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Marble, Granite & Travertine Premium Medium Bed Mortar / TDS-124

Marble, Granite & Travertine Premium Medium Bed Mortar

1 Product Name
Marble, Granite & Travertine Premium Medium Bed Mortar

2 Manufacturer
Custom Building Products
Technical Services
10400 Pioneer Boulevard, Unit 3
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
Customer Support: 800-272-8786
Technical Services: 800-282-8786
Fax: 800- 200-7765
Email: Benefits of Product in the Installation

3 Product Description Formulated for large format natural stone and large tile applications
A premium quality, polymer-modified mortar for small to large format Reduces installation time and labor by eliminating lippage and
natural stone, ceramic or porcelain tile 15" x 15" (38 x 38 cm) or minimizing the need for additional leveling
larger, clay pavers or other thin or medium bed applications. With a Sag and slip resistance immediately holds wall tiles in place
non-slumping formula that eliminates lippage and minimizes leveling
Can be used in thin-set or medium bed applications up to 3/4" (19
requirement, this mortar can be applied for horizontal applications as
thick as 3/4" (19 mm) or for thin bed applications to 1/4" (6 mm). mm)
Exceeds ANSI A118.4 and A118.11 standards without the need for
Note: This product was renamed Natural Stone & Large Tile Premium
Large Format Tile Mortar.

Key Features Limitations to the Product

Supports stone for flat, even floor installations Do not bond directly to hardwood, Luan plywood, particle board,
Won't sag or slip for wall installations parquet, cushion or sponge-back vinyl flooring, metal, fiberglass,
plastic or OSB panels.
Suitable Tile Types When setting moisture sensitive natural stone, cement or agglomerate
Vitreous, semi-vitreous or non-vitreous tile: ceramic, quarry, cement tile use EBM­Lite™ Epoxy Bonding Mortar 100% Solids or CEG­Lite™
body tile, pavers 100% Solids Commercial Epoxy Grout.
Impervious porcelain Do not use to install resin­backed stone use EBM­Lite™ Epoxy Bonding
Brick and stone veneer Mortar 100% Solids, CEG­Lite™ 100% Solids Commercial Epoxy Grout
Cement-based precast terrazzo or contact Custom's® Technical Services for recommendations.
Gauged or ungauged natural stone tile When setting glass tile larger than 6" x 6" (15 x 15 cm), contact
Custom's® Technical Services for recommendations.
Suitable Substrates When setting dimensional stone larger than 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm),
Concrete, mortar beds, masonry, Portland cement plaster contact Custom's® Technical Services for recommendations regarding
WonderBoard® Lite, cement backerboards subfloor deflection requirements.
Liquid-applied and fabric waterproofing membranes such as
RedGard® Waterproofing and Crack Prevention Membrane, Custom®
9240 and RedGard® Fabric Membrane 50 lb (22.68 kg) bag
Crack isolation sheet membranes such as Crack Buster® Pro White
Uncoupling mats such as SpiderWeb® II
Substrates treated with MBP Multi-Surface Bonding Primer 4 Technical Data

Exterior Grade Plywood (interior residential and light commercial dry Applicable Standards
areas) American National Standards Institute (ANSI) ANSI A108.5, A118.4 and
Gypsum wallboard (interior dry areas) A118.11 of the American National Standards for the Installation of
Existing ceramic tile (scarified) Ceramic Tile
Fully-bonded sheet vinyl flooring (scarified) ASTM International (ASTM)
Plastic laminates (scarified)
Cutback adhesive (see preparation instructions)

Composition of Product

Modified dry-set mortar, which is a proprietary blend of Portland

cement, inorganic aggregates, copolymers and chemicals.

Published Date: 10/4/2016

Marble, Granite & Travertine Premium Medium Bed Mortar / TDS-124

Marble, Granite & Travertine Premium Medium Bed Mortar

ASTM C109 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Bonding to Concrete Surfaces
Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in. or [50-mm] Cube Specimens) Concrete or plaster must be fully cured and must accept water
ASTM C627 Standard Test Method for Evaluating Ceramic Floor Tile penetration. Test by sprinkling water on various areas of the substrate.
Installation Systems Using the Robinson-Type Floor Tester If water penetrates, then a good bond can be achieved; if water
beads, surface contaminants are present, and loss of adhesion may
Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) Recommended Work Practices occur. Contaminants should be mechanically removed before
for Removal of Resilient Floor Coverings installation. Concrete must be free of efflorescence and not subject to
Tile Council of North America (TCNA) TCNA Handbook for Ceramic Tile hydrostatic pressure. Concrete slabs should have a coarse finish to
Installation, TCNA Method EJ171 enhance the bond. Smooth concrete slabs must be mechanically
abraded to achieve proper bond.
Technical Chart
Bonding to Lightweight Cement and Gypsum Surfaces
Property Test Requirement Typical Results Lightweight or gypsum-based underlayments must obtain a minimum
Method 2000 psi (13.8 MPa) compressive strength. The underlayment must be
Pot Life 4 Hours sufficiently dry and properly cured to the manufacturer’s specifications
Open Time A118.4 > 20 Minutes Pass for permanent, non-moisture permeable coverings. Surfaces to be
Section 5.3 tiled must be structurally sound and subject to deflection not to exceed
current industry standards. Surfaces shall be free of all grease, oil,
4 Week Shear Bond Strength
dirt, dust, curing compounds, waxes, sealers, efflorescence, or any
Glazed A118.4 > 300 psi 400 - 500 psi other foreign matter.
Wall Tile Section 5.1.5 (28.1 ­ 35.2 kg/cm²)
All Lightweight cement or Gypsum surfaces should be primed. with a
Porcelain A118.4 > 200 psi 300 - 400 psi (21.1 -
properly applied sealer or a primer coat of RedGard, consisting of 1
Tile Section 5.2.4 28.1 kg/cm²)
part RedGard diluted with 4 parts clean, cool water. Mix in a clean
Quarry Tile A118.11 > 150 psi 150 - 200 psi (10.5 - bucket at low speed to obtain a lump free solution. The primer can be
to Plywood Section 4.1.2 14.1 kg/cm²) brushed, rolled or sprayed to achieve an even coat. Apply the primer
coat to the floor at a rate of 300 ft2/gal (7.5 M2/L). Drying time
Environmental Consideration depends on site conditions, but is normally less than 1 hour. Extremely
Custom® Building Products is committed to environmental porous surfaces may require 2 coats. At this point, RedGard can be
responsibility in both products produced and in manufacturing applied to the primed lightweight or gypsum based surface. Refer to
practices. Use of this product can contribute towards LEED® v3 the individual product data sheet or packaging directions for application
certification: instructions. Expansion joints must be installed in accordance with local
building codes and ANSI/TCNA guidelines. Refer to TCNA EJ171.
Up to 2 points towards MR Credit 5, Regional Materials
Bonding to Plywood Surfaces
Up to 2 points towards MR Credit 4, Recycled Content
Up to 1 point towards IEQ Credit 4.1, Low­Emitting Materials – Plywood floors, including those under resilient flooring, must be
Adhesives & Sealants structurally sound and must meet all ANSI A108.01 Part 3.4
requirements. Maximum allowable deflection: L/360 tile L/720 stone.
See TCNA F150-13 tile installations, TCNA F141-13 and F250-13 for
5 Instructions stone. For questions about proper subfloor installation requirements,
General Surface Prep call Custom® Technical Services.
USE CHEMICAL-RESISTANT GLOVES, such as nitrile, when Bonding to Backerboards
handling product.
As an alternative to an additional layer of plywood, WonderBoard Lite
Surfaces must be structurally sound. Remove all grease, oil, dirt, backerboard may be installed over structurally sound plywood
curing compounds, sealers, adhesives or any other contaminant that subfloors for ceramic tile installations. Refer to TCNA F144-13 tile
would prevent a good bond. Glossy or painted surfaces must be installations, TCNA F250-13 stone installations. Call
sanded, or abraded, and stripped of all contaminants. Concrete must Custom® Technical Services when installing natural stone over
be cured 28 days and accept water penetration. Concrete must be free plywood subfloor.
of efflorescence and not subject to hydrostatic pressure. Concrete
slabs should have a coarse finish to enhance the bond. Plywood Bonding to Existing Surfacing Material
flooring including those under resilient flooring must be structurally Resilient flooring or plastic laminates must be well-bonded, as well as
sound and meet all ANSI and deflection requirements. For questions clean and free of all contaminates. Roughen the surface by sanding or
about proper subfloor installation, call Technical Services. Smooth scarifying; rinse and allow to dry. Do not sand flooring that contains
concrete surfaces, existing glazed tile, terrazzo, or polished stone asbestos. For existing well-bonded ceramic tile, mechanically abrade
should be scarified. Sheet vinyl must be well bonded and stripped of the surface. Rinse and allow to dry. When sanding, an approved
old finish. Roughen the surface by sanding or abrading, then rinse and respirator should be used.
allow to dry. Expansion joints should never be bridged with setting
material. Do not sand flooring materials containing asbestos.

Published Date: 10/4/2016

Marble, Granite & Travertine Premium Medium Bed Mortar / TDS-124

Marble, Granite & Travertine Premium Medium Bed Mortar

Bonding to Cutback Adhesive Health Precautions

Adhesive layers must be removed, as they reduce mortar bond This product contains Portland cement and free silica. Avoid eye
strength to cement surfaces. Use extreme caution; adhesives may contact and prolonged contact with skin. Wash thoroughly after
contain asbestos fibers. Do not sand or grind adhesive residue, as handling. If eye contact occurs, flush with water for 15 minutes and
harmful dust may result. Never use adhesive removers or solvents, as consult a physician. Do not breathe dust; wear a NIOSH approved
they soften the adhesive and may cause it to penetrate into the respirator.
concrete. Adhesive residue must be wet scraped to the finished
Conformance to Building Codes
surface of the concrete, leaving only the transparent staining from the
glue. To determine desirable results, do a test bond area before Installation must comply with the requirements of all applicable local,
starting. Refer to the RFCI Pamphlet, "Recommended Work Practices state and federal code jurisdictions.
for Removal of Resilient Floor Coverings", for further information.
6 Availability & Cost
Movement Joint Placement

Movement joints are required for perimeters and other changes of Location Item Code Size Color Package
plane in all installations. Expansion joints, perimeter joints and cold USA MGMM50 50 lb (22.68 kg) White Bag
joints, as described in ANSI A108.01, should never be bridged with
Canada CMGMMG50 50 lb (22.68 kg) Gray Bag
setting material. They must be brought through the tile work and filled
with an appropriate elastomeric sealant, such as Custom's® 100% Canada CMGMM50 50 lb (22.68 kg) White Bag
Silicone. Contact Custom's® Technical Services for the proper
treatment of control or saw cut joints. Refer to TCNA EJ171, F125 and 7 Product Warranty
Custom® Building Products warrants to the original consumer
Mixing Ratios purchaser that its product shall be free from defects in material and
workmanship under normal and proper usage for a period of one year
Mix 6 qts (5.67 L) clean water per 50 lb (22.68 kg) bag of mortar. following the date of original purchase. Custom's® sole liability under
Mixing Procedures this warranty shall be limited to the replacement of the product. Some
states, countries or territories do not allow the exclusion or limitation
Mix by hand or use a low 150-200 RPM speed 1/2" (13 mm) drill to of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or
achieve a smooth, paste-like consistency. Let the mixture slake or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty will not extend to any
stand 5-10 minutes; stir again and use. Stir occasionally, but do not product which has been modified in any way or which has not been
add more water. When properly mixed, troweled ridges will stand used in accordance with Custom's® printed instructions. Custom®
without slump. makes no other warranties either expressed or implied. This warranty
gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights that vary
Application of Product
from state to state or from one country/territory to another. This
Installation must conform to ANSI A108.5. Use a properly-sized notch warranty is not transferrable.
trowel to ensure proper coverage under tiles. Using the flat side of the
When Marble, Granite & Travertine Premium Medium Bed Mortar is
trowel, apply a skim coat of mortar to the surface. With the notch side
used as a part of a qualifying full installation system of CUSTOM
of the trowel held at a 45° angle, apply additional mortar to the
products, the installation can qualify for up to a lifetime system
surface, combing in one direction. Press the tile firmly into place in a
warranty. CUSTOM will repair and/or replace, at its discretion, the
perpendicular motion across ridges, moving back and forth. The
affected area of the system. For more information, find details and
perpendicular motion flattens ridges and closes valleys, allowing
limitations to this warranty at
maximum coverage. With some tile, back-buttering is advisable. Adjust
the tile promptly and beat it in with a beating block and rubber mallet.
8 Product Maintenance
Periodically pull up a tile and check the back to ensure proper adhesive
coverage. If the material has skinned over (not sticky to the touch), Properly installed product requires no special maintenance.
recomb with the notch trowel; if too dry, remove and replace the dry
material with fresh material. Thin Set Mortar should not be used to fill 9 Technical Services Information
low spots in the flooring. Mortar thickness should be less than 3/4" For technical assistance, contact Custom technical services at 800-282-
when beat in. Ambient temperature should be maintained above 50° F 8786 or visit
(10° C) or below 100° F (38° C) for 72 hours to achieve proper bond.
10 Filing System
Curing of Product
Additional product information is available from the manufacturer upon
Allow to cure 24 hours before grouting or light traffic, depending upon request.
temperature and humidity.
Expected Wear
Cleaning of equipment
Properly installed tile will last for more than 60 years.
Clean with water before the material dries.


Store in a cool, dry area.

Published Date: 10/4/2016

Marble, Granite & Travertine Premium Medium Bed Mortar / TDS-124

Marble, Granite & Travertine Premium Medium Bed Mortar

Related Products
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Published Date: 10/4/2016

Marble, Granite & Travertine Premium Medium Bed Mortar / TDS-124

Marble, Granite & Travertine Premium Medium Bed Mortar


Trowel Size Min Coverage Max Coverage

1/4" x 1/4" x 1/4" (6 x 6 x 6 mm) Square-Notch 90 sq. ft. (8.4 M²) 100 sq. ft. (9.3 M²)
1/4" x 3/8" x 1/4" (6 x 9.5 x 6 mm) Square-Notch 63 sq. ft. (5.9 M²) 70 sq. ft. (6.5 M²)
1/2" x 1/2" x 1/2" (13 x 13 x 13 mm) Square-Notch 45 sq. ft. (4.2 M²) 50 sq. ft. (4.6 M²)
3/4" × 9/16" × 3/8" (19 × 14 × 9.5 mm) U­Notch 36 sq. ft. (3.3 M²) 40 sq. ft. (3.7 M²)

Published Date: 10/4/2016

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