Aspects of Culture

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Culture is a people’s way of
life. This classic definition
appears generic, yet it
prefigures both the processes
and structures that account not
only for the development of
such a way of life, but also for
the inherent systems that lend
it its self-perpetuating nature.
“that complex whole, which
encompasses beliefs, practices,
values, attitudes, laws, norms,
artifacts, symbols, knowledge, and
everything that a person learns and
shares as a member of society” –E.B

One way of achieving this is by asking

not only about the ‘what’ aspects of
culture, but also the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of
The Anatomy of Culture and Society

Anthropology Sociology
The What The How The Why
Refers to the con Refers to the processes Refers to the reasons for compliance &

-tents of culture that guarantee the trans- the mechanisms that facilitate perfor-
mission of the contents mance

Through socialization/enculturation:
Actions Learned
 Individuals are exposed to and
experience lessons in everyday
interactions. The lessons are
practical and address their basic
social needs.
Language Shared Through conformity:
 Actions of individuals are
routinized and
institutionalized in contexts
like family, church, schools,
and government. In time,
they become part of their

Through social control:

 Conformity, or its absence
Attitude thereof, is meted out
through the system of giving
rewards and imposing of


Edward Burnett “E.B” Taylor
October 2, 1832 – January 2, 1917

“ the handwork of man and the medium through which he

achieves his ends”- B. Malinowski

“an organized body of conventional understandings

manifest in art which persisting through tradition,
characterize a human group”-R. Redfield
“the body of thought and knowledge, both
theoretical and practical, which only man can
possess” – Robert

“A culture is a historically derived system of explicit and

implicit designs for living, which tends to be shared by
all or specially designed members of a group”
– Kluckhohn & Kelly
• Explicit Culture

• Implicit Culture

Characterization of culture revolves around the three essences

of culture as a system:

 Super-organic

 Integrated

 Pervasive
1. Culture is social because it is the product of behavior.
Culture does not exist in isolation. It is a product of society. It develops
through social interaction. No man can acquire culture without association with
2. Culture varies from society to society.
Every society has a culture of its own that differs from other societies.
The culture of every society is unique to itself. Cultures are not uniform.
Cultural elements like customs, traditions, morals, values, and beliefs, are not
uniform. Culture varies from time to time as well.
3. Culture is shared.
Culture is not something that an individual alone can possess. Culture, in a sociological
sense, is shared. For example, customs, traditions, beliefs, ideas, values, morals, etc. are all shared by
people of a group or society. The patterns of learned behavior and the results of behavior are
possessed not by one or a few persons, but usually by a large group.
4. Culture is learned.
Culture is not inborn. It is learned. Culture is often called “learned ways of behavior”
5. Culture is transmitted among members of society.
The cultural ways are learned by persons from persons. Many of them are “handed down”
by elders, parents, teachers, and others (of a somewhat older generation) while other cultural
behaviors are “handed up” to elders.
6. Culture is continuous and cumulative.
Culture exists as a continuous process. In its historical growth, it tends to become
cumulative. Sociologist Linton called culture ‘the social heritage’ of a man. It becomes
difficult for us to imagine what society would be like without culture.
7. Culture is gratifying and idealistic.
Culture provides proper opportunities for the satisfaction of our needs and desires.
Our needs both biological and social are fulfilled in the cultural ways. Culture determines
and guides various activities of man. Thus, culture is defined as the process through which
human beings satisfy their wants. Culture is embodies the ideas and norms of a group.
8. Symbolic
Symbolic culture is the ability to learn and transmit behavioral
traditions from one generation to the next by the invention of things that
exist entirely in the symbolic realm.
Functions of Culture

Each culture has many

subtle cues which define
each situation. It reveals
Culture defines
whether one should
prepare to fight, run, laugh
or make love.
Culture defines attitudes, values, and goals

Each person learns from his/her culture what is good, true,

and beautiful. Attitudes, values, and goals are defined by the
culture. While the individual normally learns them as
unconsciously as he learns the language.
Culture defines myths, legends, and the
supernatural. Culture provides behavior patterns.

Myths and legends are important

The individual need not go
parts of every culture. They may
through painful trial and
inspire or reinforce effort and
error to know what food can
sacrifice and bring comfort in
be eaten or how to live
bereavement. Culture also provides
among people without fear.
the individual with a ready-made
People find a ready-made set
view of the universe. The nature of
of patterns awaiting them
divine power and the important
which they need only to
moral issues are defined by the
learn and follow.

The word ethno comes from the Greeks and it

refers to a people, nation, or cultural grouping.
Centric, on the other hand, comes from Latin and
refers to the “center”. The term ethnocentrism then
refers to the tendency of each society to place its
own culture patterns at the center of things.
William Graham summer
30 October 1840 - 12 April 1910
The description of ethnocentrism suggests that the very process of what
makes culture enduring and durable also explains an equally recalcitrant
attitude in the (non) appreciation of the cultures of other people. Individuals
may be unable to and have difficulty in, showing appreciation of other

Ethnocentrism is a universal human reaction found in all known societies, in

all groups, and in practically all individuals. Everyone learns ethnocentrism
while growing up. The possessiveness of the small child quickly translates
into “my toys are better than your toys”. Parents, unless they are quite
crude, outwardly discourage their children from verbalizing such beliefs. But
in private, they may reassure their offsprings that their possessions are
indeed very nice.

The functions of ethnocentrism in maintaining order are more

apparent than those which promote social change:

 First, ethnocentrism encourages the solidarity of a group.

 Second, ethnocentrism hinders the understanding or the

cooperation between groups.

 Third, conflict of course often leads to social change.

1. When you judge the behavior and beliefs of people who are different from you.
Way out: To stop ethnocentric behavior, you must stop judging others who are
different from you.
2. When you believe that there are primitive cultures, especially if their way of life is
different from yours.
Way out: Ethnocentrism is taught. You have to unlearn that your culture is
superior and all other cultures are inferior.
3. When you believe that some cultures are backward if they lack the technology and
consumerism of your own culture.
Way out: Remember that there are no primitive or backward cultures. All cultures
provide their members with the means for meeting all human needs.

Cultural relativism is the idea that all norms, beliefs, and values are dependent on
their cultural context and should be treated as such. A key component of cultural
relativism is the concept that nobody , not even researchers comes from a
neutral position. Cultural relativism is also a research method. Cultural relativism
means that the function and meaning of a trait are relative to its cultural setting.

The concept of cultural relativism foes not mean that all customs are equally
valuable, nor does it imply that no customs are harmful.

Appreciation of other cultures may come about for two complementary reasons:
1. Acquisition of sufficient knowledge about the culture in question
2. Direct exposure to other cultures.

Xenocentrism is the prefers for the products,

styles, or ideas of someone else culture rather than
of one’s own.

Xenophobia, on the other hand, is the fear of what

is perceived as foreign or strange. Xenophobia can
be seen in the relations and perceptions of an in-
group toward an out-group.

Cultures have tangible (visible) and intangible (nonmaterial)

components. The tangible ones are those that are produced
and created based on specific and practical purposes and
aesthetic values.

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