Medical Parasitology - A Self-Instructional Text (PDFDrive)

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Medical Parasitology

Ruth Leventhal, PhD, MBA, MT (ASCP)

Provost and Dean Emerita
Professor of Biology Emeritus
Penn-State Harrisburg
Middletown, Pennsylvania

Russell F. Cheadle, MS, MT (ASCP)

Program Director and Professor
Medical Laboratory Technology
Macomb Community College
Macomb, Michigan

Illustrations by Elliot Hoffman

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F. A. Davis Company
1915 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Copyright © 2012 by F. A. Davis Company

Copyright © 2012 by F. A. Davis Company. All rights reserved. This product is protected by copy-
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mission from the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America

Last digit indicates print number: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Senior Acquisitions Editor: Christa Fratantoro

Developmental Editor: Keith Donnellan
Manager of Content Development: George Lang
Art and Design Manager: Carolyn O’Brien

As new scientific information becomes available through basic and clinical research, recommended
treatments and drug therapies undergo changes. The author(s) and publisher have done everything
possible to make this book accurate, up to date, and in accord with accepted standards at the time
of publication. The author(s), editors, and publisher are not responsible for errors or omissions or
for consequences from application of the book, and make no warranty, expressed or implied, in re-
gard to the contents of the book. Any practice described in this book should be applied by the reader
in accordance with professional standards of care used in regard to the unique circumstances that
may apply in each situation. The reader is advised always to check product information (package
inserts) for changes and new information regarding dose and contraindications before administer-
ing any drug. Caution is especially urged when using new or infrequently ordered drugs.

ISBN: 978-0-8036-2543-3

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To my family: Anita, Sheryl, David, Elaine, Talia and Alex

To teachers and scientists everywhere, preparing the next generation.
—Ruth Leventhal

To my dear wife and best friend, Cathy, and my daughter Valerie.

—Russell F. Cheadle
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Since the publication of the first edition of this text in as ectoparasites has been enhanced and coverage of
1979, various phenomena have increased the incidence serologic testing has been strengthened. Resource lists
of parasitic diseases among North Americans. Increased for general and immunologic supplies have been added
world travel by U.S. residents and the influx of immi- as well. Epidemiology and treatment topics have been
grants from underdeveloped regions have brought reorganized and are expanded in the final chapter.
increasing numbers of once seldom-encountered para- Enhancements to the graphic elements of the text
sites to this country. Shifts in sexual behaviors in our have not been neglected. Line drawings and photo-
society have altered the traditionally accepted epidemi- graphs of newly added parasites have been included
ology of infections such as giardiases and amebiasis. In and previous drawings modified as necessary. All
addition, individuals with acquired immunodeficiency laboratory procedures have been updated and ex-
syndrome (AIDS) have contracted infections caused by panded to conform to current quality control stan-
previously rare opportunistic parasites and have suf- dards. Pedagogical improvements include a complete
fered more severe symptoms from infections caused by redesign of the text to enhance readability and full-
usually less virulent organisms. Such situations lend an color photographs being added within the chapters
increased urgency to correctly diagnose and treat para- so that students can compare actual images with our
sitic diseases by U.S. physicians and to detect these line drawings. The complete review Atlas will remain
diseases by laboratory technologists. On a global basis, in the text as well. The inside covers provide compar-
parasitic infections remain a most serious consideration. ative charts illustrating parasitic forms for use as a
They affect the morbidity and mortality levels in every quick reference tool while screening specimen
nation, affecting countries with tropical and temperate materials. Review questions within the text, end-of-
climates very significantly. We believe, therefore, that chapter post-tests, case studies, and thoroughly up-
now more than ever, all health professionals need a dated bibliographies provide other useful learning
fundamental understanding of the diagnosis, treat- resources. For the first time, Instructor’s Resources
ment, and prevention of parasitic diseases. We have ap- are available to adopting educators via DavisPlus, a
proached our revision with this belief in mind. web-based resource. These online resources include
Medical Parasitology is designed to provide the reader a bank of 120 test questions, PowerPoint presenta-
with a concise, systematic introduction to the biology tions with lecture points, and a searchable Image
and epidemiology of human parasitic diseases. The text Ancillary. Also available at DavisPlus are interactive
is supported throughout by an array of carefully coor- student exercises that include additional case studies,
dinated graphics. Many of the changes incorporated in flash cards, word puzzles, and an audio pronunciation
this revision are based on responses from surveys of key for all named parasites, all of which are easily
the users of the previous editions. The presentation of accessible to students and instructors. We believe
the symptomatology, pathology, and treatment of each these changes will dramatically enhance each student’s
parasitic disease has been expanded. New parasites learning experience.
have been added, most notably those associated with Ruth Leventhal
AIDS. Information concerning the role of arthropods Russell F. Cheadle

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The authors particularly wish to thank Lynne S. Garcia for her extensive review of the
text and for generously permitting our use of table material in Chapters 5 and 7.

The authors wish to thank Keith Donnellan, our developmental editor, for his creative
ideas and diligent attention to detail.

Ruth Leventhal wishes to thank her family and friends for their help and support.

Russell Cheadle wishes to thank his wife, Catherine, for her editing assistance and help
with the student support materials for this edition.

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There are many available textbooks about parasitol- limited and generally is not designed to allow for differ-
ogy. Some of these treat the biology of parasites in ent learning styles. Russell Cheadle conceptualized and
great depth, while others are more graphic in nature. wrote the original draft of this self-instructional text,
The laboratorian or clinician needs both kinds. This while the research and writing thereafter became a
book was designed to provide a concise description of truly collaborative effort. This product is, we believe, a
the biology and epidemiology of human parasites, useful learning tool for students in biology, medical
coupled with an extensive series of color photographs technology, medicine, and public health, as well as
and line drawings to facilitate visual recognition of an effective pictorial reference book for the clinical
parasites found in clinical specimens. Furthermore, laboratory.
several modes of graphic presentation have been in- We wish to thank Catherine Cheadle, Mary Stevens,
corporated in order to aid the various approaches to and Valerie Fortune for their kind assistance. Russell
learning and mastering the requisites. Cheadle would also like to thank Dr. Herbert W. Cox,
This book resulted from our recognition of the need for his graduate advisor, for his encouragement.
a self-instructional text in parasitology. Present formal Ruth Leventhal
course instruction in medical parasitology is often Russell E Cheadle

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Wayne A Aguiar, MS, MT (ASCP) SM Rosanne Lipcius, MS, MT (ASCP)

Director Director
Clinical Laboratory Education Medical Technology
School of Allied Health University of Connecticut
Hartford University Storrs, CT
West Hartford, CT
Linda Malfa, BS, MT (ASCP)
Hassan Aziz, PhD Adjunct Instructor
Department Head Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Technology St. Petersburg College
Armstrong Atlantic State University St. Petersburg, FL
Savannah, GA
Diana Townsend
Wanda Hawkins Burrell, MT (ASCP), MSPH Health Careers High School
Assistant Professor San Antonio, TX
Medical Technology
Tennessee State University Mary Van Demark, BS, MT (ASCP)
Nashville, TN Adjunct Instructor
Allied Health and Biological Sciences
Elizabeth R. Clifton, MT Dutchess Community College
Program Director Poughkeepsie, NY
Medical Laboratory Technology
Southwestern Oklahoma State University Scott Wright, MS, CLS (M)(NCA)
Sayre, OK Associate Professor
Clinical Laboratory Sciences
Glenn C. Flodstrom, MS, MT (ASCP) Weber State University
Associate Professor Ogden, UT
Medical Laboratory
Northern Virginia Community College
Springfield, VA

Linda J. Laatsch, PhD, MT (ASCP) SM

Associate Professor
Clinical Laboratory Science
Marquette University
Milwaukee, WI

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Preface to the Sixth Edition v Zoonoses 30

Acknowledgments vii Post-test 34
Preface to the First Edition ix Bibliography 35
Atlas A2

3 Cestoda 37
1 Introduction 1 Learning objectives for the
Learning objectives for the chapter 1 chapter 37
Glossary 2 Glossary 38
Introduction 2 Introduction 38
What is parasitology? 4 Hymenolepis nana
(dwarf tapeworm) 41
Classification of parasites 4
Taenia saginata (beef
How to use this text 5
tapeworm) and Taenia
Pre-test 6 solium (pork tapeworm) 42
Bibliography 7 Diphyllobothrium latum
(broadfish tapeworm) 44
Echinococcus granulosus
2 Nematoda 9 (hydatid tapeworm) 46
Learning objectives for the Post-test 48
chapter 9 Bibliography 50
Glossary 10
Introduction 11
Intestinal nematodes 12 4 Digenea 51
Enterobius vermicularis Learning objectives for the chapter 51
(pinworm, seatworm) 14 Glossary 52
Trichuris trichiura (whipworm) 16 Introduction 52
Ascaris lumbricoides (large Fasciolopsis buski (large
intestinal roundworm) 17 intestinal fluke) and Fasciola
Necator americanus hepatica (sheep liver fluke) 55
(new world hookworm) Clonorchis sinensis
and Ancylostoma duodenale (Oriental or Chinese
(old world hookworm) 19 liver fluke; Opisthorchis) 57
Strongyloides stercoralis Heterophyes heterophyes and
(threadworm) 21 Metagonimus yokogawai
Trichinella spiralis (heterophyids) 59
(trichinosis; trichinellosis) 23 Paragonimus westermani (Oriental
Dracunculus medinensis lung fluke) 61
(guinea worm) 25 Schistosoma spp. (blood flukes) 63
Filariae: tissue nematodes 26 Post-test 66
Filariae 28 Bibliography 68

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5 Protozoa 69 6 Arthropoda 119

Learning objectives for the chapter 69 Learning objectives for the chapter 119
Glossary 70 Glossary 120
Introduction 71 Arthropods 120
Class lobosea 72 Insect morphology 126
Naegleria fowleri (primary amebic Post-test 133
meningoencephalitis): 74 Bibliography 134
Acanthamoebia spp. (Granulomatous
amebic enophalitis): 75
Entamoeba histolytica (ameba) 76 7 Clinical Laboratory
Superclass mastigophora 81
Procedures 137
Giardia lamblia (flagellate) 83
Learning objectives for the chapter 137
Dientamoeba fragilis (intestinal
flagellate) 85 Introduction 138
Trichomonas vaginalis (atrial Specimen transport procedures 138
flagellate) 86 Fecal examination 138
Nonpathogenic intestinal Other diagnostic procedures 150
flagellates 88 Immunodiagnostic methods 155
Kinetoplastida 89 Reagent preparation 161
Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense Post-test 163
(east african sleeping sickness)
Bibliography 164
and Trypanosoma brucei
gambiense (west african
sleeping sickness) 90
Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas’ 8 Control and Treatment
disease) 92 of Parasitic Disease 167
Leishmania tropica, L. mexicana,
Learning objectives for the chapter 167
L. braziliensis, and L. donovani
species complexes Introduction 168
(leishmaniasis): 94 Defining terms 168
Class kinetofragminophorea 96 Controlling parasitic disease 168
Balantidium coli (ciliate) 96 Treating parasitic disease 172
Class sporozoa 98 Summary 175
Plasmodium species (malaria): 100 Bibliography 181
Babesia species: 103
Subclass coccidia 105 Final Examination 183
Microsporidia 108 Test Questions Answer Key 189
Pneumocystis carinii 110 Case Study Answer Key 195
Post-test 114 Index 199
Bibliography 116
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The Atlas included with this text was selected to show clearly the morphologic and diagnostic characteristics
of parasites of medical importance. A brief review of major disease symptoms, the life cycle of the parasite,
and other pertinent information are included in the discussion of each photograph. Try to describe each diag-
nostic stage aloud, recalling the key features of each organism as labeled on the life cycle diagram, to ensure
that you can recall these features.

The Nematodes are a diverse group of roundworms, existing as both free-living and parasitic forms. They vary
greatly in size from a few millimeters to over a meter in length. These organisms have separate sexes and
their body development is complex. Of the nematode species parasitic for humans, about half live as adults
in the intestine and the other half are tissue parasites in their definitive host. The pathogenicity in intestinal
infections may be due to biting and blood sucking (e.g., hookworms, Trichuris), to allergic reactions caused by
substances secreted from adult worms or larvae, or to migration through the body tissues. Tissue nematodes,
the Filarioidea, live in various tissue locations in the host. These organisms require an arthropod intermediate
host in their life cycle. The produced pathology varies with the location of the parasites in humans but may
involve the occlusion of the lymphatics (Wuchereria, Brugia), localized subcutaneous swellings or nodules
(Onchocerca, Dracunculus), or blindness (Onchocerca).

1-2. Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm). 1. Adult male (20⫻) and 2. female (10⫻). These mature in the anterior por-
tion of the colon. The adult yellowish-white female worms are 8 to 13 mm and the male worms 2 to 5 mm in size.
Each has a bulbar esophagus as well as finlike projections, called cephalic alae, about the anterior end. Male and
female worms are further differentiated in that the male has a sharp curvature of the tail and small posterior copula-
tory spicule, whereas the female has a long, straight, sharply pointed tail. When the uterus is gravid with eggs, the
female migrates from the colon (usually during sleeping hours of the host) to the perianal area, where she deposits
her eggs and dies. The adult may also migrate to the appendix, where it can be found histologically. Pinworm
disease is essentially an allergic reaction to the release of eggs and other secreted materials from the gravid female,
which causes severe rectal itching.
3. A higher-power view of the anterior end of the adult, clearly showing the alae.
4. Note the caudal curve and copulatory spicules of the male Enterobius vermicularis.
5. Enterobius vermicularis eggs (400⫻). Eggs may be recovered from the perianal folds by applying the sticky side of
cellophane tape to the skin surfaces and then taping the cellophane, sticky side down, onto a microscope side for
examination. Eggs are rarely recovered in feces. The eggs are elongated (55 µm ⫻ 25 µm) and tend to be flattened
on one side. The thick shell is transparent and colorless and the folded larva may be seen within. Pinworm eggs are
infective for the host within a few hours of being released. Scratching of the perianal region allows transfer of the
eggs by hand to the mouth of the host. The eggs hatch soon after they are swallowed and develop to mature worms
within 2 weeks. Bedding, night clothing, and even house dust may be sources of egg infection for others through
ingestion or inhalation of airborne eggs. This is a very common parasitic infection in this country and spreads easily,
so that those living with an infected individual are likely to become infected.
6. Enterobius vermicularis egg (900⫻). This view shows an egg under oil immersion; the developed larva can be clearly
seen coiled inside the flattened shell.
7. Enterobius vermicularis egg (100⫻). A low-power view of the egg as seen on a cellophane tape preparation.
Because of the transparency of the eggs, screening of the slides must be carefully performed using low illumination.
8. Trichuris trichiura (whipworm) (4⫻). Adult female, measuring 35 to 50 mm. The anterior ends of both male and
female worms are slender and threadlike, but the posterior one-third of the worm is wider. The posterior end of the
female appears club-shaped and straight; the male has a 360-degree coiled posterior with two copulatory spicules.
The adults in the intestine attach firmly by embedding a spearlike projection at their anterior end into the mucosa
of the cecum and proximal colon. Distribution of this parasite is cosmopolitan, especially in moist, warm areas. This
is the most commonly reported parasitic infection in this country. Light infections are usually asymptomatic, but heavy
infections may cause enteritis and diarrhea with rectal prolapse.

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9. Trichuris trichiura egg (500⫻). Diagnosis: recovery of eggs in feces. Concentration technique needed to detect a light
infection. The Trichuris egg is characteristically barrel-shaped and measures 20 µm ⫻ 50 µm. Note the undeveloped
embryo; the clear, inner shell; the heavy, golden outer shell; and the transparent hyaline plugs at the ends of the egg.
Eggs passed in feces must remain in a favorable soil environment for at least 10 days until larval development is
complete; at this time the egg is infective. Ingestion of the egg from infected soil or contaminated food is
followed by hatching in the intestines. The larva molts and develops in the intestines to become an adult.
About 90 days are needed for a complete cycle from egg ingestion to egg output by the adults.
10. Trichuris trichiura egg. This view shows an egg at a magnification of 100⫻. (Note: Dog whipworm is an occasional
zoonosis; the egg is much larger [35 µm ⫻ 80 µm] and broader.)
11. Ascaris lumbricoides. Both male and female adults are shown. They are large, pinkish-white, and conically tapered at
the anterior end. A female measures 22 to 35 cm in length ⫻ 3 to 6 mm in diameter and has a pinkish-white and
straight tail. A male measures 10 to 31 cm ⫻ 2 to 4 mm and has a sharply curved tail with two copulatory spicules.
The adults live in the small intestine and can survive for over a year. Females lay up to 250,000 eggs per day, which
are passed in the feces and can be readily recovered by routine fecal examination. Passage of adult worms from the
rectum is often the first indication of infection. Light infections are asymptomatic. Heavy infections may cause pneu-
monia early in the infection and, later, diarrhea, vomiting, or bowel obstruction. Complications such as perforation of
the intestinal wall or appendix, with resultant peritonitis or obstruction of airways by vomited worms, may cause death.
Known as the large intestinal roundworm.
12. An obstructed bowel from a heavily infected patient with Ascaris lumbricoites. Distribution of this parasite is world-
wide, although it is more frequently found in tropical areas.
13. Ascaris lumbricoides egg (400⫻). Diagnosis: recognition of eggs (or adults) in feces. The fertilized egg measures
40 µm ⫻ 55 µm and contains an undeveloped embryo. This egg appears round, but Ascaris eggs are slightly oval.
The outer coat is albuminous and mamillated; occasionally, eggs without coats may be found (decorticated). The
thick, inner coat is of clear chitin. These characteristics are diagnostic. On reaching warm, moist soil, larvae develop
within the egg shells in 2 to 3 weeks and eggs are then infective for humans. Infection occurs by ingestion of these
infective eggs in contaminated food or drink. It is not uncommon for Ascaris and Trichuris to coexist in the same
person because of the same method of infection and the requirements for egg development in the soil. Eggs hatch
in the intestine and the Ascaris larvae rapidly penetrate the mucosal wall. They reach the liver and then the lungs via
the blood circulation. Larvae emerge from the circulation into the lungs in about 9 days, migrate up the bronchi
to the esophagus, and are swallowed. They mature in the intestine in about 2 months. In an immune individual, most
larvae are destroyed in the liver.
14. Ascaris lumbricoides egg. This view shows an egg at a magnification of 100⫻. Ascarids of dogs and cats (Toxocara
spp.) can undergo partial development and produce pathology in humans. After ingestion of an egg from soil, the
Toxocara eggs hatch and the larvae penetrate the intestinal wall and enter the blood circulation but are unable to
complete the migratory route. They lodge in tissues and cause inflammatory reactions leading to occlusions of cap-
illaries of vital organs (e.g., eye, liver, brain, lungs). Symptoms vary depending on the location of the parasite and the
host’s reaction to it. The disease is called visceral larval migrans. It is seen most commonly in children because they
are more likely to ingest eggs from infected soil, such as at a playground where dogs are walked. High eosinophilia
is a very common sign. Diagnosis is made serologically or by observing larvae in histopathological sections. Species
identification is difficult but can be done.
15. Ascaris lumbricoides egg (400⫻). An unfertilized egg. Note the elongated shape and the heavy, albuminous, mamil-
lated coat. This type of egg is occasionally seen.
16. Adult male hookworm (10⫻). Adult hookworms are small, grayish-white nematodes. The anterior end is tapered and
curved and has an open buccal capsule. The posterior end of the male terminates in a fan-shaped copulatory bursa
and spicules. The ray-like pattern of the chitinous supportive structure in the bursa is different for each species. Fe-
males (12 µm ⫻ 0.5 µm) are larger than males (9 µm ⫻ 0.4 µm). The female has a straight and pointed tail and
produces 5,000 to 10,000 eggs per day. She may live for up to 14 years.

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17. Necator americanus (New World hookworm). The anterior end of an adult worm. Species identification is helped by
examining the buccal capsule. Note the pair of semilunar cutting plates in the upper side of the buccal cavity. There
is also a second, smaller set of plates on the lower side.
18. Ancylostoma duodenale (Old World hookworm). The anterior end of an adult worm. Note the two pairs of teeth in the
buccal cavity. The mouthparts of hookworms allow firm attachment to the mucosa of the small intestine and ingestion of
blood. N. americanus is found throughout Africa and the southeastern United States; A. duodenale is found in southern
Europe, northern Africa, the Far East, and the Mediterranean countries. Both are found in parts of Asia, Central and South
America, and the South Pacific. Symptoms of the disease depend on the extent of the infection and the nutritional status
of the patient and can appear clinically as a hypochromic microcytic anemia because of the bloodsucking activity of worms.
Only a heavy infection causes the disease state.
19. Hookworm egg (500⫻). Note the definite but thin shell and the clear area around the embryo. Diagnosis of the pres-
ence of hookworms can be made on recognition of the eggs in feces, but adults must be examined for species iden-
tification because the eggs and larvae of these worms look alike. Eggs usually contain an immature embryo in the
4- to 8-cell stage of division if feces are promptly examined. Six cells are visible in this embryo. Eggs measure about
30 µm ⫻ 50 µm.
20. Hookworm eggs (500⫻). This view shows more mature eggs containing developing rhabditiform larvae. Eggs are
shed in feces and the embryo rapidly develops to a larva in 1 to 2 days. Eggs hatch to liberate rhabditiform larvae,
which then further mature in the soil to become infective filariform larvae.
21. Hookworm rhabditiform larva, showing the anterior end of the first-stage larva (500⫻). Although these larvae are not
usually seen in fresh fecal preparations, larvae may develop and hatch if feces are not promptly examined. This
view has been included so that differential characteristics between hookworm larvae and Strongyloides stercoralis
rhabditiform larvae may be studied. Note that the buccal cavity of a first-stage hookworm larva is slightly longer than
the width of the head, appearing as two parallel lines extending back from the anterior edge of the larvae. It has a
longer buccal cavity than that of S. stercoralis; this is the primary characteristic differentiating the two (see Plate 25).
In addition, the genital primordium is not obvious in hookworm larvae but is visible in Strongyloides larvae. The hook-
worm larva measures 250 µm ⫻ 17 µm.
22. Hookworm filariform larva (100⫻). Infection occurs when infective stage (filariform) larvae penetrate skin, especially
between the toes. The larvae are carried throughout the body via lymphatic and blood circulation. Most larvae emerge
from the circulation in the lungs, migrate up the bronchi to the esophagus, and are swallowed. They complete
maturation in the intestine in about 2 weeks. Nonfeeding infective hookworm larvae in soil are ensheathed and have
pointed tails. A short esophagus extending about one-quarter of the way down from the anterior end is another
differentiating characteristic.
23. Infective filariform larvae of dog and cat hookworms, especially Ancylostoma braziliense, can invade human skin, pro-
ducing an allergic dermatitis called creeping eruption or cutaneous larval migrans. Inasmuch as the human is an un-
natural host for animal hookworms, further larval development does not occur. An itching, red papule is produced at
the site of larval entry with development of a serpentine tunnel between the epithelial layers produced as the larva
migrates. The larva moves several millimeters per day and may survive several weeks or months. This disease is
widely distributed and is common in sandy areas on the Atlantic coast from New Jersey to the Florida Keys, along
the Gulf of Mexico, and in many parts of Texas. It is also found in the midwestern United States.
24. Strongyloides stercoralis (threadworm) (400⫻). This view is of a rhabditiform larva (225 µm ⫻ 15 µm) seen in
feces. Concentration techniques are helpful because numbers are low. The esophageal bulb is evident at the
junction of the esophagus and intestine, which is about one-fourth of the parasite’s length back from the anterior
end. This is one diagnostic feature that may be used to differentiate the hookworm from the Strongyloides rhabditi-
form larvae because this structure is not as prominent in hookworm larvae. Adult parthenogenic female worms
(2.2 mm ⫻ 50 µm) live in the submucosa of the upper small intestine. Eggs pass through the mucosa and the
rhabditiform larvae hatch in the lumen of the intestine to be shed in feces. The larvae may develop in soil to become
infective filariform larvae and penetrate the skin as do hookworm larvae. They may, however, also molt and become
infective before they pass in feces and penetrate the mucosa of the colon to cause autoinfection, especially in debil-
itated or immunocompromised persons. In either case, they travel via the blood-lung route as do hookworm larvae,
returning to the intestine to develop into adults. The life cycle of this parasite may also include a free-living cycle in
the soil. In this case, rhabditiform larvae molt and develop in 2 to 3 days to become free-living mature adults. The
sexually mature free-living male and female mate and produce eggs that develop into filariform larvae, which are
infective to humans via skin penetration.

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25. Strongyloides stercoralis (500⫻). This view shows the short buccal cavity of the rhabditiform larva. The length is
one-third to one-half the width of the head of the larva (compare with Plate 21). Diagnosis is based on the recovery
of characteristic rhabditiform larvae from feces. The filariform (infective stage) larva of Strongyloides recovered from
soil or cultured in the laboratory has a notched tail, whereas the filariform larvae of hookworms have pointed tails.
This parasite is found worldwide, especially in warm climates. As with hookworm disease, there is a dermatitis at the
site of repeated larval entry, and respiratory symptoms may result from the larvae as they migrate through the lungs.
Abdominal symptoms vary with the extent of the infection, from mild epigastric pain to vomiting, diarrhea, and weak-
ness with weight loss. Moderate eosinophilia is common. Untreated, the disease may last for many years because of
autoinfection from larvae that develop in the colon and may cause death in immunosuppressed patients.
26. Trichinella spiralis (trichina worm). Encysted larva in muscle tissue (400⫻). Adult worms develop (in about 1 week) in
the submucosal tissues of the small intestine. They are very small: the male measures 1.5 mm, and the female meas-
ures 3.5 mm. Larvae (1 mm) produced by the female pass into the mesenteric venules or lymphatics and are carried
throughout the body. Within about 2 weeks they emerge from the blood to enter striated muscle cells or other tissue,
although they survive only if they enter striated muscle cells (for instance, in the tongue or diaphragm). The 1-mm larvae
become encysted in the muscle and calcify over time but remain alive for years. Many hundreds of larvae may be
produced over the female’s life span of 2 to 3 weeks. Infection occurs when undercooked pork or bear meat containing
encysted larvae is ingested; the larvae develop into adults in the intestines in a few days. The disease state, trichinosis, is
found worldwide among meat-eating populations (with the highest prevalence in Europe and North America) and presents
a variety of symptoms, including gastric distress, fever, edema (especially of the face), and acute inflammation of muscle
tissue. Daily study of blood smears showing increasing eosinophilia is a useful diagnostic aid. A history of eating under-
cooked meat, skin testing, and positive serologic tests are strongly suggestive of infection but are not conclusive. Definitive
diagnosis depends on demonstration of the encysted larvae in a muscle biopsy from the patient. Attempts at recovery of
adult parasites from feces are usually futile. Light infections have vague symptoms, which may be missed.
27. Trichinella spiralis. A higher-power view of a stained section. Note the tissue inflammation around encysted larvae in
the muscle “nurse cells.”
28. Wuchereria bancrofti (Bancroft’s filaria) microfilaria (400⫻). Diagnosis: recovery of characteristic microfilariae in
blood. A thick, peripheral blood smear, stained with Giemsa stain, showing the sheathed embryo, which measures
250 mm in length. The ends of the sheath appear almost colorless and are noncellular, often staining poorly with
Giemsa. The presence of a sheath and the pattern of cell nuclei, which can be seen in the posterior end of the
microfilaria (upper center photograph), are diagnostic. In this species, a single column of cell nuclei extends only to
near the tip of the tail, which has no nuclei. Microfilariae are most prevalent in the peripheral blood at night (noctur-
nal periodicity); therefore, they are best detected in blood specimens obtained between 9 P.M. and 3 A.M. Blood
concentration is helpful. Adult nematodes live in the lymphatics. Prolonged infections cause obstruction of lymph flow,
resulting in elephantiasis of the lower extremities, genitalia, or breasts. Other symptoms include fever and eosinophilia
caused by allergic reactions to the parasite. Culex, Aedes, Mansonia, and Anopheles mosquitoes serve as intermedi-
ate hosts of W. bancrofti and are found in tropical areas worldwide.
29. Brugia malayi (Malayan filaria) sheathed microfilaria (400⫻). Diagnosis: recovery of characteristic microfilariae in
blood at night. The sheath stains pink with Giemsa. Note that the nuclei occur in groups to the end of the tail, with
two nuclei in the tip (middle right of photograph). These features are diagnostic. The disease produced is essentially
identical to W. bancrofti but is found primarily in Southeast Asia, India, and China. These microfilariae also exhibit
nocturnal periodicity in the blood and the mosquito vectors are species of Mansonia, Aedes, and Anopheles.
30. Loa loa (African eyeworm) microfilaria (400⫻). Diagnosis: recovery of characteristic microfilariae in blood. The sheath
does not stain with Giemsa. In this thick blood smear, the sheathed microfilaria can be seen, measuring
250 µm in length. Note that cell nuclei occur in groups through most of the body but are seen in a single line to the
tip of the posterior end of the tail (upper right of photograph). This feature is diagnostic. In humans, adults migrate
throughout the subcutaneous tissues, causing transient swellings called Calabar swellings. Adults may be seen
migrating through the conjunctiva of the eye. Microfilariae are most prevalent in the blood during the day (diurnal
periodicity), and the vector is the mango fly (Chrysops). The disease is chronic and relatively benign, although allergic
reactions may occur, causing edema, itching, and eosinophilia. This parasite is found in West and Central Africa.
31. Children with distinct fibrous nodules on their bodies, which contain adult worms and microfilariae of Onchocerca volvulus.
The female discharges microfilariae that migrate through the skin but do not enter the blood. The disease is chronic and
nonfatal. Allergic reactions to microfilariae cause local symptoms. If microfilariae reach the eye, blindness may occur. This
parasite is a major cause of blindness (river blindness) in Africa. Diagnosis is made by excising a nodule with recovery of
adult worms or by detecting microfilariae in a tissue scraping of the nodule or a skin snip. When present in the eye,
microfilariae may be observed with an ophthalmic microscope. The vector is the black fly, Simulium, which breeds in
running water, and the disease is found in Central America, parts of northern South America, and west-central Africa.
32. Onchocerca volvulus diagnostic stage microfilaria (100⫻) present in a tissue scraping of a skin nodule. The microfilar-
iae are unsheathed and the pointed, often flexed tail contains no cell nuclei. Differentiate from Mansonella streptocerca
microfilariae, which are also found in skin snips, by the tails, which, in M. streptocerca, are bent into button-hook shapes
and have nuclei extending into the tips.

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33. Dracunculus medinensis (Guinea worm). Diagnosis: detection of the adult in local lesions. This view shows part of
a female worm protruding from an ulcer and wrapped around a match stick. The female is 70 to 120 cm ⫻ 2 mm
in length. These worms release larvae into water. Infection occurs when a human drinks water containing crustaceans
of the genus Cyclops (the intermediate host) infected with a larva of D. medinensis. Larvae liberated from the cope-
pods in the human small intestine migrate through the viscera to the subcutaneous tissues and become adults. In
the subcutaneous tissues, the female induces an ulcer and releases larvae into water. Larvae released into fresh
water penetrate the Cyclops’s intermediate host. The major clinical manifestation of this disease includes allergic
symptoms, that is, fever, diarrhea, nausea, eosinophilia, and local symptoms caused by ulcer formation. This parasite
is found in the Middle East, Central Africa, the West Indies, and the Guianas. Species that parasitize animals have
been found in North America.

The Cestoda are a subclass of endoparasitic Platyhelminthes (flatworms); the cestodes are commonly known
as the tapeworms. The adults live in the intestinal tract of vertebrates, whereas larval forms inhabit tissues of
vertebrates or invertebrates. The head (scolex) is modified by suckers and sometimes hooks for attachment
to the intestinal wall, and the segments (proglottids), containing both male and female sex organs, bud from
the posterior end of the scolex to form the body of the tapeworm (the strobila). The length of tapeworms
varies from 2 to 3 mm up to 10 meters. Infection in humans produces primarily intestinal symptoms. Trans-
mission to humans occurs (depending on the species) when insufficiently cooked food containing larvae is
eaten or when eggs are ingested.

34. Hymenolepis nana (dwarf tapeworm) egg (400⫻). Diagnosis: recovery of characteristic clear, spherical, 30 to
47 µm eggs in feces. Note the threadlike filaments that radiate from two polar thickenings into the area between the
embryo and outer shell. Three pairs of hooklets may be seen on the embryo inside the inner shell. Infection is by
ingestion of the egg, which hatches in the duodenum. The embryo penetrates the mucosa, where it matures to a
cysticercoid larva in the intestinal wall. The larva emerges in a few days and develops to an adult worm. No separate
intermediate host is required.
35. Hymenolepis nana egg (100⫻). A low-power view of another egg. The rat tapeworm (H. diminuta) may also infect
humans; the egg is much larger (70 to 85 µm) and has no polar filaments.
36. Hymenolepis nana mature proglottids (100⫻). The proglottid contains a bilobed ovary and three round testes. The
testes are visible but the ovary is not easily seen in this view. Segments are tiny and usually disintegrate in the intes-
tine before passage in the feces. The whole worm measures 2.5 to 4 cm and is the smallest tapeworm to parasitize
humans. Multiple infections are common because eggs can hatch in the intestinal tract and cause an immediate
autoinfection as the larvae enter the mucosa. The body of the worm (the strobila) contains about 200 proglottids.
Each of these flattened segments contains complete male and female reproductive organs. All nutrients are absorbed
from the intestine of the host through the tegument of the tapeworm.
37. Hymenolepis nana scolex (100⫻). The small scolex bears four suckers and a retractable rostellar crown with one
row of 20 to 30 hooklets. These structures provide for firm attachment to the intestinal mucosa. Light infections may
be asymptomatic but heavy infections produce diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, and anal irritation. This parasite is
found in India and South America and is common in children in the southeastern United States. Autoinfection may
occur if eggs hatch inside the host but usually reinfection is caused by hand-to-mouth transfer of eggs after scratch-
ing the irritated anal region.
38. Taenia species egg. Taenia solium (pork tapeworm) or T. saginata (beef tapeworm) egg (400⫻). Taenia eggs
(30 to 45 µm) are diagnostic for the genus only. Notice the thick, yellow-brown outer shell with its radial striations.
The hexacanth embryo inside the eggshell bears six chitin hooklets. The six hooklets are not visible in this view. Eggs
of T. solium are infective for both pigs and humans. If eggs are accidentally ingested by humans, they hatch, just as
they do in pigs, in the small intestine. Larval forms (Cysticercus cellulosae) develop in the subcutaneous tissues, stri-
ated muscles, and other tissues of the body. Symptoms vary with the location of the cyst. Eggs of T. saginata are not at
all infective for humans. The source of human infection with the adult pork or beef tapeworm is ingestion of insuffi-
ciently cooked pork or beef containing encysted Cysticercus larvae. After being digested free, the scolex in the Cys-
ticercus everts and attaches to the small intestine and the larva grows to become an adult in 6 to 10 weeks.
39. Taenia spp. eggs (100⫻). This view shows four eggs at low power. Pollen grains may resemble eggs under low
40. Taenia solium (pork or “armed” tapeworm) scolex (100⫻). Four suckers and a rostellum bearing 20 to 30 large
hooks are set in two rows at the anterior end of the scolex. T. saginata can be differentiated from T. solium because
the T. saginata scolex does not have hooks, only four suckers, and is therefore said to be “unarmed.”

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41. Taenia saginata (beef tapeworm) scolex (100⫻). This is the unarmed tapeworm; the scolex bears only four large,
cup-shaped suckers and no hooks.
42. Taenia solium gravid proglottid (5⫻). The adult worm measures 2 to 8 meters in length, usually with fewer than
1,000 proglottids. The gravid proglottid has 7 to 13 (usually 9) lateral uterine branches (here stained dark brown)
filled with eggs, which is diagnostic for the species when recovered in the feces. Gravid proglottids of Taenia species
must burst open to release eggs because they have no uterine opening. (Note: Handle with care because eggs are
43. Taenia saginata (beef tapeworm) gravid proglottid (5⫻). The adult measures 5 to 10 meters in length and
has 1,000 to 2,000 proglottids. Each gravid proglottid has 15 to 30 lateral uterine branches containing about
80,000 eggs, which is diagnostic for the species when recovered in feces. The life cycle of both worms requires that
the eggs be ingested by the appropriate intermediate host (the pig or cow). The eggs hatch in the small intestine
after ingestion by the intermediate host and the six-hooked embryos penetrate the mucosal wall. They are carried
by the circulation (blood and lymphatic) to various tissues, where they encyst. Undercooked or raw beef or pork
containing cysticercus larvae, when ingested, allow larvae to develop into adults. Toxic metabolites and irritation at the
site of scolex attachment in the intestine by adult worms cause the human clinical symptoms. These are variable and
frequently vague and include abdominal distress, weight loss, and neuropathies.
44. Diphyllobothrium latum (broad fish tapeworm) egg (400⫻). D. latum eggs (56 to 76 µm ⫻ 40 to 50 µm) are
operculated (have a lid) and may be differentiated from operculated eggs of other helminths by the polar knob seen
opposite the operculum, the large size, and the undeveloped embryo seen within. Diagnosis is made when these
eggs are recovered in stool specimens. Undeveloped eggs discharged from segments of the adult tapeworm must
reach fresh water, where they mature and hatch, and the embryo infects the first intermediate host (copepods). Fish
ingest infected copepods (water fleas) and serve as the second intermediate host. Humans and dogs acquire the
infection by eating raw or undercooked parasitized fish containing the infective larval stage, the plerocercoid.
45. Diphyllobothrium latum egg (400⫻). The operculum (eggshell cap) of this egg is open. A polar knob is evident at
the opposite end of the shell.
46. Diphyllobothrium latum egg (100⫻). A low-power view of the same egg.
47. Diphyllobothrium latem scolex (5⫻). The scolex of this species does not have hooks or cup-shaped suckers but is
characterized by two grooved suckers (bothria), one on each side of the scolex. This worm attaches to the mucosa
of the small intestine by the bothria and can grow to 20 meters in length. Eggs develop in cold, clear lakes in tem-
perate regions, including the Great Lakes in North America.
48. Diphyllobothrium latum proglottid (10⫻). The mature segment is much wider than it is tall and contains a rosette-
shaped uterus. There is a uterine pore through which eggs are discharged. This parasite is found worldwide in areas
around fresh water. In the United States, it is found in Florida, the Great Lakes region, and Alaska. The disease is
often asymptomatic or is accompanied by vague, digestive disturbances. Some patients develop a macrocytic
anemia of the pernicious anemia type because the worm successfully competes with the host for dietary vitamin B12
and absorbs it before it can enter the host’s circulation. Chains of proglottids may be found in feces.

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49. Echinococcus granulosus (dog tapeworm or hydatid cyst tapeworm) adult (5⫻). This view shows the entire worm,
which is 3 to 6 mm long and is found only in the small intestine of the canine host. The dog or wolf is the definitive
host and harbors the sexually mature adult parasites. Sheep and other ruminants are natural intermediate hosts
and harbor the asexual stage of the parasite in the tissues, but a human can be an accidental intermediate host
for E. granulosus. Infection of sheep or humans occurs when eggs are ingested in contaminated food or water or by
hand-to-mouth transfer from objects soiled with dog feces. Eggs hatch in the small intestine and larvae migrate to
various organs (usually the liver or lung) to produce cysts. Dogs and other wild carnivores become infected by
eating raw meat containing a hydatid cyst, thus completing the cycle. In humans the produced disease varies with
the location of the cyst. There may be no symptoms or death may result if vital organs are involved. The parasite is
found worldwide. Although rare in Europe and most of the United States, except in sheep-raising areas, it is common
in Alaska and Canada. Diagnosis in humans is by history of possible exposure, by radiology, by immunodiagnostic
skin testing or serologic testing, and by observing hooklets, scolices, and larval cyst membranes in histopathological
sections or other body fluids.
50. Echinococcus granulosus (100⫻). A tissue section showing the wall of the hydatid cyst and three brood capsules
containing scolices growing into the cyst fluid from germinal tissue that underlies the outer cyst wall.
51. Echinococcus granulosus (500⫻). A higher magnification of a single cyst. Each scolex clearly shows the suckers and
crown of hooks. Each scolex in a hydatid cyst will grow to an adult tapeworm after ingestion by a dog.
52. Echinococcus granulosus cysts. This view shows several small cysts taken from the vertebral column of a patient with
spinal cord compression. Cysts in humans can be in any tissue, including bone, but are more common in the liver,
lung, or central nervous system (CNS).

The Digenea (flukes) are known as flatworms because they appear flat, elongated, and leaf-shaped. Both male
and female sex organs are found in each adult fluke that parasitizes the intestine, bile duct, or lungs. The blood
flukes (genus Schistosoma), however, are unisexual but live paired together in the blood vessels. Attachment
is by the oral and ventral cup-shaped suckers; moreover, the tegument of the flukes may bear small spines
that aid attachment. These parasites vary in size from less than 1 mm to several centimeters in length. All
trematodes require specific species of snail intermediate hosts and infection of humans occurs either by
direct penetration of the skin by a free-swimming cercaria (schistosome species) or by ingestion of an
encysted metacercaria (infective larva) of hermaphroditic flukes. Adult flukes live for many years.

53. Fasciola hepatica (sheep liver fluke) adult (2⫻). This parasite is found in sheep- and cattle-raising areas worldwide, in-
cluding the United States. Encysted metacercariae on aquatic vegetation, eaten by humans, sheep, or cattle, excyst,
burrow through the intestinal wall, migrate to the liver, and work their way through the parenchyma until they enter
the proximal bile duct, where they become adults (3 cm ⫻ 1.3 cm). Visible structures include the anterior cone, the
oral and ventral suckers located at the anterior end, the compact uterus (dark brown) adjacent to the ventral sucker,
Mehlis’ gland (a round structure centered beneath the uterus), and the testes, occupying the central portion of the
fluke. The vitellaria (finely branching, yolk-producing glands) extend from top to bottom toward the outer edges of
the parasite and partially cover the testes over the posterior one-third. Disease symptoms reflect traumatic damage,
with tissue necrosis and toxic irritation to the liver, bile duct, and gallbladder. Diarrhea, vomiting, irregular fever,
jaundice, and eosinophilia are characteristic symptoms.
54. Fasciola hepatica egg (400⫻). Diagnosis: by recovery of this large, operculated egg in feces and by clinical signs. This
egg is very similar to that of Fasciolopsis buski (see Plate 57). Differentiation of eggs of these two parasites is very
difficult. Eggs of F. hepatica measure 140 µm ⫻ 70 µm.
55. Fasciola hepatica egg (100⫻). A low-power view of the large F. hepatica egg in the midst of naturally occurring
fecal debris.
56. Fasciolopsis buski (large intestinal fluke) (2⫻). F. buski (2 to 7.5 cm ⫻ 1 to 2 cm) is found primarily in Asia.
Encysted larvae (metacercariae) on vegetation eaten by humans or pigs mature to become adults and attach to the
mucosa of the small intestine. Identifiable and differential structures include the unbranched intestinal ceca running
laterally from top to bottom toward the outer edges; the two suckers of unequal size (round structures at the top of
the organism); the uterus (a dark canal centered under the ventral sucker, branching laterally); Mehlis’ gland with an
attached ovary centered approximately one-third of the way posterior to the ventral sucker; and the testes, branching
laterally from the center, beneath the ovary. The anterior end tapers to form the oral sucker, which is visible in this
view. Disease symptoms caused by toxic products absorbed into the host’s circulation include general edema,
diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia, and, possibly, malabsorption syndrome. Slight anemia and eosinophilia occur in severe

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57. Fasciolopsis buski egg (400⫻). Recovery of this large, thin-shelled, operculated egg (140 µm ⫻ 70 µm) is diagnos-
tic. The operculum (lid) is visible here, open at the right end of the egg. This egg is empty; it was previously
incubated and the larva has hatched out of the shell.
58. Fasciolopsis buski egg (100⫻). Immediately below this large egg appears a Trichuris trichiura egg; this is a very good
example of the difference in size between the eggs of the two organisms. The operculum is visible at the left end of
the fluke egg and the material inside of it is yolk. Most of the trematode eggs are undifferentiated when found in
fecal specimens. Eggs of all species must reach fresh water before further development occurs. After full develop-
ment, the first larval form (miracidium) hatches and penetrates the soft tissues of an appropriate intermediate host,
the snail. The miracidia develop through several stages to produce free-swimming cercariae, which then (in this
species) encyst on aquatic vegetation as metacercariae, which are infective when the vegetation is eaten by a
human. Fasciola hepatica eggs look identical.
59. Clonorchis sinensis (Oriental liver fluke) (4⫻). This adult measures 1 to 2.5 cm ⫻ 3 to 5 mm. Humans are infected
by eating raw fish, the second intermediate host, containing encysted metacercariae. Larvae excyst in the small intes-
tine and migrate to the bile ducts, where they develop into adult worms. Visible structures include the oral sucker at
the anterior end, the ventral sucker one-quarter posteriorly to the oral sucker, the uterus (a dark, branching structure
extending downward from the ventral sucker to the ovary), and the testes, immediately below the large, oval Mehlis’
gland. The ceca extend from top to bottom toward the outer edge. The vitellaria are parallel to the uterus. This
parasite is found throughout Asia and causes obstructive liver damage with extensive biliary fibrosis. Symptoms result
from local irritation and systemic toxemia. Loss of appetite, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and 5% to 40% eosinophilia
are common symptoms.
60. Clonorchis sinensis egg (500⫻). Eggs (15 µm ⫻ 30 µm) are deposited in the bile duct and are evacuated in feces.
Diagnosis: recovery of this small, bile-stained egg in feces. Note the thick shell, the characteristic bell shape, and the
thickened opercular rim (the shoulders). There is usually a polar knob opposite the operculum.
61. Clonorchis sinensis egg (100⫻). A low-power view of a developed C. sinensis egg. The eggs are difficult to differen-
tiate from those of other genera (e.g., Opisthorchis).
62. Paragonimus westermani (lung fluke) (4⫻). This lung-dwelling adult measures 0.8 to 1.2 cm
⫻ 4 to 6 mm. Humans are infected by eating raw crab or crayfish, the second intermediate host, containing encysted
metacercariae. Larvae excyst in the small intestine; burrow through the mucosa; and migrate through the peritoneal
cavity, the diaphragm, and the pleural cavity to the lungs, where they develop into adult worms. Visible structures
include the oral sucker at the anterior end; the ovary, which is immediately below the ventral sucker about midway
down in the organism; the dark-staining uterus to the left of the ovary; and the testes, located in the clear space
beneath the ovary. The branching vitellaria are visible along the outer edges of the parasite. This parasite is found
throughout Asia and parts of Africa. It causes a chronic tuberculosis-type disease with fibrous capsules forming around
the adults. Eggs are coughed up in sputum and are visible as orange-brown flecks. Clinical signs resemble those of
tuberculosis, including cough with bloody sputum. Adults may invade other organs. Symptoms vary with the location
of the adult fluke.
63. Paragonimus westermani egg (300⫻). Diagnosis: recovery of this operculated egg (80 to 120 µm ⫻ 50 to 60 µm)
in sputum or feces. Eggs can be found in fecal specimens when sputum containing eggsis swallowed. Skin testing
may provide better evidence of infections than do fecal examinations. Notice the thin shell and the thickened rim
around the operculum. The shell also thickens at the end opposite the operculum.
64. Paragonimus westermani egg (100⫻). A low-power view of the egg in the center of fecal debris.

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65. Schistosoma species (blood flukes). Adults are in copula. The female (15 to 30 mm ⫻ 0.2 mm) is seen lying inside
the gynecophoral canal of the male. These unisexual worms have a cylindroidal shape and live in pairs, surviving for
many years. Infection occurs when free-swimming, fork-tailed cercariae escape from the snail intermediate host;
burrow into the capillary bed of feet, legs, or arms of humans; and are carried to the blood vessels of the liver,
where they develop into adults. From there, S. mansoni and S. japonicum migrate to mesenteric veins around the
colon. S. haematobium migrates to pelvic veins around the urinary bladder.
66. Schistosoma mansoni egg (400⫻). Diagnosis: recovery of eggs in feces. Unlike the other trematodes, schistosome
eggs do not have an operculum. Note the large size (115 to 175 µm ⫻ 50 to 70 µm) and the conspicuous lateral
spine protruding from the side near one pole. A ciliated miracidium is indistinct but visible inside this egg, but in fresh
specimens it is generally distinct and motile, with active cilia and flame cells. Eggs are deposited into venules, even-
tually rupture the wall to effect passage into the lumen of the intestine, and are evacuated in the feces. Many eggs
are caught in tissues of the liver and intestine, and a granuloma forms around each egg in response to toxic enzymes
released by the miracidium. Clinical manifestations include up to 50% eosinophilia, gastrointestinal bleeding, rectal
polyps, and hepatic cirrhosis. This parasite is found in Africa, the Middle East, parts of South America, the West Indies,
and Puerto Rico. Infected persons can frequently be found in immigrant populations living in North American urban
67. Schistosoma mansoni egg (100⫻). A low-power view of several eggs. Note the lateral spines on the eggs.
68. Schistosoma japonicum egg (400⫻). Diagnosis: recovery of eggs in feces. This egg measures 70 to 100 µm ⫻
50 to 60 µm. A small lateral spine on the eggshell is characteristic for this species. A ciliated miracidium is seen
inside the egg. The produced disease is similar to that of S. mansoni. Because S. japonicum produces 10 times as
many eggs as S. mansoni, the disease is more severe. Many eggs are swept back into the bloodstream to the liver
and are trapped, causing fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver. Toxic symptoms are severe. This parasite is found in Asia.
69. Schistosoma japonicum eggs (100⫻). A low-power view of several eggs. The lateral spine is barely visible in some
eggs. S. mekongi eggs are similar but small (50 to 75 µm ⫻ 40 to 65 µm). These eggs are often coated with fecal
debris and are more difficult to notice.
70. Schistosoma haematobium egg (400⫻). Diagnosis: recovery of eggs in urine. This egg measures 115 to 175 µm
⫻ 40 to 70 µm. A pointed terminal spine is characteristic for this species. A ciliated miracidium is visible inside. Egg
deposition by S. haematobium causes local traumatic damage to the rectum and the urinary bladder. Bladder colic
is a cardinal symptom. Blood, pus cells, and necrotic tissue debris are passed during urination. Systemic symptoms
are less severe than those produced by the other schistosomes. There is a high correlation with bladder cancer in
infected persons. This parasite is found in Africa, the Middle East, and Portugal.
71. Schistosoma haematobium egg (300⫻). A high-power view of the egg, showing a differently shaped terminal spine.
Urine should be concentrated to aid detection. Eggs are most often in the last few drops expelled from the bladder.

Amebae are unicellular protozoa, some of which may be parasitic in humans. These organisms are found
worldwide and some can live as parasitic or nonpathogenic trophozoites (the motile, feeding, reproductive
stage) in the lower gastrointestinal tract of humans. Most intestinal protozoa form a cyst stage (a dormant,
protective stage for the parasite in unfavorable environments after being evacuated in the host’s feces), and
in the cyst form may remain viable for long periods in warm, moist conditions. Transmission of intestinal
amebic diseases is from ingested cysts in fecally contaminated food, soil, or water. Cysts are most commonly
passed in feces by asymptomatic carriers.

72. Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar trophozoite (10 to 60 µm) (1,000⫻). This ameba is pathogenic for humans. It can
invade the intestinal mucosa, causing flask-shaped lesions and bloody diarrhea. The trophozoite releases lytic
enzymes and can also spread to other tissues, such as the liver, and cause amebic ulceration. E. dispar is identical in
appearance to E. histolytica, but is nonpathogenic. The differentiating characteristic of these two forms is confirmed
when engulfed red blood cells are visible inside E. histolytica trophozoites. Notice the nucleus, which has a light chro-
matin ring at the edges, surrounding a centrally located karyosome (compare with Entamoeba coli, Plate 78). The
cytoplasm is finely granular as compared with that of E. coli. This is a trichrome-stained organism.

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73. Entamoeba histolytica (1,000⫻). This trophozoite in feces contains five engulfed red blood cells, the presence of
which is a diagnostic feature, inasmuch as no other ameba contains these. This characteristic is used to differentiate
E. histolytica from E. dispar. In a saline solution, the trophozoite exhibits progressive, active motility, with thin, finger-
like pseudopodia.
74. Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar cyst (1,000⫻). Cysts of E. histolytica/dispar are over 10 mm in size (10 to 20 µm).
There are up to four typical nuclei in the mature cyst. One nucleus is clearly visible here. The nuclear structure is iden-
tical in both trophozoites and cysts. The dark cigar-shaped bars are chromatoid bodies, which are crystalline RNA. Iron
hematoxylin stain.
75. Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar cyst (1,000⫻) showing four nuclei. Iodine stain.
76. Entamoeba hartmanni trophozoite (1,000⫻). Note the morphologic similarity between the nucleus of this commensal
and that in Plate 72. This organism was previously identified as E. histolytica but is now known as E. hartmanni. It is not
pathogenic but morphologically resembles E. histolytica, differing only in size; it is less than 10 µm in size. This charac-
teristic is important because correct diagnosis depends on the careful measurement of the parasite. A trophozoite or cyst
resembling E. histolytica that is less than 10 mm in diameter is classified as E. hartmanni.
77. Entamoeba hartmanni cyst (1,000⫻). The cyst (5 to 10 µm) resembles that of E. histolytica but is classified
as E. hartmanni because of its small size, the upper limits being 10 µm. This cyst is stained with iodine. It can have
up to four nuclei. It is important to differentiate E. histolytica from this and other nonpathogenic amebae to ensure
correct treatment of the patient.
78. Entamoeba coli trophozoite (1,000⫻). This commonly-encountered nonpathogenic ameba must be differentiated
from E. histolytica. Notice the nucleus, which has a dark, irregularly thickened chromatin ring around the membrane
and a large, eccentrically located karyosome. This parasite is often larger than E. histolytica (15 to 60 µm) and has
coarser cytoplasm and sluggish motility, with blunt pseudopodia.
79. Entamoeba coli trophozoite (1,000⫻). This trophozoite has a very large karyosome located next to the chromatin ring.
80. Entamoeba coli cyst (1,000⫻). Five nuclei are visible in the cyst (10 to 30 µm). E. coli is differentiated
from E. histolytica by the nuclear morphology and by the fact that the cyst may contain up to eight nuclei, rather
than four. Chromatoid bars in stained cysts are splinterlike, with pointed ends.

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81. Entamoeba coli cysts (100⫻). A low-power view of several cysts. One is seen at the center of the field and several
others are evident in the lower left area, all appearing as dark dots. This view demonstrates the importance of scan-
ning a part of all fecal slides under high power so that protozoa are not missed. These cysts also should be examined
at even higher magnifications to see the nuclei and other features for correct diagnosis of the parasite species.
82. Endolimax nana trophozoite (1,000⫻). Note the large karyosome in the nucleus. The fine chromatin ring is not
usually visible. This feature is diagnostic for this nonpathogen (6 to 12 µm). Note also the cytoplasmic vacuoles.
83. Endolimax nana cyst (2,000⫻). The ovoid mature cyst has four nuclei. Note the large karyosome (dark dots).
The chromatin ring is not visible. These features are diagnostic. This parasite (8 to 10 µm) may be confused
with E. histolytica if care is not taken when examining the nuclear structure and the cyst shape.
84. Iodamoeba bütschlii trophozoite (1,000⫻). Note the large karyosome and light chromatin ring in the nucleus of the
organism (12 to 15 µm). The cytoplasm is coarsely granular and a small, light vacuole that contains glycogen is
85. Iodamoeba bütschlii cyst (1,000⫻). Note the large karyosome in the single nucleus of this trichrome-stained cyst
(5 to 20 µm). A large vacuole from which glycogen has been removed by the staining process is visible (clear area
inside the cyst), which is diagnostic for this nonpathogen. The glycogen vacuole stains dark brown when an iodine
wet mount is used. The nucleus of this species does not stain with iodine.

Flagellates are unicellular protozoa that move by means of flagella (motile fibrils extending from the body of
the organism). Many of the flagellates have a trophozoite stage, which is the active, feeding, motile form, and
also a cyst stage, which is a dormant, protective stage for the parasite in unfavorable environments outside
the host’s intestine. Transmission of the intestinal flagellates is by ingestion of fecally contaminated food or
drink, Trichomonas vaginalis trophozoites are directly transmitted during sexual intercourse, and the hemofla-
gellates (found in the blood or tissues) are transmitted by arthropod intermediate hosts.

86. Dientamoeba fragilis trophozoite (1,000⫻). This flagellate (5 to 12 µm) does not form cysts. Note that it has two
nuclei. This feature is diagnostic inasmuch as no other ameboid trophozoite has more than one nucleus. This organ-
ism may be pathogenic and may cause diarrhea in humans.
87. D. fragilis.
88. Giardia lamblia trophozoites (1,000⫻). These flagellates (10 to 20 µm ⫻ 15 µm) live in the duodenum and often
do not produce disease. When present in large numbers, they may cause epigastric pain and diarrhea. Note the smil-
ing face–like appearance of the trophozoite, which is bilaterally symmetric with two anterior nuclei, a central axostyle,
and four pairs of flagella. In fresh fecal wet-mount preparations, the motile trophozoite moves like a leaf falling from
a tree.

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89. Giardia lamblia cyst (1,000⫻). Diagnosis: recovery of trophozoites or cysts (8 µm ⫻ 10 µm) in feces. The mature
cyst has four nuclei, although the immature cyst may have only two. Three are visible in the upper cyst in this view.
90. Unusual sight of Entamoeba coli trophozoite containing several ingested Giardia lamblia cysts (1,000⫻).
91. Giardia lamblia trophozoites (1,000⫻). This stained section of duodenal mucosa shows two trophozoites adhering.
Note the two nuclei visible in the trophozoite centered in the field.
92. Chilomastix mesnili trophozoite (1,000⫻). This nonpathogenic flagellate (7 µm ⫻ 20 µm) lives in the upper large
intestine and does not produce disease. Note the single prominent nucleus at the rounded anterior end. The poste-
rior is tapered with a noticeably angled projection. There are four anterior flagella and a distinct longitudinal spiral
groove. Viable trophozoites move in a spiral path.
93. Chilomastix mesnili cyst (1,000⫻). Diagnosis: recovery of cysts (5 µm ⫻ 8 µm) in feces. There is a single, large
nucleus in this lemon-shaped cyst. Correct diagnosis is important so that this is not confused with Giardia or other
pathogenic infection.
94. Trichomonas vaginalis trophozoite (1,000⫻). This parasite (18 µm ⫻ 25 µm) is recovered in urine or in urethral or
vaginal mucosal scrapings. Symptoms in women vary from mild irritation to painful itching, with a frothy, yellowish
vaginal discharge. Infected men are usually asymptomatic carriers. There are four anterior flagella, a large nucleus,
and an undulating membrane (not visible in this view) extending along one-half of the body. T. vaginalis appears
slightly larger than leukocytes, and the whipping motion of the flagella is clearly visible in fresh, unstained urine.
Trichomonas species do not form cysts. T. hominis is a nonpathogenic intestinal flagellate found in feces; T. gingivalis
trophozoite may be found in the mouth and is also nonpathogenic.

Two genera of flagellates are found as parasites of blood and tissue in humans. The Leishmania parasites have
two forms in their life cycle: the amastigote form, which multiplies in macrophages in humans, and the pro-
mastigote form found in the midgut of the sandfly, Phlebotomus spp. (the intermediate host). The other
bloodborne genus parasitic in humans is Trypanosoma. These organisms are in trypomastigote form in the
bloodstream and other tissues in humans, and in the epimastigote form in the arthropod intermediate host
(except for T. cruzi, which is also seen as the amastigote form in human heart muscle).

95. Amastigote form (1,000⫻). Many amastigotes (3 µm to 5 µm in diameter) are seen in this view. The nucleus and
the smaller, bar-shaped kinetoplast are visible in each organism as seen in the center of this field. The leishmania in-
vade reticuloendothelial cells and macrophages of humans. The disease produced by the organisms of each species
is as follows:
a. L. tropica (Old World leishmaniasis). Local lesions occur at the site of the sandfly bite, followed by focal necro-
sis. Although it may be complicated by a secondary bacterial infection, the disease is usually self-limiting and
produces life-long immunity to reinfection. This parasite is found in Africa, India, and the Middle East.
b. L. braziliensis (New World leishmaniasis). The primary lesion is local, as with L. tropica, but the ulcer heals
slowly. Erosion of soft tissues, especially of the nose, mouth, ears, and cheeks, often occurs years later, inas-
much as this organism tends to migrate to secondary sites, often complicated by a bacterial invasion followed
by local and systemic symptoms. This parasite is found in Central and South America.
c. L. donovani (kala-azar). The local primary lesion is usually not reported. The amastigotes gain access to the blood-
stream or lymphatics and eventually spread to fixed tissue macrophages in the viscera. Sites of this invasion are the
liver, spleen, and bone marrow, where multiplication usually proceeds unchecked. Anemia usually follows because
of increased production of macrophages and decreased erythropoietic activity. The acute phase of the systemic
disease is characterized by double spiking fever fluctuating daily (between 90ºF and 104ºF). There is moderate
erythrocytopenia, absolute monocytosis, and neutropenia. Massive hepatosplenomegaly occurs because of parasite
multiplication and death frequently occurs if the patient is untreated. This parasite is widely distributed, except in the
United States.
96. Leishmania donovani (1,000⫻) seen multiplying in a macrophage in a press preparation of spleen tissue.

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97. Leishmaniasis. A typical skin lesion caused by L. braziliensis. Note the open ulcer on the man’s forehead.
98. Promastigote form (100⫻). This stage is found in the midgut and proboscis of the sandfly, Phlebotomus. It is the in-
fective form of leishmaniasis and is transferred to humans by the biting fly. The large nucleus, bar-shaped kinetoplast,
and flagellum are visible. Note the relative position of these structures.
99. Trypomastigote form (1,000⫻). The trypanosome is found extracellularly, free in the blood. It is the infective form
transferred to humans by the biting arthropod vector (intermediate host). Trypanosome species are not readily dif-
ferentiated in peripheral blood. Visible structures include the flagellum, the large central nucleus, and the undulating
membrane that is attached to the kinetoplast at the posterior end of the organism. The diseases produced by these
organisms are as follows:
a. The sleeping sickness diseases produced by T. rhodesiense and T. gambiense are similar, differing primarily in the
severity of the second stage, which is so severe with T. rhodesiense infections that death rapidly results. The
disease begins with local inflammation at the site of the fly bite (tsetse fly). This subsides as the trypanosomes
enter the blood. They migrate to the lymph nodes, where severe inflammation occurs because of rapid multipli-
cation. Toxic metabolites and occlusion of vascular sinuses by the proliferating organisms may cause death at this
stage. Enlarged lymph nodes, myocarditis, fever episodes, edema, and rapid weight loss are cardinal symptoms
for T. rhodesiense. Trypanosomes invade the central nervous system in the third stage to produce sleeping sick-
ness and eventually death. T. gambiense usually proceeds to this stage. The posterior cervical lymph nodes in the
neck are invaded and undergo massive swelling. This is called Winterbottom’s sign. Other nodes may be invaded,
producing weakness, pain, and cramps.
b. T. cruzi (Chagas’ disease). The primary lesion at the bite site of the reduviid bug intermediate host is often near
the eye, producing unilateral edema of the eyelid (Romaña’s sign). Next, primary parasitemia with S- or
C-shaped trypanosomes with a large kinetoplast (as seen in this view) occurs in the blood, causing fever and
toxic conditions resembling typhoid fever (may be fatal in children). The chronic disease is characterized by
leishmanial forms multiplying in tissue macrophages, and symptoms of tissue invasion, including enlargement
of the spleen, occur. Cardiac and central nervous system pathology occur as tissue destruction continues. There
may be fever episodes and parasitemia when trypanosomes are free in the blood.
Diagnosis of these diseases is confirmed when parasites are recovered in blood or seen in tissue specimens.
Trypanosomes are 15 to 30 µm in length.
100. Trypanosoma cruzi (amastigote form) in cardiac tissue (1,000⫻). The trypomastigote in reduviid bug feces is pushed
into the bite wound when the host scratches at the bite site, and these circulate in the blood until phagocytized or
they invade tissue macrophages, after which they change to the amastigote form. Note the nest of multiplying
amastigote forms in the heart muscle. Trypomastigote forms can be found in blood.

The Ciliata

101. Balantidium coli trophozoite (400⫻). This organism (40 µm ⫻ 60 µm) is a ciliate that is characterized by having many
short cilia on the surface of both the motile and encysted trophozoite. B. coli is the only ciliate pathogenic for humans.
The disease is characterized by invasion of the intestinal submucosa with inflammation and ulcer formation. There
may be fulminating diarrhea in heavy infections or an asymptomatic carrier state in light infections. This organism has
two nuclei: a large, kidney bean–shaped macronucleus and a small, round micronucleus not visible in this view.
102. Balantidium coli cyst (400⫻). This large, round cyst (50 µm) is characterized by the presence of macronuclei and
micronuclei; the latter are rarely seen, but when present, generally appear as small dots near the concavity of the
macronucleus. Cilia are evident around the inside edge of the cyst on the organism. This form, or the trophozoite, is
diagnostic when recovered in feces or seen in intestinal tissue.
103. Balantidium coli cyst (100⫻). A low-power view of the cyst. This large parasite is easily recognized even at this

Sporozoa are protozoa that have both a sexual and an asexual phase in their life cycle. The genus Plasmodium
includes the malaria parasites. The asexual phase is found in the human intermediate host and the sexual phase
occurs in the definitive host, the Anopheles mosquito. Sporozoites are injected into the blood by the biting mosquito
and then invade liver cells. The asexual stages of malaria first multiply in the liver and later in peripheral blood. Asex-
ual schizogony results in the release of merozoites that may either invade new red blood cells and develop into new
schizonts or develop to become male and female gametocytes. If the mosquito ingests gametocytes while feeding,
these will develop throughout the sexual cycle to produce new sporozoites, the infective form for humans. The
clinical symptoms vary with the species of parasite but all cause anemia (because of destruction of the red blood
cells by the schizont form), headaches, general weakness, and a characteristic repetitive fever and chills syndrome.

104. Plasmodium vivax (benign tertian malaria). This drawing shows the erythrocytic stages of P. vivax. The prominent feature
is the presence of Schüffner’s dots. These appear as red spots on infected red blood cells on a stained blood smear and
are seen in all developmental stages after the early trophozoite stage. The infected red blood cell is larger than normal red
blood cells because the parasites preferentially invade reticulocytes, the larger, immature blood cell. The trophozoite di-
vides to form a schizont containing 16 to 18 merozoites, which is a differentiating characteristic for P. vivax. Plates 104 to
107 clearly illustrate the maturation of the trophozoite stage of P. vivax. See enlarged version of image on p. 36.

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105. Plasmodium vivax (100⫻). A trophozoite is clearly visible in the center of the field. Note the red Schüffner’s dots.
Note also the ring (blue) and the chromatin dot (red) of the trophozoite. Each ring form (about one-third of the cell
diameter in size) represents one parasite; multiple parasites in a red cell are not commonly seen in this species.
106. Plasmodium vivax (1,000⫻). An older trophozoite than that in the previous plate is seen in the center of the field.
Note the larger size of the red cell, the bizarre ameboid shape of the motile trophozoite, and the characteristic
Schüffner’s dots.
107. Plasmodium vivax (1,000⫻). An older trophozoite than that in the previous plate is shown. This cell is enlarged and
Schüffner’s dots are evident. The trophozoite is clearly ameboid in its movements.
108. Plasmodium vivax (1,000⫻). Developing schizont. Many merozoites are seen inside the cell. A trophozoite appears
in the upper right of the field.
109. Plasmodium vivax (1,000⫻). Mature schizont. Fourteen merozoites are visible inside the cell. Characteristically, the
schizont divides to form 16 to 18 merozoites. Development from the invasion of the red blood cell by the tropho-
zoite to the fully mature schizont occurs in 48 hours.
110. Plasmodium vivax (1,000⫻). Mature schizont. Eighteen merozoites are visible inside the cell. The red blood cell
ruptures, releasing the merozoites, which may invade new red blood cells to repeat the asexual erythrocytic cycle.
Some merozoites invade red cells and become male or female gametocytes, which are part of the sexual cycle in
the mosquito after the gametocytes are ingested in a blood meal.
111. Plasmodium ovale. This drawing shows the erythrocytic stages of P. ovale. The red blood cells are enlarged and
oval in shape. This parasite is rare in humans and may be confused with P. malariae when Schüffner’s dots are
not present or with P. vivax when Schüffner’s dots are present. See enlarged version of image on p. 36.
112. Plasmodium ovale trophozoites (1,000⫻). This parasite is similar to P. vivax because Schüffner’s dots are visible.
It also resembles P. malariae because the mature schizont usually contains 8 to 12 merozoites. The diagnostic
characteristic, when present, is the ragged, irregular appearance and oval shape of the host red blood cell, as can be
seen here.

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113. Plasmodium ovale trophozoites (1,000⫻). This is another view of this parasite's trophozoite. Seen in this view are
Schiiffner's dots and the characteristic ragged, irregular appearance and oval shape of the host red blood cell.
114. Plasmodium malariae (quartan malaria). This drawing depicts erythrocytic stages of P. malariae. The trophozoite
measures about one-third of the diameter of the red blood cell. The prominent features include a large ring form;
the band form of the early schizont with coarse, dark granules; and the mature schizont, containing 8 to 12 mero-
zoites, assuming a characteristic rosette shape with malaria pigment deposited in the center of the rosette. See
enlarged version of image on p. 36.
115. Plasmodium malariae trophozoite (1,000⫻). The band-form trophozoite across the red cell is characteristic during
the early development of the schizont.
116. Plasmodium malariae schizont (1,000⫻). A schizont containing seven merozoites is seen in the upper left corner.
By 72 hours after the trophozoite enters the red blood cell, the mature form contains 8 to 10 merozoites and
assumes the characteristic rosette shape. Two young trophozoites are also seen in this view.
117. Plasmodium malariae schizont (1,000⫻). Another view of a maturing schizont.
118. Plasmodium malariae gametocyte (1,000⫻). This form is similar to that of P. vivax but is smaller and contains less pigment.
119. Plasmodium falciparum (malignant subtertian malaria). This drawing demonstrates the erythrocytic stages of P. falciparum.
The prominent features are small ring forms with double chromatin dots, multiple rings in the same cell, and crescent-
shaped gametocytes. Other stages in schizont formation are not seen in peripheral blood because these (other) stages
of maturation occur in the capillaries of internal organs. See enlarged version of image on p. 36.
120. Plasmodium falciparum ring forms (1,000⫻). Note the small ring size and multiple infections, not seen with P. vivax
or P. malariae.

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121. Double malaria infection (1,000⫻). A P. vivax trophozoite is shown in the center of the field. The small ring form
seen at the upper left has a double chromatin dot, a diagnostic feature of P. falciparum rings.
122. Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte (1,000⫻). Note the characteristic crescent or banana shape of this form.

Malaria has been found worldwide but control measures have essentially eliminated the disease from many
countries, including the United States. It is still a major problem in Africa, Asia, Central and South America, and
the South Pacific. Diagnosis: clinical signs and observation of the parasite in thick and thin blood films obtained
ideally during the fever cycle. Other important sporozoan parasites are noted as follows.

123. Babesia microti ring forms (1,000⫻). A pair of parasitic forms. Note the rings lie at right angles to each other. When
four rings are present they may form a tetrad known as a maltese cross. This parasite is transmitted by ixodid ticks.
Most cases are found in Europe and along the East Coast of the United States from Connecticut to Nantucket.
124. Isospora belli oocyst (400⫻). This oocyst containing one sporoblast is stained using the modified acid-fast stain. Note
that the oocyst wall does not stain but it is noted as an outline caused by precipitated stain.
125. Toxoplasma gondii trophozoites (1,000⫻). T. gondii trophozoites viewed by fluorescence microscopy in the indirect
fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). This is a negative test result, indicating that patient’s serum, previously incubated with
these organisms, has no detectable antibody to T. gondii. No green fluorescence is observable.
126. Toxoplasma gondii trophozoites (1,000⫻). This is a positive IFAT result for the detection of antibodies to T. gondii in
serum. Note the green fluorescence over the entire body of the organisms, indicating the presence of antibodies
bound to the surface.
127. Toxoplasma pseudocyst (400⫻). A dormant pseudocyst filled with bradyzoites of T. gondii as seen in a brain
section. Immunosuppression of the host would allow these trophozoites to emerge and successfully invade new host
cells and to continue multiplication. Brain pseudocysts are also infective if ingested by the definitive host (cats) from
mouse brains.
128. Sarcocystis spp. (1,000⫻). A stained section of muscle tissue in which one can see a sarcocyst filled with
potentially infective organisms. These are infective if ingested by the definitive host.

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129. Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts (1,000⫻). The oocysts measuring 4 to 6 µm stain red (acid-fast stain) against the
blue-green background. Sporocysts are visible in the two oocysts on the right side of figure.
130. Cyclospora spp. oocysts (1,000⫻). Note the variable staining and wrinkled appearance of these oocysts (8 to
10 mm) preserved in 10% formalin and stained using an acid-fast technique.
131. Enterocytozoon spp. Spores (0.7 to 1.0 ⫻ 1.1 to 1.6 µm). Several acid-fast spores are visible in this view (400⫻).
132. Enterocytozoon spp. Spores. This view illustrates spores as seen at 1,000 ⫻ magnification.
133. Encephalitozoon hellem. Spores. These spores were recovered in a bronchoalveolar lavage sample from a 30-year-
old patient with AIDS. This view (1,000⫻) illustrates a monoclonal antibody-based immunofluorescent identification
technique. Polar tubules are visible as fluorescent strands extending from the spores.
134. Artifacts (400⫻). Many fecal artifacts may be confused with parasitic forms to the untrained. A vegetable spiral in the
center of the field is superimposed over a form that may resemble a nematode egg.
135. Artifacts (500⫻). The most notable artifact in this view is a plant hair that resembles a nematode. Hairs usually have
one blunt end and one tapered end, and nematodes have one tapered end and one round end, usually with visible
formed mouth structures.

Plate Credits

Clay Adams: 1, 6, 9, 13, 15, 24, 26, 27, 29, 32, 41, 48, 51, 59, 60, 67, 75, 90, 92, 94, 98, 105, 106.
David M. Wright, MD: 91, 96, 127, 128.
Herman Zaiman, MD: 3, 4, 5, 12, 19, 23, 28, 30, 31, 33, 40, 42, 43, 49, 52, 72, 79, 83, 89, 95, 97, 100, 107, 110,
116, 118, 120.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: 25, 73, 76, 77, 78, 80, 84, 88, 93, 129, 130, 133.
National Institutes of Health: 104, 111, 114, 119.

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104. Enlarged version of Plasmodium vivax on p. 27. 111. Enlarged version of Plasmodium ovale on p. 29.

114. Enlarged version of Plasmodium malariae on p. 31. 119. Enlarged version of Plasmodium falciparum on p. 31.
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Academic Objectives
On completion of this self-study text, the student will be able to:
1. State definitions of the general terms used in parasitology.
2. Recall the scientific and common names for each parasite studied.
3. State the general geographic distribution of each parasite.
4. State the parasitic form that causes disease in humans and its location in the body.
5. Describe the means by which each infection occurs.
6. State the name of the disease produced and its most common symptoms and
7. State the appropriate body specimen to examine for the diagnostic stage of each
parasite and list other laboratory tests useful in its diagnosis.
8. Recognize and draw the diagnostic stage of each parasite.
9. Demonstrate graphically the life cycle of each parasite.
10. Discuss the procedures used to identify parasites (including concentration, culture,
and staining techniques), as well as potential sources of error and quality-control
11. Identify potentially successful methods for the epidemiological control of parasitism.
12. Given sufficient case history information, identify the most probable helminth or
protozoan causing the symptoms and the body specimen of choice for study.

Practical Objectives
On completion of this self-study text and with appropriate experience in the
laboratory, the student will:
1. Be able to perform appropriate and satisfactory microscopic and macroscopic
examination of body specimens—such as blood, urine, or feces—to detect and identify
parasites. (Note: Acceptable performance is the identification of at least 80% of the
parasites present in specimens. In actual clinical settings, accuracy should be 100%.)
2. Have mastered two fecal concentration techniques (one for sedimentation and one for
flotation) as demonstrated by satisfactory performance of these techniques and correct
identification of recovered parasites.
3. Be able to prepare and stain slides of fecal material and blood satisfactorily as
demonstrated by the correct diagnosis of at least 80% of the parasites contained
4. Be able to perform a variety of other tests satisfactorily, including a blood
concentration test for microfilaria and serodiagnostic testing for various parasites.

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2 CHAPTER 1 ■ Introduction

obligatory parasite. A parasite that cannot live apart

from its host.
parasitemia. The presence of parasites in the blood
accidental (or incidental) host. Infection of a host
(e.g., malaria schizonts in red blood cells).
other than the normal host species. A parasite may
parasitism. The association of two different species of
or may not continue full development in an acci-
organisms in which the smaller species lives on or
dental host.
within the other and has a metabolic dependence
apical complex. Polar complex of secretory or-
on the larger host species.
ganelles in sporozoan protozoa.
pathogenic. Production of tissue changes or disease.
carrier. A host harboring a parasite but exhibiting no
pathogenicity. The ability to produce pathogenic
clinical signs or symptoms.
commensalism. The association of two different
reservoir host. An animal that harbors a species of
species of organisms in which one partner is bene-
parasite that is also parasitic for humans and from
fited and the other is neither benefited nor injured.
which a human may become infected.
definitive host. The animal in which a parasite passes
serology. The study of antibody-antigen reactions in
its adult existence, sexual reproductive phase, or
vitro, using host serum for study.
species (abbr. spp.). A taxonomic category subordi-
differential diagnosis. The clinical comparison of dif-
nate to a genus. A species maintains its classifica-
ferent diseases that exhibit similar symptoms; de-
tion by not interbreeding with other species.
signed to determine which disease the patient has.
symbiosis. The association of two different species of
disease. A definite morbid process having a charac-
organisms exhibiting metabolic dependence by
teristic train of symptoms.
their relationship.
ectoparasite. A parasite established on or in the body
transport host. An animal that harbors a parasite
of its host.
that does not reproduce; it carries the parasite from
endoparasite. A parasite established within the body
one location to another to infect a new host.
of its host.
vectors. Any arthropods or other living carriers that
epidemiology. A field of science dealing with the re-
transport a pathogenic microorganism from an in-
lationships of the various factors that determine the
fected to a noninfected host. A vector may transmit
frequency and distribution of an infectious process
a disease passively (mechanical vector) or may be
or disease in a community.
an essential host in the life cycle of the pathogenic
facultative parasite. An organism capable of living an
organism (biological vector).
independent or a parasitic existence; not an obliga-
zoonosis (pl. zoonoses). A disease involving a para-
tory parasite, but potentially parasitic.
site that has accidentally infected a human; the
generic name (or scientific name). The name given
normal host for the parasite is an animal.
to an organism consisting of its appropriate genus
and species title.
genus (pl. genera). A taxonomic category subordi-
nate to family (and tribe) and superior to species,
grouping those organisms that are alike in broad INTRODUCTION
features but different in detail.
host. The species of animal or plant that harbors a North Americans do not suffer from a multitude of
parasite and provides some metabolic resources to harmful parasites, largely because of general good
the parasitic species. health; high standards of education, nutrition, and san-
in vitro. Observable in a test tube or other nonliving itation; a temperate climate; and the absence of neces-
system. sary vectors. Parasitic infections do exist in the
in vivo. Within the living body. United States, however, and are still far from eradi-
infections. Invasions of the body by a pathogenic or- cated. Increased travel throughout the world and the
ganism (except arthropods), with accompanying general low level of understanding about parasitic
reaction of the host tissues to the presence of the infections have added to the problem of disease trans-
parasite. mission in the United States. Many other parts of the
infestation. The establishment of arthropods on or world have high levels of parasite-induced morbidity
within a host (including insects, ticks, and mites). and mortality among humans and animals, as well as
intermediate host. The animal in which a parasite significant parasitic damage to crops. These problems
passes its larval stage or asexual reproduction phase. place great drains on human resources and food pro-
metazoan. Belonging to a subkingdom of animals con- ductivity, thus affecting the international economy.
sisting of all multicellular animal organisms in which In recognizing this problem, the World Health Organi-
cells are differentiated to form tissue. Includes all zation (WHO) named five parasitic diseases (malaria,
animals except protozoa. leishmaniasis, trypanosomiasis, onchocerciasis, and
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CHAPTER 1 ■ Introduction 3

schistosomiasis) as among the six most harmful infec- parasitic infections, such as malnutrition, iron deficiency
tive diseases afflicting humanity today. More than anemia, and other parasite-specific chronic health
4.5 billion people harbor parasites. effects, with periodic acute disease symptoms
A worldwide survey of common helminth infec- (e.g., malaria). The economic consequences are stagger-
tions was attempted in the 1940s. Global prevalence of ing. To overcome the effects of parasitic infections,
Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworm, and Trichuris trichiura water and sewage treatment, changes in behavior due to
infections at that time were estimated to be 24%, 24%, improved health education, and overall improvement in
and 17%, respectively. Similar surveys performed in the economic standards of living are required. Treat-
the early 1990s and again early this century found the ment of infections and prevention of future infections
same relative percentages for these parasitic infections. require chemotherapy and future development of
When one adds to these numbers that 489 million vaccines. These are serious challenges, especially in poor
people have malaria, which kills 1.5 million people countries.
each year (including at least 1 million children Peter Hotez (2008) has stated, “It is appalling that
younger than 5 years of age), it becomes evident that helminth infections and other NTDs [neglected tropical
parasitic infections greatly affect the health and welfare diseases] are having such a devastating impact on the
of the world’s population. poor in Sub-Saharan Africa given that we have effec-
To estimate the true impact of parasitism including tive treatments to alleviate their sufferings. For $200 to
lost productivity and quality of life limitations, current $400 million a year over five years we could signifi-
researchers measure the disability-adjusted life year cantly reduce the burden of helminth infections and
(DALY) and use patient-based quality-of-life (QoL) in- other NTDs from much of Sub-Saharan Africa. That’s a
terview techniques to compare the effects of diseases minimal investment with maximum returns” (http://
among infected individuals. Various estimates suggest
that the global parasitic diseases burden listed in new-analysis-details-devastating-toll-neglected-tropical-
Table 1-1 is around 52 million DALYs, which reflects a diseases). Furthermore, other observations suggest that
huge amount of lost time for millions of infected by reducing the incidence of NTDs, there may also be a
individuals. significant impact on other diseases such as malaria,
The real significance of these numbers is the realiza- schistosomiasis, and human immunodeficiency virus/
tion that at least 25% of the world’s population (about acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) due
1.7 billion people) suffer from the consequences of to individuals’ improved health.

TABLE 1-1 ■ Estimate of Global Morbidity and Mortality Rates From Major Helminth Infections
and Malaria
Number of Global Disease Burden Morbidity (%) Mortality (number of
Parasitic Infections (number of DALYs (of world population deaths—1997) (% of infected
Disease (in millions) in millions) affected) population)
Ascariasis 807 10.5 23 60,000
Hookworm infections 576 22.1 12 65,000
Trichuriasis 604 6.4 24 10,000
Lymphatic filariasis 120 5.8 37 NA
Schistosomiasis 205 4.5 10 20,000
Onchocerciasis 37 0.5 4.2 45,000
Dracunculiasis 0.01 million NA NA Nearly eradicated in
the endemic areas
Strongyloidiasis 100 NA 1.75 70,000,000
Malaria 289 46.5 5 1,500,000

Note: DALY = disability-adjusted life year

Source: Adapted from data in Crompton, 1999, and Hotez, 2008.
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4 CHAPTER 1 ■ Introduction

Many organizations have worked to treat infected Types of Parasites

individuals and others are actively pursuing vaccines.
Vaccines for hookworm and schistosomiasis have been A parasite that lives inside the host is called an en-
developed and are in various stages of clinical trials. doparasite; one that lives on or in the skin is called an
Another is under development for onchocerciasis. ectoparasite. Most parasites are obligate; that is, they
These vaccines will reduce the rate of infection and must spend part or all of their life cycle within
reinfection by these parasites and will lower the a host to survive. A facultative parasite is usually a
potential of these parasites becoming resistant to free-living organism that can become parasitic if it is
traditional chemotherapy. accidentally ingested or enters a wound or other body
Although the incidence of indigenous (endemic) in- opening. Naegleria fowleri, an ameba, enters through a
fection is low in the United States and other developed person’s nose when he or she is swimming in contami-
nations, parasitic infections affect poor people more nated water. Ectoparasites can be insect forms that
seriously than they affect the more wealthy inhabitants interact temporarily or permanently with a human host.
of the same countries. Other infections are brought into Accidental parasites are those that normally live in
these countries by immigrants from tropical areas and or on a host other than humans, and these parasites
by travelers and military personnel returning with do not survive long in an unnatural human host. The
“exotic” diseases from foreign endemic areas. “New” accidental (or incidental) host may or may not
disease-causing agents are emerging as opportunistic experience symptoms. Larvae of dog and cat hook-
infections in immunocompromised individuals and, worms and roundworms that accidentally penetrate
increasingly, waterborne and foodborne parasites such human skin are an example. Another term used to
as Cryptosporidium spp. are being found in healthy peo- describe this problem is zoonosis.
ple. Continuing surveillance of parasitic diseases by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Hosts
WHO, and others is necessary to ensure the future
health of citizens of the United States and other parts Hosts can be characterized as definitive, intermediate,
of the world. transport, or reservoir. A definitive host is one in which
the parasite reaches sexual or reproductive maturity. An
intermediate host is one that harbors parasites that
engage in asexual reproduction. Sometimes both types of
WHAT IS PARASITOLOGY? hosts are required in a parasite’s life cycle.
A transport host is one that harbors a parasite
Parasitology is the study of a particular relationship that does not reproduce but merely goes on to infect a
among certain species. Symbiosis means “living new host. The transport host serves only to carry the
together” and generally refers to a positive relationship parasite from one location to another. For example, a
between members of different species. Mutualism is house fly might passively transfer an ameba on its feet
usually an obligatory relationship in which both organ- from contaminated feces to a cooking utensil in a
isms benefit. An example of mutualism is the termite kitchen. A new host could then ingest the parasite
and its intestinal flagellate fauna. The termite benefits stage, producing a new infection. A reservoir host
because it could not digest its cellulose-containing food may harbor a parasite that is also infective for
without the flagellate and the intestinal organism bene- humans. For example, the bush buck antelope often
fits by having a secure habitat in which to live and a harbors the protozoa that causes sleeping sickness in
good source of food. Commensalism is usually not humans, but the antelope suffers no ill effects.
obligatory, but it reflects a relationship in which one
species of organism benefits and the other neither
benefits nor is harmed. Humans can harbor several CLASSIFICATION OF PARASITES
species of ameba with no ill effects to the host but with
benefit to the amebae. These nonpathogenic protozoa, I. The metazoan helminths—wormlike inverte-
however, are not considered to be true commensals brates. (Only those parasitic for humans are in-
because it is generally accepted that they should not be cluded in this text.) The following are considered:
a normal part of the human intestinal flora. Parasitism A. Phylum Nemathelminthes
is a relationship in which one species of organism lives 1. Class Nematoda: roundworms (body round
on or with another organism, with the parasite living at in cross-section)
the expense of and often causing harm to the host. Most B. Phylum Platyhelminthes: flatworms
parasites inflict varying degrees of harm depending on 1. Class Cestoda: tapeworms (body flattened
the general health and nutritional status of the host, the and segmented)
size of the parasite, the number of parasites present, and 2. Class Digenea: trematodes, flukes (body flat-
the parasites’ location or migration path within the host. tened, leaf-shaped, and nonsegmented)
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CHAPTER 1 ■ Introduction 5

II. Protozoa*—unicellular eukaryotic microorgan- in the bibliography to guide you toward in-depth
isms. The following are considered: studies in various areas of parasitology, such as the
A. Phylum Sarcomastigophora biochemistry, treatment, pathology, or immunology of
1. Class Lobosea: organisms that move by parasitic infections.
means of pseudopodia Six glossaries of important terms appear in this text.
2. Class Zoomastigophorea: organisms that In addition to the basic terms defined in the glossary
move by means of flagella at the beginning of this chapter, separate glossaries are
B. Phylum Ciliophora included in the chapters on the Nematoda, Cestoda,
1. Class Kinetofragminophorea: organisms that Digenea, Protozoa, and Arthropoda. Study and master
move by means of cilia all of the words in each of the glossaries. It is recom-
C. Phylum Apicomplexa mended that the glossaries be used in conjunction
1. Class Sporozoea: organisms with both sexual with the boldfaced terms appearing in the text. Before
and asexual reproductive cycles; apical taking each post-test, review again the glossary terms
complex can be seen with an electron included in the chapter.
microscope Throughout the text you will find words in bold
III. Arthropods—possess a hard exoskeleton and type (e.g., vector) that are defined in the glossary of
jointed appendages. Only those that are parasitic that chapter; a medical dictionary, however, will be
to humans and those that transmit parasitic dis- helpful to you in your studies. This text is best used
eases are included. in conjunction with a course that includes supple-
A. Phylum Arthropoda mentary hands-on laboratory experiences. By the
1. Class Insecta: flies, mosquitoes, bugs, lice, time you have worked through studying the
fleas helminths (which are presented first in the text),
2. Class Arachnida: ticks, mites your practice with microscopic and other techniques
will have made you more effective and efficient in
locating and identifying the small protozoa and in
* Classification derived from a scheme adopted by the Society of
differentiating them from other formed, unicellular
Protozoologists (Cox, 1993). structures or artifacts present in body specimens.
Recommended treatments (e.g., drugs or surgery) are
also included for each organism that can infect humans.
New regulatory requirements related to reagent and
HOW TO USE THIS TEXT specimen handling, as well as new findings and classifi-
cations of parasites, have mandated this newest edition.
To function as a competent practitioner and be pre- In addition to comprehensive presentations of each
pared to aid in the accurate diagnosis of parasitic parasite, an extensive descriptive key with accompany-
infections, you must exhibit knowledge and skills in ing color photographs is also included and is located at
both clinical and academic areas. This self-study text is the front of the book. These descriptions and pictures
designed to help you reach that goal. have been chosen carefully to provide important infor-
To prepare you to identify organisms that parasitize mation on each parasite discussed. The photographs and
humans, this book explains parasitism as a biological descriptive key are arranged in the same sequence as the
concept and introduces specific parasites of medical species are presented in the text and should be studied
importance. It also includes the information necessary as part of each chapter.
to assist in the diagnosis of infection. The life cycles of The pre-test at the end of this chapter is designed
parasites of major medical importance are displayed to allow you to evaluate your general knowledge of
graphically and pictorially to help you understand medical parasitology. Answers to this test are found
how transmission and control of the spread of infec- on page 189. Following each chapter, a brief post-
tion can occur and how the location of each parasite test enables you to judge your mastery of that par-
stage in the human body correlates with clinical ticular area. Answers to all post-tests are found at
symptoms and pathology. Knowing the life cycle helps the back of the book, beginning on page 189. Learn-
you understand which parasite stage will be seen in ing objectives at the beginning of each chapter
body specimens, such as blood, urine, feces, or spu- should guide your study and help prepare you for
tum; this is the key to diagnosis. the tests.
For a substantive review of the biology of any par- After reading the chapter objectives, you should
ticular parasite, you are referred to a variety of texts review the words found in the glossary at the beginning
and specific journal articles, as noted in the bibliogra- of each chapter. Each chapter contains review questions
phy of each chapter. The bibliographies include both that emphasize important points. You should respond
classic references in the field plus newer findings of in writing to each question, and then check the accu-
importance. Pertinent references have been included racy of your answers by rereading the chapter.
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6 CHAPTER 1 ■ Introduction

Review each chapter and its corresponding plates 5. Clonorchis sinensis is commonly known as the:
and plate key until you have successfully completed a. Beef tapeworm
your learning tasks, as determined by a satisfactory
b. Hookworm
score on the chapter post-test. A final examination at
the end of the text allows you to evaluate your overall c. Chinese liver fluke
self-paced learning accomplishment. A score of 80% d. Bladder worm
correct must be achieved to demonstrate minimally
satisfactory completion of each chapter, but you are 6. The most pathogenic ameba in humans is:
encouraged to review difficult-to-grasp material and a. Entamoeba histolytica
use supplementary reading materials until you are sat-
b. Entamoeba coli
isfied that you have learned the material completely.
Twelve practice case studies are also found in this c. Giardia lamblia
text. Answers for the cases are included at the end of d. Balantidium coli
the book.
7. Which of the following may be used to culture
amebae in the laboratory?
➤ PRE-TEST a. Horse serum
b. Wheatley trichrome
The following questions will help you evaluate your c. Loose moist soil
general knowledge of parasitology. Allow 30 minutes
d. Balamuth fluid
for completion of the test. The multiple-choice questions
are worth 6 points each; questions 11 and 12 are
8. Xenodiagnosis is used for which parasite?
worth 20 points each. Write your answers on separate
sheets of paper. a. Schistosoma mansoni
b. Trypanosoma cruzi
1. Pinworm disease may be diagnosed by which c. Loa loa
d. Wuchereria bancrofti
a. Direct fecal smear
b. Cellophane tape test 9. Diptera is an order of insects including which of the
c. Fecal concentration methods following?
d. Egg-count technique a. Mosquitoes
b. Lice
2. Taenia solium tapeworm infection occurs when: c. Fleas
a. Undercooked beef is eaten d. Bugs
b. Eggs are ingested from contaminated soil e. Ticks
c. Larvae invade the skin of the feet
d. Undercooked pork is eaten 10. The common name for Necator americanus is:
a. Pinworm
3. The most common helminth infection in the b. Trichina worm
United States is:
c. Hookworm
a. Necator americanus
d. Fish tapeworm
b. Ascaris lumbricoides
c. Enterobius vermicularis 11. Match the disease in the left column with the
d. Schistosoma mansoni correct causative parasite in the right column:
a. Dwarf tapeworm 1. Giardia lamblia
4. The definitive host for Plasmodium vivax is a: disease 2. Fasciola hepatica
a. Flea b. Threadworm 3. Hymenolepis nana
b. Human disease 4. Trichuris trichiura
c. Mosquito c. Traveler’s diarrhea 5. Strongyloides
d. Liver rot stercoralis
d. Fish
e. Whipworm
2543_Ch01_001-008.qxd 10/15/11 2:15 PM Page 7

CHAPTER 1 ■ Introduction 7

12. Define or explain the following terms: Gibbons, A: Researchers fret over neglect of 600 million
patients. Science 256:1135, 1992.
a. Vector
b. Host morbidity/malaria/.
c. Proglottid Guerrant, RL, et al (eds): Tropical Infectious Diseases: Prin-
ciples, Pathogens, and Practice. Churchill Livingstone,
d. Definitive host
Philadelphia, 1999.
e. Operculum Heelan, JS: Cases in Human Parasitology. ASM Press,
Washington, DC, 2004.
The answer key to all tests starts on page 189. Herms, WB: A Laboratory Guide to the Study of Parasitol-
ogy. Read Books, Bibliolife LLC open source publication
or published by: Karig Press May 16, 2008.
Hotez, PJ: Forgotten People and Forgotten Diseases: The
BIBLIOGRAPHY Neglected Tropical Diseases and Their Impact on Global
Health and Development. ASM Press, Washington, DC,
Ash, LR, and Orihel, TC (eds): Atlas of Human Parasitology,
ed 4. ASCP Press, Chicago, 2007.
Hotez, PJ, et al: Helminth infections: Soil-transmitted
Ahmed Tayeh1 and Sandy Cairncross Editorial: Dracuncu-
helminth infections and schistosomiasis. Disease Control
liasis eradication by 2009: Will endemic countries meet
Priorities in Developing Countries, ed 2. Oxford University
the target? Tropical Medicine and International Health
Press, New York, 2006, pp. 467-482.
doi:10.1111/j.1365-3156.2007.01947.x volume 12 no 12
Hotez, PJ, et al: Control of neglected tropical diseases.
pp 1403–1408 December, 2007.
N Engl J Med 357:1018-1027, 2007.
Bogitsh, BJ, Carter, CE, and Oeltmann, TN: Human Para-
Hotez PJ, Kamath A, 2009 Neglected Tropical Diseases in
sitology. CRC Press, Oxford, UK, 2005.
Sub-Saharan Africa: Review of Their Prevalence, Distrib-
Chan, MS: The global burden of intestinal nematode
ution, and Disease Burden. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 3(8):
infections—fifty years on. Parasitology Today 13:438–443,
e412. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000412.
Koneman, EW: Koneman’s Color Atlas and Textbook of
Cheng, TC, et al: Parasitic and Related Diseases: Basic Mech-
Diagnostic Microbiology (Color Atlas & Textbook of
anisms, Manifestations and Control. Plenum Press, New
Diagnostic Microbiology). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
York, 1985.
Philadelphia, 2005.
Cox, Feg (Ed): Modern Parasitology: A Textbook of Para-
Koneman, EW: Worms Wonders and Woes. Authorhouse,
sitology, ed2, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford,
Bloomington, Ind., 2006.
England, 1993.
Krasnov, BR: Functional and Evolutionary Ecology of Fleas:
Cox, Feg, et al (eds): Parasitology, Vol. 5. In Collier, L, et al
A Model for Ecological Parasitology. Cambridge University
(eds): Topley & Wilson’s Microbiology and Microbial In-
Press, 2008.
fections. Arnold, London, 1998.
Muller, R, Rollinson, D, and Hay, SI: Advances in Parasitol-
Crompton, DW: How much human helminthiasis is there in
ogy. Elsevier Health Science, Oxford, UK, 2007.
the world? J Parasitol 85(3):397–403, 1999.
Peters, W, and Gilles, HM: A Color Atlas of Tropical Medi-
Crompton, DW, and Nesheim, MC: Nutritional impact of in-
cine and Parasitology, ed 4. Mosby-Wolfe, London, 1995.
testinal helminthiasis during the human life cycle. Annu
Peters, W, and Pasvol, G: Atlas of Tropical Medicine and Par-
Rev Nutr 22:35-59, 2002.
asitology. Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 2007.
David, JT, Petri, WA, Markell, EK, and Voge, M: Markell and
Richardson, DJ, and Krause, PJ: Northern American Para-
Voge’s Medical Parasitology, ed 9. Elsevier Health
sitic Zoonoses. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell,
Science, Oxford, UK, 2006.
MA, 2003.
Daws, B (ed): Advances in Parasitology. Academic Press,
Stoll, NR: This wormy world. J Parasitol 33:1–18, 1947.
London, volumes published annually since 1962.
Wakelin, D: Immunity to Parasites: How Parasitic Infections
Garcia, LS: Diagnostic Medical Parasitology, ed 5. ASM
Are Controlled. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
Press, Washington, DC, 2007.
UK, 1996.
Garcia, LS: Practical Guide to Diagnostic Parasitology, ed 2.
ASM Press, Washington, DC, 2009.
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On completion of this chapter and study of its associated plates as described, the
student will be able to:
1. Define terminology specific for Nematoda.
2. State the scientific and common names of all intestinal nematodes for which humans
serve as the usual definitive host.
3. State the body specimen of choice to be used for examination to help diagnose
nematode infections.
4. State the geographic distribution and relative incidence of medically important
nematode infections.
5. Describe the general morphology of an adult nematode.
6. Describe the life-cycle development of parasitic intestinal nematodes from egg through
adult stages.
7. Differentiate the adult parasitic intestinal Nematoda by structure and location.
8. Given an illustration or photograph or an actual specimen (if given adequate
laboratory experience), identify the diagnostic stages of intestinal Nematoda.
9. Differentiate microfilariae found in infected human blood by the staining patterns of
cells in the tail and by the presence or absence of an embryonic sheath.
10. Discuss zoonotic nematode infections of humans and symptoms thereof.
11. Differentiate and discuss methods by which the Nematoda infect humans. Include the
scientific name of any required intermediate host and the infective stage for humans.
12. Perform generic identification of parasitic infections by detecting, recognizing, and
stating the scientific name of parasites present in biological laboratory specimens
(given appropriate laboratory experiences, as described in Chapter 7).
13. Use these learning objectives as guides for your acquisition of knowledge. Ensure that
you have acquired the information necessary to accomplish each learning task
described before you attempt the chapter post-test.

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10 CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda

incubation period. The time from initial infection

until the onset of clinical symptoms of a disease.
infective stage. The stage of the life cycle at which
autoreinfection. Reinfecting oneself. In the pinworm
the parasite is capable of entering and continuing
life cycle, infected individuals may reinfect them-
development within the host.
selves via hand-to-mouth transfer from scratching
intermediate host. A species of animal that serves as
the perianal region after the female worm has
a host for only the larval or sexually immature
deposited eggs. In other life cycles, infective eggs
stages of parasite development. Required part of
may hatch inside the host and then develop into an
the life cycle of that parasite.
adult (e.g., Strongyloides stercoralis, Hymenolepis nana).
larva (pl. larvae). An immature stage in the develop-
buccal capsule (cavity). Oral cavity of roundworms.
ment of a worm before becoming a mature adult.
(In the case of hookworms, the cavity contains
Nematodes molt several times during development,
species-specific cutting plates or cutting teeth.)
and each subsequent larval stage is increasingly
bursa (pl. bursae). Fan-shaped cartilage expansion
at the posterior end of some male nematodes (e.g.,
life cycle. Entrance into a host, growth, develop-
hookworms) that holds onto the female during
ment, reproduction, and subsequent transmission
of offspring to a new host.
copulatory spicules. Needlelike bodies possessed by
microfilaria (pl. microfilariae). The embryo stage
some male nematodes; spicules lie in pouches near
of a filaria parasite; usually in the blood or tissue of
the ejaculatory duct and may be inserted in the
humans; can be ingested by the arthropod interme-
vagina of the female worm during copulation.
diate host in which the microfilaria will develop to
corticated. Possessing an outer, mamillated, albu-
the infective stage.
minous coating, as on the eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides.
molt. A process of replacement of the old cuticle with
cutaneous larval migrans. A disease caused by the
an inner, new one and subsequent shedding of the
migration of larvae of Ancylostoma spp. (dog or cat
old, outer cuticle to allow for the growth and devel-
hookworm) or other helminth larvae traveling
opment of the larva; the actual shedding of the old
under the skin of humans. Larval migration is
cuticle is termed ecdysis.
marked by thin, red papular lines of eruption. Also
termed creeping eruption. Nematoda. A class of the animal phylum Nemath-
cuticle. The surface of roundworms; a tough protec- elminthes–the roundworms.
tive covering that is resistant to digestion. occult. Hidden; not apparent.
dermatitis. Inflammation of the skin. pathenogenic. Capable of unisexual reproduction;
diagnostic stage. A developmental stage of a patho- no fertilization is required (e.g., Strongyloides sterco-
genic organism that can be detected in human body ralis parasitic female).
secretions, discharges, feces, blood, or tissue by pathognomonic. Indicative of disease; characteristic
chemical means or microscopic observations. Iden- parthenogenic symptoms suggest the disease.
tification serves as an aid in diagnosis. periodicity. Recurring at a regular time period.
diurnal. Occurring during the daytime. pica. Habit of eating dirt or other unusual substances,
edema. Unusual excess fluid in tissue, causing swelling. such as chalk or plaster. Seen most often in children
elephantiasis. Overgrowth of the skin and subcuta- or rarely, in adults.
neous tissue in limbs or genitalia resulting from ob- prepatent period. The time elapsing between initial
structed circulation in the lymphatic vessels; can infection with the immature parasite and reproduc-
occur in the presence of some long-term chronic tion by the adult parasite.
filaria infections (e.g., Wuchereria bancrofti). pruritus. Intense itching. Pruritus ani refers to anal
enteritis. Inflammation of the intestine. itching, as in enterobiasis.
eosinophilia. High levels of circulating eosinophils in rectal prolapse. Weakening of the rectal musculature
the blood. resulting in a “falling down” of the rectum; occasion-
fecundity. Reproductive capacity. ally seen in heavy whipworm infections, particularly
filaria (pl. filariae). A nematode worm of the order in children.
Filariata; requires an arthropod intermediate host rhabditiform larvae. Noninfective, feeding, first-
for transmission of infection to humans. stage larvae; the larvae have an hourglass-shaped
filariform larva. Infective, nonfeeding, sheathed, esophagus.
third-stage larva; larva has a long, slender esophagus. tropical eosinophilia. A disease syndrome associ-
gravid. Pregnant; female has developing eggs, ated with high levels of blood eosinophils and an
embryos, or larvae in reproductive organs. asthma-like syndrome. Caused by zoonotic filaria
immunocompromised (immunosuppressed state). (or other nematode) infections in which no micro-
Depressed immune response system state; can accom- filariae are detectable in peripheral blood in most
pany various diseases or can be induced by drugs. cases.
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CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda 11

visceral larval migrans. A disease in humans caused to a new host. Developing larvae generally go through a
by the migration of the larval stage of the round- series of four molts during the incubation period.
worm Toxocara canis or T. cati through the liver, Most often it is the third-stage larva (the filariform
lungs, or other organs. The normal host of these stage) that is infective. Infection of humans with dif-
ascarids is the dog or cat. The disease is character- ferent species of roundworms is by ingestion of the
ized by hypereosinophilia and hepatomegaly and infective stage egg or larva, by larval penetration
often by pneumonia. Migrating larvae can invade through the skin of the host, or via transmission of
ocular spaces and cause retinal damage. This migra- larvae by the bite of an insect. The development of a
tion is called ocular larval migrans (OLM). parasite to the infective stage, the manner in which
humans become infected, and the life cycle are differ-
ent for each parasite species.
Of the species of nematodes that are parasitic for
INTRODUCTION humans, about half reside as adult worms in the intes-
tinal tract; the other species are found as adults in
The class Nematoda includes both metabolically inde- various human tissues. The pathogenicity of intestinal
pendent free-living species and parasitic species that nematodes may be due, in part, to migration of adults
have a metabolic dependence on one or more host or larvae through human tissues such as liver or
species to continue their life cycles. As a group, the ne- lungs, piercing of the intestinal wall, bloodsucking
matodes are referred to as roundworms because they are activities of adult worms, or allergic reactions to sub-
round when viewed in cross-section. The different stances secreted or excreted by either adult worms or
species vary in size from a few millimeters to more than larval stages. This can be serious in heavy infections.
1 meter in length. There are separate sexes, with the Pathogenicity induced by the tissue-dwelling adult
male generally being smaller than the female. The male roundworms primarily results from immune and non-
often has a curved or coiled posterior end with copula- specific host responses to the parasite secretions and
tory spicules and, in some species, a bursa. The adult excretions and to degenerating parasite material. In
anterior end may have oral hooks, teeth, or plates in some cases it may result from circulating larval stages.
the buccal capsule (cavity) for the purpose of attach- Migrating nematodes are usually associated with
ment. It also may have small body surface projections, blood or tissue eosinophilia. Most infected persons
known as setae or papillae, which are thought to be sen- have low worm burdens and modest symptoms.
sory in nature. Body development is fairly complex. Figure 2-1 is a generalized example of a life cycle
The exterior resistant surface of the adult worm is called that illustrates the key points to study while learning
the cuticle; this is underlain with several muscle lay- about any parasite. Understanding the life cycle is the
ers. The internal organ systems include a complex key to understanding how to break the cycle in nature
nerve cord; a well-developed digestive system (oral and thereby control the transmission of parasitic dis-
buccal capsule, muscular esophagus, gut, and anus); eases. Minimally, you must know the five parts of a
and complete, tubular, coiled reproductive organs, life cycle noted on the sample figure:
which are proportionally very large and complex. 1. Location of the parasite stage in a human host (e.g.,
In the male, reproductive organs include the testes, vas adults in intestinal tract or in tissue site).
deferens, seminal vesicle, and ejaculatory duct. The 2. The means by which parasite stages leave the human host
female reproductive organs include two ovaries, (e.g., eggs in feces; feeding insect ingests larval stage
oviducts, uterine seminal receptacle, and vagina. A from tissue). Usually, the parasite stage that is seen
female can produce from several hundred up to millions and identified in the laboratory is found when
of offspring, depending on the species. Fecundity is examining a fecal or tissue specimen from an
usually proportional to the complexity of the life cycle of infected human. A parasite stage that is routinely
the parasite—those involving direct-contact transmis- recognized in a biological specimen and thus serves
sion to a new host produce the fewest offspring; those as a key to diagnosis is termed the diagnostic stage.
requiring multiple hosts often produce the most. 3. When the parasite is infective. The parasite stage that is
Humans are the definitive host for the roundworms of infective to humans (e.g., the third-stage larva) is
medical importance because humans harbor the termed the infective stage. To understand how
reproducing adult roundworms. Depending on the the potential spread of the disease can be halted,
species, the adult female nematode produces either fer- you must know if external development is required
tilized eggs or larvae that may be infective to a new host for the parasite to reach infectivity (e.g., eggs
by one of three routes: (1) Eggs may be immediately develop in the soil) or if it spends a part of the life
infective by being ingested, (2) eggs or larvae may cycle in another host.
require a period of external development to reach the in- 4. The means by which a new human host is infected (e.g.,
fective stage, or (3) an insect may transmit eggs or larvae egg is ingested; larvae enter through skin).
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12 CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda

An example of a life cycle


5. Sites of development and maturation of the parasite in of medical importance that are included in this section.
humans (e.g., it migrates through the intestinal On the following pages are the life-cycle diagrams,
wall, liver, and lungs and then is coughed up and disease names, some of the major pathology and
reswallowed into the intestinal tract). symptoms caused by infection with these round-
worms, distribution, and other points of diagnostic
importance. Also see Atlas Plates 1 to 27 and their
accompanying descriptions. When you complete the
INTESTINAL NEMATODES study of each organism, you should be able to write:
1. The scientific name
Table 2-1 lists the scientific genus and species names 2. The common name
and the common names for the intestinal roundworms 3. The location of the adults in humans

TABLE 2-1 ■ Intestinal Roundworms

Order Scientific Name (genus and species) Common Name
Ascaridida Enterobius vermicularis (en”tur-o’bee-us/vur-mick-yoo-lair’is) pinworm, seatworm
Trochocephalia Trichuris trichiura (Trick-yoo’ris/trick”ee-yoo’ruh) whipworm
Ascaridida Ascaris lumbricoides (as-kar-is/lum-bri-koy’deez) large intestinal roundworm
Strongylida Necator americanus (ne-kay’tur/ah-merr”l-kay’nus) New World hookworm
Strongylida Ancylostoma duodenale (An”si-los’tuh’muh/dew’o-de-nay’lee) Old World hookworm
Rhabditida Strongyloides stercoralis (Stron”ji-loy’-deez/stur”ko-ray’lis) threadworm
Trichocephalida Trichinella spiralis (trick”i-nel’uh/spy-ray’lis) trichina worm
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CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda 13

4. The diagnostic stage and body specimen of choice the scientific name aloud and spelling it on paper. The
for examination correct pronunciation of each parasite’s name can be
5. The method of infection of humans heard in the DavisPlus online flash card activity. In ad-
6. Other specific information pertinent to the diagno- dition to the life-cycle charts, Table 2-2 will help you
sis of each parasitic infection review the pertinent information for each parasite,
including the epidemiology and the major disease
Proper pronunciation of the scientific name is given
manifestations that these parasites cause. The second
beneath each name in Table 2-1. Practice pronouncing

TABLE 2-2 ■ Important Intestinal Nematode Infections

Disease-Producing Major Disease Manifestations,
Scientific and Form and Its Location Diagnostic Stage, and
Common Name Epidemiology in Host How Infection Occurs Specimen of Choice

Enterobius vermicularis Worldwide Adult worms in colon, eggs Infective eggs are dis- Perianal itching caused by local
(pinworm) on perianal region charged by the gravid irritation from scratching; diag-
female on perianal skin; nosis: eggs found by cellophane
eggs are transferred test (p. 150)
from hand to mouth
Trichuris trichiura Worldwide, Adult worms in colon Ingestion of eggs con- Light infection—asymptomatic;
(whipworm) especially in taining mature larvae heavy infection—enteritis, diar-
moist, warm from infected soil or rhea, rectal prolapse; diagnosis:
climates food eggs in feces
Ascaris lumbricoides Worldwide, Larval migration through liver Ingestion of eggs con- Light infection—asymptomatic;
(large intestinal especially in and lungs, adult worms in taining mature larvae heavy infection—pneumonia
roundworm) moist, warm small intestine from infected soil or from larval migration, diarrhea,
climates food and bowel or appendix obstruc-
tion; diagnosis: eggs or adults in
Trichinella spiralis Worldwide Adults in small intestine, Ingestion of encysted Gastric distress, fever, eye
(trichina worm) larval migration, larvae encyst larva in undercooked edema, acute muscle pain,
in striated muscle meat (pork or bear) eosinophilia; diagnosis:
encysted larvae in muscle
biopsy; serology
Necator americanus United States, Larval migration, ground itch, Eggs shed in feces, ma- Repeated infection results in
(New World hookworm) West Africa, adults in small intestine ture in soil, larvae hatch larval dermatitis with later pul-
Asia, and South and mature, infective (fi- monary symptoms, microcytic
Pacific lariform) larvae pene- hypochromic anemia from
trate host skin, espe- chronic blood loss if heavy in-
cially feet fection and poor diet; diagnosis:
eggs in feces
Ancylostoma duodenale Europe, Brazil, As for Necator americanus As for Necator As for Necator americanus
(Old World hookworm) Mediterranean americanus
area, and Asia
Strongyloides stercoralis Worldwide, Larval migration, pulmonary Immature (rhabditiform) Repeated infection results in
(threadworm) warm areas signs, adults in small intestine larvae are shed in feces, larval dermatitis with later
develop in soil; infective pulmonary symptoms, heavy
(filariform) larvae pene- infections—abdominal pain,
trate host skin, espe- vomiting, and diarrhea; moder-
cially feet; autoreinfec- ate eosinophilia, immunosup-
tion by maturing larvae pressed host may suffer severe
in intestine; soil- symptoms or death from heavy
dwelling, nonparasitic worm burdens inasmuch as au-
adults may produce ad- toinfection may occur; diagno-
ditional infective-stage sis: rhabditiform larvae in feces
Dracunculus medinensis Africa, Asia, Adults live in subcutaneous Ingestion of water con- Systemic allergic symptoms and
(Guinea worm) South America; tissues, females migrate taining crustaceans local ulcer formation; diagnosis:
no periodicity; (larvae released from skin infected with larvae adult in skin ulcer, larvae
Cyclops ulcer) released into water
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14 CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda

section of this chapter covers the tissue nematodes in material presented. Check your answers by reviewing
the same manner as the intestinal nematodes and the the chapter.
third section discusses nematode zoonoses. While All other chapters of this book follow the same for-
learning the text material, be sure to also study the mat. When you think you have mastered these chapter
corresponding pictures and descriptive key found in materials (as outlined in the learning objectives), you
the Atlas at the front of the book. By answering each will be ready to take the post-test on the section. The
of the “For Review” questions found in each chapter, directions for each test are included on the test pages
you will be able to test your understanding of the and the answer key begins on page 189.

Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm, seatworm)

Method of Diagnosis
Recover eggs or yellowish white female adult from
perianal region with a cellophane tape preparation
taken early in the morning when the patient first
wakes (see Chapter 7, p. 150).
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CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda 15

Diagnostic Stage

Disease Names remain infective for only a few days. Cleaning eggs
■ Enterobiasis from the environment and treating all persons in
■ Pinworm or seatworm infection the household are important to break the life cycle.
3. Eggs are rarely found in fecal samples because
Major Pathology and Symptoms release is external to the intestine. Adult females
1. Many cases are asymptomatic. Occasionally, severe occasionally can be recovered on cellophane tape
clinical problems develop. preparation used to find eggs on the perianal area.
2. Rarely, the disease causes serious lesions, which are 4. Hatched larvae on perianal area may migrate back
usually limited to minute ulcers and mild inflamma- into the rectum and large intestine and develop
tion of the intestine. About half of all patients report into adults (retroinfection) or autoreinfection
abdominal pain. (ingestion of eggs) can occur.
3. Other symptoms are associated with the migration
of the gravid female out from the anus to lay her

eggs on the perianal region at night. FOR REVIEW

a. Cardinal feature: Hypersensitivity reaction from
autoreinfection causing severe perianal itch- 1. Write the scientific name for seatworm:
ing; eggs get on hands from scratching and are
ingested; pruritus ani is pathognomonic
b. Mild nausea or vomiting
c. Loss of sleep and irritability 2. Draw and label a picture of the diagnostic stage for
d. Slight irritation to intestinal mucosa this parasite.
e. Vulval irritation in girls from migrating worms
entering vagina

Mebendazole or pyrantel pamoate; warm tap-water
enemas; may need to treat the whole household be-
cause eggs are easily spread in the environment.
3. The diagnostic test for this parasite is the
Distribution is worldwide, but it is more prevalent in
temperate climates. E. vermicularis is the most com-
test and is best performed in the A.M.
mon helminth infection in the United States. It is a
group infection, especially common among children.
or P.M. ______________________________________.
Of Note
1. Humans are the only known host. Infection is gen- 4. This infection can be increased in the host by
erally self-limiting.
2. Each female produces up to 15,000 eggs. Most eggs
become infective within 4 hours of release and or __________________________________________.
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16 CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda

Trichuris trichiura (whipworm)

Method of Diagnosis
Recover and identify characteristic eggs in feces.

Diagnostic Stage
Egg undeveloped,
unicellular embryo

smooth shell surface; thick

yellow-brown shell color
due to bile staining

hyaline plug
at each pole
50 µm x 25 µm

Disease Names filtrations but no decrease in goblet cells. The sur-

■ Trichuriasis face of the colon may be matted with worms. Pa-
■ Whipworm infection tients will have:
a. Bloody or mucoid diarrhea
Major Pathology and Symptoms b. Weight loss and weakness
1. Persons with slight infection are asymptomatic, c. Abdominal pain and tenderness (colitis may be
with no treatment required. seriously debilitating)
2. Heavy infection (500 to 5,000 worms) simulates ul- d. Increased peristalsis and rectal prolapse, espe-
cerative colitis in children and inflammatory bowel cially in children
disease in adults. Histology reveals eosinophil in 3. Chronic infections in children can stunt growth.
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CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda 17

4. Stool is loose with mucus (and obvious blood) in
heavy infection.
1. Draw the life cycle for whipworm.

T. trichiura is prevalent in warm countries and areas of
poor sanitation. In the United States, it is prevalent in 2. Draw and label a picture of the diagnostic stage for
the warm, humid climate of the South. It is the third this parasite.
most common intestinal helminth in the United
States. It is more common among children and men-
tally disabled people.

Of Note 3. Why are children more commonly infected than

1. Double infections commonly occur with Ascaris be- adults?
cause of the similar method of human infection
(i.e., ingestion of eggs from fecally contaminated
soil). Pica is not an unusual occurrence in children.
2. Drug treatment may cause production of distorted
eggs that have bizarre shapes when seen in a fecal 4. Double infections can occur most commonly with
3. Zoonosis infection can occur with pig or dog
species of whipworm. _____________________________________________.

Ascaris lumbricoides (large intestinal roundworm)

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18 CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda

Method of Diagnosis
Recover and identify fertile (corticated or not) or infer-
tile eggs in feces. Sedimentation concentration test is
recommended instead of flotation. Enzyme-linked im-
munosorbent assay (ELISA) serologic test is available.

Diagnostic Stage

Disease Names 3. Complications from intestinal obstruction are

■ Ascariasis caused by tangling of the large worms or migration
■ Roundworm infection of adults to other sites, such as the appendix, bile
■ Large intestinal roundworm infection duct, or liver (detectable by radiograph).
4. Migrating adults (22 to 35 cm long) may exit by
Major Pathology and Symptoms the nose, mouth, or anus. They are large, creamy,
1. Tissue phase: With heavy or repeated infection, and white and have a cone-shaped tapered ante-
pneumonia, cough, low-grade fever, and 30% to rior; the male has a curved tail.
50% eosinophilia (Löffler’s syndrome) result from
migration of larvae through the lungs (1 to 2 weeks Treatment
after ingestion of eggs). Allergic asthmatic reaction 1. Mebendazole or pyrantel pamoate
may occur with reinfection. 2. Piperazine citrate
2. Intestinal phase: Intestinal or appendix obstruction 3. Levamisole
results from migrating adults in heavy infections. 4. Corticosteroid treatment (helps symptoms of
a. Vomiting and abdominal pain result from adult severe pulmonary phase)
migration. 5. Nasogastric suction and drug treatment or surgery
b. Protein malnutrition can occur in children with for intestinal obstruction by adults
heavy infections and poor diets.
c. Some patients are asymptomatic.
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CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda 19

A. lumbricoides is prevalent in warm countries and
areas of poor sanitation. It coexists with T. trichiura in
1. Write the scientific name for the large intestinal
the United States, which is found predominantly
in the Appalachian Mountains and adjacent regions
to the east, south, and west. The eggs of these two
species require the same soil conditions for develop-
ment to the infective state and infection for both is by
ingestion of infective eggs. 2. Draw and label pictures of the two diagnostic forms
of the eggs of this parasite.
Of Note
1. Ascaris is the largest adult intestinal nematode.
2. Adults are active migrators when provoked by
fever, certain drugs, and anesthesia, and they may
tangle and block the intestine or migrate through
the intestine or appendix and come out of the
mouth or anus. Mortality mainly results from in-
testinal complications in heavy infections.
3. Ascaris is the second most common intestinal
helminth infection in the United States and the 3. List the route of the migration of the larva after it
most common infection worldwide. escapes from the eggshell.
4. The adult female lays up to 250,000 eggs per day.
5. Eggs may remain infective in soil or water for
years; they are resistant to chemicals.

Necator americanus (New World hookworm) and Ancylostoma

duodenale (Old World hookworm)
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20 CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda

Method of Diagnosis
Recover and identify hookworm eggs in fresh or pre-
served feces. Species cannot be differentiated by egg

Diagnostic Stage

Note: Eggs of these species are almost identical.

Disease Name is found in Europe; South America; Asia, including

Hookworm disease China; Africa; and the Caribbean. Other Ancylostoma
species are found in the Far East. Hookworms are com-
Major Pathology and Symptoms mon in agrarian areas with poor sanitation. Almost one-
1. After repeated infection, severe allergic itching devel- fourth of the world’s population is assumed to be in-
ops at site of skin penetration by infective larvae; this fected with hookworms.
condition is known as “ground itch.” Penetration
stings and an erythematous papule forms. Of Note
2. Larvae migrate through lungs: Intra-alveolar hem- 1. Moist, warm regions and bare-skin contact with
orrhage and mild pneumonia with cough, wheez- sandy soil are optimal conditions for contracting
ing, sore throat, bloody sputum, and headache heavy infections in areas of poor sanitation. These
occur in heavy infections. Reaction is more severe parasites are often found in the same soil condi-
in reinfections. tions as Ascaris and Trichuris.
3. Intestinal phase of infection: 2. Delayed fecal examination can result in larval devel-
a. Acute (heavy worm burden producing more than opment and egg hatching; therefore, Strongyloides
5,000 eggs per gram [EPG] of feces): enteritis, larvae must be differentiated from hookworm larvae
epigastric distress in 20% to 50%, anorexia, (see Atlas Plates 21 and 25). Hookworm rhabditi-
diarrhea, pain, microcytic hypo-chromic iron form larvae have a long buccal capsule; Strongy-
deficiency anemia with accompanying weakness, loides rhabditiform larvae have a short buccal cap-
signs of hypoproteinemia, edema, and loss of sule and a bulbous esophagus.
strength from blood loss caused by adult worms 3. Adults are voracious bloodsuckers. Heavy infection
b. Chronic light worm burden showing fewer than can result in 100 mL of blood loss per day; there-
500 EPG is the usual form of this infection; fore, provide dietary and iron therapy support
slight anemia, weakness, or weight loss; non- along with drug treatment, as necessary.
specific mild gastrointestinal symptoms (may be 4. Animal species of hookworm larvae such as
subclinical) A. braziliense can migrate subcutaneously through
c. Symptoms secondary to the iron deficiency the human skin after penetration, causing allergic
anemia caused by blood loss; hyperplasia of reaction in the migration tracks (cutaneous larval
bone marrow and spleen migrans).
d. High eosinophilia 5. Differentiate adults by buccal capsule and bursa
(see Atlas Plates 21 and 25).
Treatment 6. Ancylostoma filariform larvae can infect orally and
Mebendazole or pyrantel pamoate, iron-replacement possibly by transmammary or transplacental passage.
therapy, thiabendazole ointment for cutaneous lar- 7. Pica contributes to infection and is a common
val migrans. symptom.

N. americanus is found in North and South America;
Asia, including China and India; and Africa. A. duodenale
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CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda 21
➤ 3. Describe how the two species are differentiated.
1. Write the scientific and common names for the two
hookworm species:
4. The infective larval form is also called the

2. Why might you find hookworm larvae in a fecal

Strongyloides stercoralis (threadworm)

Method of Diagnosis must be differentiated from hookworm larvae when

Recover and identify rhabditiform larvae in feces, found in feces; see Atlas Plates 21 and 25.) Serology is
which are present in low numbers. Also, the presence EIA. Larvae may be in sputum in disseminated strongy-
of hookwormlike eggs or larvae in duodenal drainage loidiasis. In severe cases, intestinal radiograph shows
fluid or from Entero-Test capsule is diagnostic. (Larvae loss of mucosal pattern, rigidity, and tubular narrowing.
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22 CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda

Diagnostic Stage

Disease Names Distribution

■ Strongyloidiasis Distribution is in warm areas, tropics, and subtropics
■ Threadworm infection worldwide (similar to hookworm).

Major Pathology and Symptoms Of Note

1. Major clinical features are abdominal pain, diar- 1. The parasitic female is parthenogenic; therefore,
rhea, and urticaria, with eosinophilia. multiplication and autoreinfection can develop in
2. Skin shows recurring allergic, raised, itchy, red the same host.
wheals from larval penetration. 2. Internal infection can continue for years because of
3. Migration of larvae: Primary symptoms are in maintenance of autoreinfection.
the lungs; bronchial verminous (from worms) 3. Strongyloidiasis is difficult to treat.
pneumonia. 4. Often, T-lymphocyte function is defective.
4. Intestinal symptoms include abdominal pain, diar- 5. Strongyloides larvae are not recovered using the zinc
rhea, constipation, vomiting, weight loss, variable sulfate flotation technique; the sedimentation con-
anemia, eosinophilia, and protein-losing enteropa- centration method is preferred.
thy. Light infections are often asymptomatic; gross 6. Heterogonic development with its free-living cycle
lesions are usually absent. The bowel is edematous producing infectious larvae is influenced by envi-
and congested with heavy infection. ronmental conditions.
5. S. stercoralis has caused sudden deterioration and
S. stercoralis has a heterogonic life cycle that consists
death in immunocompromised persons because
of a parasitic generation and a free-living generation.
of heavy autoinfection and larval migration through-
The parasitic stage has a homogenic life cycle, while
out body (hyperinfection), with bacterial infection
the free-living stage has a heterogonic life cycle. The
secondary to larval spread and intestinal leakage.
heterogonic life cycle is advantageous to the parasite
because it allows reproduction for one or more gener-
Treatment ations in the absence of a host.
1. Thiabendazole (not always successful)
2. Albendazole
3. Ivermectin
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CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda 23
➤ 3. List the characteristic(s) that differentiate this para-
FOR REVIEW site’s first stage larvae from hookworm larvae.
1. Write the scientific name for the threadworm:

4. Which concentration technique is preferred for this

2. How can you recover and identify the diagnostic stage
for this parasite?

Trichinella spiralis (trichinoses; trichinellosis)

Method of Diagnosis
Identification of encysted larvae in biopsied muscle;
serologic testing (ELISA) 3 to 4 weeks after infection.
A history of eating undercooked pork or bear, fever,
muscle pain, bilateral periorbital edema, and rising
eosinophilia warrants presumptive diagnosis.
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24 CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda

Diagnostic Stage
Larva encysted in a muscle cell (called the
“nurse cell”)

Note: Granuloma forms around nurse cell and becomes calcified over time.

Disease Names symptoms vary depending on the location and

■ Trichinosis number of larvae present. Larvae encyst in skeletal
■ Trichinellosis muscles of limbs, diaphragm, and face, but they in-
vade other muscles as well. Weakness and fatigue
Major Pathology and Symptoms develop.
1. Intestinal phase shows small intestine edema and in- 4. Focal lesions show periorbital edema, splinter
flammation, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diar- hemorrhages of fingernails, retinal hemorrhages,
rhea, headache, and fever (1st week after infection). and rash.
2. Migration phase shows high fever (104ºF), blurred
vision, edema of the face and eyes, cough, pleural Treatment
pains, and eosinophilia (15% to 40%) lasting 1. Nonlife-threatening infection (self-limiting): rest,
1 month in heavy infection; death can occur dur- analgesics, and antipyretics
ing this phase in 4th to 8th week after infection. 2. Life-threatening infection: prednisone; thiabenda-
3. Muscular phase shows acute local inflammation zole (caution—effectiveness not proven; may have
with edema and pain of the musculature. Other side effects)
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CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda 25

Distribution is worldwide among meat-eating popula-
tions and rare in the tropics. The prevalence in the
1. Write the scientific name for trichinosis:
United States is low with only about 12 cases
recognized and reported per year in the United States
from 1997 to 2001. Most cases were acquired by
eating undercooked, infected wild game, especially
bear meat. 2. Describe the diagnostic stage and method of diagno-
sis for this parasite.
Of Note
1. Zoonosis: Carnivorous mammals are the primary
hosts. This condition is found in most species.
2. Multiple cases are often related to one source of
3. What is the characteristic feature seen in peripheral
undercooked infected meat.
blood during the migration phase of the life cycle?
3. Cooking meat to 137ºF or freezing for 20 days at
5ºF will kill larvae.

4. List three animals that may harbor this parasite:

and _________________________________________

Dracunculus medinensis (Guinea worm)

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26 CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda

Method of Diagnosis caseload has dropped from about 3.5 million to less
Visually observe painful skin blisters or emerging than 18,000 cases in 2010 because of the eradication
worm; induce release of larvae from skin ulcer when efforts by many organizations.
cold water is applied.

Disease Names FOR REVIEW
■ Dracunculus
■ Guinea worm 1. Write the scientific name for Guinea worm:

Major Pathology and Symptoms

1. Allergic reaction occurs during migration.
2. The papule develops into a blister, usually on the 2. Describe the method of transmission for this parasite.
feet or legs that ruptures.
3. Secondary bacterial infections or reaction to aber-
rant migration of larvae or adults may cause
disability or death.

Treatment Review Table 2-2 before proceeding to the next section,

1. Removal of adult from skin (slow withdrawal from Filariae: Tissue Nematodes. This review will help you
blister by wrapping it around a revolving small focus on the important details found in this section of
stick over several days; this process may be com- the material.
pleted in a few days but usually requires weeks or
even months)
2. Surgical removal of adult
3. Aspirin for pain; antihistamines may reduce
4. Prevention of secondary infection FILARIAE: TISSUE NEMATODES
Distribution Table 2-3 lists the scientific and common names for
D. medinensis is found in the Middle East, India, the members of the superfamily Filarioidea (the tissue
Pakistan, and Africa. roundworms) to be discussed in this section.

Of Note General Life Cycle

1. D. medinensis is the largest adult nematode parasitic
in humans. Adult filariae live in various human tissue locations.
2. There is no effective immunity to reinfection. In general, fertilized adult female filariae living in the
3. The World Health Organization (WHO) is sponsoring tissues produce living embryos (microfilariae) that
an attempt at global eradication through the promo- migrate into lymphatics, blood, or skin. These parasites
tion of drinking water filtration (T-shirts or gauze can require an arthropod intermediate host for trans-
be used) to strain out infected copepods. The WHO mission of infection. If the arthropod ingests microfi-
also sponsors an education campaign to keep people lariae while taking a blood meal, the larvae molt twice
out of the water when adult worms are protruding inside the arthropod intermediate host and molts into
from the body. Since 1986 the total worldwide the infective stage filariform larvae. These larvae are

TABLE 2-3 ■ Filariae

Scientific Name Common Name

Wuchereria bancrofti (wooch-ur-eer’ee-uh/ban-krof’tye) Bancroft’s filaria

Brugia malayi (broog’ee-uh/may-lay eye) Malayan filaria
Loa loa (lo’uh/lo’uh) eyeworm
Onchocerca volvulus (onk’o-sur’kuh/vol’vew-lus) blinding filaria
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CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda 27

released from the insect’s proboscis and enter a new ozzardi, found in Central and South America, appar-
human definitive host when the arthropod next feeds ently do not induce pathology but do produce micro-
on blood. The entering larvae migrate to the appropri- filariae in the blood. Mansonella streptocerca, found in
ate tissue site and develop to become adults. Matura- tropical Africa, produces microfilariae that are found
tion can take up to 1 year. in the skin, as does Onchocerca volvulus. Therefore, any
In some species, the microfilariae are more preva- microfilariae found in blood or tissue must be differ-
lent in peripheral blood at specific times of the day or entiated; the diagnostic stages of the species are illus-
evening (i.e., they exhibit periodicity). These times trated to aid in the differential diagnosis of filariasis.
appear to coincide with the usual feeding pattern of Atlas Plates 28–33 further illustrate these parasites.
the arthropod intermediate host species. Nocturnal or Information on the following pages is keyed by
diurnal periodicity is noted in Table 2-4. number according to genus and species. These num-
At least three other species of filariae are common bers also will be used in the diagrams: 1 = Wuchereria
parasites of humans. Mansonella perstans, found in bancrofti; 2 = Brugia malayi; 3 = Loa loa; 4 = Onchocerca
Africa and Central and South America, and Mansonella volvulus.

TABLE 2-4 ■ Important Filarial Infections

Epidemiology, Disease-Producing Major Disease Manifestations,
Scientific and Periodicity, and Form and Its Location Diagnostic Stage, and
Common Name Intermediate Host in Host How Infection Occurs Specimen of Choice

Wuchereria bancrofti Tropics, noctur- Adults live in the lymphatics Filariform larvae enter Invades lymphatics and causes
(Bancroft’s filaria) nal periodicity, (microfilariae in blood) through bite wound into granulomatous lesions, chills,
Culex, Aedes, the blood when the fever, eosinophilia, and eventual
and Anopheles mosquito bites a human elephantiasis
mosquitoes to take a blood meal
Brugia malayi Far East, noc- As for Wuchereria bancrofti As for Wuchereria As for Wuchereria bancrofti
(Malayan filaria) turnal periodic- bancrofti
ity, Anopheles
and Mansonia
Loa loa (eyeworm) Africa, diurnal Adults migrate throughout As for Wuchereria ban- Chronic and benign disease;
periodicity, the subcutaneous tissues crofti, except the vector diagnosis: microfilariae in blood;
Chrysops fly (microfilariae in blood) is a bloodsucking fly serology; Calabar swelling
(a transient, subcutaneous
Onchocerca volvulus Central Amer- Adults live in fibrotic nodules As for Wuchereria ban- Chronic and nonfatal; allergy to
(blinding filaria) ica and Africa, (microfilariae migrate subcu- crofti, except the vector microfilariae causes local
no periodicity, taneously) is a bloodsucking fly symptoms—may cause
Simulium blindness; diagnosis: adults in
(black fly) excised nodules; microfilariae in
skin snips of nodule
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28 CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda


1. Wuchereria bancrofti
2. Brugia malayi
3. Loa loa
4. Onchocerca volvulus

Method of Diagnosis
A. 1-3. (Numbers refer to organisms in the Filariae life cycle diagram.) Locate microfilariae (200 to 300 ␮m) in
stained blood smear (see p. 152). Also, you can centrifuge blood samples and lyse red blood cells to concentrate
microfilariae in the specimen before staining (see p. 154, Knott technique).
4. Locate microfilariae in skin snips of tissue nodule.
B. Use serology (lacks specificity).

Differentiation of Microfilariae as Seen in a Stained Blood Smear

Examine for the presence or absence of a sheath (a thin, translucent eggshell remnant covering the body of the
microfilaria and extending past the head and tail).
Also, examine the tail area of microfilaria for the presence or absence of cells that exhibit a characteristic
array of stained nuclei.
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CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda 29

The tail of microfilaria of Onchocerca volvulus as seen in a tissue scraping from the nodular mass containing the
adult filaria or from a skin snip shows no sheath, nuclei not terminal, and a straight tail.
The tail of Mansonella streptocerca microfilaria is bent like a fishhook. These microfilariae are also found in skin snips.

Disease Names
Filariasis (generic)
1. Elephantiasis, Bancroft’s filariasis
2. Malayan filariasis
3. Eyeworm
4. Blinding filaria; river blindness

Major Pathology and Symptoms

Diagnosis is difficult because symptoms are broad in spectrum. The diagnosis depends on identification of microfilariae.
1-2. In the early acute phase, fever and lymphangitis are seen; after years of repeated exposure, chronic elephantia-
sis develops because of obstruction of lymphatics, lymph stasis, and lymphedematous changes. Adults in lym-
phatics sequentially induce dilation, inflammation, and, after death of the adult worm, a surrounding granulo-
matous thickening of lymphatic walls. Finally, obstruction and resultant enlargement occur below the blocked
area. Malayan filariasis is more often asymptomatic. In endemic areas, “filaria fevers” are seen, with recurrent
acute lymphangitis and adenolymphangitis without microfilariae. Also seen is tropical eosinophilia or Wein-
garten’s syndrome (which resembles asthma) with high eosinophilia and no microfilariae.
3. Localized subcutaneous edema (Calabar swellings), particularly around the eye, are caused by microfilariae
migration and death in capillaries (more serious in visitors to endemic areas). Living adults cause no inflamma-
tion; dying adults induce a granulomatous reaction. Proteinuria and endomyocardial fibrosis also occur.
4. Fibrotic nodules on the skin encapsulate adults (onchocercomas). Progressively severe allergic onchoder-
matitis (pigmented rash) develops; blindness occurs from the presence of microfilariae in all ocular struc-
tures (very prevalent in Africa and on Central American coffee plantations).
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30 CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda

Treatment d. Malayan filaria:

1. Diethylcarbamazine; ivermectin kills microfilariae
2. Diethylcarbamazine
3. Diethylcarbamazine (also prophylactically)
4. Ivermectin 2. Define periodicity and explain why it is important to
know a parasite’s periodicity.
1. Distribution is spotty worldwide; it occurs in tropi-
cal and subtropical areas.
2. Filiariae are found in East and Southeast Asia. 3. List the general characteristics that must be noted to
3. They are found in the rainforest belt in Africa. differentiate the various microfilariae.
4. They are found in Central America and equatorial

Of Note
1. Mosquito resistance to insecticides and coastal-
dwelling human populations are increasing the Review Table 2-4 before proceeding to the next section,
incidence of exposure to infection. Zoonoses. This review will help you focus on the im-
2. Eosinophilic lung (tropical eosinophilia), an asthma- portant details found in this section of the material.
like syndrome, may be caused by occult filariasis or
3. Onchocerciasis is the major cause of blindness in
Africa; insect control is difficult because the Simulium
spp. (intermediate host) breeds in running water.
4. Filarial infection can induce an immunosuppressed ZOONOSES
state in the host that prevents a reaction to the para-
site, but immune-mediated inflammatory responses A zoonosis is a biological life-cycle situation—not a class
or immunologic hyperreactive immunopathology of parasites. Some parasites that usually live only in an-
(elephantiasis response) can still occur. imals and survive in “the wild” without any life-cycle
need for humans can sometimes infect humans. When
this happens, the parasite is living in an unnatural host

FOR REVIEW and will cause symptoms in this accidental host. Many
types of parasites cause zoonotic infections but the
1. Write the scientific name for each of the following: nematode group comprises most of the important
zoonotic infections seen in humans.
a. Bancroft’s filaria:
Zoonoses are accidental infections in humans by par-
asites that usually have other animals as their hosts.
Although the animal host and its parasites have
evolved together and may tolerate each other well, in
b. blinding filaria: an abnormal host, such as a human, the parasite can
often cause serious pathology. Table 2-5 lists the scien-
tific names of some nematode zoonotic parasites, their
geographic locations, usual animal hosts, disease, and
symptoms produced in humans after accidental
c. eyeworm:
infection. Although these parasites do not normally
complete a full life cycle in humans, it is nevertheless
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CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda 31

TABLE 2-5 ■ Important Zoonotic Infections

Method of
Scientific and Geographic Normal Animal Infection of
Common Name Location Host Disease Symptoms in Humans Humans

Ancylostoma braziliense; Southern Dog and cat; dog Cutaneous larval Allergic response of larvae un- Penetration of the
Ancylostoma caninum United States, migrans; creep- der the skin; red, itchy tracts, skin by filariform
(dog hookworms) Central and ing eruption usually on legs larvae
South America,
Africa, Asia,
Angiostrongylus China, Hawaii, Rat Eosinophilic Eosinophilia and symptoms of Ingestion of
cantonensis and tropical meningoen- meningitis; turbid spinal fluid infected snail or
(rat lungworm) islands with cephalitis contains many white blood prawn (intermedi-
rats cells, including increased ate host)
eosinophils (looks like coconut
Angiostrongylus Central Rat Adult worms lay eggs in Eating unwashed
costaricensis America mesenteric arteries near vegetables contam-
cecum, cause granulomas and inated with mu-
abdominal inflammation cous secretions
from infected slug
(intermediate host)
Anisakis spp. Japan, Herring, other Eosinophilic Abdominal pain and an Ingesting raw fish
(roundworm of marine Netherlands salt-water fish granuloma in eosinophilic granuloma containing the
mammals and fish) stomach or around the migrating larvae of larval stage
small Anisakis in the intestinal wall
Baylisascaris procyonis North America, Racoon Visceral Eosinophilia, elevated isohemag- Ingestion of
(Racoon roundworm) Europe, Japan larval glutinins, hepatomegaly, infective-stage
migrans (VLM) pulmonary inflammation with larvae in devel-
cough and fever, often history oped eggs from
of seizures; alternative to VLM soil; history of pica
is possible encystment of the in children and
larvae in the eye (ocular larval exposure to area
migrans), which mimics a inhabited by
malignant tumor (retinoblas- racoons
toma); all symptoms result
from migration of larvae in
the tissues of humans
Capillaria philippinensis Far East Fresh and Intestinal Malabsorption syndrome, ex- Ingestion of
brackish-water capillariasis treme and persistent diarrhea, infected raw fish
fish death from cardiac failure or
secondary infection; adults
multiply in human intestine
and cause blockage
Dirofilaria spp. Various species Dog, raccoon, Tropical High eosinophilia, chronic Bite of mosquito
(filariae of canines) worldwide fox eosinophilia, cough, pulmonary infiltrates, vector carrying
eosinophilic high levels of lgE; microfilariae infective filaria
lung are rarely present in periph- larvae
eral blood
Gnathostoma spp. Far East Dog, cat Gnathostomiasis Acute visceral larval migrans Ingestion of larva
syndrome, then intermittent from raw, infected
chronic subcutaneous fish or application
swellings; invades nervous sys- of infected snake
tem in Southeast Asia poultice to open
lesion; larvae mi-
grate into lesion
Gongylonema pulchrum Worldwide Pig Migrating worm in facial sub- Accidental ingestion
cutaneous tissue of infected roach or
dung beetle

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32 CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda

TABLE 2-5 ■ Important Zoonotic Infections—cont’d

Method of
Scientific and Geographic Normal Animal Infection of
Common Name Location Host Disease Symptoms in Humans Humans

Thelazia spp. Worldwide Various Habitation of conjunctival sac Contact with

mammals or lacrimal duct by adult, infected fly or
severe irritation of eye roach
Toxocara canis; T. cati Worldwide Dog, cat Visceral Eosinophilia, elevated Ingestion of infec-
(large intestinal larval isohemagglutinins, tive-stage larvae in
roundworms of dogs migrans hepatomegaly, pulmonary developed eggs
or cats) (VLM) or inflammation with cough and from soil; history
systemic fever, often history of seizures; of pica in children
toxocariasis; alternative to VLM is possible and exposure to
ocular toxo- encystment of the larvae in puppies
cariasis the eye (ocular larval mi-
grans), which mimics a malig-
nant tumor (retinoblastoma);
all symptoms result from mi-
gration of larvae in the tissues
of humans

important to study these infections because of the sig-

nificant pathology they cause in infected individuals.
For example, in the United States, there are large dog
and cat pet populations and these animals commonly
have intestinal ascarids (Toxocara spp.) and hookworms
(Ancylostoma spp.). When humans encounter pet
feces–contaminated soil, roundworm eggs may be in-
gested or hookworm larvae may invade exposed skin.
Most pet owners do not realize that these dog and cat
worms may also infect humans and therefore do not
take proper precautions to prevent infections. Small
children are particularly at risk because of their play
habits (particularly in sandboxes or at public play-
grounds) and pica. Various workers (e.g., plumbers,
electricians, others who often crawl under raised build-
ings) and sunbathers sitting on wet beach sand may also A nurse from a psychiatric facility called the local hospital labo-
be exposed to animal hookworm larvae and are suscep- ratory to find out how to perform a cellophane tape test ordered
tible to larval penetration. Prevention of these infections for a 40-year-old patient who was exhibiting rectal digging. The
may be accomplished by monitoring and treating in- technologist on duty explained the procedure, and when the
fected pets (especially puppies and kittens) for worms, laboratory received it, the technologist noted the parasitic form
avoiding potentially contaminated soil, and practicing in the accompanying figure.
good hygiene and sanitation.
1. Was the correct test performed? Why?
Ingested eggs hatch in the intestine releasing larval
forms, which migrate extensively throughout the 2. How is this parasitic infection acquired? How is it main-
body. Eventually they become encapsulated in various tained within the infected patient?
tissues or organs. Often they are found in the liver,
3. What other parasites may be transmitted with this
eye, or central nervous system, resulting in organ
damage with varying severity depending on the num-
ber of larvae and their locations in the host. Blindness
and severe brain damage have been associated with
larvae of Baylisascaris procyonis, an ascarid found in
racoons in North America, Europe, and Japan.
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CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda 33

CASE STUDY 2-2 1. What parasite do you suspect (genus and species)?

2. Would this infection be revealed if the resident had his

blood drawn first thing in the morning? Explain your

3. What vector(s) are included in this parasite’s life cycle?

4. List other clinical symptoms that may be seen in this



A mother brought the parasite form shown in the accompa-

nying figure to her 5-year-old daughter’s pediatrician. She
stated that her daughter had been complaining of an upset
stomach, had a slight fever, and was having diarrhea “a cou-
ple of times” during the last 10 days. Last night, the child
vomited this “earthworm” into the toilet.

1. What is the probable identity of this parasite (genus and


2. What other organs are invaded during this parasite’s

life cycle?
A 50-year-old special ops veteran came to the emergency de-
3. What other nematode parasite might commonly be found partment with severe respiratory symptoms, including fever,
in patients harboring the worm recovered in this case? wheezing, and a productive cough. Vague gastrointestinal
symptoms were also present. The patient had been receiving
4. What procedure should be performed to rule out other
immunosuppressive therapy since his kidney transplant. He
denied exposure to colds or possible intestinal pathogens.
5. Why did the child vomit out the helminth? The physician ordered a CBC and a sputum culture and Gram
stain. Mild eosinophilia was reported in the CBC. The parasite
form in the accompanying figure was observed in a wet
CASE STUDY 2-3 mount of the patient’s sputum following its initial observation
in the Gram stain.

1. What nematode parasites have a lung phase in their

life cycle?

2. What parasite (genus and species) do you suspect in

this case?

3. Describe the life cycle of this parasite and explain how it

can survive for an extended period in the host.

4. List possible complications that may occur if the patient is

not successfully treated.


A new internal medicine resident from the Philippines went
to the hospital’s outpatient drawing area one evening to have A 25-year-old man went to the doctor complaining of blurred
his pre-employment blood work done. His laboratory results vision and swelling around his eyes. He had been experienc-
indicated 1 + proteinuria and rare red blood cells in the ing a low-grade fever and headache for the past 3 days. A
urinalysis report. The complete blood count (CBC) indicated CBC was performed and the differential report revealed
mild anemia and the differential report described the form eosinophilia of 25%. On further questioning, the patient
seen in the accompanying figure. stated that he was a hunter and had butchered, processed,
and eaten a recently killed bear.
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34 CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda

3. Briefly define each of the following: (25 points)

1. Based on the patient’s symptoms and history, what is the
possible parasitic infection (genus and species)? a. Cutaneous larval migrans
b. Diurnal
2. What classic signs are associated with this disease?
c. Diagnostic stage
3. What other tests should be performed to confirm the
d. Infective stage
e. Prepatent period
4. What precautions are necessary to prevent infections from
this organism? 4. In which of the following sets of nematodes can
each organism cause a pneumonia-like syndrome
in a person exposed to heavy infection with any of
You have now completed the chapter covering the the three parasites? (5 points)
Nematoda. After reviewing this material and the a. Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, or
related color plates and descriptions in the front of the Onchocerca volvulus
book, use the learning objectives and review the tables
to direct your studies and then proceed to the first b. Enterobius vermicularis, Dracunculus medinensis, or
post-test. Allow 45 minutes to complete the test. Write Trichuris trichiura
your answers on a separate piece of paper. The correct c. Strongyloides stercoralis, Wuchereria bancrofti, or
answers are given in the back of the book. If you Angiostrongylus costaricensis
answer fewer than 80% of the questions correctly, d. Necator americanus, Ascaris lumbricoides, or
review all the appropriate material and retake the test. Strongyloides stercoralis
Follow this procedure for all chapter post-tests.
5. A patient presents with vague abdominal pains and
a microcytic hypochromic anemia. A possible
➤ POST-TEST causative parasite is: (2 points)
a. Enterobius vermicularis
Time: 1 hour b. Ancylostoma duodenale
c. Brugia malayi
1. Draw the life cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides in
d. Trichinella spiralis
diagram form. Indicate the diagnostic and infective
stages. (10 points)
6. An immunosuppressed patient is susceptible to
autoreinfection with which one of the following
2. The night technician identified the following
nematodes? (2 points)
parasite below: (15 points)
a. Strongyloides stercoralis
b. Trichinella spiralis
c. Ascaris lumbricoides
d. Trichuris trichiura

a. What is the scientific name of the parasite?

b. What is the intermediate host?
c. In what body specimen was this organism identified
and what laboratory technique was helpful in finding
the organism?
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CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda 35

7. Infection with Enterobius vermicularis is best 13. For each of the following, match the diagnostic
diagnosed by which one of the following? technique(s) associated with the given parasite.
(2 points) Note: Choices may be used more than once or
a. Examination of feces for eggs and adults not at all. (10 points)
b. Serology tests a. Blood film Ascaris
examination lumbricoides
c. Perianal itching noted by patient
b. Cellophane tape Strongyloides
d. Examination of a cellophane tape preparation for
test stercoralis
eggs and adults
c. Fecal concentration Trichinella
8. Human infection with Loa loa is best diagnosed by method spiralis
which of the following? (2 points) d. Tissue biopsy Wuchereria
a. Examination of an infected Anopheles mosquito e. Serologic test bancrofti
b. Examination of blood smears
14. For each of the following, match the insect(s) vector
c. Examination of feces
found in each filaria’s life cycle. Note: Choices may
d. Examination of a skin scraping be used more than once or not at all. (10 points)
a. Anopheles spp. Brugia malayi
9. A child who plays in dirt contaminated with human
(mosquito) Loa loa
and pet feces is susceptible to which of the
following set of parasites? (5 points) b. Culex spp. Onchocerca
(mosquito) volvulus
a. Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Trichinella
spiralis, Wuchereria bancrofti c. Mansonia spp. Wuchereria
(mosquito) bancrofti
b. Loa loa, Capillaria philippinensis, Enterobius
vermicularis, Trichinella spiralis d. Chrysops (fly)
c. Strongyloides stercoralis, Toxocara canis, Ascaris e. Simulium (fly)
lumbricoides, Necator americanus
d. Ancylostoma braziliense, Trichuris trichiura, 15. Visceral larval migrans is caused by: (3 points)
Trichinella spiralis, Necator americanus
a. Ascaris lumbricoides
10. All of the following adult parasites live in the b. Ancylostoma braziliense
intestinal tract EXCEPT: (2 points) c. Dirofilaria spp.
a. Ascaris lumbricoides d. Toxocara canis
b. Enterobius vermicularis
16. The zoonotic disease known as creeping eruption is
c. Loa loa
caused by: (3 points)
d. Trichinella spiralis
a. Ascaris lumbricoides
11. The largest adult nematode that is found b. Ancylostoma braziliense
subcutaneously in infected hosts is: (2 points) c. Dirofilaria spp.
a. Ascaris lumbricoides d. Toxocara canis
b. Dracunculus medinensis
c. Onchocerca volvulus
d. Trichinella spiralis BIBLIOGRAPHY
Intestinal Nematodes
12. Each of the following microfilaria has a sheath
Anderson, RC: Nematode Parasites of Vertebrates: Their
EXCEPT: (2 points) Development and Transmission, ed 2. CABI Publishing,
a. Brugia malayi New York, 2000.
b. Loa loa Aspock, H, et al: Trichuris trichiura eggs in the Neolithic
glacier mummy from the Alps. Parasitol Today
c. Mansonella ozzardi 12:255–256, 1996.
d. Wuchereria bancrofti
2543_Ch02_009-036.qxd 10/15/11 2:17 PM Page 36

36 CHAPTER 2 ■ Nematoda

Audicana, MT, and Kennedy, MW: Anisakis simplex: From Zoonoses

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Mortal Wkly Rep 30: 115–116, 121, 1981. for the diagnosis and management of heartworm (Dirofi-
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On completion of this chapter and review of its associated plates as described, the
student will be able to:
1. State the general characteristics of the phylum Platyhelminthes.
2. Describe the general morphology of an adult cestode.
3. State the methods of diagnosis used to identify cestode infections.
4. Compare and contrast the phylum Nemathelminthes with Platyhelminthes using
morphologic criteria.
5. Define terminology specifically related to the Cestoda.
6. State the scientific and common names of cestodes that parasitize humans.
7. Describe in graphic form the general life cycle of a cestode.
8. Differentiate adult Cestoda using morphologic criteria.
9. Differentiate larval stages of Cestoda using morphologic criteria, the required
intermediate host, or both.
10. Differentiate the diagnostic stages of the Cestoda.
11. Discuss the epidemiology and medical importance of cestode zoonoses.
12. Given illustrations or photographs (or actual specimens if you have had laboratory
experience), identify the diagnostic stages of Cestoda and the body specimen of choice
to be used for examination of each.
13. Identify the stage in the life cycle of each cestode (including the zoonoses) that can
parasitize humans.

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38 CHAPTER 3 ■ Cestoda

proglottid (pl. proglottids). One of the segments of

a tapeworm. Each proglottid contains male and
female reproductive organs when mature.
anaphylaxis (anaphylactic shock). An exaggerated
racemose. Clusters with branching, nodular termina-
histamine-release reaction by the host’s body to
tions resembling a bunch of grapes. Used in refer-
foreign proteins, allergens, or other substances;
ence to larval cysticercosis caused by the migration
may be fatal.
and development of T. solium larvae in the brain
anorexia. Loss of appetite.
tissue of humans; an aberrant form.
brood capsules. Structures within the daughter cyst
rostellum. The fleshy, anterior protuberance of the
in Echinococcus granulosus in which many scolices
scolex of some tapeworms (species specific); may
grow. Each scolex can develop into an adult tape-
bear a circular row (or rows) of hooks; may be
worm in the definitive host.
Cestoda. A class within the phylum Platyhelminthes
scolex (pl. scolices). Anterior end of a tapeworm;
that includes the tapeworms. These helminths have
attaches to the wall of the intestine of a host by
flattened, ribbonlike, segmented bodies.
means of suckers and sometimes hooks.
copepod. A freshwater crustacean; intermediate host
sparganosis. Plerocercoid in human tissue from acci-
in the life cycle of Diphyllobothrium latum.
dental infection with procercoid of several species
coracidium. A ciliated hexacanth embryo; D. latum
of Cestodes.
eggs develop to this stage and then can hatch in
strobila. Entire body of a tapeworm.
fresh water.
tegument (integument). The body surface of platy-
cysticercoid. The larval stage of some tapeworms
helminths; the Cestode tegument is the site of
(e.g., Hymenolepis nana); a small, bladderlike struc-
nutrient and oxygen absorption as well as waste
ture containing little or no fluid in which the scolex
is enclosed.
transport hosts. Vectors; often bloodsucking insects.
cysticercus. A thin-walled, fluid-filled, bladderlike cyst
viscera (sing. viscus). Any of the large organs in the
that encloses a scolex. Also termed a bladder worm.
interior of any of the three great body cavities of
Some larvae develop in this form (e.g., Taenia spp.)
embryophore. The shell of Taenia spp. eggs and cer-
tain other tapeworm eggs as seen in feces.
hermaphroditic. Having both male and female
reproductive organs within the same individual. All
tapeworms have both sets of reproductive organs in INTRODUCTION
each segment of the adult.
hexacanth embryo. A tapeworm larva having six The Platyhelminthes, as a phylum, are known as the
hooklets (see oncosphere). flatworms; they are dorsoventrally flattened and have
hydatid cyst. A vesicular structure formed by solid bodies with no body cavity. The internal organs
E. granulosus larva in the intermediate host; contains are embedded in tissue called the parenchyma. There
fluid, brood capsules, and daughter cysts in which are no respiratory or blood-vascular systems. The life
the scolices of potential tapeworms are formed. cycles of these organisms are generally indirect; that is,
Grows slowly and can get quite large. at least one intermediate host is required to support
hydatid sand. Granular material consisting of free larval development.
scolices, hooklets, daughter cysts, and amorphous The two classes of the phylum Platyhelminthes that
material. Found in the fluid of older cysts of contain human parasites are the Cestoda (the tape-
E. granulosus. worms) and the Digenea (the Trematodes or flukes).
oncosphere. The motile, first-stage larva of certain The Digenea are covered in Chapter 4. Platyhelminthes
cestodes; armed with six hooklets (also termed are all hermaphroditic with an important exception:
hexacanth embryo). the blood flukes.
operculum. The lid-like or cap-like cover on certain The external surface (termed the tegument) of
platyhelminth eggs (e.g., D. latum). tapeworms and flukes is highly absorptive and even
parenchyma. Tissue in which the internal organs of releases digestive enzymes at its surface from mi-
platyhelminths are embedded. crotriches (specialized microvilli). The adult cestodes
plerocercoid. The larval stage in the development of must absorb all nutrients through the tegument
D. latum that develops after a freshwater fish ingests because this class of parasite has no mouth, digestive
the procercoid stage. This form has an immature tract, or vascular system. Waste products are released
scolex and is infective if eaten by humans. through the tegument as well.
procercoid. The larval stage that develops from the Members of the class Cestoda are commonly called
coracidium of D. latum. It develops in the body of tapeworms, inasmuch as they are long, ribbonlike, and
a freshwater crustacean. flattened in cross-section, much like a tape measure. The
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CHAPTER 3 ■ Cestoda 39

adult may range from a few millimeters to 20 meters in toward the terminus of the tapeworm contain fully de-
length, depending on the species. veloped reproductive organs and the uterus is filled
The adult cestode lives in the intestinal tract of the with fertilized eggs. The shape of the gravid uterus is
vertebrate definitive host, whereas the larval stage in- distinctive in each species. These posterior segments are
habits tissues of the intermediate host. The anterior termed gravid proglottids and can be found singly or in
end of the adult (termed the scolex) is modified for short chains if they break off from the chain and are ex-
attachment to the intestinal wall of the definitive host. pelled in feces. The embryo seen within tapeworm eggs
The scolex is usually equipped with four cup-shaped (termed the onchosphere or hexacanth embryo)
suckers, and some species also have a crown of hooks bears six tiny hooklets that facilitate entry of the em-
on the scolex to aid in attachment. A scolex is less bryo into the intestinal mucosa of the intermediate
than 2 mm long, although the whole tapeworm can host. After the embryo hatches from the eggshell in the
be 20 meters in body length. The entire body of an intestine of the intermediate host, it migrates through
adult tapeworm is termed the strobila. The body of the intestinal wall and goes to a specific tissue site.
the tapeworm consists of segments known as Table 3-1 lists the scientific names (genus and
proglottids. Segments form by budding from the species) and the common names for the cestodes of
posterior end of the scolex, an area of germinal tissue medical importance. Use the pronunciation guide and
for new segment production. Older, mature segments repeat each name out loud several times. The life-cycle
move to the terminal end of the strobila as younger diagrams of these tapeworms are shown on the follow-
segments are produced. ing pages, and Table 3-2 reviews the pertinent informa-
Each tapeworm is hermaphroditic; that is, every ma- tion about tapeworms. Proceed to the post-test when
ture proglottid of the body contains both male and fe- you have learned the vocabulary and the introductory
male reproductive organs. The reproductive organs in material, have mastered the life cycles and Atlas Plates
each proglottid mature gradually so that the proglottids 34 to 52, and have reviewed Table 3-2.

TABLE 3-1 ■ Cestoda

Order Scientific Name Common Name
Cyclophyllidea Hymenolepis nana (high”men-ol’e-pis/nay’nuh) dwarf tapeworm
Cyclophyllidea Taenia saginata (tee’nee-uh/sadj-i-nay’tuh) beef tapeworm
Cyclophyllidea Taenia solium (tee’nee-uh/so-lee’um) pork tapeworm
Cyclophyllidea Echinococcus granulosus (eh-kigh”no-kock’us/gran-yoo-lo’sus) dog tapeworm, hydatid tapeworm
Pseudophyllidea Diphyllobothrium latum (dye-fil”o-both-ree-um/lay’tum) broadfish tapeworm

TABLE 3-2 ■ Cestoda Infections

Disease-Producing Major Disease Manifestations,
Scientific and Worm and Its Location How Human Infection Diagnostic Stage, and
Common Name Epidemiology in Host Occurs Specimen of Choice

Human Infections with Cestoda

Hymenolepis nana Worldwide Adults live in small intestine Egg ingested by human Light infections are asympto-
(dwarf tapeworm) (common in in contaminated food or matic; heavy worm burdens
southeastern water or hand-to-mouth, cause abdominal pain, diarrhea,
United States) autoreinfection is headaches, dizziness; diagnosis:
common eggs in feces
Taenia saginata Cosmopolitan Adult lives in small intestine Cysticercus bovis eaten Most people are asymptomatic,
(beef tapeworm) in beef-eating by human in under- can experience abdominal pain,
countries cooked beef diarrhea, and weight loss; diag-
nosis: eggs or proglottid in feces
Taenia solium Worldwide Adult lives in small intestine Cysticercus cellulosae Same as T. saginata
(pork tapeworm) (rare in the larva eaten by human in
United States) undercooked pork

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40 CHAPTER 3 ■ Cestoda

TABLE 3-2 ■ Cestoda Infections—cont’d

Disease-Producing Major Disease Manifestations,
Scientific and Worm and Its Location How Human Infection Diagnostic Stage, and
Common Name Epidemiology in Host Occurs Specimen of Choice

Diphyllobothrium latum Temperate Adult lives in small intestine Plerocercoid larva in Can cause intestinal obstruction
(broadfish tapeworm) areas where freshwater fish ingested and macrocytic anemia because
freshwater fish by humans of B12 deficiency, abdominal
is eaten under- pain, and weight loss; diagnosis:
cooked or raw eggs or proglottid in feces
Accidental Zoonotic Human Infections with Cestoda
Echinococcus granulosus Worldwide in Adult lives in the intestine of Human accidentally Cyst can be found in the liver
(dog tapeworm) sheep-raising dogs or other wild canines, ingests eggs by close (most commonly) or lung of hu-
areas larval form in human tissue contact with infected mans, lung symptoms include
causes pathology dog, usual intermediate coughing and pain, leakage of
host is sheep hydatid fluid causes allergy and
eosinophilia; diagnosis: x-ray,
Cysticercosis Cosmopolitan Cysticercoid larva in human Human accidentally 2-cm painless swelling if in skin,
(Taenia solium) tissue, usual host or larva is ingests egg or eggs, pain and other symptoms if in
pig released from proglottid eye, seizures or other neurologi-
of adult in human cal symptoms or death if in
intestine brain
Hymenolepis diminuta Worldwide Adult lives in the intestine, Human accidentally Mild symptoms, tapeworms are
(rat tapeworm) usual host of adult tapeworm ingests cysticercoid larva often lost spontaneously, eggs
is the rat from infected flea or in feces are diagnostic
grain beetle
(intermediate host)
Dipylidium caninum Worldwide Adult lives in the intestine, Human accidentally Mild intestinal disturbances,
(dog or cat) usual host of adult tapeworm ingests cysticercoid larva tapeworms are frequently lost
is the dog or cat from infected dog or cat spontaneously, egg packets or
flea (intermediate host); proglottids are diagnostic in
rare, occurs mainly in feces
Sparganosis (Spirometra Western Hemi- Plerocercoid in tissues Human accidentally Subcutaneous nodules or
spp. of dog or cat) sphere and Far ingests copepod con- internal abscesses or cysts
East freshwater taining a procercoid
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CHAPTER 3 ■ Cestoda 41

Hymenolepis nana (dwarf tapeworm)

Method of Diagnosis
Recover and identify eggs in the feces.

Diagnostic Stage
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42 CHAPTER 3 ■ Cestoda

Disease Name host. Fleas and beetles can serve as transport

Dwarf tapeworm infection hosts. Cysticercoid larvae can develop in the
body cavity of these insects and are infective to
Major Pathology and Symptoms either humans or rodents if accidentally ingested.
1. Light infection is asymptomatic. 2. Eggs in feces from infected mice and rats are a
2. Heavy infection symptoms include intestinal en- common source of human infection.
teritis, abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, dizzi-
ness, and anorexia.

3. Multiple adults are commonly present. FOR REVIEW
Treatment 1. Write the scientific name for the dwarf tapeworm:

Worldwide, H. nana is found in the tropics and sub- 2. Describe the diagnostic stage of this parasite.
tropics; it most commonly occurs in children and in
institutionalized people living in close quarters. It is
the most prevalent human tapeworm found through-
out the United States. Estimated infection rate is 3%.
3. Explain how autoreinfection with this parasite occurs.
Of Note
1. The dwarf tapeworm requires no intermediate
host. The house mouse is also a common definitive

Taenia saginata (beef tapeworm) and Taenia solium (pork tapeworm)

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CHAPTER 3 ■ Cestoda 43

Method of Diagnosis Disease Names

Recover egg or gravid proglottid (or scolex after drug ■ T. saginata: taeniasis, beef tapeworm infection
treatment) in feces. Proglottid and scolex identifica- ■ T. solium: taeniasis, pork tapeworm infection; cys-
tion: T. saginata has 15 to 30 lateral uterine branches ticercosis (larval infection in tissue)
in each side of the gravid proglottid (can be seen
clearly after dye injection into the uterine pore) and a Major Pathology and Symptoms
scolex with only four suckers; T. solium has a gravid 1. Most infected people are asymptomatic. Abdomi-
proglottid with 7 to 12 lateral uterine branches on nal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss can occur.
each side of the gravid proglottid and the scolex has Eosinophilia is moderate.
four suckers plus a central crown of hooks. T. solium is 2. Humans can serve as accidental intermediate hosts
called the “armed” tapeworm because of the crown of for T. solium. If eggs of T. solium are accidentally
hooks by which the scolex attaches to the intestinal ingested or released from a proglottid in the intes-
wall (see Atlas Plate 40). The eggs of these two species tinal tract, the eggs can hatch in the intestine and the
are identical. Immunologic methods for cysticercosis larvae will migrate to form cysticercus bladders in
are enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and any organ or nervous tissue (cysticercosis; neurocys-
indirect hemagglutination. ticercosis [NCC] if in the central nervous system).
This larval migration can lead to a fatal outcome if
the racemose form develops in the brain. Arach-
Diagnostic Stage noiditis occurs in 50% of active NCC cases; obstruc-
1. Eggs in feces tive hydrocephalus occurs in 25% of active
2. Intact gravid proglottids (usually in pairs or short NCC cases. Symptoms include epilepsy, headache,
chains, T. solium; usually singly, T. saginata) may papilledema, and vomiting.
be found in feces and must be differentiated (see
Atlas Plates 42 and 43) Treatment
3. Radiographic, computed tomography (CT), or ■ For adult tapeworm: praziquantel or niclosamide
magnetic resonance imaging demonstration of ■ For cysticercosis: albendazole or praziquantel, anti-
T. solium cysticercus in tissue with accompanying convulsants for seizures, corticosteroids for NCC
symptoms symptoms, surgery

T. saginata: cosmopolitan in countries in which beef is
eaten raw or insufficiently cooked. It is found in the
1. Write the scientific names for beef and pork tape-
southwestern United States.
worm, respectively:
T. solium: cosmopolitan when pork is eaten raw or
undercooked. It is less common in the United States.
and _________________________________________
Of Note
1. Humans are the only known definitive host for 2. Draw and label a picture of the diagnostic stage for
these two Taenia spp. this parasite.
2. The adult worms live for many years and usually
only one worm is present in the intestine.
3. Human cysticercosis is common in Mexico and
Central America.
4. Some 60% of patients with cysticercosis have
larvae in the brain.
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44 CHAPTER 3 ■ Cestoda

3. Explain how the two species are differentiated. 5. How does a human acquire an adult T. solium

4. The species for which humans can serve as an acci-

dental intermediate host is 6. How does a human acquire a larval-stage T. solium
If the racemose develops in the brain, it can lead to

Diphyllobothrium latum (broadfish tapeworm)

Method of Diagnosis
Recover eggs in feces; evacuated proglottids usually in
chains ranging from a few inches to several feet; scol-
ices are also diagnostic in feces but are rarely naturally
evacuated intact.
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CHAPTER 3 ■ Cestoda 45

Disease Names 3. The procercoid may be passed up the food chain

■ Diphyllobothriasis in a dormant condition through small to large
■ Dibothriocephalus anemia game fish (e.g., Northern or walleyed pike).
■ Fish tapeworm infection 4. A human can develop a tissue plerocercoid if a
■ Broadfish tapeworm infection procercoid in a copepod is accidentally ingested.
(See sparganosis in Table 3-2.)
Major Pathology and Symptoms 5. The Japanese salmon tapeworm, Diphyllobothrium
1. Major pathology and symptoms are intestinal nihonkaiense, is causing increasing numbers of in-
obstruction (adult can grow to 20 meters) and fections in Japan, with emerging cases appearing in
abdominal pain. Most infected people exhibit the United States and Europe. Consumption of
vague digestive symptoms. sashimi and ceviche promotes the possibility of
2. Weight loss and weakness occur. infection with this parasite.
3. In about 1% of infected people (usually restricted
to people of Scandinavian descent), anemia (macro-

cytic type) and eventual nervous system distur- FOR REVIEW
bances result from a deficiency caused by the
tapeworm’s utilization of up to 100% of dietary B12. 1. What makes this life cycle different from other Cestoda
you have studied?
Niclosamide or praziquantel

Distribution 2. What makes this egg different from other cestode

Distribution is in temperate regions where freshwater
eggs you have studied?
fish are a common part of the diet or raw fish are
eaten (the Great Lakes region of the United States,
Alaska, Chile, Argentina, Central Africa, and parts of
Asia). In Europe, estimates of infection include 20%
of the Finnish people and up to 100% of residents of 3. Humans become infected with diphylobothreiasis by
the Baltic region. World trade has increased the distri- eating
bution of raw fish dishes to nonendemic areas with a
concomitant increase in tapeworm infections.
Of Note
1. Usually only one adult is present.
2. In addition to humans, a variety of fish-eating
mammals can serve as definitive hosts.
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46 CHAPTER 3 ■ Cestoda

Echinococcus granulosus (hydatid tapeworm)

Method of Diagnosis
1. Serologic tests: indirect hemagglutination, ELISA
2. Presence of scolices, brood capsules, hydatid
sand, or daughter cysts in the hydatid cyst fluid
as detected by biopsy (not recommended because
leakage of cyst fluid can cause anaphylaxis)
3. X-ray examination, ultrasound scan, or CT detec-
tion of cyst mass in organ, especially if calcified
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CHAPTER 3 ■ Cestoda 47

Diagnostic Stage

Hydatid cyst (partial cross-section)

Disease Names 4. Other findings include eosinophilia, urticaria, and

■ Echinococcosis bronchospasm.
■ Hydatid cyst
■ Hydatid disease Treatment
■ Hydatidosis 1. Surgery
2. Mebendazole or albendazole
Major Pathology and Symptoms
1. Symptoms vary according to location and size of Distribution
cyst. Expanding cyst causes pressure necrosis of Human infections occur as zoonoses primarily in
surrounding tissues. sheep-raising areas where domestic dogs are used in
a. In the liver (most common site), no symptoms herding.
develop until the cyst gets large (nearly a year
after ingestion of egg); then jaundice or portal Of Note
hypertension develops. 1. Hydatid disease in the United States is reported
b. In the lung, no symptoms appear until the cyst mainly in sheep-raising areas of the Southwest
becomes large; then coughing, shortness of (chiefly among the Navaho), Utah, and Alaska; it
breath, and chest pain develop. also is reported in Canada.
c. In other sites, symptoms are related to enlarging 2. Echinococcus cysts in sheep or human tissues pro-
cyst pressure. duce daughter cysts and brood capsules, all lined
2. Cyst growth or rupture can result in death. with germinal tissue that buds off many protoscol-
3. Anaphylactic shock may occur if the cyst ruptures ices, each of which can form the scolex of an adult
(may occur during biopsy procedure). if ingested by a canine.
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48 CHAPTER 3 ■ Cestoda

3. E. multilocularis, which forms alveolar cysts, is rarer

regularly prepared gefilte fish (balls of boneless fish mixed
in humans but it is intensely pathogenic and gener-
with cracker meal) using freshwater fish purchased from a
ally fatal without treatment. The disease develops
local grocery store. She said she tasted it often during prepa-
slowly and may not produce symptoms for several
ration to make sure the seasonings were correct. Stool
years. Symptoms often mimic those of cirrhosis of
cultures and parasitic examinations were ordered. The culture
the liver or liver cancer. This parasite is found world-
results were negative for enteric pathogens but the parasitic
wide, mostly in northern latitudes, and is harbored
examination recovered the parasite form shown in the
in wild canines (e.g., foxes, coyotes) and in rodents.
accompanying figure.
4. Hydatid cyst in bone has abnormal, disseminated
development in the marrow. 1. What parasite (genus and species) do you suspect?
5. A slow-leaking cyst causes allergic sensitization.
2. How is this parasitic infection acquired? What other
Cyst rupture (occurring naturally or during sur-
parasitic infections could she have gotten by the same
gery) can cause anaphylaxis or spread of germinal
tissue to other sites where new cysts can develop.
3. List other complications that may occur in long-standing

1. Write the scientific name for the hydatid tapeworm: You have now completed the section on the Cestodes.
After reviewing this material and Atlas Plates 34 to 52,
with the aid of your learning objectives, proceed to the
2. Explain how hydatid cyst disease is diagnosed in

3. The definitive host for this parasite is
1. Define and cite an example of each of the
following: (20 points)
a. Hexacanth embryo
b. Hermaphroditic
4. Describe the structure of a growing hydatid cyst.
c. “Armed” scolex
d. Proglottid
e. Hydatid cyst

2. Matching: Select correct intermediate host(s) for

CASE STUDY 3-1 each parasite: (5 points)
a. Taenia solium 1. Fish
b. Hymenolepis 2. Copepod
nana 3. Cow
c. Hymenolepis 4. Human
5. Pig
d. Diphyllobothrium
6. Snail
7. Flea or beetle
e. Echinococcus
granulosus 8. Dog
9. Sheep
10. None

An elderly woman of Mediterranean heritage living in the

Great Lakes area went to her doctor. She had been suffering
from intermittent diarrhea and abdominal pain for several
weeks. After questioning, the patient revealed that she
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CHAPTER 3 ■ Cestoda 49

3. Draw and label the diagnostic stage(s) for each of c. Echinococcus granulosus and Taenia solium
the following as you would observe them micro- d. Hymenolepis nana and Taenia saginata
scopically in human feces: (40 points)
a. Dwarf tapeworm 8. The larval stage of which two species are infective
b. Broadfish tapeworm to humans if the parasitized insect intermediate
host is ingested?
c. Beef tapeworm
a. Taenia solium and T. saginata
d. Pork tapeworm
b. Hymenolepis diminuta and Dipylidium caninum
4. Matching: Select one correct match for each c. Echinococcus granulosus and Taenia solium
parasite: (7 points) d. Hymenolepis nana and Taenia saginata
a. Taenia solium 1. Macrocytic anemia,
b. vitamin B12 9. Packets of tapeworm eggs encapsulated in a single
b. Hymenolepis
deficiency membrane were recovered in feces. This parasite is:
2. Plerocercoid a. Diphyllobothrium latum
c. Diphyllobothrium
latum subcutaneously b. Dipylidium caninum
d. Echinococcus 3. Neurological c. Hymenolepis nana
granulosus symptoms if in brain d. Taenia saginata
e. Dipylidium 4. Autoreinfection is
caninum common 10. The causative agent of cysticercosis is:
f. Sparganosis 5. Proglottid has 7 to a. Echinococcus granulosus
10 lateral uterine b. Taenia saginata
g. Cysticercosis
c. Taenia solium
6. Human accidentally
d. Trichinella spiralis
ingests infected flea
7. Cysts found in liver, 11. The examination of human feces is no help in the
lungs, or other detection of:
a. Ancylostoma duodenale

Questions 5 to 18 are worth 2 points each. b. Echinococcus granulosus

c. Hymenolepis nana
5. A patient from the Great Lakes area presents with d. Strongyloides stercoralis
vague abdominal symptoms and a macrocytic
anemia. Which Cestoda would be the probable 12. Mature eggs of an adult tapeworm accumulate in
cause? the:
a. Diphyllobothrium latum a. Gravid proglottid
b. Echinococcus granulosus b. Mature proglottid
c. Taenia saginata c. Neck region of the strobila
d. Hymenolepis nana d. Scolex

6. A scolex is recovered in human feces after the 13. A type of tapeworm larva with a large bladder,
patient is treated with medication. The scolex bears producing daughter cysts, brood capsules, and
four cup-shaped suckers. This parasite is: numerous scolices is:
a. Diphyllobothrium latum a. Cysticercus
b. Echinococcus granulosus b. Cysticercoid
c. Taenia saginata c. Hydatid cyst
d. Hymenolepis nana d. Plerocercoid
e. Procercoid
7. The eggs of which two species are infective to
humans if ingested, resulting in larval stages and 14. Eggs from which tapeworm, when passed, are
pathology in the host’s tissues? immediately infective to humans?
a. Taenia solium and T. saginata a. Diphyllobothrium latum
b. Hymenolepis diminuta and Dipylidium caninum b. Hymenolepsis nana
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50 CHAPTER 3 ■ Cestoda

c. Taenia saginata BIBLIOGRAPHY

d. Echinococcus granulosus Brunetti, E, Kern, P and Vuitton, D: “Expert Consensus for
the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cystic and Alveolar
15. In the Diphyllobothrium latum life cycle, the Echinococcosis in Humans.” Acta Tropica (2009). Web.
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D’Alessandro, A, and Rausch, RL: New aspects of neotropi-
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b. Cysticercoid (Echinococcus oligarthrus) echinococcosis. Clin Microbiol
Rev 21(2):380–401, 2008.
c. Hydatid cyst
Eckert, J, and Deplazes, P: “Biological, Epidemiological, and
d. Procercoid Clinical Aspects of Echinococcosis, a Zoonosis of Increasing
e. Plerocercoid Concern.” Clinical Microbiology Reviews 17.1 (2004): 107-
135. Web. 5 February 2010.
16. The human condition resulting from ingestion of
the immature larval form of Diphyllobothrium Khalil, LF, et al (eds): Keys to the Cestode Parasites of
latum is called: Vertebrates. Oxford University Press, New York, 1997.
a. Cysticercosis Diphyllobothrium Latum During Colonoscopy
b. Hydatid disease Kim, JK, MD, and Lee, JH, MD:
c. Racemose N Engl J Med 2010; 362:e40, March 18, 2010.
Maurice J: Is something lurking in your liver? New Scientist
d. Sparganosis 19:26–31, 1994.
Schmidt, GD: Handbook of Tapeworm Identification. CRC
17. The number of uterine branches in the mature Press, Boca Raton, Fla., 1986.
proglottid of Taenia saginata is: Scholz, T, Garcia, HH, Kuchta, R, Wicht, B: Update on the
human broad tapeworm (genus Diphyllobothrium),
a. Less than 14
including clinical relevance. Clin Microbiol Rev
b. More than 14 22(1):146–160, 2009.
Schwabe, CW, et al: Hydatid disease is endemic in California.
18. The tapeworm scolex without cup-shaped Cal Med 117:13, 1972.
suckers is: Thompson, RCA, and Lymbery, AJ (eds): Echinococcus and
Hydatid Disease. Oxford University Press, New York,
a. Diphyllobothrium latum
b. Hymenolepsis nana Tsang, VCW, and Wilson, M: Taenia solium cysticercosis. An
c. Taenia saginata underrecognized but serious health problem. Parasitol
Today 11:124–126, 1995.
d. Taenia solium Von Bondsdorff, B: Diphyllobothriasis in Man. Academic
e. Echinococcus granulosus Press, New York, 1977.
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On completion of this chapter and review of its associated plates as described, the
student will be able to:
1. Define terminology specific for Digenea.
2. State scientific and common names of flukes that parasitize humans.
3. Describe the general morphology of adult hermaphroditic trematodes.
4. Describe the general morphology of adult schistosomes.
5. Describe in graphic form the life cycle of adult trematodes.
6. State the methods of diagnosis used to identify fluke infections.
7. Differentiate adult trematodes using morphologic criteria.
8. Differentiate diagnostic stages of trematodes.
9. Classify the methods by which the flukes infect humans.
10. Compare and contrast the morphology of adult Cestoda and Digenea.
11. Given an illustration or photograph (or an actual specimen if you have had laboratory
experience), identify diagnostic stages of trematodes and the body specimen of choice
to be used for examination of each.
12. Discriminate among the trematodes on the basis of the required intermediate host(s).

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52 CHAPTER 4 ■ Digenea

in the subclass Digenea are flattened dorsoventrally and

are nonsegmented, leaf-shaped helminths. Trematodes
vary in length from a few millimeters to several
acetabula (sing. acetabulum). Muscular suckers
centimeters. All adult flukes have two cup-shaped mus-
found on the oral or ventral surface of the flukes.
cular suckers (acetabula): an oral sucker and a ventral
cercaria (pl. cercariae). The stage of the fluke life cycle
sucker. The digestive system is simple: The oral cavity
that develops from germ cells in a daughter sporo-
opens in the center of the oral sucker and the intestinal
cyst or redia. This is the final developmental stage in
tract ends blindly in one or two sacs. There is no anal
the snail host, consisting of a body with a tail that aids
opening and waste products are regurgitated. The body
the cercaria in swimming after leaving the snail.
surface (tegument) of the fluke is metabolically active,
Digenea. A subclass of Trematoda in the phylum
as is also true for the cestodes, and can absorb soluble
Platyhelminthes. This subclass includes flukes
nutrients and release soluble waste products at the
(trematodes) found in humans and other mam-
surface microtriches.
mals. These have flattened, leaf-shaped bodies
There are two types of parasitic flukes that can be
bearing two muscular suckers. Many species are
present in humans. One type lives in the intestine or
in other host organs (e.g., the liver or lungs) and is
granulomas. Tumors or growths of lymphoid or
hermaphroditic, having both male and female sets of
other cells around a foreign body.
complex, highly branched reproductive organs in each
metacercaria (pl. metacercariae). The stage of the
adult fluke. These flukes are listed in Table 4-1. The
hermaphroditic fluke life cycle occurring when a
second type includes flukes that live as unisexual
cercaria has shed its tail, secreted a protective wall,
adult males and females within the abdominal blood
and encysted as a resting stage on water plants or
vessels of the definitive host. These are known as the
in a second intermediate host; infective stage for
Schistosoma, or blood flukes. The body of the male
schistosome curves up along the lateral edges and
miracidium (pl. miracidia). Ciliated first-stage,
forms a long channel (the gynecophoral canal) that
free-swimming larva of a trematode, which
wraps around the larger female worm lying in the
emerges from the egg and must penetrate the ap-
channel. They coexist in pairs during their adult life
propriate species of snail to continue its life cycle.
span in the blood vessels. The Schistosoma are listed
redia. The second or third larval stage of a trematode
separately in Table 4-2. In both types, sexual repro-
that develops within a sporocyst in the snail host.
duction in the adult Digenea occurs within humans,
Elongated, saclike organisms with a mouth and a
which is followed by asexual multiplication of the lar-
gut. Many rediae develop in one sporocyst. Each
val stages in a specific species of snail.
redia gives rise to many cercariae.
The life cycles of the flukes are complex (see
Schistosoma. A genus of Digenea, commonly called Trematoda life cycle figure). The adult fluke lays eggs
the blood flukes. They have an elongated shape and that leave the human definitive host via feces, urine,
separate sexes and are found in mating pairs in the or sputum (depending on the species and host loca-
blood vessels of their definitive host. tion of the adult fluke). A specific species of freshwa-
schistosomule. The immature schistosome in human ter snail is required as an intermediate host for each
tissues; the stage after the cercaria has lost its tail species of fluke. In general, the life cycle is as follows:
during penetration of skin. The larval stage (a ciliated miracidium) emerges
sporocyst. The larval form of a trematode that devel- from the egg in fresh water and enters the snail host,
ops from a miracidium in the snail intermediate where the larva undergoes several cycles of asexual
host. A simple saclike structure containing germinal multiplication. The final larval stage leaving the snail
cells that bud off internally and continue the is known as the cercaria. Many hundreds of cercariae
process of larval multiplication, producing many result from the asexual multiplication of each miracid-
rediae in each sporocyst. ium that enters the snail host. Motile cercariae of the
Trematoda. A class of flatworms in the phylum Schistosoma (blood flukes) then directly penetrate the
Platyhelminthes. Two subclasses, Digenea and skin of humans when contact occurs in infected fresh
Aspidogastrea, are noted. water. However, the cercariae of the hermaphroditic
flukes do not penetrate human skin; they either se-
crete a thick wall and encyst as a metacercaria on
aquatic vegetation or enter a species-specific second
INTRODUCTION intermediate host (a freshwater fish or crustacean)
and encyst. Only a few species of fish or crustaceans
Digenea (commonly called flukes) belong to the phylum may serve as the second intermediate host for each
Platyhelminthes, along with the Cestoda. Parasitic species of hermaphroditic fluke. Human infection by
species inhabit the intestine or tissue of humans. Flukes these hermaphroditic flukes occurs when humans eat
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CHAPTER 4 ■ Digenea 53

uncooked water vegetation to which metacercariae Soviet Union and parts of Europe, Egypt, Cuba, and
are attached or when they eat the undercooked spe- Peru. The WHO is concerned that infections may
cific species of the second intermediate host contain- increase in other parts of the world via increased inter-
ing the encysted metacercaria. national travel and trade of fresh aquatic foods from
Various studies estimate that at least 30 million endemic areas. It is important to carefully wash and
people harbor a hermaphroditic fluke infection. Most of thoroughly cook fish and vegetables to prevent
these people live in Asia but some live in the former infection with these parasites.

General life cycles of Trematoda (organ-dwelling flukes)

Table 4-1 lists the names and pronunciation key for following pages and Table 4-3 summarizes the perti-
the hermaphroditic flukes. Table 4-2 lists the names nent information for these parasites. Be sure to
and pronunciation key for the blood flukes. The life review the glossary before studying the rest of the
cycle diagrams of the Trematoda are shown on the chapter.
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54 CHAPTER 4 ■ Digenea

TABLE 4-1 ■ Hermaphroditic Flukes

Order Scientific Name Common Name
Echinostomatiformes Fasciolopsis buski (fa-see’o-lop’sis/bus’kee) large intestinal fluke
Echinostomata Fasciola hepatica (fa-see’o-luh/he-pat’i-kuh) sheep liver fluke
Opisthorchiformes Clonorchis sinensis (klo-nor’kis/si-nen’sis) Chinese liver fluke
Opisthorchiformes Heterophyes heterophyes (het-ur-off’ee-eez/het”ur-off’ee-eez) heterophid fluke
Opisthorchiformes Metagonimus yokogawai (Met’uh-gon’i-mus/yo-ko-gah-wah’eye) heterophid fluke
Plagiorchiformes Paragonimus westermani (par”a-gon-’i-mus/wes-tur-man’eye) Oriental lung fluke

TABLE 4-2 ■ Blood Flukes

Order Scientific Name Common Name
Strigeiformes Schistosoma mansoni (shis’to-so’muh/man-so’nigh) Manson’s blood fluke
Strigeiformes Schistosoma japonicum (shis’to-so’muh/ja-pon’i-kum) blood fluke
Strigeiformes Schistosoma haematobium (shis’to-so’muh/hee-muh-toe’bee-um) bladder fluke

TABLE 4-3 ■ Trematodes

Disease-Producing Major Disease Manifestations,
Scientific and Form and Its Location Diagnostic Stage, and
Common Name Epidemiology in Host How Infection Occurs Specimen of Choice

Fasciolopsis buski Far East Adults live in small intestine Ingestion of encysted Edema, eosinophilia, diarrhea,
(large intestinal fluke) metacercariae on raw malabsorption, and even death
vegetation in heavy infection; diagnosis:
eggs in feces
Fasciola hepatica Worldwide (in Adults live in bile ducts Ingestion of encysted Traumatic tissue damage and
(sheep liver fluke) sheep-raising metacercariae on raw irritation to the liver and bile
(zoonosis) and cattle-raising vegetation ducts, jaundice and eosinophilia
areas), humans can occur; diagnosis: eggs in
(accidental host), feces
sheep (natural
Clonorchis sinensis Far East Adults live in bile ducts Ingestion of encysted Jaundice and eosinophilia in
(Oriental or Chinese metacercariae in un- acute phase, long-term heavy
liver fluke) cooked fish infections lead to functional
impairment of liver; diagnosis:
eggs in feces
Paragonimus Far East, India, Adults live encysted in lung Ingestion of encysted Chronic fibrotic disease resem-
westermani and parts of metacercariae in un- bling tuberculosis (cough with
(Oriental lung fluke) Africa cooked crab or crayfish blood-tinged sputum); diagno-
sis: eggs in sputum or feces
Heterophyes heterophyes; Far East Adults live in small intestine Ingestion of encysted No intestinal symptoms unless
Metagonimus yokogawai metacercariae in very heavy infection; diagnosis:
(the heterophyids) uncooked fish eggs in feces
Schistosoma mansoni Africa, Middle Adult in venules of the colon Fork-tailed cercariae Granuloma formation around
(Manson’s blood fluke, East, and South (eggs trapped in liver and burrow into the capillary eggs (i.e., in liver, intestine, and
bilharziasis, swamp fever) America other tissues) bed of feet, legs, or bladder), toxic and allergic reac-
arms tions: nephrotic syndrome; diag-
nosis: eggs in feces and rectal
biopsy, rarely in urine

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CHAPTER 4 ■ Digenea 55

TABLE 4-3 ■ Trematodes—Cont’d

Disease-Producing Major Disease Manifestations,
Scientific and Form and Its Location Diagnostic Stage, and
Common Name Epidemiology in Host How Infection Occurs Specimen of Choice

Schistosoma japonicum Far East As for Schistosoma mansoni As for Schistosoma As for Schistosoma mansoni,
(Oriental blood fluke) mansoni but symptoms are more severe
because of greater egg produc-
tion; diagnosis: eggs in feces
and rectal biopsy, rarely in urine
Schistosoma Africa, Middle Adults in venules of bladder As for Schistosoma Bladder colic with blood and
haematobium East, and and rectum, eggs caught in mansoni pus, nephrotic syndrome, symp-
(bladder fluke) Portugal tissues tomatic symptoms are mild, pul-
monary involvement from eggs
in lungs, has been associated
with cancer of the bladder; diag-
nosis: eggs in urine, rarely in
Swimmer’s itch Worldwide Cercariae of schistosomes Fork-tailed cercariae Allergic dermal response to
(zoonosis) that usually parasitize mam- burrow into skin of repeated penetration, schisto-
mals and birds enter human human in water somules do not develop to
skin adults

Fasciolopsis buski (large intenstinal fluke) and Fasciola hepatica

(sheep liver fluke)
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56 CHAPTER 4 ■ Digenea

Method of Diagnosis
Recover eggs in feces. Eggs of these two species are too
similar to differentiate. Species diagnosis depends on
clinical symptoms, travel history, recovery of adult
Fasciolopsis or all these factors.

Diagnostic Stage

Note: Similar for both parasites.

Disease Names Distribution

■ F. buski: fasciolopsiasis ■ F. buski is prevalent in China, Vietnam, Thailand,
■ F. hepatica: sheep liver rot Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Indian subcontinent.
■ F. hepatica has cosmopolitan distribution in sheep-
Major Pathology and Symptoms raising and cattle-raising countries. It is uncommon
1. F. buski: Symptoms include bowel mucosal ulcers in the United States.
and hypersecretion and occasional hemorrhage
around worm attachment site. Heavier infections Of Note
cause pain, nausea, mucoid diarrhea, anemia, 1. The natural definitive host for F. hepatica is the
intestinal obstruction and malabsorption, general- sheep; therefore, infection of humans is a zoonotic
ized edema, and marked eosinophilia. Death can disease. F. buski is common in pigs.
occur with heavy infections. 2. Echinostoma ilocanum is found in the Philippines as
2. F. hepatica: Symptoms are from mechanical irrita- 1-cm adults in the small intestine. The fluke has a
tion, toxic worm metabolites, and mechanical ob- spiny collarette around the oval sucker and pro-
struction. Migrating larvae cause local irritation. duces eggs resembling Fasciolopsis. Infection results
Fever, hepatomegaly, and eosinophilia in humans from eating raw snails.
from endemic areas suggest clinical diagnosis.
Adult flukes in the bile duct induce portal cirrhosis

in heavy infections. Jaundice, bile duct obstruc- FOR REVIEW

tion, diarrhea, and anemia may occur in severe
infection. Other symptoms may include pruritus, 1. Write the scientific names for the large intestinal fluke
urticaria, and cough. and the sheep liver fluke:

■ F. buski: praziquantel or niclosamide and _________________________________________
■ F. hepatica: bithionol
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CHAPTER 4 ■ Digenea 57

2. Draw pictures of the diagnostic stages of these 5. Why is a human infection with F. hepatica considered
parasites. a zoonotic disease?

6. What causes the symptoms of these two diseases?

3. Humans become infected with the large intestinal
fluke or the sheep liver fluke when

4. The intermediate host for these parasites is


Clonorchis sinensis (Oriental or Chinese liver fluke; opisthorchis)

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58 CHAPTER 4 ■ Digenea

Method of Diagnosis Distribution

1. Recover and identify eggs in feces or biliary drainage C. sinensis is found in the Far East, especially southern
or from Entero-Test capsule. Differentiation of China. Opisthorchis spp. is found in Asia, Eastern Europe,
species is difficult.* and the former Soviet Union. Dicrocoelium dendriticum
2. Perform radiographic studies. is found in the western hemisphere along with Asia,
Europe, Africa, and the former Soviet Union.
Diagnostic Stage
Of Note
1. Eggs are passed intermittently; therefore, perform
sequential stool examinations.
2. Clonorchis and Opisthorchis eggs are similar and
easily confused with Heterophyes heterophyes and
Metagonimus yokogawai.
3. Dogs and cats are reservoir hosts and may harbor
4. Dicrocoelium dendriticum has a land-based life cycle
with herbivores as the usual host. Human infec-
tions are acquired by eating undercooked sheep or
cattle liver.
5. Metorchis conjunctus is found in Canada; fish serve as

1. The scientific name for the Chinese liver fluke is

2. The intermediate host(s) include(s)

Disease Name 3. Draw and label a picture of the diagnostic stage for
Clonorchiasis this parasite.

Major Pathology and Symptoms

1. Light infections are common and may be
2. Jaundice may develop from bile duct pathology; 4. Humans become infected with this parasite when
hyperplastic changes occur.
3. Hepatomegaly may develop, with tenderness in
the right upper quadrant. _____________________________________________.
4. Other symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea,
5. Eggs of this parasite can be confused with those of
and anorexia.
5. Chronic cases with heavy worm burden from
repeated infections may induce severe hepatic
complications; rarely, pancreatitis, bile duct stones,
cholangitis, and cholangiocarcinoma develop. 6. Reservoir hosts for this parasite include

Praziquantel or albendazole _____________________________________________.

* From HDC Corp., 142 N. Milpita Blvd. Suite 269, Milpita, CA.
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CHAPTER 4 ■ Digenea 59

Heterophyes heterophyes and Metagonimus yokogawai (heterophyids)

Method of Diagnosis
Recover and identify eggs in feces or duodenal
drainage. Differentiation is difficult (may lack knob at
shell end opposite operculum as seen on C. sinensis

Diagnostic Stage

Note: Similar for both parasites but easily confused with Clonorchis sinensis..
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60 CHAPTER 4 ■ Digenea

Disease Names
■ Heterophyes heterophyes: heterophyiasis
■ Metagonimus yokogawai: metagonimiasis
1. Write the scientific names for the heterophyid flukes:
Major Pathology and Symptoms
Infection is asymptomatic unless heavy; heavy infec-
tions may induce a chronic mucoid diarrhea and
abdominal pain. Worm invasion may produce eggs 2. Draw and label a picture of the diagnostic stage for
that travel to the heart or brain, causing symptoms of the heterophyid parasites.

3. Humans become infected with these parasites when
■ H. heterophyes occurs in the Near East, Far East, and
parts of Africa.
■ M. yokogawai is found in Asia, including Siberia. 4. The intermediate host(s) include(s)

Of Note
1. Because these are primarily parasites of dogs, cats, _____________________________________________.
and other fish-eating mammals, human infection is
5. Compared with other organ-dwelling flukes, the egg
a zoonosis.
size of these parasites is
2. Eggs may travel into tissues, causing granulomas
and tissue disorders.
3. H. heterophyes adult has a third sucker around the
genital opening.
6. Other mammals that commonly harbor these para-
sites include

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CHAPTER 4 ■ Digenea 61

Paragonimus westermani (Oriental lung fluke)

Method of Diagnosis Disease Name

Recover and identify eggs in bloody sputum (sputum ■ Paragonimiasis
appears to contain rusty iron fillings) or in feces (if
eggs are swallowed); radiograph of lungs may show Major Pathology and Symptoms
patchy infiltrate with modular cystic shadows or 1. Symptoms include chronic chest pain, cough,
calcification. blood-tinged sputum (rusty sputum), and lung
infiltration, nodules, and abscesses. Adults are
Diagnostic Stage present in fibrous cysts; eggs pass through cysts and
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62 CHAPTER 4 ■ Digenea

rupture into bronchioles, causing a cough. Chest
radiograph findings and symptoms may resemble FOR REVIEW
those of tuberculosis. Other developments are
chronic bronchitis and increasing fibrosis. 1. The scientific name for the Oriental lung fluke is
2. Cerebral paragonimiasis causes symptoms of a
space-occupying lesion. Abdominal paragonimiasis
is usually asymptomatic and not rare. _____________________________________________.
2. Draw and label a picture of the diagnostic stage for
Treatment this parasite.
1. Praziquantel
2. Bithionol

Infection is most common in the Far East. It also is 3. Humans become infected with this parasite when
found in parts of Africa and South America.

Of Note _____________________________________________.
1. At least eight other species of Paragonimus are also 4. The intermediate host(s) include(s)
infectious for humans; P. mexicanus is found in Cen-
tral and South America.
2. Immature flukes may wander aberrantly to other _____________________________________________.
tissues, including the brain (cerebral paragonimia-
sis), skin, and liver. 5. Eggs of this parasite can be recovered from what

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CHAPTER 4 ■ Digenea 63

Schistosoma spp. (blood flukes)

Adult Blood Flukes
(22 mm X 0.2 mm)
1. S. mansoni
2. S. japonicum
(adults paired in blood
vessels in liver sinuses
and veins around intestinal
3. S. haematobium
(adults paired in veins around
urinary bladder)
Diagnostic Stage
developed eggs leave host
develops to adult male in:
or female fluke 1 and 2 —feces

migrates through blood miracidia hatch from eggs

vessels to appropriate in fresh water

miracidium enters
schistosomule enters appropriate species of
bloodstream snail (intermediate host)

Method of Infection forms mother sporocyst

cercaria penetrates
skin, leaves tail
behind; becomes a produces many daughter
schistosomule sporocysts

Infective Stage each daughter sporocyst

free-swimming cercaria

cercaria leave snail

Method of Diagnosis
■ S. mansoni and S. japonicum: Recover eggs in feces or
rectal biopsy (may require multiple biopsies for
S. mansoni).
■ S. haematobium: Recover eggs in concentrated urine.
■ Other diagnostic methods include travel history,
clinical symptoms and signs, serology, and enzyme-
linked immunosorbent assay.
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64 CHAPTER 4 ■ Digenea

Diagnostic Stages
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CHAPTER 4 ■ Digenea 65

Disease Names
■ Schistosomiasis
■ Bilharziasis
■ Swamp fever

Major Pathology and Symptoms

1. These diseases mainly affect children and adults in resulting in the appearance of infections in immi-
endemic areas. grants from these areas.
2. The initial reaction may be dermatitis from cercar- ■ S. haematobium is found in Africa and the Middle
ial penetration. East.
3. Acute phase of heavy first infection presents with ■ S. japonicum is found in the Far East.
typhoid fever-like symptoms, fever, cough, myalgias,
malaise, and hepatosplenomegaly. Of Note
4. Cirrhosis of the liver, bloody diarrhea, bowel ob- 1. Schistosomiasis ranks second (behind malaria) as a
struction, hypertension, and toxic reactions may cause of serious worldwide morbidity and mortal-
occur because of granulomas around eggs in liver, ity, infecting more than 200 million people in
urinary bladder, central nervous system, and other 77 countries and killing about 800,000 people per
tissues. year. Schistosomiasis is spreading and increasing
5. Infected person may develop collateral circulation because of new water-control projects that provide
if hepatic involvement is severe. Eosinophilia is increased snail-breeding areas.
present. 2. S. mansoni infections are found in large urban areas
6. Most chronic cases are asymptomatic in endemic such as New York and Chicago with immigrant
areas. Schistosomes feed on red blood cells; brown populations from the Caribbean islands.
hematin pigment (identical to malarial pigment) is 3. S. haematobium has a clinical correlation with blad-
present in phagocytic cells. der cancer.
7. Nephrotic syndrome may occur in S. mansoni and 4. Repeated infection with avian cercariae may induce
S. haematobium. allergic dermatitis (swimmer’s itch) at freshwater
swimming resorts. This occurs in North America.
Treatment 5. Persistent Salmonella infection may be associated
Praziquantel with S. mansoni and S. japonicum.
6. S. intercalatum in Africa and S. mekongi in the
Distribution Mekong Basin infect humans.
■ S. mansoni is found in Africa and South and Central 7. S. japonicum infects many mammals.
America. Foci are found in parts of the Caribbean,
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66 CHAPTER 4 ■ Digenea

8. Niclosamide lotion on the skin helps prevent cer- noted, the doctor questioned the young man further and
carial penetration. found out that he had enjoyed eating unusual Japanese
9. Pipestem fibrosis and collateral blood circulation foods. His favorite was crayfish because they “tasted like
may occur if liver involvement is severe. shrimp” and weren’t “weird like sushi.” The physician then
ordered a new examination of his sputum for eggs and para-

sites. The laboratory found the parasite form shown in the

FOR REVIEW accompanying figure.

1. Write the scientific names and location of adults for 1. What parasite (genus and species) do you suspect?
each of the blood flukes:
2. Why did the physician order a parasitic examination of the
patient’s sputum?

3. What intermediate hosts are included in this parasite’s life

2. Draw and label pictures of the diagnostic stage for
each of these parasites. 4. What other specimen could be used to diagnose this
disease? What parasitic form would be noted?

3. Humans become infected with these parasites when You have now completed the chapter on Digenea. After
reviewing this material and Atlas Plates 53 to 71, with
the aid of your learning objectives, proceed to the
_____________________________________________. post-test.

4. The intermediate host(s) include(s)

1. Number these terms from 1 to 7 to describe the
5. Compare and contrast the morphology of organ-fluke chronologic sequence of the life cycle of an
eggs and blood-fluke eggs. intestinal trematode. (10 points)
Egg Adult
_____________________________________________ Metacercaria Sporocyst
Miracidium Cercaria
2. You have decided to move to the Great Lakes area
of the United States to become a sheepherder. You
will be a hermit, enjoying a completely self-
sustained life by the edge of a lake with your
sheepdog and sheep. Which of the following sets of
Platyhelminthes are you most likely to contract?
Why did you reject each of the other answer sets?
(16 points)
a. Fasciola hepatica, Paragonimus westermani, Taenia
b. Schistosoma mansoni, Echinococcus granulosus,
Clonorchis sinensis
c. Fasciolopsis buski, Diphyllobothrium latum,
A 17-year-old American foreign exchange student returned Schistosoma japonicum
home to the United States after finishing his school year in d. Fasciola hepatica, Echinococcus granulosus,
Japan. He complained to his mother that he had been cough- Diphyllobothrium latum
ing a lot and that his sputum was reddish. His mother noted
e. Heterophyes heterophyes, Hymenolepis nana,
a fever and took him to the doctor. The physician ordered cul-
Dipylidium caninum
tures for routine bacteriology and tuberculosis. When the re-
port indicated “normal flora” and no acid-fast bacteria were
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CHAPTER 4 ■ Digenea 67

3. (24 points) 4. Why are methods of infection and control for the
a. Give the scientific and common names for each blood flukes different from those for the intestinal
parasite represented in the following illustrations of flukes? (6 points)
the diagnostic stage.
Questions 5 to 15 are worth 4 points each.
b. State the method of human infection by each of the
parasites represented.
5. Humans can be infected with the larval stage of all
except one of the following parasites. Which of
these Digenea cannot develop as a viable larva in
the tissues of humans?
a. Hydatid tapeworm
b. Bird schistosomes
c. Manson’s blood fluke
d. Sheep liver fluke

6. Which of the Platyhelminthes infects humans by

skin penetration and has an association with
bladder cancer?
a. Schistosoma mansoni
b. Schistosoma haematobium
c. Clonorchis sinensis
d. Schistosoma japonicum

7. Eggs of all of the following flukes are undeveloped

when passed in feces EXCEPT:
a. Fasciola hepatica
b. Paragonimus westermani
c. Schistosoma japonicum
d. Clonorchis sinensis

8. The preferred specimen for the diagnosis of

paragonimiasis is:
a. Bile drainage
b. Duodenal aspirate
c. Rectal biopsy
d. Sputum

9. The three species of human blood flukes have as

intermediate host:
a. A cyclops
b. An aquatic snail
c. An insect
d. A freshwater fish

10. The fluke acquired by eating contaminated

vegetation is:
a. Clonorchis sinensis
b. Fasciolopsis buski
c. Heterophyes heterophyes
d. Paragonimus westermani
e. Schistosoma mansoni
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68 CHAPTER 4 ■ Digenea

11. Fish carrying metacercariae may transmit: BIBLIOGRAPHY

a. Clonorchis sinensis Contis, G, and David, AR: The epidemiology of bilharziasis
b. Fasciolopsis buski in ancient Egypt: 5000 years of schistosomiasis. Parasitol
Today 12:253–255, 1996.
c. Paragonimus westermani Farid, Z: Schistosomes with terminal-spined eggs: Patholog-
d. Schistosoma haematobium ical and clinical aspects. In Jordan P, et al (eds): Human
e. None of these Schistosomiasis. CAB International, Wallingford, 1993,
pp. 159–193.
Flisser, A, Viniegra, A, et al: Portrait of human tapeworms.
12. Paragonimus westermani infection is acquired by:
J Parasitol 90(4):914-916, 2004.
a. Drinking contaminated water Gibson, DI, and Bray, RA: The evolutionary expansion and
b. Eating infected crustacea host-parasite relationships of the Digenea. Int J Parasitol
24:1213–1226, 1994.
c. Eating infected fish Healy, GR: Trematodes transmitted to man by fish, frogs,
d. Eating infected water chestnuts and crustacean. J Wildl Dis 6:255, 1970.
Hillyer, GV, and Apt, W: Food-borne trematode infections in
13. Schistosoma cercariae enter the human body: the Americas. Parasitol Today 13:87–88, 1997.
Jordan, P, et al (eds): Human Schistosomiasis. CAB Interna-
a. In flesh of infected fish
tional, Wallingford, 1993.
b. By skin penetration MacLean, JD, Arthur, JR, and Ward, BJ, et al: Common-
c. In contaminated drinking water source outbreak of acute infection due to the North
American liver fluke, Metorchis conjunctus. Lancet
d. On contaminated vegetation 347:154-158, 1996.
e. By either b or c Price, TA, et al: Fascioliasis: Case reports and review. Clin
Infect Dis 17:426–430, 1993.
14. The Digenea infection for which bloody urine is Olson, PD, Cribb, TH, Tkach, VV, et al: Phylogeny and
often a symptom is: classification of the Digenea (Platyhelmenthes: Trema-
toda). Int J Parasitol 33:733-755, 2003.
a. Schistosoma haematobium Olson, PD, and Tkach, VV: Advances and trends in the
b. Schistosoma japonicum molecular systematics of the parasitic platyhelmenthes.
c. Schistosoma mansoni Adv Parasitol 60:165-243, 2005.

d. b or c only
e. None of these

15. The fluke most commonly found in the

United States is:
a. Fasciola hepatica
b. Fasciolopsis buski
c. Heterophyes heterophyes
d. Schistosoma mansoni
e. None of these
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On completion of this chapter and review of its associated plates as described, the
student will be able to:
1. State the general characteristics of each class of Protozoa.
2. Define terminology specific for protozoa.
3. State the recommended methods of diagnosis of protozoal infections.
4. State any vector or intermediate host involved in the transmission of protozoal
5. Describe in graphic form the general life cycles for the protozoa in each class.
6. State the type of pathology caused by infection with protozoa.
7. State and correctly spell the scientific and common names of protozoa that parasitize
8. Identify accidental protozoal infections of humans that are of medical importance.
9. Identify the type of specimen that would most likely contain the diagnostic stages of
each pathogenic protozoon.
10. Discriminate between the cyst and trophozoite stages of protozoa on the basis of the
morphologic criteria and the infectivity of various genera.
11. Discriminate between pathogenic and nonpathogenic amebae on the basis of
morphologic criteria.
12. Differentiate species of Plasmodium and Trypanosoma by morphology, symptomatic
criteria, or both.
13. Discuss the medical importance of accurate identification of protozoa in humans.
14. Discuss the importance of protozoal zoonoses.
15. Discuss how the development of genetic resistance to chemicals affects protozoal
diseases, such as malaria.
16. Given an illustration or photograph (or an actual specimen, given sufficient laboratory
experience), identify diagnostic stages of protozoa.
17. Differentiate the diagnosis of protozoa and helminth infections.
18. Compare and contrast life cycles of protozoa and helminths.
19. Predict the effects of immunosuppression on patients harboring various protozoal or
helminth parasites.

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70 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

epimastigotes. Flattened, spindle-shaped, flagellated

forms seen primarily in the gut (e.g., in the reduviid
bug) or salivary glands (e.g., in the tsetse fly) of the
accolé. On the outer edge.
insect vectors in the life cycle of trypanosomes;
amastigote. A small, ovoid, nonflagellated form of
they have an undulating membrane that extends
the order Kinetoplastid flagellata. Notable structures
from the flagellum (attached along the anterior half
include a mitochondrial kinetoplastid and a large
of the organism) to the small kinetoplast located
nucleus. Also called L.D. (Leishman-Donovan)
just anteriorly to the larger nucleus located at the
body or leishmanial form.
midpoint of the organism.
Apicomplexa. A phylum containing protozoa whose
excystation. Transformation from a cyst to a tropho-
life cycle includes feeding stages (trophozoites),
zoite after the cystic form has been swallowed by
asexual multiplication (schizogony), and sexual
the host.
multiplication (gametogony and sporogony).
exflagellation. The process whereby a sporozoan
arthropod. An organism having a hard segmented
microgametocyte releases haploid flagellated
exoskeleton and paired, jointed legs (see Chapter 6).
microgametes that can fertilize a macrogamete and
atria (sing. atrium). An opening; in a human, refers
thus form a diploid zygote (ookinete).
to the mouth, vagina, and urethra.
flagellum (pl. flagella). An extension of ectoplasm
axoneme. The intracellular portion of a flagellum.
that provides locomotion; resembles a tail that
axostyle. The axial rod functioning as a support in
moves with a whiplike motion.
fomites. Objects that can adsorb and harbor organ-
blepharoplast. The basal body origin of the flagella
isms and cause human infection through direct
that supports the undulating membrane in kineto-
contact (e.g., doorknob, pencil, towel).
plastid flagellates.
gametes. Mature sex cells.
bradyzoites. Slowly multiplying intracellular tropho-
gametocyte. A sex cell that can produce gametes.
zoites of Toxoplasma gondii; intracellular tissue cysts
gametogony. The phase of the development cycle of
in immune hosts contain bradyzoites that continue
the malarial and coccidial parasite in the human in
dividing within the cyst. Bradyzoites are also found
which male and female gametocytes are formed.
in sarcocysts.
hypnozoites. Long-surviving modified liver schizonts
chromatin. Basophilic nuclear DNA.
of P. vivax and P. ovale that are the source of relaps-
chromatoid bars (or bodies). Rod-shaped struc-
ing infections in these species.
tures of condensed RNA material within the
karyosome. See endosome.
cytoplasm of some ameba cysts.
kinetoplast. An accessory body found in many pro-
cilia. Multiple hairlike processes attached to a surface
tozoa, especially in the family Trypanosomatidae,
of a cell; functions for motility through fluids at the
consisting of a large mitochondrion next to the
surface of a protozoon.
basal granule (blepharoplast) of the anterior
Ciliophora. A phylum containing protozoa that move
or undulating membrane flagellum; contains mito-
by means of cilia; they have two dissimilar nuclei.
chondrial DNA.
costa. A thin, firm, rodlike structure running along
L.D. body (Leishman-Donovan body). Each of the
the base of the undulating membrane on certain
small ovoid amastigote forms found in tissue
macrophages of the liver and spleen in patients
cryptozoite. The stage of Plasmodium spp. that devel-
with Leishmania donovani infection.
ops in liver cells from the inoculated sporozoites.
Mastigophora. A subphylum containing organisms
Also called the exoerythrocytic stage or tissue stage.
that move by means of one or more flagella.
cutaneous. Pertaining to the skin.
merogony. Asexual multiplication in coccidian life
cyst. The immotile stage protected by a resistant cyst
cycle. Usually occurs in intestinal epithelium.
wall formed by the parasite. In this stage, the pro-
merozoites. The many trophozoites released from
tozoa are readily transmitted to a new host.
human red blood cells or liver cells at maturation of
cytostome. The rudimentary mouth.
the asexual cycle of malaria.
dysentery. A disorder marked by bloody diarrhea
nosocomial. An infection that originates in and is
and/or mucus in feces.
acquired from a medical facility. Infections present
ectoplasm. The gelatinous cytoplasmic material be-
or incubating inside patients when they are admit-
neath the cell membrane.
ted to the facility are not included in this definition.
endoplasm. The fluid inner cytoplasmic material in
oocyst. The encysted form of the ookinete that occurs
a cell.
on the stomach wall of Anopheles spp. mosquitoes
endosome. The small mass of chromatin within the
infected with malaria.
nucleus, comparable to a nucleolus of metazoan
ookinete. The motile zygote of Plasmodium spp.;
cells (also termed karyosome).
formed by microgamete (male sex cell) fertilization
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 71

of a macrogamete (female sex cell). The ookinete sporozoites. Forms of Plasmodium that develop inside
encysts (see oocyst). the sporocyst, invade the salivary glands of the
paroxysm. The fever-chills syndrome in malaria. Spik- mosquito, and are transmitted to humans.
ing fever corresponds to the release of merozoites subpatent. Not evident, subclinical.
and toxic materials from the rupturing parasitized tachyzoites. Rapidly growing intracellular tropho-
red blood cells and shaking chills occur during zoites of Toxoplasma gondii.
subsequent schizont development. Occurs in malaria trophozoite (pl. trophozoites). The motile stage of
cyclically every 36 to 72 hours, depending on the protozoa in which they feed, multiply, and main-
species. tain the colony within the host.
patent. Apparent or evident. trypomastigote. A flagellate form with the kineto-
promastigote. A flagellate form of trypanosoma in plast located at the posterior end of the organism
which the kinetoplast is located at the anterior end and the undulating membrane extending along
of the organism; it has no undulating membrane. the entire body from the flagellum (anterior end)
This form is seen in the midgut and pharynx of vec- to the posterior end at the blepharoplast. This
tors in the life cycle of the leishmania parasites and form is seen in the blood of humans with try-
is the form that develops in culture media in vitro. panosomiasis and is the infective stage transmitted
Protozoa. A subkingdom consisting of unicellular by the insect vectors.
eukaryotic animals. undulating membrane. A protoplasmic membrane
pseudopod. A protoplasmic extension of the tropho- with a flagellar rim extending out like a fin along
zoites of amebae that allows them to move and the outer edge of the body of certain protozoa; it
engulf food. moves in a wavelike pattern.
pseudocysts. A cystlike structure with a membrane xenodiagnosis. Infections with Trypanosoma cruzi
covering formed by the host following an acute in- may be diagnosed by allowing an uninfected
fection with Toxoplasma gondii. The cyst is filled with Triatoma bug to feed on the patient (the bite is
bradyzoites in immunocompetent hosts; it may painless); the insect’s feces are later examined for
occur in brain or other tissues. Latent source of parasites (trypomastigote forms).
infection that may become active if immunosup- zygote. The fertilized cell resulting from the union of
pression occurs. male and female gametes.
recrudescence. A condition that may be seen in any
malarial infection; infected red blood cells and
accompanying symptoms reappear after a period of
apparent “cure.” This situation reflects an inade- INTRODUCTION
quate immune response by the host or an inade-
quate response to treatment. The subkingdom Protozoa includes eukaryotic unicel-
relapse (malaria). A condition seen subsequent to lular animals. The various life functions are carried
apparent elimination of the parasite from red blood out by specialized intracellular structures known as
cells; caused by a reactivation of sequestered liver organelles. Each group of protozoa exhibits morpho-
merozoites that begin a new cycle in red blood cells. logic differentiation by which it can be identified.
True relapses occur only in Plasmodium vivax and Most protozoa multiply by binary fission. However,
P. ovale infections. certain groups have more specialized modes of repro-
sarcocyst. Infective cyst containing banana-shaped duction, which are individually discussed.
bradyzoites. Each species of parasitic protozoa is frequently con-
Sarcodina. A subphylum containing amebae that fined to one or a few host species. At least 30 species
move by means of pseudopodia. of protozoa parasitize humans and many of these par-
schizogony (merogony). Asexual multiplication of asitic species are widely distributed throughout the
Apicomplexa; multiple intracellular nuclear divi- world. Many species of vertebrates and invertebrates
sions precede cytoplasmic division. harbor protozoan parasites, often without clinical
schizont. The developed stage of asexual division of signs. Parasites (including the parasitic protozoa) that
the Sporozoa (e.g., Plasmodium spp. in a human red have had a long coevolution with their host species
blood cell; Cystoisospora belli in the intestinal wall). have evolved adaptations, such as antigenic variations
sporocyst. The fertilized oocyst in which the sporo- of their surface proteins, that permit evasion of the
zoites of Plasmodium have developed. host’s immune recognition and response mechanisms.
sporogony. Sexual reproduction of Apicomplexa. Pro- Effective, affordable vaccines for humans generally
duction of spores and sporozoites. have not been developed to date.
sporoplasm. Infectious protoplasm consisting of ions, There are two major methods of transmission of
lipids, monosaccharides, amino acids, nucleic acids protozoal infection: through ingestion of the infective
and other proteins, stage of the protozoa or via an arthropod vector.
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72 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

A few are transmitted by sexual contact. The mode of correct identification. A permanent stain—such as the
transmission is specific for each species. trichrome stain used on a thin, fixed fecal smear—is
The following groups of protozoa are considered: particularly helpful in allowing identification of
nuclear and other intracellular structures and is highly
1. Amebae that move by means of pseudopodia
recommended as a routine procedure in a diagnostic
2. Protozoa that possess one to several flagella
3. Protozoa that move by means of many cilia on the
Other diagnostic features of the motile ameba in-
cell surface
clude size, cytoplasmic inclusions, and type of motility
4. Protozoa that do not exhibit an obvious mode of
exhibited by the pseudopodia formed by trophozoites
mobility but can glide nonetheless. (This same group
in a wet-mount preparation. In the cyst stage, diag-
uses sexual reproduction during the life cycle.)
nostic features include nuclear structure, the size and
shape of the cyst, the number of nuclei, and other in-
clusion bodies present.
CLASS LOBOSEA Entamoeba histolytica is the major pathogen in this
group and the cause of amebic dysentery in humans.
Each group is listed in separate tables preceding the It can occur in other primates, dogs, cats, and rats. All
general discussion of each class of organisms. You other amebae seen in feces are considered to be non-
should review the glossary before studying the rest of pathogenic. It is important, however, that each species
the chapter. be correctly identified to ensure proper therapy, if
Amebae in the order Amoebida (Table 5-1), which needed, and to avoid unnecessary or inappropriate
include parasites of humans, can be found worldwide. treatment because of misdiagnosis.
The motile, reproducing, feeding stage (the tropho- The nucleus of E. histolytica has a small central
zoite) lives most commonly in the lower gastroin- karyosome (endosome) and uniform peripheral
testinal tract. Many of these amebae can form a non- chromatin granules lining the nuclear membrane.
feeding, nonmotile cyst stage, which is the stage that Spokelike chromatin may also radiate outward from the
is infective for humans. Transmission of amebae is karyosome to the nuclear membrane. E. histolytica in-
generally by ingestion of cysts in fecally contaminated vades the intestinal wall and multiplies in the mucosal
food or water. When cysts are swallowed and pass to tissue. In the cytoplasm of the trophozoite, one often
the lower intestine, they excyst and begin to multiply can see ingested red blood cells (RBCs); the trophozoite
as feeding trophozoites. voraciously feeds on RBCs when it is invasive in tissue.
The structure of the nucleus is quite different for The RBCs can appear either whole or partially digested.
each genus of ameba, and identification of a stained These blood cells are not seen in the trophozoite of any
nuclear structure aids in diagnosis. Cysts of amebae other ameba, and their presence is required for differen-
may have varying numbers of nuclei, depending on tial diagnosis. The trophozoite of E. histolytica extends
their stage of development; therefore, it is critical to thin, pointed pseudopodia and exhibits active, progres-
look at nuclear structure as well as numbers for sive motility in a saline wet mount.

TABLE 5-1 ■ Amebae

Order Scientific Name Common Name
Amoebida Entamoeba histolytica (en’tuh-mee’buh/his-toe-lit’i-kuh) amoebiasis
Amoebida Entamoeba dispar (en’tuh-mee’buh/dis’par) nonpathogenic
Amoebida Entamoeba hartmanni (en’tuh-mee’buh/hart-man’nee) nonpathogenic
Amoebida Entamoeba coli (en’tuh-mee’buh/ko’lye) E. coli (nonpathogenic)
Amoebida Entamoeba polecki (en’tuh-mee’buh/po-lek’ee) nonpathogenic
Amoebida Entamoeba gingivalis (en’tuh-mee’buh/gin-gi-val’is) nonpathogenic
Amoebida Blastocystis hominis (blast’o-sis-tis/hom-in’is) Blastocystis (nonpathogenic)
Amoebida Endolimax nana (en’doe-lye’macks/nay’nuh) E. nana (nonpathogenic)
Amoebida Iodamoeba bütschlii (eye-o’duh-mee’buh/bootch’lee-eye) I. bütschlii (nonpathogenic)
Amoebida Acanthamoeba spp. (ay-kanth’uh-mee’buh) Granulomatous amebic encephalitis
Schizopyrenida Naegleria fowleri (nay’gleer-ee’uh/fow-ler’i) primary amebic meningoencephalitis
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 73

The cyst of E. histolytica contains one, two, or four as in E. histolytica. Chromatoid bars, if present, have
nuclei because nuclear divisions accompany cyst mat- splintered or pointed ends rather than rounded ends.
uration. The nuclear structure in stained cysts and in Mature E. coli cysts become more impermeable to fixa-
trophozoites is the same. The cyst of the pathogenic tives; therefore, it is sometimes possible to observe cysts
E. histolytica is round and is 10 to 20 µm. It may also better in the concentrated sediment than in perma-
contain cigar-shaped chromatoid bars. E. hartmanni nently stained smears. The pale or distorted appearance
is nonpathogenic and may be confused with E. histolyt- of cysts on stained smears may lead to confusion.
ica. E. hartmanni forms cysts of less than 10 µm and Entamoeba polecki, found primarily in pigs and mon-
trophozoites are less than 12 µm in size. A calibrated keys, is occasionally found in humans. It closely
ocular micrometer (see p. 142) is required to measure resembles both E. histolytica and E. coli morphologically.
cyst diameters to differentiate these species. Great care is needed when identifying this organism
Another nonpathogenic species is Entamoeba dispar. because it is not pathogenic and unnecessary treatment
Cysts and trophozoites are morphologically identical to results if it is incorrectly differentiated as E. histolytica.
E. histolytica, except that E. dispar is noninvasive and This organism is identified by noting the usual one
never ingests RBCs. Because patients harboring E. dispar nucleus in mature cysts. Rarely, there may be two or
are asymptomatic and may not require treatment, when four nuclei. A large glycogen “inclusion mass” may also
no trophozoites with ingested RBCs are found in sub- be present. Chromatoid bodies are abundant and are
mitted specimens, the laboratory report should say pointed rather than rounded as in E. histolytica.
“Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar—unable to differentiate Entamoeba gingivalis, found in the mouth in soft tar-
unless trophozoites are seen containing ingested RBCs.” tar between teeth or in tonsillar crypts, is considered
If trophozoites with ingested RBCs are noted or an nonpathogenic, but occasionally it can be found in spu-
immunoassay specific for E. histolytica is performed, the tum and must be differentiated from E. histolytica. Two
report can confirm the presence of this parasite. important features help in this regard: E. gingivalis has
Pathology caused by E. histolytica includes flask- no cyst stage and it is the only species known to ingest
shaped ulcerations of the intestinal wall and bloody white blood cells. Nuclear fragments of white cells can
dysentery. If amebae penetrate the intestinal wall and be seen in the trophozoite’s large food vacuoles when
spread via blood, ulceration may occur in the liver, permanently stained smears are examined.
lungs, brain, or other tissues. Liver abscesses are most Two common nonpathogenic species also found in
common and lung invasion usually results from ero- the intestinal tract include Endolimax nana and
sion of the liver abscess. Any of these extraintestinal lodamoeba bütschlii. These organisms must be differen-
infections can be fatal. tiated from pathogens to avoid misdiagnosis and
Prevalence is very high in the subtropics and tropics mistreatment. Diagnostic features of these protozoa
(more than 50%), and focal epidemics can occur any- are found on p. 79.
where. The infection can be transmitted sexually by Blastocystis hominis is a strictly anaerobic intestinal
homosexual males and is one cause of the disease protozoa that has been variously classified since its dis-
known as “gay bowel syndrome.” Up to 30% of some covery in 1912. Genetic studies have identified as many
populations of this at-risk group can harbor E. histolytica/ as 12 possible strains and species of this organism. It
E. dispar. Prevalence in the general population in the multiplies by binary fission or sporulation. Fecal-oral
United States and Europe is approximately 5% and transmission through contaminated food or water is
includes many asymptomatic carriers. Although many probably the route of infection. This parasite often does
people worldwide are infected with E. histolytica/ not cause clinical disease in humans, but it must be
E. dispar, only a small number of people harboring the considered when found in patients with abdominal
parasite ever develop symptoms. The fact that so many symptoms who have no other apparent etiologic agent.
carriers do not exhibit symptoms may be explained by Blastocystis hominis’s variable pathogenicity may be
the misdiagnosis of the nonpathogenic E. dispar explained by variations in the different strains, each
infections. More realistic estimates of true E. histolytica causing different symptoms. Metronidazole is the drug
infections are probably only 10% of the totals reported of choice when treatment is needed.
before E. dispar was correctly characterized. When present, B. hominis protozoa are easily recov-
Entamoeba coli (a nonpathogenic ameba) is most ered and are identified using the trichrome stain. The
commonly confused with E. histolytica. The nucleus of organism is round and varies greatly in size from 6 to
E. coli differs from E. histolytica; it has a large eccentric 40 µm in diameter. The central area of the cell resem-
karyosome and irregular peripheral chromatin clump- bles a large vacuole surrounded by several small,
ing along the nuclear membrane. The trophozoite dark-staining nuclei. These organisms may be con-
exhibits granular cytoplasm and ingested bacteria but fused with yeast cells. When fecal samples are being
not RBCs. Motility is sluggish and the pseudopods are processed, only saline or formalin should be used to
blunt. The cyst stage often has up to eight nuclei of wash the specimen because water destroys B. hominis,
characteristic structure rather than a maximum of four causing a false-negative report. Organisms are reported
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74 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

as “rare, few, moderate, many or packed” as viewed small lakes that are inhabited by the parasite. It then
on the stained smear. migrates along the olfactory nerves and, within several
Several species of free-living amebae may become days, invades the brain. This parasite is highly ther-
opportunistic parasites of humans. These organisms are mophilic and survives at water temperatures up to
found in fresh or salt water, moist soil, and decaying 113ºF. It also tolerates chlorinated water and has even
vegetation. In most instances, no disease is produced by been found in an indoor swimming pool. Furthermore,
these organisms. In a few cases, however, severe conse- infections have been acquired by drinking unfiltered,
quences result. The notable potential pathogens are chlorinated tap water. Upon infection, the clinical
Naegleria fowleri and, less commonly, Acanthamoeba spp. symptoms are dramatic and the disease runs a rapid
Naegleria is an ameboflagellate because in the free- and usually fatal course. Symptoms of primary amebic
living state it alternates from an ameboid phase to a meningoencephalitis (PAM) begin with headache,
form possessing two flagella. Only the ameboid phase is fever, nausea, and vomiting within 1 or 2 days. Typical
found in host tissues. symptoms of meningoencephalitis follow, leading to
The disease caused by N. fowleri occurs most often irrational behavior, coma, and death. The clinical
during the summer months (see N. fowleri life cycle). course rarely lasts more than 6 days. Because of the
The parasite gains entry through the nasal mucosa rapid course of this disease, all examinations of fluids
when the host is diving and swimming in ponds or should be considered stat (high priority) procedures.

Naegleria fowleri (primary amebic meningoencephalitis)

Method of Infection
trophozoite enters nasal
cavity from infected
water while

Free-living Forms trophozoite migrates to

trophozoite CNS via olfactory lobes
(7–10 days)

cyst biflagellate

invades frontal cortex

(1–2 days)

Diagnostic Stage
active trophozoites in
spinal fluid; trophozoite
found in brain at autopsy:
PAM usually ends in death
(3–6 days)
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 75

Diagnosis is often made on autopsy; however, a Treatment is usually unsuccessful; however, when
purulent spinal fluid containing high numbers of neu- given promptly, amphotericin B and sulfadiazine have
trophils (200 to 20,000/µL) without bacteria should been effective in a very few cases.
add amebic meningoencephalitis to the differential At least six species of Acanthamoeba are known to
diagnosis. Motile amebae may be noted in unstained cause granulomatous amebic encephalitis (GAE), a
preparations. A drop of unrefrigerated spinal fluid sedi- more chronic form of meningoencephalitis (see Acan-
ment should be examined on a clean glass slide for thamoeba spp. life cycle). Infected patients often have
parasite motility because the organism resembles a compromised immunologic systems. Onset of symp-
leukocyte when observed on a counting chamber. toms is slow—usually weeks to months or even years.
Warming the prepared slide to 95ºF will promote Chronic granulomatous lesions in brain tissue may
amebic movement. Phase microscopy is preferred but contain trophozoites and cysts. Acanthamoeba have
the motile trophozoite may be observed using a bright- been isolated from the upper respiratory tract of
field microscope with reduced light. A giemsa or healthy individuals and seem to grow best in the
trichrome stain is helpful to differentiate the organism. upper airways of susceptible patients. Apparently,
Trophozoites may also be seen in Wright-stained infections occur through either inhalation of contam-
cytospin preparations. Its ameboid form is elongated inated dust or aerosols or through invasion of broken
with a tapered posterior and ranges from 7 to 20 µm. skin or mucous membranes. These parasites have
The rounded form is 15 µm with a large central been found in the lungs, nasal and sinus passages,
nuclear karyosome and granular, vacuolated cytoplasm. eyes, ears, skin lesions, and vagina.

Acanthamoebia spp. (Granulomatous amebic enophalitis)

Method of Infection
trophozoite enters
through respiratory
tract, broken skin, or
mucous membranes;
directly invades eye

Free-living Forms reaches CNS and

trophozoite other tissues, including
bone via bloodstream
(weeks – months)

Diagnostic Stage
trophozoites and cysts
recovered from brain
or skin biopsy or corneal
scraping — rarely seen in
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76 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

There have also been several hundred cases of Acan- Cysts of Acanthamoeba spp., like Naegleria spp.,
thamoeba keratitis related to poor contact lens care. Direct are also resistant to chlorination and drying.
examination of a patient’s cornea using a confocal micro- Acanthamoeba spp. trophozoites have spinelike
scope can aid in diagnosing A. keratitis. Direct examina- pseudopodia but are rarely seen motile. They aver-
tion and culture of corneal scrapings can also lead to age 30 µm and have a large central karyosome in
a correct diagnosis. Using contaminated saline cleaning the nucleus. The 10- to 25-µm cyst is round with a
solutions and wearing lenses while swimming in con- single nucleus and has a double wall; the outer cyst
taminated water are the usual causes of these infections. wall may be slightly wrinkled with a polyhedral
A related ameba, Balamuthia mandrillaris, has been inner wall. Acanthamoeba spp. vary in sensitivity
reported as another causative agent of GAE. It is rare, to antimicrobial agents. Treatment of Acanthamoeba
however. It has also been found in immunocompetent keratitis is often successful but only rare cases
children. This parasite has been found in many of central nervous system (CNS) infections have
primates (e.g., gorillas, gibbons, monkeys) and sheep responded to therapy. In vitro studies suggest
and horses. One-third of the few cases reported in the that B. mandrillaris is susceptible to pentamidine
United States were in patients with AIDS. isothiocyanate.

Entamoeba histolytica (ameba)

Method of Diagnosis a fresh liquid or very soft stool to observe tropho-

Recover and identify trophozoites or cysts in feces or zoite motility. Successful interpretation of saline
intestinal mucosa. mounts requires immediate examination of the
specimen. Because this may not be convenient, it is
Specimen Requirements often preferable to place a fresh stool into a preser-
1. At least three fresh stool specimens should be exam- vative and transport the sample to the laboratory.
ined for the presence of parasites. A permanently (See details in the Chapter 7 section about specimen
stained smear and a concentration procedure must transport procedures.)
be performed on each specimen submitted for 2. Six permanent smears from different sites should be
examination. A saline mount may be performed on prepared while a sigmoidoscopy is being performed.
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 77

3. Antigen-based immunoassays on fresh or frozen Disease Names

fecal samples provide a useful and direct method of ■ Amebiasis
demonstrating infections with this parasite. ■ Amebic dysentery
4. Serologic methods are most useful in extraintesti- ■ Amebic hepatitis (if liver is involved)
nal diseases.
Major Pathology and Symptoms
Diagnostic Stage Patient may be asymptomatic or exhibit vague abdom-
inal discomfort, malaise, diarrhea alternating with
nuclei constipation, or bloody dysentery and fever (in cases of
acute illness). The pathogen invades the intestinal
submucosa via lytic enzymes in 2% to 8% of infections;
lateral extension leads to typical flask-shaped lesions. In
amebic hepatitis, there is an enlarged liver, fever, chills,
and leukocytosis.
Depending on the location of infection, iodoquinol,
paromomycin, metronidazole, dehydroemetine, and
combinations (see Table 8-1 on p. 176). All positive
cases should be treated.

Distribution is worldwide.

Of Note
1. Chronic infection may last for years.
2. Although the pathogenic E. histolytica and the non-
pathogenic species E. dispar can be differentiated
definitively using appropriate fecal immunoassay
methods or by using DNA probes, it is acceptable to
use the finding of ingested RBCs as a means of
identifying E. histolytica.
3. Onset of invasive disease may be gradual or sudden
and is characterized by blood-tinged mucous
dysentery with up to 10 stools per day. Severe,
sudden-onset cases may mimic appendicitis.
4. It must be differentiated from ulcerative colitis,
carcinoma, other intestinal parasites, and divertic-
ulitis. Also, the hepatic form must be differentiated
from hepatitis, hydatid cyst, various gallbladder
problems, cancer, and lung disease.
5. Amebae can invade the lungs, brain, skin, and
other tissues. Amebic hepatitis is the most common
and gravest complication. Usually, only a single
abscess develops in the right lobe of the liver. Any
of the various imaging techniques reveals the
6. This parasite has been added to the list of sexually
transmitted diseases.

Note: Even pattern of nuclear chromatin on the nuclear

rim with spoke-like pattern from the karysome.

TABLE 5-2 ■ Diagnostic Characteristics of Ameba Cysts and Trophozoites

Size of Cyst Number of Nuclear Cytoplasmic
Parasite and Troph (µm) Nuclei Appearance Inclusions Cyst Trophozoite

Entamoeba 10–20 Cyst = 1, 2, or 4 Small central Cyst = cigar-shaped

histolytica Troph = 1 karyosome chromatoid body
(pathogen) with even Troph = red blood
chromatin cells


Entamoeba E. histolytica/

histolytica/E. E. dispar Troph =

dispar no red blood cells
2:24 PM


Entamoeba <10 Cyst = 1, 2, or 4 Small central Cyst = cigar-shaped

hartmanni Troph = 1 karyosome chromatoid body
(nonpathogenic) with even Troph = none
Page 78

Entamoeba coli >10 Cyst = 1–8 Eccentric Cyst = splinter-

(nonpathogenic) Troph = 1 karyosome shaped, pointed,
with irregular rough-edged
chromatin chromatin body
Troph = ingested
Comparative Morphology of Intestinal Amebae and Others
TABLE 5-2 ■ Diagnostic Characteristics of Ameba Cysts and Trophozoites—cont’d
Size of Cyst Number of Nuclear Cytoplasmic
Parasite and Troph (µm) Nuclei Appearance Inclusions Cyst Trophozoite

Endolimax nana 6–12 Cyst = 1–4 Irregular Cyst = none

(nonpathogenic) Troph = 1 clumped Troph = none
with no

2:24 PM
Page 79

lodamoeba 8–10 Cyst = 1 Large Cyst = large

bütschlii Troph = 1 irregular glycogen
(nonpathogenic) karyosome vacuole
with no Troph = none



TABLE 5-2 ■ Diagnostic Characteristics of Ameba Cysts and Trophozoites—cont’d

Size of Cyst Number of Nuclear Cytoplasmic
Parasite and Troph (µm) Nuclei Appearance Inclusions Cyst Trophozoite

Blastocystis Cyst = 6–40; Cyst = 2–4 Central Cyst = none

(nonpathogenic?) trophs rarely Troph = ? body form = Troph = ?
seen large central


occupies up

to 90% of
the organ-
ism; nuclei
2:24 PM

are in the

outside of
the vacuole
Page 80
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 81

TABLE 5-3 ■ Comparative Morphology of Opportunistic Amebic Pathogens of the Central

Nervous System
Size of Cyst Number of Nuclear Cytoplasmic
Parasite and Troph (µm) Nuclei Appearance Inclusions Cyst Trophozoite
Acanthamoeba Cyst = 15-20 Cyst = 1 Both cyst and Cyst = double-walled
spp. Troph = 10–45 Troph = 1 troph = distinct wrinkled appearance
nucleus with in tissue
smooth- Troph = none
staining cyto-
plasm when
viewed in
tissue; no
Naegleria fowleri Cyst = none in Troph = 1 Troph = large, Cyst = none Naegleria
humans centrally Troph = numerous fowleri no cyst
Troph = 7–20 located WBCs and no bacte- present in
karyosome ria are present when tissue
motile trophs are
seen in CSF

FOR REVIEW 7. Compare and contrast the cause and diagnostic

features of PAM and GAE.
1. Describe the nuclear structure for E. histolytica.

2. State the microscopic characteristics used to differenti-

ate E. histolytica from E. dispar.
Flagellates in the class Zoomastigophorea include
the pathogenic protozoa that inhabit the gastroin-
3. How is E. hartmanni differentiated from E. histolytica? testinal tract, atria, bloodstream, or tissues of
humans (Table 5-4, p. 82). The pathogenic gastroin-
testinal flagellates include two species: Giardia lam-
blia and Dientamoeba fragilis. Two common nonpath-
4. List and describe the characteristics used to differenti- ogenic species also found in the intestinal tract are
ate cysts of E. histolytica from E. coli. Chilomastix mesnili and Pentatrichomonas hominis.
These organisms must be differentiated from the
pathogens to avoid misdiagnosis and mistreatment.
Trichomonas vaginalis is the only pathogenic atrial
protozoan that inhabits the vagina and urethra.
5. The most prominent diagnostic feature seen in the G. lamblia is the most common intestinal protozoa
cyst of lodameba bütschlii is in the United States. Of the intestinal flagellates, it is
important to differentiate G. lamblia from the several
nonpathogenic flagellates that can be found in the
_____________________________________________. intestinal tract. The cyst and the trophozoite are illus-
6. Describe the microscopic appearance of B. hominis. trated on pages 83 and 84. The trophozoite of G. lamblia
(10 to 20 µm ⫻ 5 to 15 µm) is bilaterally symmetric
and has two anterior nuclei and eight flagella. A
sucking disk concavity on the ventral side is the
means of attachment to the intestinal mucosa. The
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82 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

TABLE 5-4 ■ Flagellates

Order Scientific Name Common Name
Diplomonadida Giardia lamblia (gee’are-dee’uh/lamb-blee’uh) traveler’s diarrhea
Trichomonadida Dientamoeba fragilis (dye-en’tuh-mee’buh/fradj”i-lis) Dientamoeba
Trichomonadida Trichomonas vaginalis (trick”o-mo’nas/vadj-l-nay’lis) Trich
Kinetoplastida Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense (trip-an”o-so”muh/brew’see”l/ro-dee”zee-en’see) East African sleeping sickness
Kinetoplastida Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (trip-an”o-so’muh/brew’see”l/gam-bee-en’see) West African sleeping sickness
Kinetoplastida Trypanosoma cruzi (trip-an”o-so’muh/kroo’zye) Chagas’ disease
Kinetoplastida Leishmania tropica complex (leesh-may’nee-uh/trop’i-kuh) Oriental boil
Kinetoplastida Leishmania mexicana complex (leesh-may’nee-uh/mex-l-can’uh) New World leishmaniasis, diffuse
cutaneous leishmaniasis
Kinetoplastida Leishmania braziliensis complex (leesh-may’nee-uh/bra-zil”l-en’sis) New World leishmaniasis
Kinetoplastida Leishmania donovani complex (leesh-may’nee-uh/don”o-vay’nigh) kala-azar

cysts are oval, with two or four nuclei located at one moves by means of pseudopodia when seen in feces.
end. The clustered nuclei and the central axoneme The trophozoite is 6 to 20 µm and exhibits sluggish
give the cyst the appearance of a little old lady wear- nondirectional motility. D. fragilis may occasionally
ing glasses. The cytoplasm of the cyst stage is often have more or fewer than two nuclei in the trophozoite
retracted from the cyst wall, leaving a clear space stage; therefore, it could be confused with developing
under the wall. This parasite has often been associated cysts of Endolimax nana or other ameba.
with traveler’s diarrhea, and trophozoites and cysts T. vaginalis multiplies in the genitourinary atrium of
can be found in the diarrheic feces along with unusual both men and women. Usually, only women exhibit
amounts of mucus. These are not tissue invaders; symptoms, whereas men serve as asymptomatic carri-
however, prolonged heavy infection may result in ers. Transmission of T. vaginalis is direct and generally
malabsorption by the intestinal mucosa. Transmission by sexual intercourse. Trichomonad species do not form
is by ingestion of the cyst stage in fecally contami- cysts. Motile trophozoites may be identified in fresh
nated water or food. urine or in a saline preparation of urethral or vaginal
D. fragilis also has been associated with cases of di- discharge by its characteristic structure, jerky motility,
arrhea. It lives in the cecum and colon and does not and the “rippling” motion of its undulating membrane.
form cysts; the method of transmission is uncertain. It has a large anterior nucleus, four anterior flagella, an
The trophozoite has two nuclei connected by a divi- axostyle, and an undulating membrane. Men are
sion spindle filament. It has no observable flagella but usually asymptomatic; thus, all sex partners should be
is classified in the flagellate order Trichomonadida. It treated to prevent reinfection.
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 83

Giardia lamblia (flagellate)

Method of Diagnosis 5. Antigen-based immunoassays on fecal samples pro-

Recover and identify trophozoites or cysts in feces or vide a useful and direct method of demonstrating
duodenal contents.* infections with this parasite. Fecal immunoassays
provide more sensitive detection of this parasite
Specimen Requirements than conventional diagnositic methods, but the
1. At least three stool specimens should be examined limitation is that only Giardia will be detected and
for possible parasites. Because trophozoites adhere other parasites would be missed if stained slides are
to the duodenal intestinal mucosa via their sucking not examined.
disk, there may be intermittent shedding of organ-
isms; therefore, more than three specimens may be
required to diagnose this infection.
2. A permanently stained smear for each specimen
should be prepared and examined.
3. Be sure to examine areas of mucus in feces for the
possible presence of parasites.
4. The string test (Entero-Test;* see p. 151) may be
helpful if fecal examinations are negative.

* A commercially available, orally retrievable string device swal-

lowed in a gelatin capsule—Entero-Test (available from HDC Corp.,
142 N. Milpita Blvd. Suite 269, Milpita, CA 95035)—can be exam-
ined for the presence of trophozoites in duodenal mucus adherent
on the string, which is pulled up after the capsule has been swal-
lowed. The device is also useful for recovering Strongyloides stercoralis
eggs or larvae.
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84 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

Giardia lamblia

Intestinal wall cross-section

Disease Names Distribution

■ Giardiasis Distribution is worldwide.
■ Traveler’s diarrhea
Of Note
Major Pathology and Symptoms 1. Outbreaks have been related to cross-contamination
Symptoms include abdominal pain, foul-smelling diar- of water and sewage systems and contamination of
rhea, foul-smelling gas (known as the “purple burps” streams by wild animals, such as beavers, that serve
and smells like rotten eggs), and mechanical irritation as reservoir hosts.
of intestinal mucosa with shortening of villi and inflam- 2. Travelers to endemic areas (e.g., St. Petersburg,
matory foci. Malabsorption syndrome may occur in Russia; some areas of the United States) experience
heavy infections. People with an IgA deficiency may be severe diarrhea on infection, but permanent
more susceptible. Unlike bacillary dysentery, stool does residents of the endemic areas generally do not
not contain red or white blood cells. exhibit symptoms.
3. Increased numbers of gay men harbor this
Treatment infection.
1. Quinacrine
2. Metronidazole or furazolidone
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 85

Dientamoeba fragilis (intestinal flagellate)

Method of Diagnosis Major Pathology and Symptoms

Identify trophozoites in feces (no cyst stage known). Disease is usually asymptomatic but it may be associ-
ated with diarrhea, anorexia, and abdominal pain.
Specimen Requirements
1. At least three stool specimens should be examined Treatment
for parasites. Iodoquinol, tetracycline, or paromomycin
2. A permanently stained smear for each specimen
should be prepared and examined for trophozoites. Distribution
3. Trophozoites can be found in formed stools. Distribution is worldwide.

Diagnostic Stage
Dientamoeba fragilis
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86 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

Of Note 4. This parasite may be difficult to identify because

1. A fairly high association between Enterobius vermic- the nuclear chromatin may appear as fragmented
ularis and D. fragilis infections has been noted. dots, which in turn may cause it to resemble other
These findings suggest that D. fragilis may also be organisms such as E. nana, E. hartmanni, or Chilo-
transmitted via pinworm eggs. mastix mesnili, leading to misidentification.
2. No cyst stage is known for this parasite. 5. In some geographic areas (even within the
3. Most organisms (60% to 80%) have two nuclei United States), D. fragilis is more common than
and 20% to 40% will have only one nucleus. G. lamblia and the infection is not limited to the
pediatric population.

Trichomonas vaginalis (atrial flagellate)

Method of Diagnosis Specimen Requirements

Recover and identify motile trophozoites in fresh ure- 1. Fresh vaginal or urethral discharges or prostatic se-
thral discharge, vaginal smear, or urine. T. vaginalis cretions are examined as a wet mount diluted with
can be recognized in a Papanicolaou-stained cervical a drop of saline. Note jerky, “rippling” pattern of
smear. Rapid point-of-care testing is available. These motility.
tests are immunochromatographic capillary flow 2. Several specimens may be needed before diagnosis
assays. is confirmed.
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 87

Diagnostic Stage

Disease Names children, so that issues such as potential child abuse

■ Trichomonad vaginitis can be correctly managed.
■ Urethritis
■ Trich

Major Pathology and Symptoms
1. In women, the following symptoms are common: 1. Write the scientific names for two flagellates that do
a. Persistent vaginal inflammation not form cysts:
b. Yellowish, frothy, foul-smelling vaginal discharge
c. Burning on urination
d. Itching and irritation in the vaginal area and _________________________________________
2. In men, the disease is generally asymptomatic. 2. For G. lamblia, C. mesnili, D. fragilis, T. vaginalis, and
P. hominis, write the respective body locations where
Treatment these parasites are found.

Distribution is worldwide.
3. Compare and contrast the diagnostic features of
Of Note G. lamblia, C. mesnili, D. fragilis, T. vaginalis, and
T. hominis may be found as a fecal contaminant in P. hominis.
urine samples being examined for the presence of
T. vaginalis. Care must be exercised in correctly identi-
fying these organisms, especially in samples from
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88 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

4. Compare and contrast the clinical symptoms for

diseases caused by G. lamblia, D. fragilis, and
T. vaginalis.

Nonpathogenic Intestinal flagellates

chilomastix menii

Trichomonas hominis
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 89

KINETOPLASTIDA disease can result in an enlarged heart, esophagus,

and colon. Eventually, death may occur if the disease
is untreated. In children, an acute fatal disease course
In the order Kinetoplastida, the pathogenic Trypanosoma is not uncommon.
and Leishmania flagellates are found multiplying in the In the genus Leishmania, there are four pathogenic
blood (hemoflagellates) or tissue of humans. All species “species complexes” with subspecies in each complex:
require an arthropod intermediate host. These hemofla- L. tropica (Old World), L. mexicana (New World),
gellates exhibit varying morphology in specific locations L. braziliensis, and L. donovani. Speciation has tradition-
in both humans and arthropods. ally been based on clinical symptomology, geographic
In the genus Trypanosoma, two subspecies—T. brucei location, and case history. All Leishmania species are
rhodesiense and T. brucei gambiense—cause East and transmitted by the sandfly intermediate host, Phleboto-
West African sleeping sickness, respectively. These mus spp. The bite of an infected sandfly initially results
diseases are transmitted by the tsetse fly intermediate in a self-healing skin lesion at the bite site; the lesion
host (Glossina spp.). Organisms are injected when the may last up to 1 year and may be a wet or dry ulcer,
infected fly takes a blood meal. The trypomastigote depending on the species. Amastigote forms can be
form can be found extracellularly in a human blood found multiplying intracellularly in local macrophages
smear in the plasma, in tissues such as lymph-node of the lesion. L. tropica and L. mexicana cause cuta-
biopsies, or in the CNS late in the disease. neous, spontaneously healing ulcers, although some
The species T. cruzi, primarily found in Central and subspecies of L. mexicana spread to cause a disfigur-
South America and more recently in the southwestern ing form, diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (DCL).
United States and Mexico, causes a debilitating condi- L. braziliensis affects the mucosa of the nasopharynx
tion known as Chagas’ disease. T. cruzi is transmitted and mouth. In addition, L. braziliensis can become
by the Triatoma spp. bug (also known as the kissing subpatent and flare up years later, resulting in subse-
bug, reduviid bug, cone nose bug or in South America quent erosion of cartilage in the nose and ears.
the vinchuca bug) intermediate host. When the Triatoma Unlike the others, L. donovani does not stay localized
takes a blood meal, infective organisms are deposited in the skin lesion; the organisms spread to the viscera,
on the skin in the feces of the bug and are rubbed into multiplying in macrophages of all internal organs and
the wound when the itching bite site is scratched. eventually causing death if the patient is untreated. In
T. cruzi organisms multiply in macrophages of the tissue sections (e.g., liver, spleen), L. donovani can be
reticuloendothelial system and are found multiplying seen as an intracellular multiplying amastigote form
as the amastigote form in tissues such as the heart. (L.D. body). All species of Leishmania that infect
However, trypomastigote forms may be found in the humans are zoonotic; the usual host is a vertebrate,
bloodstream early during the infection. Chagas’ such as a dog, fox, or rodent.
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90 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense (East African sleeping sickness)

and Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (West African sleeping sickness)

Method of Diagnosis infection, trypomastigotes are best found in the lymph

Examine fluid from bite site chancre or buffy coat of nodes or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Concentrating CSF
blood for trypomastigotes during febrile period. Thick by centrifugation may increase the chance of recover-
blood smears (see pp. 152 and 153) increase the ing parasites. Animal inoculation (mice or young rats)
chance of diagnosis. Multiple whole-blood specimens may be helpful; trypomastigotes in patient’s blood
may be needed. Thick and thin blood smears are multiply in the animal and then may be detected
stained with Giemsa or Wright’s stain. Late in the more easily.
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 91

Diagnostic Stage 6. Lethargy and motor changes

7. Coma and death; death from cardiac failure may
precede CNS symptoms in T. b. rhodesiense

Treatment depends on the phase of the disease:
1. Early: suramin or pentamidine
2. Late: melarsoprol or tryparsamide, when CNS in-
volvement has occurred

Distribution is primarily East or West Africa, as noted.

Of Note
1. RBC autoagglutination is commonly observed in
2. High levels of both IgM and spinal fluid proteins
are characteristic.
3. IgM in spinal fluid is diagnostic.
4. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
method to detect antigen in serum and CSF is use-
ful for clinical staging of the disease and evaluating

Note: Trypomastigote form may be seen dividing in

peripheral blood.
1. East and West African sleeping sickness is caused by

and ______________________________, respectively.

Major Pathology and Symptoms
Pathology and symptoms for both parasites include 2. Only the _____________________________________
the following: form is found in humans and transferred to a new
host by the
1. Lesion at bite site (chancre), usually seen in non-
2. Enlarged lymph nodes, especially posterior cervical
chain (Winterbottom’s sign)
3. Fever, headache, night sweats 3. Trypomastigote forms are seen in
4. Joint and muscle pain
5. CNS impairment in 6 months to 1 year with
T. b. gambiense or in 1 month with T. b. rhodesiense _____________________________________________.
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92 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas’ disease)

Method of Diagnosis endocardial, vascular, and interstitial (EVI) antibodies

1. Find amastigotes in stained tissue scraping of skin present; chemiluminescence, ELISA.
lesion (chagoma) at bite site. 5. L.D. bodies (amastigotes) appear in heart muscle
2. Identify C-shaped trypomastigotes in blood smear postmortem.
during acute exacerbation of symptoms. 6. Culture for epimastigotes in diphasic Novy-
3. Allow uninfected bugs to feed on patient, then later MacNeal-Nicolle (NNN) medium (see p. 155).
examine bug feces for parasite (xenodiagnosis). 7. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using T. cruzi
4. Perform Machado complement fixation test, intrader- DNA is being used to detect the presence of the
mal test, or indirect hemagglutination test (serology); parasite in chronic cases.
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 93

Diagnostic Stage

Disease Names 60% to 70% in Brazil and Bolivia. It may be the

■ Chagas’ disease cause of 30% of adult deaths in Brazil and Bolivia.
■ American trypanosomiasis Increasingly, more cases are being reported in Texas,
California, and other parts of the Southwest.
Major Pathology and Symptoms
1. In chronic cases, usually in adults, there may be no Of Note
history of acute illness, but an enlarged, weakened 1. Many animals serve as reservoir hosts in the
heart may cause sudden death. warmer southwestern states of North America.
2. Symptoms may include fever, weakness, and 2. Triatoma spp. feed at night on warm-blooded hosts,
enlarged spleen, liver, and lymph nodes. frequently on the conjunctiva of the eye.
3. Acute infection (most common in children) results 3. T. cruzi can cross the placenta and cause the disease
in initial chagoma reaction at bite site with perior- prenatally.
bital edema if bitten near the eye (Romaña’s sign), 4. Autoimmune reaction by antibodies that cross-
cardiac ganglia destruction, megacolon, and often react with EVI antibodies may play a role in heart,
rapid death. colon, and esophagus dilation and atony.
5. Donor blood must be tested using two different
Treatment serologic tests for evidence of T. cruzi infection.
Nifurtimox 6. Nonpathogenic T. rangeli trypomastigotes may be
present in humans in Central and South America
Distribution and may confuse diagnosis.
Distribution is primarily in Mexico, Central America,
and South America; seropositivity rates range from
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94 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa
➤ to include the vectors, the names of morphologic
FOR REVIEW forms, and where they are found in the host.

1. Write the scientific names for the organisms that

cause Chagas’ disease and East and West African
sleeping sickness:
3. Identify the major disease symptoms from trypanoso-
mal infections.
and _________________________________________.
2. Compare and contrast the life cycles of Chagas’
disease and the African sleeping sicknesses. Be sure

Leishmania tropica, L. mexicana, L. braziliensis, and L. donovani species

complexes (leishmaniasis)

Method of Diagnosis should be noted; serology, skin testing, culture, and

■ L. tropica and L. mexicana: Identify amastigotes in animal inoculations are helpful.
macrophages of skin lesion.
■ L. braziliensis: Identify amastigotes at the periphery Specimen Requirements
of the lesion. 1. Fine-needle aspiration from the base of the lesion
■ L. donovani: Identify amastigotes in early skin lesion using the aseptic technique is recommended.
and L.D. bodies later in reticuloendothelial system, Several slides should be made and stained with
spleen, lymph nodes, bone marrow, and liver. They Giemsa stain.
are also present in feces, urine, and nasal discharges. 2. Cultures should be attempted for a complete diag-
The clinical symptoms of a person in an endemic nosis using aspirated material and a suitable
area are presumptive; bone marrow smears are medium, such as NNN.
helpful. A striking increase in gamma globulin
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 95

Diagnostic Stage

Disease Names Treatment

■ L. tropica: cutaneous or Old World leishmaniasis, 1. L. tropica complex: (1) antimony (as sodium
Oriental boil, Baghdad or Delhi boil stibogluconate [Pentostam]), (2) local heat (three
■ L. braziliensis: mucocutaneous or New World 30-second treatments of 122ºF at weekly intervals
leishmaniasis, uta, espundia on chancre)
■ L. donovani: visceral leishmaniasis, kala-azar, 2. L. mexicana: (1) antimony (as sodium stiboglu-
Dumdum fever conate [Pentostam]), (2) pentamidine isethionate
3. L. braziliensis: (1) antimony (as sodium stiboglu-
Major Pathology and Symptoms conate [Pentostam]), (2) pentamidine isethionate
The type of illness results from immunopathology in 4. L. donovani: (1) antimony (as sodium stiboglu-
specific tissue sites. conate [Pentostam]), (2) pentamidine isethionate
1. L. tropica complex: Incubation period is several
months (L. tropica) or as short as 2 weeks (L. major).
■ L. tropica complex is found in the Mediterranean
One or more ulcerated, pus-filled lesions appear on
area, southwestern Asia, central and northwest
the body (indurated with macrophages) and are
Africa, Central America, and South America; recent
self-healing. Lesions often are moist and short-
cases have been seen in Texas (may be L. mexicana).
term in rural areas (infection by L. major lasting
■ L. braziliensis occurs in Central America and South
3 to 6 months) or dry and long-lasting in urban
America; the highest concentration is in Brazil and
areas (infection by L. tropica lasts 12 to 18 months).
the Andes. The disease is rural.
2. L. mexicana: Symptoms are similar to L. tropica. Two
■ L. donovani occurs primarily in young children in
subspecies may cause DCL (see p. 89).
North Africa and East Africa, Asia, the Mediter-
3. L. braziliensis: Symptoms include a red, itchy, in-
ranean area, and South America. In India and
durated ulcer; lesions may metastasize along
Bangladesh, the disease is found primarily in adults.
lymphatics and sequester; lesion is self-healing.
Disfigurement of nose and ears may occur years
Of Note
later from chronic mucosal ulceration. DCL, seen
1. Cutaneous lesions may appear as ulcers, cauliflower-
mainly in Brazil, has an absence of cell-mediated
like masses, or nodules.
immune reactivity. Note: The cause may be
2. Host’s genetic, nutritional, and immunologic status
L. pifanoi.
plays a large role in pathology.
4. L. donovani: The incubation period is long. With the
3. Various animals serve as reservoir hosts (e.g., gerbils
initial lesion, short-term, small papules are at the
and other rodents, monkeys, and in the New
bite site. Malarialike spiking chills and fever ensue
World, dogs).
(however, double fever spikes occur), along with
4. Vaccination against L. tropica is common in the
sweating, diarrhea, dysentery, and weight loss.
former Soviet Union.
Splenomegaly and hepatomegaly develop after
5. Leishmanin (Montenegro) skin test becomes
leishmania disseminate and multiply in visceral
positive in DCL and kala-azar only after cured;
reticuloendothelium. Hyperplasia of tissue and or-
positive reactions are usually found in cutaneous
gans occurs, along with progressive anemia. Death
and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis.
often occurs within 2 years if untreated (75% to
6. Elevated globulin levels are present in visceral
95% mortality).
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96 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

7. L. tropica is generally transmitted from humans; other

parasites in the complex are primarily zoonoses.
Organisms in the Kinetofragminophorea class (phy-

FOR REVIEW lum, Ciliophora) are characterized by ectoplasmic cilia

covering the surface, two different kinds of nuclei
1. For each of the following parasites, name the mor- (a large kidney-shaped macronucleus and a small
phologic form found in humans, state where this micronucleus), and other well-developed organelles,
form is found in the infected host, and describe the such as an oral cytostome. Ciliates multiply asexu-
pathology that the organism produces. ally by binary fission and also sexually reproduce by
conjugation, with exchange of micronuclei.
a. L. tropica: Balantidium coli is the largest parasitic protozoon
(60 µm ⫻ 40 µm) and is the only ciliate that is path-
ogenic for humans. B. coli causes dysentery in severe
intestinal infections and can be found in feces in
b. L. braziliensis: either the trophozoite or cyst state. It is probable that
human infections are directly acquired through
ingestion of cysts in fecally contaminated food or
c. L. donovani: This parasite is a tissue invader and produces in-
testinal lesions along the submucosa. There are also
reports of vaginal infections with this organism,
probably acquired by fecal contamination of the
2. Name the insect vector in the Leishmania spp. life vaginal atrium.
cycle and describe the morphologic form found in the

Balantidium coli (ciliate)

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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 97

Method of Diagnosis
Identify trophozoites or cysts in feces or intestinal

Specimen Requirements
1. One to three stool specimens are usually sufficient.
The large organisms can be noted easily under low
power (100x).
2. Wet mounts of fresh or concentrated specimens are
best. The organisms stain very darkly in perma-
nently stained preparations.

Diagnostic Stage



Disease Names Treatment

■ Balantidiasis 1. Tetracycline
■ Balantidial dysentery 2. Iodoquinol or metronidazole

Major Pathology and Symptoms Distribution

Disease may be asymptomatic. When symptoms Distribution is worldwide, especially in the tropics, but
occur, they are usually abdominal discomfort with mild the disease is rare in the United States.
to moderate chronic recurrent diarrhea or acute dysen-
tery. A healthy person is less likely to develop illness.
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98 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

Of Note malaria and toxoplasmosis (Table 5-5). Most species

1. Pig feces are regarded as a potential source of infec- produce a spore form that is infective for the definitive
tion because pigs can harbor this parasite. host after it is ingested or injected by a biting arthropod
2. B. coli may invade the intestinal mucosa, spreading vector. All genera have a life cycle that includes both
horizontal lesions and causing hyperemia and sexual (gametocyte production and sporogony) and
hemorrhage of the bowel surface. However, the asexual (schizogony) phases of reproduction. Most
organism does not spread via the bloodstream. have a two-host life cycle.
3. This is the largest protozoa and the only ciliated The genus Plasmodium includes the sporozoon that
protozoa to infect humans. causes human malaria. The asexual cycle (schizogony)
begins when the infected female Anopheles mosquito
(the definitive host) bites a human and injects infec-

FOR REVIEW tive sporozoites, which then enter cutaneous blood

vessels. The sporozoites travel via blood and invade
1. Write the scientific name for the only ciliate pathogenic liver cells. Each becomes a cryptozoite, reproducing
in humans: intracellularly by asexual division and forming many
merozoites. This is the exoerythrocytic cycle and is
completed in 1 to 2 weeks.
The merozoites escape from the liver cells and invade
circulating RBCs. Merozoites entering RBCs become
2. Describe the nuclear features of this parasite and its trophozoites (also known as ring forms), which then
mode of reproduction. mature through the schizont stage in 36 to 72 hours.
Each schizont produces 6 to 24 new merozoites. The
timing to maturation of the schizont and the number
of new merozoites produced differentiate the species of
3. Differentiate the disease symptoms associated with Plasmodium. When the schizont is mature, the RBC rup-
B. coli and E. histolytica. tures, releasing the merozoites, which invade new
RBCs. The cycle of RBC invasion, schizogony, and cell
rupture continually repeats itself, producing symptoms.
This is the erythrocytic cycle: merozoite enters RBC →
trophozoite → schizont production → RBC rupture →
merozoites released to penetrate new RBCs. Each cycle
induces a paroxysm when toxic materials are released
from the many ruptured RBCs. The paroxysm begins
CLASS SPOROZOA suddenly and is characterized by a 10- to 15-minute
(or longer) period of shaking chills, followed by a high
Sporozoan parasites are obligate endoparasitic proto- fever lasting from 2 to 6 hours or longer. The patient
zoa with no apparent organelles of locomotion. This begins sweating profusely as the temperature returns
class includes some of the most important and wide- to normal. The paroxysm is in part an allergic response
spread parasites of humans, including those that cause to released parasitic antigens.

TABLE 5-5 ■ Sporozoa

Order Scientific Name Common Name
Eucoccidiida Plasmodium vivax (plaz-mo’dee-um/vye’vacks) benign tertian malaria
Eucoccidiida Plasmodium falciparum (plaz-mo’dee-um/fal-sip’uh-rum) malignant tertian malaria
Eucoccidiida Plasmodium malariae (plaz-mo’dee-um/ma-lair’ee-ee) quartan malaria
Eucoccidiida Plasmodium ovale (plaz-mo’dee-um/ova’lee) ovale malaria
Piroplasmida Babesia spp. (bab-ee”zee’-uh) none
Eucoccidiida Toxoplasma gondii (tock”so-plaz’muh/gon’dee-eye) Toxoplasma
Eucoccidiida Sarcocystis spp. (sahr”ko-sis-tis) (Isospora hominis)
Eucoccidiida Cystoisospora belli (cisto-eye”sos’puh-ruh/bell-eye) none
Eucoccidiida Cryptosporidium parvum (krip”toe-spor-i’dee-um/par’vum) none
Eucoccidiida Cyclospora cayetanensis (sye’klo-spor-a/kay’e-tan’en-sis) none
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 99

Later in the infection, some merozoites develop into caused by renal anoxia. The sudden massive intravas-
microgametocytes (male sex cells) and macrogameto- cular lysis of RBCs, followed by hemoglobin passage in
cytes (female sex cells). The sexual cycle (sporogony) urine (blackwater fever, or hemoglobinuria) is related
begins when a female Anopheles mosquito (definitive to treatment with quinine in susceptible individuals.
host) ingests gametocytes as she takes a blood meal The most severe complication—cerebral malaria—
from an infected person. The gametes unite in the occurs when blood vessels in the brain become affected.
stomach of the mosquito, forming a motile zygote Coma and death may follow.
(the ookinete), which then moves through and en- Pathology caused by the other Plasmodium species
cysts on the mosquito’s stomach wall. After further is less severe, primarily because these parasites are un-
maturation to an oocyst containing many infective able to invade both young and old red cells, as are
sporozoites, the sporozoites are released from the P. falciparum parasites. In addition, the other species do
oocyst and migrate to the mosquito’s salivary glands. not cause changes to the red-cell membrane such as
The mosquito bite is now infective to the next human those seen with P. falciparum. Merozoites of P. malariae
victim. Infective sporozoites enter the bite site via the can invade only older cells; those of P. vivax and P. ovale
saliva of the mosquito and travel to the liver; the life infect primarily reticulocytes (immature RBCs). Inas-
cycle begins again. Malaria can also be transmitted via much as these young red-cell populations are small at
blood transfusion and from contaminated needles of any given time, the infection is limited.
intravenous drug users. P. vivax is the most widely disseminated and most
Drug-resistant strains of Plasmodium species and in- prevalent parasite causing malaria. There is repeated
secticide-resistant strains of mosquitoes have recently exoerythrocytic development in the liver; therefore,
and rapidly evolved, posing major problems in con- P. vivax can cause a relapse, with erythrocytic cycles
trolling the spread of this disease worldwide. Control starting again years after the initial infection sequence.
measures have essentially eliminated the disease from This is thought to result from sequestered hypno-
some countries, including the United States, but it is zoites in the liver. P. ovale can also cause relapses, but
still a major problem in Africa, Asia, Central and infections with this parasite are usually less severe and
South America, and areas of Europe, and it could be often resolve themselves within 6 to 10 paroxysms.
reintroduced into controlled areas. A fifth malaria species, known as P. knowlesi, is
Of the four species included in the life-cycle dia- emerging as an important parasite. This zoonosis,
gram, P. falciparum is the most deadly; these parasites found in forests of southeast Asia, especially Malaysian
promote physiologic changes of the red cell (which Borneo, is transmitted from long-tailed (Macaca fasicu-
develops a “knobby” surface), which causes agglutina- laris) and pig-tailed (M. nemestrina) macaques to
tion and lysis. Schizogony takes place in the capillaries humans by Anopheles latens mosquitoes. The parasite’s
and blood sinuses of the brain, visceral organs, and morphology resembles that of P. malariae, but some
placenta, with infected cells tending to adhere to one forms may also appear similar to ring trophozoite
another and to the surrounding vessel walls. Vessels forms of P. falciparum. Rapid diagnostic assays cannot
become blocked, causing local infarction damage to the distinguish this parasite from other parasitic species so
regional tissue. Symptoms vary according to the degree the final diagnosis relies on careful observation of
of tissue anoxia and rupture of blocked capillaries. blood smears. Correct identification is important
Many uninfected red cells also lyse during a paroxysm. because P. malaria generally produces mild or benign
Host responses to red-cell remnants and other parasitic disease and P. knowlesi may produce very high para-
debris lead to more RBC lysis and enlargement of the sitemias leading to severe or fatal pulmonary and
spleen and liver. Another complication is renal failure hepatorenal symptoms.
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100 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

Plasmodium species (malaria)

Method of Diagnosis that it may not detect early infections with low
Demonstrate and identify trophozoites, schizonts, or parasitemia; therefore, thick film examination
gametocytes in peripheral blood. Blood should be should still be performed before ruling out infection.
drawn immediately when the patient arrives at the hos- 2. Fluorescent DNA/RNA stained films using Acridine
pital. The initial test must be considered a stat request, orange offers a rapid method to detect parasites but
and because early infections may not be synchronized, species identification may be difficult.
subsequent specimens should be drawn at 6- to 3. (MERASE) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
12-hour intervals. Both thick and thin smears should methods have been available for some time but are
be examined. Negative morning and afternoon thick- not commonly used due to the complexity and
stained smears for 3 consecutive days during symptoms expense of the procedure. These methods provide
indicate absence of infection. When infections are an excellent method for detecting and resolving
synchronized, more parasites may be visible when mixed infections.
blood is obtained between paroxysms. Serology is help- See Disease Names (p. 102) for the timing of the
ful but is not readily available. cycle of paroxysms for each species.
Although the thick film examination is still consid-
ered the gold standard for malaria diagnosis, several Specimen Requirements
other techniques are used in different parts of the Ethylene-diamine-tetraacetic (EDTA) acid preserved
world. whole blood is preferred if anticoagulants are used
1. Rapid immunochromatographic dipstick antigen for collection but smears should be made within
detection assays have been developed and may be 1 hour because true stippling of immature RBCs may
useful in detecting parasitemia. One of these tests is not be retained (e.g., P. vivax). Giemsa stain is
FDA approved in the United States (see Table 7-3, preferred but parasites are visible when stained with
p.158). The disadvantage of this methodology is Wright-Giemsa stain.
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 101

Diagnostic Stages
Plasmodium falciparum

Note: Mature trophozoites

and schizonts generally not
seen in peripheral blood.

Plasmodium malariae
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102 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

Plasmodium vivax

Note: Single ring, one-third diameter of an RBC; invades only immature RBCs so that large bluish-staining cells are parasitized.
RBC shows red-stained Schüffner’s dots, which become visible between 15 and 20 hours following invasion of the cell.
Trophozoite is very ameboid and assumes bizarre shapes during early schizogony.

P. ovale (rare) Note: Single ring, one-third diameter of RBC. RBC is oval, shows Schüffner’s dots.

TABLE 5-6 ■ Differential Characteristics

Scientific Name Common Name Cyclic Paroxysms Relapses

P. falciparum Malignant malaria Every 36 to 48 hours No
P. vivax Tertian malaria Every 48 hours Yes
P. malariae Quartan malaria Every 72 hours No
P. ovale Ovale malaria Every 48 hours Yes
P. knowlesi Quotidian malaria Every 24 hours No

RBCs, resultant blocking of capillaries, and subse-

Major Pathology and Symptoms quent rapid death. P. falciparum infection also can
All cause splenic enlargement, fever and chill parox- result in severe blackwater fever and renal failure. A
ysms, pain in the joints, and anemia from red-cell sudden life-threatening respiratory distress syndrome
destruction. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea often are may also occur with P. falciparum. High IgM and IgG
among the initial symptoms seen on admission to the levels suggest current or recurrent malaria infection;
hospital. Malaria pigment is deposited in tissues. P. fal- elevated IgG alone indicates past infection. Quartan
ciparum infection can cause high fever, bloody urine, malaria nephropathy is immunopathological from
massive hemolysis, brain damage from clumping of immune complex deposition in kidneys.
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 103

Suspicion must be high and response must be rapid and the diagnostic features are
for the diagnosis of malaria when a patient who has vis-
ited or lived in a malarious area shows symptoms of this
disease. Death can occur quickly if treatment is delayed. 2. The most prevalent malaria parasite is

Chloroquine, quinine, pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine, and the diagnostic features are
and tetracycline
Distribution 3. Relapses may be found in P.
■ P. falciparum and P. malariae are found in the tropics.
■ P. vivax is found in the tropics, subtropics, and some
temperate regions; it is the most prevalent malaria infections and recrudescences may be found in P.
____________________________________ infections.
■ P. knowlesi is found in southeastern Asia.
■ P. ovale is found in West Africa. 4. “Band” form trophozoites are noted in P.
■ P. vivax and P. falciparum account for more than 95%
of infections.
____________________________________ infections.
Of Note
5. Reticulocyte infections are seen in P.
1. P. vivax and P. ovale may cause relapses years later
because of secondary exoerythrocytic cycles (hyp-
nozoites in liver); primaquine is used to kill the
____________________________________ infections.
liver-phase organisms of malaria.
2. P. vivax and P. ovale invade reticulocytes preferen- 6. For each of the following, list two diagnostic morpho-
tially; therefore, counterstaining blood for reticulo- logic features seen in peripheral blood films.
cytes can aid identification.
3. As many as 70% of African Americans and West
Africans are negative for the Duffy blood group,
which may be related to resistance to P. vivax
a. P. malariae:
infection in the indigenous people. Inherited glucose-
6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency and hemo-
globin gene alterations (e.g., sickle cell inheritance) and _________________________________________
may play an evolutionary role in survival of humans
b. P. vivax:
in endemic areas, inasmuch as these genetic variants
are incompatible with parasite survival.
4. Presence of P. falciparum schizonts in peripheral and _________________________________________
blood indicates very grave prognosis.
c. P. ovale:
5. P. malariae infections may cause a recrudescence
or series of recrudescences for many years because
of low-grade parasitemia.
and _________________________________________
6. Malaria is primarily a rural disease; its incidence is sig-
nificantly increasing because of drug-resistant malaria d. P. falciparum:
strains, insecticide-resistant mosquitoes, and inade-
quate resources to prevent infection from spreading.
and _________________________________________
7. Why are P. falciparum infections more severe than

FOR REVIEW infections caused by the other Plasmodium spp.?

1. Blackwater fever is caused by


Babesia species
Ticks, especially Ixodes dammini in the northeastern tick-transmitted human infections have been reported.
United States, are the definitive hosts for the sporozoa In the human intermediate host, the organisms multi-
of the Babesia species (subclass Piroplasmia). Occasional ply in RBCs. Trophozoites are generally pear-shaped
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104 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

(2 to 4 ␮m), lying in pairs or tetrads. Unlike malarias, splenectomized or immunocompromised patients. An

extracellular trophozoites may occasionally be ob- unknown number of wild animals may also serve as
served. Clinical signs follow the bite of an infected tick reservoir hosts for these and other species of this para-
in about 2 to 3 weeks and resemble symptoms of site. Human carriers probably exist as indicated by cases
malaria, including nonsynchronous fever, chills, sweats, related to transmission through blood transfusions.
anorexia, and myalgia. There may also be hemolytic
anemia and mild spleen and liver disease. Although Method of Diagnosis
most infections are subclinical, more severe cases may The diagnosis is made by examination of multiple
exhibit renal failure, disseminated intravascular coagu- thin and thick blood smears. Parasites in RBCs usu-
lation, and respiratory syndrome. ally lie in pairs at an acute angle or as a tetrad in a
Studies comparing disease symptoms found in Maltese cross formation, although they are rarely
patients in the northeastern United States with those observed. As many as four or five ring forms per ery-
found in patients in California indicate that more than throcyte may be seen in babesiosis. Care must be
one species of Babesia causes disease in humans. Cases in taken not to confuse Babesia spp. with malarial ring
the Northeast are usually caused by B. microti and forms of Plasmodium, especially P. falciparum, which
commonly produce mild or subclinical diseases, although often has multiple small ring forms in RBCs. When
several patients have died. Infected individuals in absolute species identification is impossible, it is ad-
California and in other parts of the world often present visable to add the statement that “Plasmodium falci-
fulminant, febrile, hemolytic symptoms, especially in parum cannot be excluded” to the laboratory report.
splenectomized or immunocompromised patients. Blood samples from infected patients can be injected
Babesia spp. infections have been transmitted through into hamsters or gerbils; the animal’s red cells will
blood transfusions. show infection. Paired sera tested against infected
Two other species, B. bovis and B. divergens, found in hamster RBCs using an indirect fluorescent antibody
cattle have infected humans in the United States and method can be helpful in diagnosing chronic infec-
Europe and have been associated with the infections in tions as well.

Babesia microti

Specimen Requirements 2. Patients may acquire concomitant infection with

■ Whole blood or capillary blood may be used. Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease) or Ehrlichia spp.
■ Giemsa stain is preferred but parasites are visible (human granulocytic ehrlichiosis) because these
when stained with Wright’s stain. organisms are transferred by the same insect
1. Clindamycin and quinine

2. Chloroquine phosphate, which provides sympto- FOR REVIEW

matic relief but does not reduce the parasitemia
1. The definitive host for Babesia spp. is a(n)
Distribution is worldwide.
Of Note 2. The diagnostic forms seen in RBCs appear and may
1. Automated differential counting instruments can
be confused with
lead to diagnostic problems because these machines
are not designed to detect bloodborne parasites
such as malaria or Babesia spp. Therefore, infections
may be missed, especially if the affected individual
is asymptomatic.
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 105

SUBCLASS COCCIDIA sporogony occurs in the intestinal mucosa of the

definitive host. Infective oocysts are passed in feces.
Infection occurs when a susceptible host ingests
The next three genera of sporozoa belong to the sub- mature oocysts containing sporozoites.
class Coccidia. Schizogony occurs in various nucleated
cells of many species of mammals and birds, and

Life cycle of coccidian parasites

Toxoplasma gondii called pseudocysts) form in brain and other tissues.

Toxoplasma gondii is a sporozoan parasite that infects and These cysts contain Toxoplasma bradyzoites and may
undergoes schizogony in all nucleated cells of almost all remain viable for long periods, being held in check by
animals and birds. The domestic cat and other members the host’s immune system.
of Felidae, however, have been cited as the only defini- The infection in humans is usually asymptomatic;
tive host for this parasite. In the cat, it is an intestinal however, it may be highly symptomatic in early
parasite, with both schizogony and sporogony occurring infections and can mimic several other infections, such
in the intestinal mucosa (the enteric cycle). The cat be- as infectious mononucleosis. A serious concern is that
comes infected by eating infective oocysts (viable for up Toxoplasma may be transmitted across the placenta to
to 1 year in moist soil), by eating tissues of infected small the fetus in a woman who acquires her first infection
animals, or by being infected transplacentally. Oocysts during the pregnancy. It can cause death of the fetus or
are shed in cat feces and these become infective within mental retardation or blindness later in the child’s life.
several days for a variety of vertebrate intermediate In addition to ingestion of oocysts from cat feces or
hosts, including humans. Humans become infected by from transplacental infection, the most common
ingesting the infective oocyst in contaminated food or source of infection for humans is ingestion of under-
drink or by accidental hand-to-mouth transmission of cooked meat (especially sheep, pigs, and rabbits) con-
contaminated soil or cat litter. taining calcified cysts. Rarely, goat’s milk containing
Initially, Toxoplasma divides mitotically in the tissues tachyzoites can be a source of infection. Transmission
of humans as tachyzoites, which assume a crescent- can also occur through blood transfusions and organ
like appearance when seen in tissue fluids. Infected transplantation. The latter event is more serious be-
tissue cells die, releasing free tachyzoites that invade cause the organ recipient will be immunocompro-
new cells. In late or chronic infections, cysts (formerly mised and unable to respond to the disease.
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106 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

Method of Diagnosis This parasite is found worldwide and transmission

1. Serologic testing: Sabin-Feldman dye test, latex to humans is direct via sporulated oocysts in fecally
agglutination, various fluorescent antibody meth- contaminated food or water. Human infection can
ods, ELISA. A 16-fold increase in IgG antibody in a cause anorexia, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea,
second sample taken 21 days later indicates an and possible malabsorption.
acute infection. Differentiation of acute and chronic
infections is complex and requires testing for both Method of Diagnosis
IgG and IgM antibodies. 1. Oocysts are recoverable with zinc sulfate flotation
2. Tissue biopsy or impression smears stained with technique and they stain well with iodine.
Giemsa stain. Bradyzoites are strongly periodic 2. Oocysts in polyvinyl alcohol–preserved sediment
acid–Schiff (PAS) positive. are difficult to see because the cyst wall is very thin
and refractile.
Treatment 3. Oocysts of C. belli are undeveloped in fresh feces
1. Pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine (add folinic acid and retain the oocyst wall. Although oocysts of Sar-
in an immunosuppressed host) cocystis spp. resemble those of developed C. belli,
2. Spiramycin Sarcocystis oocysts are smaller and often lose the
cyst wall; single free sporocysts, each containing
Sarcocystis spp. four mature sporozoites, can therefore be seen in
Two species of Sarcocystis (formerly known as Isospora stool samples in Sarcocystis spp. infections.
hominis in humans)—S. hominis (from cattle) and S. sui-
hominis (from pigs)—have a life cycle similar to that of Specimen Requirements
Toxoplasma. Humans, dogs, or cats can become defini- Several routine fecal specimens are usually sufficient.
tive hosts if they eat uncooked intermediate-host beef
or pork tissue containing sarcocysts. Bradyzoites Treatment
released from the sarcocyst invade intestinal cells in Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX)
these definitive hosts and undergo gametogony,
producing infective oocysts. These oocysts can be recov- Cryptosporidium spp.
ered from feces. When infected with this parasite, Cryptosporidium spp. has two recognized species,
immunocompromised humans may have severe C. parvum, found in both animals and humans, and
diarrhea, fever, and weight loss. Oocysts ingested from C. hominis, found only in humans. The fecal oocysts of
fecally contaminated food by the intermediate host these two species are indistinguishable by routine
(cattle or pigs) release sporozoites that go to muscle microscopy. Cryptosporidium spp. differ from other
tissue and form sarcocysts. Humans can also be acci- coccidian protozoa because they form an intracellular
dental intermediate hosts by ingesting oocysts and parasitophorous vacuole bounded by the host-cell
forming sarcocysts in muscle. Other species of Sarcocys- membrane near the outer surface of a host intestinal
tis are found in wild animal reservoir hosts. cell. These parasites invade the gastrointestinal mucosal
The broadly oval oocyst contains two sporocysts, surface of many vertebrate hosts, including humans.
each of which contains four mature sporozoites. The Both trophozoites and schizonts are attached to the
sporocysts, measuring 9 to 16 ␮m by 8 to 12 ␮m, are host-cell membrane. Eight merozoites develop within
commonly seen free in feces. Intact oocysts and indi- the schizont and, on maturation, are released to begin
vidual sporozoites are rarely seen. a new schizontic cycle or to initiate a sexual cycle in the
intestinal mucosa. Macrogametocytes and microgame-
Cystoisospora (Isospora) belli tocytes join to become mature gametes. Sexual union
There is one pathogenic coccidian for which the human forms an oocyte, which then develops into an oocyst.
is the only definitive host and in which both schizogony The entire life cycle can occur within a single host
and sporogony, accompanied by mild pathology, occur. because oocysts are auto-reinfective. External infection
This species is Cystoisospora belli. There are no known is probably acquired from food or water contaminated
intermediate hosts in this parasite’s life cycle. Charac- with oocysts from feces of animal reservoir hosts, such
teristic oocysts can be found in infected human as calves. Human-to-human transmission occurs and
feces. The oocysts of C. belli in a fresh fecal specimen are nosocomial infections have also been reported. The
transparent, measuring 30 ␮m ⫻ 12 ␮m, and are imma- oocysts are immediately infective when passed in feces.
ture (containing a single mass of protoplasm called the The oocyst is 4 ␮m and contains four sporozoites.
sporoblast) or, rarely, developing (containing two sporob- Human infection, first reported in 1976, was thought
lasts). Within 18 to 36 hours after feces are passed, each to be uncommon and was found primarily in patients
of the two sporoblasts develops a sporocyst wall and with compromised immune systems. Since then, many
contains four sausage-shaped infective sporozoites. Full more cases have been reported in many populations
maturation takes 4 to 5 days. worldwide. In 1987, an estimated 13,000 cases of
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 107

gastroenteritis were reported in a 2-month period in confirmed in 11 of the 21 cases and symptoms lasted
Carroll County, Georgia. Of the patients tested, 34% up to 9 weeks. Later outbreaks reported from 1995
were found to have Cryptosporidium oocysts. Follow-up through 1997 were associated with imported raspber-
studies suggested that this parasite caused as many as ries raised on farms in Guatemala. Although the true
54% of these cases. The source of infection was found cause of the contamination was not conclusively
to be the county’s public water supply. proven, there were definite links between contami-
Outbreaks in 1993 and 1996 were associated with nated soil and water and the fruit. Other cases have
drinking unpasteurized apple cider. The apples were been associated with vegetables, such as Mesclun
probably tainted by exposure to contaminated soil in lettuce and fresh basil. Further study is needed to
the first outbreak and by washing apples in fecally completely clarify this parasite’s epidemiology and
polluted water in the second case. Another outbreak life cycle.
in 1995 was linked to chicken salad that may have It is important to differentiate this parasite from
been contaminated by a food handler in a home day- Cryptosporidium spp. and other sporozoa by careful
care center. Unwashed contaminated green onions measurement and observation of oocysts recovered in
were the probable source of another earlier out- fecal specimens. Oocysts of C. cayetanensis measure 8 to
break. These events indicate that infections caused 10 ␮m and are undeveloped, taking 5 to 14 days for
by this parasite are not rare and often are associated sporozoites to develop in vitro.
with improperly washed, fecally contaminated fruits
and vegetables. Method of Diagnosis
The symptom common to all reported cases is acute 1. Oocysts can be recovered using sedimentation tech-
diarrhea. The disease is self-limited in patients with niques but are most easily recovered by flotation
normal immune systems and lasts from 1 to 2 weeks; methods and can be observed using phase-contrast
however, oocysts may be shed intermittently for up to (preferred) or bright-field microscopy. Unstained
60 days after the diarrhea has ended. Meticulous Cyclospora spp. appear as glassy, wrinkled spheres.
handwashing after infection will reduce further trans- C. cayetanensis does not stain well with iodine,
mission of oocysts. Immunodeficient patients, such as trichrome, or iron-hematoxylin. Oocysts autofluo-
those with AIDS or people receiving immunosuppres- resce when viewed under a fluorescent microscope;
sant drugs, often develop chronic diarrhea after this is a useful diagnostic characteristic.
infection with Cryptosporidium spp. Patients with AIDS 2. Acid-fast stained smears of fecal material are also
have also developed respiratory cryptosporidiosis. useful. (See p. 152 for how to conduct a modified
acid-fast method.) Stained cells containing Cryp-
Cyclospora cayetanensis tosporidium spp. appear as red spherical bodies
Another coccidian parasite that resembles Cryptosporid- measuring 3 to 6 ␮m in diameter, whereas those of
ium spp. is Cyclospora cayetanensis (formerly called Cyclospora spp. (8 to 10 ␮m in diameter) range from
cyanobacterium-like body). Infection by this parasite pink to red and some may contain granules or have
causes a self-limiting diarrhea that may last 3 or 4 days; a bubbly appearance.
however, relapses often occur over 2 to 3 weeks. An- 3. Antigen-based immunoassays on fresh, frozen, or
tidiarrheal preparations provide relief of symptoms and preserved fecal samples (no PVA) provide a direct
treatment with TMP-SMX will reduce the possibility of method of demonstrating infections with Cryp-
relapse. Transmission of this organism appears to be tosporidium spp. These assays have high specificity
indirect, through contaminated water or food rather but variable sensitivity; even with this limitation
than by direct transfer from person to person. People they may be helpful screening tools during out-
of all ages can contract this disease. breaks.
Since 1990, several notable outbreaks have 4. PCR methods are useful in subtyping various Cryp-
occurred in the United States. The first occurred among tosporidium spp. during outbreaks.
21 staff members at a Chicago hospital. The source of 5. Trophozoites, schizonts, microgametocytes, and
this outbreak was associated with drinking tap water macrogametocytes of C. parvum can be distinguished
that was possibly contaminated by stagnant polluted when using the electron microscope to examine
water stored in a rooftop reservoir. The infection was smears of biopsy material from the jejunum.
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108 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

Diagnostic Stage of Intestinal Coccidia

Table 5-7 summarizes the diagnostic features of the
intestinal coccida.

TABLE 5-7 ■ Coccidian Forms Found in Feces

Parasite Stage in Feces Size (µm) Appearence in Feces Cyst
Sarcocystis spp. Free sporocysts 9–16 Contains four sporozoites

Cystoisospora belli Immature oocyst 20–33 ⫻ 10–19 Contains one or two immature sporoblasts

Cryptosporidium spp. Mature oocyst 4–6 Contains four sporoblasts

(C. parvum, C. hominis)

Cyclospora spp. (CLB) Immature oocyst 8–10 Contains immature sporoblast

Specimen Requirements 3. Describe the appearance of the oocysts of

Three fecal specimens collected on alternate days are Cryptosporidium spp. and C. cayetanensis.
usually sufficient.

■ C. belli: TMP-SMX
■ C. parvum: paromomycin (experimental)
■ Sarcocystis spp.: none for tissue disease; antidiarrheal
for intestinal infection
■ C. cayetanensis: TMP-SMX MICROSPORIDIA
Distribution The microsporidia have recently been recognized as
Distribution is worldwide. tissue parasites in immunocompromised patients. In
humans, they are small (1 to 2.5 ␮m), obligate intracel-
lular parasites that can inhabit all body tissues. They

FOR REVIEW consist of seven named genera and one “catch-all”

genus (Microsporidium spp.), which is currently used for
1. Compare and contrast the life cycles and methods of species that have not yet been fully described. Other
diagnosis for T. gondii and Sarcocystis spp. genera include Brachiola spp., Enterocytozoon bieneusi,
Encephalitozoon cuniculi, Encephalitozoon hellem, Encephal-
itozoon (Septata) intestinalis, Nosema connori, Pleistophora
spp., Vittaforma corneae, and Trachipleistophora hominis.
These organisms inject infective contents (sporo-
2. Explain how infection with Cryptosporidium spp. plasm) from the spore into the host cell through a
occurs and contrast it with C. belli. small polar tube. The organism multiplies inside the
host cell by binary fission (merogony) or multiple
fission (schizogony) and sexual reproduction (sporo-
gony). Spores are produced with thick walls and, for
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 109

E. bieneusi, are released into the intestine and passed in Specimen Requirements
stool. Other hosts become infected by ingesting spores. 1. Tissue biopsy materials for processing in histology
Spores are resistant to the environment and some (best staining with PAS, methenamine silver, or
infections may be acquired by inhaling spores. acid-fast stains)
Microsporidia have been found in the CNS, eyes, lungs, 2. Three fecal collections on alternate days; thin
kidney, myocardium, liver, and adrenal cortex and smears of unconcentrated fecal material are pre-
have been associated with other diseases, such as ferred.
leprosy, tuberculosis, schistosomiasis, malaria, and
Chagas’ disease. Infection by E. bieneusi is the most Treatment
common microsporidial infection found in patients No satisfactory treatment is generally available, except
with AIDS. E. bieneusi infections are also found in for Encephalitozoon (septata) intestinalis. Albendazole has
immunocompetent individuals, causing a self-limited been used successfully to treat these infections.
diarrheal disease that resolves within 2 weeks.
Encephalitozoon cuniculi and E. hellum are most Distribution
frequently associated with eye infections. Distribution is worldwide.

Method of Diagnosis Of Note

1. Diagnosis is accomplished by histology on respec- 1. Double infections with Cryptosporidia and Micros-
tive tissues using acid-fast and PAS stains or poridia are common.
electron microscopy. 2. Table 5-8 compares the clinical manifestations of
2. Modified acid-fast trichrome-stained thin fecal microsporidial species in immunocompetent and
smears may reveal spores. Positive controls are immunoincompetent patients.
3. Chromotrophic and chemifluorescent stains are
useful as well.

TABLE 5-8 ■ Clinical Manifestations of Microsporidial Species Pathogenic in Humans

Microsporidial Species Immunocompromised Patients Patients with Normal Immune Systems
Anncaliia vesicularum nov. comb. Myositis Not described
Anncaliia algerae nov. comb. Myositis, nodular cutaneous lesions Keratitis
(formerly Brachiola algerae)
Anncaliia connori nov. comb. Disseminated infection Not described
(formerly Braciola connori)
Enterocytozoon bieneusi Chronic diarrhea, wasting syndrome, “AIDS cholangiopathy,” Self-limiting diarrhea in adults and children,
cholangitis, chronic sinusitis, chronic cough, pneumonitis traveler’s diarrhea, asymptomatic carriers
Encephalitozoon cuniculi Disseminated infection, kerato-conjunctivitis, sinusitis, Not described
bronchitis, pneumonia, nephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis
Encephalitozoon hellem Disseminated infection, kerato-conjunctivitis, sinusitis, Not described
bronchitis, pneumonia, nephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis
Encephalitozoon intestinalis Chronic diarrhea, cholangiopathy, sinusitis, bronchitis, Self-limiting diarrhea, asymptomatic carriers
(formerly Septata intestinalis) pneumonitis, nephritis, bone infection
Pleistophora spp. Myositis Not described
Trachipleistophora antropophtera Disseminated infection Not described
(brain, heart, kidney pathology)
Trachipleistophora hominis Myositis, keratoconjunctivitis, sinusitis Keratitis
Nosema ocularum Not described Keratitis
Vittaforma corneae (formerly Disseminated infection, corneal ulcer Keratitis
Nosema corneum)
Microsporidium spp. Not described Corneal ulcer, keratitis

Source: Adapted from Manual of Clinical Microbiology, ed 9. ASM Press, Washington, DC, 2007, and Diagnostic Medical Parasitology, ed 5. ASM Press, Washington, DC, 2007.
Microsporidium spp. is a collective genus for Microsporidia that cannot be classified because available information is not sufficient.
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110 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

1. State how microsporidia infections may be acquired. Pneumocystis carinii is the causative agent of atypical
interstitial plasma-cell pneumonia (PCP). This organ-
ism has been included in parasitology texts for some
time because it was long thought to be a protozoon.
2. List body site(s) where microsporidia may be found Pneumocystis is now classified as a fungus in the
in an infected host. phylum Ascomycota, class Archiascomycetes, order
Pneumocystidales. The reader should consult recent
literature for details on this organism.
Table 5-9 reviews the life cycles and other impor-
tant information about the Protozoa. Consult Atlas
3. State how microsporidia infections are diagnosed. Plates 72 to 133.

TABLE 5-9 ■ Pathogenic Protozoa

Major Disease Manifestations,
Scientific and Disease-Producing Form Diagnostic Stage, and
Common Name Epidemiology and Its Location in Host How Infection Occurs Specimen of Choice
Entamoeba histolytica Worldwide Trophozoites in large Ingestion of cyst in fecally Enteritis with abdominal pain and
(amebic dysentery) intestinal mucosa, liver, contaminated food or water bloody dysentery; diagnosis: cysts
or other tissues and trophozoites in feces
Blastocystis hominis (none) Worldwide Protozoa in intestine Ingestion of organisms in fecally Diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain,
contaminated food or water vomiting; diagnosis: central body
form in feces
Acanthamoeba spp. Worldwide Trophozoites and cysts Accidental entrance through Slow disease development (over
(chronic meningoencephalitis) in tissues of brain, eye, skin lesion 10 days), chronic skin lesions,
skin, etc. keratitis; diagnosis: trophozoites
in CSF, trophozoites cysts in tissue
or ocular samples
Naegleria fowleri (primary Worldwide Amebic trophozoites Accidental entrance of free-living Rapid death (4–6 days) following
amebic meningoencephalitis) in brain waterborne trophozoites through acute symptoms of meningitis;
nasopharynx mucosa diagnosis: motile trophozoites in
CSF; never refrigerate the
specimen before examination
Giardia lamblia Worldwide Trophozoites in large Ingestion of cysts in fecally Mild to severe dysentery
(traveler’s diarrhea) intestinal mucosa contaminated food or water malabsorption syndrome;
diagnosis: cysts and trophozoites
in feces
Dientamoeba fragilis Worldwide Trophozoites in large Ingestion of trophozoite (?) Diarrhea; diagnosis: trophozoites
(none) intestine in feces (no cysts formed)
Trichomonas vaginalis Worldwide Trophozoites in urethra Sexual contact Irritating, frothy vaginal discharge
(trich) or vagina in women, men usually
asymptomatic; diagnosis:
trophozoites in urine or vaginal
smear (no cysts formed)
Trypanosoma brucei West Africa Trypomastigote in blood, Bite of Glossina spp. (tsetse fly) Fever, lymphadenopathy
gambiense (sleeping lymph nodes, later in CNS (Winterbottom’s sign),
sickness) enlarged spleen and liver,
lethargy, and death; diagnosis:
trypomastigotes in blood
smear, CSF

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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 111

TABLE 5-9 ■ Pathogenic Protozoa—cont’d

Major Disease Manifestations,
Scientific and Disease-Producing Form Diagnostic Stage, and
Common Name Epidemiology and Its Location in Host How Infection Occurs Specimen of Choice
Trypanosoma brucei East Africa Trypomastigote in blood, Bite of Glossina spp. (tsetse fly) Fever, lymphadenopathy
rhodesiense (sleeping lymph nodes, later in CNS (Winterbottom’s sign),
sickness) enlarged spleen and liver,
lethargy, and death, course more
acute and fatal than
T. gambiense; diagnosis:
trypomastigotes in blood smear
Trypanosoma cruzi South America C-shaped trypomastigote Infected feces of Triatoma spp. Fever, enlarged spleen and liver,
(Chagas’ disease) and epimastigote forms (kissing bug) rubbed into bite site Romaña’s sign (edema around
early in blood; later, L.D. eyes), chronic damage to heart
bodies in heart and and alimentary tract, acute death,
other tissues especially in children; diagnosis:
trypomastigotes in blood,
Leishmania tropica Mediterranean area, Amastigotes in Bite of Phlebotomus spp. (sandfly) Self-healing skin lesion; diagnosis:
complex (Oriental boil) Asia, Africa, Central macrophages amastigotes in macrophages
America of skin lesion around lesion
Leishmania braziliensis Central and South Amastigotes in Bite of Lutzomyia spp. and Self-healing skin lesion, later
complex (New World America, especially macrophages Psychodopygus spp. ulceration of cephalic
leishmaniasis, espundia) Brazil of skin lesion and mucocutaneous tissue; diagnosis:
mucocutaneous tissue recovery of amastigotes from

Leishmania donovani Mediterranean Amastigotes in Bite of Phlebotomus spp. Initial skin lesion, later daily
(kala-azar) area, Asia, Africa, macrophages in skin double-spiking fever, enlarged
South America lesion and somatic liver and spleen, death in late
organs stages; diagnosis: L.D. bodies in
early lesion, organ tissue
biopsy later
Balantidium coli Worldwide Trophozoites in large Ingestion of cysts in fecally Moderate or mild dysentery;
(balantidial dysentery) intestinal mucosa contaminated food or water diagnosis: trophozoites or cysts
in feces
Plasmodium vivax Tropics, subtropics, Schizogony and Anopheles spp. mosquito Cyclic fever, chills, enlarged
(benign tertian malaria) some temperate gametocytes in RBCs transmits sporozoites spleen, parasites in RBCs;
regions diagnosis: malarial forms in
blood smear
Plasmodium malariae Tropics Schizogony and Anopheles spp. mosquito Cyclic fever, chills, enlarged
(quartan malaria) gametocytes in RBCs transmits sporozoites spleen, parasites in RBCs,
relapses; diagnosis: malarial
forms in blood smear
Plasmodium falciparum Tropics Trophozoites and Anopheles spp. mosquito Cyclic fever, chills, enlarged
(malignant malaria) gametocytes in transmits sporozoites spleen, parasites in RBCs,
peripheral RBCs blackwater fever from
hemoglobin in urine, blockage of
capillaries, death; diagnosis:
malarial forms in blood smear
Plasmodium ovale West Africa Schizogony and Anopheles spp. mosquito Cyclic fever, chills; enlarged
(ovale malaria) gametocytes in RBCs transmits sporozoites spleen, parasites in RBCs;
diagnosis: malarial forms in
blood smear
Toxoplasma gondii Worldwide Trophozoites intracellularly Ingestion of oocysts; ingestion Fever, enlarged lymph nodes: in
(toxoplasmosis) in all organs; pseudocysts of trophozoites or pseudocysts in fetus or neonate: damage or
in brain and other tissue undercooked meat; congenital death; can cause acute infection
passage of trophozoites in immunosuppressed patient;
diagnosis: serology

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112 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

TABLE 5-9 ■ Pathogenic Protozoa—cont’d

Major Disease Manifestations,
Scientific and Disease-Producing Form Diagnostic Stage, and
Common Name Epidemiology and Its Location in Host How Infection Occurs Specimen of Choice
Cystoisospora belli (none) Worldwide Schizogony and Ingestion of infective oocysts Diarrhea; diagnosis: oocyst and
gametology stages in sporozoites in feces
intestinal epithelium

Sarcocystis spp. (none) Worldwide Sarcocyst in muscle, Ingestion of sarcocyst from Sarcocysts (Miescher’s tubes) in
(zoonosis) oocyst formation in undercooked meat or oocyst from muscle do not generally cause
intestine water or food contaminated by problems; diagnosis: tissue
infected or pigs biopsy, oocysts in feces
Cryptosporidium spp. Worldwide Invades gastrointestinal Probably by ingestion of fecally Diarrhea; diagnosis: trophozoites
(C. parvum, C. hominis) tract mucosa contaminated food or water; and schizonts in biopsy of
(none) human-to-human transmission jejunum
Cyclospora cayetanensis Worldwide Oocyst formation in Probably by ingestion of fecally Diarrhea; diagnosis: oocysts in
intestine contaminated food or water feces, acid fast and
Babesia spp. (B. microti in Worldwide Babesia trophozoites Tick bite (lxodes dammini); rarely, Fever, symptoms can resemble
the United States) (none) in RBCs via blood transfusion malaria; diagnosis: trophozoites
(zoonosis) in blood smear

ABBREVIATIONS: CNS: central nervous system; CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; RBCs: red blood cells


A 22-year-old woman was admitted to the emergency depart-

ment at 3:00 A.M. complaining of burning during urination and
severe vaginal itching. The physician ordered a routine urinalysis
and a vaginal swab for microscopic examination. The technolo-
gist observed many motile organisms measuring approximately
12 ␮m in diameter in both the urine microscopic wet mount
and the vaginal wet-mount preparation.
A mother, working outside the home, took her 2-year-old son
1. What is the most likely organism (genus and species) on the 3rd day of his illness to his pediatrician. The child had
seen in the wet preparation? diarrhea and vomiting that became progressively worse over
the 3-day period. The watery stool specimen sent to the
2. How is this infection acquired?
laboratory revealed no white or red blood cells when exam-
3. What symptoms are seen in men infected with this ined for parasites but the technologist noted many refractile
organism? organisms measuring approximately 5 µm that resembled
yeast. A modified trichrome stain revealed the acid-fast organ-
4. What should be done to prevent reinfection in this
isms shown in the accompanying figure.
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 113

1. What is the identity of this parasite (genus and species)? Two 16-year-old boys returned from a 4-week camping trip in
the northwest United States. For 2 weeks after the trip, both
2. What is the usual course of this disease in immunocom-
boys experienced abdominal cramps and diarrhea, usually
petent individuals? How is the disease treated?
within 1 hour after eating. Foul-smelling flatulence was present
3. How did this child probably acquire the infection? as well. On questioning, the boys denied drinking water that
was not treated with halazone tablets (a chloramine disinfec-
4. When can the child return to group day care?
tant used to purify water). Three of their stools were submitted
for culture and identification of enteric bacterial pathogens and
intestinal parasites. All the results were negative for bacterial
CASE STUDY 5-3 pathogens and only one trichrome stain from one sample
revealed the parasite form seen in the accompanying figure.

1. What parasite (genus and species) do you report?

2. How did these boys become infected, assuming they

correctly used their halazone tablets?

3. Why wasn’t the parasite recovered in more of the speci-

mens submitted?

4. What other tests are available for detecting this organism?


A 20-year-old woman arrived at an immediate-care medical

facility with recurring fever and chills. She reported an episode
that began about 30 minutes before her admission. She had
had headaches, muscle aches, and nausea for 4 days before
the beginning of the fever and chills. She told the physician
that she had recently returned from a missionary trip to
Honduras and thought she might have the flu. A complete
blood count and urinalysis were ordered but the results were
unremarkable. The differential report, however, noted the
parasite forms seen in the accompanying figure.

1. What is the probable parasite (genus and species)?

2. What characteristics allowed you to differentiate this

A young couple returned from a honeymoon trip to Mexico.
parasite from others in the same genus?
Two weeks later, the young man began having diarrhea. After
3. How did the patient acquire this infection? 3 days of up to six bowel movements per day, he went to the
doctor. The physician ordered a stool culture and an exami-
4. What steps could the patient have taken to avoid this
nation for eggs and parasites. The technologist noted bloody
mucus in the liquid specimen and prepared a wet mount
from this material. An irregular motile organism measuring
approximately 15 µm was observed. The parasite form in
CASE STUDY 5-4 the accompanying figure was found in the permanently
stained smear.

1. What parasite (genus and species) do you suspect?

2. What are the primary characteristics used to differentiate

and identify this organism?

3. What other disease manifestations can occur if this

infection progresses beyond the intestinal tract?

4. How could the patient have acquired this infection?

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114 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

You have now completed the chapter on Protozoa. f. Oocyst

After reviewing this material carefully, with the aid of g. Pseudocyst
your learning objectives, proceed to the post-test.
h. L.D. body
i. Paroxysm

➤ POST-TEST j. Atrium

5. State method of infection for each of the following

1. Matching: Use each number as many times as
diseases: (20 points)
appropriate: (12 points)
a. Kala-azar
a. Malaria parasite 1. Cystoisospora belli
with 6 to 12 b. Giardiasis
2. Toxoplasma gondii
merozoites in the c. Chagas’ disease
3. Plasmodium vivax
schizont d. Toxoplasmosis
4. Plasmodium
b. C- or U-shaped e. Trichomonal urethritis
body with a large
5. Plasmodium f. Balantidial dysentery
falciparum g. Babesiosis
c. Large kidney-
shaped nucleus 6. Trypanosoma brucei h. Malaria
gambiense i. Sleeping sickness
d. Trophozoite
ingests red blood 7. Trypanosoma cruzi j. Cutaneous leishmaniasis
cells 8. Entamoeba
e. Large glycogen histolytica 6. Draw the ring form(s) in a red blood cell for each of
vacuole 9. Entamoeba the following: (6 points)
f. Schizonts not hartmanni a. Plasmodium vivax
seen in peripheral 10. Endolimax nana b. Plasmodium malariae
blood 11. Iodamoeba bütschlii c. Plasmodium falciparum
g. Pseudocysts in 12. Giardia lamblia
brain Each of the following multiple-choice questions is worth
13. Trichomonas
h. Nonpathogenic 2 points.
i. Oocysts found in 14. Balantidium coli 7. Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts are best detected in
human feces
fecal specimens using the:
j. Commonly
a. Gram stain
causes relapses
of malaria b. Iodine stain
k. Transmitted by c. Methenamine silver stain
tsetse fly d. Modified Ziehl-Neelson acid-fast stain
l. Pathogenic e. Trichrome stain
flagellate 8. The two parasitic organisms most commonly
associated with waterborne outbreaks of diarrhea
2. How would you differentiate Entamoeba histolytica include:
from Entamoeba dispar in a fecal smear? (2 points) a. Blastocystis hominis and Cystoisospora belli
b. Entamoeba coli and Giardia lamblia
3. How would you differentiate Entamoeba histolytica
from Entamoeba coli in a fecal smear? (2 points) c. Entamoeba histolytica and Endolimax nana
d. Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium spp.
4. Define the following: (20 points) e. Pentatrichomonas hominis and Toxoplasma gondii
a. Trophozoite
b. Cyst 9. The malaria parasite characterized by the presence of
multiple ring forms or “banana-shaped” gametocytes
c. Sporozoite
in red blood cells is:
d. Schizogony
a. Babesia spp.
e. Carrier
b. Plasmodium falciparum
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa 115

c. Plasmodium malariae 15. Material from a gum lesion is stained with

d. Plasmodium ovale trichrome, revealing amebae that have a single
nucleus and contain partially digested neutrophils.
e. Plasmodium vivax
The most likely identification is:
10. The characteristic that most clearly differentiates a. Entamoeba gingivalis
cysts of lodamoeba bütschlii from other amebic b. Entamoeba dispar
cysts is (are): c. Entamoeba polecki
a. Chromatoid bars with rounded ends d. Trichomonas tenax
b. Eight nuclei with eccentrically located karyosomes e. Entamoeba histolytica
c. Ingested bacteria and red blood cells
d. A large glycogen vacuole 16. Concerning Toxoplasma gondii, all of the following
are true EXCEPT:
e. Lemon-shaped cysts
a. Congenital infections can occur
11. A blood parasite that invades reticulocytes, is b. Human infection occurs when oocysts are ingested
characterized by single ring forms and Schüffner’s c. They are diagnosed by serology tests
dots, and may cause a true relapse is:
d. Human infection occurs when sarcocysts are
a. Babesia spp. ingested in undercooked meat
b. Plasmodium falciparum e. Domestic cats are definitive hosts
c. Plasmodium malariae
d. Plasmodium ovale 17. Acanthamoeba keratitis is usually associated with:
e. Plasmodium vivax a. Contaminated lens-cleaning solutions
b. Hard contact lenses
12. A 44-year-old man was admitted to the hospital c. Soft contact lenses
following a 2-week history of low-grade fever,
d. Wearing lenses while swimming
malaise, and anorexia. Examination of a Giemsa-
stained blood film revealed many intraerythrocytic e. Swimming without lenses
parasites. Further history revealed frequent East Coast
camping trips near Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket 18. Concerning Enterocytozoon bieneusi, all of the
Island but no travel outside the continental following are true EXCEPT:
United States. Most likely, this parasite is: a. It is the most frequent Microsporidium infection
a. Babesia microti found in AIDS patients
b. Leishmania donovani b. Infection occurs when spores are ingested
c. Plasmodium ovale c. Infection occurs when spores are inhaled
d. Toxoplasma gondii d. Infection occurs when sporozoites are ingested
e. none of these e. Infection occurs from blood transfusion

13. The coccidian parasite that produces mild intestinal 19. The protozoa causing diarrhea that has been
pathology in humans and for which the human is associated with raspberries, strawberries, herbs,
the only definitive host is: and some vegetables is:
a. Toxoplasma gondii a. Balantidium coli
b. Sarcocystis hominis b. Cyclospora cayetanensis
c. Cystoisospora belli c. Cryptosporidium spp.
d. Cryptosporidium parvum d. Dientamoeba fragilis
e. Cyclospora cayetanensis e. Cystoisospora belli

14. While examining a fecal specimen, Cystoisospora belli 20. Blackwater fever is caused by:
is suspected. The technologist would expect to see: a. Plasmodium falciparum
a. Cysts (8 to 10 µm) containing sporozoites b. Plasmodium vivax
b. Oocysts (25 ⫻ 14 µm) that are acid fast c. Trypanosoma brucei gambiense
c. Cysts with red blood cell inclusions d. Trypanosoma cruzi
d. Spores (2 µm) that are acid fast e. Leishmania donovani
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116 CHAPTER 5 ■ Protozoa

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c. Plasmodium falciparum Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Outbreak of
d. Trypanosoma brucei gambiense Cyclosporiasis—Northern Virginia–Washington, DC–
Baltimore, Maryland, Metropolitan Area, 1997. Morb
e. Trypanosoma cruzi
Mortal Wkly Rep 46:689, 1997.
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a. Acanthamoeba spp. Rohr, U, et al: Comparison of free-living amoebae in hot water
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e. Entamoeba histolytica tosporidium spp. cervome genotype from sheep with impli-
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e. Trypanosoma brucei gambiense Spice, WM, et al: Molecular and cell biology of opportunis-
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Sterling, CR, and Ortega, YR: Cyclospora: An enigma worth Garcia, JE, Puentes, A, and Patarroyo, ME: Developmental
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On completion of this self-study text, the student will be able to:

1. State the criteria used for taxonomic classification of the Arthropoda.
2. State the general description of each order of Arthropoda that contains genera of
medical importance.
3. State the definitions of the most commonly used terms specific for Arthropoda.
4. State the definitions of complete and incomplete metamorphosis and give examples of
5. Identify Arthropoda to class by morphologic criteria.
6. Differentiate between Acarina and Insecta.
7. Describe the type of life cycle for each Arthropoda class.
8. Contrast the role of Arthropoda as intermediate hosts versus transport hosts for
various parasites and microorganisms.
9. State the specific genus of Arthropoda serving as the required intermediate host for
various helminth and protozoal infections.
10. Given an illustration or photograph (or actual specimen, with sufficient laboratory
experience), identify diagnostic stages of Arthropoda.
11. Discuss problems caused by the Arthropoda that significantly affect humans and
propose solutions for these problems.
12. Discuss method(s) used to prevent infestations caused by arthropods.
13. Discuss methods used to control Arthropoda based on life cycles.

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120 CHAPTER 6 ■ Arthropoda

temporary host. A host on which an arthropod

(adult or larval form) resides temporarily to feed on
blood or tissue.
Arachnida. A class in the phylum Arthropoda con-
taining ticks, mites, spiders, and scorpions.
Arthropoda. A phylum of the animal kingdom com-
posed of organisms that have a hard, segmented
exoskeleton and paired, jointed legs.
capitulum. A collective term referring to the mouth
parts of ticks and mites that extend forward from The Arthropoda is the largest phylum, containing
the body. more than 80% of all animal life. Arthropods directly
chitin. A hard, insoluble polysaccharide that is the cause or transmit more than 80% of all diseases. They
main compound in shells of crabs, exoskeletons of are of major economic importance to agriculture, with
insects, and certain other insect structures. both beneficial and destructive effects.
Crustacea. A class in the phylum Arthropoda includ- The phylum Arthropoda includes the segmented
ing crabs, water fleas, lobsters, shrimp, barnacles, invertebrates that have a protective chitinous
and wood lice. exoskeleton and bilaterally paired jointed appendages.
ctenidia (sing. ctenidium). Comblike structures The head has structures adapted for sensory and
found on the head region of fleas. These structures chewing or piercing functions. Eyes are single lens or
are useful in group classification. Genal ctenidia or compound. Digestive, respiratory, excretory, and nerv-
combs are located just above the mouth parts. ous systems are present. The body cavity (the hemocele)
Pronotal combs are located immediately behind the is filled with a bloodlike substance.
head and extend posteriorly on the dorsal surface. The arthropods contain many members and are
cypris. A larval resting stage in the life cycle of some divided into five classes. Three classes (Insecta,
crustaceans in which a metamorphosis occurs, com- Arachnida, and Crustacea) contain most of the
parable to a pupa. medically important arthropods. The important
ecdysis. Molting or shedding of an outer layer or cov- disease-producing genera listed in Table 6-1 are
ering and the development of a new one. members of various families.
entomology. The branch of zoology dealing with the
study of insects.
exoskeleton. A hard, chitinous structure on the out-
Life Cycle
side of the body, providing support and protection All Arachnida and most Insecta develop from egg to
for internal organs. adult by a process called metamorphosis (Figure 6-1).
imago. The sexually mature adult insect or arachnid. Incomplete or hemimetabolous metamorphosis has
Insecta. A class in the phylum Arthropoda containing three stages: (1) egg, (2) nymph, and (3) imago, the
many insect types whose bodies are divided into sexually mature adult. The nymph, resembling a minia-
three distinct regions: head, thorax, and abdomen. ture adult, emerges from the eggs and molts several
instar. Any one of the nymphal or larval stages times before it becomes an imago. After each molt
between molts. (ecdysis), the nymphal form is called an instar. Wings
invertebrates. Animals that have no spinal column. of flying insects increase in size with each instar. Lice,
metamorphosis. A change of shape or structure; a true bugs (Hemiptera), and arachnids develop through
transition from one developmental stage to another. incomplete metamorphosis.
With incomplete metamorphosis, nymphs resemble Complete metamorphosis has the egg, larva, pupa,
adults; with complete metamorphosis, larvae and and imago stages. An insect larva emerges from the
pupae are distinct and do not resemble adults. egg as a segmented wormlike larva and matures
myiasis. A condition caused by infestation of the through a series of larval instars until finally enclosing
body with fly larvae. itself inside a pupa casing. After a time, the trans-
nauplius. The earliest and youngest larval form in the formed imago emerges. Flies, mosquitoes, and fleas
life cycle of crustaceans. develop through complete metamorphosis.
nymph. A developmental stage in the life cycle of Development of most crustaceans is by incomplete
certain arthropods that resembles a small adult. metamorphosis; however, the names of the stages are
pediculosis. Infestation with lice. different. Eggs hatch and release free-swimming nau-
pupa (pl. pupae). The encased resting stage between plius larvae that molt several times to become mature
the larva and imago stage (e.g., cocoon). adults. However, some species undergo complete
scutum. A chitinous shield or plate covering part (on metamorphosis; the nauplius develops into a cypris
the female) or all (on the male) of the dorsal sur- larva (a stage similar to the pupa), and the transformed
face of hard ticks. larva emerges as an adult.
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CHAPTER 6 ■ Arthropoda 121

TABLE 6-1 ■ Arthropods of Medical Importance

Arthropod Transmission Associations
Order Diptera (Flies and Mosquitoes)

Family Culicidae (All Mosquitoes)

Aedes spp. 1. Viral—encephalitis, yellow fever, dengue fever, hemorrhagic fever
2. Nematoda—filariasis (W. bancrofti)
Anopheles spp. 1. Protozoa—malaria
2. Nematoda—filariasis (W. bancrofti—elephantiasis, B. malayi)
3. Viral—various fevers and encephalitides
Culex spp. 1. Nematoda—filariasis (W. bancrofti)
2. Viral—encephalitis
Mansonia spp. 1. Nematoda—filariasis (W. bancrofti, B. malayi)
2. Viral—various fevers

Family Ceratopogonidaf (Biting Midges, Punkies, No-See-Ums)

Culicoides spp. 1. Nematoda—filariasis (M. ozzardi, M. perstans, M. streptocerca)

Family Simuliidae (Black Flies, Buffalo Gnats)

Simulium spp. 1. Nematoda—filariasis (O. volvulus, M. ozzardi)

Family Psychodidae (Sandfly)

Phlebotomus spp. 1. Protozoa—leishmaniasis (Leishmania spp.)
2. Viral—sandfly fever
3. Bacterial—Bartonella bacilliformis

Family Tabanidae (Horsefly)

Tabanus spp. 1. Bacterial anthrax and tularemia (Bacillus anthracis, Francisella tularensis)
2. Protozoa—trypanosomes (mechanical transmission)
Chrysops spp. (mango fly, deer fly) 1. Nematoda—filariasis (Loa loa)

Family Muscidae
Musca spp. (house fly) 1. Bacterial—tularemia (F. tularensis)
2. Mechanical vector of many protozoan species
Stomoxys spp. (stable fly) 1. Mechanical vector of many protozoan species
Siphona spp. (horn fly) 1. Mechanical vector of many protozoan species
Glossina spp. (tsetse fly) 1. Mechanical vector of many protozoan species
2. Protozoa—trypanosomiasis (Trypanosoma spp.)

Other Fly Families

Cochliomyia spp. 1. Myiasis primary and secondary—screw worm
Other genera 1. Myiasis—maggots (fly larvae on skin wound), warbles (fly larvae inside
Order Hemiptera (Bugs)
Family Reduviidae
Triatoma spp. Panstrongylus spp. (kissing bugs) 1. Protozoa—visceral trypanosomiasis (T. cruzi)

Family Cimicidae
Cimex spp. (bedbugs) 1. Itchy bites
Order Siphonaptera (Fleas)
Family Pulicidae
Xenopsylla spp. (Oriental rat flea) 1. Bacterial—bubonic plague (black plague, Yersinia pestis)
2. Cestoda (H. nana, H. diminuta)
3. Rickettsial—murine typhus (Rickettsia mooseri)
Ctenocephalides spp. (cat or dog fleas) 1. Cestoda (D. caninum)

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122 CHAPTER 6 ■ Arthropoda

TABLE 6-1 ■ Arthropods of Medical Importance—cont’d

Arthropod Transmission Associations
Order Parasitiformes

Family Ixodidae (Hard Ticks)

Dermacentor spp. 1. Tickettsial—Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Q fever (R. rickettsii, Coxiella
2. Bacterial—tularemia (F. tularensis)
3. Viral—Colorado tick fever
lxodes spp. 1. Protozoa—Babesia spp.
2. Tick fever—R. rickettsii
3. Viral—Colorado tick fever
4. Spirochete—Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi)

Family Argasidae (Soft Ticks)

Ornithodoros spp. 1. Bacterial—relapsing fever (Borrelia recurrentis)

Family Sarcoptidae (Mites)

Sarcoptes spp. (mange mile) 1. Skin mange (S. scabiei)

Family Trombiculidae (Mites)

Trombicula spp. (chigger) 1. Rickettsial—scrub typhus (R. tsutsugamushi)
Order Anoplura (Bloodsucking Lice)
Family Pediculidae
Pediculus spp. (body lice) 1. Spirochetes—louseborne relapsing fever (B. recurrentis)
2. Rickettsial—endemic typhus, trench fever (R. prowazeki, R. quintana)
Phthirus pubis (crab louse) 1. Itchy bites

Family Trichodectidae
Trichodectes spp. (biting lice of domestic mammals) 1. Cestoda—accidental infection (D. caninum, H. diminuta)

Subclass Copepoda
Cyclops spp. (copepod, water flea) 1. Nematoda—Guinea worm (D. medinensis)
2. Cestoda—fish tapeworm (D. latum)
3. Sparganosis—Spirometra spp.
Diaptomus spp. (copepod, water flea) 1. Cestoda—fish tapeworm (D. latum)
Order Decapoda (crayfish, crab) 1. Trematoda—lung fluke (P. westermani)
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CHAPTER 6 ■ Arthropoda 123

Incomplete Metamorphosis

Egg Nymphal instars Adult

Miniature Wingless Adults (all stages except eggs have

(the number of instars varies three pairs of legs)
depending on the species)

Complete Metamorphosis

Egg Terrestrial magotlike Pupa Adult flea

larval stages (in cocoon)

Egg Aquatic larval Pupa Adult Anopheles

stages mosquito

FIGURE 6-1 Life cycle of insects

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124 CHAPTER 6 ■ Arthropoda

Transmission of Disease reactions to bites (including fatal anaphylaxis), blood

loss, secondary bacterial infections in open insect bite
Although some insects are parasites of humans (e.g., sites, and injection of toxins or venoms. Loss of food
ectoparasites including lice, mosquitoes, and ticks that crops, loss of animal weight gain and productivity, and
feed on blood), other insects play an important role as myiasis also cause profound economic losses.
vectors that transmit a variety of diseases. It is crucial that
you understand the importance of the Arthropoda— Bites and Stings
both as ectoparasites and as potential vectors of other Mechanical trauma is caused by a variety of insects,
disease-causing microorganisms. Elimination of the including bees, wasps, ants, spiders, scorpions, cen-
vector is a commonly attempted method of disease tipedes, and millipedes. Some people have severe
control. Therefore, to understand proper measures of allergic reactions to bee and spider venoms. Bee tox-
control, it is important to know which insect species ins are similar to viperine snake venom because they
comprise an integral part of disease transmission and to have a hemolyzing factor; however, bee toxins also
understand the life cycle of the insect itself. contain histamine. Allergic individuals may exhibit
symptoms of anaphylaxis and may require antihista-
Mechanical Transfer mine or epinephrine to stop the reaction if bron-
Insects can passively transfer infective organisms from chospasm occurs. An estimated 50 to 100 people die
feces or contaminated soil to food or utensils when they each year from these reactions.
walk across or feed on inadequately protected food. This Wasps, hornets, and bumble bees are capable of
form of infective transmission is called mechanical multiple stings without losing their stinging appara-
transfer. Inadequate personal hygiene also provides a tus. Honey bees can sting only once because they have
means by which a person may contract an arthropod- a barbed stinger that detaches from the body as the
transmitted infection. Mechanical transfer implies that bee flies away. Domestic honey bees are usually docile
the insect is not required as part of a parasite’s life cycle except when their hive is threatened, but a more
and that no further development or growth of the para- aggressive honey bee known as the “Africanized” or
site occurs in the insect. This is true even if the parasite “killer” honey bee was introduced to the Americas
is carried inside the insect and is released in the insect’s through Brazil in the 1950s. Since then, these bees
feces or is injected into the host by the biting insect. have spread as far north as the southern United States
and pose a greater threat to humans than their
Biological Transfer domestic cousins do.
A biological vector, by contrast, is a required part of the Some members of the ant family Formicoidea can
parasite’s life cycle because growth and development bite and sting humans and other animals. In the
of the parasite must occur inside the insect. Insects United States, harvester ants of the genus Pogono-
may serve as definitive or intermediate hosts. Infective myrmex and fire ants of the genus Solenopsis are the two
parasites that develop in an insect generally are in- groups of medical importance. At least 60,000 people
jected directly into a new host or, in a few species, are are treated for fire ant bites annually. These ants
deposited on the host’s skin. defend their nests by attacking animals or humans
Some pathogens can be passed from an adult insect to who disturb the surface mounds that top their nests.
its offspring if the pathogen penetrates the insect egg(s) Solenopsis invicta is a particularly dangerous and prolific
in utero. This is known as transovarial transmission. If the fire ant that was introduced into the United States in
pathogen can survive in each part of the cycle (egg, the 1930s. The fire ants are found in 16 states from
nymph, adult), it has been transmitted transstadially. The Maryland to California, mainly throughout the
term vertical transmission, used to describe these phenom- southeast. The ant’s aggressive behavior has adversely
ena, means that parasites are passed from generation to affected both wildlife and agriculture. Control has been
generation within the same host species. Certain diseases difficult and the economic impact has become signifi-
are maintained by tick vectors via vertical transmission. cant in some locations. Farmers have had to stop farm-
For example, the tick Ixodes scapularis is the vector for ing some land because ants attack the workers and
Babesia spp. Merogony occurs inside the tick and some of tractors cannot easily plow through the 30-inch-high
the merozoites invade tick eggs, causing the next gener- mounds found in the fields. Also, farm animals and
ation to be infected and able to pass on the disease to wildlife suffer from attacking ants.
humans when the tick takes a blood meal. The two most troublesome spiders in the
United States are the black widow (Latrodectus mactans)
and the brown recluse violin spider (Loxosceles reclusa).
Insects as Parasites The black widow’s neurotoxin rarely results in death
In addition to mechanical or biological disease transmis- and confers lasting immunity against future bites, but
sion, other major problems caused by insects include it produces severe complications, including abdominal
annoyance, delayed or immediate hypersensitivity cramps, hypertension, reduced heartbeat, feeble pulse,
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CHAPTER 6 ■ Arthropoda 125

shock, convulsions, and delirium. Bites by the brown tissue for food and the myiasis in living tissue is only
recluse cause painful, spreading, slow-healing necrotic passive. Many filth flies are attracted to wounded,
wounds that require medical attention. Very large dead, or decaying animals. Nosocomial myiasis has
doses of venom can cause hemolytic anemia, fever, been reported in elderly, immobile patients with open
jaundice, hematuria, and death. wounds. Larvae have been recovered from the ear,
Scorpion stings are especially dangerous to children nose, and urogenital tract. Accidental ingestion of fly
younger than 5 years of age. Symptoms resemble those eggs or larvae may produce intestinal myiasis, result-
of strychnine poisoning and include pain, numbness, ing in various gastrointestinal symptoms.
muscle spasm, blindness, and twitching of toes and
fingers. Death results from respiratory paralysis. Cen-
tipedes and millipedes generally are not considered
Controlling Insects
dangerous, but a few centipedes can inflict painful bites, Control of Arthropoda is difficult. Use of chemical
and some millipedes secrete a protective fluid that sprays is still widespread but it has very serious conse-
causes burns and brown discoloration to the skin. quences for the environment and other life forms
Cimex lectularius (bedbugs) were eliminated after because synthetic chemicals are often carcinogenic,
WWII by the wide spread use of DDT but have now are nonbiodegradable, and remain in the food chain.
reemerged as a serious pest. Causing red itchy bites In addition, many insecticide-resistant species of
in clusters on exposed skin, these crawling bugs hide in insects have evolved as a result of spraying.
mattresses and bed frames in daylight and lay eggs in Other arthropod control methods being tried include
room crevices and in furniture. They have been widely increasing natural predators (e.g., flies that lay eggs on
reported in apartment buildings, hotels, homeless shel- fire ants and hatching larvae eat the ant), destroying
ters, dormitories, and other public locations. While breeding grounds, controlling biologically (e.g., releas-
non-chemical measures such as hot water washing and ing artificially sterilized males, as was attempted with
drying of bedding will kill any bedbugs present, only screw worm and fruit flies), using pheromones and
professional exterminators, will clean the whole envi- other types of trap bait, introducing a faster-breeding
ronment effectively. Exterminations of multi-dwelling competitive species, and removing host species on
environments, such as apartments, can be difficult to which the insect feeds. All of these methods often lead
treat if only a few individual units are cleaned; un- to only temporary control in local areas.
treated units provide sources of new infestations.


The larvae (maggots) of non-bloodsucking flies invad-
ing tissue cause myiasis. Eggs or larvae may be de- 1. Compare and contrast incomplete and complete
posited directly on skin or are transferred to the body metamorphosis. Give examples of insects included in
from contaminated soil. The larvae of some fly species, each group.
however, must live in living tissue. This type of myiasis
is called obligate myiasis.
Although obligate myiasis is more commonly seen in
animals, humans may serve as hosts for several species.
For example, the fly Cochliomyia hominovorax causes the
disease known as primary screw worm. The fly is attracted 2. Compare and contrast mechanical and biological dis-
to open wounds or nasal drainage, where it deposits its ease transmission. Give examples of each type of
eggs. Larvae hatch in 11 to 22 hours, invade the skin, transmission.
and begin feeding on tissue. Symptoms depend on the
site of invasion; pain, swelling, and subcutaneous larval
migration occur in most cases. Many other fly larvae
cause similar problems worldwide, especially in children
and livestock herders. Maggots of some species come
out of the soil at night to suck blood from a living host 3. Explain how primary screw worm disease differs from
without burrowing into the skin. They later return to the myiasis caused by filth flies.
the soil. Others either invade skin lesions or penetrate
unbroken tissue, where they remain and cause abscess-
like lesions.
Facultative myiasis occurs when larvae enter living
tissue after feeding on decaying tissue, such as that
found in neglected wounds. The larvae need decaying
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126 CHAPTER 6 ■ Arthropoda

4. List three kinds of mechanical trauma caused by arthropods and provides some clinical and epidemi-
insects. Give examples of each type of trauma. ological details. By studying Figures 6-2, 6-3, and
6-4, you can review and recognize those important
genera of arthropods that transmit infections to

5. Describe a possible type of control for each order

Class Insecta
of Arthropoda. Order Diptera (Flies and Mosquitoes)
Diptera is the order of greatest medical importance;
bloodsucking mosquitoes and flies may transmit many
viral, protozoan, and helminthic diseases. Diptera are
all ectoparasites as adults. One can differentiate among
the dipteran insects by studying the characteristics of
the parts listed here and by using an identification key
in an entomology text or insect identification hand-
INSECT MORPHOLOGY book. Examine the following:
1. Antennae—number of segments, presence or
Basic morphologic differences among the classes and absence of hairs
orders of arthropods make ticks, mites, flies, mos- 2. Mouth parts—structures for piercing skin or suck-
quitoes, true bugs, lice, and fleas readily distinguish- ing fluid
able from one another. The following section on 3. Coloration and hair distribution on body
insect morphology presents the major structural dif- 4. Size and shape of the body and each of the three
ferences among the classes of medically important body segments (head, thorax, and abdomen)

FIGURE 6-2 Classification of arthropods

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CHAPTER 6 ■ Arthropoda 127

5. Morphology of egg, larval, and pupal stages

6. Pattern of veins in the wings


Of Note Symptoms of pediculosis include itchy papules at

Because insect specimens submitted to the clinical lab- the site of infestation. Saliva and fecal excretions of
oratory are often in poor condition or do not exactly the louse often cause a local hypersensitivity reaction
resemble specimens illustrated in handbooks, it may that leads to inflammation. If a secondary bacterial
be necessary to enlist the expertise of an entomologist infection occurs, the lesion may resemble mange. Suc-
to obtain an accurate identification of the insect cessful treatment requires that both the eggs and
submitted. motile stages be killed.
During the 1996–1997 school year, approximately
Order Anoplura (Lice) 80% of school districts in the United States reported at
Lice are flattened dorsoventrally and have a three-seg- least one outbreak of head lice. A survey conducted in
ment body with antennae on the head and three pairs 2001 suggested the general incidence to be 1.6% for
of legs extending from the middle (thorax) segment. students with lice and 3.6% for students with nits with-
The legs have claws on the ends for grasping body hair. out lice meaning that approximately 1,000,000 cases of
Metamorphosis is simple and the immature stages look head lice occur each year. Some other estimates
like small adults. Lice are host specific. The lice are indicate that the true number of cases is much higher;
permanent ectoparasites and live only on the host, 6–12 million people may harbor head lice. Various
surviving just briefly in the environment. Eggs (nits) commercial products such as Rid, Nix, Lice-Free, Clear,
are deposited on hair shafts of the host. The order and AcuMed Comb can be used to treat head lice. (This
Anoplura includes bloodsucking lice; mouth parts are list of products is not inclusive and does not constitute
adapted for piercing the skin and sucking blood. The an endorsement by the authors for any product, sup-
head is narrower than the thorax. Phthirus pubis (crab plier, or service.) However, numerous cases exhibited
louse), Pediculus humanus capitis, and Pediculus humanus treatment resistance, prompting both physicians and
humanus (head and body lice, respectively) are endemic parents to try home remedies. Home remedies include
in the United States, with at least 6 to 12 million cases covering the hair with mayonnaise or margarine to
annually. smother the louse, followed by rinsing with a dilute
Lice are usually transferred directly from host to vinegar solution (1:1 with water) and combing with a
host. Eggs from louse-infested clothing or other per- nit comb. Various combinations of plant oils have also
sonal articles also may be sources of infection; body lice been used successfully. In April 2009 the Federal Drug
may be acquired from sitting on cloth-covered seats in Agency in the United States approved a benzyl alcohol-
public places, such as theaters or waiting areas. Pubic containing lotion as a topical treatment.
lice are usually transferred via sexual intercourse, but Another strategy tested as an alternative treatment
infections may be acquired in locker rooms from to malathion used ivermectin, a drug usually used to
towels and from mats on gymnasium floors. treat roundworms. One study performed in Egypt
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128 CHAPTER 6 ■ Arthropoda

showed that a single application of a liquid form of all stages develop to maturity in the external environ-
ivermectin (0.8%) killed lice within 48 hours. Other ment and are on the host only for feeding. The adult
studies have been favorable suggesting the use of an flea takes a blood meal from a temporary host and
oral dose treatment for malathion-resistant head lice then lays eggs in dark crevices. Treatment of a flea in-
as a reasonable alternative to conventional strategies. festation therefore requires cleaning the environment
Another application of this treatment strategy has and the host. Complete chemical control is difficult.
been used to treat body lice infestations. Chemical treatment and control measures in the envi-
Body lice can transmit Rickettsia spp., causative ronment should be repeated 2 weeks later to kill larvae
agents of endemic typhus and trench fever. Louse- and adults that develop from resistant eggs.
borne relapsing fever caused by Borrelia recurrentis is Adult fleas may live as long as 1 year and eggs may
also transmitted by P. humanus humanus. Body lice are remain viable for even longer periods. Pet owners’
sensitive to temperature and will leave a host who has homes can become flea infested. Eliminating fleas on
a fever. The infected louse, which can survive in the pets and in the house is necessary to prevent further in-
environment for up to 1 week, will be able to infect a festation. Sprays, powders, and dips have been used
new host. As a result, rapid spread of disease among successfully but continued treatment is required. A
people in close quarters can occur. It is best to check newer approach is Lufenuron, an oral preventive that is
clothing for lice because they can leave the skin when given to dogs and cats monthly. When fleas feed on the
not feeding. animal, the ingested chemical prevents development of
Treatment depends on the type of lice: eggs, thus breaking the life cycle. By following this pro-
tocol and avoiding new infestations, one can eventually
■ P. pubis: 0.5% malathion lotion or 1% lindane
eliminate fleas from the local environment.
■ P. humanus capitis: (1) permethrin, (2) pyrethrin
The rat flea, Xenopsylla cheopis, is known to transmit
with butoxide, 0.5% malathion, or 1% lindane
Rickettsia typhi, the bacteria responsible for murine
■ P. humanus humanus: regular bathing and decontam-
typhus. The rat flea is the primary vector for the
ination of infested clothing by dry cleaning or wash-
causative agent of bubonic (“Black”) plague, Yersinia
ing at 50ºC for 30 minutes
pestis. Inasmuch as rats often live in colonies, fleas feed
■ All forms: oral ivermectin can reduce infestations
freely on various hosts. The disease is spread from rat
but the immediate environment must also be
to rat via flea bites. Infected fleas crushed on the host’s
cleaned to prevent reinfestation.
body also allow the bacteria to gain entrance into the
rat. Bubonic plague also can be found in squirrels and
other small mammals. Management of the disease
rests mainly on controlling rats and squirrels. Under
suitable conditions, these bacteria may remain infec-
tive for 5 years in dried flea feces. These facts illustrate
the difficulty of controlling fleas and the diseases they
As ectoparasites, fleas cause itchy bites when they
feed. Repeated bites cause irritation with possible al-
lergic reactions. Secondary bacterial invasion may also
occur as itchy bites are scratched. Adult fleas usually
feed several times in the same day and may move
from host to host when several hosts are available.
Furthermore, fleas are not very host specific. Dog and
cat fleas readily take blood meals from humans. Al-
though dog and cat fleas are not good transmitters of
Order Siphonaptera (Fleas) the plague bacillus, they can passively transmit tape-
Fleas are flattened laterally. They, too, have three pairs worms (Hymenolepis nana, H. diminuta, and Dipylidium
of clawed legs extending from the thorax; the rear pair caninum) to humans.
is very long and adapted for jumping. One can differen-
tiate the species of fleas by looking for the presence or
absence of eyes and the genal and pronotal ctenidia
(combs). Adult fleas suck blood and have mouth parts
adapted for this purpose. Metamorphosis is complete;
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CHAPTER 6 ■ Arthropoda 129

1. Discuss the various pathogens transmitted by lice.
Include both mechanical problems and pathogens
transmitted by these insects.

2. Compare and contrast the life cycles and methods of

control of lice and fleas.

Class Arachnida
Order Acarina (Ticks and Mites) B
Ticks can transmit at least one protozoal organism to
humans and several bacterial, rickettsial, spirochetal,
and viral organisms, as noted in Table 6-1. In fact, in The mite species Sarcoptes scabiei (the itch mite) causes
the United States ticks transmit more vector-borne the disease known as scabies (sarcoptic mange), which
diseases than any other arthropod. Humans become is diagnosed by finding the eggs, nymphs, or adults in
infected with various organisms when the tick is feed- skin scrapings of suspicious lesions. The diagnostic signs
ing. Usually, the pathogen enters the bloodstream are red tunnels measuring from a few millimeters to
directly, but it may also be rubbed into a wound if the several centimeters in length, which turn into extremely
area around the wound is contaminated with tick itchy papules. These mites have a relatively short life cy-
feces. An infected tick that has been crushed while cle and newly hatched larvae within the skin reach
being removed from people or pets may provide an adulthood in about 1 week. This short cycle allows in-
additional source of infection. festations to become severe before treatment begins.
Furthermore, tick paralysis (tick toxicosis) may oc- S. scabiei is endemic in the United States and elsewhere.
cur if female ticks remain attached to susceptible hosts House dust mites, Dermatophagoides spp., have been
for at least 4 days. This lengthy attachment may occur shown to cause house dust allergy. These mites feed on
if the tick attaches in areas such as the scalp that con- sloughed human skin cells, food particles, or other or-
ceal it from view. Toxins in salivary secretions released ganic substances. Children are especially sensitive and
by the tick (43 known species) affect nerve impulse may develop asthma or other respiratory symptoms.
transmission, causing acute ascending paralysis, One study in Atlanta, Georgia, found that all houses in-
which can lead to respiratory failure and death. spected had dust mites and all the asthmatic children liv-
Prompt removal of the tick usually prevents further ing in these houses had high titers of IgE antibody spe-
progression of the paralysis and results in complete cific for Dermatophagoides spp. Symptoms may be
recovery within a few days. In some cases, epineph- aggravated when cockroach antigen is also present in
rine, antihistamines, or corticosteroids may be needed the environment. Vacuum cleaning of furniture and car-
to arrest the process. pets helps reduce house dust mite allergen. Frequent
Tick bite wounds may become infected if mouth laundering of bedding will also aid in controlling this
parts are left behind after tick removal. Ticks remain problem. Treatment can include pyrethrin, permethrin,
attached for extended feeding periods (for several hours 1% lindane, or 10% crotamiton.
or days), and the local skin reaction to the mouth parts
and the tick’s salivary secretions becomes inflamed and Morphology and Life Cycles
is often accompanied by edema and hemorrhage. The mouth parts of ticks and mites are adapted for
Adult ticks may live for 2 to 3 years or more and piercing and are attached directly on the body. The
feed on several hosts. This longevity, coupled with the mouth parts are part of an anterior structure known
fact that most tickborne organisms may be transmitted as a capitulum (which should be grasped firmly with
vertically across generations (transstadial passage, forceps when removing an embedded tick to avoid
transovarial passage, or both), makes them very good leaving mouth parts in the skin). The thorax is fused
vectors of disease. Babesiosis is one example of a to a globular body; head and antennae are absent. The
vertically transmitted disease. adults have four pairs of legs.
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130 CHAPTER 6 ■ Arthropoda

Acarid families include the following: The morphologic characteristics of mites are similar
to those in ticks except that mites are smaller and
1. Ixodidae—a family containing the hard ticks that
do not have a scutum. They are microscopic and
are temporary ectoparasites and are on the host
their four pairs of legs are shorter, with only the
only for feeding during larval, nymphal, and adult
two anterior pairs extending past the margins of the
stages. Eggs hatch and emerging larvae migrate up
body. Mites that usually infest other hosts may oc-
blades of grass or twigs to wait for passing hosts.
casionally be temporary parasites of humans or
Larvae attach to hosts, feed for a few days, drop off,
other animals. For example, in the southern United
and then molt into nymphs. Nymphs will attach to
States, Ornithonyssus sylviarum, a species of bird
new hosts, feed, return to the ground, and then
mite, migrates into homes from bird nests located in
molt to become adults. Adult females feed only
the eaves of houses. These insects attack cats, dogs,
once. After mating, eggs are laid and hatch in the
and humans, causing dermatitis, papules, vesicles,
and even tissue necrosis at the bite site.
Three pathogenic organisms—Borrelia burgdorferi
(the causative agent of Lyme disease), Babesia mi-

croti (see page 103), and Ehrlichia spp. (a recently
described rickettsial pathogen)—are all transmitted
to humans through the bite of Ixodes spp. ticks.
1. Explain how ticks differ morphologically from other in-
Mixed infections of B. burgdorferi and B. microti are
sects. Describe the life cycle of ticks.
occurring more frequently.
Lyme disease is caused by B. burgdorfori and transmit-
ted by the carrier deer tick after 2-3 days of contin-
ual feeding on the skin. The infection can be treated
early by antibiotics. If left untreated, infection can 2. Compare and contrast the appearance of the Ixodidae
spread to joints, the heart, and nervous system. Typ- and Argasidae ticks and list the pathogens they can
ical early symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, transmit to humans.
and a characteristic 1”-3” reddish bulls eye rash
(erythema migrans). Lyme disease is spread predom-
inantly in the northeast and upper Great Lakes areas
of the U.S. More than 25,000 confirmed cases were
3. Explain how diseases caused by mites differ from
reported in the United States in 2009.
those caused by ticks.
2. Argasidae—a family containing the soft ticks that
are also temporary ectoparasites. The body of soft
ticks is soft and leathery because it lacks the scutum
found on the dorsal surface of hard ticks. With one
important exception, they do not feed on humans. 4. Discuss control of ticks and mites in the environment.
Ornithodoros spp., the vector for relapsing fever (Bor-
relia spp.), feed frequently for short periods, usually
less than 30 minutes at a time. These ticks can sus-
tain long periods (as long as 15 years) of starvation.
3. Sarcoptidae—a family containing mites that are
permanent ectoparasites and live and reproduce in You have now completed the section on Arthropoda.
burrows in the skin. Mites are host specific and are After reviewing this material, with the help of the
usually transferred to new hosts in crowded quar- learning objectives, proceed to the post-test.
ters in which residents neglect personal hygiene.
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CHAPTER 6 ■ Arthropoda 131




FIGURE 6-3 A. Phthirus pubis (crab louse), dorsal view (20x). B. Pediculus corporis (body louse), dorsal view (10x).
C. Pediculus capitis (head louse), dorsal view (20x). D. Cimex lectularius (bedbug), dorsal view (20x). E. Ctenocephalides
spp. (male dog or cat flea), lateral view (15x). F. Ctenocephalides spp. (female dog or cat flea), lateral view (15x).
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132 CHAPTER 6 ■ Arthropoda



FIGURE 6-4 A. Dermacentor andersoni (hard tick), ventral view (10x). B. Ixodes spp. (hard tick), dorsal view (20x).
C. Amblyomma americanum (hard tick), dorsal view (10x). D. Ornithodoros spp. (soft tick), ventral view (10x).
E. Sarcoptes scabiei (scabies in skin scraping) (40x).
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CHAPTER 6 ■ Arthropoda 133

c. Cyclops spp.
➤ POST-TEST d. Glossina spp.

1. Matching: Enter the single best number choice for e. Pediculus spp.
parasite transmission: (20 points)
7. The organism responsible for Lyme disease is
a. Aedes 1. Onchocerca volvulus transmitted to humans by:
b. Anopheles 2. Trypanosoma a. Ixodes spp.
c. Simulium gambiense
b. Dermacentor spp.
d. Phlebotomus 3. Leishmania
donovani c. Borrelia burgdorferi
e. Glossina d. Mansonia spp.
4. Giardia lamblia
5. Brugia malayi e. Phthirus pubis

6. Plasmodium vivax 8. The nematode Loa loa is transmitted to humans by:

a. Triatoma spp.
2. Indicate the type of Arthropoda that causes each of
the following conditions or transmits the causative b. Sarcoptes spp.
agent for the listed diseases. Use each number as c. Musca spp.
many times as appropriate. (30 points) d. Mansonia spp.
a. Myiasis 1. Bug (hemipteran) e. Chrysops spp.
b. Blood loss 2. Mosquito
c. Crabs 3. Tick 9. The mange mite is a(n):
d. Scabies 4. Louse a. Ornithodoros spp.
e. Sleeping sickness 5. Fly b. Pediculus spp.
f. Babesiosis 6. Mite c. Sarcoptes spp.
g. Rocky Mountain 7. Flea d. Trichodectes spp.
spotted fever e. Trombicula spp.
h. Chagas’ disease
10. The developmental stage not found in
i. The Black plague
holometabolous metamorphosis is the:
j. Malaria
a. Egg
3. Based on your knowledge of the life cycle of fleas b. Larva
and lice, discuss control measures necessary to c. Imago
prevent the spread of each. (10 points) d. Nymph
e. Pupa
4. State at least five ways in which Arthropoda are
harmful to humans. (10 points)
11. The free-swimming larval form found in the
crustacean life cycle is called the:
Each multiple-choice question is worth 2 points.
a. Cypris
5. The arthropod vector associated with the b. Imago
transmission of the fish tapeworm is: c. Nauplius
a. Aedes spp. d. Nymph
b. Simulium spp.
c. Phlebotomus spp. 12. Babesia spp., transmitted by a tick, is maintained in
the tick population by:
d. Cyclops spp.
a. Lateral transmission
e. Pediculus spp.
b. Mechanical transmission
6. Obligate myiasis is associated with: c. Transmytotic transmission
a. Triatoma spp. d. Vertical transmission
b. Cochliomyia spp.
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134 CHAPTER 6 ■ Arthropoda

13. Fly larvae were recovered from an open wound on c. Lyme disease
the arm of a nursing home patient. This finding is d. Tick paralysis
a. Facultative myiasis
b. Intestinal myiasis
c. Mechanical myiasis
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Purdue University: Medical Entomology. http://extension
Spach, DH, et al: Tick-borne diseases in the United States. N
Engl J Med 329:936, 1993.
University of Maryland: Bug of the Week. http://raupplab
Stevens, JR, Wallman, JF, Otranto, D, Wall, R, and Pape, T:
The evolution of myiasis in humans and other animals in
the old and new worlds (part II): Biological and life-
history studies. Trends Parasitol 22(4):181-188, 2006.
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Clinical Laboratory

On completion of this self-study text and sufficient experience in a clinical

laboratory, the student will be able to:
1. Recognize potential sources of error in laboratory procedures.
2. Recognize and sketch the important morphologic features of parasites present in
clinical specimens that are routinely examined microscopically.
3. Calibrate and correctly use an ocular micrometer to measure parasites.
4. Demonstrate the proper technique for handling and disposing of contaminated
5. State the proper procedures for collection and transport of fecal specimens.
6. Select the proper procedures for performing a routine fecal examination to detect the
presence of parasites.
7. Properly prepare fecal smears.
8. Properly prepare iodine-stained and unstained wet mounts of fecal material.
9. Correctly perform the trichrome stain on fecal material.
10. Properly scan a microscope slide (wet mount or permanently stained) for the presence
of parasites and identify by the scientific name, when possible, any parasites found
11. Select the appropriate concentration technique for the recovery of any given parasite.
12. Correctly perform the zinc sulfate flotation and the formalin-ethyl acetate
sedimentation concentration techniques for recovery of intestinal parasites.
13. Correctly prepare thin and thick blood smears.
14. Correctly perform the Giemsa staining technique for blood smears.
15. Identify parasites in a stained blood smear.
16. Select proper procedures and use the proper protocol for the identification of filarial
17. Identify parasites present on a cellophane tape preparation for pinworms.
18. Name the media that may be used for in vitro cultures of protozoa.
19. Prepare all solutions used routinely in the laboratory.
20. Prepare serum for parasite serology.
21. List the types and principles of serologic tests used in the diagnosis of parasitic
infections, including commercially available reagents and procedures offered through
the CDC reference laboratories.
22. Demonstrate correct procedures and protocol for quality-control (QC) measures.

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138 CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures

INTRODUCTION or SAF, that contains polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)* and a

second vial should contain 8 to 10 mL of 10% forma-
lin. Added to this are 2 to 3 mL of feces (most systems
This chapter explains, in detail, the various diagnostic have fill lines marked on the vial). Be sure to select
procedures performed in a clinical laboratory to re- appropriate (e.g., bloody, slimy, watery) specimen
cover and identify parasites. These techniques provide areas. Sample material should be taken from the outer
the information used by the physician to treat and edge, ends, and middle of formed stools. One must
manage patients with parasitic diseases. Topics include thoroughly break up and mix the sample using appli-
the following: cator sticks. The vial should be capped tightly. The
1. Specimen collection and worker safety specimen is now ready for transport.
2. The routine fecal examination (ova and parasites) Note: Single-vial systems are available (see Table 7-5,
a. Macroscopic examination p. 159). These systems offer the advantages that most
b. Microscopic examination procedures, including many immunoassays, can be per-
Direct wet mount formed from one vial and no mercury compounds are
Ocular micrometer calibration included in the formulation. The disadvantage of these
c. Fecal concentration procedures systems is that staining characteristics of protozoa are
Sedimentation method not consistent. It is important to verify with the manu-
Flotation method facturer the capabilities of the system to ensure that no
d. Permanent staining procedures formula ingredients will interfere with any procedures
Trichrome stain performed in the laboratory. Table 7-1 summarizes the
Iron hematoxylin stain advantages and disadvantages of commonly used
3. Other diagnostic procedures preservatives.
a. Cellophane tape test for pinworm disease The receiving laboratory then processes the sample.
b. Agar plate culture for Strongyloides Smears for trichrome* or other staining should be
c. Modified acid-fast stain made from the PVA tube. The formalin-ethyl acetate
d. Giemsa or other stain for blood smears concentration method can be performed using either
e. Knott technique the 10% formalin or the PVA tube. The zinc sulfate
f. Culture media flotation method can be performed using the 10%
4. Immunodiagnostic methods formalin vial.

Reagent preparation and tables listing some vendors

of supplies and reagents and contacts for information
relating to parasitology are included. FECAL EXAMINATION
General considerations for a routine fecal examination
SPECIMEN TRANSPORT in the clinical laboratory include the following:
1. Naturally passed stools are preferred for examina-
PROCEDURES tion. Specimens can be passed into a clean, wide-
mouthed cardboard container or a bedpan. Samples
Many laboratories in small hospitals, private clinics, or collected in a bedpan must not be contaminated
physicians’ offices do not routinely perform examina- with urine and must be promptly transferred to an
tions for ova and parasites; instead, they send specimens appropriate container before being submitted to the
to larger laboratories. Successful diagnosis of intestinal laboratory. All specimen containers must be cor-
parasitic diseases requires “fresh” stool specimens. rectly and completely labeled. A single label should
Therefore, when examinations must be delayed, it is be attached to the side of the container (not the lid
important to preserve the integrity of the specimen by alone) or both the lid and container may be labeled.
placing it in a proper preservative or fixative medium Necessary information includes the following:
either immediately after passage by the patient using a a. Patient’s full name (last, first, middle initial; no
collection kit or as soon as the specimen arrives in the abbreviations)
laboratory. Direct wet mounts are examined for the b. Hospital or other identification number
presence of protozoan motility and must be performed c. Attending physician’s name
on fresh unpreserved liquid or runny or bloody speci- d. Date and time of collection
mens within 30 minutes of specimen passage. Tropho- e. Time of specimen arrival in the laboratory
zoites begin to disintegrate after 30 minutes.
A two-vial system is currently accepted as a stan-
dard means of transport. One vial should contain 8 to * Methods of preparation of reagents noted in this chapter and
10 mL of a fixative, for example, Schaudinn’s solution, marked by asterisks are described on pages 161–163.
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CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures 139

TABLE 7-1 ■ General Preservatives For Stool Specimens

Preservative Advantages Disadvantages
10% Formalin 1. All-purpose fixative 1. Not suitable for some permanent stained
2. Easy to prepare smears such as trichrome
3. Long shelf life 2. Inadequate preservation of morphology of
4. Good preservation of morphology of helminth eggs, protozoan trophozoites
larvae, protozoan cysts, coccidia, and microsporidia 3. Can interfere with polymerase chain reaction
5. Suitable for concentration procedures (PCR), especially after extended fixation time
6. Suitable for acid-fast, safranin, and chromotrope 4. Cannot be used with immunoassay kits for
stains Entamoeba histolytica/dispar or Entamoeba
7. Compatible with immunoassay kits for Giardia histolytica
lamblia and Cryptosporidium spp.
MIF (merthiolateiodine- 1. Components both fix and stain organisms 1. Not suitable for some permanent stained smears
formaldehyde) 2. Easy to prepare such as trichrome
3. Long shelf life 2. Inadequate preservation of the morphology of
4. Useful for field surveys protozoan trophozoites
5. Suitable for concentration procedures 3. Iodine interferes with other stains and fluorescence
4. Iodine may cause distortion of protozoa
LV-PVA (polyvinylalcohol) 1. Good preservation of morphology of protozoan 1. Contains mercuric chloride when added to
trophozoites and cysts Schaudinn’s solution
2. Easy preparation of permanent stained smears such 2. Difficult to prepare in the laboratory
as trichrome (solution both preserves organisms and 3. Less suitable for concentration procedures
makes them adhere to slides) 4. Cannot be used with immunoassay kits
3. Preserved samples remain stable for several months 5. Not suitable for acid-fast, safranin, and chromotrope
SAF (sodium 1. Suitable for both concentration procedures and 1. Requires albumin/glycerin-coated slides for
acetate-acetic preparation of permanent stained smears adhesion of specimens to slides
acid-formalin) 2. Easy to prepare 2. Permanent stains not as good as with PVA in
3. Long shelf life Schaudinn’s solution
4. Suitable for acid-fast, safranin, and chromotrope 3. Iron hematoxylin stain yields better results for
stains protozoa
5. Compatible with immunoassay kits for Giardia 4. Cannot be used with immunoassay kits for
lamblia and Cryptosporidium spp. Entamoeba histolytica/dispar or Entamoeba
Schaudinn’s solution 1. Good preservation of morphology of protozoan 1. Less suitable for concentration procedures
(mercury-based) trophozoites and cysts 2. Contains mercuric chloride
2. Easy preparation of permanent stained smears
Modified PVA 1. Permanent smears can be made and stained with 1. Staining not consistent
(copper or zinc) trichrome 2. Organism morphology may be poor
2. Zinc is preferred over copper 3. Copper—morphology of cysts and trophozoites is
3. No mercuric chloride poor
4. Zinc—better morphology but not comparable to PVA
5. Careful attention must be paid to adding the correct
amount of specimen to each vial with rapid fixation
and thorough mixing in order to gain good staining
One-Vial Fixatives 1. Concentrate and permanent smear can be made out 1. Certain one-vial fixatives must use certain stains
(e.g., Ecofix, Parasafe, of one vial 2. Color difference of stain
Proto-fix, Total-Fix, 2. Immunoassays can be done on most 3. Staining not always consistent
Unifix, and others that 3. No mercuric chloride 4. Sometimes more expensive than formalin and
may be available) LV-PVA

Source: Adapted from Department of Parasitic Disease (CDC) material.

Because specimens may also be infected with other Protocols for handling infectious materials must be
pathogens such as viruses, fungi, or bacteria, it is followed at all times.
best to place all specimen containers in plastic zip- 2. For a routine parasitic workup, it is recommended
per-locking bags before delivering them to the lab- that patients submit stools from three normal
oratory so that all workers handling the samples bowel movements, one every other day, or within
are adequately protected from infective agents. a 10-day period.
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140 CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures

Note: One or two specimens are often sufficient for culture techniques should be used only in labora-
the recovery and identification of helminth eggs. tories that have sufficient volume to justify main-
3. Fresh specimens should be processed according to taining the procedure. Various authorities express
the following time guideline: conflicting views on the relative usefulness of
a. Liquid stool within 30 minutes culture media, inasmuch as the number of cysts
b. Semisolid stool within 1 hour needed for viable cultures may be so great that
c. Formed stool within 24 hours of collection they should be detectable in feces at that number
Formed stools may be refrigerated for 1 to 2 days if by ordinary microscopic methods.
their examination must be delayed, although this 9. The Occupational Safety and Health Administra-
practice does not guarantee the recovery of all para- tion’s (OSHA) Final Rule on Bloodborne Pathogens
sites. Hookworm eggs mature and hatch if allowed to requires all laboratories to be in compliance. In part,
remain at room temperature and they may be the rule states that “[t]he standard for reducing
confused with Strongyloides larvae unless carefully worker exposure to bloodborne pathogens is based
observed. (See also p. 139 for preservation materials on the adoption of Standard Precautions as a
and transport procedures, p. 138) method of infection control. Standard Precautions is
4. Protozoan cysts may be found more commonly than defined as a method of infection control in which all
trophozoites in formed stools and are often easier to human blood and certain body fluids are treated as
identify than trophozoites. Trophozoites are found if known to be infectious for HIV, HBV, and other
more commonly in liquid stools. Because tropho- bloodborne pathogens.Ӡ Although the rule does not
zoites do not survive long, all specimens must be specifically refer to parasitic diseases found in other
examined in a timely manner. For this reason, it is body locations, the same procedures needed to pro-
important to require and verify collection and tect a worker from bloodborne pathogens provide
arrival times for all fecal specimens; otherwise, protection from virtually all infectious agents.
reported results may be invalid. If transportation to
From other information presented in the OSHA
the laboratory or examination is to be delayed, part
ruling, the following Standard Precautions are sug-
of the specimen should be preserved, when
collected, in a fixative* containing PVA or in 10%
a. Gloves and a protective coat or apron must be
aqueous formalin.* Formalin preserves eggs, cysts,
worn when handling feces or other specimens.
and larvae for examination in concentration meth-
b. Hands should be washed with disinfectant soap
ods. PVA aids the staining of cysts and trophozoites
on entering and leaving the laboratory and after
by providing needed adhesion so that preserved
removing gloves.
materials will stick to the slide during the staining
c. Laboratory garments (including gloves) should
never be worn outside the laboratory.
5. When amebiasis or giardiasis is suspected, several
d. Nothing should be placed in the mouth when in
specimens (at least three) should be examined, one
the laboratory.
every other day. Additional specimens are examined
e. Avoid touching your face with your hands and
when necessary. For each specimen received, a direct
do not place personal articles, such as eyeglasses,
wet mount (fresh liquid or soft stool only), a fecal
clothing, or books, on the workbench.
concentration technique, and a permanently stained
f. Care should be taken to maintain all working
smear should be prepared and examined.
space in a neat and clean condition. The work-
6. Feces containing x-ray contrast media such as barium
bench should be cleaned before and after each
salts should be rejected because they make a proper
work period with disinfectant such as 2.5% Am-
examination impossible. If barium salts have been
phyl (soap, o-phenylphenol, and alcohol) or a
given, it is necessary to wait from 5 to 10 days before
50% bleach solution made with water and com-
submitting a specimen for parasitic examination.
mercial bleach.
7. All specimens for parasitic studies should be collected
g. All contaminated materials should immediately
before beginning treatment with any antibiotics. If
be placed in a disinfectant or other appropriate
antibiotics have been given, new fecal collections
container for disposal.
should not begin until 2 weeks after therapy has
h. Spills should be overlaid with Amphyl or a
50% commercial bleach solution and absorbent
8. For growth of Entamoeba histolytica, culture media
towels or sand. After 10 minutes, the contami-
such as Balamuth, Boeck and Drbohlav, McQuay,
nated material should be disposed in a plastic
or Cleveland-Collier may be useful. The techniques
biohazard bag or other suitable container.
are time-consuming and success depends on
knowledge and experience with the technique.
† The OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard is available from the
These media cannot differentiate E. histolytica from
Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar. For these reasons, Government Printing Office (GPO Order #069-001-0004-8), Super-
intendent of Documents, Washington, DC 20402.
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CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures 141

i. If spills create aerosols, especially from a centrifuge then cleared by immersing it in glycerin or a lac-
accident, all personnel should leave the laboratory tophenol solution (1:1). Uterine branches may be
at once and remain away for 1 hour. The person made more visible by injecting a small amount of
responsible for cleaning up the spill should wear India ink into the uterine or genital pore. A 1-mL
protective clothing, gloves, and a mask. syringe with a 25-gauge needle should be used
to inject the ink. The segment should then
Macroscopic Examination be flattened by gently pressing it between two glass
The process of macroscopic examination, a routine
component of a fecal examination for parasites, in-
volves the following procedures: Microscopic Examination
1. Note the consistency of the specimen. Mushy or liq- The routine microscopic examination of fecal speci-
uid stools suggest possible trophozoites of intestinal mens for ova and parasites consists of three distinct
protozoa. Protozoan cysts are found more frequently procedures. These include a direct saline wet mount, a
in formed stools. Helminth eggs and larvae may be fecal concentration technique, and a permanently
found in either liquid or formed stools. stained fecal smear. The direct wet mount is a rapid-
2. Examine the surface (top and bottom) of the spec- screening technique and is used to study trophozoite
imen for parasites (e.g., tapeworm proglottids or, motility. The concentration method increases the
less commonly, adult pinworms). chance for recovering parasitic forms. The various
3. Break up the stool with applicator sticks to check staining procedures are used to study and confirm the
for the presence of adult helminths (e.g., Ascaris). identity of small parasites, such as protozoa, by stain-
4. Examine the stool for blood, mucus, or both. ing intracellular organelles. Each of these procedures
a. Fresh blood (bright red) indicates acute lower is described in the following sections.
intestinal tract bleeding.
b. Bloody mucus suggests ulceration and some of Direct Wet Mount
this material should be preferentially examined Direct wet mounts, using fresh liquid or very soft stool
microscopically for trophozoites. only, are prepared by using an applicator stick to thor-
5. Sieve feces after drug treatment for tapeworms to oughly mix a small amount of feces with a drop of
ensure recovery of the scolex. Current therapies saline placed on a microscope slide. To perform, one
have greatly reduced the need for this procedure. should apply a 22-mm cover glass so that air bubbles
are not trapped under the glass. A smear should be thin
Of Note enough that a printed page can be read through it. The
1. Adult worms, if recovered, are examined and iden- entire preparation should be examined for the presence
tified directly. of eggs, larvae, and protozoa. Systematic examination,
2. Tapeworms are differentiated by examining gravid using the 10x lens, may be accomplished by starting at
proglottids. Because eggs of Taenia solium are infec- the lower edge of the slide and observing each field un-
tive for humans, great care must be exercised til reaching the upper edge (see Figure 7-1).
when handling these specimens. It is recom- The preparation is then moved one field to the right
mended that a face mask be worn to protect while continuing to examine each field and moving
against airborne eggs. When examining a gravid downward until reaching the lower edge. The exam-
proglottid, it should be fixed in 10% formalin (eggs iner should move right one field and repeat in this
within the uterine structures are still viable) and manner until the entire slide has been examined.

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142 CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures

Next, at least one-third to one-half of the cover- yeast, undigested vegetable cells, pollen grains, and
slipped area should be examined randomly using the hair. To the untrained eye, any of these may be
high dry (40x) objective lens because protozoa may mistaken for parasites. It is important to become fa-
have been overlooked at 10x magnification. miliar with these artifacts. Atlas Plates 134 and 135
Care must be used when adjusting the light on the illustrate a few common artifacts.
microscope. A common error is the use of too much 2. Eosinophils may be present, indicating an allergic
light, which prevents proper contrast. Because protozoa immune response that may be related to a parasitic
are translucent and colorless when unstained, they are infection or to another allergen, such as pollen
not visible unless the light is reduced. A drop of iodine* or food. Breakdown products of degenerating
may be used to help demonstrate eggs and cyst struc- eosinophils form Charcot-Leyden crystals, which
tures more clearly, but this kills and distorts trophozoites appear as slender crystals with pointed ends. These
so that motility cannot be observed. A saline mount and stain red-purple with trichrome stain. Their pres-
an iodine mount can be prepared at opposite ends of the ence indicates that an allergic immune response
same slide, using separate cover slips. has occurred.
3. Free-living ameba, flagellates, or even ciliates may
Results and Report for Direct Wet Mounts be found in specimens that have been contami-
1. Any observed parasites are reported by their scien- nated with water from sewage, stagnant ponds, or
tific name, including both the genus and species soil. These organisms may be difficult to differenti-
names when possible, and the specific stage (e.g., ate from pathogens.
eggs, trophozoites, larvae) seen. 4. Wet mounts for screening can also be made from
2. Certain cellular elements, such as blood cells or fecal specimens preserved in formalin or PVA, but
yeast should be reported semiquantitatively as few, no motility of organisms will be present, and this
moderate, or many red blood cells (RBCs), white step can be omitted if a preserved specimen is the
blood cells (WBCs), yeast, or other cells if they are only specimen received.
clearly identifiable. Trichuris trichiura and trema-
tode infections should also be quantitated in this Ocular Micrometer Calibration
manner. Whenever a microscopic examination is performed, a
3. Charcot-Leyden crystals may be reported semi- calibrated ocular micrometer should be used because
quantitatively as few, moderate, or many. size differences of various internal structures and of
whole organisms are important in a differential diagno-
Quality-Control Considerations sis. Artifacts and other fecal debris can resemble para-
1. Verify weekly that the iodine solution is clear and sites; these can often be excluded based on their size.
not contaminated with bacteria or fungi and that it
has the dark brown color of strong tea. Procedure
2. Positive control material can be prepared by adding 1. Install an ocular micrometer disk in the eyepiece of
fixed human buffy coat cells to negative stool spec- the microscope by placing it underneath the eye-
imens. The cytoplasm of WBCs has a yellow-gold piece lens.
color, similar to that of protozoan trophozoites. A 2. Place a stage micrometer on the microscope’s stage
preserved known-positive fecal specimen can also and, using the 10x objective, focus on the stage
be used for QC. The control specimen should be scale. The stage scale is 1 mm long (some brands
examined at least quarterly or whenever a new have different lengths) and is calibrated in hun-
stain is prepared. dredths (each 0.01 mm = 10 m).
3. The ocular micrometer and microscope should be 3. Line up the left edge of the ocular scale with the
calibrated at least annually when the microscope is left edge of the stage scale (Figure 7-2).
used heavily or when it is moved frequently. Yearly 4. Find a place at the farthest point to the right where
recalibration may not be necessary if the micro- a line on the ocular micrometer is exactly superim-
scope is used infrequently; however, if in doubt, posed on a line of the stage micrometer.
recalibrate. 5. Calculate the number of micrometers indicated by
4. QC results should be recorded and the action plan each division on the ocular scale, using the follow-
should be followed as needed. ing formula:
5. The laboratory name and the technician identifica- Number of stage micrometer spaces  10 m/
tion should be on the report. Number of ocular micrometer spaces = m/ocular
Of Note For example, in Figure 7-2, note that the 40th
1. Many artifacts and other formed structures can be ocular scale line is exactly superimposed over the 30th
seen when examining a wet mount. These include stage scale line (0.3 mm). Use the following formula:
RBCs, WBCs, macrophages, mucosal epithelium, 30  10/40 = 7.5 m per ocular space
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CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures 143


6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each objective lens. Two general types of methods are used: sedimenta-
Record the calibration equivalent for each objec- tion and flotation. The formalin ethyl acetate sedimen-
tive so that parasites may be measured when tation concentration method is the most commonly
viewed at any magnification. It is convenient to used technique for concentrating eggs and cysts and is
post these values on the microscope. Although more efficient than flotation methods.
each microscope will be different, the approximate
number of microns per ocular space on low power, Sedimentation Method
high power, and oil immersion are noted below; This method concentrates parasite stages present in a
10x = 7.5 m large amount of feces into about 2 g of sediment.
40x = 3.0 m
Procedure for the Formalin-Ethyl Acetate Method
100x = 1.0 m
1. Add 5 to 15 g (1/2 to 1 teaspoon) of fresh feces to a
The ocular micrometer and microscope should
suitable container and use applicator sticks to mix
be calibrated annually, but calibration may be
with 10 to 15 mL of 10% formalin. Allow the mix-
required more or less often depending on the
ture to stand for 30 minutes for fixation. This step
microscope’s use.
kills and preserves protozoa, larvae, and most eggs.
7. To measure a parasite, line up the left edge of the However, some eggshells, such as Ascaris, are im-
egg or cyst with the zero on the ocular scale, count pervious to formalin.
the number of ocular spaces to the other edge, and 2. Strain the mixture through two layers of damp-
multiply by the appropriate lens factor. For exam- ened surgical gauze into a 15-mL glass conical cen-
ple, an egg that occupied four ocular spaces under trifuge tube and add enough saline to nearly fill the
low power would actually be 30 m wide if the tube.
multiplier was 7.5 m per space. a. Do not use more than two layers of surgical
gauze or more than one layer of the newer
Concentration Techniques for “pressed” gauze because thicker layers trap mu-
Parasite Stages in Feces cus that may contain Cryptosporidium spp.
oocysts or microsporidia.
A fecal concentration technique increases the possibil- b. Do not strain any specimen that contains a large
ity of detecting parasites when few are present in amount of mucus. Instead, centrifuge the mix-
feces, and it is a routine part of the clinical procedures. ture for 10 minutes at 500 g, decant into disin-
A single concentrate from one fecal specimen is often fectant, and continue the procedure with step 7.
sufficient to detect helminth infections. Additional 3. Centrifuge the suspension at 500 g (1,500 rpm) for
specimens may be required to find and identify proto- 10 minutes. Decant the supernatant into disinfec-
zoa. A permanent stained smear is recommended to tant. Resuspend the sediment in saline or formalin
confirm protozoan morphology. and recentrifuge if the sample contains excessive
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144 CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures

debris. (The rpm values are noted so that workers Of Note

may more easily adjust speeds to reach the appropri- 1. The sedimentation procedure can be used to con-
ate gravity when using common tabletop cen- centrate PVA-fixed material as follows. Thoroughly
trifuges, but proper calibration steps should be mix the PVA-stool suspension with applicator sticks,
performed to verify speeds.) add about 4 mL of the mixture to a test tube con-
4. Resuspend the washed stool sediment in 7 mL of taining 10 mL of saline, and mix well. Filter the mix-
10% formalin and add 4 mL of ethyl acetate. Cap ture through gauze as in step 2 and continue the
the tube with a rubber stopper and shake it vigor- procedure as described. Sodium acetate-acetic acid-
ously for 30 seconds. This step extracts fats from the formalin (SAF)–preserved specimens can be
feces and reduces bulk; do not use if a very small processed beginning directly at step 2. Cystoisospora
amount of debris is present or if the original speci- belli is usually missed in PVA-preserved concen-
men contains much mucus. Carefully remove the trates, although it is found in a formalin-preserved
stopper away from the face because organic vapor specimen. Reasons for this discrepancy are
may cause spurting of fecal debris. unknown. Some authorities do not recommend
5. Centrifuge the tube for 10 minutes at 500 g. Four concentrating PVA-fixed materials because protozoa
layers should result (see Figure 7-3). become so distorted that they are not recognizable.
6. Rim the upper debris layer with an applicator stick 2. Ethyl acetate has replaced the earlier use of ether.
and decant the entire supernatant into disinfectant. Ethyl acetate is nonflammable; therefore, it is a much
Invert the centrifuge tube completely in one smooth safer chemical for laboratory use. Recovery of
motion, but do it only once. If excess ethyl acetate is Hymenolepis nana eggs and cysts of Giardia lamblia is
left inside the tube or if the tube is plastic, use a enhanced with ethyl acetate. Some workers consider
cotton-tipped applicator stick to swab the inside of Hemo De to be even safer than ethyl acetate.
the tube while the tube is still inverted. Excess ethyl 3. Centrifugation speeds and times are important
acetate appears as bubbles when the slide prepara- because Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts and microsporid-
tion is made and may dissolve plastic tubes. ian spores may not be recovered if centrifugation is
7. Mix together a small drop of fecal sediment and 1 insufficient.
drop of iodine stain on a slide. Add a cover glass and 4. When concentrating fresh specimens, a water rinse
carefully examine the entire preparation micro- used in step 3 will cause B. hominis cysts to rupture,
scopically for parasites. Also examine an unstained leading to a false-negative report for this organism.
preparation of the concentrate because cysts are If the specimen has been fixed, the organisms will
refractile and more easily detected unstained and survive a water rinse, but saline or formalin rinses
because the morphology of unstained larval forms are recommended.
is more characteristic. 5. Extra washing of fixed sediment may be necessary
because iodine causes precipitation of excess mer-
curic chloride (Schaudinn’s solution). If precipitation
is noted when the slide is examined, simply rewash
the sediment once or twice and prepare a new slide.
Do not wash the sediment more than twice because
organisms may be lost, which may lead to a false-
negative result.

Results and Report for Sedimentation Procedures

1. Any observed parasites are reported by their scien-
tific name, including both the genus and species
names, when possible, and the stage present.
2. Certain cellular elements, such as blood cells, may
be reported semiquantitatively as few, moderate,
or many RBCs, WBCs, or other cells if they are
clearly identifiable. Yeast is noted, but quantitation
is determined from the permanently stained smear.
3. Charcot-Leyden crystals may be reported semi-
quantitatively as few, moderate, or many.
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CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures 145

Quality-Control Considerations Procedure for the Zinc Sulfate* Flotation Method

1. Verify weekly that all solutions are clear and are The procedure should be performed as follows:
not visibly contaminated.
1. Prepare fixed and washed feces in a 13-  100-mm
2. Known-positive specimens should be concentrated
round-bottom tube as described in steps 1 and 2 of
and organisms should be identified to verify tech-
the procedure for the formalin-ethyl acetate con-
nique at least quarterly or whenever the centrifuge
centration method.
is calibrated.
2. Wash once or twice in saline (centrifuge each time
3. QC results should be recorded and the action plan
at 500 g [1,500 rpm] for 10 minutes) to obtain 1 mL
for “out-of-control” results should be followed as
or less of sediment. (Alternately, formalin may be
3. Resuspend and thoroughly mix the sediment in
Flotation Methods
12 mL of zinc sulfate solution (specific gravity 1.18
Flotation methods use liquids with a higher specific
to 1.20 as verified with a hydrometer).
gravity than that of eggs or cysts so that parasites float
4. Centrifuge for 2 minutes at 500 g (1,500 rpm),
to the surface and the concentrate can be skimmed
allowing the centrifuge to stop without vibration.
from the top of the tube. The concentrating solution
Gently and carefully place the tube in a rack in a
should have a final specific gravity of 1.18 (1.20 can
vertical position without shaking it, and slowly add
be used with formalin-preserved specimens). The
enough zinc sulfate down the side of the tube with
most commonly used reagent is zinc sulfate and a
a dropper pipette to fill the tube so that an inverted
description of the procedure using this solution
meniscus forms (Figure 7-4A).
follows. It is important to note that this method does
5. Without shaking the tube, carefully place a
not easily recover operculated eggs or infertile Ascaris
22-  22-mm cover glass on top of the tube so that
eggs. In addition, the high specific gravity kills
its underside rests on the meniscus. The meniscus
trophozoites and causes distortion of certain other
should not be so high that fluid runs down the side
fragile eggs, such as H. nana. For these reasons, it is
of the tube, carrying parasitic forms away from the
recommended that if only a single concentration pro-
cover glass (Figure 7-4B).
cedure is to be used, it should be the formalin-ethyl
6. Allow the tube to stand vertically in a rack with the
acetate sedimentation technique.
cover slip suspended on top for 10 minutes.

Cover slip slip

Slide Slide

(+ heavy
(+ heavy eggs)
eggs) (+ heavy eggs) (+ heavy eggs)

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146 CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures

7. Carefully lift the cover glass with its hanging drop 2. Known-positive specimens should be concentrated
containing parasites on the underside and mount on and organisms should be identified to verify tech-
a clean slide, liquid side down. You may place a small nique at least quarterly or whenever the centrifuge
drop of iodine stain on the slide before adding the has been calibrated.
cover glass. Gently rotate the slide after adding the 3. The ocular micrometer and microscope should be
cover glass to ensure a uniform mixture. Thoroughly calibrated at least annually.
examine the cover-slip preparation microscopically, 4. QC results should be recorded and the action plan
using the procedure outlined on page 141. should be followed as needed.

Of Note
Gravity flotation is not particularly effective in con- Permanent Staining Procedures
centrating organisms. Many workers prefer the fol- Trichrome Stain for Intestinal Protozoa
lowing variation: The Wheatley trichrome* technique is a rapid proce-
1. After washing as in step 1, resuspend the sediment dure that gives good results for routine identification
in 12 mL of zinc sulfate solution. Then fill the tube of intestinal protozoa in fresh fecal specimens. It is to
to within 0.5 mL of its top. be the final part of a complete fecal examination. This
2. Centrifuge for 2 minutes at 500 g (1,500 rpm) and procedure is the confirmation step for all identifica-
allow the centrifuge to stop without vibration. tions of protozoan parasites.
3. Use either a sterile Pasteur pipette or a flamed and The cytoplasm of E. histolytica trophozoites and cysts
cooled wire loop (bent at a right angle to the stem) to appears light blue-green or light pink. Entamoeba coli
transfer 2 or 3 drops of the surface film to a clean glass cysts are slightly more purplish. Nuclear structure is
slide. Add a drop of iodine stain, mix, and add a cover clearly visible; karyosomes of nuclei stain ruby red.
glass. Examine microscopically. See Figure 7-4C. Degenerated organisms stain pale green. Background
4. Oocysts of C. belli and some other organisms are so material stains green, providing a good contrast with the
lightweight that they float very near the top of the protozoa. The procedure is effective using smears fixed
liquid. with a fixative containing PVA,* however, newer fixa-
5. You may also examine the wet mount when un- tives in single vial systems such as Total-Fix® that do not
stained by using a phase-contrast microscope or contain PVA or albumin may be used successfully as
when stained with Kinyoun modified acid-fast well. The key to success is to ensure that smears are very
stain to help detect Cryptosporidium spp., Cyclospora, dry before staining or fecal material may fall off the slide.
and Cystoisospora. Cryptosporidium spp., Cyclospora, Cystoisospora, and
6. Some thin-shelled helminth eggs and protozoan microsporidia do not stain well using this technique.
cysts are distorted by prolonged exposure to the However, modifications of this method, such as those
high specific gravity of the zinc sulfate solution; of Kokoskin, Weber Green, or Ryan Blue–modified
therefore, microscopic examination of these sam- trichrome stains, allow microsporidia to be visualized.
ples must be done within 5 minutes after the These parasites will appear refractile and pink-red
centrifuge stops. when using any of these modifications. Cryptosporid-
7. If flotation is the only concentration technique ium spp., Cyclospora, and Cystoisospora can be recog-
used, be sure to also examine the sediment because nized when acid-fast stains are used (see p. 152).
operculated eggs or heavy infertile Ascaris eggs do
not float. Trichrome Staining Procedure
1. Using an applicator stick, place a thin film of fresh
Results and Report for Flotation Procedures feces on a microscope slide and, while the smear is
1. Any observed parasites are reported by their scien- wet, place it in Schaudinn’s solution (without acetic
tific name, including both the genus and species acid) for at least 30 minutes at room temperature;
names, when possible. extended fixation is acceptable. Rinse in 70% alco-
2. Certain cellular elements, such as blood cells, may hol for 5 minutes to remove excess mercury-based
be reported semiquantitatively as few, moderate, fixative. (Omit this fixation if smears have been
or many RBCs, WBCs, or other cells if they are preserved in PVA-containing fixative.) Diarrheic
clearly identifiable. Yeast is noted, but quantitation stools should be mixed. The PVA acts as an adhesive
is determined from the permanently stained smear. for the slide preparation. When using material from
3. Charcot-Leyden crystals may be reported semi- a transport vial with a PVA-containing fixative,
quantitatively as few, moderate, or many. follow this procedure:
a. Transfer some of the well-mixed PVA-stool ma-
Quality-Control Considerations terial to several layers of paper towel. Let the
1. Verify weekly that all solutions are clear and are mixture stand for 3 minutes to absorb excess
not visibly contaminated. PVA. This step must be performed.
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CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures 147

b. Using an applicator stick, spread some of the Results and Report for the Trichrome Stain Procedure
specimen onto a clean glass slide. Adherence to 1. Trophozoites and cysts, human tissue or blood
the slide is improved if the material is spread to cells, and yeast (single, budding, or pseudohyphae)
the edges of the slide. are easily identified, but helminth eggs and larvae
c. Slides should be dried either overnight at room often retain excessive stain, making them difficult
temperature or for 2 to 3 hours on a slide to identify.
warmer at 37°C or in an incubator at 37ºC. Mor- 2. Any observed parasites are reported by their scien-
phologic distortion may result if slides are dried tific names, including both the genus and species
too rapidly. The slide must be dried thoroughly names when possible and the stage observed.
to avoid washing off the film during staining. 3. Certain cellular elements, such as Blastocystis hominis,
2. Place the slide in the 70% ethanol solution (with blood cells, or yeast, are reported semiquantitatively
enough iodine added to turn the alcohol to the as few, moderate, or many Blastocystis hominis, RBCs,
color of strong tea) for 2 minutes (10 minutes for WBCs, yeast, or other cells, such as macrophages, if
PVA-stool smears). they are clearly identifiable.
3. Place the slide successively in two changes of 70% 4. Charcot-Leyden crystals may be reported semi-
solutions of ethanol for 5 minutes in each solution. quantitatively as few, moderate, or many.
Place the slide in a trichrome* stain for 10 to 20 5. All reportable objects may be quantitated using the
minutes. following scheme:
4. Rinse in acidified 90% ethanol* for 1 to 3 seconds.
Usually a brief dip in and out is sufficient. Drain
immediately. Average Number of Organisms,
Cells, or Other Artifacts Counted
NOTE: Inasmuch as the acid alcohol continues to in 10 Oil Immersion Fields Quantity Reported
destain as long as it is in contact with the material, the
time allowed should include the few seconds be- 2 Few
tween the time the slide is removed from the destain 3–9 Moderate
and the subsequent rinse in absolute alcohol in step 5. 10 Many
5. Rinse quickly with several dips each in two changes
of absolute ethanol. These alcohol solutions should
be changed frequently to prevent them from becom-
ing so acidic that the destaining process continues. Quality-Control Considerations
Prolonged destaining in acid alcohol may cause the 1. Because trichrome stains are quite stable, it is usu-
organisms to be poorly differentiated. Larger tropho- ally necessary only to check each new batch of
zoites, particularly those of E. coli, may require stain. If staining is done infrequently, it is advisable
slightly longer periods of staining. that periodic checks be made at least monthly. The
College of American Pathologists (CAP) checklist
NOTE: Several slides may be stained simultane-
can also be consulted for current recommendations.
ously using a staining rack.
2. Positive control material can be prepared by adding
6. Place in clean xylene (or xylene substitute) for human buffy coat cells to negative stool specimens.
5 minutes. From this mixture, smears are made and stained
7. Mount slides using a mounting medium (e.g., Per- along with unknown slides. Known-negative slides
mount) and a No. 1 cover glass. An alternate method should be processed with each set of unknowns. If
for examining the smear is as follows: positive fecal material is available from patients or
a. Remove the slide from the last xylene solution. QC survey samples, control slides may be made
Place face up on a paper towel and allow it to dry from PVA-fixed material. Check WBCs and known
completely. (Xylene substitutes take longer to dry.) parasites for color.
b. Fifteen minutes before examining the slide, add 3. The 70% ethanol-iodine solution should be
a drop of immersion oil to the dry fecal film. Let changed at least weekly or more often if slides are
the oil penetrate the film for 10 to 15 minutes. If too green.
the material appears refractile at the end of the 4. QC results should be recorded and the action plan
waiting period, either add more oil or wait a few should be followed as needed.
more minutes before examining the slide.
c. Add a No. 1 cover glass to the smear just before Modified Trichrome Stain for Microsporidia
viewing the film and examine it under oil Microsporidia are not visualized in the routine Wheat-
immersion using the 100x objective. Examine at ley trichrome method because the stain does not
least 200 to 300 individual oil immersion fields penetrate the cell. The modified trichrome* technique
before reporting a negative result. of Weber and Green uses a much higher concentration
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148 CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures

of chromotrope 2R dye and longer staining time to Results and Report for the Modified Trichrome Stain
overcome this problem. This procedure will reveal Procedure
microsporidia in any fecal specimen, fresh or preserved Spore walls stain pink to red with a clear interior or the
in formalin, SAF, or from a zinc-based single-vial polar tube may appear as a red horizontal or diagonal
system. bar. Bacteria, some yeasts, and some debris will also
stain pink to red. Background material stains green.
Modified Trichrome Staining Procedure Before reporting a positive result, you must carefully
1. Using a 10-m aliquot of fresh or preserved un- measure all suspicious forms and compare them with
concentrated liquid fecal material, prepare a other red colored shapes and examine control smears.
smear on a clean glass slide covering an area Note: Watery specimens will yield smears with less
measuring 45  25 mm. debris and a larger numbers of spores.
a. Unpublished data generated at the University of
California-Los Angeles Clinical Microbiology Quality-Control Considerations
Laboratory by Lynne Shore Garcia,* demon- 1. Because trichrome stains are quite stable, it is usually
strated that this procedure may also be per- necessary to check only each new batch of stain. If
formed using concentrated fecal material. Be sure staining is done infrequently, it is advisable to make
to use only two layers of gauze to filter the spec- periodic checks at least monthly. The CAP checklist
imen because spores may be trapped if more can also be consulted for current recommendations.
layers are used. After filtration, the specimen is 2. Positive control smears should be stained along
centrifuged at 500  g for 10 minutes (approxi- with test smears each time the procedure is per-
mately 1,500 rpm) to increase the number of formed. Because the spores are small (1 to 2 m in
spores in the sediment. diameter), it is necessary to use only actual
b. Spread a 10-L aliquot of concentrated sedi- microsporidial spores. It may be difficult to obtain
ment onto a clean glass slide covering an area positive control material. If positive fecal material
measuring 45  25 mm. is available from patients or QC survey samples,
2. Dry the slides either overnight at room tempera- control slides may be made from formalin-
ture or for 2 to 3 hours on a slide warmer at 37ºC preserved material. Known-negative slides also
or in an incubator at 37ºC. Morphologic distortion should be processed with each set of unknowns.
may result if slides are dried too rapidly. The slide 3. QC results should be recorded and the action plan
must be dried thoroughly to avoid washing off the should be followed as needed.
film during staining.
3. Place the slide in absolute methanol for 5 minutes.
4. Allow the smear to air dry. Iron Hematoxylin Stain for Intestinal Protozoa
5. Place the slide in the trichrome stain for 90 minutes. There are many variations of the iron hematoxylin
6. Rinse the slide in acid alcohol for no more than technique. The Tompkins-Miller method gives excel-
10 seconds. lent results and is a good alternative to the Wheatley
NOTE: Several slides may be stained simultane- trichrome method for completing the fecal examina-
ously using a staining rack. tion. This method may be used with freshly fixed
feces (Schaudinn fixative solution) or with feces pre-
7. Rinse quickly with several dips each in two
served in PVA or SAF solutions.
changes of 95% ethanol.
Protozoan trophozoites and cysts stain blue-gray.
NOTE: These alcohol solutions should be changed The nuclei, karyosomes, and other cell inclusions stain
frequently to prevent them from becoming so darker than the cytoplasm. Yeast, RBCs, and crystals
acidic that the destaining process continues. Pro- stain blue-gray to black. Detail is clear, but without
longed destaining in acid alcohol may cause the contrasting colors. The background material appears a
organisms to be poorly differentiated. lighter shade of blue-gray.
8. Place the slide in 95% ethanol for 5 minutes. Cryptosporidium spp., Cyclospora, spp., cystoisospora,
9. Place the slide in absolute ethanol for 10 minutes. and microsporidia do not stain well using this tech-
10. Place in clean xylene (or xylene substitute) for nique. However, a modification of this method adds
10 minutes. acid-fast reagents to this procedure, thus allowing
11. Mount slides using a mounting medium (e.g., Per- Cryptosporidium spp., Cyclospora, and Cystoisospora spp. to
mount) and a No. 1 cover glass. Examine under be visualized. These parasites will appear refractile and
oil immersion using the 100x objective. Examine pink-red in color when using any of these modifica-
at least 200 to 300 individual oil immersion fields tions. The modified trichrome stain of Kokoskin, Ryan,
before reporting a negative result. or Weber also can be used to reveal microsporidia.

* Personal communication to author

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CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures 149

Iron Hematoxylin Staining Procedure 4. Charcot-Leyden crystals may be reported semi-

1. Prepare smears as described for the Wheatley quantitatively as few, moderate, or many.
trichrome stain method (see p. 146). 5. All reportable objects may be quantitated using the
a. If using SAF-fixed feces, mix one drop of following scheme:
Mayer’s albumin with one drop of SAF-fixed
fecal sediment on a clean glass slide using an
applicator stick and then spread the mixture Average Number of Organisms,
evenly. Cells, or Other Artifacts Counted
in 10 Oil Immersion Fields Quantity Reported
b. Allow the slide to air-dry. Do not blot. Begin
staining at step 4. 2 Few
2. Place thoroughly dried fecal smears into 70% 3–9 Moderate
ethanol for 5 minutes.
10 Many
3. Place slides for 2 to 5 minutes in a mixture of
70% ethanol containing sufficient D’Antoni
iodine solution so that the solution is the color of
strong tea (usually several drops are needed). Quality-Control Considerations
4. Place slides in 50% ethanol for 5 minutes. 1. Because iron hematoxylin stains are stable for sev-
5. Wash slides with running tap water for 3 minutes. eral months, it is usually necessary to check each
(Allow a constant stream to run into the staining new batch of stain. If staining is done infrequently,
container.) it should be checked at least monthly. The stain
6. Place slides in 4% aqueous ferric ammonium sul- should be checked by dropping one drop of stain
fate* mordant for 5 minutes. into 100 mL of alkaline tap water. If the resulting
7. Place slides in tap water for 1 minute. color is light purple, the stain is satisfactory for use.
8. Place slides in 0.5% aqueous hematoxylin work- The CAP checklist can also be consulted for current
ing stain* solution for 10 minutes. recommendations.
9. Place slides in tap water for 1 minute. 2. Positive control material can be prepared by adding
10. Place slides in 2% aqueous phosphotungstic acid* human buffy coat cells to negative stool specimens.
solution for 2 to 5 minutes to decolorize smears. From this mixture, smears are made and stained
11. Wash slides in running tap water for 10 minutes. along with unknown slides. Known-negative slides
12. Add a few drops of saturated aqueous solution of should be processed with each set of unknowns. If
lithium carbonate* to 70% ethanol. Place slides in positive fecal material is available from patients or
this solution for 3 minutes. QC survey samples, control slides may be made
13. Rinse slides briefly in 80% ethanol. from PVA-fixed material. Check WBCs and known
14. Place slides in 95% ethanol for 3 minutes. parasites for color.
15. Place slides in two changes of 100% ethanol for 3. The 70% ethanol-iodine solution should be
5 minutes each. changed at least weekly or more often if slides are
16. Place slides in two changes of xylene or xylene staining too blue.
substitute for 5 minutes each. 4. QC results should be recorded and the action plan
17. Mount slides using a mounting medium (e.g., Per- should be followed, as needed.
mount) and a No. 1 cover glass. The alternative
mounting method presented previously may be

used if desired (see p. 147). FOR REVIEW

Results and Report for the Iron Hematoxylin Stain Procedure 1. Describe the information derived from the macro-
1. Trophozoites and cysts, human tissue or blood scopic and direct wet-mount fecal examination.
cells, and yeast (single, budding, or pseudohyphae)
are easily identified, but helminth eggs and larvae
often retain excessive stain, making them difficult
to identify.
2. Any observed parasites are reported by their scien- 2. Compare and contrast the principal advantages and
tific names (including both the genus and species concerns with the use of the sedimentation and flota-
names, when possible) and life-cycle stage. tion concentration techniques.
3. Certain cellular elements, such as Blastocystis
hominis, blood cells, or yeast, are reported semi-
quantitatively as few, moderate, or many Blastocys-
tis hominis, RBCs, WBCs, yeast, or other cells, such
as macrophages, if they are clearly identifiable.
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150 CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures

3. Describe the proper protocol for reporting the results 3. Examine the slide or the pinworm paddle for pin-
of a stained fecal smear examination. worm eggs under low power, using low light as
described in the microscopic examination on
p. 141. Be sure to examine the entire area under
the tape. The eggs are colorless; therefore, good fo-
cus on the area between the tape and the slide and
4. List the specific types of organisms that might be
low-light contrast are critical.
missed in each step of the fecal examination.
Of Note
A parent can collect the specimen from a young child
at home using a pinworm paddle kit supplied by the
5. List and discuss the special procedures or stains used doctor. The paddle is then returned to the laboratory
to reveal missed organisms. for examination.
1. Wear gloves when performing the examination be-
cause pinworm eggs are usually infective.
2. Pinworm infection should not be ruled out until at
least five consecutive daily negative preparations
have been examined.
Cellophane Tape Test for Pinworm 3. Cellophane tape can be cleared by lifting one edge of
As the female pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis) the tape from the slide and then placing 1 or 2 drops
migrates out of the anus to deposit her eggs on the of xylol or toluol under the tape before examina-
perianal region, eggs may be easily recovered for tion. Disperse the liquid by carefully pressing the
identification. tape down onto the slide.
4. If opaque (Magic) tape is submitted erroneously,
Procedure add a drop of immersion oil to the top of the tape
The following test should be performed in the morn- to clear it sufficiently for microscopic examination.
ing before the patient has washed or defecated be-
cause the eggs are generally deposited in the perianal Results and Report for Cellophane Tape Preparation
region at night. Pinworm eggs are reported as found or not found.
1. Fold the edges of a 3-  3/4-inch piece of clear cel-
lophane tape around the end of a tongue depressor
so that the sticky side is out. Alternatively, a pin- OTHER DIAGNOSTIC
worm paddle kit can be used.
2. Spread the buttocks and apply the tape face or pad- PROCEDURES
dle to the anal area, using a rocking motion to
touch as much of the perianal mucosa as possible. Several other procedures are commonly used in the
Remove the tape and apply it to a microscope slide, laboratory and are presented in this section. Table 7-2
sticky side down. Press firmly so that no air bubbles summarizes procedures used to recover and identify
are trapped (Figure 7-5). parasites from various types of bodily specimens.

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CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures 151

TABLE 7-2 ■ Miscellaneous Specimen Processing

Specimen Source Collection Procedure Used Parasites Laboratory Examination
Duodenum Entero-Test* Giardia lamblia Wet mount and permanent stains made
Cystoisospora spp. from “washed” string
Clonorchis sinensis
Strongyloides stercoralis
Fasciola hepatica
Encephalitozoon intestinalis
Enterocytozoon bieneusi
Cornea Scrapings sent to the labora- Acanthamoeba spp. Wet mount and permanent stains
tory in airtight container Naegleria spp.
Loa loa
Toxocara spp.
Toxoplasma gondii
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Collect according to estab- Naegleria fowleri Wet mount and permanent stains
and other body fluids lished procedure for each Acanthamoeba spp.
from sterile sites fluid type Toxoplasma gondii
Taenia solium (cysticercosis)
Trypanosoma spp.
Liver abscess Aspiration Entamoeba histolytica Wet mount and permanent stains,
Fasciola hepatica culture techniques
Leishmania donovani
Echinococcus spp.
Urine Clean-catch urine sample Schistosoma hematobium Examine sediment microscopically
Trichomonas vaginalis
Lymph node Surgical biopsy Leishmania donovani Impression smears
Skin Surgical biopsy Acanthamoeba spp. Permanent stains
Skin snips Ancylostoma spp. Wet mount
Entamoeba histolytica
Leishmania spp.
Onchocerca volvulus
Mouth Scrapings at the gum line Entamoeba gingivalis Wet mount and permanent stains
Trichomonas tenax
Nose Discharge Naegleria fowleri Wet mount and permanent stains
Trachipleistophora hominis
Genital secretions Swabs submitted in sterile Trichomonas vaginalis Wet mount of fresh specimen
(prostate, urethra, saline Microsporidia
Sigmoidoscopy Aspirates, scraping, or biopsy Cystoisospora spp. Wet mount and permanent stains,
Cyclospora spp. histology
Cryptosporidium spp.
Entamoeba histolytica
Schistosoma mansoni
Sputum Early-morning deep cough Paragonimus spp., also Strongy- Wet mount and permanent stains
loides spp. Similar mounts following concentration
Ascaris spp. with NaOH or N-acetylcysteine for
Entamoeba gingivalis, hookworm mucoid specimens
Cryptosporidium spp.

*Available from HDC Corp., 142 N. Milpita Blvd. Suite 269, Milpita, CA 95035
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152 CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures

Modified Kinyoun Acid-fast Stain 5. Any parasites detected are reported by their scien-
tific name, including both genus and species name,
(Cold Method) when possible.
In recent years, Cryptosporidium spp., Cyclospora, C. belli, 6. Three fecal specimens from alternate days should
and the microsporidia have caused severe diarrheal be examined.
diseases, especially in immunocompromised patients.
Because these parasites may be difficult to detect and
Quality-Control Considerations
identify by routine methods, it is necessary to use
1. Positive control slides should be made from 10%
modified acid-fast and modified trichrome stains to
formalin-preserved Cryptosporidium spp. specimens.
confirm their identity.
A positive control slide should be stained with each
This procedure may be used on fresh, formalin-
preserved,or SAF-preserved fecal sediment or on other
2. Check macroscopically to be sure the specimen
clinical specimens, such as duodenal fluid, bile, or any
adhered to the slide.
type of pulmonary specimen. PVA-preserved speci-
3. QC results should be recorded, and the action plan
mens are not acceptable for this staining technique.
should be followed if needed.
1. Smear 1 to 2 drops of concentrated specimen on
each of two slides and allow them to air dry. Do
not make the smears too thick. (A wet smear
Blood-smear Preparation and
should be thin enough so that a printed page can Staining for Blood Parasites
be read through it.) These procedures are used for the recovery and identi-
2. Fix slides by placing them in absolute methanol fication of Plasmodium, trypanosomes, microfilaria,
for 1 minute. Babesia spp., and Leishmania donovani. Both thin and
3. Flood slides with Kinyoun carbolfuchsin and stain thick smears should be prepared, stained, and exam-
for 5 minutes. ined. Thin smears offer the advantage of very little
4. Rinse briefly (3 to 5 seconds) with 50% ethanol. distortion of the parasite, but the disadvantage is that
5. Rinse thoroughly with water. many fields must be examined to detect parasites when
6. Decolorize with 1% sulfuric acid for 2 minutes or they are few in number. At least 200 to 300 thin film
until no more color runs from the slide. fields should be examined under oil immersion before
7. Rinse with water. Drain. reporting a negative smear. Although thick-smear
8. Counterstain with methylene blue for 1 minute. preparations often distort the parasite’s morphology,
9. Rinse with water, and allow to air dry. the chances of detecting parasites are improved. Be-
10. Examine the slide using the low and high dry cause the thick-smear technique concentrates blood,
objective. Use oil immersion to observe internal the same volume of blood can be screened about three
detail. times faster than that in a thin smear. If improperly
made, however, thick smears are useless. Fresh or eth-
Results and Report for Kinyoun Acid-fast Stain Procedure ylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)–preserved speci-
1. The color range of Cryptosporidium spp. (4 to 6 m), mens are preferred. Slides made from capillary blood
Cyclospora (8 to 10 m), Sarcocystis (9 to 12 m), must be made from a free-flowing drop that is not
and C. belli (25  15 m) oocysts or sporocysts is squeezed out or contaminated with alcohol. These
from pink to deep purple. Depending on the stains can be used also to reveal parasitic forms in other
species (see Chapter 5, Table 5-6, p. 108) sporo- specimens such as bone marrow, CSF, and cutaneous
zoites or sporoblasts may be visible within the ulcers (cutaneous leishmaniasis).
oocyst. The background color is blue.
2. Microsporidia spores (1 to 2 m) stain red and may Smear Preparation
resemble small yeast or bacteria. Identification Prepare thin smears by touching a clean, grease-free
must be confirmed using the modified trichrome slide to a small drop of blood so that the drop is near
stain, fluorescent antibody, or other antibody one end of the slide. Hold a second spreader slide on
techniques. edge at a 30-degree angle on the slide, which is also
3. Immunoassay antibody techniques may be needed holding the specimen, and draw back into the drop, al-
to confirm the identity of light infections with Cryp- lowing it to spread along the edge of the spreader slide
tosporidium spp. (Figure 7-6). Then, smoothly and rapidly push the
4. Cyclospora are acid-fast variables, have no definite spreader slide forward so that the blood spreads out and
internal morphology, and are larger than Cryp- trails in a flat sheet. The amount of blood should be
tosporidium spp. Oocysts autofluoresce (green—450 small enough that it is all spread before the spreader
to 490 DM excitation filter, blue—365 DM excita- reaches the end of the specimen slide. Allow to air dry
tion filter) and stain orange with safranin. and stain as described in the Giemsa staining procedure.
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CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures 153


Screen the thin film for 30 minutes under 100x, and staining solution. The slide is then placed in working
examine 300 microscopic fields of the thick film under Giemsa stain (made by diluting stock Giemsa* 1:100
oil immersion before reporting a specimen as negative. with pH 7.0 working buffer*) for 2 hours. The time
Prepare thick smears by touching a clean slide to a may be reduced to 45 minutes if a 1:50 dilution is
large drop of blood. Using a corner of another slide, used or to 20 minutes if a 1:20 dilution is used. The
spread the blood evenly in a circular film about the size smear is gently rinsed in buffer (two dips), drained,
of a dime or nickel (1.8 to 2.0 cm in diameter). Allow and air dried. Do not blot. Examine the slide under an
to air dry overnight and lake the blood by placing the oil immersion as described previously.
slide in Giemsa-buffered water for 10 minutes. (Laking For thick smears, unlaked smears are placed in a
may be omitted if a 1:50 Giemsa stain is used.) Laking 1:50 dilution of stock Giemsa for 50 minutes. Do not use
causes RBCs to break open (i.e., lyse), which causes a 1:20 dilution. Smears are gently washed with buffer
hemoglobin’s red color to disappear, leaving the blood for 3 to 5 minutes. Excessive washing decolorizes the
spot translucent. The lysed blood smear should be film. Air dry and examine under oil immersion.
stained according to the description that follows. Thin
and thick smears can be made at opposite ends of the Of Note
same slide. Only the thin smear should be fixed before 1. Three-minute quick stains for blood smears are
staining in methanol. (Some authorities believe that available. If new procedures are adopted, each lab-
better results are obtained when smears are prepared oratory should carefully compare results with stan-
on separated slides.) dard staining methods.
If filariasis is suspected, both diurnal and nocturnal 2. Although parasites may be seen when stained with
blood samples are drawn to account for the periodicity Wright’s stain, many hematology slide stainers use
of microfilariae. A concentration test for microfilaria is Wright-Giemsa combination stains.
performed as described on page 154. In cases of sus- 3. If the WBCs stain properly, any parasites will stain
pected malaria, if the first specimens are negative, the correctly; this is a built-in quality control check for
patient’s blood should be retested every 6 to 8 hours the staining of any thick or thin blood films (using
for at least 3 days to account for the periodicity of any of the blood stains).
schizogony. Unstained and stained blood smears
should be stored protected from insects and light in Results and Report for Giemsa Staining Procedure
slide storage boxes. QC, known-positive, and known- 1. To detect stippling, smears should be prepared
negative slides should be used routinely for all staining within 1 hour after EDTA specimens are drawn.
procedures on blood and feces. Universal Precautions 2. Malaria, Babesia spp., trypanosomes, and leishmania
should be used at all times when handling blood or cytoplasm stains blue, with nuclear material staining
other body fluids. red. Schüffner’s dots stain red. A microfilaria sheath
may not stain but the nuclei in the organism stain
Giemsa Staining Procedure blue to purple.
For thin smears, the blood smear is immersed briefly 3. RBCs stain pale red; WBCs, purple; eosinophilic
in absolute methyl alcohol (two dips). Be sure to let granules, bright purple-red; and neutrophilic gran-
the slide dry thoroughly before placing it in the ules, deep pink–purple.
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154 CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures

4. Any detected parasites are reported by their scien- coat on a slide, add a cover slip, and examine under
tific name, including both the genus and species low power (10x) for microfilariae or high dry
names, when possible. power (40x) for trypanosomes. Parasites may be
detected by their characteristic motility. The undu-
Quality-Control Considerations lating motion of the trypanosome and the whiplike
1. Because Giemsa stains are quite stable, it is usually motion of the microfilariae are easily spotted
necessary to check each new batch of stain only. If because they cause movement of surrounding
staining is done infrequently, it is advisable that pe- blood cells. This method may shorten the examina-
riodic checks be done at least monthly. The CAP tion time needed for a positive diagnosis.
checklist can be consulted for current recommen- 2. Other concentration techniques are available, in-
dations. cluding filtering lysed blood through a fine-pore
2. The stain should be filtered if sediment appears on filter and then staining the filter for microfilariae or
blood films. Known-negative slides should be passing blood through Sephadex filters, which
processed with each set of unknowns. If positive selectively attach trypanosomes that can be later
blood specimens are available from patients or QC eluted. Stained blood films also must be examined
survey samples, control slides may be made and to correctly identify the species of parasite.
preserved by dipping them in absolute methanol.
Check WBCs and known parasites for color.
3. QC results should be recorded and the action plan
Agar Plate Culture for Strongyloides
should be followed as needed. stercoralis
Because some infected individuals may be asympto-
Knott Technique for Concentrating matic, it may be necessary to culture a fresh fecal
specimen to reveal the infection. It is important to de-
Microfilariae tect light infections in immunocompromised patients
When filariasis is suspected, it may be useful to con- or in patients who will be receiving chemotherapy or
centrate blood to increase the possibility of finding implanted organs.
Procedure 1. Place 2 grams (1 inch in diameter) of fresh unre-
1. Obtain 2 mL of whole blood by venipuncture and frigerated feces in the center of a nutrient agar
immediately place it in a centrifuge tube contain- plate.
ing 10 mL of 2% formalin. 2. Seal the plate with cellophane tape to prevent
2. Stopper the tube and mix thoroughly by inverting accidental contamination.
and shaking the tube. The formalin lyses RBCs, 3. Incubate the plate at room temperature for two days.
fixes blood protozoa, and kills and straightens the (The ideal temperature range is 26oC to 33oC.)
bodies of microfilariae. 4. Without opening the plate, exam it under a micro-
3. Centrifuge the tube for 5 minutes at 500 g scope for evidence of larval migration. A positive
(1,000 rpm) or let it stand stoppered overnight in culture will show larval migratory tracks away
the refrigerator. from the inoculation site as evidenced by colonial
4. Decant the supernatant. growth of bacteria that are dragged along by the
5. Remove the sediment with a Pasteur pipette and migrating larvae.
spread in a thick film on a slide. 5. Positive confirmation is accomplished by washing
6. The sediment may be examined wet for microfilar- the agar surface with 10% formalin followed by
iae or the slide may be allowed to dry overnight, direct examination of the concentrated sediment.
followed by staining with Giemsa for 45 minutes. 6. Washing the plate is accomplished by using heated
(See thick-smear staining procedure described pre- forceps to create a small hole in the center of the
viously.) Destain in buffered water (pH 7.2) for 10 to agar plate’s cover and adding enough formalin to
15 minutes, allow to dry, and examine. cover the agar surface. Allow the plate to stand for
30 minutes.
Of Note 7. Remove the cover and carefully pore the liquid
1. Although not routinely performed, it may be useful through a funnel into a centrifuge tube.
to examine whole blood collected in EDTA, 8. Centrifuge the sample for 5 minutes at 500 g
heparin, or sodium citrate anticoagulant when (1,500 rpm).
trypanosomes or microfilariae are suspected. To 9. Examine the sediment for the presence of larvae
perform this technique, centrifuge the sample at using the 10x and 40x objectives for a final identi-
100  g for 15 minutes, place a drop of fresh buffy fication of the larvae.
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CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures 155

Of Note c. Thick and thin blood films:

1. This procedure can be used to hatch Nematode
eggs for the recovery of rhabditiform and later
filariform larvae. Extended incubation is required
to complete this cycle.
d. Protozoal culture media:
2. The culture may be held up to 10 days.
3. Avoid dehydration of the sample by storing the
plate in a sealed plastic bag along with a damp
paper towel.
e. Agar culture for Strongyloides stercoralis:

Protozoa Culture Media

Routine diagnosis of protozoan infections is usually pos-
sible without using culture methods and few clinical labs 2. What procedures constitute a fecal examination for
offer culture techniques; however, several media are parasites? How are these performed?
available that support growth of many protozoan
species. Organisms that may be successfully cultured in-
clude Acanthamoeba spp., Entamoeba histolytica, Naegleria
fowleri, Toxoplasma gondii, and Trichomonas vaginalis.
Commonly used media for intestinal protozoa are either 3. What precautions should you take when handling or
a semisolid base set up as slant tubes with a liquid mailing infectious material?
overlay (Boeck and Drbohlav medium, Cleveland-
Collier medium, or McQuay diphasic charcoal medium)
or a nutritive fluid (Balamuth medium). The axenic cul-
ture medium of Diamond is a useful diphasic medium in
which a chick embryo extract is used as a liquid overlay
for a slanted nutrient agar base. Diamond medium is
used primarily in research centers and is most useful IMMUNODIAGNOSTIC METHODS
when stock cultures of E. histolytica must be maintained.
Leishmania spp. and Trypanosoma cruzi can be cultured With few notable exceptions, such as tuberculosis,
using Novy-MacNeal-Nicolle (NNN) medium. leprosy, and spirochetal diseases, the host usually re-
Regardless of the medium chosen, careful handling sponds to microbial and viral infections in a relatively
of the culture is important to obtain successful results. timely and straightforward manner. By contrast, the
Only fresh fecal specimens (less than 6 hours old) host’s response to parasitic disease is much more com-
should be used and at least two wet mounts made from plex and time-extended. Elaborate life cycles and
the sediment should be examined after incubation, complex, often-changing antigenic structures create
inasmuch as growth is slow and numbers may be few. complex responses and control problems for the host.
Furthermore, laboratories must maintain control or- Parasitic infections are often chronic because the host
ganisms in order to validate the media used to culture is unable to eliminate the infection, which forces the
unknown specimens. immune system to remain continually responsive.
Various parasitic antigens have been shown to lead to
host immunosuppression, improper processing of

FOR REVIEW antibody-antigen complexes by macrophages, disrup-

tion of normal B- and T-lymphocyte functions, and
1. List the reason for performing each of the following hypersensitivity responses. Immune complexes may
tests. also form, leading to problems such as the autoim-
a. Cellophane tape test: mune anemia or intravascular coagulation seen in
American trypanosomiasis (Chagas’ disease). Each of
these complicated mechanisms can either cause or
enhance the pathology seen in parasitic diseases.

b. Modified Kinyoun acid-fast stain:

Immune Response
All parasites elicit immune responses inducing the
formation of multiple classes of antibodies and cellular
responses. The entire range of immunologic responses
can be seen in parasitic diseases. Many protozoan
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156 CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures

parasite burdens are effectively reduced or eliminated clinical picture of parasitic diseases—such as amebiasis of
by macrophages that have become activated by sensi- the liver, echinococcosis, trichinellosis, toxoplasmosis,
tized T cells, but many are not. Multicellular helminths and schistosomiasis—is not always clear-cut, but when
add additional complexity. the antibody titer reaches a detectable level in serum, it
High levels of IgE antibody and T-cell–dependent is often possible to confirm the diagnosis of these diseases
eosinophilia are commonly found in helminth infec- serologically. Serology can also help definitively identify
tions. The IgE binds to mast cells, basophils, and a parasite’s presence when it is in organs or other deep-
eosinophils, causing the release of chemotactic fac- tissue sites, such as the brain or muscle, when no para-
tors, histamine activators, prostaglandins, and other site stages are recoverable in blood, urine, or feces.
mediators that produce various hypersensitivity reac- Toxoplasmosis serology can be used to differentiate
tions. Infections caused by some parasites, such as acute, recent, and long-term infections in adults by
protozoa, often induce delayed hypersensitivity comparing IgG and IgM serum antibody results. Infec-
responses. Reactions such as immediate hypersensi- tions of the fetus and newborn can be evaluated using
tivity, anaphylaxis, and delayed hypersensitivity may IgG, IgM, and IgA antibody studies. Patients with only
be related to metabolic by-products, changing surface IgM antibodies suggests recently acquired infection,
antigens, or other substances released by the parasite. while the presence of IgG antibodies suggests past ex-
During the migration phase of many helminths, in- posure to the parasite. IgA antibody assays are more
cluding schistosomes, the host responds to the infection sensitive than IgM assays so IgA methods provide more
by producing protective antibodies against the larval useful evidence of infection in a congenitally infected
form. These antibodies provide resistance to reinfection fetus or newborn.
by new larvae, resulting in a condition called concomi-
tant immunity; this means that the host can harbor the
adult and, at the same time, be resistant to reinfection
Antigen Detection
by the larval stage of the same parasite. Antigen detection testing is becoming more useful, par-
ticularly as commercial products become more readily
Destruction of the Parasite available. Current methods fall into two general groups:
detecting antigens or detecting antibodies. There are a
A helminth’s large size creates problems for the immune variety of procedures that use labeled antibodies that di-
system. A helminth is too large to be destroyed by anti- rectly combine with a parasite or its soluble antigen. For
bodies or by white cells, as are unicellular organisms. It example, Cryptosporidium spp., E. histolytica, E. histolytica/
appears that a common mechanism for destroying these E. dispar, G. lamblia, and Trichomonas vaginalis can be iden-
parasites requires that the surface of the adult be coated tified in clinical specimens by immunologic procedures.
with antibody, which, in turn, attracts and binds WBCs Indirect immunofluorescent (IIF), enzyme immunoassay
that release enzymes that damage the outer surface (EIA), and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
membrane of the parasite. Later, after the initial damage (ELISA) reagent test kits are available to test for these or-
has been done, macrophages may become involved. ganisms. The IIF methods use a monoclonal antibody
Alternatively, organisms can be walled off by granuloma- against the parasite’s cell wall and a fluorescein isothio-
tous responses. In intestinal helminth infections in which cyanate–labeled anti-immunoglobulin to visualize the
adults are spontaneously eliminated, the level of IgE initial antibody-parasite complex. An EIA must have an
antibody often is increased. It has been proposed that ex- enzyme conjugated (attached) to either an antigen or an
pulsion of adult worms results from a localized anaphy- antibody, depending on the assay being performed. After
lactic reaction mediated by the antibodies and substances the antigen-antibody reaction has occurred and excess
released by eosinophils or mast cells. Others believe that materials have been removed, a suitable substrate is
intestinal goblet cells (stimulated by cytokines released added to react with the remaining enzyme. The amount
from activated T cells) secrete mucus that coats the dam- of product formed is proportional to the concentration of
aged worm. This action, coupled with mast cell activa- the unknown antibody or antigen being measured. The
tion, increases gut motility to expel the parasite. ELISA methods capture organisms or soluble antigen by
adding specimen samples to antibody-coated wells. Sub-
Immunologic and Serologic sequent reactions cause a chromogen to change color to
indicate the presence of bound antigen.
Techniques New diagnostic procedures can be expected in the
Although antibodies are often detectable in serum and future, especially as DNA probe technology develops. A
may be useful guides when diagnosing diseases caused DNA probe kit is available for detecting T. vaginalis.
by parasites, they often have little or no correlation with Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques are used
the course or prognosis of the disease. Subsequent to identify antigens of Naegleria fowleri, G. lamblia,
protection from reinfection by the parasite cannot be T. cruzi, and Toxoplasma gondii. Table 7-3 lists commer-
predicted based on circulating antibody levels. The cially available immunodiagnostic kits and reagents.
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CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures 157

TABLE 7-3 ■ Commercially Available Kits for Immunodetection of Specific Parasites

Organism and Kit Name Manufacturer or Distributor Type of Test
Crytosporidium Spp.
ProSpecT® - (Microplate Assay) Remel EIA
Xpect®-(Immunochromatographic Assay) EIA
(available as a separate test or in combination with
Giardia lamblia)
MeriFluor Meridian Diagnostics DFA
Kit also detects Giardia lamblia EIA
Organism-coated slides IFA
Rim Cryptosporidium spp. Remel EIA
Wampole Cryptosporidium spp. Wampole ELISA
Triage Parasite Panel Biosite Diagnostics, Inc. Cartridge device, EIA
Kit also detects Giardia lamblia and Entamoeba
histolytica/Entamoeba dispar group
TechLab Crypto/Giardia IF Test TechLab TechLab DFA
Cryptosporidium spp. Test Medical Chemical Corp. ELISA/DFA
Entamoeba Histolytica/Entamoeba Dispar
ProSpecT® - (Microplate Assay) Remel EIA
(will not differentiate between E. histolytica and E. dispar)
TechLab Entamoeba II Test – (Microplate Assay) (will TechLab ELISA
differentiate between E. histolytica and E. dispar)
TechLab Entamoeba/E. dispar Test - (Microplate Assay) ELISA
(will not differentiate between E. histolytica and E. dispar)
Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar (will not differentiate Remel, Wampole ELISA
between E. histolytica and E. dispar)

Glardia Lamblia
ProSpecT® - (Microplate Assay) Remel EIA
(available as a separate test or in combination with
Cryptosporidium spp.)
MeriFluor Meridian Diagnostics DFA
Kit also detects Cryptosporidium spp. EIA
Organism-coated slides IFA
Rim Giardia Remel EIA
Wampole Giardia Wampole ELISA
Triage Parasite Panel Biosite Diagnostics, Inc. Cartridge device, EIA
Combination with Giardia lamblia and Entamoeba
histolytica/E. dispar group
Giardia Medical Chemical Corp. ELISA/DFA
TechLab Crypto/Giardia IiF Test TechLab DFA
TechLab Giardia Test EIA
Trichomonas Vaginalis
Affirm VPlll MicroProbe/Becton-Dickinson DNA Probe
Quik-Trich Integrated Diagnostics Latex agglutination

Quik-Tri/Can (combination with Candida) Dual latex agglutination

T. VAG DFA kit Light Diagnostics—Chemicon DFA

Plasmodium Spp.
Consult manufacturers—may not be available in the United States
BinaxNow – Malaria (only rapid FDA-approved method Inverness Medical Rapid Chromatographic Immunoassay
in United States)

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158 CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures

TABLE 7-3 ■ Commercially Available Kits for Immunodetection of Specific Parasites—cont’d

Organism and Kit Name Manufacturer or Distributor Type of Test
ICT Malaria P.f. Chemicon Intl. Rapid
ICT Malaria P.f/P.v
ParaSightF Becton-Dickinson Rapid
OptiMAL Flow Rapid

ICT Filariasis—Wuchereria bancrofti Chemicon Intl. Rapid
TropBio—Filariasis JCU Tropical Rapid

ABBREVIATIONS: DFA: direct fluorescent antibody; EIA: enzyme immunoassay; ELISA: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
1. Becton-Dickinson Advanced Diagnostics, 2350 Qume Drive, San Jose, CA 95131-1087
2. Biosite Diagnostics, Inc., 11030 Roselle Street, San Diego, CA 38121
3. Chemicon International, Inc., 28835 Single Oak Drive, Temecula, CA 92590
4. Flow, Inc., 6127 SW Corbett, Portland, OR 97201
5. Integrated Diagnostics, 1756 Sulphur Springs Road, Baltimore, MD 21227
6. Inverness Medical Innovations, Inc., 51 Sawyer Rd., Ste. 200, Waltham, MA 02453-3448, (781) 647-3900,
7. Medical Chemical Corp (MCC), 19430 Van Ness Avenue, Torrance, CA 90501, (800) 424-9394,
8. Meridian Diagnostics, Inc., 3471 River Hills Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45244
9. MicroProbe Corporation, 1725 220th Street, NE, Bothell, WA 98021
11. Remel, 12076 Santa Fe Drive, Lenexa, KS 66215
12. TechLab, Inc., 1861 Pratt Drive, Suite 1030, Blacksburg, VA 24060-6364
13. TropBio Pty Ltd., James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland 4811, Australia
14. Wampole Laboratories, Half Acre Road, P.O. Box 1001, Cranbury, NJ 08512
Note: Because changes in products and companies are inevitable, the reader should contact each company to verify product availability. Also, other companies may offer
products that may have been unintentionally omitted from this table. This table is provided as a resource only and is not a specific recommendation for any particular product
or company.
Source: Adapted from Diagnostic Medical Parasitology, ed 4. ASM Press, Washington, DC, 2001.

Antibody Testing Support Services and Commercial

The second group of serology tests includes many dif- Resources
ferent methods used to recover and measure levels of In the United States, serum for such studies is com-
circulating antibodies. Current methods include IIF monly sent for serologic testing to a state public health
antibody tests; slide, tube, and agar precipitin tests; reference laboratory or to the CDC. Samples for CDC
complement fixation; particle agglutination tests; and processing must be sent via state laboratories because
ELISA. Most commercial kit systems are based on an the CDC does not accept specimens sent directly by
ELISA system. DNA probes are used in immunoblot private laboratories or physicians. Most serum speci-
methods at the CDC to diagnose cysticercosis, mens may be shipped frozen or preserved with
echinococcosis, paragonimiasis, and schistosomiasis. thimerosal (1:10,000 final concentration). The vial,
In underdeveloped countries where parasitic infec- containing at least 2 mL of serum, should indicate the
tions are common, high cost and other problems of preservative used. Table 7-4 lists the antibody detec-
technology limit the benefits of these procedures. tion tests performed at the CDC. For state public
health testing availability, consult locally. For more
Potential Errors specific details about test procedures, consult the
Errors in serologic diagnosis may be related to errors in bibliography at the end of this chapter.
technique, mixed infections, cross-reacting antigens At this time, several companies offer reagents
shared with other parasites or other microorganisms, or and supplies for individual laboratories that want
even to nonparasite-related diseases or to host antigens. to perform their own procedures. Table 7-5 lists
Positive serology test results do not preclude previous materials available from commercial suppliers.
infections because immune responses are often long Table 7-6 lists several websites that provide
lasting; nor do they rule out false-positive results or information related to parasitology and other
cross-reactions. QC tests using known-positive and professional, governmental, and regulatory sites.
known-negative sera should always be performed. These resource guides are not inclusive and do not
Direct detection methods require that known-positive constitute an endorsement by the authors for any
antigens or organisms for controls be tested as well. product, supplier, or service.
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CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures 159

TABLE 7-4 ■ Antibody Detection Tests Offered at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention*
Disease Organism Test
Amebiasis Entamoeba histolytica Enzyme immunoassay (EIA)
Babesiosis Babesia microti Immunofluorescence (IFA)
Babesia spp. WAl
Chagas’ disease Trypanosoma cruzi IFA
Cysticercosis Larval Taenia solium Immunoblot (blot)
Echinococcosis Echinococcus granulosus EIA, blot
Leishmaniasis Leishmania braziliensis IFA
L. donovani
L. tropica
Malaria Plasmodium falciparum IFA
P. malariae
P. ovale
P. vivax
Paragonimiasis Paragonimus westermani Blot
Schistosomiasis Schistosoma spp. FAST-ELISA
S. mansoni Blot
S. haematobium Blot
S. japonicum Blot
Strongyloidiasis Strongyloides stercoralis EIA
Toxocariasis Toxocara canis EIA
Toxoplasmosis Toxoplasma gondii IFA-IgG, EIA-lgM
Trichinosis Trichinella spiralis EIA, Bentonite flocculation

*For additional information about these tests or how to submit specimens for testing or for test results and interpretation, call the Division of Parasitic Diseases at (770)

TABLE 7-5 ■ Commercial Sources of Reagents and Supplies

Reagent or Supply Vendor
Specimen Collection Kit(s)
Formalin/PVA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
PVA modified (copper base) 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
PVA modified (zinc base) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
MIF 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
SAF 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
Single Vial Systems
Total Fix 5
Parasafe 8
Pinworm paddles 3, 4, 8
Preservatives (bulk)
Schaudinn’s fixative solution 1(+, -), 3(+), 4(+), 5(+), 6(+)
PVA fixative solution 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
PVA powder* 3
MIF solution 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
SAF solution 1, 5, 7
Concentration Systems
Formalin-ethyl acetate 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9
Zinc sulfate (sp. gr, 1.18/1.20) 1, 4, 5, 8

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160 CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures

TABLE 7-5 ■ Commercial Sources of Reagents and Supplies—cont’d

Reagent or Supply Vendor
Trichrome solution 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Trichrome, modified† 1(w), 3(w), 4(w), 5(w), 6(w), 7, 8(w), 9(w)
Chromotrope 2R 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Fast green FCF 9
Light green SF yellowish 3, 9
Hematoxylin solution 3, 5, 9
Hematoxylin powder 4, 5, 7
Giemsa solution 3, 5, 9
Giemsa powder 3, 4, 5, 9
Carbol fuchsin-Kinyoun 3, 5, 9
Modified acid-fast with DMSO 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9
Auramine-rhodamine 1, 5, 7
Acridine orange 3, 5, 7, 9
Cryptosporidium Stain Kit 7, 9
Lugol’s iodine (dilute 1:5) 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9
Dobell & O’Connor’s iodine 1, 3, 4, 5, 9
Mayer’s albumin 1, 4, 5, 9
Bacto Entamoeba medium 5, 9
Rice powder 5, 9
Control slides or suspensions 1, 5, 7

Source: Adapted from Diagnostic Medical Parasitology, ed 5. ASM Press, Washington, DC, 2007.
*Use the grade with high hydrolysis and low viscosity for parasite studies.
†Used for the identification of microsporidia spores in stool or other specimens.
ABBREVIATIONS: w = Wheatley; g = Gomori; + = with acetic acid; – = without acetic acid
1. Alpha-Tec Systems. Inc., P.O. Box 5435, Vancouver, WA 98668, (800) 221–6058,
2. Evergreen Scientific, 2300 East 49th Street. Los Angeles, CA 90058, (800) 421–6261,
3. Fisher Scientific,
4. Hardy Diagnostics, 1430 West McCoy Lane, Santa Maria, CA 93455, (800) 266–2222,
5. Medical Chemical Corp (MCC), 19430 Van Ness Avenue, Torrance, CA 90501, (800) 424-9394,
6. Meridian Diagnostics, Inc., 3741 River Hills Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45244, (800) 543–1980,
7. PML Microbiologicals, bioMérieux, Inc., 100 Rodolphe Street, Durham, NC 27712, (800) 682-2666
8. Scientific Device Lab., Inc., 411 E. Jarvis Avenue Des Plaines. IL 60018, (847) 803–9495,
9. VWR Scientific, Inc., (800) 932-5000,
Note: Because changes in products and companies are inevitable, the reader should contact each company to verify product availability. Also, other companies may offer products
that may have been unintentionally omitted from this table. This table is provided as a resource only and not as a specific recommendation for any particular product or company.

TABLE 7-6 ■ Useful Websites

Parasitology Information
American Society for Microbiology:
American Society of Parasitologists:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
Medical Chemical Corp. ParaSite (Case Studies):

Electronic Images
Parasite Image Library:
Medical Chemical Corp. ParaSite:
University of Wisconsin System BioWeb:
Atlas of Medical Parasitology:

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CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures 161

TABLE 7-6 ■ Useful Websites—cont’d

Allied Health Professional Sites
American Society of Clinical Laboratory Scientists:
American Society of Clinical Pathologists:
College of American Pathologists:
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute:

Government Websites Related to Health Care Regulations

Inspections, Compliance, Enforcement, and Criminal Investigations:

REAGENT PREPARATION 3. Between 2 and 3 mL of feces per 8 to 10 mL of

PVA solution are adequate for transport. (Check
government regulations on mailing.) Slides may
The following preparation instructions are provided be made from the transport vial. PVA also can
for laboratory workers who wish to prepare their own be used by mixing one drop of a liquid or very
reagents. Bulk materials and prepared products are mucoid stool in three drops of PVA solution on a
available from the vendors listed in Table 7-5. slide and allowing it to dry overnight at 37ºC
before staining.
D’Antoni Iodine Stain
1. Use when preparing wet-mount preparations of 10% Formalin
fresh or concentrated feces. 1. Use with the formalin-ethyl acetate sedimentation
2. Reagents: concentration method.
a. 1 g potassium iodine 2. Reagents:
b. 1.5 g powdered iodine crystals a. Formaldehyde 1 part
c. Add reagents to 100 mL of distilled water and b. Physiologic saline 9 parts
shake well. Store in brown-stoppered bottles;
filter daily.
Zinc Sulfate Solution
1. Use with the zinc sulfate flotation concentration
Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) method.
1. Use to preserve feces for transport or staining. PVA 2. Reagents:
is a resin that is added to Schaudinn’s solution (fix- a. 330 g zinc sulfate (reagent grade)
ative) as a “glue” to cause parasites to adhere to b. Distilled water (final volume—1 L)
glass slides when performing permanent staining c. Add reagent to the water with heat and stirring
procedures. PVA can also be added to other similar and adjust the specific gravity to between 1.18
zinc- or copper-based fixative solutions. (for fresh stool) and 1.20 (for formalin preserved
2. Reagents*: stool) using a hydrometer.
a. Ethyl alcohol, 95% 156 mL
b. Mercuric chloride, aqueous (saturated) 312 mL
c. Glacial acetic acid 25 mL
Giemsa Stain
d. PVA powder 20 mL 1. Use to stain blood parasites.
e. Glycerol 7.5 mL 2. Reagents:
f. Mercuric chloride is prepared by dissolving 130 a. Giemsa stain may be purchased as a concen-
to 140 g of the salt in 1,000 mL of distilled wa- trated stock or stock Giemsa can be prepared as
ter. Heat to dissolve then cool, filter, and store in follows:
a stock bottle. Powdered Giemsa 1 g
g. Add the PVA powder to the alcohol slowly and Glycerol 66 mL
stir. Heat to 75ºC and stir until the solution is Methanol (absolute) 66 mL
clear. Add the other reagents and allow to cool. b. Grind the stain in a mortar containing 5 to 10 mL
Store in a closed container and use as needed. of glycerol. Add the remaining glycerol and heat
Decant the solution without disturbing the to 55ºC in a water bath until the stain is dis-
sediment. solved. Cool and add the methanol. Let stand for
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162 CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures

2 to 3 weeks. Filter and store in a brown bottle Modified Trichrome Stain for
away from light.
3. Before use, dilute with Giemsa buffer. Microsporidia (Weber, Green)
1. Use to stain fecal smears for intestinal
Giemsa Buffer microsporidia.
2. Reagents:
1. Use with stock Giemsa stain. a. Alcohol solutions: Various solutions may be pre-
2. Reagents: pared by diluting the appropriate volume of
a. 0.067 M Na2HPO4 (disodium phosphate). Add absolute (100%) ethanol with distilled water
9.5 g to 1,000 mL of distilled water. This is stock (e.g., a 70% solution is made by adding 30 mL
buffer No. 1. NaH2PO4H2O of water to 70 mL of absolute alcohol). All alco-
b. 0.067 M NaH2PO4H2O (monosodium phos- hol solutions should be prepared fresh daily or
phate). Add 9.2 g to 1,000 mL of distilled water. kept tightly covered to prevent evaporation
This is stock buffer No. 2. or absorption of atmospheric water.
3. Working buffer, pH 7.0, is prepared from stock b. Trichrome stain:
buffers weekly and filtered before use. To 900 mL Chromotrope 2R 6.0 g (10x concentration)
distilled water, add 61.1 mL of stock buffer No. 1 and Fast green FCF0.15 g
38.9 mL of stock buffer No. 2. Phosphotungstic acid 0.7 g
Acetic acid (glacial) 3.0 mL
Trichrome Stain Distilled water 100.0 mL
Mix the dry components and add the acetic acid;
1. Use to stain fecal smears for intestinal protozoa. allow to stand for 30 minutes, then add to
2. Reagents: water. The stain should be purple.
a. Schaudinn’s solution: Saturated aqueous mer- c. Acid alcohol is prepared by adding 4.5 mL acetic
curic chloride; 130 to 140 g of mercuric chloride acid to 999.5 mL 90% ethanol.
is added to 1,000 mL of distilled water. Heat to Note: 1. Kokoskin’s modification shortens the
dissolve, then cool and filter into a stock bottle. staining time to 10 minutes by raising
Working solution is prepared by mixing two the staining temperature to 50ºC.
parts of mercuric chloride solution with one part 2. Ryan’s modification uses aniline blue in
of 95% ethanol before use. Discard after use. place of fast green FCF; the background
b. Alcohol solutions: Various solutions may be pre- color is blue.
pared by diluting the appropriate volume of
absolute (100%) ethanol with distilled water
(e.g., a 70% solution is made by adding 30 mL of
Iron Hematoxylin Stain
water to 70 mL of absolute alcohol). All alcohol 1. Use to stain fecal smears for intestinal protozoa.
solutions should be prepared fresh daily and kept 2. Reagents:
tightly covered to prevent evaporation or absorp- a. Schaudinn’s solution: Saturated aqueous mer-
tion of atmospheric water. curic chloride; 130 to 140 g of mercuric chloride
c. Trichrome stain: is added to 1,000 mL of distilled water. Heat to
Chromotrope 2R 0.6 g dissolve, then cool and filter into a stock bottle.
Light green SF 0.15 g Working solution is prepared by mixing two
Fast green FCF 0.15 g parts of mercuric chloride solution with one part
Phosphotungstic acid 0.7 g of 95% ethanol before use. Discard working so-
Acetic acid (glacial) 1.0 mL lution after each use.
Distilled water 100.0 mL b. Alcohol solutions: Various solutions may be pre-
Mix the dry components and add the acetic acid; pared by diluting the appropriate volume of ab-
allow to stand for 30 minutes, then add to water. solute (100%) ethanol with distilled water. All
The stain should be purple. Staining more than alcohol solutions should be prepared fresh daily.
14 smears daily tends to weaken the stain. c. Iron hematoxylin stain: 10% stock solution; 10.0 g
Strength returns if the stain is exposed to air for of hematoxylin (crystals or powder) is added to
3 to 8 hours. 100 mL of 95% or 100% alcohol. Dissolve in a
d. Acid alcohol is prepared by adding 1 mL acetic flask using gentle heat. Plug the flask with cotton
acid to 99 mL 90% ethanol. and allow it to stand in sunlight to ripen for
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CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures 163

6 weeks. Shake frequently to hasten the ripening _____ 2. Liquid or soft stools should be examined
process. Store the ripened stain in a glass- within 1 hour because trophozoites die rapidly.
stoppered bottle and refrigerate. The stain is
usable for at least 1 year. Working solution is pre- _____ 3. Formed stools need not be refrigerated
pared by mixing 5 mL of the 10% stock stain with because protozoa have already formed cysts.
95 mL of distilled water. Discard after each use.
d. Ferric ammonium sulfate (4% solution): Dis- _____ 4. Wet mounts should be made when bloody
solve 4 g of ferric ammonium sulfate in 100 mL mucus is noted in a stool specimen.
of distilled water.
e. Phosphotungstic acid (2% solution): Dissolve 2 g _____ 5. A castor oil enema may be used if only
of phosphotungstic acid in 100 mL of distilled helminths are suspected.
f. Lithium carbonate (saturated aqueous solution): _____ 6. It is not necessary to examine the whole slide
Dissolve 2 g of lithium carbonate in 100 mL of if eggs or cysts are noted within the first few
distilled water. fields examined.

Discussion questions: (5 points each)

Kinyoun Carbolfuchsin
1. Dissolve 4 g of basic fuchsin in 20 mL of 95% 7. How should the microscope’s light be adjusted for
ethanol (solution A). successful microscopic examination of wet mounts?
2. Dissolve 8 g of phenol crystals in 100 mL of dis- Why?
tilled water (solution B).
3. Mix solutions A and B together. Store at room tem- 8. When should a cellophane tape test be done? Why?
perature. The solution is stable for 1 year.
9. Name two types of concentration methods,
explaining the principles and writing the procedure
1% Sulfuric Acid for each method.
1. Add 1 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid to 99 mL of
distilled water. Store at room temperature. The 10. What is the specific gravity of the solution used in
solution is stable for 1 year. the zinc-sulfate concentration method? How is it
Löffler Alkaline Methylene Blue 11. Which eggs are not easily recovered by flotation
1. Dissolve 0.3 g of methylene blue in 30 mL of methods?
95% alcohol.
2. Add 100 mL of dilute (0.01%) potassium hydrox- 12. What is used to extract fats in the sedimentation
ide. Store at room temperature. The solution is method?
stable for 1 year.
13. List the advantages and disadvantages of thin and
thick smears for blood parasites.
You have now completed the section on clinical labora-
tory procedures. After reviewing this material, with 14. How is blood laked in the preparation of thick
the aid of your learning objectives, proceed to the blood smears?
15. List the expected staining reactions for protozoa
using trichrome stain.

16. Working Giemsa buffer is prepared from two stock

➤ POST-TEST solutions. What are the salts in each solution? What
is the pH of the working buffer?
Mark True (T) or False (F) for each of the following:
(2 points each) Explain your answer. 17. Explain how microsporidia may be visualized when
recovered in feces.
_____ 1. In general, six sequential fecal specimens
should be examined for the presence of any 18. Compare and contrast the antibody and antigen-
intestinal parasites. based immunodiagnostic methods used in
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164 CHAPTER 7 ■ Clinical Laboratory Procedures

Match the reagents with the chemical components d. Entero-Test capsule

given: (2 points each). (Choices may be used more e. Knott concentration
than once or not at all. Some answers may require
multiple choices.) 24. Ameba trophozoite motility is best observed using
19. a(n):
a. Iodine crystals 1. PVA a. Iodine-stained wet mount
b. Mercuric chloride 2. D’Antoni stain b. Unstained saline wet mount
c. Rice powder 3. Giemsa stain c. Unstained zinc sulfate flotation preparation
d. Light green SF 4. Trichrome stain d. Concentrated wet mount
e. Ethyl acetate 5. Schaudinn’s solution e. Giemsa stain
f. Phosphotungstic 6. Balamuth medium
acid 25. White blood cells may be used as a positive control
7. Sedimentation
material for all of the following procedures EXCEPT
g. 10% formalin 8. Flotation the:
h. 70% alcohol
a. Direct wet mount
Each multiple choice question is worth 2 points. c. Giemsa stain for trypanosomes
d. Iron hematoxylin stain
20. Charcot-Leyden crystals may be noted when e. Trichrome stain
examining fecal preparations. These crystals are
associated with the immune response and are
thought to be breakdown products of:
a. Eosinophils BIBLIOGRAPHY
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute: Laboratory
b. Lymphocytes
Diagnosis of Blood-Borne Parasitic Diseases. Approved
c. Macrophages Guideline M15-A. Clinical and Laboratory Standards
d. Monocytes Institute, Wayne, Penn., 2000.
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute: Procedures for
e. Neutrophils
the Recovery and Identification of Parasites from the In-
testinal Tract. Approved Guideline M28-A2. Clinical and
21. The formalin-ethyl acetate concentration method for Laboratory Standards Institute, Wayne, Penn., 2005a.
feces is used to demonstrate: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute: Protection of
a. Formation of amebic pseudopodia Laboratory Workers from Occupationally Acquired
Infections. Approved Guideline M29-A3. Clinical and
b. Hatching larval forms
Laboratory Standards Institute, Wayne, Penn., 2005b.
c. Motility of helminth larvae Diagnostic Medical Parasitology, ed 5. ASM Press, Washing-
d. Protozoan cysts and helminth eggs ton, DC, 2007.
Diamond, LS: Axenic culture of Entamoeba histolytica.
e. Trophozoites Science 134:336, 1961.
Difco & BBL Manual - Manual of Microbiological Culture
22. One of the following diagnostic procedures can be Media - Second Edition, BD Diagnostics – Diagnostic Sys-
considered an urgent procedure (stat). That tems, Sparks, MD; 1st Ed, 2003; 2nd Ed, 2009.
procedure is: Eberhard, ML, and Lammie, PJ: Laboratory diagnosis of
a. Ova and parasite examination for giardiasis filariasis. Clin Lab Med 11:4, 1991.
Fotedar, R, Stark, D, Beebe, N, Marriott, D, Ellis, J, and
b. A culture for amebic keratitis Harkness, J: Laboratory diagnostic techniques for Enta-
c. A blood film for malaria moeba species. Clin Microbiol Rev 20(3):511-532, 2007.
Garcia, LS: Diagnostic Medical Parasitology, ed 5. ASM
d. An agar plate culture for Strongyloides
Press, Washington, DC, 2007.
e. None of these Garcia, LS: Practical Guide to Diagnostic Parasitology, ed 2.
ASM Press, Washington, DC, 2009.
23. The best test procedure for correctly identifying Goodenough, UW: Deception by pathogens. Am Sci 79:
Enterobius vermicularis infections is the: 344–355, 1991.
Gryseels, B: Human resistance to Schistosoma infections.
a. Formalin-ethyl acetate concentration method
Parasitol Today 10:380–384, 1994.
b. Cellophane tape test Guttierrez, Y: Diagnostic Pathology of Parasitic Infections
c. Zinc sulfate flotation method with Clinical Correlations. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia,
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Kokoskin, E, et al: Modified technique for efficient detection Rao, LV, et al: Evaluation of immuno-toxoplasma IgG assay
of microsporidia. J Clin Microbiol 32:1074, 1994. in the prenatal screening of toxoplasmosis. Diag Micro-
Luna, VA, et al: Use of the fluorochrome calcofluor white in biol Infect Dis 27:13–15, 1997.
the screening of stool specimens for spores of microsporidia. Sher, A, and Scott, PA: Mechanisms of acquired immunity
Am J Clin Pathol 103:656, 1995. against parasites. In Warren, KS (ed): Immunology and
Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 9th Ed. ASM Press, Molecular Biology of Parasitic Infections, ed 3. Blackwell
Washington, DC, 2007. Scientific Publications, Boston, 1993.
Murray, CK, Gasser, RA, Jr, Magill, AJ, and Miller, RS: Update Shiff, CJ, et al: The ParaSight®-F test: A simple rapid man-
on rapid diagnostic testing for malaria. Clin Microbiol Rev ual dipstick test to detect Plasmodium falciparum infection.
21(1):97-110, 2008. Parasitol Today 10:494–495, 1994.
Palmer, J: Modified iron hematoxylin/Kinyoun stain. Clin Warren, KS (ed): Immunology and molecular biology of
Microbiol Newslett 13:39, 1991. parasitic infections, ed 3. Blackwell Scientific Publications,
Pietrzak-Johnston, SM, Bishop, H, Wahlquist, S, Moura, Boston, 1993.
H, De Oliveira Da Silva, N, Pereira Da Silva, S, and Weber, R, et al: Improved light-microscopical detection of
Nguyen-Dinh, P: Evaluation of commercially available microsporidia spores in stool and duodenal aspirates.
preservatives for laboratory detection of helminths and N Engl J Med 326:161, 1992.
protozoa in human fecal specimens. J. Clin Microbiol Wheatley, WB: A rapid staining procedure for intestinal
38:1959-1964, 2000. amebae and flagellates. Am J Clin Pathol 2:990–991,
Pinon, JM, et al: Early neonatal diagnosis of congenital 1951.
toxoplasmosis: Value of comparative enzyme-linked Wilson, M, et al: Evaluation of six commercial kits for detec-
immunofiltration assay, immunological profiles, and anti- tion of human immunoglobulin M antibodies to Toxo-
Toxoplasma gondii immunoglobulin M (IgM) or IgA plasma gondii. J Clin Microbiol 35:3112–3115, 1997.
immunocapture and implications for postnatal therapeutic
strategies. J Clin Microbiol 34:579–583, 1996.
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Control and Treatment
of Parasitic Disease

On completion of this self-study text, the student will be able to:

1. Define the terms epidemiology, epidemic, endemic, pathogenicity, and virulence.
2. List considerations for planning parasitic disease control strategies.
3. Describe methods used to control parasitic disease.
4. List the major objectives of a treatment program.
5. Explain the difference between a radical and a clinical cure for malaria.
6. List the most common parasitic diseases reported in immunocompromised patients.

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168 CHAPTER 8 ■ Control and Treatment of Parasitic Disease

INTRODUCTION or cell, release enzymes or toxins that damage or

interfere with normal host functions, resist or
evade host defense mechanisms, and reproduce
From the parasite’s point of view, the best relationship and distribute offspring effectively.
that it could have with a host is one in which the host
would suffer little or no harm because this allows the
parasite to survive. Organisms such as Entamoeba coli are
often called parasites but they are usually nonpatho- CONTROLLING PARASITIC
genic and have a good relationship with their host. In a DISEASE
world where drug treatments are available, parasites
that cause diseases are subject to steps taken to control
Aside from survival within a host, parasites also have
them—a problem, of course, only to the parasite.
another major problem to overcome: transportation
Most lay people believe that treating an infected
from host to host. Various parasites have complex and
individual controls the parasitic disease and that avoid-
varied life cycles; therefore, we must find ways to
ing an infected individual prevents catching the infec-
break these cycles if control and possible eradication
tion. These people also generally accept the idea that
of disease-causing organisms are to occur.
practicing good hygiene and taking medication lessens
Several questions must be answered when devel-
or prevents infections. Such concepts, in fact, do lead
oping a control strategy for a given parasitic disease:
to a decreased incidence of many diseases; however,
the actual control of parasitic diseases in nature, as 1. What is the cost and benefit of controlling this
you now know, is far more complicated. In this chapter, parasite?
you will learn various approaches to controlling 2. What would happen if nothing were done about
specific parasites, preventing spread of disease, and the problem?
treating infected hosts. 3. What controllable factors affect the host’s ability to
respond to the disease?
4. What controllable environmental factors affect the
life cycle?
DEFINING TERMS 5. Can the life cycle be interrupted without host
Various terms applied to this discussion must be 6. Can and should the host be protected from expo-
explained to fully understand the problems related to sure to the parasite?
controlling parasitic disease. 7. Is an effective vaccine available?
1. Epidemiology is the study of the relationships of Treating a disease represents the final and most
the various factors that determine the frequency direct interruption of a parasite’s life cycle, but this step
and distribution of an infectious process or disease is complex and may have adverse repercussions for the
in a community; the results of these studies are host. In addition, we must consider the cultural beliefs,
used to help control health problems. personal hygiene, and dietary habits of the host; the
2. An epidemic is an infectious disease that attacks status of national and community affluence, educa-
many people at the same time in the same tion, sanitation, and medical practices; the availability
geographic region. An example is an outbreak of and impact of drugs; and the use of chemicals on the
cryptosporidiosis. environment. Finally, ecologic and biological factors, as
3. An endemic disease is one that occurs continu- well as the general health of the actual and potential
ously or in expected cycles within a given popula- local domestic and wild reservoir animals, must be
tion, with a certain number of cases expected over evaluated.
a given period. An example is malaria in Africa. A parasite’s life cycle may involve a single host with
4. Pathogenicity is the parasite’s ability to produce no free-living stages (e.g., Enterobius, which spreads
pathological changes and disease in or on a host. To very easily). Other parasites have a very complex life
be pathogenic, a parasite must be able to colonize cycle (e.g., Clonorchis) involving multiple specific hosts
a host and grow and produce toxins that induce a and parasitic stages. Enterobius vermicularis solves its
response by the host or directly cause tissue damage. transportation problem by releasing environmentally
The progression and extent of the infection is related resistant infective eggs that remain infective for many
to the number of organisms living within the host, days. Eggs can become airborne, thereby infecting
the parasite’s virulence, and the extent of the host’s others not directly in contact with the infected host.
response. Reinfection of the host can also occur through hand-
5. Virulence relates to the ability of pathogenic to-mouth transfer of eggs. This parasite is endemic in
organisms to thrive in a host, including the abilities many parts of the world and can cause small local
of the parasite to attach or adhere to a target tissue epidemics in family homes and other institutions,
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CHAPTER 8 ■ Control and Treatment of Parasitic Disease 169

such as schools or nursing care facilities, where people Concurrently, the project managers improved sanitary
are closely associated for extended periods. waste disposal systems, thus reducing the exposure of
Control of pinworm infection attempts to protect a the snails to sources of infective miracidia. By the
host from exposure to the parasite by relying heavily on mid-1960s, some 15 to 20 years of work began to show
preventing the contamination of bed linens. This is success. In most areas of Puerto Rico, the rate of infec-
done by wearing nonporous, close-fitting clothing to tion in the population fell from 20% to almost 0%.
bed, sterilizing sheets, and vacuum cleaning rugs and Schistosoma japonicum, the Asian or oriental schisto-
furniture frequently. Also important is attention to some (endemic mainly in China and to a lesser extent
details, such as covering toothbrushes and other per- the Philippines) has affected the lives of many millions
sonal articles to guard against exposure to bathroom of people in China. Over the last 30 to 40 years much
dust, which may carry airborne eggs. Sunlight (ultravi- progress has been made in reducing the overall number
olet) kills the larvae, as does dry heat; however, many of cases but the impact of this disease is still substantial
household and other toxic chemicals do not penetrate and it was estimated that approximately 726,000
the eggshells. Treatment of the entire family or other humans and over 100,000 cattle and 100,250 bovines
institutionalized residents may be necessary to prevent- (cattle and water buffalos), the primary reservoir hosts,
further spreading of the infection. Lack of cooperation were infected in 2004. By 2002 it was estimated that
between the patient and family members may hamper there was an overall 50% reduction in both human and
control and treatment. These strategies are still pro- bovine cases since the previous survey in the 1990s.
moted by some but many physicians believe that this Ongoing control measures are centered on manag-
parasite cannot be easily controlled and do not treat ing snail populations using molluscicides in rivers and
individuals unless their symptoms become severe wet marshlands and extensive education and massive
enough to interrupt the patient’s quality of life. The dis- treatment of the infected population living in endemic
ease is often self-limiting because female worms die areas of China. The Yangtze River is a major water
when they release eggs and if the patient does not resource for many parts of China and the Three Gorges
become reinfected, the parasite’s life cycle will be bro- Dam completed in 2009 now controls its flow. The
ken, ending the disease. dam’s presence will control flooding below the dam and
However, Schistosoma spp., as another example with will create a large reservoir above it. It will also affect
a more complex life cycle, solve their transportation the level of the Dongting Lake, China’s second largest
problem through intermediate forms that live in non- fresh water lake. These changes will greatly influence
human hosts and survive in water. Because this para- the parasite’s snail vector population and distribution.
site is so virulent and causes significant pathology, it is At this time it is unknown what effect the dam will
important to treat infected individuals as well as the have on the transmission and distribution pattern of the
environment. Controlling and eradicating this parasite parasite. The important observation is that this massive
can be accomplished by interrupting the life cycle at project will have a significant, but unknown impact on
several points; that is, it can be done by treating infected the future ecology and epidemiology of schistosomiasis
people, destroying the snail host, destroying the infec- in China. Because China’s population is so much larger
tive cercariae larvae released into the water from the that Puerto Rico’s, the ongoing treatment of both
snail host, or preventing fecal or urine contaminations humans and animals must continue as part of the over-
of the water. With this type of life cycle, control all control strategy.
measures depend less heavily on the involvement or Because schistosomiasis is still a major problem
cooperation of the local citizenry; instead, control can in many parts of the world, similar control methods are
be handled independently by knowledgeable experts being tried elsewhere. Chemotherapeutic measures are
working with the government. It is important, how- still being used, however. For example, 1,100 primary
ever, to ensure that the local population is adequately schoolchildren in suburbs of Bujumbura, Burundi,
informed, particularly if chemicals or sprays are to be were treated annually with praziquantel for 3 years.
used and if hygiene education is required. Infection rates declined from almost 20% to 8%. The
Ensuring safe water and limiting snail populations WHO plans to continue this strategy. Since 2002, simi-
are the two most important and viable measures for lar results have occurred in other parts of Africa due to
controlling schistosomiasis. An example of successful grants to the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative funded
preventive management occurred in Puerto Rico in the in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
mid-1900s. Early in the control campaign, a trial mass Another important control strategy is human be-
chemotherapy treatment of infected individuals led to havior modification. Because human infection with
the death of some people because of drug side effects. schistosomiasis occurs when cercariae penetrate bare
Chemotherapy was suspended and attention was skin, wearing wading boots, avoiding fecal contamina-
focused on snail control. A molluscan competitor was tion of water, and avoiding contact with contaminated
introduced into ponds, lakes, and rivers in an effort to water can break the parasite’s life cycle. One study
reduce the numbers of the specific host species. found that when people applied niclosamide as a
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170 CHAPTER 8 ■ Control and Treatment of Parasitic Disease

1% lotion to the skin before entering snail-infested that the DDT house-spraying measures may have
waters, cercariae penetration was prevented. This selected for the bush-dwelling mosquitoes. However,
alternative, if affordable, makes sense when people when the spraying stopped, the house-dwelling mosqui-
must use snail-infested water for bathing, clothes toes reappeared, suggesting still another biological
washing, or raising of crops such as rice. Most impor- change. Regardless of the reasons for the changes, the
tant, by teaching people to use toilets or latrines, DDT experience offers an example of the importance of
infected urine or feces cannot contaminate the soil or understanding the complex biology and behavior
water supplies. patterns of insect vectors when choosing control strate-
Barrier protection prevents exposure of humans to gies and using every effort to understand the long-term
various infective forms. Examples include wearing consequences of any intervention strategy.
wading boots in water when cercaria might be pres- Of serious ecologic concern is the history of indis-
ent, wearing shoes while walking in contaminated soil criminate spraying of insecticide on all plants and
where hookworm and Strongyloides larvae are present, animals in the food chain prior to human understand-
and using mosquito netting for protection from biting ing of the biological impact of chemicals such as DDT.
mosquitoes. These and other barrier measures are Our failure to predict that such spraying would cause
used along with other control strategies. selection for insect vectors resistant to chemicals also
is a major concern. These human errors should not be
allowed to recur.
Chemical Vector Control Strategies In March 2000, the WHO emphasized the need to
In controlling the spread of other parasitic diseases, find alternatives to DDT in controlling mosquito popula-
chemical measures have had varying degrees of tions. DDT is now allowed only for indoor residual
success. Treating the local environment is difficult spraying of homes to reduce malaria transmission in
because dormant stages of parasites, such as eggs and areas where it is endemic. Treaty negotiations are under
cysts, are generally resistant to toxic substances. Also, way to finally eliminate its use altogether. The major
for many reasons, communities are increasingly resist- problem will be to find suitable and affordable alterna-
ing the local use of chemicals. In many cases, when an tives. An immediate alternative is access to insecticide-
arthropod is involved, a practical solution is vector treated bed netting, but at the cost of $4 to $5 each,
control. For instance, sprays and dips reduce flea and many impoverished people will not be able to afford it.
tick infestations in livestock and domestic pets even Vector control strategies can reduce infected arthro-
though they do not totally clear the environment. pod host populations, thus reducing human or animal
Biodegradable chemicals in water supplies have been exposure to the parasite and eventually leading to
used to control black fly larvae and insecticide sprays parasite eradication. Endemic malaria in the United
are still widely used to control the tsetse fly vector of States was finally eradicated in the 1950s, and since
trypanosomiasis. then, only imported cases brought from endemic
locations by refugees, travelers, and military service
personnel have been noted. Because anopheline
Malaria Control Strategies mosquitoes are still present, however, it is possible
The WHO sponsored an ambitious program to eradicate that malaria could again become endemic if proper
malaria worldwide. Early in the program, investigating vigilance is not maintained.
members of the project found many mosquitoes resting
inside houses. Consequently, investigators had the Biological and Environmental
inside walls of some houses and other buildings
sprayed with DDT (dichlorodiphenyl-trichloroethane).
Control Strategies
This initial, aggressive attack dramatically reduced the A successful control experience occurred in Central
malaria problem in parts of Africa. Unfortunately, when America, where a well-planned strategy was used to
local follow-up procedures became lax after initial control Culicoides spp. that bred in the Farfan Swamp in
success, the incidence of malaria increased to signifi- the Panama Canal zone. These tiny biting gnats
cantly high levels. In addition, some observers have (no-see-ums) flew through normal window screen
claimed that the WHO program contributed greatly mesh and forced workers caring for military communi-
to the DDT resistance seen in mosquitoes; however, the cations equipment located in the swamp to wear
resistance problem can actually be traced to indiscrimi- uncomfortable, finely meshed, protective suits. Because
nate agricultural use of the chemical. temperatures often reached more than 90ºF, the obvi-
Another problem hampered WHO’s African mosquito ous problems forced other control measures to be
attack: either two insect groups existed (house-dwelling sought. Chemical control of the insect in the swamp
and bush-dwelling) or some of the house-dwelling mos- began in the early 1950s but the gnat developed genetic
quitoes developed new behavior patterns and became resistance to the insecticide, making other control
bush-dwelling mosquitoes. Some investigators believed measures necessary.
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CHAPTER 8 ■ Control and Treatment of Parasitic Disease 171

The Farfan Swamp, although fed by a freshwater Other biological methods are also being explored,
stream, was brackish because seawater backed into it. such as improved insect traps using pheromones; genetic
The endemic Culicoides spp. breeds only in salty water; manipulation of insect hosts; introduction of predators
thus, tidal gates were built to keep the seawater out for insect, snail, and other host species; introduction of
of the swamp. Gradually, the swamp’s water became competitive species of nonpathogenic parasites or
fresh, and by the late 1950s the gnat population had nonsupportive hosts; and mass treatment of host popu-
diminished to an acceptable level. Later, in the mid- lations with chemotherapeutic agents. For example,
1960s, a canal-dredging operation began dumping its India, which spends 45% of its national health budget
waste into the swamp, causing the water to become controlling malaria, is now looking for less costly alterna-
salty again. This change caused the gnat population to tives to the millions of dollars spent on pesticides. These
grow and subsequent efforts were then made to halt include breeding fish that eat mosquito larvae in infested
dumping in the Farfan Swamp. It took about 2 years waters and later selling the fish as a cash crop, filling in
to clear the salt once again from the swamp water, water-holding pits to create usable land, and planting
and consequently, to bring the Culicoides back under eucalyptus trees in swamps to soak up water and later
control. using the wood for cooking and construction.
Various other methods of biological insect and par-
asitic control have been tried. Elimination of primary
screw worm fly myiasis from the southeastern United
Human Behavior and Culture
States was accomplished by releasing numerous male Cultural behavior of world populations both helps and
(Callitroga) Cochliomyia hominivorax flies that had hinders the control of parasitic diseases. For instance,
been sterilized by irradiation. Competitive mating the dietary customs of Jewish and Muslim peoples
decreased the offspring to below critical mass levels have greatly reduced their exposure to Taenia solium
for breeding. Similar successful elimination in the and Trichinella spiralis infections. Various cleaning and
southwestern United States has not been achieved cooking habits and rituals practiced by many peoples
because the insect population entering from Mexico around the world have lessened their exposure to par-
could not be adequately controlled at the border. By asitic diseases. However, people in many parts of the
contrast, the Florida peninsula effectively isolated its world, including the United States, still use untreated
area from invading flies. More recently, the state of human waste (known as night soil) to fertilize crops.
California used irradiated flies in its campaign against Some people bathe and wash clothes and cooking
the Mediterranean fruit fly. Daily, 20,000 irradiated utensils in water contaminated with human waste.
male flies raised in an agricultural research station in Such behavior obviously promotes the transmission of
Hawaii were shipped to California and released. This parasites. In some wealthy countries, again including
helped save the fruit crop and lessened the need for the United States, many people are “getting back to
chemical control measures. This example illustrates nature” or vacationing in health resorts offering natu-
that combining various strategies can control insect ral or untreated water and raw foods. Unfortunately,
populations. one side effect to this lifestyle has been an increase in
giardiasis and other parasitic diseases.
By contrast, affluence has many benefits. Home
Other Control Strategies freezers contribute to the control of trichinosis be-
Serious efforts are also being expended on perfecting cause freezing pork for 6 days at –20ºF kills encysted
other control systems. Immunization has already proved larvae. Similarly, freezing other foodstuffs for various
successful against several serious parasites of domestic periods can prevent other diseases. In addition, use of
animals. Brazilian research institutes are preparing a window screens in more affluent countries is greatly
vaccine (2001) S. mansoni. The impact of a successful reducing human exposure to disease-carrying vectors.
campaign could be huge because this parasite affects as The most valuable invention for preventing the spread
many as 10 million Brazilians. Similar efforts are occur- of parasitic infections, however, has been the flush
ring in Egypt, and phase II clinical trials of a vaccine toilet; its use, along with waste-water treatment, is
against S. haematobium began in the year 2000 in Sene- always accompanied by decreased disease.
gal and Niger. Research for a vaccine for S. japonicum is Probably the most effective control measure
on going in China. Malaria vaccine trials in Papua New among those available may also be the hardest one
Guinea and Gambia have shown promising results to accomplish—the changing of human behavior
against Plasmodium falciparum. Continuing research will through education and the demonstrated rewards of
surely lead to other successful vaccines but the formida- improved health. For example, the WHO campaign to
ble technical and financial problems of producing, teach people in endemic areas to strain drinking wa-
distributing, storing, and getting them to affected ter through T-shirt cotton is successfully reducing the
individuals will be a great and costly challenge. incidence of Dracunculus infections.
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172 CHAPTER 8 ■ Control and Treatment of Parasitic Disease

TREATING PARASITIC DISEASE and viruses, but attempts to develop vaccines against
parasites has presented formidable challenges with
only limited success. As of 2011, no vaccines are
It is evident, on paper at least, that various methods available for use in humans for any parasitic disease,
can control parasitic diseases. Until widespread con- but several malaria vaccines are in various stages of
trol is achieved, however, a need continues for clinical trials. Another strategy that may indirectly
chemotherapeutic intervention for infected individu- help reduce disease in humans involves vaccinating
als. Chemotherapy can support other control efforts animals that harbor parasites that can be transferred
when used to treat infected target groups (as has to humans. For example, a vaccine for leishmaniasis
been done in Egypt to combat schistosomiasis) or in dogs and a vaccine to immunize pigs against Tae-
when used prophylactically to protect people from nia solium, may become available soon. If animals be-
becoming infected, but it is not necessarily required come immune, indirect protection for humans oc-
as a parasitic disease control method. Treatment per curs as parasitic infections are reduced in the
se is generally used to alleviate and cure conditions reservoir host.
caused by infections. Before treating a given infec-
tion with chemotherapy, the physician weighs Pharmacodynamics
several factors, including the severity and duration of Most drugs commonly used to treat infections affect
infection, the health conditions of the host, and the various metabolic pathways, such as the following:
availability and toxicity of the drug treatment. If the
toxicity or side effects of a treatment are more haz- 1. Energy metabolism
ardous to the patient than the disease itself, treatment 2. Cell wall synthesis
may be reasonably withheld. Furthermore, if the 3. Protein synthesis
chance of reinfection is great, the disease is mild, and 4. Membrane function
the cost or risk of treatment is high, then treatment 5. Nucleic acid synthesis
is questionable. 6. Cofactor synthesis
Several drugs selectively affect neuromuscular sys-
General Considerations tems of the helminths. The selective action of many
antiprotozoal drugs results from either preferential
Once the decision to treat an infection has been
absorption of the drug by the parasite or from the
made, consideration of the need to treat asympto-
ability of the drug to discriminate between isofunc-
matic family members or others closely associated
tional targets in the host cells versus those in the
with the infected individual is important. Because
parasitic cell. Two important drugs, albendazole and
Trichomonas vaginalis is transmitted sexually, all sexual
mebendazole, are known to disrupt a cytoskeletal
partners of the infected person should also be treated.
protein called ␤-tubulin, which leads to reduced
However, in other diseases, it is useless to treat others
absorption of nutrients such as glucose. Parasites are
or isolate an infected person if direct transmission is
forced to use glycogen stores for energy and eventu-
not possible. This is why it is important to understand
ally die due to the lack of ATP when glucose is no
life cycles.
longer available.
Some parasitic infections need not be treated
Another commonly used compound, praziquantel
because they are at a stage of low worm burdens, are
changes the teguments of many parasites causing
self-limiting and nonpathogenic, and probably will
increased permeability to calcium ions. Increased
not be transmitted to others. However, some infec-
calcium leads to muscular contractions that in turn,
tions require chemotherapy, surgical intervention, or
cause paralysis of adult worms. Damage to the tegu-
both. Effective chemotherapeutics are available for
ment also exposes parasite antigens, enhancing the
the treatment of amebiasis of the liver or appendix,
host’s immune responses against the organism. Many
but rarely may require surgical attention.
antihelminthic chemicals are used to eliminate other
The objectives of a treatment program should be to
parasites from humans, but less is known about the
stop the parasite’s growth, reproduction, and trans-
selective action(s) of these other agents.
mission; kill parasites without inducing a harmful host
response; and expel parasites from the host. Finding
Resistance to Treatment
those drugs that are selective for parasitic metabolic
To survive, parasites must react to conditions in their
systems without adversely affecting human systems
environment, including the pressure exerted by chemo-
has been difficult. Not surprisingly, many drugs are
therapeutic agents. Drug resistance develops when
toxic, especially the ones that affect energy metabo-
pathogenic organisms are able to do the following:
lism. A variety of drugs currently in use are known
carcinogens or teratogens. 1. Metabolize the drug to an inactive form
Prevention of diseases via vaccines has been suc- 2. Alter their permeability to the drug
cessful for many infective agents especially bacteria 3. Use a metabolic pathway not affected by the drug
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CHAPTER 8 ■ Control and Treatment of Parasitic Disease 173

4. Increase enzyme production to overcome the level Treatment of Protozoa

of the drug being administered
5. Change the drug’s binding site target on or inside Amebiasis
of the organism Treatment of amebiasis caused by Entamoeba histolytica
depends on the severity of the clinical symptoms and the
The extent to which each of the drug resistance parasites’ locations in the host. Debate over the treat-
factors mentioned affects the treatment of parasitic ment of asymptomatic carriers continues; however,
disease is not fully known. Alterations in permeability, when treated, the carrier is usually given diloxanide
drug-binding activity, and enzyme production all have furoate or diiodohydroxyquin. When either mild or se-
been demonstrated for some parasites, with altered vere intestinal symptoms are evident and the
permeability being the single most-common resistance patient is passing both trophozoites and cysts, metronida-
mechanism. Parasite changes with respect to binding zole (a tissue amoebicide) plus diiodohydroxyquin is the
activity and enzyme production can be genetically treatment of choice. Extraintestinal amebiasis is treated
passed to offspring. using metronidazole. Diiodohydroxyquin is also required
Table 8-1 (p. 176) contains a partial listing of with a concurrent bowel infection. Because newer drugs
chemotherapeutic agents commonly in use along with are less toxic, emetine is no longer considered the best
some of their important side effects. The reader will treatment for extraintestinal amebiasis. However, the
find a further listing and updating of agents and side higher cost and limited availability of newer drugs in
effects in the Medical Letter cited in the bibliography for other parts of the world have perpetuated its use.
this chapter. The following is a brief discussion of the
treatments used for selected parasites.
Giardiasis responds to metronidazole within 5 days in
Treatment of Helminths most cases. Albendazole is also effective. Because
The correct treatment of helminths relies on the cor- Giardia infections can be acquired by drinking contam-
rect identification of the parasite or parasites involved. inated water, small amounts of water can be purified
Generally, albendazole, mebendazole, and pyrantel using an iodine solution. A stock solution is made by
pamoate are considered the drugs of choice in the adding 6 g of iodine crystals to 60 mL of water, shak-
treatment of most intestinal nematode infections. ing the solution, and letting it stand for 2 hours (the
Thiabendazole is useful against cutaneous and visceral crystals will not dissolve completely). To kill Giardia,
larval migrans and Strongyloides stercoralis. Niclosamide 25 mL of the stock solution is added to 1 L of water and
is effective against cestodes. Praziquantel is effective allowed to stand for 20 minutes at 68ºF before drink-
against all Schistosoma spp. and other flukes; metri- ing. The 25 mL can be replaced in the stock container
fonate and oxamniquine are suitable alternatives for with clean water after each use until the iodine crystals
some schistosomes. have dissolved completely. Campers and backpackers
A recent study suggests that artemether, a drug used who wish to purify stream or river water can use this
to treat malaria, can be used prophylactically against method as well.
immature Schistosoma mansoni worms and that, when Infections with T. vaginalis in people of either sex are
combined with praziquantel, it is very effective against effectively treated with the oral medication metronida-
active Schistosoma infections. The researchers point out zole. Pregnant women should not take this drug, how-
that this strategy should be used only in areas where ever. Topical preparations containing halogenated
malaria is not endemic to preserve the drug’s effective- hydroxyquinolines are useful in relieving the symptoms
ness against multidrug-resistant P. falciparum. of vaginitis but they may not completely eliminate the
parasite because the preparation may not reach every
organism. Other topical preparations are also available.
Treatment of Filariasis Sexual partners should be treated simultaneously.
Filariasis is treated with diethylcarbamazine; however,
some authorities recommend excision of the adult Trypanosomiasis
Onchocerca worm before treatment because this drug Early diagnosis and treatment of African trypanosomi-
does not kill the adult. An alternative treatment for asis is important because treatment is difficult after the
onchocerciasis begins with a 3-week course of diethyl- central nervous system becomes involved. Suramin
carbamazine followed by suramin. Suramin kills the sodium is the drug of choice early on; however, because
adult worm. Furthermore, antihistamines or corticos- it does not cross the blood-brain barrier, melarsoprol is
teroids may be needed to reduce the allergic (Mazzotti) needed for the late disease stages. All drugs for African
reaction to disintegrating microfilariae. Extreme trypanosomiasis are toxic and most should be adminis-
caution is needed while treating onchocerciasis because tered during hospitalization. Nifurtimox is most useful
the allergic reaction may be fatal. when treating T. cruzi infections.
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174 CHAPTER 8 ■ Control and Treatment of Parasitic Disease

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University found especially important to use primaquine to prevent a
that the antibiotic thiolactomycin could inhibit syn- relapse with P. vivax or P. ovale. Individuals deficient in
thesis of the fatty acid myristate, which is needed by glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) should
Trypanosoma brucei to anchor surface proteins to its cell not use primaquine.
membrane, thus killing the parasite. Although this Various strains of P. falciparum and P. vivax have
specific antibiotic is cleared too rapidly from the become resistant to chloroquine. Successful treatment
human bloodstream to be effective, the research does of these infections requires the use of alternative anti-
suggest that a new and selective approach to treating malarials, such as a combination of pyrimethamine
this disease needs to be pursued. and sulfadoxine. Quinine or quinidine may be used in
place of chloroquine phosphate.
Leishmaniasis For prophylaxis, the CDC recommends using
Visceral leishmaniasis is treated with antimony mefloquine (Lariam) in place of chloroquine phos-
sodium stibogluconate (Pentostam), which is admin- phate once weekly for travelers in endemic areas
istered either intravenously or intramuscularly for of drug-resistant malaria. It should be noted that areas
28 days. Oral miltefosine has been successfully of chloroquine-resistant malaria are no longer limited
administered in India at a dosage rate of 100 mg/day to East Africa; they now include many locations in
(not to exceed 4 mg/kg per day) for 4 weeks. At the Central Africa as well.
end of a phase II trial, researchers believe they have An interesting and novel treatment strategy is
found the first oral agent that is effective against being tested at the University of Washington in Seat-
visceral leishmaniasis. tle. Malaria trophozoites break down hemoglobin for
Cutaneous leishmaniasis is also treated using protein synthesis and energy, liberating free hemoglo-
sodium stibogluconate for 20 days. A 28-day course is bin in the process. The parasite neutralizes the toxic-
needed for mucocutaneous disease. The oral medica- free hemoglobin by synthesizing a quasi-crystalline
tion dapsone, tested in India, showed an 82% cure rate array known as malaria pigment or hemozoin.
for cutaneous leishmaniasis. Because hemozoin contains iron, it is ferromagnetic.
Researchers hypothesized that exposing the parasites
to an oscillating magnetic field would disrupt the
Treatment of Malaria formation of new hemozoin molecules, leading to an
The treatment of malaria follows two strategies: accumulation of the toxic-free hemoglobin, which
clinical cure and radical cure. A clinical cure is accom- would ultimately kill the parasite. Blood cells infected
plished when symptoms are relieved; in case of with P. falciparum were exposed to oscillating magnetic
malaria, symptoms cease because asexually reproduc- fields and the parasitemia was significantly reduced,
ing parasites are eliminated from peripheral circula- suggesting that an inexpensive, simple, portable, and
tion. However, this treatment does not necessarily noninvasive treatment method for malaria might yet
mean that all parasites have been eradicated from the be found.
body. Chloroquine phosphate (Aralen) is the drug of
choice for treating all species of malaria sensitive to Treatment of Parasitic Disease in
the drug; it produces a clinical cure, but it does not
completely eliminate the parasite from the host in
Immunocompromised Patients
those infections caused by relapsing species of Since the discovery and identification of HIV and its
malaria. A radical cure (elimination of all parasites relationship to AIDS and AIDS-related complex
from the body, including secondary tissue schizonts) (ARC), several opportunistic parasitic infections have
for Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium ovale is accom- been recognized as serious problems for immuno-
plished using primaquine phosphate as the second compromised patients. These problems are not
course of treatment. limited only to patients with AIDS; they also affect
Travelers to endemic areas, including former resi- individuals who have compromised immune systems
dents who are returning to their home after living in resulting from congenital absence or abnormal devel-
nonmalarious areas for some time, are advised to be- opment of the immune system, malignancy, irradia-
gin taking chloroquine phosphate once weekly 1 to tion, cytotoxic drug therapy, or other underlying
2 weeks before travel. They should continue prophy- infections. These patients have a higher incidence of
lactic doses throughout their stay in the endemic area bacterial, viral, and fungal infections as well as para-
and for 4 weeks after they return. In addition, they sitic disease.
should take primaquine phosphate for 2 weeks after The most likely immunocompromised patient popu-
leaving the area. This prophylactic course normally lation, and continuing to grow in number, is the group
prevents disease. Because chloroquine phosphate of patients with AIDS. Commonly affected people in this
does not prevent liver invasion by the parasite, it is group in the United States include intravenous drug
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CHAPTER 8 ■ Control and Treatment of Parasitic Disease 175

users, homosexual and bisexual men and their partners, by E. histolytica is more likely to occur in these
prostitutes, hemophiliacs, people seeking treatment for patients as well.
sexually transmitted diseases, people having multiple Cryptosporidium infection is difficult to treat, requiring
sexual partners, people who consider themselves at risk, fluid replacement, nutrition, and antidiarrheal medica-
and children born to infected mothers. tion. Paromomycin, spiramycin, and eflornithine have
AIDS is not curable currently, but it is generally provided limited success. Cystoisospora infections are
preventable for adults. Prevention is accomplished by treated with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-
avoiding high-risk practices, such as unprotected sex SMX) for approximately 1 month.
and drug needle-sharing. All medical care workers Microsporidia have been found throughout the
must follow the Occupational Safety and Health body but the most frequent protozoal infection
Administration’s rules related to bloodborne patho- found in patients with AIDS has been caused by En-
gens, referred to as the Universal Precautions, with terocytozoon bieneusi. These patients have chronic di-
blood or other body fluids. These rules provide a way arrhea, fever, and weight loss that mimics other in-
for medical personnel to avoid becoming infected with testinal infections. It is important to thoroughly
any disease-causing organism—not just HIV. If they investigate these symptoms, although there is
do not follow these practices, health workers may no satisfactory treatment for these parasites. Alben-
become infected and may even infect fellow workers dazole has been helpful in treating some Encephalito-
or patients. zoon spp. infections. Immunocompetent patients
with E. bieneusi eye infections usually respond to
Most Common Parasites in Immunocompromised People treatment.
At least eight parasitic infections are most commonly
reported in immunocompromised patients. Seven of
these are protozoan and the other one is caused by
S. stercoralis. Immunocompetent hosts may harbor SUMMARY
Strongyloides for years without symptoms other than
an unexplained eosinophilia. When the patient Treatment of parasitic diseases relies heavily on an
becomes compromised, the number of larvae and accurate diagnosis, followed by good judgement on the
adults increases rapidly, producing disseminated part of the physician. Certain factors—such as drug
strongyloidiasis. As S. stercoralis rhabditiform larvae effectiveness versus toxicity, the parasite’s location and
become infective filariform larvae, they carry bacteria numbers in the host, the length of the treatment course
with them as they invade the intestinal mucosa; required, the method of the drug’s administration,
bacteremia, pneumonia, and even meningitis can other drugs being administered, and the patient’s
result. Strongyloides hyperinfections have also been general condition—must all be considered to provide
found in patients with leukemias, lymphomas, fungal maximum benefit. If only one drug is available, how-
infections, leprosy, tuberculosis, and other conditions ever, and the patient’s condition necessitates treatment,
(e.g., renal disease, asthma). Patients who have high there may be no other choice. Furthermore, certain
eosinophilia (10% to 50%) and unexplained bac- long treatment schedules may facilitate parasitic resist-
teremia or other problems caused by enteric bacteria ance to the drug or create cumulative toxicity problems
should be tested for strongyloidiasis. for the patient. Finally, good nutritional management
The protozoa most commonly encountered in im- and patient involvement in self-care are important to
munocompromised humans include E. histolytica, help the patient overcome infection and promote resist-
Giardia lamblia, Toxoplasma gondii (encephalitis), Cryp- ance to subsequent infections.
tosporidium spp., Cystoisospora belli, and at least seven The CDC can provide detailed information about
genera of microsporidia. The intestinal protozoa the treatment and use of various drugs. It also can
usually cause chronic diarrhea and chronic wasting supply drugs for treating rare diseases. Note that some
syndrome (“slim disease”). Although E. histolytica drugs are teratogenic in animals and special care
and G. lamblia are not considered opportunistic should be taken to avoid prescribing them to pregnant
parasites, they must be mentioned in this list because women. Teratogens are noted in Table 8-1, as are
they can produce rather severe symptoms in others that may have more severe effects for pregnant
immunocompromised hosts. Extraintestinal invasion women or young children.
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176 CHAPTER 8 ■ Control and Treatment of Parasitic Disease

TABLE 8-1 ■ Chemotherapy of Parasitic Diseases

Parasite Infection Chemotherapeutic Agent Adverse Reactions*
Acanthamoeba spp. Chronic meningoencephalitis Amphotericin B and sulfadiazine Rash, photosensitivity, hepatic and renal
or sulfisoxazole toxicity, blood dyscrasia, vasculitis
Keratitis Topical propamidine isethionate
plus neomycin-polymyxin
B-gramicidin ophthalmic solution
Ancylostoma braziliense Cutaneous larval migrans; or Albendazole GI disturbance
or A. caninum creeping eruption
Ancylostoma duodenale Hookworm Albendazole or GI disturbance
Mebendazole† or GI disturbance
Pyrantel pamoate GI disturbance, dizziness, rash, fever
Ascaris lumbricoides Roundworm Albendazole or GI disturbance
Mebendazole† or GI disturbance
Pyrantel pamoate GI disturbance, dizziness, rash, fever
Balantidium coli Balantidiasis Tetracycline or Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, renal and
hepatic impairment
Metronidazole† Nausea, headache, vomiting, diarrhea,
vertigo, insomnia, ataxia
Clonorchis sinensis Clonorchiasis (Chinese liver Praziquantel or Sedation, abdominal discomfort, fever, sweat-
fluke) ing, nausea, eosinophilia, photosensitivity,
urticaria, vomiting, diarrhea
Albendazole GI disturbance
Cryptosporidium spp. Cryptosporidiosis Nitazoxanide Nausea, abdominal pain
Cystoisospora belli Intestinal disease Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole Rash, photosensitivity, hepatic and renal
(TMP-SMX) (teratogenic in animals) toxicity, blood dyscrasia, vasculitis
Dientamoeba fragilis Dientamoebiasis Tetracycline or Iodine toxicoderma, rash, slight thyroid
enlargement, nausea
Iodoquinol or Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, renal and
hepatic impairment
Paromomycin GI disturbance
Diphyllobothrium latum Diphyllobothriasis (fish tape Niclosamide† or Nausea, abdominal pain
worm) Praziquantel Sedation, abdominal discomfort, fever, sweat-
ing, nausea, eosinophilia, photosensitivity,
urticaria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea
Dracunculus medinensis Filariasis; guinea worm Winding the exposed worm on a
stick is a successful method for
removing this parasite
Metronidazole† or Nausea, headache, vomiting, diarrhea,
vertigo, insomnia, ataxia
Thiabendazole Nausea, vomiting, vertigo, rash, leukopenia,
color vision disturbance, tinnitus, shock
Allergic and febrile reactions from worm
1. Ivermectin† or Immunosuppression, vomiting, cramps,
2. Niridazole dizziness, headache
Echinococcus spp. Hydatid cyst Albendazole or Mebendazole† GI disturbance
Entamoeba histolytica amebiasis 1. Iodoquinol or Iodine toxicoderma, rash, slight thyroid
enlargement, nausea
Asymptomatic amebiasis Paromomycin GI disturbance
Mild intestinal disease 2. Metronidazole† plus Nausea, headache, vomiting, diarrhea,
vertigo, insomnia, ataxia
Iodoquinol or Paromomycin Iodine toxicoderma, rash, slight thyroid
enlargement, nausea
Hepatic disease 2. Metronidazole† plus Nausea, headache, vomiting, diarrhea,
vertigo, insomnia, ataxia
Iodoquinol or Paromomycin Iodine toxicoderma, rash, slight thyroid
enlargement, nausea
Enterobius vermicularis Enterobiasis (pinworm) Albendazole or Mebendazole† or GI disturbance, rash, fever
Pyrantel pamoate GI disturbance, dizziness
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CHAPTER 8 ■ Control and Treatment of Parasitic Disease 177

TABLE 8-1 ■ Chemotherapy of Parasitic Diseases—cont’d

Parasite Infection Chemotherapeutic Agent Adverse Reactions*
Fasciola hepatica Liver rot: sheep liver fluke Praziquantel or Sedation, abdominal discomfort, fever, sweat-
ing, nausea, eosinophilia, photosensitivity,
urticaria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea

Triclabendazole Approved for veterinary use in United States—

only single dose needed
Fasciolopsis buski Fascioliasis Praziquantel or Sedation, abdominal discomfort, fever, sweat-
ing, nausea, eosinophilia, photosensitivity,
urticaria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea
Niclosamide† Nausea, abdominal pain
Giardia lamblia Giardiasis Metronidazole† Nausea, headache, vomiting, diarrhea,
or vertigo, insomnia, ataxia
Quinacrine Vomiting, vertigo, headache, psychosis, blood
dyscrasia, ocular damage, rash, hepatic necrosis
Heterophyes heterophyes Heterophyiasis, intestinal Praziquantel Sedation, abdominal discomfort, fever, sweat-
fluke ing, nausea, eosinophilia, photosensitivity,
urticaria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea
Hymenolepis nana Dwarf tapeworm Praziquantel Sedation, abdominal discomfort, fever, sweat-
ing, nausea, eosinophilia, photosensitivity,
urticaria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea
Leishmania braziliensis Leishmaniasis: Antimony sodium gluconate Diarrhea, muscle pain and joint stiffness,
complex or L. mexicana mucocutaneous (stibogluconate sodium) bradycardial colic, rash; contraindicated in
complex pregnancy
L. donovani complex Leishmaniasis: visceral Antimony sodium gluconate Diarrhea, muscle pain and joint stiffness,
(stibogluconate sodium) or bradycardial colic, rash; contraindicated in
Pentamidine isethionate Hypotension-hypoglycemia vomiting, blood
dyscrasias, renal damage, rash, hepatic
L. tropica complex Leishmaniasis: cutaneous Antimony sodium gluconate Diarrhea, muscle pain and joint stiffness,
(stibogluconate sodium) bradycardial colic, rash; contraindicated in
Loa loa Filariasis: eyeworm Diethylcarbamazine or lver- Allergic and febrile reactions resulting from
mectin† death of the worm
Metagonimus yokogawai Metagonimiasis: intestinal Praziquantel or Sedation, abdominal discomfort, fever, sweat-
fluke ing, nausea, eosinophilia, photosensitivity,
urticaria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea
Trachloroethylene Epigastric burning, dizziness, headache,
drowsiness, severe nausea and vomiting
(Antabuselike effect) with alcohol
Microsporidium spp. Tissue parasites Albendazole GI disturbance
Naegleria fowleri Primary meningoencephalitis Amphotericin B Chills, sweating, fever, muscle pain,
nausea, vertigo
Necator americanus Hookworm Albendazole or GI disturbance
Mebendazole† or GI disturbance
Pyrantel pamoate GI disturbance, headache, dizziness, rash, fever
Onchocerca volvulus Filariasis; river blindness 1. Ivermectin† Allergic and febrile reactions resulting from
death of the worm
2. Diethylcarbamazine plus Rash, pruritus, paresthesias, vomiting,
suramin† peripheral neuropathy, shock
Opisthorchis viverrini Opisthorchiasis; liver fluke Praziquantel Sedation, abdominal discomfort, fever, sweat-
ing, nausea, eosinophilia, photosensitivity,
urticaria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea

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178 CHAPTER 8 ■ Control and Treatment of Parasitic Disease

TABLE 8-1 ■ Chemotherapy of Parasitic Diseases—cont’d

Parasite Infection Chemotherapeutic Agent Adverse Reactions*
Paragonimus westermani Paragonimiasis; lung fluke Praziquantel or Sedation, abdominal discomfort, fever, sweat-
ing, nausea, eosinophilia, photosensitivity,
urticaria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea
Bithionol Photosensitivity skin reaction, vomiting,
diarrhea, abdominal pain, urticaria
Pediculus humanus var. Body or head lice 1% permethrin or Irritation to skin, eyes, mucous membranes
corporis or capitis Pyrethrin with piperonyl butox- Irritation to skin, eyes, mucous membranes;
ide or 0.5% malathion lotion ragweed-sensitized people should not use
or 1% lindane or
Ivermectin Skin rash, itching, nontender tissue swelling
Phthirus pubis Crab lice 1% permethrin or Irritation to skin, eyes, and mucous membranes
Ivermectin Skin rash, itching, nontender tissue swelling
Plasmodium Malignant malaria Chloroquine phosphate (Note: Headache, vomiting, confusion, skin eruptions,
falciparum** (chloroquine-susceptible) no primaquine† after infection) retinal injury
(Note: Chemoprophylaxis: Quinine sulfate and Cinchonism, hypotension, arrhythmias,
chloroquine phosphate or blood dyscrasia, photosensitivity, blindness
mefloquine) (chloroquine- Pyrimethamine-sulfadozine Folic acid deficiency, blood dyscrasia, rash,
resistant) (Fansidar) or vomiting, convulsions, shock rash, photosensi-
tivity, hepatic and renal toxicity, blood
dyscrasia, vasculitis
Doxycycline Absolutely contraindicated if patient has
sulfonamide intolerance
Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, renal and
hepatic impairment
(comatose patient) Quinine (parenteral) Cinchonism, hypotension, arrhythmias,
blood dyscrasia, photosensitivity, blindness
Plasmodium malariae** Quartan malaria Chloroquine phosphate (Note: Headache, vomiting, confusion, skin eruptions,
no primaquine† after infection) retinal injury
Plasmodium ovale** Ovale malaria (radical cure) Chloroquine phosphate followed Headache, vomiting, confusion, skin eruptions,
by primaquine† phosphate (pre- retinal injury
vents relapses) Hemolytic anemia in G6PD-deficient patients,
neutropenia, nausea, hypertension;
contraindicated in pregnancy
Plasmodium vivax Tertian malaria (radical cure) Chloroquine phosphate followed Headache, vomiting, confusion, skin eruptions,
by primaquine† phosphate (pre- retinal injury
vents relapses) Hemolytic anemia in G6PD-deficient patients,
neutropenia, nausea, hypertension; con-
traindicated in pregnancy
Chloroquine-resistant Quinine sulfate plus Cinchonism, hypotension, arrhythmias,
blood dyscrasia, photosensitivity, blindness
Pyrimethamine-sulfadozine Folic acid deficiency, blood dyscrasia, rash,
(Fansidar) or vomiting, convulsions, shock rash, photosensi-
tivity, hepatic and renal toxicity, blood dyscra-
sia, vasculitis
Doxycycline Absolutely contraindicated if patient has
sulfonamide intolerance
Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, renal and
hepatic impairment
Sarcoptes scabiei Mites, scabies 5% permethrin or Irritation to skin, eyes, and mucous mem-
Ivermectin Skin rash, itching, nontender soft tissue
Schistosoma Schistosomiasis (bilharziasis); Praziquantel Sedation, abdominal discomfort, fever, sweat-
haematobium bladder cancer ing, nausea, eosinophilia
Schistosoma japonicum Schistosomiasis (bilharziasis); Praziquantel (⫹Artemether, has Sedation, abdominal discomfort, fever, sweat-
blood fluke been successfully used to elimi- ing, nausea, eosinophilia
nate later stages of the parasite)

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CHAPTER 8 ■ Control and Treatment of Parasitic Disease 179

TABLE 8-1 ■ Chemotherapy of Parasitic Diseases—cont’d

Parasite Infection Chemotherapeutic Agent Adverse Reactions*
Schistosoma mansoni Schistosomiasis (bilharziasis); Praziquantel or Sedation, abdominal discomfort, fever, sweat-
blood fluke, swamp fever ing, nausea, eosinophilia
Oxamniquine (Vansil) Headache, fever, dizziness, nausea, insomnia,
diarrhea, hepatic enzyme changes
Strongyloides stercoralis Strongyloidiasis; threadworm Ivermectin or Skin rash, itching, nontender soft tissue
Thiabendazole Nausea, vomiting, vertigo, rash, leukopenia,
color vision disturbance, tinnitus, shock
Taenia saginata Taeniasis; beef tapeworm Praziquantel or Sedation, abdominal discomfort, fever, sweat-
ing, nausea, eosinophilia, photosensitivity,
urticaria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea
Niclosamide† Nausea, abdominal pain
Taenia solium Taeniasis; pork tapeworm Praziquantel or Sedation, abdominal discomfort, fever, sweat-
ing, nausea, eosinophilia, photosensitivity,
urticaria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea
Niclosamide† Nausea, abdominal pain
Albendazole (experimental) or GI disturbance
Cysticercosis Praziquantel (experimental) or Sedation, abdominal discomfort, fever, sweat-
surgery ing, nausea, eosinophilia, photosensitivity,
urticaria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea
Toxocara canis Visceral larval migrans Albendazole or GI disturbance
Mebendazole† or GI disturbance
Diethylcarbamazine or GI disturbance
Thiabendazole Nausea, vomiting, vertigo, rash, leukopenial
color vision disturbance
Toxoplasma gondii Toxoplasmosis (moderate to Pyrimethamine plus Folic acid deficiency, blood dyscrasia, rash,
severe illness) vomiting, convulsions, shock; administer corti-
costeroids in ocular toxoplasmosis, folinic acid
may be added to counteract bone marrow
Sulfadiazine (teratogenic in Rash, photosensitivity, hepatic and renal
animals) or toxicity, blood dyscrasia, vasculitis
(immunosuppressed host) Spiramycin Absolutely contraindicated if patient has
sulfonamide intolerance
GI disturbance
Pyrimethamine plus Folic acid deficiency, blood dyscrasia, rash,
Sulfadiazine plus vomiting, convulsions, shock; administer corti-
costeroids in ocular toxoplasmosis
Rash, photosensitivity, hepatic and renal
toxicity, blood dyscrasia, vasculitis
Folinic acid Absolutely contraindicated if patient has
sulfonamide intolerance
Folinic acid may be added to counteract bone
marrow depression
Trichinella spiralis Trichinosis Metronidazole† plus steroids for Nausea, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, ver-
severe symptoms or tigo, insomnia, ataxia
Albendazole plus steroids for se- GI disturbance
vere symptoms
Trichomonas vaginalis Trichomoniasis Metronidazole† Nausea, headache, vomiting, diarrhea,
vertigo, insomnia, ataxia
Trichuris trichiura Trichuriasis; whipworm Mebendazole† GI disturbance
Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas’ disease Nifurtimox§ Nausea, dizziness, insomnia, vertigo,
Benznidazole‡ Skin allergy, peripheral neuropathy

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180 CHAPTER 8 ■ Control and Treatment of Parasitic Disease

TABLE 8-1 ■ Chemotherapy of Parasitic Diseases—cont’d

Parasite Infection Chemotherapeutic Agent Adverse Reactions*
Trypanosoma West African sleeping Suramin¶ or Rash, pruritus, vomiting, paresthesias,
gambiense sickness shock, peripheral neuropathy
Pentamidine isethionate (Early) Breathlessness, dizziness, headache,
Hemolymphatic disease tachycardia, vomiting, itching
CNS disease Melarsoprol (Late) Encephalopathy, vomiting, neuropathy, rash,
myocarditis, hypertension
Trypanosoma rhodesiense East African sleeping sickness Suramin¶ or Rash, pruritus, vomiting, paresthesias,
shock, peripheral neuropathy
Hemolymphatic disease Pentamidine isethionate (Early) Breathlessness, dizziness, headache,
CNS disease tachycardia, vomiting, itching
Melarsoprol or Encephalopathy, vomiting, neuropathy, rash,
myocarditis, hypertension
Tryparsamide and Suramin¶ Nausea, vomiting
(Late) Rash, pruritus, vomiting, paresthesias,
shock peripheral neuropathy
Wuchereria bancrofti Filariasis, Bancroft’s filariasis Diethylcarbamazine or Allergic and febrile reactions resulting from
death of the worm
Ivermectin¶ Skin rash, itching, nontender tissue swelling

* Most common adverse reactions are noted in boldface.

† Not recommended for pregnant women or children younger than 2 years of age.
‡ Available as Rochhagan (Roche, Brazil).
§ Nifurtimox is no longer manufactured but is available from CDC in selected cases.
¶ Available from CDC Drug Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA 30333.
** Several other alternative drugs are available for treating malaria, including mefloquine, Halofantrine, and Artemether. See The Medical Letter for further details.
ABBREVIATIONS: CNS: central nervous system; G6PD: glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; GI: gastrointestinal

FOR REVIEW 4. True or False. Malaria has been eradicated in the

United States; therefore, there is no danger of it becom-
1. List three methods used to control parasitic diseases ing reestablished in the future. Explain your answer.
and explain how each method can lead to disease

5. List the objectives of a patient treatment program and

explain why some asymptomatic individuals should
2. Explain how education can help control disease. be treated and why some symptomatic patients
should not be treated.

3. Seven guests had severe diarrhea for several days

about 1 week after attending a country club banquet. 6. Explain how a radical cure differs from a clinical cure
Laboratory tests confirmed that all patients were when treating malaria.
infected with Cryptosporidium spp. This situation
describes either an example of an endemic or epi-
demic. Circle the correct answer and explain your
choice. 7. What information could you give to a traveler who is
planning a trip to Africa where chloroquine resistant
malaria is endemic?
2543_Ch08_167-182.qxd 10/15/11 2:28 PM Page 181

CHAPTER 8 ■ Control and Treatment of Parasitic Disease 181

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Using separate sheets of paper, answer the following questions. Allow 90 minutes to complete
this text. Except when indicated, all questions are worth 1 point each. A satisfactory score
is 80% or more. Answers are given in the next section.

1. State the scientific name for the parasites illustrated below. (5 points)
1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.

2543_Final Exam_183-188.qxd 10/15/11 2:29 PM Page 184


2. Draw the life cycle for each parasite given below. 6. The intermediate host for Taenia saginata is:
(10 points) a. Pig
a. Ascaris lumbricoides b. Cow
b. Diphyllobothrium latum c. Human
c. Trypanosoma cruzi d. Bear
d. Enterobius vermicularis e. Sheep
e. Leishmania donovani
7. Which of the following are the diagnostic
3. A patient was treated with immunosuppressant morphologic characteristics for Entamoeba
drugs during a kidney transplant and subsequently histolytica? (Choose all that apply.)
exhibited symptoms of two parasitic infections. a. Centrally located karyosome
Which were they? (2 points)
b. A micronucleus and macronucleus
a. Ascaris lumbricoides
c. Large glycogen vacuole
b. Toxoplasma gondii
d. Flagella
c. Schistosoma mansoni
e. Large karyosome with a faintly visible nuclear
d. Strongyloides stercoralis membrane
e. Plasmodium falciparum f. Ingested red blood cells

4. Which one of the following parasites is not found 8. Which of the following require no intermediate
most prevalently in North or South America? host? (Choose all that apply.)
a. Trypanosoma cruzi a. Hymenolepis nana
b. Leishmania braziliensis b. Giardia lamblia
c. Necator americanus c. Strongyloides stercoralis
d. Mansonella ozzardi d. Trichuris trichiura
e. Paragonimus westermani e. Schistosoma mansoni

5. For each parasite given, select its most common 9. Which cestode produces an operculated egg?
body location in humans. Choices may be used more
a. Taenia saginata
than once. (5 points)
b. Hymenolepis nana
a. Schistosoma 1. Blood
mansoni c. Diphyllobothrium latum
2. Liver
b. Clonorchis d. Echinococcus granulosus
3. Intestine
sinensis e. Taenia solium
4. Striated muscle
c. Trichura 5. Skin
trichiura 10. A stained blood smear reveals giant platelets and
6. Lymph nodes many reticulocytes containing Schüffner’s dots, large
d. Leishmania ring forms, and schizonts with 12 to 24 merozoites.
7. Heart muscle
braziliensis You would report this parasite as:
8. Eye
e. Trypanosoma a. Plasmodium vivax
b. rhodesiense 9. Bladder veins
b. Plasmodium falciparum
f. Echinococcus 10. Intestinal veins
granulosus c. Plasmodium ovale
11. Subcutaneous tissue
g. Endolimax d. Plasmodium malariae
12. Macrophages
nana e. Babesia spp.
h. Plasmodium
vivax 11. When purged specimens are to be examined for
amebae, which of the following should be used to
i. Strongyloides obtain the specimen?
a. Barium salts
j. Loa loa
b. Castor oil
c. Fleet Phospho-Soda
d. Mineral oil
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12. A stained fecal smear reveals mononucleate The parasite causing this infection is:
flagellates with a comma-shaped posterior, and a. Plasmodium vivax
lemon-shaped mononucleate cysts with a clear,
b. Plasmodium malariae
nipplelike bleb at one end. You would report this
parasite as: c. Plasmodium falciparum
a. Trichomonas hominis d. Plasmodium ovale
b. Chilomastix mesnili
17. Cercariae of this parasite penetrate the skin of
c. Trichomonas vaginalis humans, thereby causing infection.
d. Giardia lamblia a. Fasciolopsis buski
e. Endolimax nana b. Heterophyes heterophyes
c. Schistosoma japonicum
13. Infection with Brugia malayi is best diagnosed by:
d. Paragonimus westermani
a. Zinc-sulfate flotation concentration
b. Cellophane tape test 18. These two infections were found by stool
c. Xenodiagnosis examination of a child who had a history of eating
d. Trichrome staining of a fecal smear dirt. (2 points)
e. Knott concentration test a. Trichinella spiralis
b. Ascaris lumbricoides
14. All but one of the following are methods of human c. Paragonimus westermani
infection with Toxoplasma gondii. Which of the
d. Trichuris trichiura
following is not a method of toxoplasmosis
infection? e. Taenia solium
a. Mosquito bite
19. Recovery in human feces of a 7-mm-long gravid
b. In utero transmission proglottid containing eight lateral uterine branches
c. Ingestion of oocyst indicates infection with:
d. Ingestion of pseudocyst in meat a. Hymenolepis nana
e. Ingestion of trachyzoite in milk b. Diphyllobothrium latum
c. Echinococcus granulosus
15. Which of the following conditions is not a zoonotic
d. Taenia saginata
e. Taenia solium
a. Scabies
b. Swimmer’s itch 20. This parasite was found in the blood smear of a
c. Tropical eosinophilic lung patient who had a recent summer vacation in
d. Visceral larval migrans New England and reported many insect and tick bites.
e. Cutaneous larval migrans a. Plasmodium vivax
b. AIDS virus
16. A patient traveled last summer to Africa and has a c. Phthirus pubis
spiking fever every third day. Stained blood smears
d. Babesia spp.
reveal the following:
21. Pinworm disease can be best diagnosed by using:
a. The formalin-ethyl acetate concentration method
b. The cellophane tape test
c. A direct fecal smear preparation
d. None of these
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22. A small, operculated egg with a light bulb shape 27. Which of the following intestinal protozoa is not
was found in the feces of a patient with liver identified as a causative agent of diarrhea?
abnormalities. a. Entamoeba histolytica
a. Fasciola hepatica b. Dientamoeba fragilis
b. Paragonimus westermani c. Giardia lamblia
c. Fasciolopsis buski d. Balantidium coli
d. Clonorchis sinensis e. Entamoeba coli

23. Mature trophozoites and young schizonts in a blood 28. Which of these could be identified from the bloody
smear show a distinct tendency toward band sputum of an immigrant from the Far East?
formation and the red blood cells are not enlarged.
a. Fasciola hepatica
a. Plasmodium vivax
b. Clonorchis sinensis
b. Plasmodium malariae
c. Paragonimus westermani
c. Plasmodium falciparum
d. Fasciolopsis buski
d. Plasmodium ovale
29. Control of a flea infestation is different from control
24. Which of these could be found in the feces of a of lice. Why?
patient complaining of abdominal distress and
a. Fleas are much more resistant to insecticides
b. Fleas reproduce off the host, laying eggs in the
a. Giardia lamblia
b. Trichomonas vaginalis
c. Fleas are larger than lice
c. Chilomastix mesnili
d. Fleas do not need a blood meal
d. Trichomonas tenax
30. In clinical cases of Wuchereria bancrofti, the most
25. Only one of the following parasites produces eggs favorable time to find parasites in the blood is:
that are immediately infective to humans and the
a. Early morning
eggs infect a person directly via ingestion. Which
is it? b. Middle of the night
a. Schistosoma mansoni c. Late afternoon
b. Enterobius vermicularis d. Any time
c. Trichuris trichiura
31. Match the disease with the causative parasite.
d. Clonorchis sinensis (4 points)
e. Taenia saginata a. Creeping eruption 1. Dirofilaria spp.
b. Visceral larval 2. Anisakis spp.
26. Match the arthropod vectors with the appropriate
migrans 3. Angiostrongylus spp.
organism. (5 points)
c. Tropical 4. Toxocara spp.
a. Mosquito 1. Loa loa
(Culex spp.) 2. Onchocerca volvulus 5. Ancylostoma
d. Eosinophilic caninum
b. Black fly 3. Trypanosoma meningitis
(Simulium spp.) b. rhodesiense
c. Mango fly 4. Diphyllobothrium 32. All of the following except one are best diagnosed
(Chrysops spp.) latum by identification in a blood smear. Which one is
d. Crustacean 5. Wuchereria bancrofti not?
(Cyclops spp.) a. Trypanosoma b. gambiense
e. Tsetse fly b. Babesia microti
(Clossina spp.)
c. Plamodium falciparum
d. Onchocerca volvulus
e. Wuchereria bancrofti
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33. All of the following except one infect humans by 37. The head of the scolex of Diphyllobothrium latum:
entrance of the infective stage through the skin. a. Is armed with hooks
Which one has a different route of entrance?
b. Has a retractable rostellum
a. Schistosoma japonicum
c. Has four suckers
b. Strongyloides stercoralis
d. Has two sucking grooves
c. Ancylostoma duodenale
d. Necator americanus 38. The egg of which of the following has a large lateral
e. Heterophyes heterophyes spine?
a. Schistosoma haematobium
34. Match the following with the appropriate question. b. Clonorchis sinensis
(10 points)
c. Fasciola hepatica
1. Entamoeba histolytica
d. Schistosoma mansoni
2. Entamoeba coli
3. Endolimax nana 39. Which of the following is the best transport
4. Iodamoeba bütschlii preservative for protozoa or flagellate trophozoites?
5. Dientamoeba fragilis a. Zinc sulfate
a. Which ameba trophozoite feeds on red blood b. Formalin and ethyl acetate
cells? c. Polyvinyl alcohol
b. Which ameba has a nucleus with a heavy d. Iodine
chromatin ring and an eccentrically located
karyosome? 40. The cysticercus larva form is found where noted as
c. Which ameba has a nucleus with an even part of the life cycle of which parasite?
chromatin ring and a centrally located a. On aquatic vegetation; Fasciola hepatica
karyosome? b. In fish muscle; Diphyllobothrium latum
d. Which ameba has up to four nuclei in a c. In pork muscle; Taenia solium
round cyst?
d. In mosquitoes; Dracunculus medinensis
e. Which ameba cyst contains a glycogen
vacuole? 41. Which of these Platyhelminthes infect humans
f. Which ameba has a nucleus with a large through ingestion of undercooked fish? (You may
karyosome and a chromatin ring that is not choose more than one answer.) (5 points)
visible? a. Clonorchis sinensis
g. Which ameba does not form cysts? b. Paragonimus westermani
h. Which ameba causes intestinal ulcers and c. Diphyllobothrium latum
bloody dysentery?
d. Heterophyes heterophyes
i. Which ameba can invade the liver and cause
e. Schistosoma mansoni
pathology in that organ?
f. Echinococcus granulosus
j. Which ameba forms the smallest cyst?
42. Babesia spp. is transmitted to humans by:
35. The trichrome stain is used to identify:
a. The bite of an infected tick
a. Blood protozoa
b. The bite of an infected fly (Chrysops spp.)
b. Helminth eggs in feces
c. Ingestion of a cyst
c. Intestinal protozoa
d. The bite of an infected mosquito (Anopheles spp.)
d. Antibodies to tissue parasites
43. Name two zoonotic infections caused by:
36. Following are listed sources of error that may affect
(6 points)
a quality smear stained for parasites. Identify the
one that is not a source of error. a. Nematodes
a. Blood smear too thick b. Protozoa
b. Blood smear too new c. Platyhelminthes
c. Stain buffer has wrong pH
d. Wrong timing during staining
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44. Which of the following causes primary amoebic 47. Which of the following exhibits diurnal periodicity?
meningoencephalitis? a. Wuchereria bancrofti
a. Entamoeba histolytica b. Brugia malayi
b. Babesia spp. c. Loa loa
c. Naegleria spp. d. Onchocerca volvulus
d. Sarcocystis spp.
e. Acanthamoeba spp. 48. Following is a final centrifuge tube appearance for
two different concentration techniques. Indicate
45. Because you are responsible for parasite control on where the parasites are found in each tube and
an island, you chemically treat the small freshwater state what concentration technique each tube
lake for snails, but you accidently dump in too represents. (5 points)
much chemical and kill every living thing in the
lake. Your action breaks the life cycle and controls
the spread of which of the following parasites?
(Choose all correct answers.) (5 points)
a. Fasciolopsis buski
b. Taenia solium
c. Schistosoma mansoni
d. Diphyllobothrium latum
e. Hymenolepsis nana

46. Which of the following requires two different

intermediate hosts in its life cycle?
a. Clonorchis sinensis
b. Schistosoma mansoni
c. Trichuris trichiura
d. Loa loa
e. Echinococcus granulosus
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CHAPTER 1 (dog or cat hookworm) or other helminths under

1. b 6. a the skin of humans. Larval migration is marked
by thin, red papular lines of eruption. Also
2. d 7. d
termed creeping eruption.
3. c 8. b
b. Diurnal. Occurring during the daytime.
4. c 9. a
c. Diagnostic stage. A developmental stage of the
5. c 10. c pathogenic organism that can be detected in
11. a = 3; b = 5; c = 1; d = 2; e = 4 human body secretions, discharges, feces, blood,
12. a. Vector. Any arthropod or other living carrier that or tissue by chemical means or microscopic
transports a pathogenic microorganism from an observation as an aid in diagnosis.
infected to a noninfected host. d. Infective stage. The stage of a parasite at which
b. Host. The species of animal or plant that harbors it is capable of entering the host and continuing
a parasite and provides some metabolic development within the host.
resources to the parasitic species. e. Prepatent stage. The time elapsing between
c. Proglottid. One of the segments of a tapeworm; initial infection with the parasite and
each contains male and female reproductive reproduction by the mature parasite.
organs when mature. 4. d 11. b
d. Definitive host. Animal in which a parasite 5. b 12. c
passes its adult existence, sexual reproductive 6. a 13. c, c, d, a
phase, or both.
7. d 14. c & a, d, e, b & a
e. Operculum. The caplike cover on certain
8. b 15. d
helminth eggs.
9. c 17. b
CHAPTER 2 10. c
1. a. Hexacanth embryo. A tapeworm larva having six
hooklets; also termed onchosphere; found in all
Taenia spp. eggs.
b. Hermaphroditic. Having both male and female
reproductive organs within the same individual.
All tapeworms have both sets of reproductive
organs in each segment of the adult (i.e., all
adult tapeworms are hermaphroditic).
c. “Armed” scolex. Crown of hooks on anterior end
of a tapeworm; causes attachment to the wall of
the intestine of a host by means of suckers and
hooks (e.g., Taenia solium).
d. Proglottid. One of the segments of a tapeworm
2. a. Wuchereria bancrofti (all adult tapeworms form proglottids). Each
proglottid contains male and female reproductive
b. Culex or Anopheles spp. mosquito
organs when mature.
c. Blood specimen, stained thick and thin smears;
e. Hydatid cyst. A vesicular structure formed by
concentrate the specimen by centrifugation;
Echinococcus granulosus larvae in the intermediate
serology also helpful
host; contains fluid, brood capsules, and daughter
3. a. Cutaneous larval migrans. A disease caused cysts in which the scolices of potential tapeworms
by the migration of larvae of Ancylostoma spp. are formed.

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2. a. 5 (4) 4. a. 5 9. b
b. 4 b. 4 10. c
c. 7 c. 1 11. b
d. 2, 1 d. 7 12. a
e. 10 (4) e. 6 13. c
3. a. Hymenolepis nana f. 2 14. b
g. 3 15. e
5. a 16. d
6. c 17. b
7. c 18. a
8. b

1. 1 Egg
b. Diphyllobothrium latum 2 Miracidium
3 Sporocyst
4 Redia
5 Cercaria
6 Metacercaria
7 Adult
2. d. Possible contact with sheep-transmitted,
sheepdog-transmitted, and freshwater
c. Taenia saginata fish-transmitted parasites
a. No contact with pigs. No contact with snails or fish
hosts of Oriental lung fluke
b. No contact with snails or host S. mansoni or hosts
of C. sinensis
c. No contact with snail hosts of S. japonicum
e. No contact with snails or fish hosts of
H. heterophyes
d. Taenia solium 3. a. 1. Fasciolopsis buski (large intestinal fluke)
2. Clonorchis sinensis (Chinese liver fluke)
3. Schistosoma mansoni (Manson’s blood fluke)
b. 1. Human eats metacercariae on uncooked water
2. Human eats metacercariae on uncooked fish.
3. Cercariae penetrate skin.
e. Echinococcus granulosus 4. Method of infection with blood flukes (schistosomes)
is by penetration of the skin by cercariae in fresh water.
Prevention of infection with blood flukes therefore
requires prohibiting human feces or urine from
contaminating fresh water, controlling the snail
population, not entering contaminated water without
protection, treating carriers with drugs, and educating
the public.
Prevention of infection with intestinal flukes requires
cooking all fish and crustaceans thoroughly, washing
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water plants such as watercress and water chestnuts g. Pseudocyst. A cystlike structure formed by the
thoroughly, educating people about methods of host during an acute infection with Toxoplasma
infection and about not contaminating fresh water gondii. The cyst is filled with tachyzoites in
with human waste, treating carriers, and controlling normal hosts; may occur in brain or other
the snail population. tissues. Latent source of infection that may
5. b 11. a become active if immunosuppression occurs.
6. b 12. b h. L.D. body (Leishman-Donovan body). Each of
the small ovoid amastigote forms found in tissue
7. a 13. e
macrophages of the liver and spleen in patients
8. d 14. a with Leishmania donovani infection.
9. b 15. a i. Paroxysm. The fever-chills syndrome in malaria.
10. b Spiking fever corresponds to the release of
merozoites and toxic materials from the
CHAPTER 5 parasitized RBC; shaking chills occur during
1. a. 4 g. 2 schizont development. Occurs in malaria
cyclically every 36 to 72 hours, depending on the
b. 7 h. 9, 10
c. 14 i. 1
j. Atrium. An opening; in a human, refers to the
d. 8 j. 3 mouth, vagina, and urethra.
e. 11 k. 6 5. a. Bite of Phlebotomus spp.
f. 5, 1, 2 l. 12 b. Ingestion of cyst in contaminated water or food
2. Entamoeba histolytica is morphologically identical c. Infected feces of Triatoma spp. rubbed into bite
to Entamoeba dispar except E. histolytica or conjunctiva
trophozoites will have ingested RBCs; E. dispar
d. Ingestion of oocyst, trophozoite, or pseudocyst;
never ingests RBCs. Further confirmation can be
congenital transmission
made using immunologic procedures.
e. In men, sexual intercourse; in women,
3. In trophozoite: Study differential characteristics
contamination with infectious material from
of size, consistency, and inclusions (bacterial or
RBCs) in cytoplasm, directional versus random
motility, shape of pseudopodia, or staining f. Ingestion of cyst in contaminated water or food
characteristics of nuclear structures. In cysts: Study g. Tick bite
differential characteristics of size, number of nuclei, h. Bite of Anopheles mosquito; contaminated blood
nuclear structure, shape of chromatoid bodies, or injection
i. Bite of Glossina spp.
4. a. Trophozoite. The motile stage of a protozoon
j. Bite of Phlebotomus spp.
that feeds, multiplies, and maintains the colony
within the host.
b. Cyst. The immotile stage protected by a cyst wall
P. vivax
formed by the parasite. In this stage, the
protozoon is readily transmitted to a new host.
c. Sporozoite. The form of Plasmodium that
develops inside the sporocyst, invades the
salivary glands of the mosquito, and is
transmitted to humans.
d. Schizogony. Asexual multiplication of
Apicomplexa; multiple intracellular nuclear
division precedes cytoplasmic division. P. malariae
e. Carrier. A host harboring and disseminating a
parasite but exhibiting no clinical signs or
f. Oocyst. The encysted form of the ookinete;
occurs on the stomach wall of the Anopheles
spp. mosquitoes infected with malaria.
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P. falciparum CHAPTER 7
1. False—1 or 2 is sufficient for helminths, 3 to 6 for
suspected amebiasis or giardiasis.
2. True
3. False—not all intestinal protozoa form cysts;
trophozoites die and hookworm eggs may hatch if
specimen is not rapidly preserved.
4. True
7. d 17. a 5. False—oil enemas make examination impossible.
8. d 18. d 6. False—other species of parasites may also be
9. b 19. b present.
10. d 20. a 7. Low light for contrast; unstained amebae are
11. e 21. e translucent.

12. e 22. d 8. First thing in the morning before washing or

defecation because generally pinworms deposit
13. c 23. a eggs at night.
14. b 24. d 9. Formalin-ethyl acetate; sedimentation of parasite
15. a 25. b stages. Zinc sulfate; flotation, based on differential
16. d specific gravity of parasite and the liquid medium.
For procedures, see pages 143 to 146.
CHAPTER 6 10. 1.18 to 1.20; hydrometer
1. a. 5 d. 3 11. Schistosome eggs, infertile ascaris eggs, operculated
b. 6 eggs
e. 2
c. 1 12. Ether or ethyl acetate
2. a. 5 f. 3 13. Thin: little distortion but hard to find the parasites.
b. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 Thick: distortion but easier to find the parasites
g. 3
c. 4 14. Place slide in distilled water until hemoglobin color
h. 1 disappears from slide.
d. 6 i. 7 15. Cytoplasm is light blue-green or pink for
e. 5 j. 2 E. histolytica, more purplish for E. coli. Karyosomes
3. All flea stages develop to maturity in the stain ruby red.
environment rather than on the host, as is the case 16. Disodium phosphate and monosodium phosphate,
with lice. Therefore, treatment for fleas must include pH 7.0
treating the host and chemically treating the rooms
of the house. For lice, the primary treatment is to 17. Microsporidia spores (1 to 2 ␮m) stain red with
the infected individual, although personal items modified acid-fast stains. Final identification must
such as combs, bedding, and towels must also be be confirmed using a modified trichrome stain,
disinfected. fluorescent antibody, or other antibody techniques.

4. Annoyance, allergic reaction, blood loss, toxins or 18. a. Antibody methods use patient serum to detect
venom in bites, secondary bacterial infections, circulating antibody against the parasite in
transmission of a variety of microorganisms by question. Results can confirm exposure to the
mechanical or biological methods, loss of food parasite and, in some cases (e.g., toxoplasmosis),
crops, loss of animal productivity, and myiasis. can help determine the stage of the infection.

5. d b. Antigen methods are used to detect and identify

13. a particular parasites found in clinical specimens,
6. b 14. b such as feces or urine. A wide range of methods
7. a 15. c are used for both groups including EIA, ELISA,
8. e 16. d and IIF. DNA probes and polymerase chain
9. c reaction techniques are also used.
17. b
10. e 19. a. 2, 4
18. b
11. c b. 5
19. d
12. d c. 6
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d. 4 22. c 24. a
e. 7 23. b 25. b
f. 4 24. b 26. a = 5; b = 2; c = 1; d = 4; e = 3
g. 7 25. a 27. e
h. 4 28. c
20. a 29. b
21. d 30. b
31. a = 5; b = 4; c = 1; d = 3
32. d
1. Trichuris trichiura
33. e
Necatur americanus (or Ancylostoma braziliense)
34. a = 1; b = 2; c = 1; d = 1; e = 4; f = 3; g = 5;
Taenia solium or Taenia saginata h = 1; i = 1; j = 3
Ascaris lumbricoides 35. c
Plasmodium vivax 36. b
Schistosoma japonicum 37. d
Entamoeba histolytica 38. d
Paragonimus westermani 39. c
Giardia lamblia 40. c
Trichomonas vaginalis 41. a, c, d
2. a. Ascaris lumbricoides life cycle (p. 17) 42. a
b. Diphyllobothrium latum life cycle (p. 44) 43. a. Ancylostoma spp., Angiostrongylus spp., Anisakis
c. Trypanosoma cruzi life cycle (p. 92) spp., Capillaria philippinensis, Dirofilaria spp.,
d. Enterobius vermicularis life cycle (p. 14) Gnathostoma spp., Gongylonema pulchrum,
Thelazia spp., Toxocara spp.
e. Leishmania donovani life cycle (p. 94)
b. Trypanosoma spp., Sarcocystis spp., Leishmania
3. b, d
spp., Toxoplasma gondii, Babesia spp.
4. e
c. Fasciola hepatica, swimmer’s itch, Echinococcus
5. a = 10; b = 2; c = 3; d = 12, 5, 11; e = 1; f = 2; granulosus, Hymenolepis diminuta, Dipylidium
g = 3; h = 1, (2); i = 3; j = 8, 1 caninum, sparganosis, cysticercosis
6. b 15. a 44. c
7. a, f 16. b 45. a, c, d
8. a, b, c, d 17. c 46. a
9. c 18. b, d 47. c
10. a 19. e 48. a. Parasites at the top of the fluid: flotation method
11. c 20. d b. Parasites at the bottom of the tube:
12. b 21. b sedimentation method
13. e 22. d
14. a 23. b
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CHAPTER 2 afternoon and evening hours. If blood were drawn in

CASE 2–1 the morning, parasites would not be seen and the
diagnosis would have been missed.
1. The physician evidently suspected Enterobius
vermicularis (pinworm) infection when ordering the 3. The primary mosquito vector is found in the genus
cellophane tape test. This procedure is correct for Mansonia. Other vectors include Anopheles spp.
identification because the female worm leaves the mosquito.
anus and releases eggs outside the intestine. 4. Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi cause
2. Pinworm infection is acquired by ingesting infective obstruction of the lymphatics, which may lead to
eggs that are found in dust, bed linens, and other lymph edema of the feet, ankles, and inguinal area,
surfaces where airborne eggs have landed. Infected resulting in swelling of the lower extremities and
individuals may reinfect themselves by ingesting eggs scrotum in men. Elephantiasis is more severe in
after scratching the perianal region (autoreinfection). W. bancrofti. When swelling is seen in B. malayi, it is
Occasionally, eggs may hatch in the perianal region, usually found below the knee or in the elbow. In this
where larvae may migrate back into the rectum and case, the anemia and renal symptoms are related to
large intestine to become adults (retroinfection). other causes.

3. Dientamoeba fragilis may be transmitted along with

CASE 2–4
Enterobius vermicularis.
1. Ascaris lumbricoides, Ancylostoma duodenale,
CASE 2–2 Necator americanus, and Strongyloides stercoralis
are all nematode parasites that have a lung phase
1. Ascaris lumbricoides, the large intestinal roundworm
in their life cycle.
2. When infective eggs are swallowed, they hatch in
2. Strongyloides stercoralis (threadworm)
the stomach and small intestine. Larvae penetrate
the intestinal mucosa and move to the liver via the 3. The adult worm lives in the small intestine; eggs
portal blood vessels. The blood then carries larvae hatch in the intestine, releasing noninfective larvae
through the heart to the lungs. After further that are either shed in feces or mature to become
maturation, they migrate into the bronchioles, are infective larvae. Infective larvae penetrate skin (from
coughed up to the pharynx, and are swallowed to contaminated soil) or the intestinal lining directly
return to the intestine where they become adults. (autoreinfection). In both cases, larvae are carried to
the lung, where they break out of the capillary into
3. Trichuris trichiura (whipworm) can be harbored
the alveoli. Larvae are coughed up and swallowed,
along with Ascaris lumbricoides because infection
completing the life cycle. Long-standing infections
is also acquired by ingesting infective eggs from
are maintained by the patient’s immune system and
contaminated soil.
the autoreinfection phase of the life cycle. When the
4. A fecal concentration method should be performed to immune system becomes compromised by disease
confirm the infection and to rule out other parasites. processes (e.g., HIV infection) or intentionally, as in
5. Adult worms are active migrators, especially when this case, the autoreinfection cycle becomes more
provoked by fever, some drugs, or anesthesia. The active and disease symptoms increase.
worms’ migration can trigger vomiting or the worms 4. More severe lung symptoms and invasion of the
may exit out of the patient’s mouth, nose, or anus. It is central nervous system can occur in these patients
important to treat the Ascaris infection first because if treatment is not successful.
drugs used to treat other infections, including parasites,
may only stress the ascarid, leading to serious CASE 2–5
consequences related to its migratory behavior.
1. Trichinella spiralis (trichinosis)

CASE 2–3 2. Periorbital edema and eosinophilia are classic signs

associated with this disease.
1. Brugia malayi (Malayan filaria)
3. Tissue biopsy of skeletal muscle, especially the
2. This parasite exhibits nocturnal periodicity, meaning
gastrocnemius (outer lower leg muscle), or serology
that microfilaria are found in the blood in the late
should be used to confirm the diagnosis.
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4. Complete cooking of pork or, in this case, bear meat 4. Eggs may also be recovered in feces if the patient
is critical. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has swallowed infected sputum. Diagnosis may be
regulations for conventional oven cooking state that made or confirmed when eggs are observed in feces.
“all part of pork muscle tissue must be heated to a
temperature not lower than 137ºF (58.3ºC). CHAPTER 5
Contaminated pork roasts cooked in microwave CASE 5–1
ovens may still have viable larvae because of uneven
1. Trichomonas vaginalis
heating by this cooking method. Freezing the meat in
a home freezer for 20 days or more at 5ºF (-15ºC) is 2. This trophozoite is transferred from host to host
usually sufficient to kill encysted larvae. Trichinella by sexual intercourse. Cysts are not formed by this
nativa, although rarely encountered, resists freezing; parasite.
therefore, freezing cannot be relied on to destroy 3. Men are generally asymptomatic but may have
all Trichinella spp. larvae. urethral discharges containing trophozoites.
4. All sexual partners should be treated to prevent
CHAPTER 3 reinfection.
CASE 3–1
1. Diphyllobothrium latum (broadfish tapeworm) CASE 5–2
2. The pleurocercoid larva encysted in muscle tissue 1. Cryptosporidium parvum. Oocysts are round and
of freshwater fish is infective for humans if raw fish measure 4 to 6 ␮m in diameter.
is ingested. When the pleurocercoid reaches the 2. Immunocompetent adults have abdominal
intestine, the tapeworm’s scolex emerges and symptoms, anorexia, and 5 to 10 frothy bowel
attaches to the intestinal mucosa. Maturation and movements per day. The diarrhea is self-limiting,
growth lead to the formation of tapeworm segments. usually lasting about 2 weeks. The disease may last
Other parasites that have encysted infective forms in longer in infants and young children who suffer
fish muscle include Clonorchis sinensis, Heterophyes more than adults because the multiple episodes
heterophyes, and Metagonomus yokogawai. The (fewer than 10 per day) of diarrhea often lead to
zoonotic nematode infection caused by Capillaria severe dehydration and weight loss. Treatment is
philippinensis is acquired by ingesting infective larva directed toward rehydrating the patient and
encysted in freshwater fish. maintaining electrolyte balance. Immunocompetent
3. Infections are usually asymptomatic, but individuals patients do not receive chemotherapeutic agents
(especially Scandinavians) with long-standing but paromomycin is used to suppress relapses in
infections may have abdominal distress and, in AIDS patients.
rare cases, develop pernicious anemia because 3. Children in day-care centers are at greater risk of
of the tapeworm’s utilization of the patient’s infection because toys often become fecally
vitamin B12. contaminated by infected toddlers who do not know
how to practice good hygiene. These toys may be
CHAPTER 4 touched or mouthed by other children who then
CASE 4–1 become infected. Furthermore, day-care workers who
do not practice good hygiene when changing diapers
1. Paragonimus westermani (the Oriental lung fluke)
of infected children may then spread the disease to
2. The physician ordered the examination because the others through food handling or other items used by
patient’s travel history included Japan, an endemic the children.
area for this parasite. Crayfish, an intermediate host
4. When the diarrhea is completely resolved, the child
in Paragonimus westermani’s life cycle, were eaten
may return to day care.
by the patient, possibly exposing the patient to this
parasite. The mature fluke lives in the lung and
CASE 5–3
releases eggs, which are coughed up by the patient.
Sputum should be examined for the presence of 1. Plasmodium vivax (tertian malaria)
eggs. Groups of eggs may resemble iron filings 2. When present, Schüffner’s dots suggest Plasmodium
macroscopically; therefore, it is important to examine vivax or P. ovale. Geographic clues also suggest the
any reddish brown, bloody areas found in the type of parasite involved in the infection. In this case,
specimen. P. vivax is probable because P. ovale is found most
3. Snails serve as the first intermediate host and crabs commonly in Africa. Other characteristics include
or crayfish serve as the second intermediate host in invasion of reticulocytes (bluish appearance of RBCs
this life cycle. Humans become infected after eating is noted), ameboid trophozoites, and 18 to 24
the undercooked intermediate host. merozoites in the mature schizont.
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3. The patient acquired this infection from the bite of 4. Entero-Test, duodenal aspirates, and immunologic
an infected Anopheles spp. mosquito. methods are other ways used to detect this parasite.
4. The patient could have avoided this infection by
sleeping under an insecticide-treated bed net, by CASE 5–5
using insect repellents, and by taking chloroquine 1. Entamoeba histolytica
phosphate as a prophylactic before, during, and after 2. E. histolytica is identified by the following: Size—
returning from the endemic area. trophozoite and cyst = 10 to 20 mm Nucleus—cyst =
one to four nuclei; small centrally located karyosome
CASE 5–4 with fine, spoke-like chromatin radiating outward to
1. Giardia lamblia the nuclear membrane in both cysts and trophozoites
2. The boys probably acquired the infection by drinking Chromatoid bars with rounded ends in cysts. Ingested
the treated water because G. lamblia cysts are RBCs in trophozoite differentiates E. histolytica from
resistant to chlorine. Filtration and iodine treatment E. dispar, which does not ingest RBCs
of stream water provide better protection against this 3. E. histolytica may invade the liver, causing abscesses,
parasite. and, less commonly, may invade the brain, skin, or
3. Giardia does not appear consistently in the feces. other tissues.
Periods of high excretion often alternate with periods 4. This infection was probably acquired either by
of low excretion; therefore, it may be necessary to drinking contaminated water or by eating
collect several specimens over an extended period to contaminated food.
diagnose this disease.
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A Artifacts, A33–A34
Ascaris lumbricoides (large intestinal
Cestoda, 4, 37–50, A9–A14
case study, 48
Acanthamoeba spp. (granulomatous amebic
roundworm), 3, 17–19, A3–A4 definition of, 38
encephalitis), 75–76, 81t
Atlas, A1–A35 Diphyllobothrium latum (broadfish
Acarina (ticks and mites), 129–130
Atria, 81 tapeworm), 44–45, A11–A12
definition of, 70 Echinococcus granulosus (hydatid
Argasidae, 130
Autoreinfection, 15 tapeworm), 46–48, A13–A14
Ixodidae, 130
definition of, 10 glossary, 38
Sarcoptidae, 130
Axoneme, 82 Hymenolepis nana (dwarf tapeworm),
morphology and life cycles, 129–130
definition of, 70 41–42, A9–A10
Accidental host, 4
Axostyle, 82 overview, 38–39, 39t–40t
definition of, 2
definition of, 70 post-test, 48–50
Accolé, definition of, 70
Taenia saginata (beef tapeworm), 42–44,
Acetabula, 52
African eyeworm (Loa Loa), A7–A8 B A9–A12
Taenia solium (pork tapeworm), 42–44,
Agar plate culture for Strongyloides stercoralis, Babesia microti, 104, A31–A32
154–155 Babesia species, 103–104, A31–A32
Chagas’ disease (Trypanosoma cruzi), 92–94
Amastigote, 89, A23 Balantidium coli, A25–A26
Chemical vector control strategies, 170
definition of, 70 Bancroft’s filaria (Wuchereria bancrofti),
Chemotherapy of parasitic diseases,
Amebae, 72t, 76–77, 78t–81t, A17–A21 A7–A8
Amebiasis, treatment of, 173 Bedbugs (Cimex lectularius), 125
Chilomastix mesnili, 88, A23–A24
Anaphylaxis, 46 Beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata), 42–44,
Chinese or Oriental liver fluke (Clonorchis
definition of, 38 A9–A12
sinensis), 57–58
Ancylostoma duodenale (Old World Bees, 124
Chitin, 120
hookworm), 19–21, A5–A6 Benign tertian malaria (Plasmodium vivax),
Chromatin, definition of, 70
Anoplura (lice), 127–128 102, 102t, A25–A28, A35
Chromatoid bars (or bodies), 73
Anorexia, 42 Biological and environmental control
definition of, 70
definition of, 38 strategies, 170–171
Cilia, 72
Antibody testing, 158 Biological transfer of disease, 124
definition of, 70
Antigen detection, 156, 157t–158t Bites and stings, 124–125
Ciliata, A25–A26
Ants, 124 Black widow spider (Latrodectus mactans),
Ciliophora, 5
Apical complex, 5 124
definition of, 70
definition of, 2 Blepharoplast, definition of, 70
Cimex lectularius (bedbugs), 125
Apicomplexa, 5 Blood flukes (Schistosoma spp.), 54t, 63–66,
Clinical laboratory procedures,
definition of, 70 A17–A18
Arachnida, 5, 129–130 Blood-smear preparation and staining for
fecal examination. See Fecal examination
definition of, 120 blood parasites, 152–154
immunodiagnostic methods,
order Acarina (ticks and mites), 129–130 Bradyzoites, 105
Argasidae, 130 definition of, 70
antibody testing, 158
Arthropod, 5, 71 Broad capsules, definition of, 38
antigen detection, 156, 157t–158t
definition of, 70 Broadfish tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium
destruction of the parasite, 156
Arthropoda, 5, 119–135, 120 latum), 44–45, A11–A12
immune response, 155–156
class Arachnida, 126f, 129–130 Brood capsules, 46
immunologic and serologic techniques,
order Acarina (ticks and mites), Brown recluse spider (Loxosceles reclusa),
129–130 124–125
potential errors, 158
classification, 126f Brugia malayi (Malayan filaria), A7–A8
support services and commercial
class Insecta, 126–129, 126f, 131f–132f Buccal capsule (cavity), 11
resources, 158, 159t–161t
order Anoplura (lice), 127–128 definition of, 10
miscellaneous specimen processing, 150,
order Diptera (flies and mosquitoes), Bursa, 11
151t, 152–155
126–127 definition of, 10
Agar plate culture for Strongyloides
order Siphonaptera (fleas), 128
stercoralis, 154–155
definition of, 120 C blood-smear preparation and staining
glossary, 120 Capitulum, 129 for blood parasites, 152–154
insect morphology, 126–132 definition of, 120 Knott technique for concentrating
overview, 120–126, 121t–122t Carrier, definition of, 2 microfilariae, 154
controlling insects, 125 Case study answer key, 195–197 modified Kinyoun acid-fast stain (cold
disease transmission, 124 Cellophane tape test for pinworm, 150 method), 152
insects as parasites, 124–125 Centipedes, 124 protozoa culture media, 155
life cycle, 120, 123f Cercaria, 52 overview, 138, 139t
post-test, 133–134 definition of, 52

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post-test, 163–164 Cyclospora spp., 107, A33–A34 Elephantiasis, 29

reagent preparation, 161–163 Cypris, 129 definition of, 10
D’Antoni iodine stain, 161 definition of, 120 Embryophore, definition of, 38
10% formalin, 161 Cyst, definition of, 70 Encephalitozoon hellem, A33–A34
Giemsa buffer, 162 Cysticercoid, 42 Endemic disease, definition of, 168
Giemsa stain, 161–162 definition of, 38 Endolimax nana, A21–A22
iron hematoxylin stain, 162–163 Cysticercus, 43 Endoparasite, 4
Kinyoun carbolfuchsin, 163 definition of, 38 definition of, 2
Loffler alkaline methylene blue, 163 Cytostome, 96 Endoplasm, definition of, 70
modified trichrome stain for definition of, 70 Endosome, 72
microsporidia, 162 definition of, 70
polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), 161
1% sulfuric acid, 163
D Entamoeba coli, A19–A24
Entamoeba dispar, A17–A20
D’Antoni iodine stain, 161
trichrome stain, 162 Entamoeba hartmanni, A19–A20
Definitive host, 4
zinc sulfate solution, 161 Entamoeba histolytica, 76–77, 78t, A17–A20
definition of, 2
specimen transport procedures, 138 Enteritis, 20
Dermatitis, definition of, 10
Clonorchis sinensis (Oriental or Chinese liver definition of, 10
Diagnostic stage, definition of, 10
fluke), 57–58, A15–A16 Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm), 14–15,
Dientamoeba fragilis, 85–86, A21–A22
Coccidia, 105–108, 108t A1–A2
Differential diagnosis, definition of, 2
Commensalism, 4 Enterocytozoon spp., A33–A34
Digenea, 4, 51–68, A13–A18
definition of, 2 Entomology, 126
case study, 66
Concentration techniques for parasite definition of, 120
Clonorchis sinensis (Oriental or Chinese
stages in feces, 143–146 Eosinophilia, 11
liver fluke; opisthorchis), 57–58,
flotation methods, 145–146 definition of, 10
sedimentation method, 143–145 Epidemic, definition of, 168
definition of, 52
Control and treatment of parasitic disease, Epidemiology, 2, 168
Fasciola hepatica (sheep liver fluke),
167–182 Epimastigotes, 92
55–57, A13–A14
controlling parasitic disease, 168–171 definition of, 70
Fasciolopsis buski (large intestinal fluke),
biological and environmental control Errors, potential, 158
55–57, A13–A16
strategies, 170–171 Excystation, definition of, 70
glossary, 52
chemical vector control strategies, 170 Exflagellation, definition of, 70
Heterophyes heterophyes, 59–60
human behavior and culture, 171 Exoskeleton, 120
heterophyids, 59–60
malaria control strategies, 170 Metagonimus yokogawai, 59–60
miscellaneous control strategies, 171 overview, 52–53, 54t–55t F
glossary, 168 Facultative parasite, 4
Paragonimus westermani (Oriental lung
overview, 168, 175, 176t–180t definition of, 2
fluke), 61–62, A15–A16
treating parasitic disease, 172–175 Fasciola hepatica (sheep liver fluke), 55–57,
post-test, 66–68
amebiasis, 173 A13–A14
Schistosoma spp. (blood flukes), 63–66,
filariasis, 173 Fasciolopsis buski (large intestinal fluke),
flagellates, 173 55–57, A13–A16
Diphyllobothrium latum (broadfish
general considerations, 172–173 Fecal examination, 138–150
tapeworm), 44–45, A11–A12
helminths, 173 cellophane tape test for pinworm, 150
Diptera (flies and mosquitoes), 126–127
immunocompromised patients, concentration techniques for parasite
Disability-adjusted life year (DALY), 3
174–175 stages in feces, 143–146
Disease, 2
leishmaniasis, 174 flotation methods, 145–146
definition of, 2
malaria, 174 sedimentation method, 143–145
transmission, 124
protozoa, 173–174 general considerations, 138–141
Diurnal, 27
trypanosomiasis, 173–174 macroscopic examination, 141
definition of, 10
Controlling insects, 125 microscopic examination, 141–143
Dracunculus medinensis (Guinea worm),
Copepod, 45 direct wet mount, 141–142
25–26, A9–A10
definition of, 38 ocular micrometer calibration,
Dwarf tapeworm (Hymenolepis nana), 41–42,
Copulatory spicules, 11 142–143
definition of, 10 permanent staining procedures,
Dysentery, 72
Coracidium, definition of, 38 146–149
definition of, 70
Corticated, definition of, 10 iron hematoxylin stain for intestinal
Costa, definition of, 70 protozoa, 148–149
Crustacea, 120 E modified trichrome stain for
Cryptosporidium parvum, 106, A33–A34 East African sleeping sickness (Trypanosoma microsporidia, 147–148
Cryptozoite, 98 brucei rhodesiense), 89–91 trichrome stain for intestinal protozoa,
definition of, 70 Ecdysis, 129 146–147
Ctenidia, 128 definition of, 120 Fecundity, 11
definition of, 120 Echinococcus granulosus (hydatid tapeworm), definition of, 10
Cutaneous, 89 46–48, A13–A14 Filaria, definition of, 10
definition of, 70 Ectoparasite, 4 Filariae: tissue nematodes, 26–30, 26t–27t
Cutaneous larval migrans, 20 definition of, 2 general life cycle, 26–27
definition of, 10 Ectoplasm, definition of, 70 Filariasis, treatment of, 173
Cuticle, 11 Edema, 20, 23 Filariform, 11
definition of, 10 definition of, 10 Filariform larva, definition of, 10
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Filarioidea, 26 Immunocompromised, 22, 30, Isospora belli, A31–A32

Final examination, 183–188 174–175 Ixodidae, 130
answers, 193 definition of, 10
Flagellates, A21–A25
treatment, 173
Immunodiagnostic methods, 155–158
antibody testing, 158
Karyosome, 72
Flagellum, 81 antigen detection, 156, 157t–158t definition of, 70
definition of, 70 destruction of the parasite, 156 Kinetofragminophorea, 5, 96–98
Fleas (Siphonaptera), 128 immune response, 155–156 Kinetoplast, definition of, 70
Flies and mosquitoes (Diptera), 126–127 immunologic and serologic techniques, Kinetoplastida, 89–96, A23–A26
Flukes. See Digenea 156 Leishmania spp. (leishmaniasis), 94–96,
Fomites, definition of, 70 potential errors, 158 A23–A26
Formalin, 161 support services and commercial Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (West
Formalin-ethyl acetate method, resources, 158, 159t–161t African sleeping sickness), 89–91
143–144 Immunologic and serologic Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense (East
techniques, 156 African sleeping sickness), 89–91
G Immunosuppressed state,
definition of, 10
Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas’ disease),
Gametes, 99 92–94, A25–A26
Incidental host, 4
definition of, 70 Kinyoun carbolfuchsin, 163
definition of, 2
Gametocyte, 98 Knott technique for concentrating
Incubation period, 11
definition of, 70 microfilariae, 154
definition of, 10
Gametogony, definition of, 70
Infections, 2
Generic name, definition of, 2
Genus, definition of, 2 Infective stage, definition of, 10 L
Infestation, definition of, 2 Large intestinal fluke (Fasciolopsis buski),
Giardia lamblia (flagellate), 83–84,
Insecta, 5, 120, 126–129, 126f, 131f–132f 55–57, A13–A16
definition of, 120 Large intestinal roundworm (Ascaris
Giemsa buffer, 162
order Anoplura (lice), 127–128 lumbricoides), 3, 17–19, A3–A4
Giemsa staining, 152–154, 161–162
order Diptera (flies and mosquitoes), Larva, 11
Granulomas, 60
126–127 definition of, 10
definition of, 52
order Siphonaptera (fleas), 128 Latrodectus mactans (black widow spider),
Granulomatous amebic encephalitis
Insect morphology, 126–132 124
(Acanthamoeba spp.), 75–76, 81t
Instar, 129 L.D. body (Leishman-Donovan body), 89
Gravid, 15
definition of, 120 definition of, 70
definition of, 10
Intermediate host, 4, 26 Leishmania braziliensis (New World
Guinea worm (Dracunculus medinensis),
definition of, 2, 10 leishmaniasis), 94–96, A23–A26
25–26, A9–A10
Intestinal nematodes, 12–26, 12t–13t, Leishmania donovani, 94–96, A23–A24
A1–A10 Leishmania mexicana, 94–95
H Ancylostoma duodenale (Old World Leishmaniasis, 94–96, 174, A23–A26
Helminths, 4 hookworm), 19–21, A5–A6 Leishmania spp. (leishmaniasis), 94–96,
global morbidity and mortality rate Ascaris lumbricoides (large intestinal A23–A26
estimates, 3t roundworm), 3, 17–19, A3–A4 Leishmania tropica (Old World
Helminths, treatment of, 173 Dracunculus medinensis (Guinea worm), leishmaniasis), 94–96, A23–A24
Hermaphroditic, 38 25–26, A9–A10 Lice (Anoplura), 127–128
definition of, 38 Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm), 14–15, Life cycle, 11–12, 12f, 120, 123f, 168
Hermaphroditic flukes, 54t A1–A2 definition of, 10
Heterophyes heterophyes, 59–60 Necator americanus (New World Loa Loa (African eyeworm), 26t–27t,
Heterophyids, 59–60 hookworm), 19–21, A5–A6 A7–A8
Hexacanth embryo, 39 Strongyloides stercoralis (threadworm), Lobosea, 5, 72–81, 72t
definition of, 38 21–22, 154–155, A5–A8 Acanthamoeba spp. (granulomatous
Hookworm, 3, A3–A6 Trichinella spiralis (trichina worm), 23–25, amebic encephalitis), 75–76, 81t
Host, 4 A7–A8 Entamoeba histolytica, 76–77, 78t,
definition of, 2 Trichuris trichiura (whipworm), 3, 16–17, A17–A20
Human behavior and culture, 171 A1–A4 Naegleria fowleri (primary amebic
Hydatid cyst, 46 Introduction, 1–7 meningoencephalitis), 74–75, 81t
definition of, 38 classification of parasites, 4–5 Loffler alkaline methylene blue, 163
Hydatid sand, 46 glossary, 2 Löffler’s syndrome, 17
definition of, 38 overview, 2–4, 3t Loxosceles reclusa (brown recluse spider),
Hydatid tapeworm (Echinococcus granulosus), parasitology, 4 124–125
46–48, A13–A14 hosts, 4
Hymenolepis nana (dwarf tapeworm), 41–42, types of parasites, 4 M
A9–A10 pre-test, 6–7 Malaria, 170, 174
Hypnozoites, 99 using this textbook, 5–6 global morbidity and mortality rate
definition of, 70 Invertebrates, 120 estimates, 3t
definition of, 120 Malaria (Plasmodium species), 100–104, 102t,
I In vitro, definition of, 2 A25–A32, A35
Imago, 129 In vivo, definition of, 2 Malayan filaria (Brugia malayi), A7–A8
definition of, 120 Iodamoeba bütschlii, A21–A22 Malignant subtertian malaria (Plasmodium
Immune response, 155–156 Iron hematoxylin stain, 148–149, 162–163 falciparum), A29–A32, A35
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Mastigophora, 81–88, 82t New World leishmaniasis (Leishmania Parthenogenic, 22

definition of, 70 braziliensis), 94–96, A23–A26 definition of, 10
Mechanical transfer of disease, 124 Nonpathogenic intestinal flagellates, 88–110 Patent, definition of, 71
Merogony, definition of, 70, 71 case studies, 112–113 Pathogenic, definition of, 2
Merozoites, definition of, 70 class Kinetofragminophorea, 96–98 Pathogenicity, definition of, 2, 168
Metacercaria, 52 class Sporozoa, 98–104, 98t, A25, Pathognomonic, 15
definition of, 52 A27–A35 definition of, 10
Metagonimus yokogawai, 59–60 Babesia spp., 103–104, A31–A32 Pediculosis, definition of, 120
Metamorphosis, 120, 123f Plasmodium species (malaria), 100–104, Periodicity, 27
complete, 123f 102t, A22–A32, A35 definition of, 10
definition of, 120 Kinetoplastida, 89–96 Permanent staining procedures (fecal
incomplete, 123f Leishmania spp. (leishmaniasis), 94–96, examination), 146–149
Metazoan, 4 A23–A26 iron hematoxylin stain for intestinal
definition of, 2 Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (West protozoa, 148–149
Metozoites, 98 African sleeping sickness), 89–91 modified trichrome stain for
Microfilaria, 26 Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense (East microsporidia, 147–148
definition of, 10 African sleeping sickness), 89–91 trichrome stain for intestinal protozoa,
Microsporidia, 108–110, 109t Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas’ disease), 146–147
Millipedes, 124 92–94, A25–A26 Pharmacodynamics, 172
Miracidium, 52 Microsporidia, 108–110, 109t Pica, 17
Mites and ticks. See Acarina Pneumocystis carinii, 110 definition of, 10
Modified Kinyoun acid-fast stain (cold post-test, 114–116 Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis), 14–15,
method), 152 subclass Coccidia, 105–108, 108t A1–A2
Modified trichrome stain for microsporidia, Cryptosporidium spp., 106–107, A33–A34 cellophane tape test for, 150
147–148, 162 Cyclospora cayetanensis., 107 infection, 169
Molt, definition of, 10 Cystoisospora (Isospora) belli, 106 Plasmodium falciparum (malignant subtertian
Mosquitoes and flies (Diptera), 126–127 Sarcocystis spp., 106, A31–A32 malaria), 101, 102t, A29–A32, A35
Myiasis, 125 Toxoplasma gondii, 105–106, A31–A32 Plasmodium knowlesi, 102t
definition of, 120 Nosocomial, definition of, 70 Plasmodium malariae (quartan malaria), 101,
Nymph, 120 102t, A29–A30, A35
Plasmodium ovale, 102t
N O Plasmodium species (malaria), 100–104, 102t,
Naegleria fowleri (primary amebic A25–A32, A35
Obligatory parasite, definition of, 2
meningoencephalitis), 74–75, 81t Plasmodium vivax (benign tertian malaria),
Occult, definition of, 10
Nauplius, 129 102, 102t, A25–A28, A35
Old World hookworm (Ancylostoma
definition of, 120 Platyhelminthes, 4
duodenale), 19–21, A5–A6
Necator Americanus (New World Plerocercoid, 45
Old World leishmaniasis (Leishmania
hookworm), 19–21, A5–A6 definition of, 38
tropica), A23–A24
Nemathelminthes, 4 Pneumocystis carinii, 110
Onchocerca volvulus, A7–A8
Nematoda, 4, 9–36, A1–A10 Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), 161
Oncosphere, 39
case studies, 32–34 Pork tapeworm (Taenia solium), 42–44,
definition of, 38
definition of, 10 A9–A12
1% sulfuric acid, 163
filariae: tissue nematodes, 26–30 Prepatent period, definition of, 10
Oocyst, 99
Filariae, 26t–27t, 28–30 Preservatives for stool specimens,
definition of, 70
general life cycle, 26–27 138, 139t
Ookinete, 99
glossary, 10–11 Primary amebic meningoencephalitis
definition of, 70–71
intestinal nematodes, 12–26, 12t–13t (Naegleria fowleri), 74–75, 81t
Operculum, definition of, 38
Ancylostoma duodenale (Old World Procercoid, 45
Oriental lung fluke (Paragonimus
hookworm), 19–21, A5–A6 definition of, 38
westermani), 61–62, A15–A16
Ascaris lumbricoides (large intestinal Proglottid, 39
Oriental or Chinese liver fluke (Clonorchis
roundworm), 3, 17–19, A3–A4 definition of, 38
sinensis), 57–58
Dracunculus medinensis (Guinea worm), Promastigote, definition of, 71
25–26, A9–A10 Protozoa, 5, 69–117
Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm), P class Lobosea, 72–81, 72t
14–15, A1–A2 Paragonimus westermani (Oriental lung Acanthamoeba spp. (granulomatous
Necator americanus (New World fluke), 61–62, A15–A16 amebic encephalitis), 75–76, 81t
hookworm), 19–21, A5–A6 Parasitemia, definition of, 2 Entamoeba histolytica, 76–77, 78t,
Strongyloides stercoralis (threadworm), Parasites A17–A20
21–22, 154–155, A5–A8 classification of, 4–5 Naegleria fowleri (primary
Trichinella spiralis (trichina worm), insects as, 124–125 amebic meningoencephalitis),
23–25, A7–A8 Parasitism, 4 74–75, 81t
Trichuris trichiura (whipworm), 3, definition of, 2 culture media, 155
16–17, A1–A4 Parasitology, 4 definition of, 71
overview, 11–12, 12f hosts, 4 glossary, 70–71
post-test, 34–35 types of parasites, 4 nonpathogenic intestinal flagellates.
zoonoses, 30, 31t–32t, 32 Parenchyma, 38 See Nonpathogenic intestinal
New World hookworm (Necator americanus), Paroxysm, 98 flagellates
19–21, A5–A6 definition of, 71 overview, 71–72, 110t–112t
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superclass Mastigophora, 81–88, 82t Schistosomule, definition of, 52 Toxoplasma gondii, 105–106, A31–A32
Dientamoeba fragilis (intestinal Schizogony, 98 Transport host, 4, 42
flagellate), 85–86, A21–A22 definition of, 71 definition of, 2, 38
Giardia lamblia (flagellate), 83–84, Schizont, 98 Trematoda, definition of, 52
A23–A24 definition of, 71 Trematodes, 54t–55t
Trichomonas vaginalis (atrial flagellate), Scientific name, definition of, 2 Trichinella spiralis (trichina worm), 23–25,
86–88, A23–A24 Scolex, definition of, 38 A7–A8
treatment, 173–174 Scorpions, 124–125 Trichomonas hominis, 88
Pruritus, 15 Scutum, definition of, 120 Trichomonas vaginalis (atrial flagellate),
definition of, 10 Seatworm (Enterobius vermicularis), 14–15, 86–88, A23–A24
Pseudocysts, 105 A1–A2 Trichrome stain, 146–147, 162
definition of, 71 Serology, definition of, 2 Trichuris trichiura (whipworm), 3, 16–17,
Pseudopod, definition of, 71 Sheep liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica), 55–57, A1–A4
Pseudopodia, 72 A13–A14 Trophozoite, 72
Pupa, 129 Siphonaptera (fleas), 128 definition of, 71
definition of, 120 Sparganosis, 45 Tropical eosinophilia, 29
PVA (polyvinyl alcohol), 161 definition of, 38 definition of, 10
Species, 4 Trypanosoma, A23, A25–A26
Q definition of, 2
Specimen transport procedures, 138
Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (West African
sleeping sickness), 89–91
Quality of life (QoL), 3
Spiders, 124–125 Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense (East African
Quartan malaria (Plasmodium malariae),
Sporocyst, 52, 71 sleeping sickness), 89–91
A29–A30, A35
Sporogony, 98 Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas’ disease), 92–94,
definition of, 71 A25–A26
R Sporoplasm, 108 Trypanosomiasis, treatment of,
Racemose, 43 definition of, 71 173–174
definition of, 38 Sporozoa, 98–104, 98t, A25, Trypomastigote, 89
Reagent preparation, 161–163 A27–A35 definition of, 71
D’Antoni iodine stain, 161 Plasmodium species (malaria), 100–104,
10% formalin, 161
Giemsa buffer, 162
102t, A25–A32, A35
Sporozoea, 5
Undulating membrane, 82
Giemsa stain, 161–162 Sporozoites, 98
definition of, 71
iron hematoxylin stain, 162–163 definition of, 71
Kinyoun carbolfuchsin, 163 Stings, 124–125
Loffler alkaline methylene blue, 163 Strobilia, 39 V
modified trichrome stain for definition of, 38 Vectors, 2
microsporidia, 162 Strongyloides stercoralis (threadworm), 21–22, Virulence, definition of, 168
1% sulfuric acid, 163 154–155, A5–A8 Viscera, definition of, 38
polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), 161 Subpatent, 89 Visceral larval migrans, definition of, 11
trichrome stain, 162 definition of, 71
zinc sulfate solution, 161
Recrudescence, 103
Sulfuric acid, 163 W
Support services and commercial resources, Wasps, 124
definition of, 71 158, 159t–161t Weingarten’s syndrome, 29
Rectal prolapse, 16 Symbiosis, 4 West African sleeping sickness (Trypanosoma
definition of, 10 definition of, 2 brucei gambiense), 89–91
Redia, definition of, 52 Whipworm (Trichuris trichiura), 3, 16–17,
Relapse, 71, 99
Reservoir host, 4 T A1–A4
Tachyzoites Wuchereria bancrofta (Bancroft’s filaria),
definition of, 2
definition of, 71 A7–A8
Resistance (of parasites to treatment),
Taenia saginata (beef tapeworm), 42–44,
Rhabditiform larvae, 20 A9–A12 X
Taenia solium (pork tapeworm), 42–44, Xenodiagnosis, 92
definition of, 10
A9–A12 definition of, 71
Rostellum, definition of, 38
Tapeworms, 38
Tegument, 38
S Temporary host, 128
Zinc sulfate, 145–146, 161
Sarcocyst, definition of, 71 definition of, 120
Zoomastigophorea, 5
Sarcocystis spp., 106, A31–A32 10% Formalin, 161
Zoonoses, 4, 30, 31t–32t, 32
Sarcodina, definition of, 71 Test questions answer key,
definition of, 2
Sarcomastigophora, 5 189–193
Zygote, 99
Sarcoptidae, 130 Threadworm (Strongyloides stercoralis),
definition of, 71
Schistosoma spp. (blood flukes), 52, 63–66, 21–22, 154–155, A5–A8
A17–A18 Ticks and mites (Acarina),
Schistosomiasis, 169–170 129–130

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