Ghss Trial 2021
Ghss Trial 2021
Ghss Trial 2021
i. Your brother is 5 years old. In his breakfast he was served a bread a glass of milk. The organ and
enzyme is involved for the initial chemical digestion of milk protein?
A. Oral cavity and Ptyalin.
B. Duodenum and Trypsin.
C. Stomach and Rennin.
D. Stomach and Pepsin.
ii. Tashi conducted an experiment to find out effect of monochromatic light on the rate of
photosynthesis. In his experiment he exposed the experimented plant to monochromatic green
light. Which of the following result he might have got?
A Initially rate of photosynthesis increased and then will decreased.
B The rate of photosynthesis increased sharply.
C The rate of photosynthesis decreased drastically.
D Initially rate of photosynthesis decreased and then increased.
iii. Wings of experimental Dragon flies were clipped short for fifty generations. The fifty-first
generation of Dragon flies also emerged with normal-length of wings. This observation would tend
to disprove the idea that evolution is based on
A Inheritance of natural variation.
B Inheritance of acquired characteristics.
C Natural selection.
D Survival of the fittest.
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iv. Assume in a population of Moth white colour is completely dominant over black. Gene for white
colour is B and for black is b. Genotype for white is BB and Bb whereas genotype for black is bb.
Number of individuals with different genotype in the population given below.
Number of individuals with genotype
Year BB & Bb bb
2000 850 150
2005 720 275
2010 322 685
2015 10 955
The gradual change in number of individuals with different genotype in the above population
occurred due to
A Mutation and natural selection.
B Natural selection and differential reproduction.
C Reproductive isolation and natural selection.
D Mutation and differential reproduction.
vi. The statements given below are related to photosynthesis in C3 and C4 plant.
I. Both require enzyme RuBP.
II. Rate of photosynthesis is not influenced by concentration of CO2 in both plants.
III. Equal amount of energy required to synthesize 1 molecule of glucose in C3 and C4 plant.
IV. First stable product is different in C3 and C4 plants.
The statements that are true for C3 and C4 plant is
A II and III.
B I and III.
C I and IV.
D III and IV
vii. The result of flow of electron through the Electron Transport Chain in the chloroplast is
A Water is produced.
B Carbon dioxide is released.
C Energy from the moving electrons transports H+ ions into the stroma.
D Energy from H+ ions crossing back into the lumen of thylakoid causes ATP synthase to make
viii. Among the statements given below the option that correctly describe the concept of sustainable
management of natural resources is
I. Planned growth with minimum damaged to the environment.
II. Growth irrespective of extent of damage caused to the environment.
III. Stopping all the developmental work to conserve the environment.
IV. Growth that is acceptable to all the stakeholders.
A. I and IV C. II and IV
B. II and III D. III only
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ix. There are 4 different species of frogs found in a pond near Gelephu. As each species breed in
different season they cannot produce interspecific hybrids. This isolating mechanism is
A behavioral. C mechanical.
B ecological. D temporal.
x. The diagram below are the wings of insects.
xi. A mRNA contains 1,500 nucleotides, the polypeptide chain synthesized will have?
A 500 amino acids C 499 amino acids
B 20 amino acids D 300 amino acids
xiii. Path followed to export proteins from the stomach cell to neighboring cells is?
A Golgi apparatus → rough endoplasmic reticulum → plasma membrane
B Rough endoplasmic reticulum → Golgi apparatus → plasma membrane
C Golgi apparatus → lysosome → rough endoplasmic reticulum
D Rough endoplasmic reticulum → lysosome → Golgi apparatus.
xiv. If base sequence CACTTG in a gene mutated to CTCTTG the result will be
A One amino acid will change in poly peptide chain.
B The number and sequence of amino acid in polypeptide chain will remain unchanged.
C More than an amino acid will change in the polypeptide chain.
D Frame shift mutation.
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xvi. The table below shows population of different species in different community.
Species Community I Community II Community III Community IV
P 21 2 10 15
Q 0 8 8 8
R 0 4 4 0
S 4 11 3 2
The most complex and stable predator pray relationship can found in
A Community I C Community II
B Community I and IV D Community II and III.
xvii. The diagram given below is of three communities with different species in the same geographical
area. Gamma diversity of the area is represented by
A Diversity in site A
B Diversity in site B
C Comparison of diversity between sites A, B and C
D Comparison of diversity between site B and C
xviii. Read the information given blow carefully then answer the question.
P is a fresh water animal.
Habitat of species Q is desert.
R is human.
S is elephant.
Number of juxtamedullary nephron will be maximum in
A Species P. C Species P and R
B Species Q and species S. D Species Q.
xix. The bar graph given below is the population of wild boar from year 2000 to 2019 in Samteling
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
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The most appropriate reasons for the decrease in the number of wild boar is
A Climate Change.
B Revision in forest rules.
C Fast Developmental activities.
D Illegal killing and selling of wild boar meat.
The points that are true for monocot and dicot plant are
A 1 and 4. C 1, 2 and 3.
B 1 and 2. D 1, 2 and 4.
xxii. The narrow passageways that contain cytoplasmic extensions of osteocytes are
A Lacunae. C Trabeculae.
B Marrow cavities. D Canaliculi.
xxiii. A gene that code for a specific polypeptide chain contain 7 amino acids got mutated. mRNA
formed from the mutated gene given below.
The mutated gene cannot synthesize polypeptide chain that contain 7 amino acids due to presence
of codon
A UAA and UAG. C AUG and UGG
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xxv. The main obstruction of origin of life in present atmosphere condition is
A enzymatic activity.
B moderate temperature.
C presence of oxygen in the atmosphere.
D Presence of ozone layer.
0.5 mark for each correct answer. If spelling is incorrect no mark will be awarded.
c. Match each item of Column A with the most appropriate item of Column B. Rewrite the correct
pairs by writing the number and the corresponding alphabet in the answer the answer script
provided. [5]
Column A Column B
i. Electron acceptor during respiration. j. Inner membrane of mitochondria.
ii. Gene delivery. i. Stem cells
iii. Appearance of short tail in newly born baby . g. Atavism.
iv. Artificial insemination of cow. k. Change in allele frequency.
v. Absence of Casparian strip. l. Passage cells.
vi. RT PCR test for COVID-19 virus. h. Reverse transcription.
vii. Growing of holy basil plant at homes. b. Ex – situ conservation.
viii. Mitochondria, ER, Chloroplast etc. in eukaryotic e. Endosymbiotic origin.
f. Construction of roads and dams. c. Habitat loss.
d.Recombination DNA technology d. Plasmid.
Lipids are insoluble in water. In the lumen of intestine they are converted to small droplets of
micelles with the help of bile salts. 0.5 Mark.
Micelles get attached to the cell membrane of intestinal mucosa and pass into mucosa cells by simple
diffusion. 0.5 Mark.
In the lumen of ER of mucosa cells micelles break down and get covered with protein to form
chylomicrons. 0.5 Mark.
Chylomicrons transported to lymph vessels/lacteals in intestinal villi and then to blood stream. 0.5
c. As a responsible citizen how can you save the forest from destruction. Mention at least four points.
Educating people on importance of forest.
Framing peoples friendly strict forest rules.
Establishing national parks, reserve forest etc.
Encouraging people to use non – conventional source of energy.
Developing policies in which people participate and contribute in conservation of forest.
Checking rural urban migration.
Any other relevant point. 0.5 mark for each point.
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d. A scientist carried out a research work on population genetics on a plant species. The data of his
observation given below.
Year Frequency of Allele A Frequency of Allele B
2015 0.80 0.2
2016 0.72 0.28
2017 0.66 0.34
2018 0.52 0.48
2019 0.45 0.60
Does the above information provide evidence of natural selection in the population?
Justify your answer. [2]
Yes, it provides evidences of natural selection in a population because the above data revels that
gradual decrease in frequency of allele A and gradual increase in frequency of allele B. 0.5 mark.
It tells that individuals with allele B have favourable advantages over allele A. 1 mark.
Individuals with allele B reaches to the reproductive age and add more allele B in gene pool. 0.5
e. Sangay carried out an experiment on photosynthesis, he plotted the line graph from the data
produced in 5 minutes
Number of bubbles
5 10 15 20 25
Distance between lamp and pondweed (in cm)
i. Name the process and its importance associated with urine formation at labelled part C. [1]
Selective reabsorption/Tubular reabsorption. 1 mark.
ii. How part E helps in maintaining a water potential gradient in the medulla of the Kidney. [2]
Labelled part E is loop of Henle, its two limbs are ascending and descending limb. Descending
limb of loop of Henle is permeable to both water and ions, ascending limb is impermeable to
water but permeable to ions. 1 mark.
As nepheric filtrate pass through ascending limb loses ions to interstitial fluid. As the interstitial
fluid is hypertonic, nephric filtrate flowing through descending limb loses water to interstitial
fluid to maintain water balance and ionic balance in the body and helps to pass concentrated
urine. 1 mark.
e. As a student of biology you must believe in THREE Rs to save environment. Mention at least
four ways that you will implement in your life to save environment? [2]
I can maintain THREE Rs in following ways;
I shall put off the electrical switches and turn off water taps when not in use.
I shall use paper bags and bag made of cloth instead of plastic bags.
Pack our food in reusable boxes rather than packing in foils.
Buying products with less packaging.
Use of damaged plastic bags, container to grow flower plants.
Any four points. 0.5 mark for each point. Any other relevant point should be
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Question 4
a. Reduction of CO2 to form glucose require ATP and NADPH, products of the light reactions. In
the biology class a student claimed that the Calvin cycle do not depend on the light reaction. With
continual light, could green plants continue producing ATP and NADPH? Give the reason to
support or refute the claim. [2]
With continual light green plants continue producing ATP and NADPH because chlorophyll will
be excited by light energy to release energy rich electrons and there will be photolysis of water to
release e- and H+ ions thus, proton gradient will be maintained across the membrane of thylakoid.
0.5 mark.
Excited electrons will pass down electron transport system to produce ATP and H+ released by
photolysis of water will be used to reduce NADP+ to NADPH. ATP and NADPH formed if not
used by the calvin cycle will nbe used for other metabolic activities. 1 mark.
In C3 plants accumulation of NADPH and O2 in mesophyll cells causes photorespiration and cyclic
phptophosphorylation start. However it is not found in C4 plants and in C3 plants it stops after
some time. O.5 mark.
When intensity of light is too high, photosynthesis will stop due to closure of stomata and
i. In the diagram A identify evolution presented by the beaks of finches and in diagram B
evolution presented by tendrils and thorn of plant. [1]
A: Divergent evolution. B: Divergent evolution. 0.5 mark for each correct answer.
ii. Evidences of organic evolution are available from study of embryology, paleontology,
morphological evidence and serological evidences. Which of the above evidences do you
think support the organic evolution the best? Write four suitable points in support of your
answer. [2]
In my opinion paleontological evidences support the organic evolution the best due to
following reasons;
Fossils are found in different strata. Fossilized organisms found in lower strata are
simpler than fossilized organisms found in upper strata.
It provides evidences link between primitive and advanced organisms (Connecting
link and missing link).
It tells about the climatic condition of particular era and probable reason of evolution.
It provides detail structure, habitat, food habit of the fossilized organisms.
0.5 mark for each point. Any relevant point should be considered.
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c. Study the information given in the table given below.
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III. Overspecialisation.
IV. Inheritance of small variations.
Any three point. 1 mark for each correct point. Explanation not needed.
b. “Scientific developments provide human comfort life, food security, better communication,
justice etc. DNA fingerprinting is an excellent achievement of science. How this achievement
curb social problems? [3]
It helps in curbing social problems in following ways.
Identification of criminals/potential suspects.
Helps in finding Kinship relationship.
Can solve paternity dispute.
Helps in parentage determination.
Identification of sex of an individual.
Helps in exonerating persons wrongly accused of crime.
Any 3 points. 1 mark for each correct point. Explanation not needed.
i. Synapses are junction between two neurons. Draw neat labelled diagram of axosomatic
synapse. [1]
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Question 6
a. The diagram given below is of detailed structure of myofibril.
i. Length of which labeled part will decrease during contraction of muscle? [1]
During muscle contraction labelled part 1 contract. 1 mark.
ii. Length of which labeled part remain unchanged during muscle contraction? [1]
Length of labelled part 6 remain unchanged during muscle contraction. 1 mark.
b. Genetic code is triplet. Prove it. [2]
Genetic code is unambiguous and degenerating. There 20 different amino acids that make
different polypeptide chain and there are 4 nitrogenous bases. 0.5 mark.
If genetic code is singlet then 1 X 4 = 4 codon. Result is genetic code is ambiguous. 0.5 mark.
If genetic code is doublet then 4 X 4 = 16 codon. Result is genetic code is ambiguous. 0.5
If genetic code is triplet then 4 X 4 X 4 = 64 codon. Result is genetic code degenerates. 0.5
Thus, genetic code is triplet code.
c. How does appearance of photosynthetic organism influence the evolution? [2]
Changes that occurred due to appearance of photosynthetic organisms are;
Disappearance CH4 and NH3 from the atmosphere and appearance of molecular oxygen in
the atmosphere.
Reducing atmosphere changed into oxydising atmosphere.
Regular flow of energy, green autotrophs became source food for non – green organisms.
Photosynthesis and respiration act as nature’s balancing mechanism.
0.5 mark for each point. Any other relevant point should be considered.
d. Differentiate between oxidative phosphorylation and photophosphorylation on the basis of point
given. [2]
Point of difference Oxidative phosphorylation Photophosphorylation
Cell organelle involved Mitochondria. Chloroplast.
Source of hydrogen ions Oxidation of NADH2, FADH2. Photolysis of H2O.
0.5 mark for each correct answer.
e. Write the significant function of followings in DNA replication. [2]
i. DNA ligase: Join fragmented DNA/ DNA fragments. 1 mark.
ii. RNA prime: Initiate synthesis of new DNA strand. 1 mark.
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Question 7
a. Through GNH sustainable management of natural resources is possible. Do you agree? Justify
your answer with TWO points. [2]
Yes, I agree because four pillars of GNH are
Sustainable and Equitable Socio-economic development.
Conservation of environment.
Preservation and promotion of culture.
Good governance.
If we can take care and conserve the natural environment it will provide us with
Clean air, water. Pollution will be less. Health of individual will be better.
Different forest products and minerals can be used judiously.
Employment and economic development will be balanced.
Rural urban migration can be minimized, thus, pressure on natural resources will be less.
Any two points. 1 mark for each point. Any other relevant point should be considered.
b. Gelephu has vast area of flat fertile land, now this city has facility of airport, climate of Gelephu
is favorable for settlement and agriculture. Thus, a lot of development activities can be seen in
and around of Gelephu. Same time biodiversity of this area should be maintained. Development
of national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and biosphere reserve/nature reserve are some common
strategies to conserve biodiversity. Out of three strategies mentioned above, which one you
select for the conservation of biodiversity in this area? Justify your answer with suitable points.
For the conservation of biodiversity at Gelephu, I shall prefer the strategy biosphere
reserve/nature reserve due to following reasons;
Human is integral part of the system.
Human activities are allowed under regulated frame work.
Naturally growing plants and animals grow without interference of human.
It can be used for ecological and environmental research, education and training.
It provides home to endangered species of plants and animals.
It contains abundant genetic diversity.
0.5 mark for each point. Any other relevant points should be considered.
c. “Different living form of today evolved from common ancestor.” Justify the statement with the
help of temporary embryonic structure. [2]
Temporary embryonic structures that support the evolution of different living form from common
ancestor are;
Presence of visceral/ gill cleft and Presence of gills.
Development of tooth bud in tooth less whales and birds.
Embryo of all vertebrates develop notochord at embryonic stage.
Brain, spinal cord, axial skeleton and aortic arc develops in all vertebrates during
embryonic stage.
0.5 mark for each point.
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d. Given below is a part of human digestive system. See the diagram given below carefully to
answer questions.
i. Name the physiological process of biological central dogma shown in the diagram. [1]
Translation. 1 Mark.
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ii. Write the function of C and E in the above process. [1]
C: Receive tRNA with specific amino acid. E: Carry information for protein synthesis from nucleus to
cytoplasm. 0.5 mark for each correct answer.
c. Consider black colour (B) in Moth is completely dominant over white (b). In a population of moth
40% moth are white. Calculate the % of homozygous dominant moth in the population. [2]
% of bb/b2 = 40
Therefore, frequency of genotype bb/b2 = 40/100 = 0.4 0.5 mark.
Frequency of allele b = √0.4 = 0.63 0.5 mark.
As per Hardy – Weinberg equilibrium p + q = 1
Therefore, frequency of allele B = 1- 0.63 = 0.37 0.25 mark.
2 2
Frequency of genotype BB/ B = (0.37) = 0.136. 0.5 mark.
% of BB/B2 in the population = 0.136 X 100 = 13.6% 0.25 mark.
d. Sangay and Phuntsho had an argument on rennin and renin. Phuntsho told both are same it is
just a spelling mistake. Sangay did not agree. Whom do you support Sangay or Phuntsho? Why?
I support Sangay because
Rennin is an enzyme secreted in the stomach which a protein digestive enzyme. 0.5 mark.
Renin is a hormone secreted in the kidney which is responsible for regulation of urine volume.
0.5 mark.
e. Chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b both trap solar radiation but chlorophyll a is primary
photosynthetic pigment. Why? [1]
f. Draw a neat labelled diagram of shoot to show the location of intercalary and lateral meristem.
1 mark for drawing and 0.5 mark for each correct labelling.
Question 9
a. As student of class 12, most of you are in adolescence. At this age most of you try to establish your
status, change in eating behaviour is one the sign of adolescence. Many of you take fast food,
outside food and change your food habit due to peer pressure. List down four healthy dietary
practices you will follow to maintain good health. [2]
Four heathy dietary practices that I can follow are;
Regular exercise.
Healthy eating habits.
Limiting snacks and fast food.
Limiting watching television and video/mobile games.
Taking sufficient water.
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Reading diet journals.
Any four points. 0.5 mark for each correct point. Any other relevant point should be
b. Bhutan is one of the Biological Hotspot in the world. List down four factors that makes Bhutan
Biological Hotspot. [2]
Four factors that make Bhutan biological hotspot are;
Geographical location of Bhutan(Latitude).
Land scape of Bhutan.
Different climatic zone.
Mandate of Royal government of Bhutan to maintain forest coverage above 60%.
Strict forest and agricultural rules.
Most of the citizen in the country are against killing animals (religious mindset).
Any 4 points. 0.5 mark for each correct point. Any other relevant point should be
c. In recent year population of White bellied Heron decreased a lot, now it is an endangered species
mostly due to socio economic development. Outline strategies to conserve White bellied Heron.
Strategies for the conservation of White bellied Heron are;
Ecological study of White bellied Heron including its importance in ecosystem
Awareness campaign among hydropower project workers, policy makers, general public.
Conservation of natural habitat of White bellied Heron.
Captive breeding of White bellied Heron.
0.5 mark for each point. Any other relevant point should be considered.
d. Explain reason for increase in number DDT resistant mosquito in relation to natural selection
Original population of mosquito had both DDT resistant and DDT susceptible mosquitoes.
In the absence of DDT, DDT susceptible mosquitoes had selective advantage over DDT resistant
mosquitoes. 1 mark.
In presence of DDT, DDT resistant mosquitoes had advantage over DDT susceptible mosquitoes.
As a result, number of DDT susceptible mosquitoes gradually decreased and number of DDT
resistant mosquito gradually increased. Thus, nature selected DDT resistant mosquito in in
presence of DDT. 1 mark.
i. Write an advantage and a disadvantage of prosthesis. [1]
Advantages of prosthesis are;
Better sitting comfort.
No skin problems.
Stable and safer standing and sitting.
Disadvantages of prosthesis are;
Intact Limb Pain. ...
Back Pain. ...
Current Prosthetic Not Meeting our Needs. ...
Poor Balance, Instability, or a Fear of Falling. ...
Any one point for advantage and disadvantage. 0.5 mark for one correct advantage
and 0.5 mark for one correct disadvantage. Any other relevant point should be
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ii. Glycolysis is an energy consumption and energy release process. Justify. [1]
In preparatory phase of glycolysis 2 ATP molecules are used up per glucose molecule
0.5 mark.
In pay of phase of glycolysis 4 ATP molecules and 2 NADH2 are generated per glucose
molecule. 0.5 mark.
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