Toppers Exams Booklet 3rd Sec 2024 1

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Toppers Booklet

Part 2
General Tests
‫امتحانــات عـام ــة‬
(20 Tests)
Toppers 3rd Sec. 89
General Tests
Part 2
Final Test 1
"‫األأ�س��ئلة املو�ضوعي��ة التالية(االختي��ار م��ن متع��دد) "كل �س��ؤال درج��ة واح��دة‬:‫أواًل‬
ً �
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. It will be very inconvenient for me to have no car. “inconvenient” here is
the antonym of the adjective ............ .
a) unsuitable b) inadequate c) suitable d) inappropriate
2. At the peak of his ............ he was managing a sales force of 2000 people.
a) job b) career c) work d) occupation
3. Unlike ............, astrology cannot be described as an exact science.
a) science fiction b) astronomy c) astronomer d) astronaut
4. Your …………… is the characteristics which can be used to show that a person
is unique and like no one else.
a) race b) identification c) mother tongue d) identity
5. Will Arab industry ever catch ............ with Japanese innovations?
a) in b) up c) after d) for
6. Many Youtubers are now (a)n ........... example to their followers.
a) inspired b) spinning c) inspiring d) pointless
7. We ............ for half an hour when it began to rain.
a) have been walking c) walked
b) had been walking d) have walked
8. He gave the door a ............ push, but it ............ moved.
a) hardly/hard b) hard/hardly c) hardly/hardly d) hard/hard
9. On the fourth of the next October, he ............ in prison for ten years.
a) will be b) is going to be c) will have been d) will be being
10. When I was ............, my mother always helped me with my homework.
a) a little b) little c) a small d) a few
Read the following passage, then correct answer from a, b, c or d:

L ouisa’s wedding dress arrived at four o’clock in the evening, eighteen hours
before her marriage. “I must try it on” Louisa cried, as she ran upstairs.
Three minutes later her cries brought her mother. The dress was too much
big for her. It was baggy in the front, and the neck line looked all wrong.
Louisa was in tears. “Take it back to the dressmaker’s,” Mrs Tom said.”
She must alter it tonight. Hurry now. Take it off and go”. The dressmaker’s
shop was closed. “Closed for one week’s holiday,” said a notice on the door.
Fresh tears rose to Louisa’s eyes. She ran home again to her mother.
“This is unlucky,” Mrs Tom said, “But what are we going to do? Shall I ask Mrs
Peters to help? She was a dressmaker once. I’m sure she could alter it
for you”.
90 Exams Booklet 3rd Sec.
Toppers Booklet
Mrs Peters was brought in and began work. She could see what was wrong.
She had to take in a lot of material at the front, and that was a big job. Then
she altered the neck line - in fact she made it again.
At ten o’clock the work finished, and Louisa tried the dress on. It fitted her
beautifully. The three women were having a cup of tea when the doorbell rang.
Mrs Tom answered it and looked into the worried eyes of a plump young
woman who was carrying a large, flat box. “Does Miss Louisa live here?”
She asked breathlessly. “Yes, she’s my daughter.” “Oh, I’m glad I’ve found you.
There’s been a mistake .Your daughter has my wedding dress, and I’ve got
hers. And I’m getting married tomorrow. She gave the box to Mrs Tom.
11. The dress was baggy in the front because the young woman as ............ .
a) rather fat b) too fat c) very short d) rather tall
12. The three women who were having tea were ............... .
a) The dressmaker, Louisa and the young girl
b) The strange girl and Louisa’s friends
c) Mrs Peters, Louisa and her mother
d) The girl, Mrs Tom and the dressmaker
13. The underlined expression “Louisa was in tears” means that she ............ .
a) was about to tear her dress b) broke down
c) was annoyed d) was crying
14. Mrs Peters finished altering the dress ............ .
a) ten hours after Louisa’s marriage
b) ten hours before Louisa’s marriage
c) eighteen hours after Louisa’s marriage
d) twelve hours before Louisa’s marriage
15. What was wrong with Louisa’s dress?
a) It was too big c) It was too small
b) It was too tight d) It was tiny
16. The underlined word ‘’hers’’ refers to ............ .
a) Louisa’s dress c) Mrs Tom’s dress
b) Mrs Peters’ dress d) the maid’s dress
17. The SYNONYM for the verb ‘’alter’’ could be ............ .
a) changed c) reformed
b) bought d) both a & b
18. A suitable title for the passage is ............ .
a) A good friend
b) A plump girl
c) Louisa’s pleasure
d) None of these
Toppers 3rd Sec. 91
General Tests
Part 2
Read the following passage, then correct answer from a, b, c or d:

S ir Walter Raleigh is probably best known as a knight in Queen Elizabeth I’s

court. He was the one who took off his red cape and laid it in the mud.
He didn’t want his queen to get her feet wet or her long dress dirty. This was
a famous act of chivalry and added to his fame as a knight. It also increased
his popularity with Elizabeth I. She enjoyed controlling the strong, handsome
men who served her in court. They also fought for her in her conflicts with
Spain and other countries.
Raleigh established a colony in the New World that he named Virginia
in honor of Elizabeth’s nickname. However, the first settlement in Virginia at
Roanoke was abandoned, and the people disappeared. Raleigh served as
captain of the Queen’s guard for a time. He made a lot of money as a
merchant sending ships to trade with other countries. He also sent a
small fleet of pirates to rob Spanish ships. He searched in South America for
a fabulous but imaginary City of Gold.
He got secretly married. This angered the queen. Elizabeth had Raleigh and
his new wife imprisoned in the Tower of London. Raleigh later arranged their
release from prison by writing poems praising the queen. He also gave her
ships full of stolen Spanish treasure. Raleigh was not as successful with
Elizabeth’s successor, King James I. James didn’t like Raleigh or trust him.
James had Raleigh imprisoned in the Tower again for thirteen years. He
ordered Raleigh’s execution in 1618.
19. From the context of the passage, what is the best meaning of chivalry?
a) Laying down clothes for a queen to walk on.
b) A code of honor and courtesy.
c) Fighting with swords and spears.
d) A fear of fighting.
20. Which of the following did Raleigh NOT accomplish?
a) Starting a permanent settlement in Virginia.
c) Naming a colony in the New World.
b) Convincing Elizabeth to free him and his wife.
d) Capturing Spanish ships carrying gold.
21. From the context of the passage, what is the meaning of imaginary?
a) not real c) queenly
b) real d) both b and c
23. Use the information in the passage to determine the most likely time of Sir
Walter Raleigh’s birth.
a) about 1618 c) about 1550
b) about 1518 d) about 1650

92 Exams Booklet 3rd Sec.

Toppers Booklet
24. As used in the reading, the underlined word “court” means ............ .
a) a building where trials and legal cases happen
b) the official home of a queen or king
c) trying to please someone to join you
d) an area used for playing sports such as tennis
25. Having been imprisoned for thirteen years in the Tower, Raleigh ............ .
a) was set free
b) managed to release his wife
c) escaped again
d) was sentenced to death by the orders of King James I
22. Walter Raleigh showed great respect for the queen when he ........... .
a) wrote poems praising her
b) named a colony after the queen’s nickname
c) took off his red cape
d) gave her stolen Spanish treasure
26. The underlined pronoun “their” refers to ........... .
a) the queen and Raleigh c) James I and the queen
b) Elizabeth and Raleigh’s wife d) Raleigh and his wife
”‫األأ�س��ئلة املو�ضوعي��ة التالية(االختي��ار م��ن متع��دد)“كل �س��ؤال درجت��ان‬:‫ثان ًيا‬
27. We ………… the gate. Then the dog would not have got out.
a) should lock b) must have locked
c) ought to have locked d) shouldn’t have locked
28. Yomna ............ healthy since she came back from her holiday.
a) look b) have looked c) is looking d) being looked
29. We shall have Ali to help us. This means that ............ .
a) we’ll force Ali to help us c) we’ll persuade Ali to help us.
b) Ali will be obliged to help us d) Ali be with us in order to help us
30. The following could be part of a(n) ............ essay.
As a compassionate citizen of Planet Earth, you can surely find time to
volunteer at your local recycling center. After all, the future is in your hands.
a) argumentative b) narrative c) persuasive d) descriptive
 Choose the correct Arabic translation:
31. The phenomenon of YouTubers in the Arab world is an outlet for young
people who are closely linked to social media, and many of them are
achieving fame that has come out of YouTube to the real world.
‫العربي متنفَّ�س ًا لل�شباب املرتبط ارتباط ًا وثيق ًا بو�سائل التوا�صل‬
ّ ‫( ُت�شكِّل م�شكلة “اليوتيوبرز” يف العامل‬a
.‫ و ُيحقِّق العديدُ منهم �شهر ًة خرجت من �إطار اليوتيوب �إىل العامل اإلإفرتا�ضى‬،‫االجتماعي‬

Toppers 3rd Sec. 93

General Tests
Part 2
‫خمرجا لل�شباب املرتبط ارتباط ًا وثيق ًا بو�سائل التوا�صل‬ً ‫العربي‬
ّ ‫( ُت�شكِّل ظاهر ُة “اليوتيوبرز” يف العامل‬b
.‫ و ُيحقِّق العديدُ منهم �شهرة خرجت من �إطار اليوتيوب �إىل العامل اإلإفرتا�ضى‬،‫االجتماعي‬ ّ
‫العربي متنفَّ�س ًا لل�شباب املرتبط ارتباط ًا وثيق ًا بو�سائل التوا�صل‬
ّ ‫( ت�شكِّل ظاهر ُة “اليوتيوبرز” يف العامل‬c
ّ ‫العامل‬ ‫إىل‬ � ‫اليوتيوب‬ ‫إطار‬ � ‫من‬ ‫خرجت‬ ً
‫ة‬ ‫�شهر‬ ‫ و ُيحقِّق العديدُ منهم‬،‫االجتماعي‬
ً ً ً
‫العربي متنفَّ�سا لل�شباب املرتبط ارتباطا وثيقا بو�سائل التوا�صل‬ ّ ‫( مت ّثل ظاهرة “اليوتيوبرز” يف العامل‬d
ّ ‫ و ُيحقِّق القليل منهم �شهر ًة جاءت من اليوتيوب �إىل العامل‬،‫االجتماعي‬
32. Piracy leads to confusion in working relations, hinders the success of
writers, and may lead to brain drain, i.e. emigration of writers outside
their homelands.
‫( ت�ؤدي القر�صنة �إىل تناغم يف عالقات العمل وتعوق جناح الكتاب وقد تف�ضي �إىل نزيف املخ؛ �أى �سفر الكتاب‬a
.‫�إىل خارج �أوطانهم‬
‫( ت�ؤدي القر�صنة �إىل ارتباك يف عالقات العمل وحتول دون جناح الكتاب وقد تف�ضي �إىل �شلل املخ؛ �أى �أن‬b
.‫يهجر الكتاب بلدانهم‬
‫( ت�ؤدي القر�صنة �إىل ارتباك يف عالقات العمل وتعرقل جناح الكتاب وقد تف�ضي �إىل هجرة العقول؛ �أى‬c
.‫هجرة الكتاب �إىل خارج �أوطانهم‬
‫( ت�ؤدي القر�صنة �إىل ارتباك يف عالقات العمل وتبدد جناح الكتاب وقد تف�ضي �إىل ت�سريب العقول؛ �أى‬d
.‫هجرة الكتاب �إىل خارج �أوطانهم‬
 Choose the correct English translation:
.‫ لقد �أجنبت م�صر الكثري من الكتاب واألأدباء الذين �أثروا املكتبة العربية ب�أعمالهم و�إبداعاتهم‬.33
a) Egypt has born a lot of writers and men of letters who have enriched
the Arab bookshop with their works and innovations.
b) Egypt has given birth to a lot of writers and men of letters who have
enriched the Arab bookshop with their works and creations.
c) Egypt has given birth to a lot of writers and men of letters who have
enriched the Arab library with their works and creations.
d) Egypt has born a lot of writers and men of letters who have enriched
the Arabic libraries with their works and innovations.
‫ التعليم و�سيلتنا ألأن نحتل مكانة مرموقة بني األأمم؛ فال ميكن ألأي دولة �أن حتقق تقد ًما حقيق ًيا‬.34
.‫بدون النهو�ض بالتعليم‬
a) Education is our means to occupy a prominent rank among nations, no
country can achieve a real progress without promoting the education.
b) The education is our means to occupy a prestigious place among nations,
no country can make real advancement without promoting education.
c) Education is our means to occupy prestigious place among nations, no
country can achieve real progress without promotion of education.
d) Education is our means to occupy a prestigious place among nations, no
country can achieve real progress without promoting education.

94 Exams Booklet 3rd Sec.

Toppers Booklet
”‫األأ�س��ئلة املقالي��ة (يت��م االجاب��ة عليه��ا بورق��ة االجاب��ة املخ�ص�ص��ة له��ا) “كل �س��ؤال درجت��ان‬:‫ثال ًثا‬
 Answer the following questions:
35. In “Great Expectations”, the evil side of human nature is clearly
represented in Orlick and Compeyson. Illustrate mentioning one point for
each character.
36. Biddy was a girl of principles. Discuss giving two examples.
”‫األأ�س��ئلة املقالي��ة (يت��م االجاب��ة عليه��ا بورق��ة االجاب��ة املخ�ص�ص��ة له��ا) “�س��ؤال واح��د �أرب��ع درجات‬:‫راب ًعا‬
37. Write six (6) lines on the following topics:
The advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence.

Toppers 3rd Sec. 95

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