Explosive Safety in Logging Operation
Explosive Safety in Logging Operation
Explosive Safety in Logging Operation
ONGC, Mumbai
When an Explosive explodes it does not recognize who are the people that are being affected. So, it is the responsibility
of the people who are handling it and the people around the explosive activity who are prone to be affected for its explosion
to visualize its damaging power. To understand the activity, it is prudent to be acquainted with some of the terminologies
used in the oil industry for this purpose, to make it more accessible to everybody irrespective of rank and file. From Rig up
to rig down, the GOI and ONGC guidelines has to be adhered to and the explosive rules laid down in the explosive act and
the amendment by the comptroller of explosive if any from time to time has to be followed.Safety, Health and Environment
is a mandatory requirement for our organization and the compliance of the same is a routine job, which is auditable at a
regular interval. An indifferent approach to safety may prove fatal not only to the individual but also to the Organization as
well. A safe perforation procedure results in optimum production of Hydrocarbon from the zone of interest inside the well.
Safety Measures ! Carry out the activity only at daylight and preferably
under a clear sky.
! Explosives should be transported by the licensed ! Change the ‘o’ rings always after each run, be it the
Explosive van (in case of land transport) only, the Cable head, Bull nose, firing head, Bridge plug/packer
design of which should be strictly as per the norms setting tool . Extra care to be ensured in High
laid out by the comptroller of explosives. The duly temperature-pressure wells (like Gandhar, Agartala,
authorized and licensed explosive boxes should be used Assam ,Mumbai high fields etc) ·Switch-off the cell
both for onshore and offshore transportation (mode B phones to avoid possible interference
magazine). ! Use the Rig to Unit Voltage measuring device and
! The area of explosive activity should be invariably ensure the voltage less than 0.25V.
marked with Explosive Danger signboard for ! It is a mandatory requirement to conduct safety meeting
awareness of others, nearby. with rig-staff before starting the real perforation
! Ground the Logging unit for dissipation of any stray operation.
current. ! Use the Safety Tube for carrying Detonator & while
! Ensure that no high power voltage is live over or under arming the gun.
head the activity. ! Use Blaster’s galvanometer for checking the detonator
! All the power engines are shut-off. for its internal resistance while the Deto is still in safety
! The Radio communication should be powered off tube
during the activity. No high power transmission or T.V. ! Use Hydraulically activated Switch that is to be
tower is in the vicinity. connected between C/Head & CCL.
! No chopper should takeoff or land during the operation. ! Keep unit engine in idle during the process and not to
Boat is not approaching during the operation. start the Logging Unit Alternator unless the Gun is
! Utmost precaution is warranted during charging the lowered to a depth not less than 200 mts
guns and arming the same with detonator/fuse. Avoid ! For a better understandability across the section of our
using multimeter to check the gun for continuity after industry let us define and explain the purpose of our
arming the same. effort. Explosives we use in any wire line operation
! Safety switch should always be with the party chief are mainly the shaped charges while perforating a well
and he should carry it physically and ensure not to under well completion, or to squeeze a formation under
leave it in the logging cabin. scrutiny. Detonating chords are used to connect the
! Ensure the least jerking of the charged gun while shaped charges within the gun or carrier assembly and
dragging the same with the help of the cat line from in the events of Back-off of casing or tubing. Casing
the catwalk to the rotary table. Ensure the mud level or tubing cutters are used to cut apart the same in a
before lowering the gun in the well mouth. precise manner. Primary and secondary explosives are
6th International Conference & Exposition on Petroleum Geophysics “Kolkata 2006”
What is perforation ?
Casing Gun
Perforating charges
Perforating geometry
Detonator is a small electrically activated explosive
charge. This is called a cap or a blasting cap.
different sizes viz, 7- in ,6 5/8-in,5-in,4.72-in,4 5/8-in,4 ½- tubing, and a gun string anchoring a release section. This
in, 3.67-in,3 3/8-in,3 ½-in,3 1/6-in,2 7/8-in,2 ½-in,2 ¼-in,2- allows the gun string to be conveyed through the tubing to
in, 1.56-in. and are used depending on the size of the passage the top of the liner using large high-performance guns. Then,
of gun conveyance. when the well is ready for production, the gun string is
unlatched with wire line, conveyed by wire line to the
Perforation density perforating depth and anchored. After the wire line is pulled
out, the gun string is pressure fired and automatically
The number of perforation per linear foot. This dropped at bottom, if desired.
term is used to describe the configuration of perforating
guns or the placement of perforation, and is often Underbalance perforation
abbreviated to spf (shots per foot). An example will be a 8
spf of casing gun. To create holes in the liner or casing under
conditions in which the hydrostatic pressure inside the casing
Effective shot density or liner is less than the reservoir pressure. When the
perforation is made, there will be a tendency for the reservoir
A value that reflects the number of perforation per fluid to flow into the well bore.
unit of length (feet) that are producing, or injecting
efficiently. Perforation efficiency may be compromised by Conclusions
gun failure or charge misfire, perforation debris, excessive
standoff or poor orientation or by combination of all these. ! Explosive safety starts from designing the Safety
The effective shot density may be used in treatment design magazine strictly as per the norms laid out which is
models or to calculate likely Productivity response. not falling under the present scope, followed by storing,
safeguarding, and then transporting to the site. All these
High explosives steps including the liquidation of explosives has to be
done under the strict guidelines laid down by the
Chemical explosive material having an extremely comptroller of explosives available in the rule book
high reaction rate that creates very high combustion of explosive act and the GOI and the ONGC guidelines.
pressures, unlike low explosives that have much lower
! If at all the guns are charged in the office premises
reaction rate and are commonly used as propellants. High
explosives are further categorized as Primary-and (which is again not recommended) make sure that the
Secondary- high explosive. Primary high explosives are very same is not armed and transport the same invariably
sensitive, can be detonated easily and are generally used in an explosive van and not in the Logging unit or by
only in percussion and electrical generators. Secondary-high any other transport means to the site.
explosives are less sensitive, require a high-energy shock ! The casing to unit voltage has to be monitored less
wave to achieve detonation and are safe to handle. than 0.25V through out the operation.
Secondary- high explosives are used almost all elements of
a ballistic chain, other than the detonator, such as in ! Slapper actuated detonator of M/S SASL is a safe
detonating cord and shaped charges. These explosives we approach when other activities on the site may
use while dressing the Bridge- Plug or Cement Retainer or continue.
a Packer to set the same in a well at a desired depth. ! Hydraulic Safety switch is a must to be used during
perforation job.
Tubing conveyed perforation
! In case of a misfire of gun, pulling out the same from
Deep, hot wells often have a long section of liner. the well needs extreme precaution because the gun,
The packer is set in the casing above the liner hanger, and which is coming out from the well, is already armed.
the production tubing a few feet inside the top of the liner. Unscrew the bull plug with caution and disarm the gun
This type of installation prevents conventional conveyance immediately(Adhering all the safety norms discussed
of tubing- conveyed perforating TCP guns. The tubing above).
conveyed perforating system consists of a standard gun ! It is needless to mention that the hardwares used (both
string mechanically latched at the end of the production ferrous and non-ferrous accessories) should be of
6th International Conference & Exposition on Petroleum Geophysics “Kolkata 2006”