Truby - One Hour Drama
Truby - One Hour Drama
Truby - One Hour Drama
Breaking Bad 2–13 Scene List
-Jr. shows Walt and Skylar all the people on the net who have given
money for Walt’s cure that Jr. set up for him
-Jane’s dad, Don, calls Jane to tell her to be ready to go to rehab, he sees
paramedics unloading stretcher
-Walt calls from the bathroom while Skylar and Jr. watch money raised on
the web
-Hank sends around donation jar for Walt at the DEA office; shows a dead
low life who was dealing the blue meth; thinks Heisenberg is still out
-Jr. and Skylar celebrate another donation at dinner; Walt calls Saul for an
-Walt checks out a run down drug house littered with druggies; Jesse is
passed out; Jesse cries; “I killed her. I loved her.”
-Don sees Jane’s beautiful drawings, pulls out blue dress for her to be
buried in, cut to Walt’s baby
-Walt asks Jr. to turn the dinger off; Skylar says Jr. is going to be
interviewed for the paper
-Jesse, in rehab, learns from Walt that Walt is having his operation soon
and Saul has Jesse’s money
-Jr. says Walt is a great father, teacher, is decent, does the right thing,
my hero
-pre-op hugs; when Walt is drugged, Skylar asks about his cell phone
and he says which one; Skylar shocked
-Skylar wants Walt out of the house; calls him a liar, two cell phones, his
disappearances; says money didn’t come from Gretchen and Elliot, over
$100,000; she leaves
-Walt, alone by the pool, sees an explosion in the sky, teddy bear falls
into the pool
ER "The Dance We Do"
A Problem-Weakness -
• Mom finds Abby counting Mom's pills; Abby wants to give her a
blood test
B Problem
C Problem
D Problem-Revelation
B Opponent
• Elizabeth was upset when she operated on lawyer's client
D + E Opponents
• Greene says Carter hasn't been taking his medicine and Greene
A Battle
B Battle
A Self-Revelation
• Carter tells Abby her mom took off; Abby says it’s the "dance we
B Self-Revelation + Revelation
A Old Equilibrium