10 VIp3D
10 VIp3D
10 VIp3D
Figure 1. Comparison of a traditional multi-stage perception-prediction pipeline in autonomous driving and our proposed ViP3D. The
traditional pipeline involves multiple non-differentiable modules, i.e., detection, tracking, and prediction. ViP3D uses 3D agent queries as
the main thread of the pipeline, enabling end-to-end future trajectory prediction from raw video frame inputs. The novel design improves
trajectory prediction performance by effectively leveraging fine-grained visual information such as the turning signals of vehicles.
Abstract and predict throughout the pipeline, making it the first fully
differentiable vision-based trajectory prediction approach.
Perception and prediction are two separate modules in Instead of using historical feature maps and trajectories,
the existing autonomous driving systems. They interact with useful information from previous timestamps is encoded in
each other via hand-picked features such as agent bounding agent queries, which makes ViP3D a concise streaming pre-
boxes and trajectories. Due to this separation, prediction, diction method. Furthermore, extensive experimental re-
as a downstream module, only receives limited information sults on the nuScenes dataset show the strong vision-based
from the perception module. To make matters worse, er- prediction performance of ViP3D over traditional pipelines
rors from the perception modules can propagate and accu- and previous end-to-end models.1
mulate, adversely affecting the prediction results. In this
work, we propose ViP3D, a query-based visual trajectory 1. Introduction
prediction pipeline that exploits rich information from raw
An autonomous driving system should be able to per-
videos to directly predict future trajectories of agents in a
ceive agents in the current environment and predict their
scene. ViP3D employs sparse agent queries to detect, track,
future behaviors so that the vehicle can navigate the world
∗ Equal contribution. 1 Code and demos are available on the project page: https://
† Corresponding to: hangzhao@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn tsinghua-mars-lab.github.io/ViP3D
safely. Perception and prediction are two separate modules tures like historical trajectories and agent sizes, ViP3D
in the existing autonomous driving software pipeline, where leverages the rich and fine-grained visual features from
the interface between them is often defined as hand-picked raw images which are useful for the trajectory predic-
geometric and semantic features, such as historical agent tion task.
trajectories, agent types, agent sizes, etc. Such an interface 2. With 3D agent queries as interface, ViP3D explicitly
leads to the loss of useful perceptual information that can models agent-level detection, tracking and prediction,
be used in trajectory prediction. For example, tail lights and making it interpretable and debuggable.
brake lights indicate a vehicle’s intention, and pedestrians’ 3. ViP3D is a concise model with high performance. It
head pose and body pose tell about their attention. This outperforms a wide variety of baselines and recent end-
information, if not explicitly modeled, is ignored in the ex- to-end methods on the visual trajectory prediction task.
isting pipelines. In addition, with the separation of percep-
tion and prediction, errors are accumulated and cannot be 2. Related Work
mitigated in later stages. Specifically, historical trajectories
used by trajectory predictors come from an upstream per- 3D Detection. There are a great number of works on 3D
ception module, which inevitably contains errors, leading object detection and tracking from point clouds [26, 42, 64].
to a drop in the prediction performance. Designing a trajec- In this paper, we focus on 3D detection and tracking from
tory predictor that is robust to upstream output errors is a cameras. Monodis [46] and FCOS3D [52] learn a single-
non-trivial task [60]. stage object detector with instance depth and 3D pose pre-
Recent works such as IntentNet [3], FaF [34], dictions on monocular images. Pseudo-LiDAR [53] first
PnPNet [30] propose end-to-end models for LiDAR-based predicts depth for each image pixel, then lifts them into the
trajectory prediction. They suffer from a couple of limita- 3D space, and finally employs a point cloud based pipeline
tions: (1) They are not able to leverage the abundant fine- to perform 3D detection. DETR3D [54] designs a sparse
grained visual information from cameras; (2) these models 3D query-based detection model that maps queries onto 2D
use convolutional feature maps as their intermediate rep- multi-view images to extract features. BEVFormer [28] and
resentations within and across frames, thus suffering from PolarFormer [24] further propose a dense query-based de-
non-differentiable operations such as non-maximum sup- tection model. Lift-Splat-Shoot [40] projects image features
pression in object decoding and object association in multi- into BEV space by predicting depth distribution over pix-
object tracking. els, BEVDet [22] performs 3D object detection on top of it.
Furthermore, PETR [32] develops an implicit approach to
To address all these challenges, we propose a novel
transform 2D image features into BEV space for 3D detec-
pipeline that leverages a query-centric model design to pre-
dict future trajectories, dubbed ViP3D (Visual trajectory
Prediction via 3D agent queries). ViP3D consumes multi-
view videos from surrounding cameras and high-definition 3D Tracking. The majority of 3D tracking approaches
maps, and makes agent-level future trajectory prediction in follow the tracking-by-detection pipeline [38, 55]. These
an end-to-end and concise streaming manner, as shown in methods first detect 3D objects, then associate existing
Figure 1. Specifically, ViP3D leverages 3D agent queries as tracklets with the new detections. CenterTrack [57,63] uses
the interface throughout the pipeline, where each query can two consecutive frames to predict the speed of each detec-
map to (at most) an agent in the environment. At each time tion box, then performs association using only ℓ2 distances
step, the queries aggregate visual features from multi-view of the boxes. Samuel et al. [45] uses PMBM filter to es-
images, learn agent temporal dynamics, model the relation- timate states of tracklets and match them with new obser-
ship between agents, and finally produce possible future tra- vations. DEFT [4] uses a learned appearance matching net-
jectories for each agent. Across time, the 3D agent queries work for association, together with an LSTM estimated mo-
are maintained in a memory bank, which can be initialized, tion to eliminate implausible trajectories. QD3DT [21] uses
updated and discarded to track agents in the environment. cues from depth-ordering and learns better appearance fea-
Additionally, unlike previous prediction methods that uti- tures via contrastive learning. MUTR3D [61] introduces
lize historical agent trajectories and feature maps from mul- track queries to model objects that appear in multiple cam-
tiple historical frames, ViP3D only uses 3D agent queries eras across multiple frames.
from one previous timestamp and sensor features from the
current timestamp, making it a concise streaming approach. Trajectory Prediction. Several seminal trajectory predic-
In summary, the contribution of this paper is three-fold: tion works have studied historical trajectory and map ge-
1. ViP3D is the first fully differentiable vision-based ometry encoding using graph neural networks [12, 29] and
approach to predict future trajectories of agents for au- Transformers [36,37,51]. To make multiple plausible future
tonomous driving. Instead of using hand-picked fea- predictions [5, 8, 10, 11, 39, 39], variety loss is a regression-
based method that only optimizes the closest predicted tra- details of each module are explained in the following sub-
jectory during training. A Divide-And-Conquer [35] ap- sections.
proach is also a good initialization technique to produce
diverse outputs. Modeling uncertainty using latent vari- 3.1. Query-based Detection and Tracking
ables [2, 7, 19, 27, 43, 48, 49, 56, 58] is another popular For each input frame, a query-based detection and track-
approach, which predicts different future trajectories by ing first extracts visual features from surrounding cameras,
randomly sampling from the latent variables. Goal-based as shown in the upper part of Figure 2. Specifically, we fol-
methods recently achieve outstanding performance by first low DETR3D [54] to extract 2D features from multi-view
predicting the intentions of agents, such as the endpoint of images and use cross attention to update agent queries. For
trajectories [14–16, 50, 62], lanes to follow [25, 29, 47], and temporal feature aggregation, inspired by MOTR [59], we
then predicting trajectories conditioning on these goals. design a query-based tracking scheme with two key steps:
query feature update and query supervision. Agent queries
are updated across time to model the motion dynamics of
End-to-End Perception and Prediction. In the last cou- agents.
ple of years, there has been growing interest in jointly
optimizing detection, tracking, and prediction. FaF [34]
employs a single convolutional neural network to detect 3.1.1 Query Feature Update
objects from LiDAR point clouds, and forecast their cor- Each agent query corresponds to at most one agent that
responding future trajectories. IntentNet [3] adds high- appeared in the scene. We use Q to denote a set of
level intention output to this framework. More recently, agent queries, which are initialized as learnable embed-
Phillips et al. [41] further learns localization together with dings with 3D reference points [54]. At each time step,
perception and prediction. FIERY [20] predicts future BEV we first extract 2D image features of surrounding cameras
occupancy heatmaps from visual data directly. Mostly re- via ResNet50 [18] and FPN [31]. Then we project the
lated to our work is PnPNet [30], which explicitly models 3D reference points of agent queries onto the 2D coordi-
tracking in the loop. Our method is related to these meth- nates of multi-view images using camera intrinsic and ex-
ods in the sense that we also perform end-to-end predic- trinsic transformation matrices. Finally, we extract the cor-
tion based on sensor inputs. However, they all rely on BEV responding image features L to update the agent queries
feature maps or heatmaps as their intermediate representa- via cross attention. Let Q′t = Qt WQ , K = LWK , V =
tion, which leads to unavoidable non-differentiable opera- LWV be query / key / value vectors, respectively, where
tion while going from dense feature maps to instance-level WQ , WK , WV ∈ Rdh ×dk are the matrices for linear pro-
features, such as non-maximum suppression (NMS) in de- jection, t ∈ {1, . . . , T } is the current time step, dk is the
tection, and association in tracking. Our method, on the dimension of query / key / value
′ vectors. Then the cross at-
other hand, employs sparse agent queries as representation Qt K⊤
tention is: Q̃t = softmax √d V. Finally, we update
throughout the model, greatly improving the differentiabil- k
ity and interpretability. the agent queries: Q′t = FFN Qt + Q̃t , where FFN is a
two-layer MLP with layer normalization.
3. Method
3.1.2 Query Supervision
Overall, ViP3D leverages a query-centric model de-
sign to address the trajectory prediction problem from raw Since each agent query corresponds to at most one certain
videos in an end-to-end manner. As shown in Figure 2, 3D agent, supervision is required at each time step to make sure
agent queries serve as the main thread across time. At each each query extracts features of the same agent across differ-
time step, a query-based detection and tracking module ex- ent historical frames. There are two types of queries. One is
tracts multi-view image features from surrounding cameras the matched queries that have been associated with ground
to update agent queries, forming a set of tracked agent truth agents before this time step. The other is the empty
queries. The tracked agent queries potentially contain much queries that have not been associated with any ground truth
useful visual information, including the motion dynamics agent. Suppose we have done association at time step t − 1,
and visual characteristics of the agents. After that, a query- and now we perform association at time step t. For the
based prediction module takes the tracked agent queries as matched queries, we assign the same ground truth agents
input and associates them with HD map features, and finally to them as before: Qmatched ∼ = At−1 , where At−1 denotes
outputs agent-wise future trajectories. Over time, analogous the ground truth agents at time step t − 1. If an agent disap-
to traditional trackers, the 3D agent queries are initialized, pears at time step t, we assign an empty label to supervise
updated and discarded within a query memory bank, mak- the corresponding agent query and reinitialize it as an empty
ing ViP3D work in a concise streaming fashion. The design unmatched query for later use. For the unmatched queries,
Figure 2. ViP3D model pipeline. 3D agent queries serve as the main thread and intermediate representations over time. At each time step,
the agent queries aggregate visual features from multi-view images to obtain tracked agent queries. The tracked queries further interact
with HD maps and are decoded into predicted trajectories. The agent queries are managed in a dynamic memory bank, and the model
works in a concise streaming manner.
we perform a bipartite matching between the unmatched the memory query bank is a first-in-first-out queue with a
queries and the new appeared agents At,new at time step fixed size Sbank . After each time step, the attention mech-
t: Qempty ∼= At,new . anism is only applied between each query and its histori-
To perform the bipartite matching, we utilize a query cal states in the memory bank for efficiency. For the ith
decoder that outputs the center coordinates of each query agent query qti at the time step t, the corresponding histor-
at time step t. The pair-wise matching cost [1] between ical states in the memory bank are denoted as Qibank =
i i i
ground truth yi and a prediction ŷσ(i) for the bipartite {qt−S bank
, . . . , qt−2 , qt−1 }. Then the temporal cross at-
matching is: Lmatch yi , ŷσ(i) = −1{ci ̸=∅} p̂σ(i) (ci ) + ˜
qt,query Qibank,key
tention is qt = softmax √
Qibank,value ,
1{ci ̸=∅} Lbox bi , b̂σ(i) , where ci is the target class label,
where qt,query , Qibank,key , Qibank,value are query / key /
Lbox is the ℓ1 loss for bounding box parameters, bi is the
value vectors after linear projection, respectively, and d is
target box, b̂σ(i) and p̂σ(i) (ci ) are the predicted box and th
predicted probability of class ci , respectively.
the dimension of the agent queries. The i agent query is
i′ i ˜ i
After the bipartite matching, we get the optimal assign- updated by: qt = FFN qt + qt , where FFN is a two-
ment σ̂. We compute the query classification loss Lcls and layer MLP with layer normalization. Finally, the historical
query coordinate regression loss Lcoord as follows: states of the ith agent query in the memory bank become:
′ ′
XN Qibank = {qt−Si
bank +1
, . . . , qt−1 , qti }.
Lcls = − log p̂σ̂(i) (ci ) , (1)
i=1 3.2. Query-based Prediction
Lcoord = 1{ci ̸=∅} Lbox bi , b̂σ̂ (i) , (2) Typical trajectory prediction models can be divided into
i=1 three components: an agent encoder that extracts agent tra-
jectory features, a map encoder that extracts map features,
where Lbox is the ℓ1 loss for bounding box parameters.
and a trajectory decoder that outputs predicted trajecto-
ries. In our pipeline, the query-based detection and tracking
3.1.3 Query Memory Bank
gives tracked agent queries, which is equivalent to the out-
To model long-term relationships for agent queries of differ- put of the agent encoder. Therefore, by taking agent queries
ent time steps, we maintain historical states for each agent as input, the query-based prediction module is composed of
query in a query memory bank. Following MOTR [59], only a map encoder and a trajectory decoder.
3.2.1 Map Encoding Matched Miss Matched
GT agent
HD semantic maps are crucial for trajectory prediction since
Tracked agent
they include detailed road information, such as lane types,
road boundaries, and traffic signs. HD maps are typically GT future trajectory
τEPA }. The EPA between Ŝc and Sc is defined as: PnPNet-vision by replacing the LiDAR encoder of the orig-
inal PnPNet with DETR3D, which is the same as the detec-
|Ŝmatch,hit | − αNFP tor of ViP3D. Instead of using the query-based tracker and
EPA(Ŝc , Sc ) = , (4)
NGT predictor, PnPNet associates boxes across frames accord-
ing to affinity matrix and uses Kalman Filter as the motion
where NGT is the number of ground truth agents, and we model, which is a non-differentiable operation. For pre-
set the penalty coefficient α = 0.5 for all experiments. For diction, PnPNet crops features from the BEV feature map
different scenes, each number in the equation is defined as according to tracked trajectories, and takes the cropped fea-
the sum over all scenes. Finally, the EPA between Ŝ and S tures as the inputs of the prediction. We use Lift-Splat-Shot
is averaged over all agent types. to obtain the BEV feature map for PnPNet-vision.
4.2. Experimental Settings 4.4. Evaluation and Analysis
Dataset. We train and evaluate ViP3D on the nuScenes 4.4.1 Main Results
dataset, a large-scale driving dataset including the urban
scenarios in Boston and Singapore. It contains 1000 scenes, We compare our ViP3D with traditional perception and pre-
and each scene has a duration of around 20 seconds. The diction pipeline and PnPNet-vision on the nuScenes dataset,
full dataset has more than one million images from 6 cam- as shown in Table 1. The traditional perception and predic-
eras and 1.4M bounding boxes for different types of objects. tion pipeline uses historical trajectories as the interface be-
Bounding boxes of objects are annotated at 2Hz over the en- tween tracking and prediction, so it cannot utilize visual in-
tire dataset. formation for prediction. Our proposed PnPNet-vision fol-
lows the key idea of the original PnPNet to obtain agent
features by cropping from BEV feature maps, and takes
Trajectory Prediction Settings. Popular trajectory pre-
the cropped features as the inputs of the predictor. More
diction benchmarks, such as Argoverse Motion Prediction
implementation details are described in Section 4.3. All
Benchmark [6], require the prediction of one target agent
baselines and our ViP3D use DETR3D as the detector and
in each scene. In our visual trajectory prediction task, we
regression-based trajectory decoding method as the predic-
simultaneously predict all agents in each scene, which is
tor for a fair comparison. We can see that ViP3D outper-
the same as real-time usage. A commonly used trick is to
forms these baselines on all the metrics, indicating the ef-
predict trajectories in allocentric view, i.e., taking the last
fectiveness and superiority of directly learning from visual
position of the target agent as the origin and its direction as
information with a fully differentiable approach.
y-axis. It makes prediction models focus on future modal-
ity prediction instead of coordinate transformation, thereby
improving the prediction performance. In our experiments, 4.4.2 Ablation Study
we use this trick for all baselines and our ViP3D. Metrics Trajectory Prediction Inputs. To better understand the
averaged over vehicles and pedestrians are used to compare necessity of visual features and end-to-end training, we
their performance on visual trajectory prediction task. compare ViP3D with different baselines. These baselines
have the same architecture as ViP3D except for the predic-
4.3. Baseline Settings
tion inputs. We use the default regression-based method
Traditional Perception and Prediction Pipeline. The for trajectory decoding. Results are shown in Table 2. It
traditional pipeline is composed of a vision-based detector, can be seen that Agent trajectories + Agent queries out-
a tracker, and a predictor. For a fair comparison, the vision- performs Agent trajectories, demonstrating that the agent
based detector is the same as ViP3D. For the tracker, we queries provide more fine-grained and detailed visual in-
test the performance of the classical IoU association with formation to improve prediction performance. ViP3D sur-
Kalman Filter, and an advanced tracking method named passes Agent trajectories and Agent trajectories + Agent
CenterPoint [57]. Compared with ViP3D, the outputs of the queries, demonstrating that fully differentiable end-to-end
tracker are agent trajectories and agent attributes instead of learning is helpful in avoiding the error accumulation prob-
agent queries. These agent attributes are manually-defined lem in the multi-stage pipeline.
in common tracking tasks, and we use as many attributes
as possible, including agent types, agent sizes, agent veloc- Trajectory Decoding Methods. We compare our ViP3D
ities, etc. with traditional perception and prediction pipeline under
other trajectory decoding methods, goal-based TNT [62]
PnPNet-vision. PnPNet [30] only takes LiDAR data as and heatmap-based HOME [14], which recently achieve
input, and it cannot be directly used for our visual trajectory state-of-the-art performance. As shown in Table 3, ViP3D
prediction task. Following the original PnPNet, we propose surpasses the traditional perception and prediction pipeline
Traditional PnPNet-vision [30] ViP3D (Ours)
detector-tracker interface boxes boxes queries
Architechture tracker Kalman Filter CenterPoint Kalman Filter CenterPoint query-based
tracker-predictor interface trajectories cropped features queries
predictor regression-based regression-based regression-based
minADE↓ 2.07 2.06 2.04 2.04 2.03
minFDE↓ 3.10 3.02 3.08 3.03 2.90
MR↓ 0.289 0.277 0.277 0.271 0.239
EPA↑ 0.191 0.209 0.198 0.213 0.236
Table 1. Comparing ViP3D with traditional multi-stage pipeline. Classical metrics include minADE, minFDE and Miss Rate (MR), and
End-to-end Prediction Accuracy (EPA) which is our proposed metric for the end-to-end setting. For each agent, 6 future trajectories with
a time horizon of 6 seconds are evaluated.
Table 2. Ablation study on the inputs of the trajectory prediction module of ViP3D. Trajectory decoding defaults to a regression-based
on these metrics under the two trajectory decoding methods, View Pipeline minADE minFDE MR EPA
demonstrating that ViP3D is compatible with various state-
Traditional 2.51 3.57 0.353 0.132
of-the-art trajectory decoders and achieves superior perfor- Egocentric
ViP3D 2.10 3.01 0.261 0.199
Traditional 2.06 3.02 0.277 0.209
ViP3D 2.03 2.90 0.239 0.236
Decoder Pipeline mADE mFDE MR EPA
Traditional 2.50 3.93 0.266 0.195 Table 4. The comparison between different types of view of tra-
Goal [62]
ViP3D 2.24 3.33 0.238 0.219 jectory prediction.
Traditional 2.53 3.81 0.264 0.197
Heatmap [14] Analysis of Different Detectors We also conduct ex-
ViP3D 2.33 3.42 0.218 0.214
periments on other vision-based detectors, such as
Table 3. Comparing trajectory prediction performance on the PETRv2 [33], which leverages the temporal information of
nuScenes validation set with another two trajectory decoding
previous frames to assist 3D object detection. When using
methods: goal-based and heatmap-based. mADE and mFDE de-
PETRv2 as the detection backbone, ViP3D achieves a bet-
note minADE and minFDE, respectively.
ter performance in short-term inference (< 3s) but fails in
long-term inference (> 10s). It indicates that the perfor-
mance of long-term inference is sensitive to the detection
View of Trajectory Prediction. We test the performance backbone, and more efforts are needed to adapt ViP3D to
of the pipelines in two different prediction coordinates. One different detectors. A possible solution is to run ViP3D on
is in the egocentric view, and the other is in the allocentric longer scene segments (currently 3 frames) during training
view [23]. The egocentric view indicates predicting trajec- if the GPU memory is large enough. We regard it as a limi-
tories in the coordinate system of the ego vehicle, while tation of ViP3D.
the allocentric view indicates predicting trajectories in the 4.4.3 Qualitative Results
coordinate system of the predicted agent itself. Predicting
trajectories in the allocentric view is a commonly used nor- We provide examples of the predicted results by ViP3D and
malization trick, and it has a better performance compared traditional pipeline in Figure 4. In the upper example, we
with the egocentric view. As shown in Table 4, the same can see that the left turn signal of the vehicle in the blue box
results are obtained in our experiments. So experiments of is flashing, indicating that the vehicle is about to turn left.
baselines and ViP3D in other sections are performed in the ViP3D can use this visual information to predict the correct
allocentric view by default. trajectory. In contrast, the traditional pipeline can only use
historical trajectory information to predict that the vehicle mation.
is about to go straight incorrectly. In the lower example,
we can see that the pedestrian is facing the coming vehi- 5. Conclusion
cle, indicating that he has probably noticed the approaching We present ViP3D, a fully differentiable approach to pre-
vehicle and will stop and wait for the vehicle to go first. dict future trajectories of agents from multi-view videos.
ViP3D makes use of the pedestrian’s head pose to correctly It exploits the rich visual information from the raw sen-
predict that the pedestrian will stop, while the traditional sory input and avoids the error accumulation problem in
pipeline incorrectly predicts that pedestrians will cross the the traditional pipeline. Moreover, by leveraging 3D agent
road. These two examples show that ViP3D improves tra- queries, ViP3D models agent instances explicitly, making
jectory prediction performance due to utilizing visual infor- the pipeline interpretable and debuggable.
Front view
Rear view
Rear view Ego vehicle
Tracked agent
GT agent
GT future trajectory
Prediction of ViP3D
Prediction of traditional
GT history trajectory
Tracked history trajectory
Front view
Rear view
Ego vehicle
Tracked agent
GT agent
GT future trajectory
Prediction of ViP3D
Prediction of traditional
GT history trajectory
Tracked history trajectory
Figure 4. Qualitative results. Input camera images are shown on the top. The green vehicle is the ego agent. The blue and orange agents
indicate ground-truth and tracked agents, respectively. The blue, orange and red curves indicate ground-truth trajectories, prediction of
ViP3D and prediction of the traditional pipeline, respectively. For each agent, only the predicted trajectory with the highest probability is
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