J Jpedsurg 2019 12 020
J Jpedsurg 2019 12 020
J Jpedsurg 2019 12 020
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Purpose: The surgical strategy for congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) repair remains debated and mainly de-
Received 5 September 2019 pends on the training and preference of the surgeon. Our aim was to evaluate the occurrence and nature of sur-
Received in revised form 27 November 2019 gical reinterventions within the first year of life, following repair through thoracotomy as compared to
Accepted 22 December 2019 laparotomy.
Available online xxxx
Methods: This is a retrospective bi-centric cohort study comparing postero-lateral thoracotomy (n = 55) versus
subcostal laparotomy (n = 62) for CDH repair (IRB: MP001882). We included neonates with isolated, left-sided,
Key words:
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Bochdalek-type CDH who were operated on between 2000 and 2017, and had a minimum follow-up of 1 year.
Open repair Excluded were patients treated prenatally and/or had extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation. Outcomes were
Thoracotomy occurrence and nature of surgical reinterventions and mortality by 1 year of life.
Laparotomy Results: Both groups had comparable neonatal severity risk profiles. The overall surgical reintervention rate by 1
Complications year of age was higher in the thoracotomy group (29.1% vs. 6.5%; p = 0.001), mainly because of a higher preva-
lence of acute bowel complications (18.1% vs. 3.2%; p = 0.012) requiring surgery, such as perforation, obstruction
and volvulus. At 1 year of follow-up, groups were similar in terms of recurrence (5.5% vs. 1.6%; p = 0.341), sur-
gical interventions related to severe gastroesophageal reflux disease (3.6% vs. 1.6%; p = 0.600) and mortality
(5.5% vs. 6.6%; p = 1.000).
Conclusion: Postnatal CDH repair through thoracotomy was associated with a higher rate of surgical
reinterventions within the first year of life, especially for severe acute gastro-intestinal complications. There
seemed to be no difference in recurrence and mortality rate.
Type of Study: Retrospective Comparative Cohort Study.
Level of Evidence: Level III.
© 2019 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a rare disease that is life- this leads to variable degrees of respiratory insufficiency and pulmonary
threatening (incidence 2.62/10,000 births; ORPHA-code: 2140), hypertension. Despite optimal neonatal care in specialized tertiary cen-
resulting from the failed closure of the pleuro-peritoneal folds and the ters, mortality rates of up to 30% are still being reported [3].
transverse septum during the 8th to 12th gestational week, leading to Ideally, birth takes place at a specialized tertiary care center, for im-
a defect in the diaphragm [1]. Most hernias (90%) are Bochdalek-type, mediate stabilization and standardized neonatal management [4]. Once
involving the posterolateral region of the diaphragm. They are most stable, surgical repair of the diaphragmatic defect can be performed by
commonly left-sided (85%) [2]. The herniation of abdominal organs either closing the defect primarily or by means of a patch to reconstruct
into the chest interferes with normal lung development eventually the diaphragm.
leading to pulmonary parenchymal and vascular hypoplasia. At birth, Although historically open surgical repair was mostly performed
through thoracotomy, nowadays the majority is performed through
laparotomy (95%) [5, 6]. Recently, minimally invasive approaches have
☆ Members of the European Reference Network on Inherited and Congenital Anomalies
been used for CDH repair with a revival of a thoracic access [7]. We
of the thorax (ERNICA)
⁎ Corresponding author at: UZ Leuven, UZ Leuven Campus Gasthuisberg, Herestraat 49,
wanted to determine the occurrence rate and nature of complications
3000 Leuven. in an unselected population undergoing either laparotomy to thoracot-
E-mail address: felix.debie@kuleuven.be (F. De Bie). omy. Theoretically, one may expect a difference in complications due to
0022-3468/© 2019 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Please cite this article as: F. De Bie, E. Suply, T. Verbelen, et al., Early surgical complications after congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair by tho-
racotomy vs. laparotomy: A bic..., Journal of Pediatric Surgery, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2019.12.020
2 F. De Bie et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery xxx (xxxx) xxx
a different incision site, difference in visualization of the defect as well as rim (if present) was dissected and the defect closed in a tension-free
the evaluation of the viscera prior and after reduction [8]. Such compar- fashion, either primarily using non-absorbable monofilament polypro-
ison may be relevant as it may determine a pattern of access-specific pylene suture (Prolene 4/0, Ethicon, Zaventem, Belgium) or with a
complications that may resurface as minimal access thoracic repair is in- Gore polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) dual mesh (thickness 1 mm, W.L.
creasingly being performed. Gore & Associates, Flagstaff, AZ, USA), at discretion of the surgeon. In
Such comparison may be very difficult, as most centers are tradition- case of complete absence or insufficient tissue at the diaphragmatic
ally choosing for one or another technique or do so based on specific pa- rim, pericostal sutures were applied. All patients routinely had a thoracic
tient characteristics. In order to exclude as much as possible selection drain (12Ch) postoperatively. In London, repair was performed through
bias, we embarked on a retrospective study comparing complications an ipsilateral subcostal laparotomy. For that, the patient was installed in
within 1 year of surgery, at two centers within the European Reference the supine position and a transversal incision was made. After manual
Network on Inherited and Congenital Anomalies of the thorax (ERNICA) reduction of abdominal organs, the diaphragm was either primarily su-
[9]. During the study period these centers performed preferentially tured tension-free as above, or reconstructed with a polyethylene tere-
either a posterolateral thoracotomy or subcostal laparotomy for the ini- phthalate mesh (Dacron, Thickness, DuPont, Wilmington, DE, USA) or
tial neonatal repair of the defect. a PROLENE® 3D Patch polypropylene mesh (Ethicon, San Lorenzo, PR)
at discretion of the surgeon. In London no thoracic drains were routinely
1. Material and methods left.
Data were collected through hand-search in individual medical re-
This is a bi-centric, retrospective cohort study comparing postero- cords and operative notes. Data included: (1) prenatal data: prenatal di-
lateral thoracotomy (TT) as practiced in the University Hospitals Leu- agnosis, (2) neonatal data: gender, gestational age and weight at birth,
ven, to subcostal laparotomy (LT) repair which was the standard in APGAR score at 5 min, occurrence of severe pulmonary hypertension
Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), London. at 24 h of life, as determined by cardiac ultrasound showing a predom-
Included were all patients with left-sided Bochdalek type CDH who inant unidirectional right to left cardiac shunt [16], (3) surgical data: age
underwent neonatal (b 28d of life) surgery during a 16-years period at repair, type of defect according to the Congenital Diaphragmatic Her-
from 2000 (GOSH) or 2001 (Leuven) onwards and in whom post- nia Study Group (CDHSG)-defect classification [17] (for patients under-
discharge follow-up was available at least until 1 year of age or had going repair before 2013, defects were graded post-hoc based on
died before. Excluded were patients with Morgagni defects, right operative notes), patch-use and/or use of pericostal sutures, nature
sided or bilateral defects, eventrations, patients operated on via mini- and occurrence of surgical complications during NICU-stay, (4) follow-
mally invasive approach and those with associated major structural or up after discharge data: length of follow-up, nature and occurrence sur-
genetic anomalies. Conditions that independently lead to additional gical reinterventions or death between initial repair and 1 year of life.
morbidity or mortality were considered as major anomalies. Hence, pa- The primary outcome was the need for surgical reintervention within
tients with smaller atrial or ventricular septum defects or patent ductus the first year of life, for any complication that led to reintervention under
arteriosus were not excluded. Patients who underwent prenatal general anesthesia (Clavien-Dindo IIIb), that was life-threatening
Fetoscopic Endoluminal Tracheal Occlusion (FETO) [10, 11] and any (Clavien-Dindo IV) or that caused death (Clavien-Dindo V) [18]. They
use of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) were also were post-hoc categorized as either acute gastro-intestinal complications
excluded, as these potentially impact outcome independently [12]. Ex- such as volvulus, intestinal perforations, bowel obstructions (irrespective
clusion of these specific patients was performed to decrease heteroge- of the nature or location), incisional complications, recurrences or surgical
neity of patient profiles between centers. interventions for severe gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD). The
To retrospectively assess the nature case mix, patients were post hoc secondary outcome measure was mortality within the first year of life.
stratified according to the validated severity indicators proposed by the Data are reported as percentages for categorical variables and, either
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Study Group (CDHSG) [13, 14]. The as means and standard deviation or medians and quartiles (Q1,Q3) for
CDHSG-score is a compound of the APGAR-score at 5 min, birth weight, continuous variables, depending on the normality of the distribution
the presence of pulmonary hypertension and association of any major assessed with D'Agostino-Pearson's test. Univariate analyses (Chi-
cardiac or chromosomal anomalies (Fig. 1). The score subdivides pa- square, Fisher's exact, unpaired T- and Mann–Whitney U-test) were
tients in three severity groups; i.e. with a low (b 10%), intermediate performed with Graphpad (Version 8.1.1, San Diego, California), and
(~20%) or high mortality risk (~50%). statistical significance was defined as p b 0.05. Post-hoc power analysis
Neonates were operated on after initial stabilization, as suggested in was performed using the web-based Sealed Envelope™ (Sealed Enve-
the guidelines for the standardized management of CDH-patients de- lope Ltd. 2012) power calculator for binary outcome superiority trials
fined by the EuroCDH-consortium [15]. During the study period, repairs [19]. Missing data were mentioned and the denominator adjusted ac-
were done by three thoracic surgeons with pediatric surgical expertise cordingly. This study was approved by the local ethics committee in
for this condition in the TT group (pediatric surgery is not a formally rec- Leuven (MP001882) and it was registered in London as a clinical audit
ognized discipline in Belgium), and by six pediatric surgeons in the LT (2268). Outcomes are reported according to the STROBE guidelines for
group. In Leuven, the repair was performed through a low left postero- case–control studies [20].
lateral thoracotomy. For that, the patient was installed in contralateral
decubitus position and an incision was made above the eighth or ninth 2. Results
rib. After manual reduction of abdominal organs, the diaphragmatic
Fig. 2 displays the patient turnover at both centers during the study
period, the number of patients included and lost to follow-up. There was
no follow-up available at 1 year of age in 22 patients, hence they were
excluded. Exclusion rates were comparable for both centers (6/61 vs.
16/78; p = 0.104). Those 22 patients had a comparable profile of
CDHSG-scores as compared to the 117 patients in whom follow-up
was available (55 in the TT and 62 in the LT group).
Table 1 displays patient demographics. In patients operated in the TT
group, a prenatal diagnosis was made more frequently than in patients
Fig. 1. CDHSG score calculation by Brindle et al. [13]. Score 0: low risk group, score 1-2: in the LT group. In both centers, weight and gestational age at delivery
intermediate risk group, score N3: high risk group. were similar, but the APGAR score at 5 min was lower in the TT group.
Please cite this article as: F. De Bie, E. Suply, T. Verbelen, et al., Early surgical complications after congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair by tho-
racotomy vs. laparotomy: A bic..., Journal of Pediatric Surgery, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2019.12.020
F. De Bie et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery xxx (xxxx) xxx 3
Thoracotomy Laparotomy
Leuven London
Eligible Eligible
(N=61) (N=78)
Loss to follow-up < 1 year (n=6) Loss to follow-up < 1 year (n=16)
Follow-up Follow-up
available at 1 available at
year (N=55) 1 year
Please cite this article as: F. De Bie, E. Suply, T. Verbelen, et al., Early surgical complications after congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair by tho-
racotomy vs. laparotomy: A bic..., Journal of Pediatric Surgery, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2019.12.020
4 F. De Bie et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 3
Profile of complications requiring surgery during the first year of life.
Proportion Defect Repair Time (POD) Details Proportion Defect Repair Time (POD) Details
Primary outcome:
All surgical reinterventions 29.1% (16/55) 6.5% (4/62) 0.001
Acute gastrointestinal complications 18.1% (10/55) 3.2% (2/62) 0.012
▪ Volvulus 5.5% (3/55) A Primary 2 Ileum / /
B Primary 3 Ileum
B Patch 147 Ileum
▪ Perforation 3.6% (2/55) B Patch 5 Ileum 1.6% (1/62) C Primary 9 Duodenum /
C Patch 5 Colon
▪ Obstruction 9.1% (5/55) B Patch 31 Colon 1.6% (1/62) C Patch 65 Duodenum /
C Patch 45 Stomach ($$)
B Patch 75 Stomach
B Patch 113 Ileum
B Patch 209 Stomach
Recurrence 5.5% (3/55) B Patch 6 ($) 1.6% (1/62) A Primary 179 0.341
B Patch 85
A Primary 124
Surgery for GERD 3.6% (2/55) B Patch 37 Nissen 1.6% (1/62) B Primary 130 Nissen 0.600
B Patch 44 Nissen
Other 1.8% (1/55) B Primary 6 Textiloma / 0.470
Secondary outcome:
Postsurgical mortality 5.5% (3/55) B Patch 5 Stroke 6.5% (4/62) C Primary 12 Resp. Fail. 1.000
within 1 year of age C Patch 77 Resp. Fail. B Primary 17 Resp. Fail.
D Patch 8 Resp. Fail. D Patch 142 Resp. Fail.
C Patch 356 NA
Legend: GERD = gastro-esophageal reflux disease, POD = postoperative day, NA = not available, Resp. Fail. = respiratory failure. ($) Small bowel obstruction POD 147, ($$) Roux-en-Y
jejunostomy POD 45 and Nissen fundoplication day 363. P-value comparing proportions of two groups.
diagnosis was volvulus with no underlying malrotation. In two early or laparotomy. We found that infants operated via thoracotomy were
(b d3 postoperatively) cases of midgut volvulus, bowel resection was re- more likely to be re-operated within the first year of life, mainly because
quired. In a third case, 147 days after initial repair, adhesiolysis and of acute gastrointestinal complications.
detorsion was performed. This did not occur in the LT group. There Reportedly, only 1–5% of pediatric surgeons repair left-sided CDH via
were in total three perforations within 9 days after surgery, two in thoracotomy [6, 8, 21]. However, the thoracic approach has received
the TT group (one in the jejunum, one in the colon) and one in the LT renewed attention with the advent of minimally invasive techniques
group (duodenum). for CDH repair [6]. Theoretically, abdominal and thoracic access each
Six patients were operated on for adhesive obstruction, all between has their advantages and disadvantages. Advocates of a transthoracic
d30 and d209 postoperatively, and all repaired with a patch. Five were approach argue that the chest wall in combination with the hypoplastic
confined to the TT group, of which three had an obstruction at the level lung create a natural working space, and that exposure of the ribs allows
of the stomach, and the others either at the small bowel or colon. In all easier placement of pericostal sutures, hence strengthening patch repair
five patients the obstructed intestines were adherent to the patch. [8]. The main disadvantage however is that abdominal organs are re-
There was one patient in the LT group with obstructive peri-duodenal duced blindly, which in theory may lead more frequently to gastrointes-
adhesions, with no involvement of the patch. Adhesiolyis was performed tinal complications. However, these do not seem to be commonly
and one patient had a Roux-en-Y gastro-jejunostomy for gastric outlet featured in case of minimally invasive approach [22–24]. Increased
syndrome (d45) and later a fundoplication (d363). In another patient, risk for musculoskeletal deformities (scoliosis, pectus excavatum and
a left-behind gauze, required surgical removal on post-operative day 6. carinatum) has also been correlated to thoracotomy in specific [25,
There were four recurrences (Clavien-Dindo IV) (5.5% (TT) vs. 1.6% 26]. Advantages of an abdominal approach are that one can inspect
(LT); p = 0.341). The one patient who was operated by laparotomy, and reposition abdominal organs anatomically under visual control. In
had a primarily sutured-repair of an “A” type defect, yet recurred on case of malrotation, a simultaneous Ladd's procedure can be performed
day 179. The other three were in the TT group. One was operated on [8]. Disadvantages of the abdominal approach are the long-term risk of
day 6 after a patched “B”-type defect; one on day 85, also for a patched incisional hernia and abdominal obstructions due to adhesions [27, 28].
“B” type defect; and one was operated on day 124 for a primarily The most frequent surgical reinterventions for acute gastro-
repaired “A” type defect. The patient with the early recurrence later intestinal complications are volvulus, obstruction by adhesions and
had a reintervention for adhesive bowel obstruction. bowel perforation. (1) Volvulus occurred in three patients in the TT
Three patients were re-operated within the first year of life for se- group, while none in the LT group. No underlying malrotation was diag-
vere gastro-esophageal reflux issues (Clavien-Dindo IIIb). They had a nosed in these cases. Jancelewicz et al. described one volvulus case fol-
fundoplication on day 37 and 44 (TT group), and on day 130 (LT group). lowing thoracoscopic repair (n = 28), whereas none following repair
The mortality (Clavien-Dindo V) during the first year of life was by laparotomy (n = 129) [25]. Although numbers are low, both experi-
comparable (overall it was 6%). All deaths were due to persistent pul- ences may suggest that volvulus is more common after thoracic
monary hypertension and/or respiratory failure. Massive hemorrhagic approach. Especially when volvulus presents early, it may be related
stroke led to withdrawal of care in one patient. to an unanatomical position of the abdominal organs, which was not
diagnosed as the surgeon is blinded during reduction. (2) Adhesiolysis
3. Discussion for gastric, small bowel and colonic obstruction was performed in six
patients. All of them underwent patch repair for a “B” or “C”-type defect.
We compared the rate of surgical reinterventions within 1 year of Five (9.1%) were in the TT and one in the LT group (1.6%). In the five TT-
life in patients operated at two centers, primarily either via thoracotomy cases, the intestines were adherent to the PTFE patch. This was not the
Please cite this article as: F. De Bie, E. Suply, T. Verbelen, et al., Early surgical complications after congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair by tho-
racotomy vs. laparotomy: A bic..., Journal of Pediatric Surgery, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2019.12.020
F. De Bie et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery xxx (xxxx) xxx 5
case in the LT group, where a Dacron patch was used. The rate of bowel Taking into account the retrospective nature of the study and the
obstruction in this series, is comparable to what is reported in the liter- limitations above, the authors nevertheless believe there is reason for
ature (range 2.9% to 17.6% [22, 28–32]), yet the duration of follow-up in suspicion that blind reposition of abdominal organs, inherent to the tho-
published studies was longer (range 1.0 to 18.8 years) and the case mix racic approach, may increase the risk of volvulus and that patch repair
different. Jancelewxicz et al. found that patch repair was a predictor for may predispose for bowel obstruction by adhesion formation to the
bowel obstruction, which our findings confirm [31]. However, they did graft.
not observe bowel adherence to the patch, like we observed in the TT
group. The type of patch may also affect the rate of post-operative 4. Conclusion
bowel obstruction. The use of a variety of patches has been reported,
with only absorbable ones that were associated with an increased risk We aimed to evaluate the occurrence and nature of surgical
of small bowel obstruction [31]. (3) Bowel perforation was observed reinterventions within the first year of life following diaphragmatic re-
in three patients, two in the TT group (3.6%) and one in the LT group pair through thoracotomy or laparotomy as primary approach used by
(1.6%) and all presenting within 9 days. Cho et al. reported a higher per- two centers. There were more surgical reinterventions following repair
foration rate, i.e. two after open abdominal approach (n = 28) as well as via thoracotomy, in particular for severe acute gastro-intestinal compli-
two after thoracoscopic CDH repair (n = 29) [29]. Recurrence occurred in cations such as volvulus, perforation and adhesive bowel obstruction.
four patients, equally frequent after repair via thoracotomy and laparot- Recurrence, surgical treatment of gastro-intestinal reflux disease and
omy (5.5% vs. 1.6%; p = 0.341). All four infants involved were born near mortality rate seemed not to be different.
term (37–40 weeks GA). Two recurrences were after patch repair, the
other two after primary closure of the defect. The rate of reinterventions Disclosures
for GERD was similar for both approaches, though it may be difficult to
determine whether the criteria for these procedures were similar at There are no financial conflicts of interest to disclose.
both centers. We did not observe any incisional herniation.
Post-hoc power analysis (α = 5, Power = 90%) confirmed that the
study was adequately powered for the primary outcome, however not
for further sub-group analysis or mortality.
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agen-
This is a retrospective study comparing two surgical techniques,
cies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. PDC is sup-
performed as a primary approach by one of both centers. Even
ported by National Institute for Health Research (NIHR-RP-2014-04-
though the included patients in both centers had comparable
046) and NIHR Great Ormond Street Hospital Biomedical Research Cen-
CDHSG-scores [13, 14], there may be several center-related con-
tre. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily
founders that could influence difference in outcomes. First, there is
those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.
an inherent selection bias. We excluded the non-Bochdalek and
right-sided lesions, as well as ECMO and FETO cases. This was done
in an effort to homogenize patients. However, in retrospect, the se- Acknowledgments
verity risk profile based on the CDHSG-score of excluded patients
was different between centers. One third of TT-patients excluded The authors would like to thank Johnny Moons for his advice on how
had a high-risk profile and all those patients had FETO and one had to perform data-extraction and build the database.
ECMO. In the LT group, all exclusions were for ECMO and only 5%
had a high-risk profile. References
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racotomy vs. laparotomy: A bic..., Journal of Pediatric Surgery, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2019.12.020
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Please cite this article as: F. De Bie, E. Suply, T. Verbelen, et al., Early surgical complications after congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair by tho-
racotomy vs. laparotomy: A bic..., Journal of Pediatric Surgery, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2019.12.020