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I. Introduction
The problem of a beam carrying moving masses has been of interest for
several years. Particularly in the construction of railway bridges, it is of
fundamental importance. Recently, the advent of long highway bridges,
together with the increased velocity and mass of automobiles, has forced a
renewal of consideration of this problem.
The problem was first attacked by Jeffcott (1) in 1929. He was closely
followed by Steuding (2) and Odman (3). In these papers, the solution was
presented in approximate form involving rather laborious permutation
techniques. In 1951 Pestel (a), by means of Rayleigh-Ritz technique,
established a system of coupled differential equations governing the equili-
brium of a curved bar subjected to a single moving mass, in addition to
external loads. The usual iteration technique for solution of these coupled
differential equations was used but no numerical results were presented.
The object of this paper is (a) to present a simple technique concerning the
response of a beam to an arbitrary number of moving masses with various
velocities in the presence of the external load, and (b) to develop a solution
in a series form, but “closed” in the engineering sense, so that a practising
engineer can evaluate the response of the beam to the moving masses in a
reasonable period of time. The external load is considered to be a result of the
weight of the moving masses only, but no difficulty arises to include other
deterministic loads, such as impulses, etc.
The method developed in this paper is based on Fourier analysis and leads
to an approximate rapidly converging solution readily amenable to design
analysis and calculation. This method is not connected with any previously
developed techniques in this subject. The usual assumptions in the Navier
beam theory of constant sections are adopted. Straight beams of slender
proportions are considered, i.e. the shearing and rotating inertia effects are
neglected. A numerical technique for solution, involving higher order approxi-
mations of the entire problem, is also discussed. The same method was
Milomir M. Stanis’ and Jay C. Hardin
EI = flexural rigidity of the beam: lbin2;
Y(x, t) = transverse deflection of the beam : in. ;
p = mass density of the beam material : lb in-4 sec2;
A = cross-sectional area of the beam: in2;
g = acceleration of gravity : in set-2
0 I
s(2-vit)dx = 1, (2)
Y(0, t) = Y(L, t) = 0,
Y,,(O, t) = Y,,(L, t) = 0. (3)
to Eq. 1, we have
Z(m, t) =
Y(x, t) sin y&z (4)
.%(m, t) + 43(m, t)
is the eigenvalue of the problem and T[ ] stands for the transform of the
quantity in the brackets. Now, note that Z(lc, t) is just the coefficient of
116 Journal
of The Franklin Institute
Response of Beams to an Arbitrary Number of Moving Masses
Also, choosing to express 6(x - vuit) as an even function, we may expand it
in a Fourier cosine series, namely,
12” n7Tvit
6(x-vit) = L+L~~lcos-l--cos~. (9)
2 a, 00
nrrvi t sin (n+ k)nx_ sin (n
x1 kyll(k t) cm37 TX .
+L’i L L
T 5 MiS(x-vit)I&,(x,t)
[ i=l I
= s glMisinT, (12)
which is the transformed equation for our problem.
For the purpose of solution we consider only one mass M traveling with
velocity v, Fig. 1. Solutions for greater numbers of masses may be obtained
in the same manner. Evidently, the following special cases from Eq. 12
follow :
(a) Moving Force. If we neglect the inertia term, we have the classical case
of a moving force. Under this assumption, Eq. 12 becomes
Z,,(m, t) + wtZ(m, t) = P sin ~ (13)
L ’
Vol.287,No.2,February196Q 117
Milomir M. Xtani&ic’ and Jay C. Hardin
p_!Q (14)
PA .
The general solution of Eq. 13 is
. mrrvt
Z(m,t) = A,cosw,t+B,sinw,t+ sin---. (15)
rnrrv 2 L
~%[I-;i j
Now, if we assume that the beam is initially at rest, we have the initial
conditions :
Z(m, 0) = Z,(m, 0) = 0. (16)
FIG. 1. Geometry of the moving mass.
& j[
_..z mrrvt
sin--- mi7v
.Z(m, t) = sin w, t (17)
m77v L -hn I
Y(x, t) = y $ [ sln~e~~~~t
m_-l I sin??. (18)
We note that this agrees with the classical solution given by Timoshenko (6).
(b) Moving Mass-First Approximation. If we consider only the linear
inertia term, Eq. 12 becomes
P . mwut
-%(m, t) + (lW;a) z(m, t) = (19)
R= M
pAL’ (20)
The general solution is directly analogous to Eq. 15. Applying the conditions
of Eq. 16, we find
P . mnvt rnrvJ(1 t-R) . w,t
Z(m,t) = sin- . (21)
sm-- L L% $O+R) I
FIG. 2. Convergence of coefficients for moving mass solution.
P 1 +mnvJ(l +R)
z(m, t) < (23)
mnvJ(l+R) 2 LWnz
kn 11
Now, using Eq. 6, we have
P(l+$f)A;;R)]*) 1
.Wbt)< 7T 4 EI
Lv 2 m4 (24)
z pA-(l+R) n
O[ ( )I’ -
Therefore, the coefficients Z(m, t) and the solution Y(x, t) converge as m--4.
The first three coefficients are graphed in Fig. 2, from which the convergence
can be seen. Note also that when R = 0, Eq. 22 reduces to the moving force
solution. Since the equation is linear, we might add that the solution for an
arbitrary number of masses may be obtained by superposition of the
individual solutions.
ml> t) + 1 +R+211sin2d] zP,t)= [1 +R+2~siqsin~-
While this equation is resistant to analytic techniques, it yields readily to
numerical procedures. Once Z( 1, t) is obtained, it may be substituted into
Eq. 25 for calculation of the other Z(m, t). The solutions for m = 1,2,3 are
tabulated in Table I and plotted in Fig. 3.
Moving Mass-Second Approximation,
for R = 0.25,L/v = 1*50sec, w1 = 2.44 rad see-j
t al, t) w, t) w3, t)
40- R= !Lq
w, = 2.44 rad/sec.
100 -
Moving Moss 2nd Approx.
Moving Moss 1st Approx.
is, for the first natural frequency, about 50 per cent greater than the maxi-
mum static deflection
6 = MgL3 (28)
However, in general, the velocities are small enough and the beam natural
frequencies large enough that the condition does not occur.
Now, consider the solution given by Eq. 22. The condition of resonance
requires that
where CO, is any one of the natural frequencies of the beam. However, the
frequency at which resonance occurs is lowered by the factor (1 + R)-1.
Moreover, since
lim -Wn, t)
.Z(m,t)=g m dCl:R)cos~-$sin~
1 . (30)
V. Conclusion
(1) H. H. Jeffcott, “On the Vibration of Beams under the Action of Moving Loads”,
Phil. Mug., Ser. 7, Vol. 8, p. 66, 1929.
(2) H. Steuding, “Die Schwingung von Triigern bei bewegten Lasten”, Ingen.-Arch.,
Vol. 5, p. 275, 1934.
(3) S. T. A. Odman, “Differential Equation for Calculation of Vibrations Produced in
Load-bearing Structures by Moving Loads”, Preliminary Publications. Inter-
national Assn. for Bridge and Structural Engineering, 3rd Congress, LiBge, 1948.
(4) E. Pestel, “Tragwerksauslenkung unter bewegter Last”, Ingem-Arch., Vol. 19,
p. 378, 1951.
(5) M. M. Stan%%, J. C. Hardin and Y. C. Lou, “On the Response of the Plate to a
Multi-masses Moving System”, Acta Mech., Vol. 5, p. 37, 1968.
(6) S. Timoshenko, “Vibration Problems in Engineering”, 3rd ed., Princeton, N.J.,
D. Van Nostrand Company, p. 352, 1955.