Automotive Electrical Systems 2021
Automotive Electrical Systems 2021
Automotive Electrical Systems 2021
Lubricants formulated to protect and extend the operating
life of electrical connector, sensor and switch components.
Connector lubricants are used to prevent wear and
EXTENDING OPERATING LIFE WITH SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS environmental corrosion. They are also very effective at
preventing fretting corrosion, the result of micro-motions
between contacts caused by vibration and thermal changes
within the connector housing. By reducing the formation
of metal oxide at the mated interface, connector greases
extend contact life and keep resistance low.
Designed to meet the 3X life standard, Nye switch
lubricants are available for tin, copper, brass, and
Sensors Connectors noble metal contacts. Tailored to low, medium, or high
EGR temperature sensor - Rheotemp™ 768G Seats - NyoGel® 760G current switches and formulated for light, medium or
Bearings in throttle position sensors - Uniflor™ 8922EL Door & windows - NyoGel® 760G
heavy loads, these lubricants guard against millivolt
drop, open circuit resistance problems, and “-40 °C
Throttle position sensor - Uniflor™ 8950 Tail lights trailer tows - NyoGel® 760G contact bounce.” Underhood, they withstand thermal
Steering angle position sensor - NyoGel® 741A-RED & Fluorocarbon Gel 885 Dashboard switches - NyoGel® 760G cycling and temperature extremes, from –90 to 250 °C
and resist humidity, dust, water, salt water, fuel, and
And More - NyoGel® 760G underhood fluids. For the mechanical parts of a switch,
Nye’s family of damping greases provide an economical
way to control the sound and feel.
Nye Lubricants, Inc.
12 Howland Road
Fairhaven, MA 02719 USA
Ph: +1.508.996.6721
ISO 9001:2015
IATF 16949:2016
ISO 14001:2015
©2021 Nye Lubricants, Inc. | ABEC20170731
ISO 13485: 2016 NyoGel® and Rheolube® are registered trademarks
AS 9001D
and Rheotemp™ and UniFlor™ are trademarks of Nye Lubricants, Inc.