17480-Mind Flayers of Thoon
17480-Mind Flayers of Thoon
17480-Mind Flayers of Thoon
By Jeff Ibach
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy for personal use only . MIND FLAYERS OF THOON
Everything you need to bring the alien cult of Thoon to your game.
Thoon ‘flayers work behind the scenes infiltrating settlements to mine their precious
quintessence, used to spawn and power their construct enforcers.
This sourcebook presents ten unique monster designs...not just the same illithid with
different weapons and gear, but newly imagined mind flayers, their henchmen and
goons. There’s also a Thoon Thrall Template to expand your creature possibilities.
And if all that isn’t enough there is also a Warlock Otherworldy Patron tied to
Thoon Disciple 10 6
Shadow Flayer 8 8
Thoon Infiltrator 5 9
Thoon Thrall 1 11
Thoon Soldier 8 13
Madcrafter of Thoon 10 14
Scyther of Thoon 6 16
Stormcloud of Thoon 5 17
Thoon Hulk 13 18
Thoon Elder Brain 12 19
Frequently Asked Questions n/a 21
Working Thoon Into Your Game n/a 21
Otherworldy Patron: Thoon n/a 22
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All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Jeff Ibach and published under the Community Content Agreement for
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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy for personal use only . MIND FLAYERS OF THOON
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy for personal use only . MIND FLAYERS OF THOON
I am an infiltrator,
working my way among an
unknowing populace for
Thoon originated from the talented authors at my Thoon masters. I con-
Wizards of the Coast who penned the D&D trol the thralls.
3rd Edition “Monster Manual 5”. It does pre-
sent a great alternate way to use mind flayers
and their new minions in adventures and sto-
I’m a Thoon thrall. I’m
Honestly, I’m not sure what the catalyst was. screwed. I live life
Perhaps someone said “let’s see how many until awakened by an
times we can print the word Thoon in the
infiltrator, then I
same book.” Because it’s in there 666 times,
or if not, an awful lot. fight ‘till I explode.
I am a disciple of
Thoon. I’m a mind flayer
I am a Thoon soldier.
that’s been granted
I’m not too bright but I
cleric spells and I am
have mastered using
the direct link to Thoon.
quintessence to kill you.
I am a shadow
flayer. I am a spy
and hunter for
Thoon through
the disciples.
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I am a madcrafter of
Thoon. I’m really big and I am a Scyther of
I spawn scythers and Thoon, a construct of a
stormclouds to protect madcrafter with
myself and the enclave. scythes in both hands.
I am a Thoon hulk.
I was alchemically
twisted into this.
Thoon hulk smash!
ud of
s t o rmclo uct
I’m a a c onstr r.
h o o n. Als a d c rafte
T yam for
ned b oking
spaw d l o
aroun ence.
I fly ess
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Mind Flayer Clerics. Apart from the Thoon elder
brain, Thoon disciples have the closest connec-
tion with the mysterious presence of Thoon. De-
voted to whatever ideals they think Thoon sup-
ports, these clerics provide healing and divine
magic to other mind flayers of Thoon. Regard-
less, Thoon disciples are similar to normal mind
flayers, requiring no metamorphosis or change to
become what they are.
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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy for personal use only . MIND FLAYERS OF THOON
Bred of Shadow. Shadow flayers started as nor-
mal mind flayers, and through one of their selec-
tive breeding projects likely involving ‘things’ from
the Shadowfell, these creatures were purposed
for subterfuge and stealth.
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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy for personal use only . MIND FLAYERS OF THOON
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy for personal use only . MIND FLAYERS OF THOON
Foot Soldiers. Thoon thralls are the rabble of the
secret cabal the Thoon infiltrators work with.
They remain in their humanoid guise until re-
vealed or commanded into battle. They then go
under a final transformation and go out with a lit-
eral blast. Their appearance goes completely un-
changed except when it starts regenerating,
when the alchemical treatments they received
start coursing through their veins and warping
their skin.
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THOON THRALL TEMPLATE Once a thrall ends its dormancy, it can’t return to a
“Thoon thrall” is an acquired template that can be dormant state. Due to its unique regeneration, a
added to any corporeal humanoid creature that a thrall cannot survive out of dormancy for long.
Thoon infiltrator could reasonably render helpless
for 1 minute (referred to hereafter as the “base Immolate: When a thrall is fully healed and has
creature”). temporary hit points equal to or greater than half its
Abilities: Same as base creature except Str +6, full normal hit points, it might explode, unable to
Dex +2, Con +2, Wis –2, Cha –2. contain the energy inside. At the end of each of its
AC: Increases by 1. turns, it must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution
Alignment: Neutral evil. saving throw. If it fails, it explodes, dealing 14 (4d6)
Challenge Rating: Same as base creature +1 points of fire damage to all creatures within a 10-
Hit dice: Increase by 2. foot-radius. The explosion kills the thrall. A thrall
Languages: A Thoon thrall can communicate tele- can voluntarily fail this save, but it does so only on
pathically with a Thoon infiltrator. a direct order from a Thoon infiltrator.
Senses: Darkvision 60 feet if it doesn't already
have better. Regeneration: The thrall regains 10 hit points at
Speed: When not dormant, a Thoon thrall’s speed the start of its turn. If the thrall takes acid or fire
increases by 10 feet in whatever mode the creature damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of the
most often employs (usually land speed). thrall's next turn. The thrall dies only if it starts its
turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate. A
Dormancy: A thrall spends most of its time in a thrall can gain hit points beyond its full normal hit
dormant state. When it is dormant, a thrall’s regen- points as temporary hit points. A thrall’s skin begins
eration doesn’t function, and the thrall doesn’t
to blister and swell when this happens. Once its
move at full speed. It appears exactly as it did be-
temporary hit points equal or exceed half its full
fore an infiltrator turned it into a thrall. As an action,
a thrall can end its dormancy and vein-like growths normal hit points, a thrall must make a DC 13 Con-
emerge from its skin. If an infiltrator is within 100 stitution saving throw every round or explode.
feet, a thrall can end its dormancy as a reaction.
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I Obey. Thoon soldiers are formed within co-
coons that must be supplied with quintessence
by their makers. When it emerges from a cocoon,
it simply finds the nearest ally and awaits orders.
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Fugly. A madcrafter of Thoon is nearly 20 feet long
and weighs around ten tons, with sluglike movement
and humanoid hands for intricate working. It wears a
harness with a collection of canisters, each containing
a glowing, green fluid. The front of its body seems like
it is all mouth—a maw dripping with caustic goo. A
madcrafter of Thoon is a living factory for some of the
quintessence-fueled constructs employed by the mind
flayers of Thoon.
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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy for personal use only . MIND FLAYERS OF THOON
Dangerous Appearance. A scyther of Thoon is
about 5-1/2 feet tall and weighs 250 pounds. Its
slumped posture when walking gives it a lumber-
ing gait. They are best used in small groups
where they can be most effective.
Flying Gatherers. Stormclouds of Thoon are
constructs spawned by madcrafters to hunt down
sources of quintessence for them. A stormcloud
of Thoon floats a few feet off the ground. It
weighs in around 100 pounds and its tentacles
are about 6 feet long. They have eyelike struc-
tures near the front of its egg-shaped head. The
tentacles that protrude in a jumble from the bot-
tom of a stormcloud’s head makes their tremors-
ense possible.
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Crafted Through Alchemy to Kill. Dark legends
of the illithids speak of the odd experiments they
put their victims through. However, explorers of
the deepest Underdark discovered they have no
remorse against performing the same experi-
ments on their own kind. Thoon hulks are the
product of alchemical and psychic enhancement.
Their minds are dulled, their powers enhanced,
and their bodies stretched to the limits of physical
endurance, an ordeal that keeps it permanently
on the brink of madness. A Thoon hulk is 10 feet
tall and weighs 1,000 pounds. Its masses of mus-
cle and carefully crafted arm-axes clearly set it
apart from normal illithids.
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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy for personal use only . MIND FLAYERS OF THOON
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy for personal use only . MIND FLAYERS OF THOON
Otherworldy Patron: THOON dom check with proficiency against the DC.
Should you succeed, one quintessence die
You've somehow managed to connect your mind (explained in the next segment) will be added to
to that of Thoon's. Maybe you were a wizard's your total, not to exceed the maximum amount.
apprentice whose experiments went too far, or a
particularly strong-willed Thoon Thrall who had Harvesting From DC
their free will restored in exchange for service to Person 15
your patron. Place 20
Thing 12
Whatever the reason, you now command the
power of quintessence. It is a fickle magic to QUINTESSENCE
wield, lashing out at its user as equally as its tar- Starting at first level, you have access to magical
get. But those willing to pay its price can manipu- abilities fueled by quintessence dice. There are
late themselves and the world around them to six quintessense abilities, each one a manifesta-
devastating effect. tion of a character ability.
THOON EXPANDED SPELLS Rather than gaining new patron features at 6th,
The following spells are added to the warlock 10th, and 14th levels, your quintessence dice im-
spell list for you: prove, as do the number of quintessense abilities
you have access to.
Spell Level Spells
Your pool of quintessence dice is equal to your
1st command, dissonant whispers Charisma modifier (minimum of 1).
2nd blur, phantasmal force QUINTESSENCE DICE
10th d10 4
At 1st level, you gain resistance to mind-affecting 14th d12 5
spells. At tenth level, you are immune to any
20th d12 all
spells that would turn your will against that of
your patron (eg. charm, command, dominate per- QUINTESSENT ABILITIES
son). At 1st level, you have access to three quintes-
sense abilities of your choice from the following
QUINTESSENT SIGHT list. You can choose to swap out one ability for
You have the ability to detect the presence of another each time you level up.
quintessence in an object or person. You can
cast detect quintessence (detailed below) without Strength. When hitting a creature with a physical
expending a spell slot, and you can see an aura attack (ranged or melee), you may use your bo-
of quintessence around a person, place or thing. nus action to roll any amount of quintessence
Note most of the Thoon creations can also see dice and add the amount shown as necrotic dam-
this quintessence aura by casting the detect age. You take half of that damage rounded down.
magic spell.
Strength. When hitting a creature with a
Upon discovering the presence of quintessence, physical attack (ranged or melee), you may
you can attempt to harvest it by making a Wis-
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use your bonus action to roll any amount of person with quintessence and attempting to har-
quintessence dice and add the amount shown vest it from them.
as necrotic damage. You take half of that
damage rounded down. NEW SPELL
The sorcerer, warlock, and wizard spell list con-
Dexterity. If you would be hit with an attack, tains a new spell: detect quintessence.
you may use your reaction to spend a quin-
tessence die, adding your Wisdom modifier to
your AC until the start of your next turn. Roll 1st-level divination (ritual)
the die and take necrotic damage equal to the Casting Time: 1 action
amount shown. Beginning at 10th level, the Range: Self
bonus to your AC equals your Wisdom modi- Components: V, S
fier + your Charisma modifier. Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
For the duration, you sense the presence of quintes-
Constitution. If you would fail a saving throw, sence within thirty feet of you. People or objects con-
you may use your reaction to add one quin- taining quintessence will appear to have a dark aura
tessence die to your saving throw, taking ne- around them, the intensity of the darkness denoting the
crotic damage equal to the roll. amount of quintessence they contain.
The spell can penetrate most barriers, but it is blocked
Intelligence. If you would deal spell damage by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin
to an enemy (ranged, melee, or save), you sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
may use your bonus action to roll any amount
of quintessence dice and add the amount
shown as necrotic damage. You take half of
that damage rounded down. This ability can-
not be used in the same turn as the Wisdom
Writing and Layout by Jeff Ibach
Editing by Dawn Ibach, Jeff Ibach and Jim Sharkey
with Seth Kelly
Playtesting: Amanda Jose Alderman, Joe Bakter, Katy
Benson, Heather Doughtery, Seth Kelly, Dawn Hilcox
Morton, Jim Sharkey, Scott Thomas, Matt Volz
Otherworldy Patron: Thoon by Katy Benson
Jeff is an ENnie-award winning author behind AEG’s
Toolbox (2002) and Ultimate Toolbox (2009). He’s cur-
rently doing D&D 5e conversion work for Legendary
Contact: jeffibach.DM@gmail.com