2023 Paper-1 by Smriti Ma'am
2023 Paper-1 by Smriti Ma'am
2023 Paper-1 by Smriti Ma'am
Introduce with feminist method
Provide its features as distinctiveness
A brief criticism
Conclude with relevance
Feminist method sees gender as a primary organizing category and provides a lens to seeing
and knowing social
world and its realities. This approach to research helps to examine how women understand
their gender.
1(b): Discuss the relationship between sociology and political science.(10 Marks)
Introduce by defining the disciplines.
Briefly explain the evolution of relationship
Explain the relation through convergence between the two.
Provide the divergences
Conclude with need of interdisciplinary approach.
Political Science studies the political institutions and processes whereas Sociology is the
and scientific study of social structures and institutions including values and norms.
The two discipline often converge as the subject matter is 'human' and the convergence is on
increase. The convergence started with work of Karl Marx who showed close link between
institutions and behaviour on one hand and economic system and social classes on the other.
The convergence was studied in detail with rise of new politico-administrative institutions like
political parties, elites, bureaucracy etc. The Chicago school had been instrumental in
the relation between the two disciplines by applying the behavioural approach to political
The contemporary relationship between sociology and political science can be seen in
Political developments are having unprecedented impact on social norms and
institutions. The spread of democracy in political arena has led to democratisation of
social institutions.E.g. Democratisation of polity trickling down in form of
democratisation of family.
The Social background is also impacting the political institutions. E.g. M.N. Srinivas
showed how dominant castes have been important in understanding the politics at
The policy development today requires understanding of both the disciplines. Political
Science provides laws which affect welfare of masses. Sociology on the other hand
provides the data and basis for these laws and policies.
However, there are some divergences between the two disciplines:
2 SCOPE Sociology has wider scope Political science confines itself to
as it studies all aspects of study of state and power.
3 SUBJECT MATTER The subject matter is open The Subject matter is more
and is ever increasing. codified.
4 AIM It aims to study relation It tends to limit itself to study
between all the social process within government and
institutions. their relation with people.
5 METHODOLOGY Sociologists use a wide Political scientists use research
range of research methods such as case studies,
methods, including voting analysis, and policy analysis
surveys, interviews, to examine political systems and
observations and behaviors.
statistical analysis to study
social phenomena
6 INTERDISCIPLINARY It often overlaps with It may intersect with other fields
APPROACH other social sciences, such like international relations,
as psychology, economics and law, particularly
anthropology, and when studying global politics and
economics, to understand policy.
human behavior and
Despite differences, as G.E.C. Catlin identified,“Political Science and Sociology are two faces
aspects of same figure“. In today's interconnected world it is important to focus on
approach for holistic understanding of reality.
1(c): How does the dramaturgical perspective enable our understanding of
everyday life?(10 Marks)
Define the dramaturgical perspective
Discuss its relevance in understanding daily life along its key aspects
Briefly provide the limitations of the perspective.
The dramaturgical perspective, introduced by sociologist Erving Goffman, is a sociological
theory that compares everyday life to a theatrical presentation.
The dramaturgical perspective allows us to understand everyday life by viewing individuals as
actors on a stage, performing roles in different scenes (situations). It provides a framework for
understanding how we present ourselves in various social contexts and how we manage the
impressions we give to others.
Dramaturgical perspective through following aspects help us understand everyday life:-
ROLE PLAYING: In our everyday life we all play different roles in our lives, such as being
a student, employee, parent, or friend. These roles come with certain expectations and
norms, which we try to live up to. E.g. as an employee, one is expected to be
professional, punctual, and productive.
IMPRESSION MANGEMENT: While performing role, individuals attempt to control the
impressions others form of them.E.g. Albas and Albas (1988) explored the strategies
students use to manage the impressions they make on others after grades are
FRONT STAGE AND BACK STAGE: Goffman also introduces the concepts of ‘front stage’
and ‘back stage’. The front stage is where the performance is given, i.e., where we
present ourselves according to societal expectations. The back stage is where we can be
ourselves without worrying about societal norms. E.g. a politician might be honest and
integral in the front of people (front stage) but can be corrupt while performing his/her
duty(back stage).
Introduce with R.K. Merton's idea of reference group.
Explain the theory in brief
Discuss the applicability
Show the various limitations
R.K. Merton explained the 'Reference group' as a group, with which one always makes a
comparison in order to evaluate one's achievement, aspirations, role performance and
ambition. They act as normative standard for the individual.
Merton distinguished between reference group and interest group which are more general part
of an individual's social environment. Reference groups can be membership group(group which
one is already part of) and non-membership group(group of which one is not part of). Further it
can be positive(one wishes to join) and negative(wishes to avoid). The process of behaving like
members of aspirational reference group is termed as anticipatory socialisation.
1(e): Do you think that boundary line between ethnicity and race is blurred?
Justify your answer.(10 Marks)
Define Ethnicity and Race
In brief explain the differences.
Discuss the convergence between ethnicity and race in contemporary times
Race refers to perceived social differences based on biological and geographical differences
whereas the ethnicity refers to cultural practices, perspectives, and distinctions that set apart
one group of people from another. As perceived by Jenkins “ethnicity” is about group
identification whereas “race” is about social categorisation.
Displayability It can be displayed or hidden. It generally cannot be hidden.
Geography There can be multiple ethnic It is commonly associated with a
groups within a single particular geography. E.g. Mongoloid race
geography. E.g. Kuki, Meiti, Naga in North-East India
etc. exist as various ethnic
groups in North-East India
Subcategories Ethnic sub-groups are present. There are no subcategories. There are
E.g Indians as an ethnic group broad categories like African, Caucasian
can be divided into North Indian etc.
and South Indian.
Fluidity Dalton Conley: Ethnicity is more It cannot be changed or broadened.
fluid and cuts across racial lines
Significance Ethnicity connotes shared Race presumes shared biological or
cultural traits and a shared genetic traits, whether actual or asserted.
group history. Some ethnic In the early 19th century, racial
groups also share linguistic or differences were ascribed significance in
religious traits, while others areas of intelligence, health, and
share a common group history. personality.
However, in recent times the boundaries between the two have blurred to a certain extent.
This is agreed upon by scholar Pierre L. van den Berghe who provided following reasons:
Cultural traits are often regarded as genetic and inherited.
Physical appearance can be culturally changed.
The sensory perception of physical differences is affected by cultural perception of race.
This is evident in phenomena that Indians belonging to multiple ethnic groups are seen
commonly as Ethnic-Indians in western societies with common race. Similarly, the various
ethnic groups of East Asia are seen as single ethnic group because of common race i.e.
Inter-racial and inter-ethnic unions also blur the boundary. Children born from these unions
may identify with multiple races or ethnicities, challenging the notion of distinct racial or ethnic
categories. E.g. a child with a Chinese mother and a French father may identify as both Asian
and European, racially and ethnically.
With the blurring of boundaries, it is important to recognize this complexity when studying
human societies and cultures. It also highlights the need for a more nuanced and flexible
understanding of human diversity, beyond rigid categorizations.
2(a): What, according to Robert Michels, is the iron law of oligarchy? Do lions
folly and foxes in Vilfredo Pareto’s theory, essentially differ from each other?
Substantiate. (20 Marks)
Introduce with Robert Michels iron law.
Explain the concept
Provide its criticism
Introduce Pareto’s Elite theory
Differentiate ‘lions’ and ‘foxes’
Show the similarities
Conclude with relevance of both theories
Robert Michels, in his work “Political Parties,” proposed the ‘iron law of oligarchy.’ It means
that even if organizations start as democratic in the beginning, eventually & inevitably they
develop oligarchic tendencies, making democracy practically & theoretically impossible.
Introduce with Karl Marx.
Explain the concept of historical materialism.
Provide the relevance in contemporary society.
Also show the examples which contradicts it.
Provide a balanced conclusions.
Karl Marx, in his seminal work “Contribution to the critique of political economy”, gave the
concept of historical materialism. He utilised dialectic idealism of Hegel and Materialism of
Ludwing Feuerbach.
Marx also talk of economic infrastructure shaping the societal superstructure. Thus, societal
superstructure functions in such a way that maintains hegemony of dominant class or haves.
Define Variables.
Explain there role in facilitating research.
Provide the limitations.
Conclude with broader relevance.
Variables are properties or characteristics of some event, object, person, place or thing that are
measurable and can take on more than one value. Ex. Income of an individual
3(a): What are the characteristics of scientific method? Do you think that
scientific method in conducting sociological research is foolproof? Elaborate.(20
Define the Scientific method.
Mention the characteristics.
Show the significance of scientific method in sociological research.
Discuss the limitations to show it is not foolproof.
Conclude with idea of modified scientific method.
Scientific Method refers to any systematic, rational and objective set of steps to explore the
truth or new knowledge or for investigating phenomena or correcting and integrating previous
3(b): How do you assess the changing patterns in kinship relations in societies
today?(20 Marks)
Define Kinship
Show the traditional aspects of kinship relations
Assess the changes in structural and functional dimensions
Provide a summarising conclusion
The Kinship system refers to a system of persons who are recognised as relatives, either, by
virtue of a blood relationship i.e. consanguinity, or by virtue of a marriage relationship or
affinity, or by adoption.
Introduce with Weber’s definition of bureaucracy
Relate the historical experiences of Europe with rise of Weberian bureaucracy.
Max Weber defined bureaucracy as the purest type of legal-rational authority with a hierarchy
of paid, full time officials who form a chain of command.
4(a): Do you think that common sense is the starting point of social research?
What are its advantages and limitations? Explain. (20 Marks)
Define Common Sense.
Explain how it is a starting point of social research.
Provide the advantages and limitations.
Conclude with perspective of non-positivists.
Alfred Schutz, in his phenomenological sociology, defines Common Sense as an “organized and
‘typified’ stocks of taken-for-granted knowledge upon which activities are based and which, in
the ‘natural attitude’, is not questioned.”
4(b): How is poverty a form of social exclusion? Illustrate in this connection the
different dimensions of poverty and social exclusion. (20 Marks)
Define Poverty and Social Exclusion.
Establish relation between them
Summarise in conclusion
Ruth Lister in her book “Poverty” defines Poverty as not just the material but also the
interaction of social and psychological elements rooted in social relationships. While Social
exclusion refers to the ways in which individuals may become cut off from full involvement in
the wider community.
Social exclusion leads to lack of access to various aspects as shown in above diagram. Poverty
and social exclusion has various common dimensions, which can be discussed as below:
1. Economic deprivation: Poverty and social exclusion leads to economic deprivation of an
individual or social groups. Ex. SC,ST forms major chunk of extreme poor and
marginalized sections of Indian society
2. Social deprivation: Poor and socially excluded sections of society lack meaningful
participation in society. Ex. Ghettoisation of SC’s in rural areas (Sukhdev Thorat study)
3. Political deprivation: Both leads to systematic alienation from political sphere. Ex.
Illegal slum residents in urban areas
4. Cultural deprivation: Both develop culture of poverty among poors. Ex. Culture of
Poverty (Oscar Lewis)
5. Lack of social capital: According to P Bourdieau, both phenomenon leads to lack of
access to social capital to poors.
6. Labelling theory: Both leads to labelling and stigmatization among affected
communities. Ex. LGBTQ
7. Life chances: Both leads to poor quality of life as it restricts acces to great life chances.
(Max Weber)
8. Human rights deprivation: Both leads to deprivation of fundamental human rights to
the affected communities. Ex. Denial of right to self identity to transgenders
9. Lack of capacity development: As per Amartya Sen, both actively promote poor access
to means of development, improve quality of life, etc.
Thus, poverty and social exclusion dysfunctional social facts reducing the organic solidarity of
the society weakening its value consensus.
4(c): Highlight the differences and similarities between totemism and
animism. (10 Marks)
Start with theories of ‘totemism’ and ‘animism’.
Differentiate between them.
Also provide the similarities.
Conclude of relevance.
Emile Durkheim, in his seminal work “The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life,” based on
study of Arunta tribe, talk of totemism, considering it as the original form of religious life.
Similarly, E. B. Tylor, in “Primitive Culture,” theorised animism as the foundational form of
religious belief.
Define the corporate social responsibility(CSR)
Discuss its sociological relevance for environment related crises
Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) refers to conduct of corporate which aims at the welfare of
society. In India, it is mandated by Section-135 of Companies Act, 2013.
5(b): How is civil society useful in deepening the roots of democracy?(10 Marks)
Define Civil Societies
Discuss the usefulness in deepening the democratic roots
Briefly give the limitations
Civil Society was term coined by Hegel, referring to space between family, market and state in
which individuals get together voluntarily to create institutions and organisations.
Start with definition of Religion
Provide the manifest and latent functions of Religion
Briefly give the dysfunctions
Provide a balanced conclusion
Emile Durkheim defined religion as a unified system of beliefs and practices related to the
sacred things which combines people into a single moral community.
In a pluralistic society like India, where multiple religions coexist, religion has both manifest and
latent functions:
Manifest Functions of Religion:
According to Talcott Parsons, Religion is a part of cultural system which performs the
functional prerequisite of latency.
Religion act as an avenue for social control and socialisation in society. According to
Malinowski, Religion reinforces social norms and values at the time of anxiety and
The sects and cults provide for solace and comfort to people who suffers from anomie
and alienation in modern societies.
Religious sects and cults address the issues of marginalised sections of society.
According to Weber, sects are most likely to arise from the groups which are
marginalised in the society. He termed it as ‘Theodicy of Disprivilaged“
Latent Functions of Religion:
Multiple religions plays an important role in bringing social change. Max Weber
explained how Protestant Ethic was crucial in rise of capitalism in Europe.
Religion act as an integrative force in difficult times. E.g. Corona devi worship in Kerela
during pandemic.
Religious institutions in plural societies are also playing crucial role in sectors like
education, health etc.
Multiple religions in plural societies are crucial aspect of soft power in globalised world.
E.g. India’s ‘Buddhist Circuit’ promotion in South-East Asia.
However, religion also have certain dysfunctions for the plural societies. Religion has been used
as a tool for divisive politics in plural societies. Communal violence and fundamentalism also
have religion at there core. The separatist movements like recent surge of Khalistan movement
have also been based on religion.
Though Religion has certain dysfunctions, religion is still is a very powerful force in
contemporary societies, both at the level of social structure and at level of individual.
Introduce with defining Family.
Explain David Morgan’s idea of family practices
Elaborate the critical views on his idea
Conclude with need of comprehensive approach.
Family is defined by G.P. Murdock as a social group which is characterised by common
residence, economic cooperation and reproduction.
Define patriarchy
Explain how education can help eradication of patriarchal discrimination
Discuss the limitations of education in eradication of patriarchal discrimination.
Conclude with need of a comprehensive solution.
Sylvia Walby defines patriarchy a system of social structure and practices where men dominate
and oppress women. She provided for six patriarchal structures which undermines women’s
position- paid work, household, culture, sexuality, violence and the state.
6(a): What are the different dimensions of qualitative method? Do you think that
qualitative methods helps to gain a deeper sociological insight? Give reasons for
your answer. (20 Marks)
Explain qualitative research method
Provide the various dimensions
Explain how it leads to deeper sociological insights
Also give the limitations of this method
Qualitative research method is a type of social science research that collects and works with
non-numerical data and that seeks to interpret meaning from these data that help understand
social life through the study of targeted populations or places. Ex. Participant observation
6(b): Explain Max Weber’s theory of social stratification. How does Weber’s idea
of class differ from that of Marx? (20 Marks)
Define Social Stratification
Explain Weber’s Trinitarian view.
Differentiate it with Marxian view.
Conclude with how Weber’s theory broadened Marxian view.
Melvin M. Tumin defines Social stratification as arrangements of any social group or society
into a hierarchy of positions that are unequal with regard to power, property, social evaluation,
and/or social gratification.
Max Weber in his seminal work, “Economy and Society”, proposed a multidimensional
approach to social stratification. Alongwith economic criteria, he added Power and Status to
the basis of social stratification.
Status: It is the respect with which a person or status position is regarded by others – Status
Situation in society. It also determines one’s position in social hierarchy. Ex. Brahmins are at the
top while Untouchables are at the bottom.
Party: The ability of people or groups to achieve their goals despite opposition from others –
Parties. It forms the minorty group at the top which holds the power.
6(c): What are the ethical issues that a researcher faces in making use of
participant observation as a method of collecting data? Explain. (10 Marks)
Define Participant Observation.
Provide ethical issues associated with it.
Conclude with relevance of the method.
Participant observation is an qualitative research technique where the researcher immerses
themselves in the daily lives of the subjects. Ex. Malinowski’s study of Trobriand island tribes.
7(a): Explain how economic globalisation has brought changes in the pattern of
employment in the 21st century.(20 Marks)
Define Economic globalisation
Provide for functional and dysfunctional changes it has brought to pattern of
Summarise in conclusion
Economic globalisation refers to the increasing interdependence of world economies as a
result of the growing scale of cross-border trade of commodities and services, flow of
international capital and wide and rapid spread of technologies.
Changes in the pattern of employment in the 21st century:
Functional Changes:
o Structural Transformation: Economic globalisation often leads to the structural
transformation of societies, where traditional industries give way to newer,
more globally connected ones. This transformation can create opportunities for
employment in emerging sectors. For example, shift from agriculture to
manufacturing and services sectors.
o Global Labour Markets: As companies seek talent on a global scale, employment
opportunities extended beyond national borders. For example, rise of remote
work and freelancing platforms.
o Labour Market Flexibility: Globalisation has fostered more flexible labour
markets, where individuals have the opportunity to work in different capacities,
including part-time, work, which can be appealing to some workers seeking
work-life balance.
o Rising female labour force participation: Economic globalisation has expanded
the opportunities for women to enter the workforce, contributing to their
economic empowerment.
Dysfunctional Changes:
o Marxist Perspective:
Increasing Alienation: Economic globalisation has led to the proliferation
of assembly-line and repetitive work in industries such as manufacturing
and services. These jobs often offer little autonomy, creativity, or
meaningful interaction, making workers feel like cogs in a machine,
disconnected from the value and purpose of their work.
Rising informalisation: Economic globalisation has contributed to the
growth of informal and precarious work, including temporary contracts,
part-time jobs, and the gig economy. These employment arrangements
often lack job security, benefits, and stable income, leading to financial
insecurity for workers.
Labour market polarisation: Economic globalisation often coincides with
technological advancements that disproportionately favour skilled
workers and create hurdles for the participation of low-skilled jobs,
which are routinised and repetitive, and they become more vulnerable
to automation and offshoring.
Rising pauperisation: In the globalised economy, there is a race to the
bottom in terms of labour standards, with workers in some countries
subjected to poor working conditions, low wages, and exploitation. For
example, increasing child and bonded labour.
o Feminist Perspective:
Gender Pay Gap: Economic globalisation has exacerbated gendered
workforce segregation, with women concentrated in low-paid and
precarious jobs.
Gendered Glass Ceiling: Women's access to leadership positions within
multinational corporations is often limited.
o Ulrich Beck: Ulrich Beck's concept of the risk society highlights how economic
globalisation introduces new risks and uncertainties into employment patterns.
Globalisation can result in job insecurity, precarious work, and the erosion of
traditional safety nets. Workers may face new risks associated with the global
labour market.
o Anthony Giddens: Anthony Giddens' structuration theory emphasises the
interplay between structure and agency. Economic globalization can create
structural constraints on employment, limiting individuals' agency in shaping
their work conditions. Workers may find themselves subject to global economic
forces that limit their control over their employment situation.
Thus, economic globalisation played a key role in shaping the social and structural dynamics of
the modern labour market.
7(b): Do you think that the social media has brought significant changes in the
forms of protest? Argue your case.(20 Marks)
Define Protests
Provide for changes brought by social media to protests
Give the concerns raised by social media
Provide a balanced view in conclusion
Protests are the actions by individuals, groups, organisations, etc. against any person, group or
even wider society, seeking to change or prevent change in society. Different forms of protests
include Hunger strike, Ralley or Dharna, Arrest Movement (Jail Bharo Andolan) etc.
Following are the changes brought by social media in the forms of protests:
Resource Mobilisation Theory: Social media platforms provide protesters with easy
access to information, including news, updates, and resources related to their cause.
Also, Online crowd-funding and donation platforms have become essential tools for
resource mobilisation in protests.
Amplification of Class Struggle: According to Marxists, social media has amplified the
voices of marginalised and working-class individuals, enabling them to share their
grievances, organise, and demand economic and social justice. It has provided a
platform for the working class to express their concerns and connect with like-minded
individuals globally.
o For example, Protests by Urban Company's female employees used WhatsApp
for secret meetings etc.
Countering Structural Strain: Social media helps to reduce the strain between values
and structural means and has enabled individuals to voice their concerns, share stories
of injustice, and advocate for policy changes or societal reform. For example, Farmers
protests in India used platforms like Twitter to share real-time updates, videos, and
stories about their demands for fair agricultural policies and resistance against new farm
Challenging status inconsistencies: Protests organised through social media often bring
together individuals from different statuses and social positions. These diverse groups
can unite in their shared goal of addressing particular social issues, effectively
addressing and challenging status inconsistencies.
Raise Gender issues: Women have used social media to call out and challenge instances
of sexism, misogyny, and gender-based violence. For instance,
o The #MeToo movement gained significant momentum through social media,
allowing survivors to share their experiences and demand accountability.
o Indian wrestlers' protest against instance of sexual harassment.
Though the social media has played a key role in bringing positive change in the forms of
protests, it has also raised concerns like:
Digital Divide: Access to social media and the internet is not universal, and the digital
divide can leave marginalised communities and individuals without a voice in online
Spread of disinformation and fake news: Social media platforms have become the
fertile ground for the spread of disinformation and fake news, which can mislead the
public, undermine the credibility of protest movements, and create confusion.
Online radicalisation: Social media facilitates the radicalisation of individuals, pushing
them toward extremist ideologies and violent actions. Online echo chambers and
extremist content often contribute to the radicalization process, affecting protest
Polarisation: Social media can intensify political and ideological polarisation, with
individuals and groups retreating into their respective corners, making it challenging to
find common ground or engage in constructive dialogue.
Creating filter bubbles and echo chambers: Algorithms used by social media platforms
tend to show users content that aligns with their existing beliefs, creating filter bubbles
and echo chambers. This can limit exposure to diverse perspectives and polarise public
Privacy Concerns: The use of social media for organising protests can raise concerns
about privacy. Protesters may worry about surveillance, data collection, and potential
repercussions for their online activities.
Hence, it is important that activists and organisations harness the positive power of social
media to inform, mobilise, and engage a broader audience in support of their cause while
maintaining a constructive and inclusive approach.
Explain A. G. Frank’s Theory
Provide criticism of the theory
Conclude with relevance of the theory
A.G Frank is best known today for his work on what he called ‘the development of
underdevelopment’ or ‘dependency theory’. Frank’s main argument was that in our
interconnected, globalised world, some countries are winners, whilst others are losers.
According to dependency theory, the people of less-developed countries are not to blame for
the failure of their societies to develop. Instead, he suggested that Western nations deliberately
failed to develop these countries. He argued that historically, ‘core’ nations such as the USA
and UK, who made up the elite ‘metropolis’, exploited ‘peripheral’ nations by keeping them as
satellites in a state of dependency and under-development.
Developed nations become wealthy by exploiting the poorest nations and using them as a
source of cheap raw materials and labour. He claimed that this exploitative relationship was
evident throughout the course of history (e.g. in the practice of slavery and in Western
colonisation of other parts of the world) and was maintained into the twentieth century
through Western countries’ domination of international trade, the emergence of large
multinational companies and the reliance of less-developed countries on Western aid.
According to Frank, Underdevelopment is not due to the survival of archaic institutions and the
existence of capital shortage in regions that have remained isolated from the stream of world
history. On the contrary, underdevelopment was and still is generated by the very same
historical process which also generated economic development: the development of capitalism
Critics of the dependency theory argue that this dependency is exaggerated.
This theory focuses too much on economic factors and does not take into consideration
the country’s political, social, cultural and environmental factors that might be
contributing to underdevelopment.
Critics also argue that dependency theory is very pessimistic and unrealistic.
Critics say that the suggestion that a developing country can disconnect from capitalism
and go its own way is impossible in our globalised economy.
However, Frank’s ideas and the huge volume of writing that he completed continue to be
8(a): What is Taylorism? Analyze its merits and demerits.(20 Marks)
Introduce with Taylorism and its aim.
Provide it’s basic principles
Give it’‘s merits and demerits
Conclude by showing how it’s principles are combined with other ideas for better
Taylorism is a management theory first advocated by Federick W. Taylor. It aimed to improve
efficiency and productivity in industrial and manufacturing settings by applying scientific
principles to work processes. It uses scientific methods to analyse the most efficient production
process in order to increase productivity. Taylor’s scientific management theory argued it was
the job of workplace managers to develop the proper production system for achieving
economic efficiency.
Frederick Taylor devised the following scientific management principles:
Select methods based on science, not “rule of thumb”.
Assign workers jobs based on their aptitudes.
Monitor worker performance.
Properly divide the workload between managers and workers.
Rigid hierarchy and strict surveillance of employees.
Clear division of responsibilities.
Performance-based pay.
Improving the productivity: This approach typically leads to increased productivity, as
workers are trained to perform their tasks with precision and speed, resulting in higher
Optimum utilisation of resources: By analysing each task and breaking it down into its
simplest elements, it eliminates waste and reduces the time required to complete a
Cost of production is reduced: It aims to always find the best technology and most
efficient ways in which tasks can be performed leading to reduction in the overall cost of
Optimum work-force: By optimising work processes, Taylorism reduces the need for a
large and costly workforce leading to reduction in labour costs, as fewer workers are
needed to accomplish the same amount of work.
Standardisation of work: Taylorism emphasises the creation of standardised procedures
and best practices, ensuring that tasks are performed uniformly and consistently by all
Avenues for skill development: Taylorism can lead to improved skill development as
workers become proficient in their specific tasks through repetitive practice.
Alienation: Taylorism breaks down jobs into highly specialised and repetitive tasks, with
workers often performing the same motions over and over. This can lead to a sense of
monotony and boredom, contributing to alienation as workers feel disconnected from
the meaningfulness of their work.
Costly method: Establishing a scientific management theory requires a lot of investment
from the organisation. The procedure of scientifically testing each method, planning and
training staff requires a lot of funds.
Unemployment: One of the key principles of Taylorism is the elimination of unnecessary
labour and the reduction of manual tasks. This often involves the introduction of labour-
saving machinery and automation. While this can lead to increased productivity, it may
also displace some workers who were previously performing those tasks, potentially
leading to unemployment.
Dehumanisation of Work: Increasing control of employees can also be a drawback as it
makes the work repetitive and does not allow employees to be creative and reduces
their motivation.
While Taylorism's influence is undeniable, it's important to recognise that its application and
relevance vary across different industries and organisations. Many contemporary management
practices seek to balance the principles of Taylorism with considerations for employee
engagement, job satisfaction, and human factors to create more flexible and adaptive work
8(b): What are new religious movements? Elaborate emphasising their forms and
orientations.(20 Marks)
Explain New Religious Movements.
Provide the various forms and orientations.
Conclude with essence of New Religious Movements
New religious movements (NRMs) refers to a bewildering variety of spiritual enthusiasms that
had emerged in the West after 1960s, and was later used chronologically to refer to all religions
that had established themselves in Western Europe, North America, India and Japan since 1945,
and in Africa since the 1890s.
What is New in NRMs:
NRMs are said to be more specialised or esoteric than those of longer-established
religious groups'.
NRMs tend to allow lay people to participate more fully in their activities than is
common in many older religious organisations'.
Emphasis of NRMs is to encourage the followers to translate their spirituality into
'practical, everyday action'. This is, of course, possible in older forms of religious
organisation as well, but an emphasis on the value of practical application of faith is
much more explicit and evident in new movements.
New religious movements often promise men more rapid spiritual mobility. "They may
legitimise short-cuts in learning, and often they encourage education for the laity in
matters that were once the specialist concern of priests'.
New religious leaders have very clearly borrowed the essential core of various schools of
philosophy, but project the message to new members in a seemingly rational secular,
non-sectarian manner.
Forms of NRMs:
Cult: A cult is a quasi-religious group that has different and unorthodox ideologies with
distinct rituals and practices and is headed by an authoritarian and charismatic leader.
Example: Osho cult.
Sect: A sect is a small body or group of people who separated from a larger established
group to follow a different doctrine. It is a faction of a larger body or group, especially
religious groups, which developed their own distinct beliefs and practices. Example:
Sects in Hinduism, Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism, etc., in Christianity, Calvinist,
Protestants, Catholics, and in Islam, Shia, Sunni, etc.
Denomination: It is what usually results when a sect becomes respectable in the eyes of
middle class society and relaxes its religious vigour.
Institutional religion: It is a well-established religion which is institutionalised and
bureaucratic in its working.
Orientations of NRMs:
Frederick Bird (1979) distinguishes between the various new religious movements in
terms of the orientations of followers to masters or the relationship of the religious
seekers to the sacred power they revere. Thus, adherents may become devotees of a
sacred lord or lordly truth; disciples of a revered or holy discipline; or apprentices skilled
at unlocking the mysteries a sacred, inner power'. In the first category would fall Divine
Light Mission and Krishna Consciousness. In the disciple category fall some of the
smaller groups such as Integral Yoga. In apprenticeship group comes Transcendental
Meditation or Scientology etc. Bird seeks to show that these different types of
movements provide different ways of coping with the problem of 'moral accountability'
which he believes to be one of the factors in their appeal.
According to Roy Wallis,
o World-Accommodating Movements: World-accommodating NRMs are
characterized by a high level of accommodation with the dominant society. They
typically accept the values, norms, and social structures of the surrounding
culture and often seek to harmonize their beliefs and practices with those of
mainstream society. For example, Neo-Pentecostalism.
o World-Rejecting Movements: They are like a closed group of followers who
believe that the outside world is impure; therefore, minimum contact needs to
be maintained with outside world. For example, Krishna consciousness.
o World-Affirming Movements: World-affirming NRMs do not necessarily
challenge or reject the values and structures of mainstream society. Instead,
they offer alternative or complementary belief systems, practices, or spiritual
experiences that are often marketed to improve personal well-being and
happiness. For example, Transcendental meditation.
Thus, NRMs are essentially highly individualised, reflecting the beliefs and goals of their
founders and followers.
8(c): Examine the role of science and technology in addressing age-old taboos
and superstitions. (10 Marks)
Define Science.
Provide the role it has in addressing age-old taboos and superstitions.
Also provide how it reinforce traditional rationality.
Conclude with need for overall structural changes.
Science is systemic method of investigation of material things and their analysis for universal
theorisation. It has been tool of Social Change by debunking the traditional age old taboos and
Role of Science and Technology in addressing the age-old taboos and superstitions:
Questioning the age-old taboos by rational thinking and critical analysis to find out the
hidden truth. E.g. Andhashraddha Nirmulan Samiti in Maharashtra showed science
behind Snake shaped roots that were portrayed as God.
Social Media and other technological tools of communication are being used as a tool of
information control in various sub systems of social systems. E.g. Fact check by PIB
(social system) against forwarding superstitions and fake news
Scientific education in child socialisation is helping intergenerational mass mobility out
of traditional values e.g. In Spouse selection, while parents emphasise on Kundali
(Astronomical information), youth emphasises on awareness about diseases like AIDS
Science in Healthcare systems has been key to correct dogmas about reproduction and
menstruation e.g. Realization that Sex of child is by virtue of father not mother has
reduced the taboos around woman
Technological innovations and their projections and visualisations has helped to erase
the oral superstitious stories e.g. Galileo’s telescope innovation helped to erase Geo-
centrism and prove Heliocentrism theory.
Decentralisation of science and technology knowledge is facilitating challenge to
traditional authority and charismatic authority structures of Godmen . E.g. Wastage of
water by Asaram Bapu in drought prone Nasik area was questioned by his own followers
based on facts of Water shortage reports
Though Science and Technology is also being used to promote the superstitions and taboos
Use of technology to emphasise traditional pattern variables in modern society e.g.
BrahminMatrimony.com promotes caste endogamy
New Religious Movements with world rejecting attitude are creating fear amongst
youth based on selective facts support e.g. Heaven’s Gate website shows various natural
calamities as sign of end of world
Technological innovations are being used to promote traditional authority structures
due to cultural lag in material and non material social change e.g. Use of X rays for
female infanticide
Thus, the deeply engrained superstitions and taboos can’t be removed by Science and
Technology alone, rather all social systems needs to work on changing the flow of information
and Energy to move towards new Universal Equilibrium .