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Visvesvaraya Technological University

Belagavi, Karnataka-590 018.

A Project Report on

“Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing”

Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of degree of

Submitted by,

Jyothsna P 1JS16CS045
Cauvery A 1JS16CS031
Bhargav Hegde 1JS16CS027
Akshitha Y V 1JS16CS010

Under the guidance of

Dr. Naveen N C
Professor and Head, Dept. of CSE,
JSSATE, Bengaluru.


Department of Computer Science and Engineering
2019 – 2020
Visvesvaraya Technological University
Belagavi, Karnataka-590 018.

A Project Report on

“Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing”

Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of degree of

Submitted by,

Jyothsna P 1JS16CS045
Cauvery A 1JS16CS031
Bhargav Hegde 1JS16CS027
Akshitha Y V 1JS16CS010

Under the guidance of

Dr. Naveen N C
Professor and Head, Dept. of CSE,
JSSATE, Bengaluru.


Department of Computer Science and Engineering
2019 – 2020

JSS Academy of Technical Education

JSS Campus, Uttarahalli Kengeri Main Road, Bengaluru - 560060

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

This is to certify that the thesis work entitled “Garbage Segregation System using Image
Processing” carried out by JYOTHSNA P (1JS16CS045), CAUVERY A (1JS16CS031),
BHARGAV HEGDE (1JS16CS027), and AKSHITHA Y V (1JS16CS010) in partial
fulfilment for Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering of the
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the academic year 2019 - 2020. It
is certified that all corrections and suggestions indicated during internal assessment have been
incorporated in the report. The seminar report has been approved as it satisfies the academic
requirements in respect of project work prescribed for the award of degree of Bachelor of

Dr. Naveen N C Dr. Mrityunjaya V Latte

Professor and Head, Dept. of CSE, Principal,
JSSATE, Bengaluru. JSSATE, Bengaluru.

Name of the examiners Signature with Date

1. …………………………… ………………………………

2. …………………………… ………………………………

JSS Academy of Technical Education

JSS Campus, Uttarahalli, Kengeri Main Road, Bengaluru - 560060

Department of Computer Science and Engineering


We hereby declare that the entire work embodied in this project report titled “Garbage
Segregation System using Image Processing” submitted to Visvesvaraya Technological
University, Belagavi is carried out at the department of Computer Science and
Engineering, JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bengaluru under the guidance of
Dr. Naveen N C, Professor & Head. This report has not been submitted for the award of any
Diploma or Degree of this or any other University.

Name USN Signature

1. Jyothsna P 1JS16CS045 ……………………….

2. Cauvery A 1JS16CS031 ……………………….

3. Bhargav Hegde 1JS16CS027 ……………………….

4. Akshitha Y V 1JS16CS010 ……………………….

It is known that the garbage problem in Bengaluru and throughout India has only been
growing over the past few years. The landfills continue to be overfilled and there still is an
enormous pile of unfiltered garbage at the end of every street simply put into heaps and
thrown out without any proper care. The workers tasked with cleaning this up have to go
through a process of segregating this discarded waste before they can do anything with it. A
lot of their work and a lot of the space and time taken up by simply segregating the waste can
be saved if the waste is separated beforehand. This is now a state law. Residents must separate
the wet waste from the dry waste before passing it on to the government workers to dispose of
them appropriately. But this is not fully followed by a majority of the citizens. It takes a
conscious effort to follow this rule, which seems to be a drawback for a lot of people.[1]

To solve this problem, this project aims to automate the task of segregation of the
waste. With this project, the attempt is to segregate waste with the use of machine learning
algorithms and image processing technology to identify the different types of waste
automatically, and send the waste to the appropriate bin with the help of an IoT based robotic

We express our humble gratitude to Holiness Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Shivarathri
Deshikendra Mahaswamiji who has showered their blessings on us for framing our career

The completion of any project involves the efforts of many people. We have been lucky
enough to have received a lot of help and support from all quarters during the making of
this report, so with gratitude, we take this opportunity to acknowledge all those whose
guidance and encouragement helped us emerge successful.

We are thankful for Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) for
allowing us the opportunity to showcase the project and funding of the robotic arm. We
are grateful for JSS Management for their support in financing this endeavor and help in
making a distinct impression for the Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bangalore.

We are thankful to the resourceful guidance, timely assistance and graceful gesture of our
guide Dr. Naveen N C, Head of Department of Computer Science and Engineering, who
has helped us in every aspect of our project and for the facilities and support extended
towards us. We express our sincere thanks to our beloved principal, Dr. Mrityunjaya V
Latte for having supported us in our academic endeavors.

And last but not the least; we would be very pleased to express our heart full thanks to all
the teaching and non-teaching staff of CSE department and our friends who have
rendered their help, motivation and support.



Chapter No Title Page No.

Abstract…………………………………………………………........ i

Acknowledgement……………………………………………........... ii

Table of Contents……………………………………………............ iii

List of figures………………………………………………………... vi

List of Tables………………………………………………………… viii

Abbreviations used…………………………………………………... xi

Chapter 1 Introduction………………………………………………….............

1.1 Overview……………………………………………………….. 1

1.2 Motivation……………………………………………………… 1

1.3 Objective…………………………………………………......... 2

1.4 Organization……………………………………………………. 2

Chapter 2 Literature Survey……………………………………………………

2.1 Automated Waste Segregator…………………………………... 3

2.2 Classification of Trash for Recyclability status………………… 4

2.3 Automatic Waste Segregator…………………………………… 5

2.4 Waste Segregation for Machine Learning……………………… 6

2.5 Smart Bin for Waste Management……………………………... 7

2.6 Smart Garbage Segregation & Management System using 8

Internet of Things and Machine Learning………………………........

2.7 Electronically assisted Automatic Waste Segregation………..... 9

2.8 Eco-friendly IOT based Waste Segregation and Management…. 9

2.9 You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-time Object Detection…... 11

2.10 YOLOv3: An incremental Improvement……………………… 14

Chapter 3 Comparative Research……………………………………………...

3.1 Object detection using CNN……………………………………. 18

3.2 Object detection using RCNN.…………………………………. 20

3.3 Object detection using Fast RCNN.……………………………. 21

3.4 Object detection using Faster RCNN..…………………………. 22

3.5 Object detection using YOLO.…………………………………. 23

3.6 Arduino and Raspberry Pi……………………………………… 27

3.7 CPU and GPU…………………………………………………... 29

Chapter 4 System Requirements……………………………………………….

4.1 Hardware Specifications………………………………………... 32

4.1.1 Raspberry Pi…………………………………………………. 32

4.1.2 Pi Camera……………………………………………………. 33

4.1.3 Robotic Arm………………………………………………… 33

4.1.4 Servo Motor.………………………………………………… 34

4.2 Software Specifications………………………………………… 35

4.2.1 Google colab………………………………………………… 36

4.2.2 Darknet……………………………………………………… 36

4.2.3 YOLO……………………………………………………….. 37

4.2.4 OpenCV……………………………………………………... 38

4.2.5 PIGPIO……………………………………………………… 38

Chapter 5 System Architecture………………………………………………...

5.1 System structure………………………………………………… 39

5.2 Data flow diagram……………………………………………… 40

5.3 Use case diagram……………………………………………….. 41

5.4 Sequence diagram………………………………………………. 41

Chapter 6 Methodology and Proposed System………………………………..

6.1 Introduction……………………………………………………... 43

6.2 Programming Language Selection……………………………… 43

6.3 Darknet and YOLO Framework………………………………..

6.3.1 Installation…………………………………………………... 44

6.3.2 Dataset Creation…………………………………………….. 44

6.3.3 Tiny-YOLOv3………………………………………………. 45

6.4 Pseudocode……………………………………………………... 45

6.5 Training…………………………………………………………. 48

6.6 Testing………………………………………………………….. 50

6.7 Configuration of Hardware Components……………………….. 51

6.8 Detection and Real-time Segregation………………………….. 52

Chapter 7 Results and Observations…………………………………………... 53

Chapter 8 Conclusion and Future Scope…….………………………………... 59

8.1 Conclusion……………………………………………………… 59

8.2 Future Scope……………………………………………………. 59

References……………………………………………………........... 61

Appendix…………………………………………………………….. 64


Figure No Title Page No

2.1 Automated Waste Segregator 3

2.2 Example images from the dataset 4

2.3 Block diagram of Proposed System 5

2.4 Architecture diagram for Waste Segregation 6

2.5 Block diagram of the proposed system 7

2.6 Architecture diagram of the proposed system 8

2.7 Block diagram of the proposed system 9

2.8 System Segregation model 11

2.9 The YOLO Detection System 12

2.10 Error Analysis: Fast RCNN vs YOLO 13

2.11 Darkent-53 15

2.12 YOLOv3 Runtime vs other methods 16

3.1 Convolutional Neural Network from MNIST dataset 19

3.2 Object Detection System Overview 20

3.3 Fast RCNN Architecture 21

3.4 Faster RCNN Architecture 23

3.5 The Model 25

3.6 The Architecture 25

3.7 Arduino Board and Raspberry Pi board 28

4.1 Raspberry Pi 3 Model B 32

4.2 Raspberry Pi Camera Module v2 33

4.3 Robotic Arm 34

4.4 MG996 Servo Motor 35

4.5 Google Colab Logo 36

4.6 Darknet Framework Logo 36

4.7 YOLO Framework Logo 37

4.8 OpenCV Logo 38

5.1 Overall Block diagram 39

5.2 Dataflow diagram of proposed system 40

5.3 Use Case Diagram 41

5.4 Sequence diagram 42

6.1 Algorithm for automatic waste segregation 46

6.2 Algorithm for tiny-yolov3 network used 47

6.3 Comparison for different iterations 49

6.4 Trained model after 10000(max) iterations 50

6.5 Factors for weights file selection 51

6.6 Robotic arm after hardware setup 51

7.1 IOU measure 53

7.2 Precision measure 54

7.3 Recall measure 54

7.4 Evaluation metrics values 55

7.5 Output after testing 56

7.6 Predictions.jpg for single object 56

7.7 Result.txt for multiple objects 57

7.8 Predictions.jpg for multiple objects 57


Figure No Title Page No

2.1 Comparison with proposing methods 10

2.2 Real time Systems on PASCAL VOC 2007 14

2.3 Comparison of backbones of networks 16

3.1 Performance of each version of YOLO 27

3.2 Arduino vs Raspberry Pi 29

3.3 CPU vs GPU 31


CNN Convolutional Neural Network

COCO Common Objects in Context

CUDA Compute Unified Device Architecture

FPS Frames Per Second

GPU Graphical Processing Unit

IoT Internet of Things

mAP mean Average Precision

OpenCV Open source Computer Vision

RNN Recurrent Neural Network

SIFT Scale-Invariant Feature Transform

SVM Support Vector Machines

GPIO General Purpose Input Output

Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

Chapter 1


1.1 Overview
Garbage is waste material that is discarded by humans, usually due to a perceived lack
of utility. It doesn’t include bodily waste products, purely liquid or gaseous wastes, or toxic
waste products. They are commonly sorted and classified for specific kinds of disposal.
Garbage is actually the technical term for putrescent organic matter. Garbage is discarded in
ways that causes it to end up in the environment in an eco-friendly way as possible. Garbage
segregation means dividing waste into wet and dry. Garbage collected in each area is to be
separated before treating or reusing them for any other purposes.

Garbage is now being dumped into landfills without separation, or separated

improperly. This decreases efficiency in the process and also contributes more to pollution.
The proper disposal of waste largely impacts the environment and public health. This helps
reduce hazard emissions, thereby mitigating climate change.

Image processing is a method to perform operations on an image, in order to extract

some useful information from it. Processing of images is faster and more cost-effective than
using sensors. It is more ecological to process images.

1.2 Motivation
Bengaluru has a major garbage problem and the municipal corporation mandates that
the households must segregate the waste into wet and dry waste. Unfortunately, the basic
waste segregation is not being followed. There is a requirement of an effective system that
can ensure perfect segregation of wastes. The system must be able to perform the task of
separating garbage appropriately in an automated fashion.

Classifying waste remains a challenge because of many factors, such as the

complexity of the landscape in a study area and image-processing may affect the success of a
classification. Segregated waste is often cheaper to dispose. One such system could save a lot
of money when done right.

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

1.3 Objectives
The project aims to develop a technology for garbage segregation using image
processing for the following things:

 To identify and categorize different types of waste simultaneously

 To highlight the categorized waste in a captured image
 To ensure that the accuracy is high enough for it to be practical

1.4 Organization
The report consists of 8 chapters. Chapter 2 consists of Literature Survey which
includes the abstract of papers studied before starting the project. Chapter 3 consists of
Comparative Research for the selection of system requirements. Chapter 4 contains System
Requirements which consists of both software and hardware components used. Chapter 5
explains the System Architecture along with the block diagrams. Chapter 6 gives the detailed
explanation of the implementation of the project. Chapter 7 contains the results of the project
and Chapter 8 gives the conclusion and future enhancements on the project.

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

Chapter 2


2.1 Automated Waste Segregator [3]

This paper was presented by Amrutha Chandramohan, Joyal Mendonca, Nikhil Ravi
Shankar, Nikhil U Baheti, Nitin Kumar Krishnan and Suma M S from RVCE, Bangalore in
2014 Texas Instruments India Educators’ Conference.

During 2014, the common method of waste disposal was by unplanned and
uncontrolled open dumping at the landfill sites. This method is injurious to human health,
plant and animal life. There is a dependency on rag pickers for collecting the recyclable
wastes from the dump. This is not the efficient way of segregating. When the waste is
segregated into basic streams such as wet, dry and metallic, there was higher potential of
recovery, recyclability and reusability. There were large scale industrial waste segregators
present. In this, larger items were removed by manual sorting, then they were passed through
rotating drums with perforated holes of certain size.

Proposed system, Automated Waste Segregator (AWS), proximity sensors were used
to identify the incoming of waste and this starts the entire system. The waste falls on metal
detection system which detects the metallic waste. After this, the object falls into capacitive
sensing module, which distinguishes between wet and dry waste. After the identification the
circular base which holds the containers is rotated to collect corresponding waste.

Figure 2.1: Automated Waste Segregator

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

The differentiation of wet and dry waste is done using dielectric constant. When a
dielectric is introduced between the plates of capacitor, the capacitance increases. Wet waste
has a higher relative dielectric constant than dry waste coz of the moisture, oil and fat content
present in organic waste. A threshold is set, if the value is greater than the threshold then it is
inferred as wet waste or else it is dry waste.

2.2 Classification of Trash for Recyclability status [4]

This paper was presented by Mindy Yang, Gary Thung from Stanford University.
This paper focuses on a computer vision approach to classify the garbage into recycling
categories. The objective of this project was to take images of a single piece of recycling or
garbage and classify it to one of the classes. SVM with SIFT features and a CNN were the
models used for this project.

Data set was created by hand by the presented students. It contains images of recycled
objects like paper, glass, plastic, metal, cardboard, etc. Data augmentation techniques were
performed due to the small size of each class. SVM was used for the classification of trash
into categories. Features used for SVM were SIFT features. Torch7 Framework was used to
construct CNN. The CNN was eleven layered network which is very similar to AlexNet.
CNN was trained with train-val-test split of 70-13-17 with 60 epochs and a batch size of 32.
Only single objects were supposed to be given as input for the classification.

Test accuracy with the SVM was 63% and that of CNN was only 22%. To improve
the CNN results, more data should have been collected and used. The system with 22%
accuracy wasn’t practical. Identification of multiple objects from a single image or video is
required for practical implementation.

Figure 2.2: Example images from the dataset

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

2.3 Automatic waste segregator [5]

This paper was presented by Sharanya A, U Harika, N Sriya, Sreeja Kochvila from
Amrita University, India. This paper aims to sort the waste to 3 major categories, namely
metallic, wet, dry. Dry waste is further separated into paper and plastic. Arduino UNO is used
with the sensors are used for the smooth running of the system.

Proposed system consists of 2 discs, rotating and stationary disc. Bins are placed
between the discs. All the sensors are placed on the rotating disc at specified spots. IR
proximity sensor detects the waste when kept and starts the system. Moisture sensor detects
the wet waste. If not wet waste, it is passed to next sensor i.e., Inductive Proximity sensor for
metal detection. The last module has a Laser LDR circuit that detects plastic and paper. If the
LASER kept passes through the trash it is detected as plastic or else it is paper. Once the
detection is done, the waste is pushed to respective bins with the help of Servo Motors.

Figure 2.3: Block diagram of Proposed System

Even though this system could be used in large scale, there are limitations. The
limitations include the size of trash. It should be minimum of 30mm width. The system can
segregate only one type of waste at a time. Further improvements are required for it to be
actually used in public places. The system is to be constructed as per that size and more
sensors should be used to detect more objects and multiple objects at the same time.

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

2.4 Waste segregation using Machine learning [6]

This paper was presented by Yesha Desai, Asmita Dalvi, Pruthviraj Jadhav, Abhilash
Baphna by University of Mumbai in International Journal for Research in Applied Science &
Engineering Technology (IJRASET).

The proposed idea was to create an autonomous system which segregates the waste
using CNN algorithm in machine learning. The algorithm detects and classifies the waste
according to the dataset provided to CNN. The algorithm classifies the waste as
biodegradable and non-biodegradable. The waste material is recognized based on shape and
size of the objects. Raspberry Pi is used to capture the image and to push the classified object
to respective bin.

Figure 2.4: Architecture diagram for Waste Segregation

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

2.5 Smart Bin for Waste Management System [7]

This paper was presented by Sreejith S, Sanjay Kumar A, Ramya R, Roja R from SNS
College of Technology in 2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing &
Communication Systems (ICACCS).

The proposed solution empowers waste monitoring personnel by notifying when the
fill-level or safe gas emission levels are surpassed. The proposed smart bin consists of a
number of sensors. Once the bin gets filled it will automatically move to garbage collecting
area, dispose the waste and return back to its place. A rain sensor is used to sense rain and
close the bin automatically; a gas sensor is used to detect the gas level and to alert the
passersby with the buzzer. All these sensors are connected to Arduino UNO. A DC motor is
used to move around. The process is repeated by means of a microcontroller.

Figure 2.5: Block diagram of the proposed system

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

2.6 Smart Garbage Segregation & Management System Using

Internet of Things (Iot) & Machine Learning (ML) [8]
This paper was presented by Shamin N, P Mohamed Fathimal, Raghvendran R and
Kamalesh Prakash from SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai in 2019 1st
International Conference on Innovations in Information and Technology (ICIICT).

The paper proposes IoT stationed smart waste segregation and management device
which detects the wastes using sensors and the information is directly transferred to cloud
database via IoT. Microcontroller is used as a mediator between the sensors and IoT system.
Numbers of sensors were used to detect the waste class. Ultra-sonic sensor was used to detect
the presence of waste. Moisture sensor is used to detect the moisture content in waste and
metal sensor to separate metal items from the rest of the waste. Image processing is used to
identify other plastics and degradable items. The dustbin data were uploaded to cloud

SURF algorithm is used for feature extraction of the images. KNN algorithm is used
to compare the test image with dataset images. The accuracy of this system was 99%. The
limitation of the system was only one waste material can be put into the dustbin at a time.
The quality of the image decides the classification accuracy. And if the so kept material is not
a part of the database it affects the result. Due to these limitations, this system was not fit to
be used in large scale.

Figure 2.6: Architecture diagram of the proposed system

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

2.7 Electronically assisted automatic waste segregation [9]

This paper was presented by Nandhini S, Mrinal Sharma, Naveen Balachandran, K
Suryanarayana, D S Harish Ram from Amrita School of Engineering in Third International
Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2019).

The proposed system is based on a robotic assembly and machine learning based
classification. The robotic arm is used to move the object from one place to the classifier
platform. The robot senses the object using the ultrasonic sensors to calculate the distance to
the target object. It uses CNN based classifier for identifying the class, a robotic arm is driven
by servo motor for handling the waste. Arduino board is used for controlling the assembly.

Figure 2.7: Block diagram of the proposed system

2.8 Eco-Friendly IOT Based Waste Segregation and Management


This paper was presented by Santhosh Kumar B.R., Varalakshmi N, Soundarya S.

Lokeshwari, Rohit K, Manjunath and Sahana D.N. of K.S. Institute of Technology,
Bangalore at the International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication,
Computer, and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT), 2017.

The proposed idea was to use an STM32 controller to create an eco-friendly waste
segregator that would segregate between biodegradable, metal and plastic waste. The waste
that is being dropped into the smart dustbin is segregated right at the source, thus preventing

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

any improper waste management in the future. This method is proposed to be used in primary
waste generation locations. This model is equipped into the dustbin itself.

The model when compared with the technology previously used waste segregation
methods shows the following advantages:

Table 2.1: Comparison with Proposing Methods

The model segregates any waste dropped in the bin at the panel with the help of
sensors and the corresponding valves on the segment are opened and the waste is dumped
into their respective segment. Furthermore, alarming levels of microbe activity in the
biodegradable segment are controlled with sensors and chemical treatment. The sensors in
this segment include gas sensors for methane gas produced and even controls the odour of the
gas. The system is equipped with a Wi-Fi module for connectivity with a data service that

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

will continuously monitor the threshold levels of the waste in the bin. Once a threshold level
is reached, it alerts that the garbage needs to be disposed. Similarly, for metal and plastic
waste, inductive and capacitive sensors are used. Metal objects dumped are coated with an
acrylic coating to prevent reactivity. Overall, the bins are equipped with level sensors to
indicate the collected waste levels and sends the status message with the means of the Wi-Fi
module. Further appropriate disposal of each segment can be carried out.

Fig 2.8: System Segregation Model

The system is as shown above, and while it considers many aspects of waste
collection and segregation in a timely manner, this model is not practical with different mixes
of waste at the same time as it can only detect one type of waste at the segment at a time.

2.9 You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection [19]
This paper was presented by Joseph Redmon, Santosh Divvala, Ross Girshick, Ali
Farhadi from University of Washington and published in 2016.

This paper develops a new approach to object detection in the form of an algorithm of
the name You Only Look Once (YOLO) for real-time object detection using a 24-layered

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

convolutional neural network. YOLO frames the object detection as a regression problem to
spatially separated bounding boxes and associated class probabilities instead of repurposing
classifiers. By this method, the neural network passes the image through it only once and
performs the detection by predicting bounding boxes and class probabilities directly from the
images. It is a single network pipeline and therefore optimized for fast detection performance.

This algorithm works on the principle of a fully connected convolutional network

with 2 YOLO layers for different scaled object detection and accuracy. It breaks the images
up into grids and assigns class probabilities to each grid while predicting up to 2 bounding
boxes per grid. Since this only happens with a full confidence of an object existing within the
specific grid, it ignores whitespace. Once it has made these predictions in each grid, it scales
back and looks at the whole image with global context. This way it unifies the objects in the
image while simultaneously being real-time with its detection.

Fig 2.9: The YOLO Detection System

YOLO learns the generalized representations of objects to use during detection, by

training on natural images. This algorithm outperforms top detection methods like DPM and
R-CNN by a wide margin. This model is less likely to break down when applied to new
unidentified objects as it is highly generalizable. However, despite it lagging behind some
state of the art-detection systems in accuracy, it makes up for it in speed and is real-time.
These trade-offs are insignificant for the use case of garbage segregation.

To further examine the differences between YOLO and state-of-the-art detectors,

experiments are run on the VOC-2007 and the results are broken down. Fast-RCNN and
YOLO are compared as Fast-RCNN is one of the highest performing detectors on PASCAL
and its detections are publicly available. This comparison is done by taking top N predictions

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

for each category at test time. Each prediction is either correct or it is classified based on the
type of error:

 Correct: correct class and IOU >.5

 Localization: correct class, .1<IOU<.5
 Similar: class is similar IOU>.1
 Other: class is wrong IOU >.1
 Background: IOU <.1 for any object

The breakdown of each error type is shown in the figure, across all 20 classes of VOC-2007.

Fig: 2.10: Error Analysis: Fast R-CNN vs. YOLO

Most of the errors committed by YOLO are localization errors in comparison to all
other sources, while R-CNN makes fewer of these but far more background errors. 13.6% of
its top detections are false positives that don’t contain any objects. This is almost completely
avoided in YOLO and therefore much more effective for the use case of waste detection in a
heap pile. Fast R-CNN is almost 3 times more likely to predict background detections than

When similar experiments are run on real-time systems, a different factor is

considered, mainly the speed of the detection, which is a far greater factor to consider when
dealing with constantly changing objects for detection. Here YOLO performs fairly well,

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

with only two other competitors in terms of real time detection, both of which are
Deformable parts Models (DPM), as shown in the table below.

Table 2.2: Real-time Systems on PASCAL VOC 2007

Fast YOLO is the fastest detector on record for PASCAL VOC detection and is still twice as
accurate as any other real time detector. YOLO is 10mAP more accurate than the fast version
while still well above real-time in speed. YOLO achieves a 6-times faster speed than the
VGG-16 version of Faster R-CNN and 2.5 times higher speed along with more accuracy
against The Zeiler-Fergus Faster R-CNN.

2.10 YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement [20]

This paper was presented by Joseph Redmon and Ali Farhadi from University of
Washington in 2018 as an update on the previous version of You Only Look Once (YOLO).

Many design changes made to the original version of YOLO resulted in a much more
accurate YOLO network. Here a new trained network proves to be the biggest change. At
320x320 YOLOv3 runs in 22 ms at 28.2 mAP., which is just as accurate as Single Shot
Detector (SSD) but 3x faster.

One of the many design changes include the way that bounding boxes are predicted.
An objectness score is predicted for each bounding box using logistic regression, and it will
maximise at 1 if the bounding box prior overlaps a ground truth object more than any other

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

bounding box prior. Another design change would be class prediction which now uses binary
cross-entropy loss. Independent logistic classifiers replaced softmax for better performance.
Another feature to this version would be prediction across 3 different scales and feature
extraction across these scales, similar to feature pyramid networks. This resulted in addition
of several convolutional layers. The final layer in these predicts a 3-d tensor encoding
bounding box, objectness and class predictions. Feature extraction, a new network is used
which uses a hybrid approach with YOLOv2, Darknet-19 and residual networks. This new
network is comprised of successive 3 x 3 and 1 x 1 convolutional layers with some shortcut
connections as well. This makes the network much larger i.e. 53 convolutional layers so it is
called Darknet-53.

Figure 2.11: Darkent-53

This network proves to be much more powerful than Darknet-19 but still more
efficient than ResNet-101 or ResNet-152. The results shown are measured on ImageNet in

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terms of accuracy, Billions of Operations, Billion floating-point operations per second and
FPS for various networks.

TABLE 2.3: Comparison of Backbones of Networks

All networks are trained with identical settings and tested at 256 x 256, single crop
accuracy. Thus Darknet-53 performs on par with state-of-the-art classifiers but with fewer
floating-point operations and more speed. This network structure better utilizes the GPU,
making it more efficient to evaluate and thus faster.

Figure 2.12: YOLOv3 Run Time vs. Other Methods

Thus, with these changes made, and a larger network with more efficient designs,
YOLOv3 runs significantly faster than other detection methods with comparable
performance. Times are from either an M-40 or Titan X which are similar GPUs.

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A smaller version of the more efficient YOLOv3 is also constructed in order to avoid usage
of GPUs when testing, and faster detection with lower usage of disk space. This is the version
the proposed garbage detection model uses that is loaded into the Raspberry Pi and detects
the waste.

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Chapter 3


3.1 Object detection using CNN

A CNN is a supervised learning technique which needs both input data and target
output data to be supplied. These are classified by using their labels in order to provide a
learned model for future data analysis.

Typically a CNN has three main constituents - a Convolutional Layer, a Pooling

Layer and a Fully connected Dense Network. The Convolutional layer takes the input image
and applies m number of n x n filters to receive a feature map. The feature map is next fed
into the max pool layer which is essentially used for dimensionality reduction, it picks only
the best features from the feature map. Finally, all the features are flattened and sent as input
to the fully connected dense neural network which learns the weights using backpropagation
and provides the classification output.

The motivation behind the CNN is that it is based on the way the visual cortex
functions, where one object in the scene is in focus while the rest is blurred, similarly the
CNN takes one section/window of the input image at a time for classification. Each time the
CNN will produce a feature map for each section, in the convolutional layer. In the Pooling
layer it removes the excess features and takes only the most important features for that
section, thereby performing feature extraction. Hence, with the use of CNNs we don't have to
perform an additional feature extraction technique.

A ConvNet is able to successfully capture the Spatial and Temporal dependencies in an

image through the application of relevant filters. The architecture performs a better fitting to
the image dataset due to the reduction in the number of parameters involved and reusability of
weights. The role of the ConvNet is to reduce the images into a form which is easier to
process, without losing features which are critical for getting a good prediction. This is
important when we are to design an architecture which is not only good at learning features
but also is scalable to massive datasets. Similar to the Convolutional Layer, the Pooling layer
is responsible for reducing the spatial size of the Convolved Feature. This is to decrease the
computational power required to process the data through dimensionality reduction.

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There are two types of Pooling: Max Pooling and Average Pooling. Max
Pooling returns the maximum value from the portion of the image covered by the Kernel. On
the other hand, Average Pooling returns the average of all the values from the portion of the
image covered by the Kernel. Adding a Fully-Connected layer is a (usually) cheap way of
learning non-linear combinations of the high-level features as represented by the output of the
convolutional layer. The Fully-Connected layer is learning a possibly non-linear function in
that space.

Figure 3.1: Convolutional Neural Network for MNIST dataset

CNNs require lesser pre-processing as compared to other similar classification

algorithms. While traditional MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron) algorithms have significant
accuracy for image recognition, they suffer from the curse of dimensionality due to the nodes
being fully connected, and hence cannot be scaled to high resolution images. CNNs
overcome these challenges posed by MLP by exploiting the spatial correlation of an image.
This is done by enforcing a pattern of local connectivity between adjacent neuron layers.
Hence, CNNs prove to be superior at Image classification, Video Analysis, Natural Language
Processing and wide range of other applications as compared to other techniques.

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3.2 Object detection using R-CNN [21]

In this paper “Rich feature hierarchies for accurate object detection and semantic
segmentation” by R. B. Girshick, J. Donahue, T. Darrell, and J. Malik, the authors introduced
a fundamental concept for all modern object detection networks: combining region proposals
with CNNs. They called it as R-CNN.

This approach is a combination of 2 key insights:

1. One can apply high-capacity CNNs to bottom-up region proposals to localize and
segment objects
2. When the training data is scarce, supervised pre-training followed by domain-
specific fine-tuning, gives significant performance boost.

Figure 3.2: Object Detection System overview

This system consists of 3 modules. First module generates category-independent region

proposals. Second module is a large Convolutional Neural Network. Third is set of SVMs.

3.2.1 Region proposals

Selective search method is used to generate region proposals. This algorithm is based
on computing hierarchical grouping of similar regions based on colour, texture, size and
shape compatibility. Selective search starts by over-segmenting the image based on intensity
of the pixels. These oversegments are used as an initial seed and then add all bounding boxes

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corresponding to segmented parts to the list of regional proposals, group adjacent segments
based on similarity. These steps are repeated to form larger segments. This Selective Search
method will create nearly 2000 different regions.

3.2.2 CNN

Each region proposal is taken individually and a feature vector representing this
image is created using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).

3.2.3 SVM

Once the feature vector is created, we need to identify the classes each object belongs
to. SVM is a classifier used for this purpose. SVM gives the output as confidence levels.

3.3 Object detection using Fast R-CNN [22]

R-CNN was a major breakthrough using region based CNNs. But it had problems:
 Slow: Calculating a feature map for each region proposal makes it slow.
 Hard to train: R-CNN system consists of different parts (CNN, SVM) that
have to be trained separately. This makes training very difficult.
 Large memory Requirement: Saving every feature map for each region
proposal takes up a lot of memory.

In this paper “Fast R-CNN” by R. B. Girshick, the author tries to solve these problems. The
different parts of R-CNN are combined to one architecture.

Figure 3.3: Fast R-CNN architecture.

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This architecture works like this:

1. Whole image is processed with CNN and gives the feature map as the output.
2. Using this feature map, for each region proposal extract the corresponding part called as
Region Proposal Feature Map. Pooling layer is used to resize all the region proposal
feature map to a fixed size.
3. This fixed region proposal map is flattened. Map becomes a feature vector which doesn’t
change its size.

This part has 2 fully connected layers that have 2 outputs. First is Softmax layer which
decides the object class, second is Bounding Box Regressor, where output is a bounding box
coordinates for each object class.

3.4 Object detection using Faster R-CNN [23]

Fast R-CNN also uses selective search to find region proposals. This Selective search
makes it slow and time consuming process affecting the performance of the network.

In this paper, “Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region
Proposal Networks”, by Shaoqing Ren, Kaiming He, Ross Girshick, and Jian Sun, tries to
solve this problem by using a different approach than Selective Search. Faster R-CNN lets
the network learn the region proposals.

Like Fast R-CNN, the feature map is provided by the CNN. To identify the region
proposals a separate network is used to predict them. Predicted region proposals use RoI
(Region of Interest) pooling layer to reshape the images and then used to classify the image
within that proposed region and predict values for bounding boxes.

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Figure 3.4: Faster R-CNN Architecture

3.5 Object detection using YOLO [24]

You-Only-Look-Once (YOLO) and Faster RCNN both have some similarities. But R-
CNN techniques primarily use regions to localize the objects within the images. YOLO
framework takes the entire image in a single instance and predicts the bounding box
coordinates and class probabilities for these boxes. YOLO is incredible fast and can process
45 Frames Per Second. This makes YOLO as one the best algorithms for object detection.

The overall process of YOLO is very simple. YOLO takes an input image. Then the
image is divided into grids. Image classification and localization are applied on each grid.

A single neural network which predicts bounding boxes and class probabilities
directly from full images in one evaluation is being explained.

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A single convolutional network simultaneously predicts multiple bounding box

coordinates and class probabilities. Base network runs at 45 frames per second on GPU and
fast version runs at 155 frames per second. While streaming video in real-time we have less
than 25 milliseconds of latency.

3.5.1 Model

Input image is divided into S × S grid. B bounding boxes are defined in each grid cell
with confidence score. Confidence is nothing but the probability an object exists in each box.

Confidence is defined as:

C = Pr (Object) * IOU𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒉

Where IOU is Intersection Over Union, truth is ground truth and pred is prediction.

Intersection is overlapping area between predicted box and truth, and union is the total
area between both predicted and truth. IOU should be close to1 which indicates that predicted
bounding box is close to truth.

Simultaneously, C conditional class probability is predicted. Class specific probability

for each grid cell is defined as:

Pr (Classi | Object) * Pr (Object) * IOU𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒉

= Pr (Classi) * IOU𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒉

These probabilities are encoded to tensor of a fixed dimension. Tensor dimension is defined
as: S ×S ×(B ∗5+C)

Based on the considered YOLO network, the model produces 7 × 7 × 30.

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Figure 3.5: The model

3.5.2 Network Design

This network is inspired by GoogLeNet model for image classification. This network
has 24 convolutional layers followed by 2 fully connected layers.

Figure 3.6: The Architecture

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Alternating 1 × 1 convolutional layers reduce the features space from preceding

layers. Convolutional layers are pre-trained at half resolution for image classification and
then double the resolution for detection. Final output of this network is the 7 × 7 × 30 tensor
of predictions.

3.5.3 Training [25]

For pre-training we use the first 20 convolutional layers, average-pooling layer and a
fully connected layer. Final layer predicts class probabilities and bounding box coordinates.
Bounding box height and width are to be normalized by image height and width so that they
fall between 0 and 1.

Linear activation function is used for final layer and all other layers uses leaky
rectified linear activation which is defined as:

𝑥, 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 > 0
ɸ(𝑥) =
0.1𝑥, 𝑖𝑓 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒

YOLO predicts multiple bounding boxes per cell. One predictor is assigned to predict an
object based on the highest current IOU with ground truth.

Equation for Loss function

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The loss function is used to correct the center and bounding box of each prediction. λcoord
and λnoobj variables are used to increase emphasis on boxes with objects and lower the
emphasis on boxes with no objects. C refers to confidence and p(c) refers to classification

YOLO has been improved with different versions such as YOLOv2 or YOLOv3.
Condensed versions of these versions are also available which are smaller and faster than
their original versions.

Table 3.1: Performance of each version of YOLO

3.6 Arduino and Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi (RPi) board is a credit card sized computer. It has memory, processor
and graphics card. It also has a specially designed Linux OS that is easy to install. RPi
doesn’t offer internal storage but SD cards can be used in place of it. For network
connectivity, SSH and FTP can be used. Arduino board is an interface for devices, sensors
and for any hardware project. It allows us to better manage devices and actuators.[26]

RPi is useful when Internet connectivity is necessary. It is completely Linux based

and hence makes things easier. It can be programmed with various programming languages.

Arduino is very easy to get started for real-time applications. Not much programming
practice and experience is necessary to get started with working with Arduino. With RPi,
accessing hardware is not real-time. Sometimes there is a delay. There is no built-in Analog
to Digital converter.

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RPi hardware is not open source. Arduino is not as powerful as RPi. Only
programming languages like C/C++ can be used to program the Arduino. Connecting to the
Internet is difficult. If any project requires Internet connectivity, less hardware interaction and
is slightly complex on the software side, then RPi is the best option. If we need/want to use
other languages other than C/C++, then RPi is a better option. [27]

Figure 3.7: Arduino board (left), Raspberry Pi Model 3 (right)

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Table 3.2: Arduino vs Raspberry Pi

3.7 CPU and GPU

CPU (Central Processing Unit) is a device primarily acts as the brain for every
embedded system. It consists of an ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) used to temporarily store
the data and perform calculations and a CU (Control Unit) which performs instruction
sequencing and branching. It also interacts to the other units of the computer such as
memory, input and output, for executing the instruction from the memory this is the reason an

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interface is also a crucial part of the CPU. The I/O interface is sometimes included in the
control unit. [28]

It provides address, data and control signal while receives instructions, data, status
signal and interrupt which is processed with the help of the system bus. A system bus is a
group of various busses such as address, control and data bus. The CPU assigns more
hardware unit to fast cache while low to computation, unlike GPU.

The GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) is a processor specifically designed for

computing the graphical displays. It is typically incorporated with CPU for sharing RAM
with CPU which is good for the most computing task. It is needed for the high-end graphics
intensive processing. The discrete GPU unit contains its own RAM known as VRAM for
video RAM. The advanced GPU system cooperatively works with the multi-core CPUs. At
first, the graphics unit was introduced by the Intel and IBM in the 1980s. These cards were
enabled with simple functionalities such as area filling, alteration of simple images, shape
drawing and so on. [29]

The modern graphics are capable of performing the research and analysis task, often
surpassing CPUs because of its extreme parallel processing. In the GPU the several
processing units are stripped together where no cache coherency exist.

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Table 3.3: CPU vs GPU

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Chapter 4

System requirements are the configuration that a system must have for a hardware and
software for the proposed idea to run easily and proficiently.

4.1 Hardware Specifications

4.1.1 Raspberry Pi [10]

Raspberry Pi is a single-board computer developed by Raspberry Pi foundation. It

was originally developed for teaching purposes. Now it is widely used in research projects
because of its low cost and portability. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B was the model used in this

Figure 4.1: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B

Processor: 64-bit SoC 2 1.4GHz
Memory: 1GB SDRAM
Connectivity: 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless LAN
4 × USB 2.0 ports
Access: Extended 40-pin GPIO header
SD card support: Micro SD format

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Input power: 5V/2.5A DC via micro USB controller

5V DC via GPIO header

4.1.2 Pi Camera [11]

Camera modules which are official products from Raspberry Pi Foundation are called
Pi cameras. Camera module is used to take high-definition video and photographs. Raspberry
Pi Module v2 is the camera module used in this project. The v2 camera module has a Sony
IMX219 8-megapixel sensor. It supports 1080p30, 720p60 and VGA90 video modes and still

Figure 4.2: Raspberry Pi Camera Module v2

4.1.3 Robotic Arm [12]

The robotic arm used in this project is “Aluminium Alloy 4 DOF Manipulator
Steering Gear Bracket Mechanical Paws”. It is a 4-DOF manipulator designed from multiple
servo sets.

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Figure 4.3: Robotic arm

Arm Parameters

Working Voltage: 4.8-6V

Paw weight: 68g

Maximum opening angle of the paw: 52mm

Arm height: 35.5cm

Overall length of paw: 115mm (when paw is closed)

110mm (when paw is opened)

4.1.4 Servo Motor [12]

Servo motors are DC motors that allow for precise control of the angular position.
The servo motors have a revolution cut-off from 90˚ to 180˚. The servo motors used in this
project are MG996R. It is a metal gear servo motor with features mentioned below:

Operating Voltage: +5V

Current: 2.5A(6V)

Stall Torque: 9.4 kg/cm

Operating speed: 0.17s / 60˚

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Rotation: 0˚ - 180˚

Weight of motor: 55gm

Figure 4.4: MG996 Servo motor

It has 3 wires:

1. Brown Ground wire connected to ground of system

2. Red Powers the motor

3. Orange PWM signal is given in through this wire to drive the motor

4.2 Software requirements

This section gives a detailed description of the software requirement specification.
This allows the developer or analyst to understand the system, function to be carried out the
performance level to be obtained and corresponding interfaces to be established.

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4.2.1 Google Colab [13]

Figure 4.5: Google Colab Logo

Collaboratory or “Colab” is a product from Google Research. It allows us to write and

execute Python in browser with free access to GPUs, zero configurations required and easy
sharing. Colab allows anybody to write and execute python code through the browser. Colab
notebooks are Jupyter notebooks that are hosted by Colab.

Colab supports Python 2.7 and 3.6. There is a limit to the sessions and size for the
colab notebooks. It is easy to work with deep learning libraries like PyTorsch, Keras,
TensorFlow and OpenCV using Google colab.

Google colab provides free NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPU of about 12 GB. A GPU
provides 1.8TFlops and has a RAM of 12GB. GPU allocation is restricted to 12 hours at a
time per user. We can connect your session to Google Drive as an external storage.

4.2.2 Darknet Framework [14]

Figure 4.6: Darknet Framework Logo

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Darknet is an open source neural network framework written in C and CUDA. It

supports both CPU and GPU computation. Darknet has 2 optional dependencies: OpenCV for
wide variety of supported image types, CUDA for GPU computation. This framework
features YOLO, a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system. It has a mAP of 78.6%
on VOC 2007 and 44.0% on COCO dataset.

Darknet displays information as it loads the config file and weights then it classifies
the image and prints top classes for the image. This framework can be used to run RNN.
RNNs are powerful models for representing data that changes over time and Darknet can
handle them without using CUDA or OpenCV. The framework also allows its users to
venture into game-playing neural networks.

4.2.3 YOLO framework [15]

Figure 4.7: YOLO Framework Logo

YOLO is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system. On a Pascal Titan X, it

processes images at 30 FPS and has a mAP of 57.9% on COCO test-dev. YOLO framework
applies a single neural network to the full image. The network divides the image into regions
and predicts bounding boxes and probabilities for each region.

YOLO makes predictions with a single network evaluation. It is more than 1000x
faster than R-CNN and 100x faster than Fast R-CNN.

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4.2.4 OpenCV [16]

Figure 4.8: OpenCV Logo

OpenCV is an open source computer vision and machine learning software library. It
was built to provide a common infrastructure for computer vision applications. OpenCV was
originally developed by Intel. OpenCV is written in C++ and its primary interface is in C++.
There are bindings in in Pyhton, Java and MATLAB.

OpenCV runs on windows, Linux, macOS, etc. It can also run on mobile Operating
systems like Android, iOS, Blackberry 10. OpenCV library has more than 2500 optimized
algorithms. It includes a comprehensive set of both classic and state-of-the-art computer
vision and machine learning algorithms. These algorithms can be used to detect and
recognize faces, identify objects, track camera movements, track moving objects, etc.

4.2.5 PIGPIO [17]

pigpio is a Python module for the Raspberry to control the GPIO. The pigpio Python
module can run on Windows, MACs, or Linux. It controls one or more Pi’s. It is useful in
creating and transmitting precisely timed waveforms, reading/writing GPIO and setting their
modes. Transmitted waveforms are accurate to a microsecond. This module uses the services
of the C pigpio library. pigpio must be running on Pi(s) whose GPIO are to be manipulated.

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Chapter 5


5.1 System structure

The proposed system divides the whole system into modules. First module deals with
collection of dataset and pre-processing of the images. Pre-processing of the images include
labelling them with the classes and finding the height and width of every object in the image
given. Second module deals with creation of model. Creation of module consists of training
the model and testing the model for accuracy and precision. This training and testing process
is repeated until a practical accuracy is reached. Third module deals with capturing the image
and sorting the objects using the model. Image captured by the camera is saved and cropped
to the required size. Cropped image is given to the model to detect the objects in the image
and to obtain the coordinates of each object in image. These coordinates are given to arm to
sort the objects accordingly.

Figure 5.1: Overall Block diagram

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5.2 Data flow diagram

A flowchart is a diagram which depicts the algorithm and/or process as a sequence.
Different symbols are used to represent different processes in flowchart. The order of the
process is shown by arrows connecting the boxes for different kinds of statements.

Data flow diagrams can be of 2 types, Logical DFD and Physical DFD. Figure 4.2
shows physical DFD of the proposed system. It describes the processes in detail and shows
all processes regardless of it being manual or automated.

Figure 5.2: Data Flow diagram of proposed system

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5.3 Use case diagram

A use case diagram is a simple way of representing the interaction of a user with the
system. It shows the relationship between the user and the system. It is also known as
behaviour diagram as it depicts the behaviour of the system with the external actors. A use
case diagram summarizes relationship between use cases and actors.

Here the user, system and arm are considered as actors that interact with each other
for the final output.

Figure 5.3: Use case diagram

5.4 Sequence diagram

A sequence diagram depicts the active processes that live simultaneously as vertical
lines. The horizontal arrows show the messages that are being transferred from one process or
object to another. The messages given are in the order that they are exchanges form the top to
bottom of the sequence diagram. The sequence diagrams are also called as event diagrams or
event scenarios as they represent the various events that occur in the system in order.

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Figure 5.4: Sequence diagram

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Chapter 6


6.1 Introduction

This chapter covers the methodology and the practical implementation of our proposed
model. In order to bring the thesis to life, we have several factors to consider before we can
implement the system. The mapping out of these stages is known as the methodology. It can
be dissected into many modules or steps, such as:

 Programming Language Selection

 Installation and Configuration of Darknet and YOLO Framework
 Training & Testing of Tiny-YOLO model
 Construction of Robotic Arm
 Real Time Garbage Detection and Segregation

The implementation stage consists of proper planning, detailed study of the existing
system and its constraints and designing of any alternative methods and their evaluation.

6.2 Programming Language Selection

For this project, the selection of the programming is crucial, as we require a language
that is optimal for both remote computation of YOLO weights and Raspberry Pi
configuration. The ideal choice for this was therefore Python.

6.2.1 Python

Python is an object-oriented scripting language which is very easy to learn. Hence it is

also commonly called as a beginner’s language. It is an interpreted and interactive language.
This language was created by Guido van Rossum and its implementation began in 1989 at
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Netherland. Python is basically developed under
and open source license which has been approved by OSI. Hence, this language is free for use
and distribution (even for commercial use).

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The main reasons for using Python in our proposed system are:

1. Easy to learn and use.

2. OpenCV library & Darknet frameworks are crucial features and effortlessly accessible in

3. Python provides interfaces to Raspberry Pi processor and therefore streamlines the

configuration of the hardware used in this project.

4. The Python language is portable and scalable.

5. Python provides simple & quick integration of GPUs.

6.3 Darknet and YOLO Framework

As mentioned earlier, Darknet can be used with OpenCV and CUDA. For this project,
we have made use of both the features. The framework is basically written in C but it has an
excellent integration in Python.

6.3.1 Installation

The process of installation is straightforward and done through an open source git
repository created by Joseph Redmon. For our needs however, an updated version of the
repository created by AlexyAB has been used as this supports Windows platforms as well as
streamlining the training and validation process.

Once the base system framework of Darknet has been compiled, we can make use of
the tiny yolo model present.

6.3.2 Dataset Creation

In order to use the tiny-yolov3 algorithm, a dataset of the types of waste needed to be
segregated has to be compiled. This dataset consists of at least 1000 different images of one

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type or class of waste. We have compiled our dataset by scraping the web as well as making
use of Kaggle, a hub of open source datasets for the world of Machine Learning.

Our model attempts to segregate the recyclable waste into 5 classes, namely: Wood,
Metal, Paper, Plastic and Glass. The waste in the dataset of over 7000 images is accurately
labeled and saved for the model to read. Organic waste is ignored for the large part, and not
segregated; hence we have no use for images of such kind.

This dataset, once labeled is split into training and test sets at a ratio of 90-10 and
loaded into the darknet framework for training.

6.3.3 Tiny-YOLOv3

From the many algorithms available on the darknet framework, we have chosen Tiny-
Yolov3 as it is a succinct neural network of 24 convolutional layers and 2 yolo layers.

The tiny version of YOLO allows us to make garbage detection on a small processing
unit such as a Raspberry Pi 3 and therefore ideal for the project.

YOLO allows the detection and segregation to be made quickly and accurately, since
the images will be passing through a single neural network. This network divides the image
into regions and predicts bounding boxes and probabilities for each region. These bounding
boxes are weighted by the predicted probabilities.

The default mAP of the YOLO system is 57.9% on the universal COCO dataset
mainly used to predict large objects. However, we are utilizing this system to detect more
undefined objects like waste with a considerably smaller dataset of jpeg images.

6.4 Pseudocode

The working model can be differentiated into various modules. The algorithm of the
complete sequence is presented below in Figure 6.1. This sequence continues to function as
long as the number of objects presented in front of the system is greater than zero.

It follows through on the complete procedure of segregation, beginning with capturing

an image of the workspace below, transmitting the image to the YOLO network which

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

processes it in real time. The network returns the updated number of objects, midpoints of the
objects as well as its classes so as to dispose of them appropriately. ‘Predictions.jpg’ image
contains the final output of the software module complete with bounding boxes and their
labels. The function Pick_Up_Recyclable_Waste() uses the co-ordinates returned to
move the robotic arm to the location of the recyclable objects while the
Move_Arm_to_Bin() function uses the default bin position to throw the recyclable
waste. This bin position can be configured to different locations depending on the class
predictions given to that particular object. After each object, the arm resets using
Reset_Arm()function to come to rest. This continues for all obtained co-ordinates.

Figure 6.1: Algorithm for Automatic Waste Segregation

The detection of recyclable objects takes place within the YOLO function where the image
is partitioned into 13x13 cells in which it is capable of detecting up to five objects per cell.
The image is only processed once through the tiny-YOLO network and each cell is examined
carefully where a class prediction and bounding box prediction is done and appended to the
final predictions of the entire image. This is demonstrated in the algorithm for YOLO in
Figure 6.2.

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

Figure 6.2: Algorithm of Tiny-YOLOv3 Network Used

As explained, the number of cells the image is divided into and number of classes are
taken into consideration. For each grid cell in the 13x13 division, up to 5 objects can be
detected and this detection is made by using the step size to traverse the image until all cells
are analysed. The predictionClass stores the values predicted by the
class_predictor() function for that particular cell. These predictions are then given
bounding boxes (multiple) which is stored in predictionsBox array. The best box is
determined by considering the bounding box with higher confidence. The highest probable
class stored in predictionClass and then this value is attached with the bounding box

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(prediction variable) and then appended to final_predictions array that stores all
final predictions of final objects in the image.

Since these final predictions are stored in the array, the size of it should inform the
program about the number of objects it has detected which can be used to keep the loop of
segregation continuous. An additional function CalculateMidpoints()is used to find
the correct co-ordinates where the robotic arm needs to travel to pick up the waste. The
predictions, midpoints and number of objects are returned.

Once the co-ordinates of the recyclable objects are obtained, it is easily picked mapped to
the workspace and segregated by the robotic arm. This is done repeatedly till no recyclable
objects remain and new waste can be dumped.

6.5 Training

For the training of the system on the dataset of images, a default weights file is
installed and loaded initially. This allows the model to work with more accurate numbers
rather than a random value and provides a faster training experience and greater drops in loss

The initial weights used for our project is the tiny-yolov3.conv.15 file which is
optimized for tiny yolov3. Moreover, further configurations are required for the network, as
the resolution of images, number of classes, filters, maximum iterations, steps, batch sizes
and learning rate is communicated to obtain the most accurate result.

These parameters are set and the model is allowed to train. For our project, the
parameter values are shown as below:

Resolution of Image: 720p × 1080p

Number of Classes: 5

Filters: 15

Maximum Iterations: 10000

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

Steps: 8000,9000

Batch Sizes: 64

Learning Rate: 0.00001

For every 100 and 1000 iterations, it maps out the progress and saves the trained
weights for safe-keeping. Once the maximum iterations is reached, the final weights file is
saved for detection purposes.

Here the main indication of rising accuracy is the decrease in average loss with the
escalation of the number of images trained. Object confidence and class prediction
confidence also increases with each iteration. The ideal number of iterations to train is 2000
or more per the number of classes. In this project, the model is trained over 10000 iterations.
The training is only done on the training set.

Figure 6.3: Comparison for different iterations

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

In order to ensure the continued decline in average loss, the learning rate is monitored
and deceased exponentially every time the loss stalls or experiences an upturn. The initial
learning rate specified is 0.01.

Figure 6.4: Trained model after 10000 (max) iterations

Training is stopped when maximum iterations are reached, or when average loss does
not decrease after more than 100 steps, and the weights are saved.

6.6 Testing

The trained model of Tiny-YOLOv3 is validated or tested using the test set that was
separated out initially. These images are tested on and the predicted boxes are matched with
the labeled values to calculate mAP, Precision, Recall, F1 score, and the Intersection over
Union (IOU) percentage.

The results of each of the weights files saved at every 1000 iterations is compared
since it is not mandatory that the final weights are best suited for the dataset. Sometimes, an
early stopping point can have the ideal weights that is normalized for both training and
validation set. The figure below shows the progression of average loss values when the
different weights are used on both training and validation sets.

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

Figure 6.5: Factors for Weights File Selection

In that case, the weights file that gives the lowest loss with the highest mAP or IOU is
considered for detection in future stages. For this project, the weights file generated at 9000
iterations gives the highest mAP for the dataset and therefore is considered for detection.

6.7 Configuration of Hardware Components

The construction of the hardware set up is as shown in figure 6.6:

Figure 6.6: Robotic arm after hardware setup

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

The hardware model is constructed so that the robotic arm may move freely over the
mapped workspace where the garbage is placed for segregation, with the camera suspended at
an appropriate distance to capture the status of this grid with clarity.

The Raspberry Pi is used to control the 4 servo motors to guide the arm to these points
on the grid. The pre-trained software tiny-yolov3 model is loaded into the raspberry pi unit so
that it may perform the detection locally. The camera is configured to capture the image of
the grid and transfer the knowledge to the processing unit.

A program is necessary to convert the co-ordinates of the waste in an image into co-
ordinates on the grid.

The workspace is a 16x24cm rectangle with a white background so as to enable

accurate detection of the waste. The arm is able to reach any point on this grid and is
programmed to travel to a specified point, pick up the object in question and transfer it to the
corresponding bin marked for the waste.

Once the hardware has been set up, it is ready to detect the waste and perform real
time waste segregation.

6.8 Detection and Real-time Segregation

For the process of segregating waste, the model goes through the following steps:

 Capture image of waste on the grid & transfer image to Raspberry Pi processor
 Detect the waste type and position in the image using tiny-yolov3
 Obtain & Transfer the Co-ordinates of the objects to the robotic arm
 Segregate the waste into the appropriate bin using robotic arm

The waste detected is segregated into the categories of Wood, Metal, Paper, Plastic and
Glass. Multiple types of waste and objects are detected simultaneously, but the segregation is
done linearly. Once all the detected waste is segregated, the camera captures another image
and the next set of waste goes through the same process.

This continues till there is no more waste to segregate.

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Chapter 7


The analysis of this project is done on basis of 2 modules. One is the software and
other one is hardware. Software analysis is based on the values of mAP or IOU mainly and
hardware analysis is based on how a fast and accurately can the arm sort objects.

For every 1000 iterations a weights file is updated as mentioned above. We need to
choose best weights file to be used for detection. Weights file with highest mAP or IOU
should be considered for the detection purposes.

IOU is an evaluation metric used to measure the accuracy of YOLO model on

particular dataset. IOU is the average intersect over union of objects and detection for a
certain threshold.

Figure 7.1: IOU measure

Precision is the ratio of true positive and the total number of predicted positives where
true positive is when the prediction is positive and the ground truth is also positive.

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

Figure 7.2: Precision measure

Recall is another evaluation metric which can be defined as ratio of true positive and
the total of ground truth positives. It gives the basic idea about how good the model detects
all objects in the data.

Figure 7.3: Recall measure

mAP is the mean value of ‘average precisions for each class’. It can also be defined as
the area under precision-recall curve. The highest mAP means that the model detects all the
objects in the image as precisely as possible.

After training for 9000 iterations, the evaluation metrics values are as follows:

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

Figure 7.4: Evaluation metrics value

Command for detection:

darknet detector test data/ cfg/yolov3-tiny-test.cfg

backup/yolov3-tiny-train_9000.weights data/DATASET/Metal13.jpg

data/ Path to the .data file which consists of paths

to other required files.

cfg/yolov3-tiny-test.cfg Path to test configuration file.

backup/yolov3-tiny- Path to weights file.


data/DATASET/Metal13.jpg Path to the image where objects are to be


After this command is run, the model gives the output which consists of IOU, scale,
time taken to detect the object and the confidence of the class of the detected object which is
saved in a file called “result.txt”. The model created detects only the recyclable objects as it is
trained to be. Along with this an image will be saved as “predictions.jpg” and displayed on
the screen with a bounding box around the each object detected.

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Figure 7.5: Output after testing

Figure 7.6: Predictions.jpg for single object

If the image consists of multiple objects, multiple bounding boxes will be drawn over
the image indicating multiple objects and the confidence of each class of each object will be
displayed on the screen.

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Figure 7.7: result.txt for multiple objects

Figure 7.8: Image after multiple object detection

The complete image is divided into 12*8 grids. Each grid has its own function written
related to the servo motors. The values left_x, top_y, width and height written in “result.txt”
are values corresponding to the bounding box drawn over the objects and these are used to
calculate the midpoint of the object. Using the midpoint of the object we check the grid the

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object is present in. With this the function corresponding to the grid is called and the object is
picked up by the robotic arm and thrown to a bin kept beside it. The inorganic waste objects
which are beside these recyclable objects are left behind which has to picked out and put to
another bin altogether.

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Chapter 8


8.1 Conclusion

Our proposed system effectively detects the garbage in the sightline of the camera,
identifies the different categories of recyclable waste and segregates it using the robotic arm’s
reach. Using YOLO method to completely scan the workspace ensures a quick and reliable
detection of the waste. There may be some latency in transference of knowledge between the
camera, processing unit and the servo-motors, but this can be streamlined to be more
efficient. Multiple types of waste are detected simultaneously and the co-ordinates
transmitted allow the robotic-arm to queue the segregation of these objects.

The pre-trained tiny-yolo model allows the testing of the model on a small embedded
processing unit such as the Raspberry Pi, however the much larger version of YOLOv3 with
74 layers instead of 25 would be beneficial if more memory space, RAM and GPU was made
available. This model can be implemented realistically in various scales with a couple of real-
world tweaks.

8.2 Future Scope

The project has tremendous potential for implementation in many facets and scales,
provided the processing power is increased along with GPUs to validate the garbage detected.
This can be facilitated with the latest Raspberry Pi model 4 as well as enabling high-speed
internet, which would allow the use of cloud graphics processor units that can compute the
results at least ten times faster rates.

Further improvement can be made to the accuracy of the model by the addition of a
feature that would allow real time dataset creation. If the software could add more items to its
catalogue every iteration that it detects an unknown object, it would learn with each new test
and automatically improve its accuracy. This would also require high speed internet facilities
to be able to retrain the model multiple times while also allowing for data augmentation.

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Garbage Segregation System using Image Processing

Another improvement that can be done with this system is to implement it with the
conveyor belt. Objects can be kept on a conveyor belt and transported to the system which
detects and picks out the recyclable items and lets the decomposable objects to move through
the belt to the decomposable pit directly. And the recyclable objects which are collected in a
different bin can be further divided to separate categories and sent to its respective recycle

With a more accurate model and larger scale hardware, this model may be
implemented at both household/residential locations as well as garbage segregation centers
for much larger quantities of waste. Automating this process would benefit the streamlining
of disposal in urban as well as rural areas.

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