2006 Gallopín
2006 Gallopín
2006 Gallopín
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Thus the role of trust appears to be crucial in building and maintaining the
cognitive order. The making of knowledge in general takes place on a moral field
and mobilizes particular appreciations of the virtues and characteristics of types
of people. Who to trust is a key question. The identification of trustworthy agents
is necessary to the constitution of any body of knowledge. The ineradicable role
of people-knowledge in the making of thing-knowledge is important just because
the stabilization of the latter pervasively involves rendering the former invisible
(Shapin, 1995). What we know of comets, icebergs, and neutrinos irreducibly
contains what we know of those people who speak for and about these things,
just as what we know about the virtues of people is informed by their speech
about things that exist in the world.
Nevertheless, despite the rhetoric against trust, the very identity and
solidarity of the scientific community stem from members’ need to trust each
other if each individual is to add to the stock of credible knowledge. Without need
to argue for the role of trust against that of experience and its modes (including
replication), it is valid to draw attention to how much of our empirical knowledge
is held solely on the basis of what trustworthy sources tell us. There is an
ineradicable role of trust, even in the skeptical search for an individual and
independent grounding of knowledge. Kuhn (1962) offered detailed insight into
the nature of scientific training and described how the transmission of knowledge
and competence relied upon trust and the acceptance of authority. He pointed
out the continuing importance of authority and collectively agreed judgment in the
process of research itself.
Articulation of knowledges
Attention to those complex system properties is not only necessary for the
improvement of scientific research, but the existence and nature of those
properties is by itself an interesting and important topic of scientific research.
This paper focuses on part of the second level of complexity identified above,
being aware that the plurality of perceptions and viewpoints goes well beyond
knowledges, including also beliefs, values and worldviews, and that the
consideration of different “epistemologies” or knowledge systems goes beyond
the articulation of knowledges, including e.g. the study of different knowledge and
belief systems by anthropologists.
Also, the need for articulation of knowledges may arise out of different
considerations, as discussed earlier, but here we will focus on the articulation of
alternative knowledges as part of the scientific research process, required
because of epistemological reasons, along the lines that the incorporation,
articulation, “hybridization”, combination, or taking into account of, forms of
knowledge with, or in addition to, scientific knowledge within the process of
scientific research of socio-ecological systems results in a demonstrably better 1
characterization of the problem/issue and thus in better solutions.
Better, that is, even according to the standard scientific criteria (accuracy, completeness,
fruitfulness, relevance, etc.)
root system that extract water from soil into the leaves, from which it evaporates
into the atmosphere, thus making the ground underneath the trees drier not
wetter. However, not only the facts were genuine, but also the explanation, for
that tree species has a root system that really siphons water into the surrounding
Conceptual world-views, consisting of formal theories, classic experiments, and trusted
The different forms of knowledges
see: http://shr.aaas.org/tek/connection.htm
the knowledge itself, but to the way in which that knowledge is created,
preserved and disseminated. Traditional knowledge is collective in nature and
considered the property of the entire community. It does not belong to any single
individual within the community, and is transmitted through specific cultural and
traditional information exchange mechanisms. Traditional knowledge is often
maintained and transmitted orally through elders or specialists (breeders,
healers, etc.), and often to only a select few people within a community.
Judgments by lay people, i.e. local knowledge, seem more risk averse
than those of experts or politicians, and have been recognized as reflecting
different framings of technology’s social implications, different perceptions of the
feasibility of control, different appraisals of the values at stake, and different
judgments about fairness in the distribution of risks, and benefits (Jasanoff,
2002). In our era when global science and global capital enjoy increasing levels
of institutionalization and state support, it is understandable that civil societies
emerge with local voices to insist that the production of policy-relevant
knowledge should be made available for public scrutiny and input. There is
increasing awareness in contemporary societies that policy-relevant science can
never be completely neutral. Values and judgment enter into the equation long
before issues are isolated for technical analysis. Policy-relevant expertise, too, is
known to be widely distributed, not only within but also outside the scientific
community. Those who are at risk, and are so from hazards that are not in all
cases amenable to technical analysis and control, should be an integral part of
the politics of assessment.
Partnerships are made with the most varied allies. A recent study that
includes experimental firing is being conducted by an international group of
researchers and Brazilian farmers at the edge of the Amazon rainforest as part of
a project of the Large Scale Amazon Atmosphere-Biosphere Experiment. The
focus of the study is to determine the impact of fire on the 'transition' forests that
form a fragile boundary where the vulnerable rainforest meet the savannas — or
cerrado — of central Brazil. The scrub-like cerrado is relatively well adapted to
repeated burning. This happens naturally when lightning strikes, but local farmers
also contribute to the process with fires called queimadas, which are used to
control pests and weeds. Too many fires, however, could result in the runaway
expansion of the savanna, triggering a process of biological erosion that
threatens the edges of the Amazon rainforest. By 'designing' fires, the scientists
expect to measure what happens after the fires burn out (Leite, 2004).
If we accept this notion of the duality of all forms of knowledge, then the
articulation of useful knowledges for sustainable development must include the
participation of the holders of these knowledges, not just the compilation of the
explicit knowledges.
Problematic issues
3. How to deal with irreducible conflict between scientific and lay knowledge?
Some guidelines have been proposed and used, for the articulation of lay
knowledge with scientific knowledge (Robert Scholes, pers. comm.; Kinzing et al
2004, p 423). They involve 1) avoid making judgments about the adequacy of
causal schemes or explanatory models; 2) requiring that the knowledge be
traceable to its source(s); 3) requiring that there be repeatability among
knowledge holders and internal consistency in the information; and 4) requiring
that some degree of confidence be attached by the lay expert to the information,
along with an explicit statement about the limits (in time or in space) of the
knowledge considered.
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Figure 1. A plurality of knowledges
of policy makers
of technicians
of managers
of workers
of scientists
of scientific advisors
of firms
of customers empirical
of patients
intercropping biology
pest control
fish breeding techniques
crop diversity
animal healthcare
human healthcare education
soil conservation
poverty alleviation
other forms of in general
water management
Figure 3. The two complementary processes of participation and reification, redrawn
from Wenger 1998).