Pipescan: Adjustable Magnetic Flux Leakage Pipe Scanner

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Adjustable Magnetic Flux Leakage Pipe Scanner

> Fast, reliable pipe & small vessel screening

> Various scannng heads for multiple pipe sizes


> Simple to operate
> High Probability of corrosion detection

Pipescan is an easy to use, cost effective, portable, magnetic IN-SERVICE INSPECTION

flux leakage inspection system for the detection of random Magnetic flux leakage inspection is not affected by product
internal corrosion in pipe runs. flowing through the pipe so surveys can be carried out both
on-line and off-line and at surface temperatures up to 90 C.
The latest magnetic material coupled with unique mechanical Use of Pipescan, with its high probability of detection to locate
designs enables coverage of all pipe diameters from 48mm to the corrosion, coupled with ultrasonic prove up, provides a cost
2.4 metres with a limited number of scanning heads. effective accurate system for the determination of plant integrity.

> Flexible heads fit a range of pipe & vessel sizes
> Rapid screening of complete pipe work with higher probability
of detection than UT spot readings
> Use in conjunction with UT follow up for quantifying any
> Simple to operate with minimum training to semi skilled operator
> Proven MFL technology
> Field proven durability & reliability

Electronics Module
The easy to use Pipescan system consists of a scanning head and a rechargeable
battery powered portable electronics module which provides up to 8 hours of operation.

The electronics module features audible and visual alarms to alert the operator to the
presence of corrosion during a scan.

The alarm sensitivity is adjustable, allowing the operator to calibrate the Pipescan to
detect corrosion above the defined reporting level, but ignore low level, non-relevant
corrosion signals.

The Silverwing System

Silverwing produce a full range of equipment for corrosion
inspection of storage tanks, including floor plate, wall and roof
structures. The product range includes MFL mapping and manual
FIXED systems, ultrasonic crawlers for thickness measurement, and
MODEL PIPE DIAMETER (OD) vacuum boxes for weld inspection. By supplying a complete range
PS 100 B 48 - 54 mm we can offer unrivalled support, and ensure the highest quality
inspection in the most efficient way. All our products are field
PS 100 F 63 - 75 mm
proven by our in house teams and used by the most respected
PS 100 C 75 - 90 mm global inspection companies. For a complete overview contact our
technical sales team.



PS 500 100 - 200 mm
PS 200 150 - 300 mm
PS 1200 300 - 2400 mm
R-Scan Lite ThetaScan


MODEL PIPE DIAMETER (OD) For more information on Silverwing Systems please visit our
PS 300 300 - 2400 mm web site: www.silverwingndt.com
PS 400 150 - 300 mm

HOw it works
The operator first connects the sensor cable between the scanning head and electronics
module. Switch on the electronics module, set the required wall thickness and adjust the
alarm sensitivity using a reference pipe with known artificial defects. Then simply set up
the scanning head on the pipe to be inspected, push the scanning head and monitor the
electronics module for the audible and visual alarm.

Any areas identified by the Pipescan system can then be marked on the pipe for further
analysis by a secondary inspection technique, normally ultrasonic and for detailed corrosion
mapping we recommend the RMS2 or Thetascan systems.
Technical Specification
Principle of operation Magnetic Flux Leakage

Detection Up to 16 Hall Effect sensors (Model Dependant)

Pipe diameters 48 mm (2”) to 2.4 metre (94”) - Outside Diameter

Method of propulsion Hand Push Speed 0.5 m/sec (20”/sec)

Profile Clearance under / between pipework min 120 mm (4.7”)

Maximum wall thickness 16 mm (5/8”)

Test through coatings Yes if non magnetic

Maximum coating thickness 6mm

Sensitivity adjustable

Max sensitivity 30% pitting in 6 mm (1/4”) wall pipe

40% pitting in 12 mm (1/2”) wall pipe

50% pitting in 16 mm (5/8”) wall pipe

Connecting Cable 5 metre standard length

Power requirements 12v battery operation

Test Time 8 hour continuous working

Transit case Meets IATA requirements for transporting magnetizable material

Operating weight 18 Kg - combined weight of scanning head and electronics module

Silverwing UK Ltd Silverwing Middle East LLC Silverwing Africa (PTY) Ltd
Unit 31 P. O. Box 75950 Private Bag X1
Cwmdu Industrial Estate Dubai Postnet Suite 419
Carmarthen Road United Arab Emirates Melkbosstrand
Swansea, SA5 8JF t: + 971 4 338 0811 7437
Wales, UK f: + 971 4 338 0992 South Africa
t: +44 (0) 1792 585533 e: aashton@silverwingme.com t: + 27 21 557 5740
f: +44 (0) 1792 586044 w: www.silverwingme.com f: + 27 21 557 4354
e: sales@silverwingndt.com e: rnel@silverwingafrica.com
w: www.silverwingndt.com w: www.silverwingafrica.com


BRO-PS Rev 1.0

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