TDS - Color Paving Pronto

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r P to
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C P r
Pre-mixed ready to use screed supplied
in bags for creating architectural road
surfaces in exposed aggregate concrete

 olor Paving Pronto D12 - D16 neutral - grey
EN 206:2014 STANDARDS crushed aggregates size 8/12 - 12/16 mm, grey
Ready-mixed Color Paving Pronto screed ensures cementitious matrix;
that surfaces are highly durable by helping concrete –C
 olor Paving Pronto D12 - D16 red - red crushed
mixes achieve exposure class XF3, which means
aggregates size 8/12 - 12/16 mm, red cementitious
they are resistant to freeze/thaw cycles. Surfaces,
therefore, will be resistant to colder winters as
specified by EN 206:2014 standard for this type –C
 olor Paving Pronto D12 - D16 yellow - yellow
of use. crushed aggregates size 8/12 - 12/16 mm, yellow
cementitious matrix;
Color Paving Pronto helps to get high-strength, –C
 olor Paving Pronto D12 - D16 white - white
highly durable, easy-lay concrete to be mixed with crushed aggregates size 8/12 - 12/16 mm, grey
an even, stable coloured cementitious matrix and a cementitious matrix.
lower risk of cracking. –C
 olor Paving Pronto D15 - grey round aggregates
It is suitable for: size 8/15, grey cementitious matrix.
• pavements, access ramps and parking areas in
public and private areas; The entire quantity of all types of Color Paving
• public parks and gardens; Pronto must be added to the mixer without
modifying its characteristics. Add 1.6-2.0 litres
• driveways, small areas used by vehicles, etc. of water every bag of product used.

TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS If Color Paving Pronto concrete is mixed correctly

Ready-mixed, fibre-reinforced, pre-dosed screed by following all the instructions in this Technical Data
made from hydraulic binders, selected crushed Sheet and then laid as specified, surfaces will have
or round aggregates, fine sand, various special the following characteristics:
admixtures, metakaolin and colouring oxides (also • lower risk of micro-cracks due to plastic shrinkage;
available in neutral) according to a formula developed
in the MAPEI Research & Development laboratories. • resistant to freeze/thaw cycles;
Available in 4 standard colours and 2 coarse
aggregate sizes: • easy to lay;
r Pato TECHNICAL DATA (typical values)
lo n
Co Pro

Aggregates colour: grey - red - yellow - white

Colour of cementitious matrix: neutral (grey) - red - yellow

Aggregates size: 8/12 mm crushed aggregates

12/16 mm crushed aggregates
8/15 mm crushed aggregates

• even, stable colour in the cementitious that all the instructions in this Technical
matrix. Data Sheet are carefully followed.


Protective coat of • The minimum thickness recommended Depending on the capacity of mixer
Mapewash Protex on for the layer of architectural finishing
all the substrates
available, pour an amount of Color Paving
concrete with Color Paving Pronto is Pronto into the drum that will allow the
5 cm. concrete to be mixed correctly. Add
1.6-2.0 litres of water for each bag of
• The layer of architectural finish concrete product and mix the concrete until it is
with Color Paving Pronto must be perfectly blended and has the workability
applied on a suitable substrate designed class required (recommended S3 -
according to its final use and the loads 14-15 cm slump).
it will need to withstand. In pedestrian Off-load the mixed concrete into a
areas stabilised, compact soil may be wheelbarrow and take it to the work area.
sufficient. For areas used by vehicles, a Pour the mix onto the prepared substrate
concrete substrate reinforced with rebar after sprinkling it with water, spread the
and/or structural fibres will be required. mix out with a straight-edge using a
sawing motion and finish off any areas that
• Because this type of surface is made are not completely filled with a trowel, or
from concrete, the same rules as for any preferably with a plastering trowel.
other type of concrete flooring regarding
While laying the concrete, apply
design considerations, mixing, laying,
Mapewash PO surface set retarder as
surrounding temperature, curing times,
soon as possible. Apart from delaying
etc. must be applied.
setting of the surface of the concrete, this
Mixing the
architectural concrete • Make sure suitable construction and product also provides sufficient protection
finish using either
shrinkage joints are included, both in to the concrete (curing effect) until the
Color Paving Pronto
the finishing layer and in the concrete washing operations are carried out the
substrate. The joints in the finishing layer following day.
and substrate must have exactly the
same layout. CONSUMPTION
With 25 kg it is possible to make 11.2 litres
• The finishing concrete with Color of concrete (88 bags/m³).
Paving Pronto should be poured using
preferably the wet on wet technique Cleaning
onto the concrete substrate. If it is not Water.
possible to adopt this technique due
to site restrictions or limitations, take PACKAGING
suitable precautions to make sure there 25 kg bags.
is good adhesion between the two layers
(roughen the surface of the substrate, STORAGE
apply a keying primer, place rebar 12 months in its original, closed packaging
between the layers, etc.). in a dry area away from damp.
This product conforms to the prescriptions
• Make sure only the recommended of Reg. (EC) N. 1907/2006 (REACH) -
Pouring Mapei Color amount of mixing water is added and Annex XVII, item 47.
Paving® architectural
TRANSPORT intends to use the product must ensure
No restrictions. beforehand that it is suitable for the
envisaged application. In every case, the
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR user alone is fully responsible for any
PREPARATION AND APPLICATION consequences deriving from the use of
Color Paving Pronto contains cement, the product.
which when in contact with sweat or other
body fluids may cause an irritant alkaline Please refer to the current version of the
reaction and allergic reactions to those Technical Data Sheet, available from our
predisposed. It may damage the eyes. website
During use, wear protective gloves and
goggles and take the usual precautions for LEGAL NOTICE
handling chemicals. If the product comes The contents of this Technical Data
in contact with the eyes or skin, wash Sheet (“TDS”) may be copied into
immediately with plenty of clean water and another project-related document,
seek medical attention. but the resulting document shall not
For further and complete information about supplement or replace requirements
the safe use of our product please refer per the TDS in force at the time of the
to the latest version of our Material Safety MAPEI product installation.
Data Sheet. The most up-to-date TDS can
be downloaded from our website


Although the technical details and DERIVED FROM THIS TDS EXCLUDES
recommendations contained in this THE RESPONSIBILITY OF MAPEI.
product data sheet correspond to the best
of our knowledge and experience, all the All relevant references
above information must, in every case, for the product are available
be taken as merely indicative and subject upon request and from
to confirmation after long-term practical
application; for this reason, anyone who

Application of
Mapewash PO

Washing the surface

Co Pro
lo n


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