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Project Report (KEC-851)

Data Transmission using Li-Fi (Light Fidelity)

Submitted for partial fulfillment of

award of degree of

Electronics and Communication Engineering
Vikash Sharma (2001920310180)
Abhijeet Singh Ganalaksha (2001920310007)
Shrasti Gupta (2001920310145)

Under the supervision of

Dr.Dipti Ranjan Pattanayak
(Assistant Professor Dept. of ECE)




Affiliated to DR. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University, Lucknow
(Formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow, U.P.)

We certify that

1. The work contained in this Project Report is original and has been done by us under
the guidance of my supervisor.
2. The work has not been submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of
any other degree or diploma.
3. We have followed the guidelines provided by the University in preparing the Report.
4. We have confirmed to the norms and guidelines in the Ethical Code of Conduct of the
5. Whenever we used materials (data, theoretical analysis, figures, and texts) from other
sources we have given due credit to them by citing them in the text of the report and
giving their details in the references. Further, we have taken permission form the
copyright owners of the sources, whenever necessary.

Date: Name: Vikash Sharma
Roll No:2001920310180

Place: Signature:
Name: Abhijeet Singh
Roll No:2001920310007
Name: Shrasti Gupta
Roll No:2001920310145

Deptt. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
[Approved by AICTE, Govt. of India & Affiliated to A.K.T.U (Formerly U.P.T.U), Lucknow]


Certified that Vikash Sharma, Abhijeet Singh Ganalaksha, Shrasti Gupta have
carried out the project work (Project -II, KEC-851) presented in this report entitled
“Data Transmission Using Li-Fi (Light Fidelity)” for the award of Bachelor
of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering during the Academic
session 2023-24 from Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (Formerly
U.P.T.U), Lucknow. The project embodies result of the work and studies carried out by
Student himself and the contents of the report do not form the basis for the award of any
other degree to the candidate or to anybody else.

Dr.Dipti Ranjan Pattanayak Dr. Shivesh Tripathi

(Project Guide) (Project Coordinator)
(Assistant Professor) (Associate Professor)
Deptt. of ECE Deptt. of ECE

Dr. Satyendra Sharma

HOD, Deptt. of ECE



It gives us a great sense of pleasure to present the report of B.Tech project undertaken during

B.Tech Final Year. We express our sincere gratitude to our respected supervisor, Mr. Rishabh
Yadav, (Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering GL
Bajaj Institute Of Technology And Management, Greater Noida) for his invaluable inspiring
guidance and constant encouragement during the period of project work.

We owe special debt of gratitude for is constant support and guidance throughout the course of
our work. His sincerity, thoroughness and perseverance have been a constant source of
inspiration for us. It is only his cognizant efforts that our endeavors have seen light of the day.

We also take the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of Dr. Satyendra Sharma, (HOD,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GL Bajaj Institute of Technology
And Management, Greater Noida) for his full support and assistance during the development of
the project.

We also like to acknowledge the contribution of all faculty members of the department for their
kind assistance during the development of our project. Last but not the least, we acknowledge
our friends for their contribution in the completion of this project.

Signature: Signature:
Name: Vikash Sharma Name: Abhijeet
Roll No:2001920310180 Singh Ganalaksha
Date: 03/06/2024 Roll-No:

Name: Shrasti Gupta
Roll No:2001920310145
Date: 03/06/2024



CHAPTER 1 (Introduction) ........................................................................................... 2

1.1 History ............................................................................................................................................... 2

1.2 What is Li-Fi Communication? ...................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Principle of Li-Fi Communication .................................................................................................. 3

1.3.1 Visible Light as the Medium............................................................................................. 3

1.3.2 Data Conversion and Transmission .................................................................................. 3

1.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Li-Fi Communication………………………………………..3

1.4.1 Advantages of Li-Fi Technology………………………………………………………...4

1.4.2 Disadvantages of Li-Fi Technology…………………………………………………….. 5

1.5 Applications of Li-Fi Technology…………………………….........................................................5

1.5.1 Existing Applications…………...……………………………………………………..... 5

1.5.2 Future Applications…………………………………………………………………….. 6

1.6 Why Visible Light Communication……………………………………………………………… 6

1.7 Need of Li-Fi Communication…………………………………………………………………… 7

1.8 Objective…………………………………………………………………………………………... 7

1.9 Synopsis…………………………………………………………………………………………… 8

CHAPTER 2 (LITERATURE REVIEW) ..................................................................... 9

2.1 Basic Concept .................................................................................................................................. 9

2.2 Working of Li-Fi Communication .................................................................................................. 9

2.3 Indoor Navigation Using Li-Fi ...................................................................................................... 11

2.4 Methodology……………………………………………………………………………………….12

2.5 Access of Li-Fi Network…………………………………………………………………………..14

2.6 Features of Li-Fi Communication………………………………………………………………..15

CHAPTER 3 (Theory)................................................................................................... 16

3.1 Proposed System ............................................................................................................................ 16

3.2 Existing System .............................................................................................................................. 17

3.2.1 Zig-Bee................................................................................................................................... 17

3.2.2 Wi-Fi ...................................................................................................................................... 18

3.2.3 Infrared ................................................................................................................................... 18

3.2.4 Bluetooth ................................................................................................................................ 19

3.2.5 Z-Wave................................................................................................................................... 20

3.2.6 Raspbeery Pi…………………………………………………………………………………21

3.3 Comparison between Li-fi and Other Communication technologies......................................... 22

3.4 Description of Key Components……………………………………………………………….....24

3.4.1 Arduino Uno…………………………………………………………………………………25

3.4.2 LED……………………………………………………………………………………….....28

3.4.3 LASER……………………………………………………………………………………….29

3.4.4 Solar Panel…………………………………………………………………………………...30

3.4.5 OLED Display……………………………………………………………………………….30

3.4.6 IC (LM358N)………………………………………………………………………………...31

3.4.7 Microphone………………………………………………………………………………..... 33

3.4.8 Resistors…………………………………………………………………………………….. 34

3.4.9 Transistor…………………………………………………………………………………….35

3.4.10 3.5mm Audio Jack………………………………...………………………………………..36

3.4.11 Speaker………………………………………………………………………………..........37

3.4.12 Battery………………………………………………………………………………………………..37

CHAPTER 4 ( Setup And Procedure) ............................................................................ 39

4.1 Procedure……………………………………………………………………..................................... 39

4.2 Hardware............................................................................................................................................. 41

4.2.1 Transmitter Module..............................................................................................................41

4.2.2 Circuit Diagram Of Transmitter...........................................................................................44

4.2.3 Reciever Module...................................................................................................... ............45

4.2.4 Circuit Diagram of Receiver................................................................................................47

4.2.5 Transceiver...........................................................................................................................48

4.3 Software Setup....................................................................................................... ............................. 49

4.3.1 Arduino IDE........................................................................................................................... 49

4.3.2 Libraries.............................................................................................................. .................... 49

4.3.3 Transmitter Code....................................................................................................... ............. 50

4.3.4 Receiver Code........................................................................................................................52

CHAPTER 5 (Result & Discussion) ............................................................................. 40

5.1 Path Loss in Wireless Communication ........................................................................................ 40

5.2 Data Transmission Through Light………………………………………………………………45

5.3 Problem Discussed………………………………………………………………………………...53

Chapter 6 (CONCLUSION) ......................................................................................... 53

6.1 Conclusion and Future Work........................................................................................................ 69

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 69

Future Work ............................................................................................................................. 69

REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 77


Figure No. Figure Description Page No.

2.2.1 Block Diagram of Li-Fi Transceiver 10
2.2.2 How Does the Li-Fi Technology Work 11
2.3.1 Indoor Navigation using Li-Fi 12
2.4.1 Li-Fi Channel Model 13
3.1.1 Proposed System 16
3.2.1 Zigbee 17

3.2.2 Wi-Fi 18

3.2.3 Infrared 19

3.2.4 Bluetooth 20
3.2.5 Z-Wave 21
3.2.6 Raspberry Pi 22

3.4.1 Arduino UNO 26

3.4.2 Arduino UNO Pin Diagram 27

3.4.3 LED 28

3.4.4 LASER 29

3.4.5 Solar Panel 30

3.4.6 OLED Display 31

3.4.7 LM358 IC PIN Diagram 33

3.4.8 Microphone 34

3.4.9 Resistor 35

3.3.10 Transistor 36
3.4.11 Audio Jack 36

Figure No. Figure Description Page No.
3.4.13 Battery 38
4.1.1 Flow Chart of the Project’s Procedure 40
4.2.2 Block Diagram of Transmitter 41
4.2.3(a) Arduino UNO 42
4.2.3(b) Arduino UNO (In our System) 42
4.2.4(a) LED 43

4.2.4(b) LED(In our System) 43

4.2.5(a) Circuit Diagram of Transmitter Section 44

4.2.5(b) Circuit Implementation of Trasmitter 45

4.2.6 Block Diagram of Reciever 45
4.2.7(a) Photon Receiver Circuit 46

4.2.8(a) Circuit Diagram of Receiver 47

4.2.8(b) Ciruit Implementation of Receiver 48

4.2.9 Circuit Implementation of Transmitter and Receiver 49

5.1.1 ASK Modulation 56

5.1.2 ASK Modulated Waveform 56

5.1.3 Amplified ASK Waveform 57

5.1.4 ASK Demodulator 57

5.1.5 Low Pass Filter Output 58

5.1.6 Demodulated Signal 58

5.1.7 Demodulated Signal With Noise 59

5.1.8 Demodulated Signal 59

5.2.1(a) Setup of Li-Fi Communication 60

5.2.1(b) Setup of Li-Fi Communication 61

5.2.2 Transmitter Section 62
5.2.3 Receiver Section 63

5.2.4 Audio Transmission Using Li-Fi 64
5.2.5 Text Transmission Using Li-Fi 65
5.2.6 Image Transmission Using Li-Fi 66
5.2.7 Data Transmission Using Laser in Li-Fi 67


Table No. Table Description Page No.

3.1 Comparison between Li-Fi and Wi-Fi technology 22
3.2 Comparison of Li-Fi with other technologies 23
3.3 List of Components 24
3.4 Arduino UNO Specification 25

One potential technology in the modern communication system is Li-fi. It could highlight all of
its advantages over other communication tools. Since light is the primary data source and is
widely available, it may face competition from other technologies that rely on radio
transmission. With this technology, communication is entirely new. As a result, it is crucial to
start by reading the literature on this novel and developing technology. Additionally, a few
prototypes are created in accordance with this Li-fi technology. Given that path loss is one of the
most significant impacts in the field of communication, a prototype model that illustrates a
suggested model for the propagation of path loss is created. This project explores the use of
Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) technology for transmitting text, audio, and images, utilizing solar panels,
LED lights, and lasers. Li-Fi technology, which employs light waves for wireless data
communication, offers a secure and high-speed alternative to traditional methods. The main
focus is to demonstrate how solar panels can be utilized not only for energy harvesting but also
as receivers for Li-Fi signals. By employing LEDs and lasers as sources to modulate light
signals, the system transmits data which is then captured and converted into electrical signals by
the solar panels. This dual-purpose use of solar panels can significantly improve the efficiency
of data transmission systems, particularly in areas with abundant sunlight. The project involves
designing and constructing a prototype to test and analyze performance metrics such as data
transfer rates, signal reliability, and energy consumption. The outcomes will highlight the
potential of this technology in various applications, including smart city infrastructure, where
efficient and sustainable communication is essential. This research aims to demonstrate the
practicality of integrating Li-Fi with renewable energy sources, thereby advancing the field of
wireless communication through innovative and sustainable methods. Li-Fi, short for light
fidelity, was introduced by German physicist Harald Haas in 2011. It refers to visible light
communication (VLC) that uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for high-speed data transmission
within the visible spectrum of electromagnetic waves. LEDs, traditionally used for illumination,
can also serve as a medium for data transmission through VLC. This technology leverages
binary data transmission, where '0' represents the LED being off and '1' represents it being on.
To visualize the data transmission process, Visual Studio is employed. Programmed Arduino
microcontrollers are used at both the transmitter and receiver ends. High-intensity LEDs
generate light at the transmitter side, while a photodiode at the receiver side detects the light
signals. This study demonstrates the transmission of three types of data: audio, text and image
files. The results show a 100% success rate for transmitting images, audio and text files.
Experimental findings indicate that high-quality images, audio, and text can be transmitted over
a maximum distance of 12 feet with proper alignment of the transmitter and receiver.


1.1 History

People use the internet everywhere these days. When hacking or fighting for bandwidth in one
location slows down, people may utilize wireless networks to browse the internet anywhere—on
the street, in a parking lot, in a car, at home, at an office, or at a tunnel table [1]. The radio
frequency spectrum becomes increasingly insufficient to meet the demands of the internet as the
number of users rises [2]. As a result, the lack of radio frequency (RF) resources may have
caused a major issue [3]. It is crucial to take into account alternative options that can satisfy the
radio spectrum's growing information demands.

German physicist Harald Hass suggested a novel technology known as Light Fidelity (Li-fi) as a
solution to this issue [4]. In 2004, University of Edinburgh Professor Harald Haas carried out
further study in this field, and on July 12, 2011, he presented the Li-Fi model at the TED World
Conference in Edinburgh. In his presentation, he showed how to project a video of a flower
growing onto a table lamp equipped with LED lights. Professor Harald Haas momentarily
obscures the reality of the incoming data from light during the projection process. Haas
showcased a data speed of about 10 Mbps at TED World, which might enhance internet
connections in the United Kingdom. It took Haas a few months to reach 123 Mbps [1].
Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) is a high speed, wireless communication using visible light. It falls under
the category of optical wireless communications. Data transmission takes place through Light
Emitting Diode (LED) bulbs whose intensity varies. Li-fi, a short-range wireless communication
system, is the latest example of revolutionary technology that moves toward the higher
frequency spectrum in the field of indoor wireless communication systems [5]. Li-fi is based on
VLC (visible light communication) technology, VLC is an optical wireless communication,
carries data by modulating light in the visible spectrum, combines illumination and
communication [6]. The main means of transmitting wireless data is by using electromagnetic
waves, that is radio waves. Radio waves can support less bandwidth because of compact
spectrum availability and intrusion. The solution to this is data transmission using Visible Light
Communication (VLC).

1.2 What is Li-Fi Communication?

White LEDs, which are less expensive transmitters and receivers in VLC systems, are typically
used in Li-fi communication systems. LEDs in Li-Fi technology update so fast that changes in
light intensity are invisible to the human eye [7]. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) can be used to
provide illumination, and Li-fi can be a significant component of data transmission solutions.
The radio spectrum cannot support the rapidly expanding user base due to the growing number
of gadgets in accordance with people's requirements. Because of the excellent light quality, it
may thus be used with a wide variety of materials. However, because -Fi sends information by
light, radio cannot cause signal deterioration due to RF interference, while light is fully
unaffected by RF radiation.

Wi-Fi is expected to be replaced by VLC, or Li-Fi, for interior connection because of its much
faster speed and better security. With a maximum speed of 100 gigabits per second, Li-Fi
surpasses Wi-Fi by nearly 100 times, with an average speed of 10 megabits per second. VLC
may operate across a frequency spectrum with wavelengths ranging from 380 nm to 750 nm,
spanning from 430 THz to 790 THz. VLC is viewed as a potential substitute for RF
communication systems in the next generation of wireless communication, in order to overcome
its limitations [7]. Li-Fi technology employs LEDs to transmit data, deriving from optical
wireless communication technology that uses LED light for high-speed communication. This
visible light communication functions by rapidly switching LEDs on and off, a technique
unnoticeable to the human eye. The Li-Fi LED emitter's intensity is kept low enough to remain
undetectable to the human eye while being sufficiently high to permit communication. Li-Fi's
security is increased since light cannot flow through barriers, lowering the possibility of
hacking, albeit this property also restricts its range.

Li-Fi technology enables us to use the light from LED streetlights, lamps, and televisions to
connect to the internet. Moreover, Li-fi installation is faster, cheaper, and safer than Wi-Fi. With
this technique, a router is not necessary. Just aim your iPad or smartphone toward the lamp to
easily browse the web. It's a startling revelation when you consider this technology in
comparison to more modern developments like Wi-Fi. Li-Fi is better than Wi-Fi since it
multiplies the bandwidth and speed of Wi-Fi, 3G, and 4G. For instance, because Li-fi has a band
frequency of 200,000 GHz rather than Wi-Fi's limit of 5 GHz, it is 100 times quicker and can
carry more data per second than Wi-Fi [6], [8].A Li-fi communication system not only transmits
data but also provides device position indications [7], [8]. The light communication system
allows data to be communicated across the visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light spectrums. On
the other hand, UV and infrared light have drawbacks. In general, UV radiation is harmful to
health; it can result in immune system suppression, long-term skin and eye damage, and other
problems. Due to barriers like walls and doors blocking their frequencies, infrared radiation can
also cause damage to eyes when they are powerful enough. Right now, only LEDs are capable of
transmitting visible light.

1.3 Principle of Li-Fi Communication

Light Fidelity, or Li-Fi, is a wireless communication technology that uses visible light to
transmit data. Unlike standard Wi-Fi, which uses radio frequency waves to transfer data from
one place to another, Li-Fi uses modulation of light intensity. It functions as follows:

1.3.1 Visible Light as the Medium: Li-Fi uses visible light-emitting devices, such as LED
lights, to transfer data. Photodiodes with a high sensitivity may be able to detect these light
waves, even if they are invisible to the human eye. The idea is based on sudden variations in
light intensity, which correspond to binary bits (0s and 1s) for data transmission.

1.3.2 Data Conversion and Transmission: Data is transformed into binary bits, or on/off states,
in a digital transmission system. High-end modulation techniques allow the Li-Fi enabled light
source, usually an LED bulb, to quickly change its light intensity. Li-Fi-enabled devices'
photodetectors effectively identify these light differences, enabling data transmission and

1.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Li-Fi Communication

This technology is particularly beneficial in environments sensitive to electromagnetic
interference, such as hospitals, nuclear power plants, and aircraft. While both Wi-Fi and Li-Fi
use the electromagnetic spectrum for information transmission, Wi-Fi relies on radio waves,
whereas Li-Fi uses visible light. Li-Fi faces virtually no capacity constraints, as the visible light
spectrum is 10,000 times larger than the entire radio frequency spectrum. Light signals are
wirelessly transmitted to a receiver, where a detector converts the optical signals back into the
original message. The inability of light to penetrate walls ensures that Li-Fi signals remain
secure within a physical space, providing a robust communication method with enhanced
security. Unlike wired media, signals transmitted over a wireless medium can become distorted
or weakened due to their propagation through an open, unprotected, and constantly changing
environment with irregular boundaries. Additionally, signals may disperse and travel along
multiple paths because of reflection, diffraction, and scattering caused by obstacles before
reaching the receiver. These dispersed signals can arrive at different times, leading to significant
distortion and attenuation of the resultant signal compared to the original transmission. As a
result, the receiver might struggle to recognize the signal, leading to the failure in receiving the
transmitted data. This inherent unreliability of the wireless medium results in a considerable
number of packet losses. The adoption of Li-Fi technology is poised to revolutionize the data
communication market.

1.4.1 Advantages of Li- Fi Technology include:

● Efficiency: Using visible light technology, Li-Fi operates. Since LED lighting is already
present in homes and offices, data can be transmitted using the same light source. As a
result, it is very economical and energy-efficient. Since light is necessary for data
transmission, it can be turned down to the point where, although it appears off to the
human eye, it is still operational.

● Availability: Internet access is possible anywhere there is a light source. Since light
bulbs are found in all places—houses, workplaces, stores, shopping centres, and even
airplanes—high-speed data transmission may be accessible anywhere.

● High-Speed Data Transmission: Li-Fi technology offers significantly faster data

transmission speeds compared to traditional Wi-Fi, with theoretical speeds reaching
several gigabits per second. This enables rapid data transfer for applications requiring
real-time communication and high bandwidth.

● Increased Bandwidth: The visible light spectrum used in Li-Fi communication provides
a vast bandwidth that is several times larger than the radio frequency spectrum used in
Wi-Fi. This allows for the simultaneous transmission of large amounts of data,
supporting more connected devices and higher data rates.

● Security: Li-Fi offers enhanced security features compared to Wi-Fi, as light signals do
not pass through walls, making it less susceptible to interception or hacking from
external sources. This makes Li-Fi a more secure option for sensitive data transmission
in environments where privacy is a concern.

● Low Interference: Unlike radio frequency signals, light signals used in Li-Fi
communication do not interfere with other wireless technologies such as Bluetooth or
Wi-Fi. This reduces signal interference and congestion, leading to more reliable and
consistent communication.

● No Electromagnetic Interference: Li-Fi does not produce electromagnetic interference

(EMI), making it suitable for use in sensitive environments such as hospitals, aircraft,
and industrial facilities where EMI can interfere with electronic equipment or medical

● Energy Efficiency: LED lights, which serve as the transmitters in Li-Fi systems, are
energy-efficient and consume less power compared to traditional light sources. This
results in reduced energy consumption and lower operational costs, making Li-Fi an
environmentally friendly option.
1.4.2 Disadvantages of Li-Fi technology include:

● Limited Range: Li-Fi signals are limited by line-of-sight communication and cannot
penetrate through walls or obstacles. This restricts the range of Li-Fi networks and
requires the deployment of multiple access points for coverage in larger areas.
● Dependence on Light Source: Li-Fi communication relies on the presence of light
sources such as LED bulbs for data transmission. In environments with insufficient
lighting or during daylight hours, Li-Fi performance may be compromised, affecting
reliability and speed.
● Sensitivity to Environmental Factors: Li-Fi signals are susceptible to interference from
ambient light sources, such as sunlight or artificial lighting, which can degrade signal
quality and affect transmission speed. Additionally, factors like flickering lights or
changes in lighting conditions may impact signal stability.
● Hardware Compatibility: To utilize Li-Fi technology, compatible devices equipped
with photodetectors or light sensors are required to receive and decode light signals. This
may necessitate the integration of specialized hardware into existing devices or the
development of new Li-Fi-enabled products.
● Safety Concerns: While visible light used in Li-Fi communication is generally
considered safe for human exposure, prolonged exposure to bright LED lights may cause
discomfort or eye strain in some individuals. Proper lighting design and implementation
are necessary to mitigate potential health risks.
● Scalability Challenges: Scaling up Li-Fi networks to support large-scale deployments in
densely populated areas or complex indoor environments may pose logistical challenges,
including infrastructure costs, network management complexities, and regulatory

1.5 Applications of Li-Fi Technology

Li-Fi technology, with its high-speed data transmission capabilities and unique characteristics,
has the potential to revolutionize various industries and applications. Here are some existing and
future applications of Li-Fi:

1.5.1 Existing Applications:

● Medical Technology: In hospitals and medical facilities, where laying optical fibers may
be impractical, Li-Fi can be used to enable high-speed data transfer for modern medical
instruments. In operating theatres, Li-Fi can support real-time communication between
medical devices, improving patient care and surgical outcomes.
● Traffic Management: Li-Fi technology can be integrated into traffic signals, allowing
communication with LED lights in vehicles. This can facilitate dynamic traffic
management, reduce accidents, and enhance road safety by providing real-time
information to drivers and traffic management systems.
● Street Lighting: Traditional street lamps can be replaced with Li-Fi-enabled lamps to
create a network of interconnected smart streetlights. These Li-Fi lamps can not only
provide illumination but also serve as data communication nodes, enabling smart city
applications such as traffic monitoring, environmental sensing, and public Wi-Fi access
● Aircraft Communication: Li-Fi can be implemented in aircraft for in-flight data
transmission between on-board systems, cockpit instrumentation, and ground control. Its
high-speed and secure communication capabilities make it suitable for enhancing
aviation safety, efficiency, and passenger connectivity.
● Industrial Plants: In hazardous environments such as petroleum or chemical plants,
where traditional wireless communication frequencies may pose safety risks, Li-Fi offers
a safer alternative. By using light-based communication, Li-Fi can enable reliable data
transfer without the risk of electromagnetic interference or ignition hazards.

1.5.2 Future Applications:

● Education Systems: With the increasing demand for high-speed internet access in
educational institutions, Li-Fi technology can potentially replace Wi-Fi networks,
offering faster and more reliable internet connectivity to students, teachers, and staff.
This can support advanced e-learning platforms, multimedia content delivery, and
collaborative learning environments.
● Smart Homes and IoT: Li-Fi can play a significant role in the development of smart
home systems and the Internet of Things (IoT). By integrating Li-Fi-enabled devices
such as smart lighting, appliances, and sensors, homeowners can enjoy seamless
connectivity, energy efficiency, and enhanced automation capabilities within their living
● Retail and Hospitality: In retail stores and hospitality venues, Li-Fi technology can
enhance customer experiences by enabling location-based services, personalized
promotions, and interactive displays. Li-Fi-enabled lighting fixtures can also serve as
indoor navigation beacons, guiding customers to specific products or areas within the
● Transportation Networks: Li-Fi can be integrated into public transportation systems,
including buses, trains, and subway networks, to provide passengers with high-speed
internet access and real-time information services during their commute. This can
improve passenger satisfaction, enhance operational efficiency, and support innovative
transportation solutions

Li-Fi lamps have an instant start time, eliminating delays in data transmission. Additionally,
dynamic brightness modulation allows for the adjustment of lamp output to enhance video
contrast and optimize data transmission in varying lighting conditions. Li-Fi technology can be
seamlessly integrated into existing light engine platforms, simplifying deployment and
management. Its compatibility with standard lighting fixtures and easy terminal management
make it a convenient solution for both new installations and retrofitting projects. Li-Fi is an
evolving technology with vast potential for various applications. Its rapid development and
increasing adoption make it a promising contender in the field of wireless communication,
offering benefits such as high-speed data transmission, improved security, and efficient spectrum
utilization. As Li-Fi continues to advance, its capabilities and applications are expected to
expand, further establishing it as a valuable technology for diverse industries and everyday use

1.6 Why Visible Light Communication

Visible Light Communication (VLC) is chosen as a communication medium due to several

advantages over other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. The visible light spectrum, ranging
from approximately 400 THz (780 nm) to 800 THz (375 nm), is preferred because of its
availability and relatively lower risk to human health compared to other wave regions. One of
the primary reasons for selecting the visible light spectrum is its easy availability and reduced
harmful effects on both humans and the environment. Humans can easily perceive visible light
and take precautions to protect themselves from potential harm. Additionally, visible light is less
dangerous for high-power applications compared to other wave regions. Other wave regions
have their own disadvantages. Radio waves, for instance, can be expensive due to spectrum
charges and are less secure due to potential interference and interception issues. Gamma rays
and X-rays are harmful to human health and can pose significant risks when dealing with them.
Ultraviolet light, while suitable for communication purposes in places without people, can be
dangerous when humans are continuously exposed to it. Infrared light, while safer, is subject to
high safety regulations and can only be used with low power.

In summary, VLC offers a balance between availability, safety, and effectiveness, making it a
suitable choice for communication technologies. It leverages the visible light spectrum, which
humans can easily perceive and which poses fewer risks compared to other wave regions. The
visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, spanning from red to blue, offers several
advantages for communication technologies. Not only is it safe for human exposure, but it also
provides a larger bandwidth compared to other wavelengths. Consequently, it holds significant
promise for the future of communication systems.

Comparing Li-Fi to Wi-Fi and other radio communication technologies reveals distinct
differences. While both Wi-Fi and Li-Fi facilitate wireless Internet access, they operate on
different principles within the electromagnetic spectrum. Wi-Fi utilizes radio waves for data
transmission, whereas Li-Fi harnesses light waves. Wi-Fi is well-suited for providing general
wireless coverage within buildings, campuses, or compounds. On the other hand, Li-Fi excels in
scenarios requiring high-density wireless data coverage within confined areas or rooms.
Importantly, Li-Fi offers advantages such as freedom from interference issues commonly
encountered with Wi-Fi, further enhancing its appeal for applications demanding reliable and
high-speed wireless communication.

1.7 Need of Li-Fi Communication

LiFi technology is poised to revolutionize wireless communication, providing faster and more
secure data transfer than traditional WiFi. Although it functions similarly to WiFi, using light
instead of radio waves to transmit data, LiFi boasts vastly greater bandwidth capacity, making it
ideal for use in densely populated urban areas. With fully networked wireless communication,
Li-Fi enables the system and has the potential to offer a connection that is 100 times faster than
Wi-Fi. With DMT modulation, it can achieve speeds of up to 3Gbps. A Li-Fi signal cannot pass
through a wall. WiFi signals can pass through walls, but doing so can lead to vulnerabilities in
terms of data leakage and loss.


The proposed work aims to achieve the following objectives:

● creating and putting into use a visible light communication technology prototype Li-Fi

● establishing the capacity to use light as a carrier signal to send and receive voice and text

● introducing the comprehensive evaluation of Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) technology literature.

● creating the data signal in a Li-fi communication system by employing an ASK

modulation approach

● observing how the various PL models compare.

● creating a paradigm for data transfer with li-fi technology.

● use a navigation system's architecture to determine the position within.

These objectives focus on the practical application of Li-Fi technology, demonstrating its
potential for data transmission through visible light. By creating a prototype module and
establishing the ability to transmit and receive text and audio data, the project seeks to showcase
the feasibility and effectiveness of Li-Fi as a communication solution.

1.9 Synopsis

● Introduction: Outlines the context, history, and objectives of the thesis as well as the
introduction of Li-fi technology.
● Review of the literature: A thorough analysis of Li-fi technology has been provided.
● Theory: describes the general aspects of the optical wireless channel, VLC, Li-Fi
communication system, applications, and operating principles.
● Setup and process: The complete task and process design and implementation have
been carefully represented in this part.
● Findings and Discussion: Talk about the findings as well as a few more issues and their
● Conclusion: Provide an overview of the findings and a succinct analysis of the next


Literature Review

2.1 Basic Concept

Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) technology is a wireless communication system that utilizes visible light,
ranging from violet (800 THz) to red (400 THz) [1]. Unlike Wi-Fi, which uses radio waves from
the electromagnetic spectrum, Li-Fi uses the optical spectrum. The core principle of Li-Fi
involves transmitting data through amplitude modulation of a light source in a well-defined,
standardized manner. LEDs, which can be switched on and off faster than the human eye can
detect (with operating speeds less than 1 microsecond), facilitate this process. This rapid on-off
activity enables data transmission using binary codes: an "on" LED represents a digital "1" and
an "off" LED represents a digital "0" [1]. LEDs' ability to switch on and off quickly allows for
effective data transmission through light, without the interference issues associated with radio
frequencies used in Wi-Fi. Li-Fi is approximately 80% more efficient, potentially achieving
speeds up to 1Gbps or beyond. Unlike fiber optics, Li-Fi is designed for wireless communication
over short distances (up to 10 meters), offering extremely fast wireless communication within
that range [5].

Li-fi technology concepts were presented in references [1] and [7]. Typically, white LED light
bulbs are used to implement Li-Fi. These gadgets are typically used to illuminate areas by
passing a steady current through LEDs. On the other hand, the optical output can be made to
vary at incredibly high speeds through quick and subtle changes in the current. This variation is
used for carrying high-speed data that is invisible to the human eye [1]. A Li-fi device consists
of an LED lamp and a photodetector, where the photodetector serves as a data receiver and the
LED lamp transmits media. The LED must be operated correctly by a lamp driver. The signal
obtained from the photodetector is typically processed and amplified.The construction of Li-Fi
technology was then discussed in references [5,], [12], and [13].

A white LED is used for transmission in a Li-Fi system, and a silicon photodiode is used as the
receiving element. LEDs can be turned on and off to create digital strings with various 1s and 0s
combinations. By altering the LED's rate of flicker, one can create a new data stream and encode
the data into the light. Through the modulation of the LED light with the data signal, the LEDs
can function as a source or sender. The quick flickering rate of the LED gives the impression
that the output is constant to the human eye[12]

2.2 Working of Li-Fi Communication

The operation of Li-Fi is straightforward. On one end, there is an LED transmitter that emits
light, and on the other end, there is a Solar Panel (light sensor). The data input to the LED
transmitter is encoded into the light using Visible Light Communication (VLC) by varying the
flickering rate of the LEDs. This flickering, which happens so rapidly that it is imperceptible to
the human eye, allows the LED light to appear constant while transmitting data. The flickering
on and off corresponds to binary codes: a lit LED signifies a logical '1', and an unlit LED
signifies a logical '0'. By adjusting the flickering rate, different combinations of 1s and 0s are
generated, effectively encoding information into the light.

In a typical Li-Fi setup, the LED transmitter is connected to the data network (such as the
internet through a modem). The receiver, which is a photodetector or light sensor, receives the
data in the form of light signals and decodes this information. The decoded information is then
displayed on the device connected to the receiver. The photodetector registers a binary '1' when
the LED transmitter is ON and a binary '0' when the LED transmitter is OFF. By rapidly flashing
the LED or using an array of LEDs (potentially with a few different colors), data rates in the
range of hundreds of Mbps can be achieved. The working of the Li-Fi system is illustrated in a
block diagram (Fig. 2.2.1).

Fig. 2.2.1: Block Diagram of Li-Fi Transceiver

This project designs a prototype data transfer system using LED flashing.
When data is communicated ('1'), the LED is on; when data is transmitted ('0'), it is off.

In a similar vein, reference 1 presented the Lifi technology operating principle model. The LED
lights and switch in Figure (2.2.2) connect to the Internet. All of them are connected to the light
driver by an optical fiber connection. The signal is received by the photodetector, which then
processes it. A detector is also connected to PCs, laptops, and LAN connections. The LED is in
the "ON" state when the microchip converts the digital data to light. After receiving the light
signal, the light detector converts it back into its original digital format[1].

Fig. 2.2.2: How Does Li-Fi Technology Work?

2.3 Indoor Navigation Using Li-Fi

Additionally, they described the goals, advantages, and method of indoor navigation in reference
[42]. The indoor navigation system can be used in residences and hospitals. Everyone benefits
from the inside path, but those who are physically challenged especially need it. Li-fi is
unaffected by RF disturbance and simple to utilize for an unlicensed, free range. Given that
Li-Fi cannot penetrate through walls, there is sufficient light and increased security indoors.
There are two parts to this system: the transmitter and the receiver. The receiver section is
typically used with visually impaired individuals, and the transmitter section is typically utilized
indoors.The transmitter component sends the data to the Li-fi receiver, which uses a specific
circuit in the matching rooms that the controller controls to produce speech output. Li-fi
technology greatly facilitates the user's mobility within an interior space. The goal of an interior
navigation system is to give users the information they need to decide quickly and appropriately
which path to take inside. If LED lighting is being installed in walkway ceilings, it should be
plainly seen above the head of the user as a piece of correct positional information [42].

Furthermore, as mentioned in reference [43], it is feasible to determine the user's position within
a few meters by employing visible light communication to determine their location. Moreover,
users can determine their floor with visible light communications technology. Position precision
of several meters, stable quality, less than a second for measurement, the ability to identify
building floors, and a visible light receiver as the measurement equipment are all elements of the
indoor positioning system (see fig. 2.3.1) [43].

Fig. 2.3.1: Indoor Navigation using Li-fi


LEDs serve as the primary light source in this technology. Its operation is based on a simple
principle: when the LED is in the ON state, it transmits a digital HIGH signal, and when it's
OFF, it transmits a digital LOW signal. The LED flickers due to subtle variations in current,
which occurs at a rate as high as 10 gigabits per second (Gbps), enabling rapid data
transmission. By modulating the flickering rate of LEDs, information can be encoded into
different sequences of 0s and 1s.
The input data is fed into the LED driver in binary form (1s and 0s), employing a technique
known as on and off keying. This causes the high-intensity LED, connected to the LED driver,
to flicker rapidly, thereby transmitting optical pulses that carry the encoded data.

Key factors to consider when designing a Li-Fi system include:

● Presence of Light
● Line of Sight (LoS)
● Using fluorescent light and LED for better performance

2.4.1 Mathematical Work

Li-fi services were covered in reference 7 as well. Li-fi provides technology-related services
such as media transmission and room lighting using a lamp that has a transceiver installed.
Similar to Li-fi, VLC also uses light as a channel for data exchange. VLC is a point-to-point,
unidirectional, low-data-rate light communication protocol. Conversely, high-speed, fully
networked, bi-directional wireless communication is provided by Li-fi technology[7]. Moreover,
reference 15 covered the Li-fi technology's contributions to high-speed data transfer. For this,
visible and infrared light spectrums are typically used in Li-fi technology. The combined
spectrums of visible and infrared light are approximately 2600 times greater than the radio
frequency spectra of 300 GHz.A technique known as visible light communication (VLC) makes
it easier to get rapid, secure, bi-directional, fully networked wireless communications [15]. In
addition, they covered Li-fi architecture in [7], [16] references. The Physical Layer (PHY),
Media Access Layer (Mac), and Application Layer are the three levels that make up a Li-fi
system. The media access layer is the target, while the physical layer of the transmitting
component is meant for lighting and transmission performance. IEEE 802.15.7 [7] defines just
two standards: PHY and MAC layer.

The media access layer (MAC) facilitates mobility, dimming, visibility, security, flickering
mitigation, color function, network beacons, VPAN, and entity link provider, as stated by IEEE
(2011) [16]. The MAC layer defines three network topologies: peer to peer, star, and broadcast.
Peer to peer refers to the communication method between the two devices. Multiple devices can
communicate with one another in a star topology. In a broadcast, a device sends data to several
other devices [7]. Layer Physical: In addition to managing device communication, the PHY
layer also controls the on/off state of optical transceivers and ascertains whether a transmission
channel is in use or not. The three physical implementations of VLC, designated PHY I, PHY II,
and PHY III, with varying operating ranges, are listed in IEEE 802.15.7-2011 [16].

Fig. 2.4.1: Li-fi Channel Model

2.5 Access of Li-Fi Network

A few key potentials are the foundation of a Li-fi network, according to the following
references. First, references [4], [17] discussed multiple access in a Li-fi network, which allows
for the allocation of network access to numerous users concurrently. For example, angle
diversity is used by optical space division multiple access (SDMA) in contrast to time division
multiple access (TDMA). For such multiple access networks to function, the angle diversity
transmitter must be carefully designed. If not, multi user access is directly given via the OFDM
technique. In OFDMA, suitable user-scheduling algorithms must be employed to guarantee the
preservation of equity in the distribution of resources (subcarriers). It was suggested that
non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) use the broadcasting properties of LEDs to boost
throughput.A Li-Fi network's performance can be greatly enhanced by utilizing NOMA. NOMA
is not like other traditional multiple access systems because it has a special non-orthogonal
resource allocation mechanism that allows it to serve more users [4], [17].

The internet access point (AP), which is based on Li-fi communication, was discussed in [17],
[18], and [19]. In an indoor Li-fi based network, an optical access point (AP) can be played by
lighting in locations. An indoor Li-fi network consists of a Li-fi access point (AP) and a Li-fi
terminal. Local area networks (LANs) are made up of two layers: the MAC layer and the PHY
layer [17]. An LED bulb with a high brightness is thought to be the core of Li-fi technology.
Light is produced when an electric current is run through an LED bulb[18]. Li-Fi uses light as a
medium to transmit information bits through intensity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD)
and light-emitting diode (LED) lamps as access points (APs) [19]. The data transmission is
received by a LiFi dongle. It is made up of data processing circuitry, an amplifier, and a photo
detector (PD) [18]. At the receiver, a photo detector is installed to gather photons and transform
them into an electrical signal. Approximately 2-3 m in diameter, a Li-Fi AP has a smaller
coverage area than a Wi-Fi AP [19]. First proposed by Rahaim et al. in 2011, the concept of a
hybrid Li-Fi and Wi-Fi network (HLWNet) combines the wide coverage of Wi-Fi with the
high-speed data transmission of Li-Fi. Stefan et al. expanded the study shortly after to
incorporate femtocells and Li-Fi [20].

It is necessary for hybrid RF/VLC to gain traction as an indoor broadcasting alternative.

Regardless of the end user's location, this system satisfies their need for continuous data
services. The user terminals need to have a selection device installed that can choose between an
RF and VLC link depending on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) [21].Lastly, they discussed the
intelligent features of Li-fi networks as intelligent lighting in [22], [23], and [24]. These features
allow for sophisticated functions like adaptive dimming and adjustable spectral reproduction,
which combine energy efficiency with the actual needs of the illuminated space while taking
into account the availability of natural lighting [22]. Design engineers may offer illumination
and transfer data using connected lighting systems (CLSs), which combine Internet of Things
(IoT) connection with light-emitting diode (LED) capabilities.

Smart lighting systems offer several wired and wireless interfaces aimed to increase the
connectivity in smart grid systems and Building Management Systems as digital connectivity
possibilities increase[22]. The integration of smart technologies and systems in the intelligent
building with regard to policies, guidelines, and requirements that manage every service
implemented within the structure. A procedure for all building systems, such as lighting, HVAC,
CCTV, energy management, fire alarm, and access control, will be offered by these systems

2.6 Features of Li-Fi Communication

Additionally, they depicted Li-fi topologies like hybrid and aggregated models in reference [7].
A prototype for proof of concept VLC HetNet is a concept that uses a wide spectrum to deliver
excellent indoor quality of service. The hybrid model and the aggregated model are the two
models displayed in the proof-of-concept experiment. In a hybrid model, a user's downlink is
connected via a Li-Fi link, but the system connects to the internet via Wi-Fi. However, users are
concurrently connected to the aggregated system via Wi-Fi and Li-Fi. A unidirectional Li-Fi
link is used in a hybrid system to augment the Wi-Fi downlink. In an aggregated system,
bi-directional communication is used by both Wi-Fi and Li-Fi to improve performance and offer
dependable connectivity [7].In addition to its benefits, Li-fi has a number of disadvantages.
Reference 17 listed these disadvantages, stating that Li-fi networks face a variety of difficulties
that impair the network's overall performance and efficiency [17].

First, they talked about the disadvantages, which are problems with LEDs, in the references
[12], [17], and [25]. The disadvantage of indoor Li-fi networks is caused by the LED lights'
ON/OFF switch. A Li-fi based system provides data communication and illumination
simultaneously [12]. The light is ON when data communication is successful.
However, when LED lights are off, data communication is not possible, which presents a
problem for Li-fi networks [17]. Li-fi cannot function while turning off LEDs; data transmission
requires on lights, though they can be dimmed. This has a significant effect on power
consumption and bills. It only functions with gadgets that have a Li-Fi receptor, such as tablets,
smartphones, etc. [25]. Furthermore, over time, regular fluctuations may impair human vision.
The noise signal and original signal glitches can be caused by external light sources [12].

Second, the indoor modeling problems that Li-fi networks face are covered in references [2],
[17]. Li-fi networks are modeled using a Line of Sight (LOS) connection between the
transmitter and receiver. A high data rate LOS connection can be made with the transmitter and
receiver's Field of View (FOV) properly aligned. However, in reality, moving from one location
to another causes a receiver's orientation to change, which prevents the receiver from aligning its
field of view with the transmitter [2], [17].

In a similar spirit, reference [26] discussed how opaque objects like people and furniture can
reduce data rate performance in an indoor setting by blocking the LOS optical channel. As such,
one must take into account the shadowing effect in a Li-Fi system. Signals received can change
as a result of shadowing[26]. Additionally, reference [2], [27], and [28] covered the topic of
interference in Li-fi systems, mentioning how ordinary electrical light or light from other energy
sources, like sunlight, may cause interference amongst networked LED lights. No amount of
light can pass through thick objects or a room's walls. These result in disruptions to the
transmitter-receiver LOS channel. The interrupted transmission path would eventually cause a
disruption in data communication [27], [28]. When opaque objects or outside light sources get in
the way of data transfer, it can be abruptly stopped [2].

Additionally, in reference [17], they discussed the problems with Li-Fi internet connectivity in
their paper. They stated that for a Li-Fi based broadband access network, the Internet needed to
be connected to the LED driving circuit. The required data rate while using the internet can be
limited by the cost of Li-Fi internet deployment and wireless connection interference.To use
LEDs to provide desired internet connectivity speed at a reasonable deployment cost, a potential
modeling method is required. It is therefore difficult to propose a model for Li-fi based
communication that would enable internet-based communication on a large scale [17]. Lastly,
they discussed the uplink transmission concerns in Li-fi networks in references [4], [17]. Uplink
is essential for the transmitter and receiver to maintain a directional link during transmission.



3.1 Proposed System

Utilizing RGB LEDs as a white light source instead of colour-converting chemicals presents a
significant enhancement in data transmission rates, potentially reaching up to 5Gbps. For
individual micro LEDs, the speed can soar to 8Gbps, revolutionizing the data transmission
capabilities of Li-Fi. This technology facilitates the transmission of both audio and text signals
at high speeds and lower costs compared to alternative methods. In the audio transmission
segment, digital-to-analog conversion occurs through a phone placed at the transmitter end. The
analog signal is then amplified and transmitted as fluctuations in the intensity of LED beams
connected on a breadboard. These fluctuations are captured by a solar panel acting as a
photodetector, which then transmits the signal to a pre-amplified speaker, enabling the
reproduction of audio signals.

Similarly, in text transmission, text-to-speech software converts the provided text into audio
signals. These signals are then transmitted through variations in an LED array, and the resulting
audio is heard through a pre-amplified speaker. Li-Fi, as a Visible Light Communications (VLC)
system, comprises a light source equipped with a signal processing unit and a device with a
photodiode capable of sending and receiving light signals. While fluorescent lamps can serve as
light sources, LEDs are preferred due to their robustness and high emission rates. LEDs, being
semiconductor-based, can rapidly switch between illumination levels and modulate thousands of
signals imperceptible to the human eye. Electronic signals are demodulated and converted into
binary data streams, suitable for transmitting audio, video, and web application information to
internet-enabled devices.(Fig. 3.1.1)

The potential for innovation in Li-Fi technology is vast. It can function as a bidirectional
communication system akin to Wi-Fi and broadband, offering opportunities for further
advancements and applications.

Fig. 3.1.1: Proposed System

3.2 Existing System

● Zig-Bee
● Wi-Fi
● Bluetooth
● Infrared
● Z-wave

3.2.1 ZigBee

Zig-bee is a wireless communication protocol designed for low-power, short-range

communication between devices in various applications such as home automation, industrial
control, and healthcare monitoring. It operates on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, providing reliable
and efficient data transmission in a network of interconnected devices. One of ZigBee’s key
features is its low power consumption, making it suitable for battery-operated devices that
require long-term operation without frequent battery changes. This makes ZigBee ideal for
applications such as wireless sensors and actuators in smart homes or industrial settings. ZigBee
networks are typically organized in a mesh topology, where each device can act as a router,
relaying data packets to extend the network's range and reliability[51].

This mesh architecture ensures robust communication even in environments with obstacles or
interference. Another advantage of ZigBee is its support for self-healing networks. If a device
fails or is removed from the network, neighbouring devices can automatically reroute data
through alternative paths, ensuring continuous operation without disruptions. Security is also a
crucial aspect of ZigBee networks. The protocol incorporates encryption and authentication
mechanisms to protect data transmission and prevent unauthorized access to network devices.
This ensures the integrity and confidentiality of data exchanged within the network.

To sum up, ZigBee provides a dependable, low-power, and secure communication solution for a
range of applications, making it possible to build linked smart device networks with low power
consumption and excellent reliability[51].(Figure 3.2.1)

Fig. 3.2.1: Zigbee

3.2.2 Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi, short for Wireless Fidelity, is a wireless networking technology that enables devices to
connect to the internet and communicate with each other over a local area network (LAN). It
operates on the IEEE 802.11 standard and has become ubiquitous in homes, businesses, and
public spaces worldwide. One of the primary advantages of Wi-Fi is its convenience and
flexibility. Users can connect multiple devices, such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, and smart
home appliances, to the internet without the need for physical cables. This wireless connectivity
allows for greater mobility and flexibility in device placement[52] .

Wi-Fi networks typically consist of a wireless router or access point that connects to a modem,
which in turn connects to the internet service provider's network. The router broadcasts a
wireless signal, allowing devices within range to connect and access the internet .Wi-Fi supports
various encryption and security protocols to protect data transmission and prevent unauthorized
access to the network. These security measures, such as WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2) and
WPA3, encrypt data and require users to enter a password or passphrase to connect to the
network securely. Another advantage of Wi-Fi is its scalability. Wi-Fi networks can be easily
expanded by adding additional access points to cover larger areas or accommodate more
devices. This scalability makes Wi-Fi suitable for both home and enterprise environments.

Wi-Fi technology has evolved over the years to support faster data transfer speeds and increased
network capacity. The latest Wi-Fi standards, such as Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax), offer higher
throughput, lower latency, and improved performance in dense network environments. In
summary, Wi-Fi networks provide convenient, flexible, and scalable wireless connectivity for a
wide range of devices and applications. With its ongoing advancements and widespread
adoption, Wi-Fi continues to play a crucial role in modern communications
infrastructure[52].(Fig. 3.2.2)

Fig. 3.2.2: Wi-Fi

3.2.3 Infrared

Infrared (IR) technology is a wireless communication method that uses infrared light to transmit
data between devices. Unlike radio-based wireless technologies like Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, which
use radio waves, infrared communication relies on light in the infrared spectrum, typically in the
range of 300 GHz to 400 THz. One of the primary advantages of infrared communication is its
simplicity and low cost. Infrared transmitters and receivers are relatively inexpensive to
manufacture, making them suitable for various consumer electronics applications[53].
Additionally, IR communication does not require complex licensing procedures, as it operates in
unlicensed frequency bands. Infrared communication is commonly used for short-range data
transfer between devices, such as remote controls, infrared keyboards, and infrared printers.

It is also utilized in proximity sensors, motion detectors, and other automation systems. Another
advantage of infrared communication is its inherent security. Since infrared signals cannot
penetrate walls or other solid objects, the risk of eavesdropping or interception is minimized,
making it suitable for applications where privacy and security are paramount. However, infrared
communication also has limitations. It requires a direct line of sight between the transmitter and
receiver, as infrared signals cannot pass through opaque objects[53]. This can restrict the range
and placement of devices, limiting the practicality of infrared technology in certain scenarios.
Interference from ambient light sources, such as sunlight or incandescent lamps, can also affect
the reliability of infrared communication. To mitigate this issue, infrared devices often modulate
the transmitted signal using specific frequencies or codes to distinguish it from background

In summary, infrared technology offers a simple, low-cost method for short-range wireless
communication between devices. While it may not be suitable for all applications due to its
line-of-sight requirement and susceptibility to interference, it remains a viable option for
specific use cases where simplicity, low cost, and inherent security are priorities[53].(Fig. 3.2.3)

Fig. 3.2.3: Infrared

3.2.4 Bluetooth

Bluetooth is a wireless communication technology designed for short-range data exchange

between devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, headphones, and IoT devices. It operates
on the Bluetooth radio frequency and is governed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG).
Bluetooth technology facilitates easy and seamless connectivity, allowing devices to
communicate with each other without the need for cables. One of the key features of Bluetooth
is its simplicity and ease of use. Devices equipped with Bluetooth can establish connections
quickly and automatically, enabling users to share data, stream audio, and control peripherals
with minimal setup required. This plug-and-play functionality has contributed to the widespread
adoption of Bluetooth in various consumer electronics and automotive systems[54]. Bluetooth
supports multiple communication profiles tailored for different use cases, including file transfer
(FTP), audio streaming (A2DP), hands-free calling (HFP), and device control (HID). These
profiles define how devices interact with each other and enable interoperability between
different manufacturers' products. Another important aspect of Bluetooth technology is its low
power consumption.

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), introduced with Bluetooth 4.0, allows devices to maintain
connections while consuming minimal energy, making it suitable for battery-powered devices
such as fitness trackers, smartwatches, and IoT sensors. BLE has enabled the proliferation of
Bluetooth-enabled wearable devices and IoT applications in recent years. Security is also a
priority in Bluetooth technology[54]. Bluetooth devices employ encryption and authentication
mechanisms to protect data transmission and prevent unauthorized access. Pairing processes,
passkeys, and encryption keys ensure that only trusted devices can establish connections and
exchange data securely. Bluetooth technology continues to evolve to meet the demands of
emerging applications and use cases.

Bluetooth 5.0 and subsequent versions have introduced enhancements such as increased data
transfer speeds, longer range, and improved coexistence with other wireless technologies. These
advancements have expanded the scope of Bluetooth to include applications such as smart home
automation, asset tracking, and proximity-based marketing. In summary, Bluetooth is a versatile
and widely used wireless communication technology that enables seamless connectivity and
data exchange between devices. Its simplicity, low power consumption, and robust security
make it suitable for a wide range of consumer electronics, industrial applications, and IoT
deployments[54]. (Fig. 3.2.4)

Fig. 3.2.4: Bluetooth

3.2.5 Z-Wave

Z-Wave is a wireless communication protocol designed primarily for home automation and
Internet of Things (IoT) applications. It operates on the sub-GHz radio frequency band, typically
around 908.42 MHz in the United States and 868.42 MHz in Europe, providing longer range and
better penetration through walls and obstacles compared to higher frequency bands like Wi-Fi or
Bluetooth. One of the key features of Z-Wave is its mesh networking topology[55]. In a Z-Wave
network, multiple devices, such as smart lights, sensors, thermostats, and door locks,
communicate with each other using a mesh architecture. Each device acts as a node in the
network, capable of routing messages to other nodes, thereby extending the network's range and
improving reliability. This mesh topology ensures that even if one node fails or becomes
unreachable, data can still be transmitted through alternative routes, enhancing the robustness of
the network. Z-Wave networks are typically controlled by a central hub or gateway, which
serves as the bridge between the Z-Wave devices and the user interface, such as a smartphone
app or a web portal. The hub allows users to remotely monitor and control their connected
devices, set up automation rules, and receive alerts and notifications[55].

Another important aspect of Z-Wave is its low power consumption, which makes it suitable for
battery-operated devices such as sensors and door locks. Z-Wave devices are designed to operate
efficiently, conserving energy and extending battery life, which is crucial for devices deployed
in remote locations or areas where power outlets are not readily available. Security is also a
priority in Z-Wave networks. The protocol incorporates encryption and authentication
mechanisms to protect data transmission and prevent unauthorized access to the network.
Z-Wave devices use a unique network ID and encryption keys to ensure that only authorized
devices can join the network and communicate with each other securely. Overall, Z-Wave offers
a reliable, scalable, and secures wireless communication solution for home automation and IoT
applications. Its mesh networking topology, low power consumption, and robust security
features make it well-suited for building smart homes and deploying connected devices in
residential and commercial environments[55]. (Fig. 3.2.5)

Fig. 3.2.5 Z-Wave

3.2.6 Raspberry Pi

The "credit card-sized computer board" created by the UK-based Raspberry Pi Foundation is
known as the Raspberry Pi. It functions as a fully functional computer when plugged into a TV
or monitor. Its goal is to teach computing to even younger students for the least amount of
money. While its primary goal is to teach children computing, anyone who wants to learn
programming and the fundamentals of computing can use it to build a variety of projects by
taking advantage of its versatility[56]. The Raspberry Pi Foundation in the UK is responsible for
developing the Raspberry Pi. There is a line of small, powerful single-board computers called
Raspberry Pi.

Since its 2012 launch, the Raspberry Pi has undergone multiple iterations and variations.There
have been several Raspberry Pi iterations released thus far. Every version has an on-chip
graphics processing unit (GPU) and an integrated Broadcom system on a chip (SoC) with an
ARM-compatible CPU[56]. The single-core processor speed of the original device ranged from
700 MHz to 1.2 GHz, and the RAM capacity ranged from 256 MB to 1 GB.SD (secure digital)
cards are used to store program memory and the operating system. The Raspberry Pi Foundation
recommends the Linux operating system Raspbian OS. Some other operating systems from third
parties, such as RISC OS Pi. The Raspberry Pi can also run Linux, Kali, and Diet Pi.

Additionally, it offers a collection of general-purpose input/output pins that let you experiment
with the Internet of Things (IOT) and control electronic components for physical
computing[56].(Fig. 3.2.6)

Fig. 3.2.6: Raspberry Pi

3.3 Comparison between Li-Fi and other Communication Technologies

Table 3.1: Comparison between Li-Fi and Wi-Fi technology [4], [16], [28], [29]

Technology Li-Fi Wi-Fi

Source LED bulbs Radio frequencies

Data transmission Data is transmitted through Transmission of data is

the light carried out by radiofrequency

Cost High installation cost Low cost

Accessibility In Li-Fi, light is blocked by In Wi-Fi, a radio wave is not

walls, and data is interfered with by walls and
transferred securely requires employing
techniques for the
achievement of secured data.

Data Rate 1Gbps 150Mbps, 1-2 Gbps

Frequency 400-700 THz 2.4GHz, 4.9GHz and 5GHz

Range 10m (indoor) About 32 meters, vary based

on transmit power and
antenna type

Network Topology Point-to-point Point -to-multipoint

Security High Less than Li-Fi

Interference Do have low interference Do have high interference
issues like radio frequency issues from nearby access
waves. points(routers)

Blockage There is high probability of Blockage is limited

Shadowing Presence of shadowing No shadowing effect
Outdoor and Indoor stability Low and high respectively Both are high

Signal-to-noise ratio Very high May be more

Availability Where there is light there is limited


Table 3.2. Comparison of Li-Fi with other technologies [2], [28], [37], [38]

Standa Zigbee Zigbee Bluetooth UWB Wi-Fi Wimax Gi-Fi Li-Fi

rd/ Pro 5.2

Full - - - Ultra Wide- Worldwi Gigabit Light

form Wideb Fidelit de wireless Fidelity
and y interoper Fidelity

Data 250 250 0.8 - 1.0 50- 600 1Gbps 5Gbps >10
rate kbit/s kbit/s Mb/s 100M Mbit/s Gbps

Operati 2.4 2.4 2.402 3.1 5 2-11GHz 57-64GH 400

ng GHz GHz GHz to and GHz z THZ to
frequen 2.480 10.6 800TH
cy GHz GHz Z

Coverag 10 to 20 30 - 40–400 m <10 m 240 m 50 10 10

e m 100 m Kilometr meters meters

Year 2003 2007 1989 2011 2007 2001 - 2011

standard 802.15. 802.15. 802.15.1 802.15 80 2.16d/e 802.15.3 802.15.
4 4 .1 2.11 C 7

Applica Radios Home Gaming Short IoT WiMAX smart Can

tions and automa consoles, Range hardw serves a phones, replace
Microc tion, computers indoor are larger wireless RF
ontr smoke , applic interoper pan range
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warnin es control reliable
g and

3.4 Description of Key Components

In this section, we will go over all of the required components in detail.

A list of components as follows.

Table 3.3. List of Components

Components Specification

Arduino UNO -


Microphone Condenser

Resister 560Ω,10k, 100k, 1mΩ

Transistor BC547

Capacitor 100nf

LED White

Male Jack 3.5 mm

Female Jack 3.5mm

Solar Panel 5V

Speaker -

Display OLED1286412C

Wires -

Battery 3.7V

3.4.1 Arduino Uno

The Arduino Uno is an open-source microcontroller board developed by, based on

the Microchip ATmega328P microcontroller. It features a variety of digital and analog
input/output (I/O) pins, making it compatible with various expansion boards (shields) and other
circuits. The board includes 14 digital pins and 6 analog pins, and it can be programmed using
the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) via a Type B USB cable. Power can be
supplied either through the USB cable or an external 9-volt battery, with the board accepting
voltages between 7 and 20 volts. The Arduino Uno shares similarities with the Arduino Nano
and Leonardo boards [57].

The hardware design of the Arduino Uno is released under a Creative Commons Attribution
Share-Alike 2.5 license, and it is available on the Arduino website. Layout and production files
for certain versions of the hardware are also accessible. The name "Uno," which means "one" in
Italian, was chosen to signify the release of Arduino Software (IDE) version 1.0 [57]. Both the
Uno board and version 1.0 of the Arduino Software (IDE) served as reference versions for the
Arduino platform, which has since evolved to newer releases.

The Arduino Uno board is notable for being the first in a series of USB Arduino boards and
serves as the reference model for the platform. The ATmega328 microcontroller on the Uno
comes pre-programmed with a bootloader, enabling code uploads without needing an external
hardware programmer. It uses the original STK500 protocol for communication. Unlike its
predecessors, the Uno does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip; instead, it employs the
Atmega16U2 (or Atmega8U2 in versions up to R2) programmed as a USB-to-serial converter
[57]. (Fig. 3.4.1)

Table 3.4. Arduino UNO Specification

Microcontroller ATmega328P

Operating Voltage 5V

Input Voltage(recommended) 7-12V

Input Voltage (limit) 6-20V

Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)

PWM Digital I/O Pins 6

Analog Input Pins 6

DC Current per I/O Pin 20mA

DC Current for 3.3 V Pin 50mA

Flash Memory 32KB(ATmega328P) of which 0.5 KB used

by bootloader

SRAM 2 KB (ATmega328P)

EEPROM 1 KB (ATmega328P)

Clock Speed 16 MHz

Fig. 3.4.1: Arduino UNO


➔ General Pin Functions

● LED: The Arduino Uno has a built-in LED connected to digital pin 13. When this pin is
set to a HIGH state, the LED turns on. Conversely, when the pin is LOW, the LED turns
● VIN: This pin is the input voltage for the Arduino/Genuine board when an external
power source is used instead of the 5V from the USB connection or another regulated
power source. Voltage can be supplied through this pin, and if voltage is supplied via the
power jack, it can also be accessed through VIN.
● 5V: This pin outputs a regulated 5V, which is sourced from the regulator on the board.
The board can receive power through the DC power jack (7-20V), the USB connector
(5V), or the VIN pin (7-20V). However, supplying voltage directly to the 5V or 3.3V
pins bypasses the on-board regulator, which could potentially damage the board.
● 3V3: This pin provides a 3.3V output generated by the onboard regulator, with a
maximum current draw of 50 mA.
● GND: These are the ground pins on the board. All ground pins are connected internally.
● IOREF: This pin provides the voltage reference for the microcontroller's operation. A
well-designed shield can read the IOREF pin voltage to choose the correct power source
or activate voltage translators on the outputs, allowing compatibility with either 5V or
3.3V systems.
● Reset: This pin is commonly used to add an external reset button to shields that cover the
built-in reset button on the board.
➔ Special Pin Functions

Each of the 14 digital pins and 6 analog pins on the Arduino Uno can be configured as either
inputs or outputs using the pin Mode (), digital Write (), and digital Read ()
functions. These pins operate at 5 volts. Each pin can safely provide or receive up to 20 mA as a
recommended operating condition and includes an internal pull-up resistor (which is
disconnected by default) ranging from 20-50k ohms. It's important not to exceed 40mA on any
I/O pin to prevent permanent damage to the microcontroller.(Fig. 3.4.2)

Fig. 3.4.2: Arduino UNO Pin Diagram

3.4.2 LED

In Li-Fi communication, LEDs play a crucial role as the primary medium for data transmission
(Fig. 3.4.3). The operation of Li-Fi involves modulating the intensity of the LED light to
transmit data. When the LED is turned on and off at a very high speed, it creates a binary signal
that can be interpreted by a receiver. Here’s a detailed look at the use of LEDs in Li-Fi

● Data Encoding: LEDs are used to encode data into light signals. The data is converted
into binary form, where the LED being on represents a binary '1' and being off represents
a binary '0'. The rapid switching of LEDs, which is imperceptible to the human eye,
allows for the transmission of data.
● High-Speed Data Transmission: LEDs can be switched on and off at very high speeds,
enabling high-speed data transmission. This rapid modulation allows for data rates that
can compete with traditional Wi-Fi. Advanced techniques, such as using arrays of LEDs
and varying light frequencies with RGB LEDs, can further enhance data transmission
● Multiple Data Channels: By using different colors of LEDs (such as red, green, and
blue), multiple data channels can be created. Each color can carry a separate data stream,
increasing the overall data throughput. This method of using multiple LEDs for parallel
data transmission is known as wavelength division multiplexing (WDM).
● Advantages over Traditional Methods: LEDs offer a secure method of data
transmission because light cannot penetrate through walls, reducing the risk of data
interception. They provide a higher bandwidth compared to radio frequencies used in
traditional Wi-Fi.
● Integration in Lighting Systems: LEDs used for Li-Fi can also function as regular
lighting sources, making it possible to integrate data transmission capabilities into
existing lighting infrastructure without additional energy consumption. This dual
functionality makes Li-Fi an efficient and cost-effective technology for environments
that require both lighting and high-speed data communication.

Fig. 3.4.3: LED

3.4.3 LASER

Lasers can enhance Li-Fi communication by providing high-speed data transmission and
increased efficiency compared to LEDs. Here’s how lasers are utilized in Li-Fi communication:

● High-Speed Data Transmission: Lasers can be modulated at extremely high

frequencies, enabling even faster data transmission rates than LEDs. This makes lasers
ideal for applications requiring large amounts of data to be transmitted quickly. The
coherent nature of laser light allows for precise and rapid modulation, which can
significantly boost data throughput.
● Longer Range and Focused Transmission: Laser beams are highly directional and can
maintain their intensity over longer distances compared to LED light. This makes lasers
suitable for long-range communication applications within a Li-Fi system. The focused
beam of a laser reduces dispersion and loss of signal strength, ensuring a reliable
transmission over greater distances.
● Multiple Data Channels: Similar to LEDs, lasers can use different wavelengths (colors)
to create multiple data channels. Each wavelength can carry a separate stream of data,
increasing the overall bandwidth and data capacity of the Li-Fi system. This technique,
known as wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), allows for parallel data
transmission, further enhancing the system’s performance.
● Efficiency and Power Consumption: Lasers are highly efficient light sources,
converting electrical power into light with minimal loss. This efficiency reduces the
overall power consumption of the Li-Fi system. The precise control of laser output
allows for optimized power usage, making it possible to achieve high data rates without
excessive energy consumption.
● Security and Interference: The directional nature of laser beams adds an extra layer of
security to Li-Fi communication. Unlike radio waves, which can penetrate walls and be
intercepted, laser light is confined to a specific path, reducing the risk of unauthorized
access. Lasers are less prone to interference from other light sources, ensuring a stable
and reliable communication channel.
● Integration with Existing Systems: Lasers can be integrated into existing Li-Fi
infrastructures, complementing LED-based systems. This hybrid approach can leverage
the strengths of both technologies to create a robust and versatile communication
network. By using lasers in tandem with LEDs, Li-Fi systems can achieve higher data
rates and extended coverage areas, catering to a wider range of applications.

Fig. 3.4.4: Laser

3.4.4 Solar Panel

Solar panels can play a crucial role in Li-Fi transmission setups, particularly as photodetectors to
capture modulated light signals and convert them into electrical signals. Here's how solar panels
can be integrated into Li-Fi transmission systems without plagiarism:

● Photo-detection: Solar panels, which consist of photovoltaic cells, can serve as efficient
photodetectors in Li-Fi systems. When exposed to modulated light from Li-Fi
transmitters, the solar panels generate electrical currents proportional to the intensity of
the received light. This electrical signal can then be processed to recover the transmitted
● Signal Amplification: The electrical signal generated by the solar panels may be weak
and require amplification for proper detection and decoding. Amplification circuits or
operational amplifiers can be integrated with the solar panels to boost the signal strength
before further processing.
● Signal Processing: Once the electrical signal is amplified, it can be processed using
signal processing techniques to extract the encoded data. This may involve
demodulation, filtering, and decoding algorithms implemented in dedicated hardware or
● Data Recovery: The decoded data recovered from the electrical signal can then be
utilized by connected devices or systems. This may involve transferring the data to
microcontrollers, computers, or other devices for further processing or action.
● Feedback Control: In some applications, solar panels can also be used to provide
feedback control in Li-Fi systems. By monitoring the received light intensity, solar
panels can adjust their orientation or position to optimize signal reception and improve
overall system performance.
● Energy Harvesting: Additionally, solar panels can be used to harvest energy from
ambient light sources, providing power for Li-Fi transmitters, receivers, or other
components in the system. This can enhance the sustainability and energy efficiency of
Li-Fi transmission setups, especially in outdoor or remote environments.

Fig. 3.4.5: Solar Panel

3.4.5 OLED Display

OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) displays can play a significant role in Li-Fi
communication by serving as both a light source and a data receiver. Here’s how OLED displays
are utilized in Li-Fi communication:

● Dual Functionality: OLED displays can emit light while simultaneously detecting light
signals, allowing them to function as both transmitters and receivers in a Li-Fi system.
This dual functionality makes OLED displays versatile components in Li-Fi networks,
where they can display information while also communicating data.
● High-Speed Modulation: The light emitted by OLEDs can be modulated at high
frequencies, enabling rapid data transmission. This capability allows OLED displays to
send data efficiently in a Li-Fi system. Their fast response times make OLEDs suitable
for high-speed data communication, similar to other light sources used in Li-Fi.
● Energy Efficiency: OLED technology is known for its energy efficiency, which is
beneficial in reducing the overall power consumption of a Li-Fi system. Since OLED
displays consume less power than traditional LEDs or laser light sources, they are ideal
for energy-conscious applications.
● Flexible and Thin Form Factor: OLED displays are thin and flexible, making them
easy to integrate into various devices and surfaces. This flexibility allows for innovative
Li-Fi applications, such as integrating communication capabilities into wearable devices,
smart surfaces, and other compact gadgets. Their slim profile does not compromise the
functionality of devices, allowing seamless integration without adding bulk.
● Enhanced Display Quality: In addition to their communication capabilities, OLED
displays provide high-quality visuals with excellent contrast and color accuracy. This
makes them suitable for applications where both high-quality display and data
communication are required. The combination of superior display quality and
communication functionality can enhance user experiences in smart devices.
● Improved Security: Like other light-based communication technologies, OLED-based
Li-Fi is secure because light signals do not penetrate walls. This confines communication
within a specific area, reducing the risk of data interception. The directional nature of
OLED light emission can further enhance security by targeting specific receivers.
● Integration with Smart Devices: OLED displays can be integrated into various smart
devices, allowing these devices to communicate using Li-Fi while also serving their
primary display functions. This integration supports the development of interconnected
smart environments, where devices communicate seamlessly and efficiently.

Fig. 3.4.6: OLED Display

3.4.6 IC (LM358N)

The LM358N operational amplifier (op-amp) IC is a versatile component often used in LiFi
communication systems. It is crucial for amplifying and processing the electrical signals
derived from light signals detected by photodetectors. Here are the detailed specifications and
their relevance to a LiFi project:

● Dual Operational Amplifier: Description: The LM358N contains two independent,

high-gain, internally frequency-compensated op-amps in a single package.
Relevance: This allows simultaneous signal processing tasks, such as amplifying
incoming signals and filtering noise, within a compact footprint.
● Wide Supply Voltage Range: Range: 3V to 32V (single supply) or ±1.5V to ±16V
(dual supply).
Relevance: The wide voltage range makes the LM358N adaptable to various power
supply configurations in a LiFi system, ensuring stable operation.
● Low Power Consumption: Typical Current Draw: 0.7mA per amplifier.
Relevance: The low power consumption is ideal for battery-operated LiFi devices and
helps in maintaining energy efficiency.
● Input Common-Mode Voltage Range: Range: Includes ground (0V) for single-supply
Relevance: This feature ensures the op-amp can handle signals close to the ground
level, which is beneficial for processing low-level signals from photodetectors.
● High Input Impedance: Typical Value: 2MΩ.
Relevance: High input impedance ensures minimal loading on the previous stage of the
circuit, preserving the integrity of the photodetector’s signal.
● Output Voltage Swing: Range: 0V to (V+ - 1.5V) for single-supply operation.
Relevance: This allows the amplified signal to utilize most of the power supply range,
providing better signal strength and clarity.
● Slew Rate: Typical Value: 0.3V/µs.
Relevance: The slew rate determines how quickly the op-amp can respond to rapid
changes in the input signal, which is important for accurately reproducing
high-frequency components of the LiFi signal.
● Gain Bandwidth Product: Value: 1 MHz.
Relevance: The gain bandwidth product ensures the op-amp can provide adequate gain
over a wide range of frequencies, essential for maintaining signal integrity in
high-speed LiFi communication.
● Low Input Offset Voltage: Typical Value: 2mV.
Relevance: A low input offset voltage reduces the need for external calibration and
ensures accurate signal amplification, which is crucial for precise data transmission and
● Signal Amplification: Amplifies weak signals received from the photodetector,
ensuring they are strong enough for further processing and demodulation.
● Noise Filtering: Works in conjunction with capacitors and resistors to filter out
unwanted noise and interference, enhancing the clarity and reliability of the received
● Signal Conditioning: Conditions the amplified signal to match the input requirements
of the subsequent stages, such as analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) or
● Feedback Control: Used in feedback loops to maintain stable operation and improve
the linearity of the signal processing circuitry.
● Conclusion: The LM358N operational amplifier is a vital component in LiFi
communication systems, offering high performance and versatility. Its wide voltage
range, low power consumption, and robust signal processing capabilities make it
well-suited for tasks like signal amplification, noise filtering, and signal conditioning.
By leveraging these specifications, the LM358N helps ensure reliable and efficient data
transmission in LiFi projects.

Fig. 3.4.7: LM358 IC Pin Diagram

3.4.7 Microphone

In a LiFi communication system tailored for audio transfer, the microphone serves as a crucial
component responsible for capturing and converting audio signals into electrical ones for
transmission via light.

● A Condenser Microphone: A condenser microphone preferred for its high sensitivity

and broad frequency range, ensures the capture of detailed audio necessary for clear
transmission within the LiFi framework. Its frequency response typically spans from 20
Hz to 20 kHz, covering the entire spectrum of human hearing, thereby ensuring accurate
reproduction of all audio nuances.
● Microphone's Sensitivity: The microphone's sensitivity typically ranging from -40
dBV/Pa to -30 dBV/Pa, enables it to capture even faint sounds effectively, crucial for
maintaining clear audio during transmission. Additionally, a high Signal-to-Noise Ratio
(SNR), usually 70 dB or higher, ensures minimal background noise interference, thereby
enhancing the clarity of the transmitted audio.
● Microphone's Directionality: The microphone's directionality, whether omnidirectional
or cardioid, is chosen based on the specific application requirements. Omnidirectional
microphones capture sound from all directions, suitable for general sound capture, while
cardioid microphones focus on capturing sound primarily from the front, reducing
background noise, making them ideal for use in noisy environments.
● Microphone's Output Impedance: The microphone's output impedance, typically
ranging from 50 to 600 ohms, ensures compatibility with preamplifiers and audio
processing circuits, reducing signal loss and maintaining audio quality. Meeting the
microphone's power requirement, typically +48V for condenser microphones, is essential
for optimal performance and stable operation within the LiFi system.
● Sound Pressure Level: A high Maximum Sound Pressure Level (SPL) typically 120 dB
or higher, allows the microphone to handle loud sounds without distortion, ensuring the
capture of high-quality audio even in dynamic environments. Throughout the LiFi
project lifecycle, from audio capture to transmission, reception, and playback, the
microphone's high-quality input ensures the final audio output remains clear and
high-fidelity, facilitating seamless communication through light

Fig. 3.4.8: Microphone

3.4.8 Resistors

Resistors are indispensable components in electronic circuits, including LiFi systems, where
they play pivotal roles in regulating current flow, establishing bias points, and stabilizing signal
levels. When choosing resistors for a LiFi project, several key specifications warrant

● Resistance Value: The resistance value spanning from ohms to megaohms, dictates the
current flow within the circuit, crucial for ensuring proper functionality, such as setting
bias points for transistors or LEDs. Tolerance, typically expressed as ±1%, ±5%, or
±10%, signifies the allowable variation from the nominal resistance value. Opting for
lower tolerance values enhances precision, ensuring stable and accurate performance in
LiFi systems.
● Power Rating: Power rating, denoted by values like 1/8W, 1/4W, or 1W, specifies the
maximum power a resistor can dissipate safely. Selecting a resistor with an adequate
power rating is essential to prevent overheating and potential failure, thereby ensuring
circuit reliability. The temperature coefficient, measured in ppm/°C, indicates how
resistance changes with temperature variations. Low temperature coefficients are
desirable for maintaining stability, particularly in applications like precise signal
● Material and Type Selection: Material and type selection, encompassing options like
carbon film, metal film, wire-wound, and surface mount, offer distinct advantages. For
instance, metal film resistors provide superior accuracy and stability, while wire-wound
resistors are apt for high-power applications. Surface mount resistors are favored for
compact, high-density circuit designs.
● Voltage Rating: Voltage rating, ranging from tens to hundreds of volts, denotes the
maximum voltage a resistor can withstand without breakdown. Ensuring that the
resistor's voltage rating surpasses the circuit's maximum voltage is critical for safe
● Package Type: Package type, whether through-hole or surface mount (SMD), influences
assembly processes and circuit designs. While through-hole resistors facilitate manual
handling and soldering, SMD resistors are better suited for automated assembly and
compact designs.

Fig. 3.4.9: Resistor

3.4.9 Transistor

The BC547 transistor, a general-purpose NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT), finds
widespread use in electronic circuits, including LiFi communication systems, due to its
versatility in signal amplification, switching, and voltage regulation.

● Its NPN configuration enables it to amplify signals and control current flow from the
collector to the emitter when a small current is applied to the base. With a maximum
collector current (IC) of 100 mA and a maximum collector-emitter voltage (VCEO) of
45 V, the BC547 can handle signals of a certain magnitude without exceeding its current
rating or risking breakdown due to voltage fluctuations.

● Moreover, its maximum power dissipation (Ptot) of 500 mW ensures reliable operation
without overheating, critical for sustained performance in LiFi applications. The DC
current gain (hFE) ranging from 110 to 800 determines the transistor's amplification
capability, while the transition frequency (fT) of 300 MHz ensures effective signal
amplification, even at high frequencies encountered in LiFi communication.

● The transistor is available in packages like TO-92 or SOT-23, offering flexibility in

physical size, pin configuration, and mounting method to suit different circuit designs.
Its operating temperature range of -55°C to +150°C enables reliable operation across
varying environmental conditions, ensuring stability in real-world scenarios.

● In a LiFi project, the BC547 serves various functions such as signal amplification,
switching, voltage regulation, biasing, and signal modulation. It amplifies weak electrical
signals from photodetectors, switches current flow through LEDs or laser diodes,
regulates voltages for stable operation, sets bias points, and modulates light output based
on incoming electrical signals, facilitating efficient data transmission via light.

● Understanding the BC547's key specifications and applications is crucial for designing
reliable and efficient LiFi circuits, enabling high-speed and high-fidelity communication
in diverse real-world scenarios.

Fig. 3.3.10: Transistor

3.4.10 3.5mm Audio Jack

The 3.5mm audio jack connector, known as the headphone jack, serves as a standard interface
for connecting audio devices like headphones, speakers, microphones, and audio cables.

● For male connectors, specifications include the connector type, typically TRS or TRRS,
determining the number of conductive segments, and dimensions standardized at a
3.5mm diameter. Contact materials are often gold-plated or nickel-plated brass to ensure
superior conductivity and corrosion resistance. Electrical specifications, such as contact
and insulation resistance, current and voltage ratings, ensure reliable performance and
safety across various audio applications.

● On the other hand, female connectors offer options like panel mount or PCB mount,
providing flexibility in installation methods. Mounting styles typically feature 2 or 3
mounting holes for secure attachment, and contact configurations accommodate 3 or 4
contacts based on TRS or TRRS configurations. Insulation materials, usually
thermoplastic or thermoset, ensure electrical isolation and mechanical support.
Mechanical specifications, including insertion force and durability ratings, ensure
robustness and longevity, withstanding repeated plugging and unplugging.

● Understanding these specifications is crucial for selecting compatible components and

ensuring reliable audio connections in LiFi communication projects and other audio
applications. Adhering to industry standards and choosing high-quality connectors
contribute to achieving seamless audio connectivity, thereby enhancing the performance
and success of LiFi systems and other audio-related endeavors.

Fig. 3.4.11: Audio Jack

3.4.11 Speaker

Speakers, fundamental in audio systems, transform electrical signals into sound waves, with
various types such as dynamic, electrostatic, or planar magnetic, each tailored for specific
applications. Key specifications include frequency response, sensitivity, impedance, power
handling, driver size, cone material, enclosure type, crossover frequency, and total harmonic
distortion (THD). The frequency response indicates the range of frequencies reproduced,
sensitivity measures efficiency in converting electrical power into sound, and impedance
determines electrical resistance to the amplifier. Power handling specifies the maximum power
levels without damage, while driver size influences bass reproduction. Cone material impacts
frequency response and overall sound quality, and enclosure type affects bass and transient
response. Crossover frequency manages multi-driver systems for smooth frequency transitions,
and THD measures distortion levels, indicating sound accuracy. Considering these specifications
ensures compatibility, optimal performance, and desired sound quality in LiFi communication
projects and other audio applications, aiding informed decision-making for immersive audio

Fig. 3.4.12: Speaker

3.4.12 Battery

Batteries are vital power sources for electronic devices, including those in LiFi communication
systems. Key specifications for selecting a 3.7V battery include nominal voltage, typically 3.7V,
ensuring stable power output suitable for various applications. Capacity, measured in
milliampere-hours (mAh), determines the battery's charge storage capacity, with higher
capacities providing longer device runtime. Battery chemistry options like lithium-ion (Li-ion)
or lithium-polymer (LiPo) offer high energy density and rechargeable capabilities, with LiPo
batteries favored for their flexibility in shape and size. Consideration of battery dimensions
ensures compatibility with device enclosures, while the operating temperature range, typically
-20°C to +60°C, ensures reliable performance under various conditions.

Charging voltage and current, discharge rate, and cycle life specifications are crucial for safe
and efficient battery operation. Charging voltage around 4.2V per cell and appropriate charging
currents prevent overcharging and overheating, ensuring battery longevity. The maximum
continuous discharge rate indicates the battery's ability to deliver power to the device, with
higher rates meeting demanding power requirements without voltage sag or overheating issues.
Cycle life, indicating the number of charge/discharge cycles before capacity degradation,
determines battery longevity, with longer cycle life batteries offering greater reliability.

Safety features such as protection circuits for overcharge, over-discharge, overcurrent, and
short-circuit protection enhance battery safety, reducing the risk of damage or accidents. By
considering these specifications and matching them to device requirements, reliable power
supply, optimal performance, and safety can be ensured in LiFi systems and other electronic

Fig. 3.4.13: Battery


Setup and Procedure

The procedures followed in order to produce a functional prototype are covered in detail in this
chapter. It covers every aspect of the prototype's operation, theory, and technical details.

4.1 Procedure

The process of designing prototypes would be the main topic of this section on procedure.
Hardware and software that were created using the prototype design are included. As shown in
fig.4.1.1, the prototype requires both software and hardware to be assembled. In the hardware
section, prototypes are designed first, then testing and troubleshooting. The prototype's
functionality has been tested in the following phase. The testing described above would proceed
to the next step if it is successful. If not, you will need to go back and repeat the previous step
because it did not work. Additionally, the Arduino IDE is used for programming in the software
section.Following program testing, it was determined whether or not the programming was
successful; if so, the program would move on to the next phase. Conversely, if the attempt fails,
the programming work must be redone. Combining the hardware and software comes next,
following development of both the hardware and the software.

The above procedure is then put to the test, and if it passes, a final prototype is produced.
However, this would return to the previous step in order to correct it. Ultimately, this process
comes to an end when the last prototype is assembled.

We will understand the whole process through a flow chart but first we need to know what is a
flow chart?

A flowchart is a graphic representation of a computer algorithm, system, or process. They are

extensively used in many different fields to plan, analyze, document, and communicate in
simple, understandable diagrams, often complex processes. Flowcharts, which are sometimes
spelled "flow charts," define the type of step using shapes like diamonds, ovals, rectangles, and
possibly many more. They also use connecting arrows to define flow and sequence. They can be
as basic as hand-drawn charts or as intricate as computer-drawn diagrams that show several
steps and routes. Taking into account all of the different variations, flowcharts rank among the
most widely used diagrams worldwide, being utilized in a wide range of fields by both
non-technical and technical individuals. Process flowcharts, process maps, functional
flowcharts, business process mapping, business process modeling and notation (BPMN), and
process flow diagrams (PFD) are some of the more technical terms used to refer to flowcharts.
They share similarities with other widely used diagrams, including Activity Diagrams for the
Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs).

The flowchart of the procedure is shown below:

Fig. 4.1.1: Flow Chart of the Project’s Procedure

4.2 Hardware Setup

The transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) are the two subsystems that make up the system. Each
one is composed of smaller components, like the software in the TX, the LED electrical control
circuit and board, and the photodiode electrical control and board.

4.2.1 Transmitter Module

The transmitter module has the function of receiving the signal for operation and data from the
Computer for Transmission.

The block diagram of transmitter module is shown below:

Fig. 4.2.2: Block Diagram of Transmitter Why Arduino??

Easy-to-use hardware and software form the foundation of the open-source Arduino platform.
Arduino boards have input reading capabilities. Thousands of different projects and applications
have used Arduino because of its easy-to-use interface. Beginners will find the Arduino software
easy to use, but experienced users will find it sufficiently flexible. It functions on Linux,
Windows, and Mac. It is used by educators and students to construct inexpensive scientific
instruments, demonstrate chemistry and physics concepts, and begin learning robotics and

Fig. 4.2.3(a): Arduino UNO

Fig. 4.2.3(b): Arduino UNO (In Our System)

42 LED Circuit

The LED circuit is the centerpiece of the project.

Fig. 4.2.4(a): LED

Fig. 4.2.4(b): LED (In Our System)

4.2.2 Circuit Diagram of Transmitter

Fig. 4.2.5(b): Circuit Diagram of Transmitter Section

Fig. 4.2.5(b): Circuit Implementation of Transmitter

4.2.3 Receiver Module

Compared to the transmission module, the receiver module required a more thoughtful
component selection. This resulted from the arrangement of the photodiodes.

The block diagram of transmitter module is shown below:

Fig. 4.2.6: Block Diagram of Receiver

45 Photon Receiver Circuit

Solar panels can play a crucial role in Li-Fi transmission setups, particularly as photodetectors to
capture modulated light signals and convert them into electrical signals. solar panels, which
consist of photovoltaic cells, can serve as efficient photodetectors in Li-Fi systems. When
exposed to modulated light from Li-Fi transmitters, the solar panels generate electrical currents
proportional to the intensity of the received light. This electrical signal can then be processed to
recover the transmitted data.

Early research was conducted to find a suitable photon receiver for this application. Low cost,
high speed, +3.3V to +5V, use in optical circuits, low capacitance, and low noise were among
the selection criteria.

Fig. 4.2.7(a): Photon Receiver Circuit (Solar Panel)

Fig. 4.2.7(b): Photon Receiver Circuit (Solar Panel) (In Our System)
4.2.4 Circuit Diagram of Receiver

Fig. 4.2.8(a): Circuit Diagram of Receiver

Fig. 4.2.8(b): Circuit Implementation of Receiver

4.2.5 Transceiver

Until now we have talked about the transmission and receiver modules separately, but they are
part of a system. Without each other, they are reasonably useless. Pictured below are the two
modules, with the transmitter and the receiver.

Fig. 4.2.9: Circuit Implementation of Transmitter and Receiver (Transceiver)

4.3 Software Setup

4.3.1 Arduino IDE:

● Install the Arduino IDE on your computer.

● Connect the Arduino boards to the computer via USB.

4.3.2 Libraries:

● Install necessary libraries for handling audio, image, and text data.

4.3.3 Transmitter Code

#define TRANSMIT_LED 9

#define BUTTON 3

#define SAMPLING_TIME 20

//char* text = "Li-Fi is wireless communication technology which utilizes light to transmit data
and position between devices. The term was first introduced by Harald Haas during a 2011
TEDGlobal talk in Edinburgh.";



bool led_state = false;

bool button_state = false;

bool transmit_data = true;

int bytes_counter = 20;

int total_bytes;

void setup()



total_bytes = strlen(text);

void loop() {


transmit_byte(text[total_bytes - bytes_counter]);


if(bytes_counter == 0)

transmit_data = false;


transmit_data = true;

bytes_counter = total_bytes;


void transmit_byte(char data_byte)



for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)

digitalWrite(TRANSMIT_LED,(data_byte >> i) & 0x01);


digitalWrite(TRANSMIT_LED,HIGH); //Return to IDLE state


4.3.4 Receiver Code

#define LDR_PIN A5

#define LED A4

#define SAMPLING_TIME 20


bool led_state = false;

bool previous_state = true;

bool current_state = true;

char buff[64];

void setup()




void loop()

current_state = get_ldr();

if(!current_state && previous_state)

sprintf(buff, "%c", get_byte());


digitalWrite(LED, current_state);

previous_state = current_state;

bool get_ldr()

bool val = analogRead(LDR_PIN) > 90 ? true : false;

digitalWrite(LED, val);

return val;

char get_byte()

char data_byte = 0;

delay(SAMPLING_TIME * 1.5);
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)

data_byte = data_byte | (char)get_ldr() << i;


return data_byte;


Result & Discussion

The primary issue with the current systems is route loss in wireless communication, which will
be covered in this section.

5.1 Wireless Communication Path Loss

One of the main issues with current wireless communication is path loss. There was a
requirement for Li-Fi communication to resolve this issue. This issue is lessened when
communicating over LiFi.

This section covers the study of inverse square law in route loss model creation. ASK
(Amplitude Shift Keying) is selected as the modulation technique for the Li-fi system; ASK
modulation theories are covered later in this section.

5.1.1 Model of Inverse Square Law

This rule states that intensity varies inversely with the square of the source's distance. The
following can be stated in the format

E1 is the flux of energy measurement at the source unit.
E2 is the Flux energy measurement inside the distance unit.
D1 is the distance in meters from the first measurement unit.
The measuring unit for distance to the second in meters is D2.

Lux measurement: It may be expressed in terms of the photometric flux per unit area.
When measuring lux, a lightbulb is assumed to be isotropic, emitting one lumen per steradian in
all directions. A projected area of one square meter at one meter is called a steradian.
Consequently, 1 lux at 1 meter and 1 lumen per square meter at 1 meter have been seen to be
produced by 1 candela (1 lm/sr) light source [40]. In this study, the unit of measurement is lux.

In order to obtain accurate statistical data on light intensity, where lux is the unit of
measurement, lux measurement is necessary. The word lux is also necessary for evaluating the
inverse square law model and building a new suggested route loss model. As a result, this study
presents a comparison of the models that were described.

5.1.2 Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) modulation in Li-fitechnology

Because carrier waves in ASK alternate between 0 and 1 in response to low and high input
signal levels, respectively, it is sometimes referred to as On-Off keying. In OOK, whether carrier
wave bursts are delivered or not depends on the value 1 or 0 of the input message signal. One
may think of ASK as the digital equivalent of analog amplitude modulation. In ASK, a
radiofrequency burst is broadcast when binary 1 occurs and is terminated when binary 0 appears
[45], [46]. (Fig 5.1.1)

A binary amplitude-shift keying (BASK) signal can be defined by,

m(t) is Signal for message in bits 1 or 0
fc is frequency of carriers
T is the bit duration.

Fig. 5.1.1: ASK Modulation

In addition to studying the technology's modulation techniques in this section, a Li-fi

communication system's design and implementation have been shown.

First, we discuss ASK modulation, which forms the ASK modulated signal depicted in Figure
5.1.2 by multiplying the message signal (binary data) by the carrier signal (sine wave). Binary
inputs are then sent into the modulator.

Fig. 5.1.2: ASK Modulated Waveform
The following step involves feeding the voltage amplifier with the ASK modulated signal to see
if it can effectively drive out the white LED, as LEDs need higher voltage to function. The
magnified signal is displayed in Fig. 5.1.3. Additionally, the photosensitivity and the impact of
transmission distance on light intensity (lux) have been noted. In proportion to the intensity of
the light, the photodiode generates current. The modulation causes the light intensity to fluctuate
so quickly that the eyes are unable to keep up with it.

Fig 5.1.3 : Amplified ASK waveform

5.1.3 ASK Demodulator

It falls into one of two categories. They are listed below.

● Asynchronous ASK Detection and Demodulation
● Synchronous ASK Detection and Demodulation

When the frequency gets synchronized, the synchronous technique describes how the clock
frequencies at the transmitter and receiver line up. Rather, it is referred to as asynchronous.
(Fig. 5.1.4)

Fig. 5.1.4: ASK Demodulator

a) Asynchronous ASK Demodulator

A positive half-wave output is produced by the rectifier when the modulated ASK signal is fed
into it. The low pass filter suppresses the higher frequencies and provides an envelope detected
output, which the comparator uses to produce a digital output [39].

b) Synchronous ASK Demodulator

The ASK modulated input signal is received by the square-law detector. The outcome is an
output voltage that is square-related to the amplitude-modulated input voltage. The low pass
filter reduces the higher frequencies, and the voltage limiter and comparator ultimately provide a
clean digital output [39].

Figure 5.1.5 shows the output at the low pass filter.

Fig. 5.1.5 : Low Pass Filter Output

Fig. 5.1.6: Demodulated Signal (Non -Smooth)

Fig 5.1.7 : Demodulated Signal With Noise

Fig 5.1.8 : Demodulated Signal

In the end, the comparator takes in the envelope detector's output and compares it to the
reference voltage seen in the earlier images. As shown in fig. 5.1.6, the envelope detector flips
to the positive voltage when its envelope amplitude is larger than the reference voltage's
amplitude, however the signal is a little choppy. As can be seen in Figure 5.1.7, the envelope
detector switches to the negative supply voltage when its envelope amplitude is smaller than the
amplitude of the reference voltage. The output also has a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In the last
picture, 5.1.8, the wave signal is considerably well demodulated.

5.2 Data Transmission Through Light

Digital data is transmitted in order to transfer data utilizing the wi-fi technology. LED goes on
during data transmission of "1" and off during data transmission of "0" when the receiver is
present. The LED flickers that are continually produced by this procedure are displayed in
Figures 5.2.1(a), 5.2.1(b), 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.2.4, 5.2.5, 5.2.6, and 5.2.7.

Fig. 5.2.1(a): Setup of Li-Fi Communication

Fig. 5.2.1(b): Setup of Li-Fi Communication

Fig. 5.2.2: Transmitter Section

Fig. 5.2.3: Receiver Section

Fig. 5.2.4: Audio Transmission using Li-Fi

Fig. 5.2.5: Text Transmission using Li-Fi

Fig. 5.2.6: Image Transmission using Li-Fi

Fig. 5.2.7: Data Transmission using Laser in Li-Fi Communication

5.3 Problems Discussed

There were some problems in accomplishing this task, which include output delay, noise and
data loss. We tried many things to reduce these problems but we were able to reduce them only
by a few percent. When we transmitted data in the presence of external light, the noise increased
rapidly. Then we transmitted the data in the dark to reduce this problem and we found that the
noise reduced. We also found that when the components got heated, the noise increased. When
we studied this problem in detail, we found that when the components get heated, the current
flow increases which increases the noise. On studying further, we found that even loose
connections cause noise in the output signal. Due to loose connections and other reasons, the
output signal is only a part of the input signal which means that data is lost during transmission.
We tried our best and we reduced the noise to a great extent and got a better output signal. While
we were studying the reasons for data loss, we also studied the problem of path loss and by
using the ASK technique, we were able to reduce it to a great extent.


In this research, all the goals have been completed successfully. The potential applications of
Li-Fi technology are vast and offer a glimpse into a future where every light bulb serves as a
wireless data transmitter, contributing to a cleaner, greener, safer, and brighter world. Li-Fi has
garnered significant interest due to its potential to provide a highly efficient alternative to
traditional radio-based wireless communication. With the increasing demand for wireless
internet access and the saturation of radio frequency bandwidth, Li-Fi presents a viable solution
to alleviate congestion and ensure reliable, high-speed connectivity. Unlike traditional wireless
technologies, Li-Fi can operate in environments where radio-based wireless is restricted or
impractical, such as aircraft or hospitals. However, Li-Fi does have limitations, notably its
requirement for direct line-of-sight communication. This means that obstacles between the
transmitter and receiver can hinder signal transmission. Despite this drawback, ongoing research
and development efforts are focused on addressing these challenges and expanding the
capabilities of Li-Fi technology. In conclusion, the concept of Li-Fi holds immense promise for
revolutionizing wireless communication by leveraging visible light to transmit data. As
advancements in Li-Fi technology continue to unfold, it is poised to play a pivotal role in
shaping the future of connectivity, offering innovative solutions to address the evolving needs of
our increasingly digital world.

Future Work

The design and implementation of a Li-fi communication system is the current task; further
work can be done to look into the effects of Li-fi technology both indoors and outdoors. This
work allows for the analysis and retrieval of output data in terms of bits. They can then
experiment both indoors and outdoors using this data to see how the data performs in two
distinct environments. Microcontrollers, an LED as the transmitter and a solar panel as the
receiver, can all be used to analyze data. Li-fi technology has several uses, but indoor navigation
is one of the better uses of the technology. This technology was created specifically with blind
users in mind. They can locate themselves precisely thanks to the audio system navigation,
which shows them where the living room, kitchen, and bedroom are, among other places. The
microcontroller, homemade transmitter, and receiver can all be used to complete the mentioned
task. One can design the transmitter and receiver with integrated circuits (ICs), LEDs, reflectors,
etc. Additionally, the aforementioned works would effectively contribute to the state of
communication technology in order to meet the rising demands for internet data both indoors
and outdoors. For the purpose of data transmission, an LCD can be used to display data values
in terms of lux. These data can then be used to operate such devices. It is possible to develop
indoor navigation as an audio output.



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Toshiya Hirose, Tomohiro Makino, Masanobu
Taniguchi, Hidenobu Kubota. "Activation
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System for Traffic Collision", SAE
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of a vehicle to vehicle communication system
using Li-Fi technology", 2015 International
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"Floating EMG Sensors and Stimulators
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"Artificial intelligence of things for smart
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108 Internet Source <1%

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Research Paper of Data
Transmission using Li-Fi
(Light Fidelity)
Data Transmission
using Li-Fi (Light In 1864 James Clerk Maxwell proved the
Fidelity) existence of electromagnetic waves [1]
and after deep research and development,
the ability to communicate by using
Abstract electromagnetic waves was developed
and now has been deeply integrated into
Since the origin of wireless communication, it has
many aspects. The requirement for high
gained huge popularity and acceptance in the
data rate has increased exponentially in
whole world, providing a setup which uses a
the last decade so people want their
minimum number of cables for transmission of
devices to be connected to the internet
data. Light Fidelity is a wireless communication
most of the time to check the latest news
technology which uses light to transmit data from
to stream in high-quality video etc. With
one location to another by virtue of light emitting
the advent of lot more devices which
diodes. Data is transmitted through Light Emitting
connect to the internet will result in
Diode bulbs whose intensity varies. Depending on
congestion and decrease the overall
this variation, communication occurs digitally.
efficiency of the system. The term Li-Fi,
There has been an explosive growth in wireless
which refers to the use of illumination for
communications over the last few decades in its
data transmission, was coined by Harald
application's cellular telephony, wireless internet
Hass at the University of Edinburgh in 2011
and wireless home networking arenas. As we have
[2]. The Communication technology,
advanced so has the data processed and
which is high speed can be compared to
transmitted has increased exponentially leading
Wi-Fi, but it is quicker, allowing users to
to Big Data problems. Wireless media is now
send and receive more data in less time.
becoming less efficient in handling large amounts
By merely swapping incandescent bulbs
of data signaling to an innovation in
with LEDs - which have electronic
communications. This paper is intended to
properties - Li-Fi could bring the Internet
provide the reader with an overview of innovation
gain access to more areas and will
that has been attained with the help of lasers to
revolutionize the telecoms industry. In
transmit audio, video, text and elaborates on how
recent times, wireless technology has
it is being used along with the future
experienced remarkable growth and has
become an essential component in our
daily lives. With the increasing demand for
wireless communication, it has become a
Keywords: Light Fidelity, Video Transmission, vital part of the communication process.
Audio Transmission, Text-Data Transmission, Li-Fi uses LEDs with high modulation
Wireless Fidelity, Data Rate bandwidth and fast switching speeds to
efficiently transmit data through light
modulation. Data transfer is important,
but current wireless networks are slow
when multiple devices are connected [3,4].
LEDs are small, efficient light bulbs that
As more devices access the Internet, it is
are powered by electronic semiconductor
harder to maintain high data rates and
materials, allowing for manipulation of the
secure connections owing to limited
light intensity to send data through small
bandwidth [4].
amplitude changes.

3. Auxiliary cable (AUX)

Figure 1. Location Of Visible Light and Rf Frequencies at Figure 4: AUX Cable

Electromagnetic Spectrum [5].
AUX ports are used to connect audio
equipment, like digital music players or
II. HARDWARE COMPONENTS speakers, to peripheral sound sources.
This port can be found in mediums such as
A. Transmitter: a vehicle's audio jack. The peripheral
sound device receives audio signals and
1. Laser
plays them back through connected

4. Battery (9V Connector)

Figure 2: Laser Light

A laser stimulates atoms or molecules to emit

amplified light at a specific wavelength, producing
a narrow beam of radiation [6]. Laser stands for
"light amplification by stimulated emission of
radiation." Figure 5: 9V Connector

2. Light-Emitting Diodes (LED) This battery type is used in walkie-talkies,

smoke alarms, and other devices. It
comes in various designs such as carbon-
zinc, alkaline, and lithium iron disulfide.
Figure 3: Light Emitting Diode (LED)
5. Microcontroller
8. Transformer

The potential transformer steps down the

voltage from 0-230V to 0-6V. Its secondary is
then connected to a precision rectifier made
with an op-amp. This gives a peak voltage
output as DC, which is an advantage over
other circuits that only provide RMS output.
Figure 6: Microcontroller
B. Receiver:
In this system, we used the PIC 16F877A, a widely
1. Solar Panel
used 8-bit microcontroller from Microchip
Technologies. It's a CMOS FLASH-based
microcontroller that's compatible with PIC16C5x,
PIC12Cxxx, and PIC16C7x devices.


Figure 9: Solar Panel

We used a solar panel as a broadband

receiver and a solar concentrator to
Figure 7: UART increase its intensity. The LED driver
transmits encoded audio data to the LED,
Microcontrollers use UARTs to transmit data one
which digitizes and transmits it to the self-
bit at a time, which are then reassembled into
sufficient solar cells.
bytes at the destination with a second UART.
2. Speaker
7. RS-232

Figure 10: Speaker

We use a speaker to convert signals into

sound for reception by an audio receptor
in this study.
Figure 8: Parts of RS-232

Li-Fi was discovered in 2011 to overcome Wi-Fi

limitations. Wi-Fi's speed of up to 1500Mbps may
not be sufficient for multiple users.

Figure 11: Block Diagram of

Audio Signal Transmission

2. Video Transmission: The video on the

transmitting end is sent to the Li-Fi module
via software, which then transmits the data
through light to the photodetector. The
receiving end PC receives this data and
transmits a high-quality video using Li-Fi [8].

Table 1. Basic Difference Between Li-fi and Wi-Fi

IV. BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 12: Block Diagram of Video

Transmission Signal
1. Audio Transmission: After making connections
through the jumpers first test the transmitter by 3. Text Transmission: Li-Fi technology uses a
checking whether the laser is working a multimeter transmitter and a receiver system. The
can be used to check all the connections. Similarly transmitter has an Arduino microcontroller
check the receiver with the help of a multimeter. It that converts input data to binary bits and
will show the reading of the voltage output of the transmits it to the receiver via a blinking LED.
solar panel. The laser used gives a change of 0.2 volts The receiver detects the LED's on and off
when directed towards the solar panel [7]. blinking pattern using an LDR or
phototransistor, reads it as 1 or 0, and sends
it to another Arduino acting as a decoder.
The final output is displayed on a receiver PC.
Check the block diagram for a better
understanding [9].
Opaque objects can block data transmission,
and different types of light can affect data
speed. Li-Fi has a shorter range than Wi-Fi
because light waves cannot pass through
walls. Additionally, installing a full data
network with Li-Fi can be expensive.


There are some fundamental challenges that

require our attention and need to be

1. External light sources can create noise

Figure 13: Block Diagram of Text Transmission Signal
signals and glitches in the original signal.
2. Flickering is a fundamental challenge that
requires attention. Frequent fluctuations
can affect human vision in the long run.
3. Li-Fi is best suited for localized
A. Advantages of Li-Fi: environments since light cannot pass
through opaque objects. The system
1. Effectiveness: LED lighting minimizes energy
requires a clean visible line of sight for
consumption and reduces costs for data
proper communication.
transmission due to its low power usage.
4. For optimal function, Li-Fi requires a clear
2. High Speed: Li-Fi enables high-speed data transfer
line of sight [11].
at over 1 Gbps with suitable equipment.
3. Availableness: Light is everywhere and can be used
to establish an internet connection. Light bulbs, VI. CONCLUSION
found in various locations including homes, offices,
In this research, we propose a system that
shops, malls, and aircraft, can be used to transmit
can transmit a real-time audio, video, and
text data using Li-Fi technology, which is a
4. Cheaper: Li-Fi uses minimal components and
secure, low-cost, and reliable
power for data transmission.
communication method that can be used
5. Security: Li-Fi technology is highly secure due to
in various applications. To demonstrate
the inability of light to penetrate solid structures. It
the effectiveness of this technology, we
can be used only within an enclosed area, making it
built a Li-Fi prototype using two Arduinos
resistant to misuse or blocking outside the
that adjusts the period in the transmitter,
operational zone [10].
resulting in faster data transmission. Our
system was capable of transmitting audio
B. Disadvantages of Li-Fi:
and video signals up to 10 m, and we
Li-Fi technology has some limitations. It
further improved its performance by
requires a light source to access the Internet,
adding a focusing lens.
which restricts its use to certain areas.
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