SMS 3D UT Wall Thickness Profiling
SMS 3D UT Wall Thickness Profiling
SMS 3D UT Wall Thickness Profiling
SMS provides sand monitoring using best in class, field proven technology. After extensive
testing of the profiling systems, we identified the instrumentation to give our clients the edge
they require.
System Overview
The scanner continuously records UT wall thickness measurements as the scanning head is moved over the
inspection surface. Using these readings, we can then produce the 3D profile showing the complete wall loss of
the inspected area of pipe.
3D Image Profiling
• Profile of erosion and corrosion high-risk areas
Maintenance Optimisation
• Optimisation of maintenance to model component lift
• External scans can cover all pipework and vessels
Increased Safety
• Higher probability of detection than conventional single
point UT thickness gauging
Reduced Costs
• Provides early identification of areas of concern
Comparative Results
• 3D mapping allows detailed comparative analysis over
Scanner Unit
For vessels
Dimensions ......................... Length 110 mm (4.3”) Width 87mm (3.4”) Height 50mm (2”)
Transducer .......................... TWP25 5MHz dry coupled wheel probe
Max Scan Area .................... 550mm (21.74”) radius 1800 swing
Ultrasonic Module
Pulse Voltage ...................... -400V
Pulse Shape ........................ Spike
Receiver Gain ..................... 0-80 dB in 1 dB steps
Filter .................................... Wideband (0.5-2MHz)
............................................ 1.5 - 3.35 MHz
............................................ 3.5 – 7.00 MHz
............................................ 6.5 – 12 MHz
Sample Rates ...................... 50 MHz
Waveform Length ............... 32768 samples (excl delay)
Transducer Range ............... 1.0 MHz – 15MHz
Transducer Mode................. Single or dual via software
Computer Interface .............. USB 2.0
Connectors ......................... Encoder – 25 way D type socket
............................................ UT 2 x BNC (Tx & Rx)
............................................ Data – IP68 USB “B”
Charger ............................... 1.5 Amp / Tamiya Connector
Battery................................. 11 hours operation from fully charged
............................................ 1.5 hours from flat