Micro Smalland Medium Enterprises ACase
Micro Smalland Medium Enterprises ACase
Micro Smalland Medium Enterprises ACase
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1 author:
Bilas Kale
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University
All content following this page was uploaded by Bilas Kale on 07 October 2021.
Bilas S. Kale
Research Scholar University Department of Commerce, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University,
ABSTRACT Entrepreneurship is a backbone of economy. They are playing vital role of increase the industrial sector as
well as economic growth of country. Entrepreneurs are driven to achieve success in their business along
with the qualities of a entrepreneurs. They saw the bigger picture but wisely started their business as a very small unit.
Entrepreneurs set the example of turning their dream into reality. The MSMEs play a crucial role in the Indian economy,
structure due to its significant contribution in terms of output, export and employment. So they are engine of growth.
They also help to mitigate the poverty.
preneurs, was very weak and they had to rely on borrowed Western Maha- 75,080 41.45 8.68 37.20
funds. Sanction and disbursement of loan usually took a North Maha-
long time. Highlighting on the difficulties of Dalit entre- 21,467 11.86 2.70 11.60
preneurs. Sharma, P (2013) aptly observed that she focus Total 1,81,119 100.00 23.36 100.00
promoting women entrepreneurship. She also focuses
men and women are equal partners in all walks of life es- Source: Economic Survey of Maharashtra 2012-13/2013-
pecially in the economic development. D.Venkatramaraju, 14.
(2011) the small scale industries encompass vast scope
activities like manufacturing, Services, retailing, financing Progress of MSMEs in Maharashtra:
construction, infrastructure etc. SSI units play a vital role The manufacturing and service categories of enterprises
of economic development. Kumar, S (2013) The observed have been classified into Micro, Small and Medium enter-
that MSMEs are the engine that not only contributing to prises (MSMEs) based on their investment in plant & Ma-
high rate of economic growth but also creates demand for chinery for manufacturing enterprises and on equipment in
goods and services that leads to inclusive and balanced of case of enterprises providing or rendering services.
the economy. MSMEs of today may be MNCs of tomor-
row. Lokhande M.A. (2015) observed in his studies that The data depicted in table 2 indicated annual growth of
entrepreneurs have strong will to archive, to be ahead of MSME units, investment and employment generation. The
others, self reliance and creation of separate identity cou- growth of small units ranged between 1.83% to 21.85%
pled with making money public wealth out of ventures during 2007-08 to 2013-14. The highest growth in num-
there are numerous emerging growth centres at rural and ber of units was during 2010-11 i.e, 21.85% and the nega-
semi - rural areas wherein entrepreneurial activities are be- tive growth was observed during 2013-14 i.e, 10.61%. The
ing undertaken by young persons having different socio- growth of investment in MSMEs in Maharashtra was found
economic backgrounds. Kalam, P.G. (2012) observed that positive during 2008-09, 2010-11 and 2012-13 where as
given paper there are many fluctuations in total number negative growth in investment was observed during 2009-
of units because of closing and sickness but it given the 10, 2011-12 and 2013-14. Employment generation by
trend development in SSI in term entrepreneurship devel- MSME units had shown a mixed growth trend during 2007-
opment SSI play a very important role. Sudha, V (2012) the 08 to 2013-14.
SMEs sector to fully utilize its potential, it is essential that
the entrepreneurs along with the government support take Table 2 Year wise Investment & Employment of MSMEs
necessary steps for further development. It is quite evident in Maharashtra
that, nurturing this sector is essential for the economic well Invest- Employ-
being of the nation. Year No. Of Percent- ment Percent- ment Percent-
wise MSMEs age age age
(Crore) (In Lakh)
MSMEs Scenario in Maharashtra: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Maharashtra has been in the forefront in sustaining in- 2007-08 10,244 - 2,281 - 1.39 -
dustrial growth and in creating environment conductive 2008-09 11,682 14.03 3,295 44.45 1.71 23.02
to industrial development. Investment – friendly industrial 2009-10 11,896 1.83 3,028 -8.11 1.50 -12.29
policies, excellent infrastructure and a strong and produc- 2010-11 14,496 21.85 5,563 83.71 1.87 24.67
tive human resource base have made it a favoured destina- 2011-12 15,606 7.65 4,443 -20.14 2.07 10.69
tion for manufacturing, export and financial service sectors. 2012-13 16,136 3.39 5,455 22.77 2.06 -0.49
However, the year 2008 – 09 witnessed a heavy turmoil in 2013-14 14,424 -10.61 4,700 -13.85 1.81 -12.14
Total 94,484 38.14 28,765 108.83 12.41 33.46
the global economy, which had an impact on the Indian as
well as State economy. Source: Economic Survey of Maharashtra- 2013-14.
Note: Note: Figures in col- 3, 5 & 7 indicate percentage
It appears from table 2 that there were 181119 MSME growth over previous year.
units in Maharashtra as on 31st march, 2013. The aggre-
gate employment generation by these units was 23.36 Conclusion:
lakhs. As per as regional development of MSMEs is con- The present study shown that there is a continuous growth
cerned, it was found that western Maharashtra had 41.45% of number of MSMEs units. The growth of these sectors
units followed by Konkan region having 26.49% units and enhances employment, investment and exports of the
Vidarbha region accounted 13.60% of the total MSMEs in state as well as in our country. Entrepreneurship Devel-
Maharashtra. The regions lagging behind in development opment is considered as a key factor to fight against un-
of MSEMs were North Maharashtra and Marathwada hav- employment, poverty and achieve overall socio economic
ing 11.86% and 6.6% units respectively. The disclosure of growth in our state. Last but not the least, growth rate of
the study is that there is regional disparity in Maharashtra MSME’s is very good and healthy sign towards progress
as far as promotion of MSMEs and Employment genera- and prosperity of Maharashtra.
tion is concerned.
MSME’s will continue to play a vital role in our country
Table 1 Region wise number of MSMEs and Employ- where poverty and an employment is a serious problem.
ment Generation MSME’s are the engine that not only contributes to high
( As on 31st March, 2013) rate of economic growth but also creates demand for
Employ- goods and services that leads to inclusive and balanced
Per- Per-
Region wise No. Of ment growth of the economy. It also helps to reduce social im-
cent- cent-
Industries MSMEs balances and faster sustainable development MSME’s of
age (In Lakh) age
Konkan Region 47,984 26.49 7.48 32.00 today may be the MNCS of tomorrow. Therefore, top most
Marathwada priority should be given to this sector.
11,954 06.60 1.49 06.40
Vidarbha Re- 24,634 13.60 3.01 12.80
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