Chapter 2 Children & Women in Sports
Chapter 2 Children & Women in Sports
Chapter 2 Children & Women in Sports
Rounded shoulders
A visible hump on the back
Mild back pain
Spine stiffness
Tight hamstrings (the muscles in the back of the thigh)
Rarely, over time, progressive curves may lead to:
Weakness, numbness, or tingling in the legs
Loss of sensation
Shortness of breath or other breathing difficulties
Distance between the scapula increase.
The length of the chest muscles become short.
Shoulders tilt forward.
Neck tilt forward
Upper Body weight lean forward.
Over lode
Aging, especially if you have poor posture bad Habit
Muscle weakness in the upper back
Scheuermann’s disease, which occurs in children and has no known cause
Arthritis or other bone degeneration diseases
Osteoporosis, or the loss of bone strength due to age
Injury to the spine
Slipped discs
Infection in the spine
Birth defects, such as spine bifida
Diseases of the connective tissues
Appearing swayback, with the buttocks being more pronounced
Having a large gap between the lower back and the floor when lying on your back
on a hard surface that does not change when you bend forward
Back pain and discomfort
Problems moving certain ways
Difficulty maintaining muscle control
A condition in which a vertebrae, usually in the lower back, slips forward
Osteoporosis, a condition in which vertebrae become fragile and can be easily
broken (compression fractures)
Obesity, or being extremely overweight
Kyphosis. A condition marked by an abnormally rounded upper back
Corrective measure:-
Proper diet
exercise on exercise boll
Hala asana
Forward bending
Altarnate toe touch
Praline lying
b) Scoliosis:-
Postural adaptation of the spine in lateral direction is called scoliosis.
In fact, these are sideways curves and may be called scoliotic curves. Indeed
these curves are identified as either convexity right of right convexity.
A simple or single curve to the left or curve. Scolotic curves may be found in ‘S’
Uneven shoulders and/or hips.
Bump in the lower back.
Numbness, weakness, or pain in the legs.
Trouble walking.
Trouble standing up straight.
Tired feeling.
Shortness of breath.
Loss of height.
Weakness of muscles & bones.
over weight
Carrying heavy load for long time.
Faulty shoes.
Corrective Measures :-
Writing with legs
Walking or running on the sand.
Jumping on toe
Wearing proper shoes
Pick the pebble with help of feet
Walking on toe
Ball under the feet game
Wear the shoe with hanky inside the mid part of the feet.
Deficiency of vitamin D
Early age walk or standing
Enlargement of medial ligament of both knees quickly as compare to lateral
Lifting heavy load for long time.
Corrective Measures :-
Horse riding
Standing with pillow between the knee
Use walking calliper
Straight leg lift.
Straight leg knee press on the towel placed under the knee
Side kicking the football
Symptoms :
Gap between the knees are increased
Knee moves in outward direction in standing, walking & running.
Enlargement of lateral ligament of both knee quickly as compare to medial
Weakness of bones and muscle.
Long time cross leg sitting.
Faulty style of Walking.
Early age standing and walking
Corrective Measures :-
Walking (feet twisted inward)
Use of walking callipers.
Massage therapy.
Use those exercise which strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee such as
leg extension in laying position.
Use yoga strap to bind the legs together then make cow face posture & forward
bending are recommended.
Pilate exercise such as roll up & ballerina arms are effective to tone legs.
Garud Asana, Ardh-Matsyendrasana
5) Round Shoulders:-
The term rounded shoulders is used to describe a resting shoulder position that
has moved forward from the body's ideal alignment.
Rounded shoulders, sometimes known as “mom posture,” are part of overall bad
posture, and they can get worse if left untreated.
Symptoms :
Poor posture habits,
Muscle imbalances
Focusing too much on certain exercises, such as too much focus on chest strength
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while neglecting the upper back.
Using a smartphone or tablet
Using a computer or laptop
Sitting for long periods
Driving a vehicle
Bending over repeatedly
Carrying heavy objects all day
Corrective Measures :-
Chakra Asana
Dhanur Asana
Bhujang Asana
Backward Bending
Reverse Situp
Ushtt Asana
Lack of legislation
Lack of time
Lack of self-confidence
Male dominated cultural of sports
The triad is a serious disorder or illness with lifelong health consequences and can
be very fatal.
Symptoms of Amenorrhea
Hair loss.
Vision changes.
Excess facial hair.
Pelvic pain.
Causes of Amenorrhea
Cancer chemotherap y
Blood pressure drugs
Allergy medications
Excessive exercise.
Low body weight
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Intake of less carbohydrates or calories.
Hormone changes
Prevention and Management of Amenorrhea:-
Weight should be control
Level of Physical Activity should be maintain
Reduce access Stress
Types of Amenorrhea:-
a) Primary Amenorrhea:-
It means that no menstrual period seen in the female on age 10 and it seen also
that at the age of i4 years with the underdevelopment of secondary sexual
characteristics or non menstrual bleeding
b) Secondary Amenorrhea:-
It means that the continuous absence of menstrual cycle for 3 or 4months
regularly or less than three periods per year..
(C) Eating disorders:
When people began to eat more than normal or very small amountsit is
known as eating disorders.
These types are
1. Anorexia Nervosa
2. Bulimia Nervosa
1) Anorexia Nervosa:
This is a psycho-physical condition. It is characterised by lack of appetite and a
associated with the subconscious desire to remain slim.
Such a felling usually develops in young women or adolescence female in order
to retain their body figure and image.
As a result of this, there is a refusal to maintain normal body weight from their
fear of becoming obese and spoiling theirfigure.
It is an eating disorder which is affecting the youth nowadays., It is a dangerous
disorder for our health and well being.
Anorexia can lead to many problems such as bone loss, loss to skin integrity and
many even cause menstruation to stop.
It puts great stress on the heart and interreges the risk of heart attacks and other
heart related problems.
Individual suffering from anorexia also face an increased risk of death.
Types of Bulimia
1. Purging,
2. Non-purging.
Causes of Bulimia: .
Genetic factors
Psychological Factors:
To maintain weight categories in sports:
Pressure of performance in sports:.
Social factors
Symptoms of Bulimia
Frequent episodes of self-induced vomiting,
Feeling of thirst,
Swelling and inflammation in food pipe,
Overeating or episodes of binge eating,
Excessive physical activities to remain slim misuse of medical aids,
Red coloured eyes due to broken blood vessels caused by vomiting jerks,
Peptic ulcers,
Erosion of dental enamel,
Disturbed body image,
Revelation and management of Bulimia :
Individuals should take a balanced diet and follow healthy eating habits.
A proper regimen of exercise should be followed regularly to maintain a healthy
Bulimia can also prevent by having a positive self and body image. Individuals
should not be critical of their body shapes and sizes and focus or maintaining
proper lifestyle.
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