There are times when you want to Tone, but doing so might be distracting or inappropriate to the situation. Usui was a Shingon Buddhist growing up and became a Tendai Buddhist later in life. As such, there are
In these cases, focus on the third eye. Say the symbol name (mantra) in your mind. Think of saying it with certain ideas about the world that are part of his system. Reiki exemplifies the principle of "wei wu wei",
such resonance and power that it travels to the end of the universe and beyond towards infinity. Resonate doing by not doing. By doing nothing, everything is done. Reiki is a simple practice. We place our hands on
the sound in your mind, through your hands, and into the person you are treating. someone and by doing nothing (no controlling, no directing, just BEing) everything is done. The principles
Reiki and Spirituality teach keeping the now, and awareness. It takes mindfulness to "not anger" and "not worry". It takes
"...Sooner or later you're going to realize, just as I did, there's a difference between knowing the path and mindfulness to "be grateful", and to "be kind to all living things".
walking the path..." Looking at the symbols he chose to place in the system also are keys to this enlightenment system. Let us
- Morpheus, from the movie "The Matrix" now examine these symbols and the possible implications of them. Unlike the multitude of also ran systems
No matter what style of Reiki that one practices, it is almost a truism that all find it to be a spiritual practice. It that have developed in the west since the death of Mrs. Takata, the Usui system had only 4 symbols, and it
is commonly said that Reiki integrates with all spiritual practices, but it is often unclear what exactly that is fairly clear that they were added fairly late in the development of the system. They seemed to be added in
means. This article will explore the idea or spirituality and Reiki by looking at what the system was intended as a tool for those who had trouble connecting to the energy directly.
to do and the symbols. The first symbol is the "Cho Ku Rei", the so-called "power" symbol, also called the Focus. It says "place the
Reiki Ryoho power here". It is an edict to do so, but something much more is implied. It is also an edict to "wake up". In
Reiki Ryoho or "Reiho" was the art that Usui practiced. This art continues to be practiced in Japan, in an the oneness you are and always have been this, interconnected with all things and one. It is an invitation to
unbroken line since Usui, in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. In the past two years, information has been awaken, to remember by releasing the things that blind us to our true nature.
trickling out of Japan regarding the practices of the Gakkai. These have been turbulent times in the Reiki The second symbol is the "Sei Hei Ki", or the so-called "mental-emotional" symbol. It is the Harmony
world in the west as this has had the effect of challenging many people's beliefs about Reiki. For some, it symbol. In the oneness that is Cho Ku Rei, Sei Hei Ki heals body mind and spirit. It cleanses and heals by
has allowed them to reevaluate their practices and learn new techniques, while for others it has caused helping us to remove the attatchments we have that create our suffering and thus our illness. The third
them to dig in their heels and hold more tightly to what they know. symbol is the "Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen", often called the "distant" symbol but also the "connection" symbol. It
Reiho was a simple system. It was primarily a secular enlightenment system that also allowed you to heal. is from a Buddhist Chant that means "Right consciousness is the root of everything" or "A righteous man
You healed self, and then others. It comprised of Five Principles that were the core of the teaching (For may correct all thoughts", or "To act in the Realization of Absolute Beingness". But what might that mean,
today only do not anger, do not worry, be grateful, do your spiritual work with appreciation, be kind to all "Right consciousness"? This is clearly a Buddhist idea. Right consciousness is being fully
living things). Living the principles were paramount for staying in the moment and healing the mind. Usui in the moment, fully in the now. It is acting, not reacting. This is an important distinction.
also included the Waka poetry of the Meiji Emperor. The poetry was chanted before meditation to help clear Reacting is based on our ego, our conditionings. Our conditionings are the cause of our
the mind and set the intent. There were a number of simple techniques to use for self and other healing. suffering and our illness. It is only by letting go and removing our conditionings that we are
free to be in the moment, to respond, and ultimately to heal. The last symbol is the "Dai Ko

Mio", or the so-called "mastery" symbol. The symbol is the great shining light. The goal is Reiho is to live in techniques will not either. Usui handed you a key. A key in the form of 5 simple principles, a simple
the great shining light. The previous three symbols are the key, the last is the realization. Perhaps putting meditation (Hatsurei ho), some symbols to guide your understanding, and a way to share this universal
them all together into a sentence might help. We are one with all things, in this oneness we heal body mind unconditional love with others. You are an instrument of blessing. In the moment, you reach out your hands,
and spirit. In right consciousness we release attatchments and conditionings so we live in the moment of the place them on another in a gesture of unconditional love, and by doing nothing, everything is done. There is
great shining light. The symbols are a tool. They are a roadmap. They are training wheels on a bicycle that nothing else that is needed.It is my hope that these words will help clarify and open others to a different way
are used while needed by removed, (like all conditionings) when no longer needed. Do not mistake the map of looking at the system of Reiki that is outside of the Business that it has become.
for the journey, or the destination. Blessings to all;
Other Issues - New Systems, Extra Symbols, Reiki as a Business Vinny Amador
After reading all of this, there are three questions that you may now be asking: You may be asking, if Reiki ANGELIC SEICHIM
is such a simple system, why is it that others have developed so many new systems? Angelic Seichim was developed by Vinny Amador. Seichim/SKHM is a very malleable energy, and it
You may be asking, if Reiki is such a simple system, why is it that others have added and continue to add responds to the conceptual schema that each person uses to access it. The following method is one means
new symbols? You may be asking, if Reiki is an enlightenment system that allows one to heal self and of connecting to this energy. In this text the terms "Seichim" and "SKHM" are used interchangably to refer to
others, why is it that others have turned it into a business? It would seem, that people often have an insight the energy.
into the system after using it consistently for any length of time. Some might confuse this "insight" with a Seichim Angelic Attunement
new idea regarding Reiki and thus believe they have developed a "new" system. This attunement will work with both the SKHM energy and the Archangels. Archangels, like all angels, are
Likewise, seeing new symbols is nothing extraordinary. Sacred geometry is older than Pythagoras, and an "intelligence", a power and personification of a specific aspect of god, and the energy that power
common to many esoteric and spiritual practices. Most of these symbols have a specific meaning to the represents. Although there are a number of Archangels, there are seven Archangels that stand before the
person viewing them and do not constitute a new system. Most of these "new" systems with extra symbols throne of God. This information is acquired from a number of sources. For example, Raphael identifies
are simply reiki with extra symbols despite the claims of the proponents of the systems. himself as one to Tobias on the road. There are four that are
Still others have added in techniques from other things like space aliens, ancient civilizations, Celestine generally agreed upon
Prophesy, Wicca, Tibetan practices, Ascended Masters, etc. that all practices and faiths seem to include. These are Raphael,
While these may have some interest for some, I am forced to ask a fundamental question: Remembering Gabriel, Michael, and that most agree upon, Uriel. There is not a lot
that Reiho was a secular enlightenment system that allowed you to heal self and then others, do these of Agreement over the other three. Every major faith seems to have
things increase the conditionings that you have or help remove them? their group of archangels including the Islamic, Assryian biblical,
Remember that symbols were a tool to be used to aid you in connecting to the energy, and to guide you jewish, Kabbalist, dead sea scrolls and Gnostic Sources. From the
but ones, like all conditionings that were to be let go of when no longer needed. Does adding extra Apocrypha, dead sea scrolls, and other biblical sources, there are
symbols help or hinder this process? Are we helped by putting in some Tibetan symbols, or are these traditionally seven who are identified. They are Michael, Gabriel,
simply additional things to help us stay asleep? For many these days, Reiki has turned into a business. Raphael, Uriel, Ramiel (Jarahmeel), Raguel, and Sariel. In the
This idea, and position is probably most advocated for by William Rand and his website, The International Apocryphal Book of Enoch - Chapter 20, there are also seven
Center for Reiki Training, has many articles regarding setting up your Reiki Practice, etc. Others continue identified: "And these are the names of the holy angels who watch.
to develop new systems, "Lightarian Reiki", "Ascension Reiki", "Essene Reiki". It is interesting that all claim Uriel, one of the holy angels, who is over the world and over
to be "universal life energy". Some of them have different techniques. In reality, the systems are indeed Tartarus. Raphael, one of the holy angels, who is over the spirits of
different. It would seem that what makes them different is not so much the difference in the energy, but men. Raguel, one of the holy angels who takes vengeance on the
that having taken them, you now have permission to use them differently. They are nothing that you could world of the luminaries. Michael, one of the holy angels, to wit, he
not have already done, and nothing that you did not already have.Businesses thrive by continually coming that is set over the best part of mankind and over chaos. Saraqael (Sariel), one of the holy angels, who is
up with new product. New symbols, new techniques, new packaging are all part of this process, as are the set over the spirits, who sin in the spirit. Gabriel, one of the holy angels, who is over Paradise and the
ever increasing claims of "more powerful", "higher vibrational", "more deeply penetrating", "ascension serpents and the Cherubim. Remiel, one of the holy angels, whom God set over those who rise. In this
systems", and on and on and on. attunement, we will be working with SKHM and the Archangels, with the 7 who stand before the throne.
Summary Each of the seven represent a different aspect of the source and so we will use use them to connect to
In the final analysis, nothing can free you from the conditioning that cause your suffering except you. No those aspects of the skhm source. We will be connecting to Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Jarahmeel
energy system, no matter how much ascension and enlightenment they promise, can save you. No guru, no (Ramiel), Raguel, and Sariel. Additionally we will be working with Metatron and Shekinah, as balancing and
system can save you. Adding to the conditionings that you have with more and more systems, symbols and

centering forces. There are three other Archangels that will be part of this attunement. Jophiel, Raziel and and death Gabriel is often considered as a slightly more benevolent spirit than her ally Michael., Another
Tzadkiel. notable birth that Gabriel presided over was that of John the Baptist when abriel came to Zacharias and told
We will begin by working with Metatron and Shekinah as the balancing of forces (masculine/feminine, him of his coming son. Within all of the legends of birthing, Gabriel as been accredited as the angel who
yin/yang, thought/feeling) as we connect and then we will connect to the source and with with each angel selects souls from heaven to be birthed into the material world and spends the nine months as the child is
specifically. We will use chakras, colors, and attributes/powers as a means to activate that part of the skhm. being eveloped informing the new person of what he or she will need to know on Earth, only to silence the
Information on the Archangels child before birth by pressing his finger onto the child's lips, thus producing the cleft below a person's nose.
When we begin the attunement, we will be joining with Shekinah and Metatron, to balance and work with the Besides births however, Gabriel is also the angel who came before Daniel and told him of the future as well
SKHM energy. as the angel responsible for strengthening Christ prior to the Crucifixion. Finally, not being all pregnancies
Shekinah is the Angel of Unity and Unconditional Love. She is a female angel who always stays close to and wisdom, she is told as the angel who struck down the cities of Sodom and Gommorah as well as other
humankind, inspiring mortals to be just and fair, bringing balance and harmony to our minds and spiritual places of sin throughout the Old Testament although she is never named there as such.
being. Her name means "bride of the Lord" and she is charged with redeeming us from evil and leading us Raphael - Raphael, the "shining one who heals", is often shown holding a bottle of medicine. He is the
back to God so that we may be liberated and cleansed in the eternal light. guardian of the Tree of Life in Eden, and the angel of the Sun. Raphael rules the Sun, the East and Air.
Metatron is the Angel of Thought. His name literally means "the throne beside the throne of God." He is Although a seraph, Raphael is also mentioned as being a member of the cherubim, dominations and
considered one of the most important archangels who led the children out of Israel and also stopped powers. He has been attributed as the chief of virtues, although that ranking has also been given to Michael,
Abraham from sacrificing his son, Isaac. Metatron helps us communicate with God and brings God's and also can be considered head of the guardian angels. His most notable appearance in scripture is his
presence to us and opens up our hearts in order to better receive this guidance. Responsible for supervising guiding of young Tobias in the apocryphal book of Tobit where he teaches the lad about medicine and
the Akashic Records, a special archive where all our thoughts and deeds are recorded upon a screen of demon exorcising among other things. Also in his role as healer, it is Raphael who eases the pain of
mental essence. Abraham after his circumcision, and healing Jacob's thigh after Jacob wrestles with another angel. He is
Metatron traditionally is the most powerful angel, the one closest to god. His counterpart Shekinah, is the also considered to be a patron of the sciences as well as medicine, teaching Noah how to construct the ark
feminine. The Tetragrammaton (unspeakable name of god in hebrew represented by the letters IHVH (Yod before the flood, and teaching Solomon how to bind demons into slave labor when Solomon's Temple was
Heh Vau Heh) is a balance of masculine and feminine forces. Metatron and Shekinah are different aspects being built.
of the divine as it begins to manifest. Thus the divine is neither masculine or feminine but a perfect balance Uriel - Uriel means "the fire of God" or "the face of God". He is seen holding a fiery sword at the gate of
of both. Eden. He watches over thunder and terror. Uriel is identified as both a seraph and a cherub, Uriel is most
well known for his role as Regent of the Sun in the book of Revelation where he calls forth the birds of the
The Traditional 7 Archangels air to feast upon the fallen. As one of the most faithful and dedicated members of the host, Uriel was also
Michael - Michael means "who is as God". He is an angel of "The Last Judgment". He is the "Weigher of
placed in charge of Tartarus (another name for Hades), warned Noah of the impending flood (although
souls" who decides where people are sent for eternity: to Heaven, or to Hell. He is often described in
Raphael is credited with teaching the building of the ark), and attacked Moses for failing to circumcise his
wondrous form with armor and swords, and is known as a dragon-slayer. He defeated Satan, the fallen
son. Accepted as an archangel by the Church for many centuries, he was finally removed from the records
angel, by the order of God. Regardless of which major faith's angelic beings is being followed, Michael
in 745 CE as the Church became increasingly concerned with the prominence the public was placing upon
ranks as the highest of the host. He is the leader of the celestial armies and is the angel who fought Satan
during the War and enchained the rebel leader. He is considered to be of the class of seraphim, and yet is
Sariel - ("Gods command") also known as angel of death Sariel works along side of Raguel. Sarial is a
also head of other ranks within the hierarchy: the ruler of the archangels, leader of the virtues, and head of
seraph who is given the role of deciding the fate of angels which stray from God's path. He is also credited
the principalities in his role as protector of Israel. Michael is considered to be the angel of the burning bush
as being an angel of knowledge, and one of the leaders in Heaven's armies, his name being written upon
through which God spoke to Moses, and has also appeared in the book of Daniel, where God states him as
the shields of one of the fighting forces. Sariel is an Angel of Guidance. He is responsible for the lot of
being the highest within the angelic ranks. Although other angels have been attributed with the title of Angel
angels that violate God's sacred ordinances. Sariel is considered the prince of presence and an angel of
of Death, it is Michael who weighs the souls on judgment day, after his battle once more with the forces of
healing. This celestial being is associated with the skies and holds dominion over the sun sign, Aries.
evil. He is mentioned as both an angel of destruction and vengeance in the name of God, but also as a
Raguel - (Raguil, Rasuil, Rufael, Suryan, Akrasiel -"Friend of God") One of the 7 Archangels listed in the
protector and the angel who kept Satan from claiming the body of Moses after the patriarch's death. By all
Enoch writings. Raguel is an angel of earth, a guard of the 2nd (or 4th) Heaven. He 'takes vengeance on the
rights, Michael can be considered foremost among the angels.
world of luminaries," which is interpreted to mean that, for cause, he brings other angels to account. Raguel
Gabriel - Gabriel Rules the Moon, West, Water and the Cherubim Gabriel means "power" or "hero". Gabriel
is one of the principalities. Besides this vigilance, Raguel is also mentioned as being an angel of ice and
is the governor of Eden and the ruler of Cherubim. Gabriel is often described as a female angel with a lily in
snow, calling forth other angels during the Final Judgment to deal with the unpure. He is also said to be an
her hand. The lore of the Annunciation is well-known. Gabriel is the angel of resurrection, mercy, revelation,
angel of earth, a guardian of the second heaven and is the one who brought Enoch to the heavens.

Jarahmeel (Remiel)- Remiel...over those who rise. Remiel or Jeremiel ("mercy of God or whom God sets the second triangle, from earth to heaven. At Right front is Tzadkiel, at left front is Raziel, behind is Jophiel.
up") Leads souls to judgment. Also angel of true visions. Remiel is accredited with two tasks. First, he is the The hexagram is now complete. You stand with the Archangels surrounding you and protecting you.
angel responsible for true divine visions, and is said to be the angel to give such a vision to Baruch before Visualize a star shining just above your head. It has a corona of Light around it. Watch the star growing in
destroying Baruch's enemies, the armies of Sennacherib. Beyond that, he is also the guide for the souls of brilliance while you vibrate a tone you have for the skhm, or just naturally vibrate a tone. (The
the faithful, leading them into Heaven after Michael weighs them at the last trump. Although not mentioned Tetragrammaton - Yod heh Vau Heh, or the Kaballic Name of the Messiah -- Yeheshua or Yehovasha -- are
specifically as such, such a role would lead to the assumption that Ramiel is a power. good names to vibrate.) You now stretch your roots to the very center of the earth and feel the connection.
There are several others that are identified as Archangels that we will have participate with us in this You begin connecting to the source. Feel the source coming into your crown. Above the crown is Metatron
attunement: and Shekinah. The source is the oness and light of all. Metatron and Shekinah are the duality, one and yet
Raziel ("Secret of God"): One of the cherubim, Raziel is the giver of divine mysteries as well as an angel of two. Two flowing into one perpetually.
knowledge. It is he who lead to the writing of the book of Enoch and is also the author of the tome from Metatron and Shekinah, we ask that you connect with us and the skhm, guide us in this initiation to the
which Noah learns to build the ark. This is not to be confused with Raphael, who is the angel to give Raziel's oneness of the source in skhm. Feel the angels guideing the energy. They float above the crown, on a point
book to Noah, but did not write it himself. on you energy body, connecting the higher source with you. Let the skhm float into the crown and then
Jophiel ("Beauty of God"): One of the cherubim, Jophiel is accredited with being the angel to drive Adam through the body and down into the earth. Relax for a few minutes and feel the Energy pulsing in your body.
and Eve from the Garden of Eden after they eat the forbidden fruit. If this is the case, Jophiel receives also
the honor of being the first angel to be mentioned in the Bible. In such a role, he is last left guarding the We now call the first of our angels. See the archangel Jophiel approach. He places his hands on your head
Tree of Life with a flaming sword to prevent the return of man. Jophiel is the Angel of Enlightenment. This and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks,
angel inspires us toward awareness, enlightenment, open-mindedness and freedom of thought. He teaches and says, "receive awareness, beauty in all you see. I connect you with the skhm and with beauty and
our consciousness to discover the Light within. enlightenment. I bring the skhm to help you find the light within". Jophiel places his hands on the crown and
Zadkiel ("Righteousness of God"): Belonging to the ranks of the dominations, and considered by some to be sends the skhm into the crown. See a shaft of white Light and the skhm coming down to your head into your
chief, Zadkiel is considered an angel of mercy. It is he who holds back the hand of Abraham to prevent the crown. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body.
patriarch from sacrificing his son, and because of this is usually shown holding a dagger. Also, Zadkiel is See the Archangel Uriel Approach. He places his hands on your head. He connects you to the skhm, and
one of two standard bearers (along with Zophiel) who follow directly behind Michael as the head archangel sends the energy through the crown through your body. He speaks and says; " Receive wisdom and
enters battle . prophecy. I connect you with the skhm and give you the eyes of the spirit. Uriel places his hands on the third
SPECIFIC ASPECTS OF THE ANGELS WE WILL USE IN THE ATTUNEMENT eye, and sends skhm and his gift into the third eye. Feel the energy pulse in the third eye and in the rest of
Michael - Strength, honor Gabriel - resurrection, mercy, revelation your body.
Uriel - the fire of God, psychic phenomena Raphael- one who heals, love and devotion See the archangel Raziel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and
Jarahmeel - guidance, angel of true visions the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks, and says, "I am the giver of the
Sariel - angel of knowledge, healing and faithfulness Divine mysteries. I connect you with the skhm and give you knowledge of things hidden". Raziel places his
Raguel - angel of earth, a guardian, friendship hands on the throat and sends the skhm into the throat. See the skhm coming down to your head into your
Jophiel - awareness, enlightenment, open-mindedness and freedom of thought, and beauty throat. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body.
Raziel - giver of divine mysteries as well as an angel of knowledge See the archangel Jarahmeel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm
Tzadquiel - angel of mercy, and righteousness and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks, and says, "receive guidance,
The SKHM Archangelic Attunement forgiveness and compassion. I connect you with the skhm and with divine guidance in your life. I show you
Begin by taking some long breaths in through the mouth and out through the nose. Allow your body to relax. the paths that are hidden that the light may show you the way". Jarahmeel places his hands on the
Feel the connection to earth and allow your roots to extend deep to the core of the earth, grounding you and transpersonal heart and sends the skhm into the transpersonal heart. See the skhm coming down to your
connecting you to the earth. See the divine light, growing and expanding as a shaft of the purest brilliant head into your transpersonal heart. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body.
white light coming over you. The energy of the earth rises to the light and the light moves through you to the See the archangel Gabriel approach. She places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm
center. And know that you are connected to the earth and grounded and centered. and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. She speaks, and says, "receive rebirth and
Now the angels begin gathering around you. Before you stands Raphael, Behind Gabriel, at your Right transformation. I connect you with the skhm and the energy of change. I bring the skhm to help you find the
Michael, at your left Uriel. This makes the cross. Now you form the first triangle of the hexagram, from knowledge of your earthly mission". Gabriel places her hands on the heart and sends the skhm into the
heaven to earth. Before you Sarial, at right behind is Jarahmeel, and left behind is Raguel. Now your form heart. See the skhm coming down to your head into your heart. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your
body. See the archangel Tzadkiel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the

skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks, and says, "receive mercy Testament Achaiah is a Roman Province. Paul visited the churches in that region. (Act 18:12, 27)
and righteousness. I connect you with the skhm and with sanctify you with the source that is righteous Adnachiel - This is the angel that holds dominion over the sun sign Sagittarius. Those who were born under
above all things. I bring the skhm to help you find the light of mercy". Tzadkiel places his hands on the Solar this sign can pray to Adnachiel for special protection and blessings. We can all pray to this shining one for
plexus and sends the skhm into it. See the skhm coming down to your head into your solar plexus. Relax the spirit gifts of independence, honesty and gregariousness.
and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. See the archangel Michael approach. He places his hands on Af Bri - An angel who exercises control over rain.
your head and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He Afriel - Traditional angelic lore informs us that this being of light safe-guards young life. Also considered to
speaks, and says, "receive loving strength and putiry and the power of the source. I connect you with the be protective of that which is youthful and tenderly growing within each of us, no matter how old we actually
skhm and with honor, strength and dignity. I bring the skhm to help you find the your inner strength and are. Afriel is believed to grant youth, vigor and vitality and is prayed to for these gifts and attributes.
remove blocks within". Michael places his hands on the hara and sends the skhm into the hara. See the Aftiel - The angel of twilight.
skhm coming down to your head into your hara. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. Aha - An angel of the order of dominations, a spirit of fire used in cabalistic magical operations.
See the archangel Sariel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and Ahadiel - An angelic enforcer of the law.
the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks, and says, "receive knowledge, Alimon - A great prince who, when invoked, protects the invocant from gunshot wounds and from sharp
healing and faithfulness. I connect you with the skhm and with the presence of the source. I am a prince of instruments. His aids are the angels Reivtip and Tafthi.
the presence of the one, that I bring to you that you may see the divinity within". Sariel places his hands on Amatiel - Amatiel holds dominion over the season of spring. We appeal to this renewing angel to plant the
the root chakra and sends the skhm into the root chakra. See the skhm coming down to your head into your seeds of hope, rebirth, new beginnings and positive expectations in our hearts and minds.
root chakra. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. Ambriel - This angel inspires clear communication so that we might better speak our own truth, while gently
See the archangel Raphiel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and guiding human beings toward a time when truth and clarity will be the universal norm. Ambriel is also
the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. Raphael lovingly takes your hands. He speaks, considered to be an angel of general protection. Ambriel presides over the sun sign of Gemini and the
and says, "I am the medicine of god, receive healing in your heart, in your mind and in all that you are. I month of May. Those born under this sign pray to Ambriel for special blessings and protection.
connect you with the skhm and with the healing of the source. I bring the skhm to help you find the light of Anael - One of the 7 angels of creation. Prince of the Archangels and ruler of the Friday angels. Anael
healing that removes all blocks, all negativity and all fear.". Raphael holds your hands and sends the skhm exercise dominion over the planet Venus. He is one of the luminaries concerned with human sexuality and
into the hands. See the skhm coming down to your head into your hands. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing is governor of the second heaven, where he is in charge of prayer ascending from the first heaven. In
in your body. addition he controls kingdoms and kings on earth and has dominion over the moon.
See the archangel Raguel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and Anfial - One of the 64 angel wardens of the celestial halls.
the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks, and says, "receive the friendship of Angels of Prayer - There are seven angels who convey the prayers of the saints to our creator. Akatriel,
god, for you are a guardian who is one with the earth and the source. I connect you with the skhm and with Gabriel, Metatron, Raphael, Sandalphon, Sizouse and Michael.
the earth. I bring you the skhm as a sign of the friendship of god that you are joined to the source of all". Angels of Sunday - Sunday is influenced by the Sun. Michael is the primary Angel of Sunday, but each hour
Raguel places his hands on the feet and sends the skhm into the feet and into the earth. See a shaft of of this day also has its secondary angel. These angels are, beginning with the 1st hour.......Michael, Anael,
white Light and the skhm coming down to your head into your feet. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in Raphael, Gabriel, Cassiel, Sachiel, Samael, Michael, Anael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Cassiel. Some Angels
your body. do double duty on this day!
Relax for a few moments and feel your body. Feel the presence of the angels all around you and know that Angels Of Winter - Ctarari, Amabael and Certari. The head angel is Altrib. or (Attaris)
you are forever connected to the presence of the one and the skhm energy. Each angel passes before you Angerecton - An angel invoked in magical rites, specifically in the invocation of fumigation.
one last time, laying hands on your head and blessing you. Sealing the connection to the source. You are Aniel - One of the numerous angelic guards of the gates of the West wind.
forever connected. Anitor - A high holy angel, invoked in magical rites after proper investiture by the invocant.
ANGELS Anixiel - One of the 28 angels governing the 28 mansions of the moon.
A'albiel - An angel in service of the archangel Michael. Anthriel - This is an angel of balance and harmony we appeal to Anthriel to help us stay on an even keel,
Abariel - An angel in ceremonial magic tracts, used for invoking. His named is also found inscribed on the leading our lives with moderation. Anthriel helps us stay calm at all times. Those who become easily off-
second pentacle of the moon. centered and filled with anxiety pray to Anthriel for balance.
Abel - Souls arrive in Heaven and are judged by Abel. He is one of 12 Powers with this task. He is angel of Aquariel - This perfect being opens the doors of perception to mortals who pray to him. Aquariel inspires
the fourth Heaven ruling on the Lord's Day. He must be invoked from the East. (See Abraham 13:11) humankind with transcendent and cosmic understanding so that we may spiritually evolve.
Achaiah - He is a Seraphim, the angel of patience and discoverer of the secrets of nature. In the New Arariel (Azareel, Uzziel) - The angel who "cures" stupidity. One of the 7 angels with dominion over the earth.
Arariel is specifically an angel who presides over the waters of the earth (according to the Talmudists). He is

invoked by fishermen so that they may, with luck, catch big fish. enter.
Arbatel - An angel who reveals. Barpharanges - An angel in charge of the spring of waters of life. He is the angel of the baptismal.
Archer - A governing spirit of the sign Aquarius. Bathor - One of seven Olympian spirits, known as stewards or electors of heaven.
Archons (Rulers) - Angels set over nations and identified or equated with aeons. Archons are primordial Blaef - A Friday angel of the air and subject to the west wind.
planetary spirits. Other archons are Uriel, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Shauil and Cassiel. Boel (God Is In Him) - One of the seven exalted throne angels, resident in the first heaven. Boel holds the
Ardouisur - A female cherub. Among her attributes are making females prolific and giving them easy four keys to the four corners of the earth. He governs the planet Saturn as well.
childbirth, also supplying them with breast milk. She is sometimes called "the giver of living water". Calliel - One of the throne angels serving in the second heaven, invoked to bring prompt help during
Arel - An angel of fire. His name is inscribed on the seventh pentacle of the sun. He can also be invoked in adversity.
ritual magic. Camael - An angel who presides over beauty, joy, happiness and contentment, Camael grants these gifts to
Arias - Angel of sweet smelling herbs. those who pray to him. Any activity on our part that emulates this angel, such as bringing gladness to
Ardousius - Traditional angelic lore tells us that this angel is a female angel who is believed to help and others, draws Camaelic energies into our lives and enfolds us in wings of happiness. Essene prayer:
protect during childbirth and who also inspires breast milk to flow. Pray to her for nurturing love. "Camael, Angel of Joy, descend upon the earth and give beauty to all things."
Asasiel - Angel of Thursday, who shares his rule with Sachiel and Cassiel. Assasiel is also one of the Cambiel - This angel presides over the sun sign Aquarius. Those born under this sign can pray to Cambiel
presiding spirits of the planet Jupiter. for special protection and bright blessings. We all pray to this shining one for increased intelligence and also
Ashriel - One of the seven angels with dominion over the earth. He is the angel that seperates the soul from for the courage to think in unconventional ways.
the body at the time of death. He can also be invoked to cure stupidity. Cambill - Angel of the eight hour of the night.
Assiel - Angel of healing. Caracasa - An angel of spring along with Core, Amatiel and Comissoros.
Ataphiel - An angel who supports heaven with three fingers. Cassiel - Ruler of Saturday. The angel of solitudes and tears who "shews forth the unity of the eternal
Atel - An angel of the fourth heaven. Also an angel of the air ruling on the lord's day evoked from the East. kingdom". Cassiel is one of the rulers of the planet Saturn and is also the ruling prince of the seventh
Athanatos - A conjuring spirit of the planet Mercury. name of the god used to discover hidden treasure and heaven. Cassiel is one of the Sarim (princes) of the order of powers. Sometimes, he appears as the angel of
in the cabala, a spirit invoked on the general citations of Moses, Aaron and Solomon. temperance.
Attarib - One of the four angels of winter and head of the sign of winter. Cathetel - This guardian angel of the garden increases the growth and yield of vegetables and fruits and
Atuesuel - One of eight angels of omnipotence. He is invoked to "smoke out the monsters of hell." keeps them healthy and flourishing. Cathetel inspires the human race to love and appreciate all of the
Auriel (Light of God) - One of 72 angels of 72 quinaries of degrees of the zodiac. Invoked in conjuration of beings of nature. When we grow in respect and reverence for nature we can attain harmony with our own
the sword. natures as well.
Ayib - A spirit of the planet Venus who's name is inscribed on the fourth pentacle of that planet. Cedar - An angel governing the South.
Azer - Angel of the element fire. Chabalym - A seraph or cherub invoked in cabalistic magical rites.
Bagdial - A corpulent angel in charge of issuing cards to recent arrivals in the lower heavens. These cards Chaldkydri - Archangels of the flying elements of the sun. Linked to phoenixes and in between cheribum
entitle them to new bodies. However Bagdial is said to be a fictional angel. and seraphim. Theyhave 12 wings and at the rising of the sun they burst into song! They recide in the 4th
Bahram- Angel of victory heaven.
Barakiel - This benevolent one grants success, good fortune and excellent luck to mortals who pray to him. Chamuel - This angel fosters tolerance in the human heart, inspiring within us the realization that to love
He also inspires joviality and a sense of humor. When we pray to this angel on a regular basis, we find that others we must love ourselves. Chamuel helps us to drop judgmental attitudes towards others and develop
we become filled with happiness, our hearts expand, and we make a space for this angel of good fortune to a more tolerant view of our own shortcomings.
enter. Charbiel - An angel appointed to "draw together and dry up all the waters of the earth."
Barbiel - Angel of October. Charms - Angel of the ninth hour of the day.
Barchiel - This angel presides over the sun signs of Scorpio and Pisces. Those who were born under these Charoum - An angelic benefactor who presides over the direction North. We appeal to Charoum for the
signs can pray to Barchiel for Special protection and bright blessings. We can all pray to this illumined one ability to appreciate silence, the integrity to keep secrets and the patient attentiveness to be good listeners.
to inspire us to become more compassionate and to help us develop inner strength and the will to heal This heavenly protector is traditionally believed to safegaurd the earth plane from excess rain, floods and
ourselves and others. This angel also grants emotional depth and awareness. hurricanes.
Barakiel - This benevolent one grants success, good fortune and excellent luck to mortals who pray to him. Chasan - Angel of the air his name is inscribed on the seventh pentacle of the sun.
He also inspires joviality and a sense of humor. When we pray to this angel on a regular basis, we find that Chaylon - A cherub or seraph invoked in ritual magic.
we become filled with happiness, our hearts expand, and we make a space for this angel of good fortune to Cheriour - A "terrible angel" charged with punishment of crime and the pursuit of criminals.

Chermes - Angel of the ninth hour of the night. Derdekea - A heavenly, powerful female angel who descends to earth for the salvation of man. She is
Corabael - A Monday angel residing in the first heaven and invoked from the West. referred to as the Supreme Mother. Derdekea is also known as Drop.
Chosniel (Cover) - An angel invoked for the conferring of a good memory and an open heart. Dina - When the world was first created, Dina taught humans seventy different languages. This guiding and
Colopatiron - As an angel who unlocks prison gates, we can appeal to this sacred being when we are teaching angel inspires the human race to pursue wisdom, knowledge and a love of learning.
struggling for freedom or independence of any kind: economic, creative, spiritual or psychological. Diniel - An angel who is one of the 70 child bed amulet angels. He is also a spellbinding angel in "the
Corat - A Friday angel of the air, invoked from the East, residing in the third heaven. binding of the tongue of the ruler."
Cupra - One of the Novesiles, Cupra is the personification of light! Djibril - Faithful Spirit.
Dalquiel - One of three princes of the third Heaven. The other two are Jabniel and Rabacyal. All rule over Djin - Helper of the Archangel Gabriel. He is an Elemental King, sphere of fire. He looks somewhat elderly,
fire under the ethnarchy of Anahel. yet has great muscles. He has flames for hair and is a King of Fire. He can teach you the ways to use fire in
Damabiah - An angel of the order of angels with dominion over naval construction. magickal workings. He can also bring rituals that you never knew existed and give them to you as gifts.
Dameal - A Tuesday angel, resident in the fifth heaven. He is evoked from the East. *From the Koran - The Djin (Jinn) are a race of beings created by Allah to serve Him. They are not His
Degaliel - An angel who's name is found inscribed on the third pentacle of the planet Venus. children, nor are they deities. They were created from searing hot, smokeless fire, some time before
Derdekea - A heavenly, powerful female angel who descends to earth for the salvation of man. She is humans were created from clay. Since the Koran also states that the Angels were created from fire, it would
referred to as the Supreme Mother. Derdekea is also known as Drop. seem that the Djin and the Angels are the same kind of beings. Although the djin are considered lesser
Dina - When the world was first created, Dina taught humans seventy different languages. This guiding and beings. The Djin can be good or evil. There is the legend of Solomon binding the Djin (i.e., in bottles) and
teaching angel inspires the human race to pursue wisdom, knowledge and a love of learning. the grateful evil Djin granting a wish if they are released.
Diniel - An angel who is one of the 70 child bed amulet angels. He is also a spellbinding angel in "the However, it is rare that the Koran speaks of "Angels and Jinn" in the same sentence, but often speaks of
binding of the tongue of the ruler." "Men and Jinn" in one breath. It would seem that the Jinn have a strong interest in consorting with humans,
Djibril - Faithful Spirit. and especially in helping them to stray from the one-true-God. Not entirely, though, as there is at least one
Djin - Helper of the Archangel Gabriel. He is an Elemental King, sphere of fire. He looks somewhat elderly, reference to Jinn who are righteous and hear the Word of Allah. With those exceptions, we expect that most
yet has great muscles. He has flames for hair and is a King of Fire. He can teach you the ways to use fire in humans and most Jinn will get their "come-uppance" on judgement day and they (we) will not be pleased
magickal workings. He can also bring rituals that you never knew existed and give them to you as gifts. with the results.
*From the Koran - The Djin (Jinn) are a race of beings created by Allah to serve Him. They are not His In summary, it would appear that according to the Koran, the Jinn are a species related to Angels which
children, nor are they deities. They were created from searing hot, smokeless fire, some time before tend to consort with human-kind to the detriment of both. Exceptions noted.
humans were created from clay. Since the Koran also states that the Angels were created from fire, it would Donel - One of the numerous angelic guards of the South Wind.
seem that the Djin and the Angels are the same kind of beings. Although the djin are considered lesser Eheres - An angel invoked in the exorcism of wax.
beings. The Djin can be good or evil. There is the legend of Solomon binding the Djin (i.e., in bottles) and Eiael - An angel with dominion over the occult sciences and longevity. When Eiael is evoked the the
the grateful evil Djin granting a wish if they are released. invocant must recitet the 4th verse of Psalm 36.
However, it is rare that the Koran speaks of "Angels and Jinn" in the same sentence, but often speaks of Eirnilus - An angel with dominion over fruit. He serves also as one of the genii of the sixth hour.
"Men and Jinn" in one breath. It would seem that the Jinn have a strong interest in consorting with humans, Eistibus - A genius of divination, one of the genii of the fourth hour.
and especially in helping them to stray from the one-true-God. Not entirely, though, as there is at least one El Auria - Angel of flame and is equated with Ouriel or Uriel.
reference to Jinn who are righteous and hear the Word of Allah. With those exceptions, we expect that most El El - One of the angelic guards of the north wind.
humans and most Jinn will get their "come-uppance" on judgement day and they (we) will not be pleased Elimiel - In Jewish cabala, the angel (spirit intelligence) of the moon.
with the results. Eloa - A female angel said to have been born from a tear that Jesus shed.
In summary, it would appear that according to the Koran, the Jinn are a species related to Angels which Enejie - An angel of the seal used and invoked in magical rites.
tend to consort with human-kind to the detriment of both. Exceptions noted. Espiacent - An angel used in exorcism of wax for bringing about successful accomplishments of ones work.
Donel - One of the numerous angelic guards of the South Wind. Psalms must be cited after rites of exorcism.
Dalquiel - One of three princes of the third Heaven. The other two are Jabniel and Rabacyal. All rule over Eth (Time) - An angelic power, a ministering angel, charged with seeing to it that "all events occur at their
fire under the ethnarchy of Anahel. appointed time."
Damabiah - An angel of the order of angels with dominion over naval construction. Eurabatres - An angel of the planet Venus.
Dameal - A Tuesday angel, resident in the fifth heaven. He is evoked from the East. Ezgadi - An angel's name used in conjuring rites for the successful completion of journeys.
Degaliel - An angel who's name is found inscribed on the third pentacle of the planet Venus. Famiel - A Friday angel of the air. Famiel serves in the third heaven and is evoked from the south.

Fromzon - Angel of the 3rd hour of the night. intense love.

Furlac - An angel of the earth. Hannuel - An angel who has dominion over the sign of Capricorn.
Gabriel - This archangel is a primary messenger of God, bringing divine announcements and revelations to Hantiel - An angel of the 3rd hour of the day.
humankind, acting as an intermediary between heaven and earth and helping us to interpret our dreams Harahel - This radiant one protects libraries, archives, schools and universities, also opens our minds and
and our visions. Gabriel grants wishes and hopes to mortals, as well as joy, mercy, understanding of hearts to new ideas while inspiring humankind to use this knowledge in life-affirming ways.
mysteries, truth, justice, miracles and love. Essene prayer: "Gabriel, Angel of Life, enter my limbs and give Harudha - A female angel who rules the element of water.
strength to my whole body " Gabriel is the angel of the West and the element water. Harviel - An angelic guard stationed at the second heavenly hall.
Galearii(Army Servants) - Galearii are the lowest ranking angels. and Gaviek. Hasmed - Angel of annihilation and one of the five angels of punishment that Moses encountered in heaven.
Gargatel - One of the three angel's of summer. He acts in association with Tariel and Gaviek.
Gaspard - A spirit invoked in magical rites to procure to the the invocant a lady's garter. Hasmodia - A spirit of the moon, invoked in talismanic magic.
Gazardiel - An angel who holds dominion over the rising sun, we pray to this illuminated one for the promise Haven - One of the 12 genii who preside over the 12 hours of the day. Haven is the genius of dignity.
of new beginnings, innocence, renewal, awakening and enlightenment. Face the rising sun in the morning Hayyel - Protects wild animals along with Thuriel, Mtniel and Jehiel. Pray to them to protect animals from
and pray to this angel for these spirit gifts and attributes. extinction. Hayyel teaches humankind that just as the angels protect us, so were we created to protect
Gedariah - A supervising chief angel of the third heaven. He ministers three times a day; he bows to prayers nature. Pray to this angel to inspire humans to become the stewards of all nature that we are meant to be.
ascending from the second heaven, crowns such prayers, then transmits them for further ascent. He'el - Ruler of the seasons of the year.
Geliel - One of the 28 angels governing the 28 mansions of the moon. Heiglot - An angel of snow storms. Ruler of the first hour.
Geno - An angel of the order of powers. Helemmelek - An angel governing one of the seasons. The name is said to be an inversion of Milkiel.
Gethel - An angel set over hidden things. Helison - One of the five angels of the first altitude. The other four being Alimiel, Gabriel, Barachiel and
Giel - The angel with dominion over the zodiac sign Gemini. Lebes. When invoked Helison appears carrying a banner adorned with crimson cross, crowned with roses.
Glauron or Glaura - A beneficial spirit of the air, invoked from the North. Hismael - The spirit of the planet Jupiter.
Gmial - One of the 64 wardens of the seven celestial halls. Hizkiel _One of the numerous guards at the gate of the North Wind.
Glmarij - An angel of the third hour of the day. Hngel - Angel of the summer equinox and effective against the evil eye.
Gonael - One of the numerous guards of the gates of the North Wind. Hodniel - An angel reputed to have the power of curing stupidity in man.
Gradiel (Might of God) - The angel of the planet Mars when this luminary enters the sign of Aries and Hormuz - An angel in charge of the first day of the month.
Scorpio. Humastrav - A Monday angel, invoked from the north. Humastrav is said to reside in the first heaven.
Grasgarben - He governs the sign of Libra. Husael - An angel serving in the third heaven.
Gurid - A summer equinox angel. Effective when invoked as an amulet against the evil eye. Hypezokos (Flower Of Fire) - One of the "effiable, essential and elemental orders" in the Chaldean
Habbiel - A Monday angel of the first heaven. An angel who is appealed to for loyal love and romance, cosmological scheme.
invoked in love charms. Iacoajul - Angel of the 11th Hour of the night.
Hadakiel - He governs the sign of libra. Iadara - An angel governing the sign of Virgo.
Hafaza - There are four of these angels. They are to protect men from jinn, men and satan. It is there job to Iahhel - This shining one inspires meditation and illumination. Iahhel watches over philosophers and those
write down the actions of mortals. who seek a retreat from worldly pursuits. For those who have difficulty meditating, pray to Iahhel for help just
Hahaiah - An angel of the order of Cheribum. He influences thoughts and reveals hidden mysteries to before you begin your meditative practice.
mortals. Iahmel - An angel with dominion over the air.
Hakamiah - One of the cherubim (invoked against traitors) and a guardian of France. Iax - An angel, if invoked who can thwart stomach trouble and the emotion envy.
Hakem - An angelic guard stationed at the fourth heavenly hall. Iciriel - One of the 28 angels ruling the 28 mansions of the moon.
Halacho - A genius of sympathies and a genii of he 11th hour. Idrael - An angelic guard of the fifth heavenly hall.
Halliza - The name of the angel appearing on the eternal circle of the pentagram of Solomon. Iedidiel - An angel summoned up in ritual invocation.
Haludiel An angel of the 4th heaven invoked on the Lord's Day, with the invocant facing south. Haludiel is In Hii - One of the angels of the North Star.
also an intelligence of the sun. Irel - An angel resident of the 5th heaven. He rules Tuesday and is invoked from the west.
Hamied(Miracles) The glorious angel of miracles. He is such a dazzling white that you can only see his Irin (Watchers or Holy Watchers) - Twin angels residing in the sixth heaven. The irin constitute the supreme
incredible eyes shining through. As you feel his presence enfold you, open your heart to receive his gift of judgment council of the heavenly court. They are among the eight exalted hierarchs that enjoy a rank

superior to that of Metatron, who is considered of the greatest angels serving God, according to Daniel 4:17 have original ideas and thoughts, and is also very encouraging of individuality and uniqueness.
the irin are watchers. It is said that "each of the irin is equal to the rest of the angels and princes together." Luel - An angel invoked in connection with the use of diving rods.
Ismoli - A ministering angel. Ruler of the angels of the air operating on Monday. Mach - An angel called up in Solomonic conjuring rites to render the invocant invisible.
Israfel - This angel of music inspires people to sing, play musical instruments and compose music. Pray to Madan - An angel the exercises dominion over the planet Mercury.
him to increase talent in this area. He also encourages renewal, resurrection and regeneration. Mael - A ruling Archangel of the water. He is also one of the inteligences of the planet Saturn and is a
Itkal - As an angel who presides over cooperation and affection, we appeal to Itkal to create harmonious Monday angel of the first Heaven. He may be invoked from the North.
relationships between people. Mahariel - (Swift) - An angel of Paradise stationed at the first portal. He provides new souls for the purified
Itqal - An angel of affection. Evoked in cases of dissension among human beings. ones.
Jael - One of the twin Cherubim on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant, the other cherub being Mahzian - A spirit who bestows sight.
Zarall. Jael is an angel governing the sign of Libra. Maion - An angel with dominion over the planet Saturn.
Janiel - Angel of the fifth Heaven, ruling on Tuesday and subject to the East Wind. Maktiel - An angel with dominion over trees.
Jariel - An angel of divine face or prescence. A varient form of Rziel, Suriel or Sariel. Maltiel - A Friday angel resident in the third heaven and invoked from the West. He is also one of the
Jazar - A genius who "compels love". Also of the 7th hour of the day. intelligence's of the planet Jupiter. Maltiel is the preceptor angel of Elijah and serves as one of the
Jeduthun or Jeduthum (Praising or Judgement) - He is lord of the evening choirs in heaven. As the master numerous guards of the West wind.
of howling, he leads myriads of angels in chanting hymns of praise of God at the close of each day. Manakel - Angel of aquatic animals.
Jeliel - A seraph whose name is inscribed on the tree of life. He is the heavenly prince ruler of Turkey. He Manu - Angel of fate.
controls the destiny of kings and other high dignitaries and gives the palm of victory for those who are Maroch - An angel of the 5th hour of the day.
unjustly attacked or invaded. In addition he inspires passion between the sexes and insures marital fidelity. Mastho - Is a genius of delusive appearances. He is one of the spirits of the tenth hour.
Jerazol - An angel of power mentioned in cabalistic works. He is invoked in conjuring rites. Mebahiah - An angel who exercises dominion over morality and religion. He also helps those desiring
Jeu - Jeu is the great angel, overseer of light and arranger of the cosmos. He is one of the 3 great powers offspring.
on high. Occupying the right place on God's side with Propator on God's left. Mehiel - An angel who protects university professors, orators and authors.
Jophiel (Creative Power) - Teaches our consciousness to discover the Light within. Melioth - One of nine angels that run together throughout heavenly and earthly places.
Joustriel - Angel of the 6th hour of the day. Melkajal - Angelic ruler of March.
Jukar - A prince over all the angels, according to Mathers. Memuneh (Appointed One) - A deputy angel, a dispensr of dreams. It is said through the Memuneh, the
Kabniel - An angel invoked to cure stupidity. Universe operates.
Kabshiel - An angel who, when conjured up and agreeable with the invocant confers grace and power. Meriarijim - A chief officer-angel of the night.
Kadi (el) - A Friday angel invoked from the west and serving in the third heaven. Messiach - An angel invoked in magical operations in connection with the invoaction of water and hyssop.
Karoz - Karoz are "reporter angels." The invocant is advised to resite the versicles of the Pslams 6, 67, 64 and 102.
Katzfiel - An angelic Prince of the sword and guard of the sixth heaven. Katfiel's sword emits lightening ! Metatron - He is charged with the sustenance of mankind. He has been known as the link between the
Kfial - One of the 64 angel wardens of the seven celestial halls. human and the divine. The angel who wrestled with Jacob. (Genesis 32), As the e watchman (Isaiah 20)
Kokaviel - The name of the angel found inscribed on the third pentacle of the planet Mercury. Also see Exodus 23:20 for this refers to Metratron as well. Metatron, according to the cabala is the angel
Kutiel - An angel invoked in connection with using divining rods. said to have lead the children of Israel through the wilderness. His female equivalent is Shekinah. His twin
Kyriel - One of the 28 angels governing the 28 mansions of the moon. brother is Sandalphon.
Labezerin - The spirit of success. He serves in the second hour of the day. After arriving in heaven he was transformed into a spirit of fire and equipped with 36 pairs of wings as well
Larzod - One of the "glorious and benovolent angels" invoked in Solomonic conjuring rites for imparting to as innumerable eyes. He resides in the 7th heaven and when evoked appears as a pillar of fire said to be
the invocant some of the wisdon of the Creator. more dazzling than the sun. He has many other names that he is called by. He has also been credited with
Lazai - An angel invoked in the exorcism of fire. the authorship of Psalms 37:25. He is the supreme angel of death to whom God gives daily orders as to the
Lelahel - An angel of the zodiac exercising dominion over love, art, science and fortune. We appeal to this souls to be taken. He then delegates these orders to his subordinates, Gabriel and Sammael. Metatron is
being of light for good luck and good fortune. considered by some to be mightier than Michael or Gabriel. Metatron is the teacher of prematurely dead
Leliel - One of the angelic rulers of the night! children in Paradise.
Lepha - Angel of the seal. Michael - An angel who grants miracles, fosters mercy, repentance, truth, sanctification, blessing,
Liwet - This angel presides over vanguard ideas and inventions. He is especially protecrive of mortals who immortality, patience and love to human-kind. This archangel is protective of those who are just and good.

He strengthens our spirits in difficult tiznes. Pray to Michael for these gifts and virtues. Essene prayer: Nemamiah - This sacred being is a guardian angel of all those who fight for just causes. He is especially
"Michael, Angel of Earth, enter my generative organs and regenerate my whole body " He carries the protective towards people who defend the rights of those who cannot defend themselves, such as animals
flaming sword of God, and is the Archangel that drove Lucifer from heaven. and children. When an injustice is done towards anyone, including ourselves, we can pray to Nemamiah to
Micah(Divine Plan) Watches over spiritual evolution, seeking every opportunity to reveal the next steps of right the wrong.
your life purpose. Neriel - One of the 28 angels who govern one of the 28 mansions of the moon.
Midael - A chief and Captain in the celestial army. An angel of the order of warriors. Nesanel - Along with the angels Meachuel and Gabril, is summoned to free or purge the invocant of all sin.
Mihr - An angel presiding over the month of September and the 16th day of the month. Mihr watches over Nisroc (Freedom) - Known as "the great eagle." His flight into the Heavens is the symbol of freedom. On the
friendship and love. physical plane, there is freedom to travel where you want & be safe from harm, to be able to say what you
Miniel - A great angel whose chief virtue is that he can, when invoked, induce love in an otherwise cold and feel and make choices for yourself. As you go deeper into your awareness, freedom becomes the ability to
reluctant maiden. For best results he must be invoked while the invocant is facing south. feel the unconditional love for the Eternal.
Mizan - An angel invoked in Arabic incantation rites. Nitika - A genius of precious stones and he precides over the 6th hour of the day
Mizgitari - The genius of eagles. And he serves the seventh hour of the day. Noaphiel - An angel whose name is inscribed in Hebrew characters on the fifth pentacle of the planet
Moakkibat - In Muslim religion Moakkibat is the recording angel. He writes down men's activities. Saturn. In conjuring Noaphiel, the invocant is advised (for best results) to recite a versicle from
Modiniel - One of the spirits of the planet Mars. Deuteronomy 10.
Morael - An Angel of awe or fear. He rules over August and September. He has the power of making Novensiles - The nine great dieties who control thunderbolts! Tina, Cupra, Menrva, Summanus, Vejovis,
everything invisible. Sethlans, Mars, Mantus and Ercle. They are angels who watch over the renewing of things and they have
Mqttro - An angel that ministers to the son of man. the power to wield thunderbolts!
Mumiah - This angel presides over the sciences of medicine and physics. Mumiah is traditionally believed to Och - Angel of the sun. Och gives the invocant 600 years of perfect health. (If they live that long) He is also
grant health and longevity, as well as being able to suspend physical laws to create miracles. the ruler of 28 of the 96 Olympian provinces into which heaven is divided. He is a mineralogist and cited as
Munkir and Nakir - According to the Islam tradition there are the angels, Munkar and Nakir, who question the "prince of alchemy".
the person in the grave. They visit the tombs of those who have recently died. They are to determine where Oertha - An angel of the north. "He hath a torch of fire and putteth it to his sides, and they warm the great
the deceased will go, to Paradise or to Hell. They ask questions regarding the religious beliefs of the coldness of him so that he freeze not the world."
individual, and also their good and evil deeds on earth. The good are shown what life will be like in Heaven. Omael - An angel who multiplies species, perpetuates races and influences chemists. There is some
The bad are shown the torments of Hell. question as to whether Omael is a fallen or upright angel. Data available suggests he seems to operate in
Mupiel (Out of the Mouth of God) - An angel invoked for obtaining a good memory and an open heart. both domains.
Murdad - Angel of July and he also governs the seventh day of the month. Murdad is sometimes equated Omniel - This being of light grants to mortals the ability to experience a feeling of oneness with all life. We
with the angel Azrael. (He seperates the soul from the body at death.) pray to Omniel to lift the veil of illusion that keeps us separate from other living beings. When this veil lifts
Mutuol - An angel invoked in the consecration of Pen & Ink, a powerful device for the binding of evil spirits, we find that the concept of doing to others as we would do to ourselves becomes real, for we truly are all
or the exorcising of them. one.
Naadame - Prince over all the angels and Caesars. Omophorus - A world supporting angel. He carries the earth on his shoulders, like atlas.
Nafriel - An angelic guard of the gates of the South Wind. Onayepheton - The name of a spirit by which God will summon the dead and raise them to life again.
Nahaliel - Angel over rivers. Opiel - An angel who aids individuals in obtaining the love of a desired one. His name can be found written
Nakir and Munkir - According to the Islam tradition there are the angels, Nakir and Munkir, who question the on Aramaic love charms.
person in the grave, They visit the tombs of those who have recently died. They are to determine where the Oranir - Chief Prince of the nine angels of the Summer Equinox and effective against the evil eye.
deceased will go, to Paradise or to Hell. They ask questions regarding the religious beliefs of the individual, Oriares - The angel governing the season of winter.
and also their good and evil deeds on earth. The good are shown what life will be like in Heaven. The bad Oriel (Auriel, Light of God) - He is one of 70 childbed amulet angels. Also ruler of the tenth hour of the day
are shown the torments of Hell. and he is called the angel of destiny.
Naoutha - Angel of the Southwest. Osael - A cherub summoned in ceremonial magic.
Nariel - Nariel governs the South Wind. He is also the ruler of the noonday winds. Osgaebial - An angelic ruler of the 8th hour, he commands "a great cloud of attending spirits".
Narsinha - A man-lion avatar. He is lord of heroism. Otheos -A most holy Angel invoked for discovering treasure.
Natiel - An angel with the power to ward off evil who's name was found in the charm called kamea. Oul - A special aid angel to Dalquiel in the third Heaven.
Nehinah - An angel invoked in necromatic operations. Oumriel - Angel of service residing in the fourth heaven.

Pagiel - An angel petitioned in ritual prayer for the fulfillment of the invocant's desires. Radueriel - The heavenly register and recording angel. He is also included among the 8 great judgement
Pahaliah - An angel invoked to convert non christians to christianity. He rules theology and morals. princes of the throne, whose rank is superior to Metatron's. He is the angel of poetry and master of muses.
Pancia - A "most pure angel" invoked in ceremonial magic, specifically in the conjuring of the sword. Of Raduriel it is said "out of every word that goeth forth from his mouth, a song uttering angel is born". Since
Parasiel - An angelic name inscribed in Hebrew characters on the first pantacle of the planet Jupiter. the creator alone has the power and the privilage to do likewise, this makes Radueriel unique among his
Parasiel is lord and master of treasures. fellow hierarchs.
Paschar - (Vision) Guards the veil between our world and the heavens, between consciousness and Rael - A Wednesday angel residing in the third heaven. He is also one of the intelligence's of the planet
unconsciousness, between awareness and illusion. Venus. Invocant must face North when conjuring up Rael.
Patteny - A ministering angel summoned in cabalistic rites. Rahdar - With the aid of his genious brother Phakiel, Rahdar governs the zodiac sign Cancer.
Penat - A Friday angel, residing in the third heaven and one of the intelligence's of Venus. Rain - The angels who hold dominion over moisture and rain can be appealed to by repeating their names
Pendroz - An angel of the seventh hour. over and over in a chant: "Mathariel, Ridia, Matriel." These angels are especially protective of people who
Pesagniyah - A supervisory angel of the south in charge of the keys to ethereal places. When prayers of conserve water and can inspire humans to do so. We also pray to these sacred ones for renewal and
persons in deep sorrow ascend, Pesagniyah kisses such prayers and accompanies them to a higher region. regeneration.
Rampel - An angel who holds dominion over mountains. We pray to Rampel for inner strength, stability and
Pethel - A "most holy angel" invoked in magical rites at the close of the sabbath. endurance. When we climb a mountain, or simply gaze at a mountain, this angel is near.
Phaiar - An angel invoked in the conjuring of the reed. Raphael - This archangel is extremely healing to all living beings. He is the angel of the east. Raphael
Phakiel - He controls the sign of Cancer in the zodiac. grants joy, healing, love, miracles and grace. He inspires humankind to pray and is also protective of
Phaldor - A angel of oracles. travelers, guarding and guiding those who take outward or inward journeys. Raphael also grants courage
Phanuel (Hope) - The angel of hope & holds the devil in his power. Hope is a feeling of trust & a desire for and encourages scientific breakthroughs and knowledge in general. Essene prayer: "Raphael, Angel of Sun,
good, accompanied by the assumption that your desire is attainable. enter my solar center and give the fire of life to my whole body "
Pharniel - Angel over the 12th hour of the day. Rash - An angel, minister of justice.
Phatiel - Angel of the Fifth hour of the night. Raziel - The angel of supreme mysteries. Angel of secret regions.
Phi-Re - One of the seven planetary archangels and head of the order of virtues. Rehel - An angel who battles against the enemies of religion.
Phul - Lord of the moon, ruler of the seven Olympian Provinces. As a Monday angel, Phul is to be invoked Remliel (Awakening) - Each of us has a different concept of what it means to be awakened. The essence of
only on Monday. Phul is called "Lord of the powers of the moon and supreme Lord of the waters." what we all seek is divine love and freedom from pain and suffering. Remliel is the angelic awakener whose
Poiel - An angel of the order of principalities. He rules over fortune and philosophy. He also is one of the 72 goal is to bring you to Higher Power... consciousness and union with with your Eternal self. (also
angels of the zodiac. Jaharemeel)
Porna - A Friday angel serving in the third heaven invoked from the south. Rhaumel - A Friday angel of the fifth heaven, evoked from the north.
Presnostix - An angel of the sixth hour of the night. Riehol - In cabala, governor of the zodiacal sign of Scorpio, in this office Riehol is assisted by Sassaial.
Prukiel - A spellbinding angel. Rigziel - In Isaac Ha-Cohen's text, "emminations of the left side". Rigziel is 8th of the ten holy Sefiroth.
Pruel - An angelic guard of the gates of the South Wind. Risnuch - Angel of agriculture.
Psychopompoi - Soul-escorting angels who accompany souls after bodily death toward their heavenly Rochel - An angel who finds lost objects.
abode. Michael, Elijah & Sandalphon are also regarded as guides of the Psychopompoi. Rorex - An angel invoked to counteract the power of alath - the demon of disease.
Qaddis (Holy One) - One of the two angels who, with the twin Irin, constitute the judgement council of God. Rosabis - A genius of metals.
Qadosch - An angel invoked in the conjuring of ink and colors. Ruchiel - An angel appointed over the wind.
Qafsiel - An angel with dominion over the moon. He is the guardian of the seventh heavenly hall. In ancient Rudosor - Angel of the sixth hour of the night.
hebrew magic he is invoked to drive away enemies by tying the charm, written in bird's blood, to the foot or Rusvon - An angel who holds the keys to the Muslim earthly paradise.
wing of a dove and then bidding it to fly away. If it flies away, that is a sign that the enemy is also in flight. Sabbath - An angel who sits on the throne of glory in heaven, the chief of orders of angels do him honor. He
Qamiel - An angelic guard of the South wind. is the lord of the sabbath.
Qaniel - One of the numerous angelic guards of the South Wind. Sachluph - Angel of plants.
Quelamia - One of the seven exalted throne angels residing in the first heaven. Sagdalon - Governor of the sign Capricorn.
Ouestucati - A female angel who brings the sea wind. Sahaqiel - Angel of the sky.
Ra'asiel X - Ra' asiel X is an angel invoked in ritual magic. Salilus - In magical arts, a genius who opens sealed doors and is an angel of the seventh hour of the day.

Samandiriel - This angel holds dominion over imagination and helps us realize that a vivid imagination is a Sofiel - An angelic bookeeper appointed over the reocrds of souls, living and dead.
very healing tool to have, because we can visualize and create alternative realities with which to trans- form Sphener - A celestial power invoked to combat Mardero, demon of disease.
our own lives as well as the world around us. Splenditenes - A world supporting angel. He supports the heavens on his back. He has six faces and
Sam Hii (Shom Hii) - One of the ruling angels of the North Star. Then name means "Creation of life." mouths and "glitters with light". He is also called the monument of splendor.
Samax - Chief of the angels of the air and ruling angel of the day Tuesday. Stimulator - An angel invoked in the exorcism of ink.
Sameron - An angel of the 12th hour of the day. Strateia - An angelic host whom is said to have the power to cause stars to fall from the heavens.
Sandalphon (Co-Brother) - Originally the Phophet Elias. He is a Sarim, (angelic prince) twin brother of Sui'el - An angel with dominion over earthquakes.
Metatron. Master of heavenly song. He is regarded as the tallest hierarchs in the celestial realm. Moses Suriel - Like Metatron, Suriel is a prince of presence and like Raphael, an angel of healing. He is also an
called him "the tall angel". Along with Archangel Michael, he carries on a ceaseless battle with the rpince of angel of death. (one of a few) Suriel was sent to retrieve the soul of Moses. It is said that Moses received all
darkness. He is the fancier of sandals. Also he is instrumental in bringing about the differentiation of sexes his knowledge from Suriel. (although Zazagel is credited also with giving Moses his knowledge) He is one of
in the embryo, a good thing to bring to the attention of expectant mothers. the great Archangels. He is one of seven angels in the system of primordial powers. When invoked, he may
Sangrariel - An angel who guard the portals of Heaven. appear as an ox. In Cabala he is one of the seven angels that rule the earth.
Saranana - An angel of the third altitude. Susniel - An angel invoked in Syriac invocation charms. As a "spellbinding" power, Susniel is grouped with
Sarga - One of the 5 heavenly scribes appointed by God to transcribe the 204 books dictated by Ezra. The Michael, Azriel, Shamshiel and other angels.
other 4 scribes are Dabria, Seleucia, Ethan (or Ecus) and Asiel. Tablibik - A spirit of fascination and one of the genii of the fifth hour.
Sarquamich - An angel of the of the third hour of the night. Tabris - An angel of the sixth hour who presides over free will, self-determination, choice and alternatives.
Sasgabiel - An angel invoked in the rites of exorcism. When you feel stuck in any situation, pray to this illumined one for the ability to see creative alternatives.
Savuriel - An angelic guard of the third heaven. Taharial - An angel of purity who is prayed to by those who need to cleanse their thoughts, spirits or
Schachlil- Angel of the sun's rays. surroundings.
Schaltiel - An angel who governs the sign of Virgo. Taliahad - Angel of water. Talihad's name is found inscribed on the seventh pentacle of the sun.
Schrewneil - An angel to be invoked for obtaining a good memory and an open heart. Tar - One of the ten angels that accompany the sun on it's daily course.
Sealiah - An angel who governs or controls the earth's vegetation. Tariel - One of the three angels of summer. Tariel figures in Syrian incantation charms. He is invoked along
Sebhael - A spirit who is in charge of the books wherein are recorded the good and evil actions of man. with other spellbinding angels in the "binding of the tongue of the ruler".
Sedim - They are guardian spirits, invoked in the exorcism of evil spirits. Tarot - The angel of time. Stands between Earth and Heaven, clothed in white robe with wings of flame and
Seheiah - An angel who provides protection against sickness and fire. He also governs longevity. a golden halo around his head. One foot on land the other, in the sea, behind him the sun rises and on his
Sekel - A female angel who is the angel of part of an hour. She will appear when properly invoked. She brow is the sign of eternity and life: the circle.
dwells in Egypt. Tarwan - One of the 10 angels that accompany the sun on it's daily course.
Selith - One of the two guardian angels over the Virgin Mary and St. John the Divine. Teiaiel - In Cabala, an angel that can fortell the future. He is a throne angel and controls maritime
Seraquiel - A "strong and powerful angel" who is invoked on Saturday. expeditions and commercial ventures.
Sereda - Mother Sereda has dominion over Wednesday. She is the one who "washes away all the colors in Temperance - An angel with the sign of the sun on his forehead, on his breast the square & triangle of
the world". She is the sister of Pandelis. septenary. Pouring from one chalice into two essences which compose the elixir of life.
Seth - One of seven archons. Tetra - An angel invoked in ritual magic prayer for the fulfillment of an invocant's desires. Tetra is noted to
Setheus - One of the great celestial powers dwelling in the sixth heaven. be a "great and glorious spirit"
Shamshiel - Angel of daylight! Thiel - An angel serving in the second heaven but also serves in the third. He is the ruling prince of
Shateiel - Angel of silence. Wednesday and invoked from the North. He is one of the intelligence's of the planet Venus.
Shcachlil - Angel of the sun's rays. Theliel - An angelic prince of love invoked in ceremonial magic to procure the woman desired by the
Shekinah - A female angel of liberation and freedom. Always close to humankind, Shekinah inspires mortals invocant.
to be just and fair. Some believe that she is the female part of creation, the feminine aspect of the Creator. Thoth - An angel of the eighth hour of the night.
She is especially healing of body, mind and spirit. Tilonas - An angel invoked in the conjuration of ink and colors.
Shetel - One of three ministering angels whom God appointed to serve Adam. Some of their tasks were to Time - An angel named so in the Tarot Number 14. He is winged, the sign of the sun on his forehead and
roast his meat and cool his wine. the triangle of septenary on his chest. He pours the essence of life form one chalice to another. He is also
Sizajasel - An angel governing the sign of Sagittarius. called Temperance. In Ecclesiastes 9 and 12 he is refereed to the ministering angel who presides over each

act mans performs. Wallim - An angel serving in the 1st heaven.

Tixmion - An angel invoked in the benediction of the salt. Weatta - An angel of the Seal.
Torquaret - An angel who procides over the season of Autumn. Yahel - An angel who's name is inscribed on the fourth pentacle of the moon.
Trgiaob - As an angel who protects wild birds, we pray to this illumined one to protect all birds from Yannie - A Pleidian angel, who has come to Earth to assist Rev. Cassandra Anaya in giving psychic
extinction, pollution and destruction of their habitat. Whenever you hear a bird sing, Trgiaob is near. readings.
Trsiel - An angel who has dominion over rivers. Yarashiel - One of the numerous angelic guards of the gates of the East Wind.
Tsaphiel - One of the angel governing the moon. Yekahel - One of the spirits of the planet Mercury. His name is inscribed on the first pentacle of the planet.
Tual - In ceremonial magic, one of the angel's representing Taurus the bull. Yephiel - The angels who's name is found on an Asian charm for warding off evil.
Tubiel - An angel invoked for the return of small birds to their owner. Also the head of the sign of Summer. Yurkemi - The angel of hail. A legend says that Yurkemi offered to extinguish the fire consuming the three
Turmiel - One of the numerous angelic guards at the gate of the west wind. men in the fiery furnace but Gabriel would not have it, contending that Yurkemi's help would not suffice.
Tuwahel - A ministering angel invoked in ritual magic. Zachriel - An angel who rules over memory.
Tzadiqel - The archangel who rules Jupiter on Thursday. Zadkiel - An angel of solace, charity and gentleness. We pray to-this sacred one for comfort when we are in
Angels U through Z need of gentle guidance. Zadkiel also kindles a desire for spiritual development in humankind.
Ubaviel - An angel with the dominion over the sign of Capricorn. Zafrire - Morning spirits!
Uriel - A patron angel of literature and music, Uriel bestows upon us the gift of creative fire, as well as the Zalbesael (Heart of God) - An angel who has dominion over the rainy season.
power of prophecy We appeal to him for foresight into the future and for help in developing our psychic Zagzagel - (Wisdom) Teaches us how to listen and see inwardly. Wisdom is the result of searching deep
abilities. Uriel is also an angel of transformation. within for truth.
Uriron - An angel invoked as an amulet against sorcery and sudden death. Zahariel - (Brightness) A great angel invoked to resist temptations.
Urpaniel - An angel's name found inscribed on an asian charm for warding off evil. Zalbesael - (Heart of God) An angel who has dominion over the rainy season.
Uvael - A Monday angel, resident of the first Heaven and invoked from the North. Zaliel - A Tuesday angel, resident of the 5th Heaven. He is invoked from the south.
Uwula - A ministering angel invoked at an eclipse of the sun or moon. Zavael - An angel who controls and has dominion over whirlwinds.
Uzziel (Strength of God) - Angel of the order of Virtues and Cherubim. Also one of the 7 angels who stand Zazel - A great angel, particularly effective in love conjurations. He is the spirit of Saturn. Along with the
before the throne of glory and among the 9 who set over the 4 winds. Uzziel is commanded by Gabriel to angel Asiel, he can be used to protect against sudden death. (In a talisman.)
"coast the south wind with the strictest watch" Also known as an angel of mercy, under the ruler ship of Zeffar - "The genius of irrevocable choice". He also serves at the 9th hour.
Metatron. Zehanpuryu'h (This One Sets Free) - A great angelic prince: advocate general of heaven and dispenser of
Valoel - It is traditionally believed that this perfect being holds dominion over peace. We pray to Valoel to divine mercy. With Michael he is the dispenser of inerrable balances. He is one of the crown prices of the
enfold us with his wings of serenity and to fill our hearts with tranquility and contentment. Merkaba with higher ranking than that of Metatron.
Varcan - An angel with dominion over the sun. He is referred to as the king of the angels of the air, ruling on Zeirna - Genius of infirmities and genii of the fifth hour.
the Lord's day. Zephon (A Looking Out) - Guardian prince of Paradise. The sixth sefira, one of the cheribum. Gabriel sent
Vassago - Invoked to discover a woman's deepest secret. He is a Prince of the nether realms where he Zephon along with Ithuriel to find satan. The found him in the garden of Eden while he was tempting Eve.
busies himself finding lost possessions and fortelling the future. Zizuph - A genius of mysteries and one of the genii of the 8th hour.
Vatale - A prince over all the angels and Caesars. Zuphlas - This angelic benefactor protects and safeguards the forests and trees. We appeal to this angel to
Veguaniel - An angel ruler of the third hour of the day. save the rain forests of the earth and to inspire the human race to honor, respect and save the trees. Also
Vehuiah - One of eight seraphim invoked to fulfill prayers. He governs the first rays of the sun. the genii of the 11th hour.
Vel - A resident of the third heaven. A Wednesday angel invoked from the south.
Verchiel - Angel of the month of July, ruler of the sign Leo, He is also one of the rulers of the order of
powers (potentates, authorities, dynamis) He is also the governor of the sun.
Vhnori - One of the two governing angels of the sign Sagittarius.
Vohal - An angel of power invoked in conjuring rites.
Vretil - The archangelic keeper of the treasury of Sacred Books. He is said to be wiser than the other
archangels. He is also called "the scribe of the knowledge of the Most High".

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