EC Batterie Lithium-Ion Inde
EC Batterie Lithium-Ion Inde
EC Batterie Lithium-Ion Inde
Handling editor: Kathleen Aviso Business models for the circular economy, or circular business models, is a growing field of research applied in
various industries. Global sustainability trends, such as electrification of the transport sector and increased en
Keywords: ergy consumption from renewable sources, have led to rapid growth in the number of batteries produced,
Circular economy especially lithium-ion based batteries. Sustainable lifetime management, including end-of-life, needs develop
Circular business models
ment to avoid social and environmental harm and potentially to recapture economic value as the use of these
Lithium-ion batteries
batteries increases. Current research primarily focuses on technical and economic issues based on recycling and
Electric vehicles
Delphi method the second use of batteries rather than circular business models. This study’s purpose is to explore the circular
business models, drivers, barriers, and stakeholders required to enable value recapturing. The Delphi panel
method was applied to communicate with battery experts from various disciplines. The study’s findings reveal
that the favored circular business model includes several circular strategies. According to the expert panel, the
most critical driver is national and international regulations and policies; the most critical barrier is financial
viability; the most critical stakeholders are governments and vehicle manufacturers.
batteries (LIB) are the most-used energy storage system in EVs due to
their high energy and power densities (Opitz et al., 2017). The EV de
1. Introduction
mand is largely expected to continue contributing to growth in LIB
production (Winslow et al., 2018). However, the increased use of LIBs
Governments, institutions, businesses, and consumers need to join
forces as the global society moves towards increased sustainability to comes with several challenges. They are hazardous, and their projected
demand will increase the need for raw materials that may not be sus
achieve meaningful targets such as the United Nation’s (UN) Sustainable
Development Goals (SDG) (United Nations, 2015). Working towards tainably available. Hence, their increased use can cause environmental
and social damage, and be economically challenging if not handled
achieving these goals represents an opportunity to implement the Cir
cular Economy (CE) and transition towards low-carbon societies. This responsibly. CE implementation is critical to establish practicable,
commercially viable, or financially profitable solutions in this field
transition relies on increasing renewable energy production on the
supply side and electrification on the demand side, especially within the (Yang et al., 2021). Within a CE framework, for example, the second use
transport sector. Electrifying the transport sector inevitably requires an of batteries can potentially reduce battery waste and contribute to future
increase in battery energy storage systems’ production capacity to (renewable) energy storage needs (Ahmadi et al., 2014; European
supply an increasing share of electric vehicles (EV) (Winslow et al., Commission, 2019; Kamath et al., 2020a). Implementing second use
2018; Zhang et al., 2018). In 2019, the total global electric vehicle batteries and improving recycling rates will require overcoming eco
(excluding two- and three-wheelers) stock was already above 7 million nomic and technical barriers. Companies can overcome these barriers by
vehicles and is estimated to increase to nearly 140 million by 2030, adopting Circular Business Models (CBM) and implementing circular
which implies 7% of the total vehicle fleet (IEA, 2020). Lithium-ion strategies, such as second use, as part of their core business activities.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (B. Wrålsen).
Received 24 November 2020; Received in revised form 22 June 2021; Accepted 18 July 2021
Available online 20 July 2021
0959-6526/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
B. Wrålsen et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 317 (2021) 128393
(Faessler et al., 2019; Keeli and Sharma, 2012). The battery handler can
Abbreviations assess if the battery is suitable for second use applications or if the
battery should be sent for recycling. The second use case batteries are
CBM Circular Business Model (− ) repurposed on the battery pack, module, or cell level in an energy
CE Circular Economy (− ) storage system. Typical second use applications are stationary energy
EOL End-of-Life (− ) storage applications that are usually less demanding than mobile energy
EV Electric Vehicle (− ) storage applications (Reinhardt et al., 2017). A second use battery can
LIB Lithium-ion Battery (− ) be used until it reaches 60% of its initial capacity before it is finally sent
RQ Research Question (− ) for recycling (Cicconi et al., 2012).
SDG Sustainable Development Goal (− ) If LIBs are consumed in a second application before recycling, the
UN United Nations product and associated resources are further exploited over time
compared to direct recycling materials after first use. Such circular
practice may reduce the production of new LIBs (Rallo et al., 2020) and
be environmentally beneficial (Kamath et al., 2020b). Spent batteries
Recent academic literature focuses on economic and technical may also be more economically viable for stationary energy storage
studies of second use LIBs (Beverungen et al., 2017; Heymans et al., systems; however, they depend on several factors such as battery
2014; Martinez-Laserna et al., 2018) rather than on CBMs. Adopting a degradation mechanisms (Casals et al., 2017) and future market char
business model perspective would help us better understand how to acteristics. Fig. 1 illustrates the LIB value chain, including the second
enable an economically viable, circular use of batteries. Research on use.
CBMs for LIBs is scarce and has relied on literature reviews and In 2018, recycling businesses estimated that 97 000 tons of LIBs
multiple-case studies (Jiao and Evans, 2016; Olsson et al., 2018; Rein would need to be recycled globally; however, the forecast for 2025
hardt et al., 2020). As second use and recycling of EV LIBs have not already predicts four times this amount (Melin, 2018). LIB recycling
reached industrial scale, these studies typically report from pilot studies typically involves separating the casing and electrical components, and
or simulations based on available information. For example, Swain decommissioning the battery pack to modules and/or cells (Gaines,
(2018) developed a theoretical analysis that suggests combining two 2014). Many of these fractions are exported to Asia for further pro
cost-effective and environmentally sustainable processes, such as cessing (Brandslet, 2019). Industrial LIB recycling processes are gener
reverse osmosis and lithium carbonate precipitation, to recover lithium ally inefficient because not all materials are currently recovered (Heelan
from wastewater that derives from the LIB recycling industry. While et al., 2016).
these studies provide us with an idea of what the alternative CBMs may Exposure and release of battery materials such as nickel and cobalt
be (and their key characteristics), we know little about which CBMs are into the environment should be avoided due to their carcinogenic and
likely to succeed, for what reasons, and which stakeholders will play a mutagenic nature (Banza et al., 2009; Chagnes and Pospiech, 2013).
role in that. The value chains of LIBs are complex, consisting of several Environmental mitigation through material EOL management is thus the
activities and stakeholders. To enhance CBMs for LIBs, it is necessary to main incentive for developing circular battery value chains at the
consider several aspects as most activities are interconnected (e.g., LIB moment (Pagliaro and Meneguzzo, 2019). Fortunately, the 2020 EU
design affect dismantling complexity and costs in EOL). Research map Circular Economy Action Plan has a stated goal of “boosting the circular
ping LIB experts’ opinions on CBMs and three additional vital aspects to potential of all batteries” (European Commission, 2020). Asian countries
enhance circular economy practice is currently lacking despite the large like Japan, South Korea, and especially China have designed regulatory
volumes of batteries that will be retired from EVs. frameworks for materials recovery, such as the Chinese Policy on recy
Appropriate CBMs will be essential for battery second use and cling technology of electric vehicle power battery (Yang et al., 2021).
recycling to become economically feasible. Simultaneously, to enhance, These efforts illustrate the importance of evaluating battery value chains
drivers for CBMs need to be empowered. Currently, there are several from a sustainability and transparency perspective to strive for circu
barriers for CBMs (Guldmann and Huulgaard, 2020) that need to be larity. The EU Action Plan encourages CBM designs for battery second
solved to proceed. Several stakeholders need to cooperate to enhance
the drivers and overcome the barriers to recover value from spent LIBs.
Therefore, the following Research Questions (RQ):
RQ1: What are the circular business models that have the highest
potential in the context of lithium-ion battery lifetime management?
RQ2: What are the main drivers to develop circular business models
in the lithium-ion battery market?
RQ3: What are the main barriers to develop circular business models
in the lithium-ion battery market?
RQ4: Which stakeholders are crucial in empowering the drivers and
overcoming the barriers?
A novel Delphi study was performed to answer the research ques
tions; several assessment options were ranked by an expert panel based
on their potential. This study has unveiled the applicable circular busi
ness models, drivers, barriers, and stakeholders needed for sustainable
LIB lifetime management.
B. Wrålsen et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 317 (2021) 128393
use, improved recycling practices, and ways to eliminate waste, emis for structuring a group communication process to obtain consensus
sions, and pollution in the value chain. Therefore, it is critical for the between experts about a complex problem (Dalkey, 1969; Landeta,
European and global battery markets to ensure that environmental and 1999; Linstone, Harold A. Turoff, 1975; Okoli and Pawlowski, 2004). It
economic sustainability issues will be dealt with to push the battery provides controlled feedback and a statistical response from the experts
market towards circularity (Bobba et al., 2018; Gaines, 2014; Melin, (Landeta, 1999). The response received guarantees the presence of each
2018). viewpoint in the result and reduces the pressure toward conformity.
Several rounds (iterations) enable the experts to review their pre
3. Circular business models liminary idea and understand the questions. Achieving a representative
result by dynamic discussions requires 10 to 18 experts to respond
The business model is an old concept (Drucker, 1954) revitalized (Okoli and Pawlowski, 2004).
during the last twenty years, catalyzed by the emergence of new tech The Delphi method comprised two online rounds. The second round
nologies. Many authors have contributed to enriching this concept and was enhanced with opinions and consensus from multiple academics,
have concluded that a business model’s focus is on value creation, de practitioners, and CBM experts from different European and American
livery, and value capture (Amit and Zott, 2001; Magretta, 2002; Shafer countries. The panel was asked after the two rounds to provide addi
et al., 2005). From another perspective, BMs are links between new tional comments regarding the responses in round two. The two online
technologies and the market, being key to the diffusion and success of a survey rounds were completed from March to April 2020, and the
technology (Chesbrough and Rosenbloom, 2002). Embedded in sus additional comments were collected in August 2020. The Delphi tech
tainable development, the discourse on CE adopted the business model nique was chosen for three reasons. Firstly, this fast development phe
concept. The CE aims to close the loops of materials and energy in nomenon implies a high amount of knowledge exchange within the
biological and technical cycles to avoid exploiting raw materials, business ecosystems, which requires managerial resources. Secondly,
keeping the value of goods during their life cycle (Prieto-Sandoval et al., the academic literature about CBMs for LIB EOL management is scarce;
2018). According to Salvador et al. (2020, p. 3) review, the CBMs are for example, a combined search in Web of Science about the topics
circular systems, economically viable (Bocken et al., 2016), regenerative “circular economy” AND “lithium” AND “business model*” yields only
in nature, which offer immediate solutions to immediate problems five papers, published from 2018 to (September) 2020. Finally, the
rather than sell products of permanent ownership (Antikainen and Delphi panel method is suitable for research on framework development
Valkokari, 2016). They intend to maintain resource value to the (Okoli and Pawlowski, 2004) to identify particular CBMs for the battery
maximum, eliminating or reducing their leakage by closing, slowing, or industry.
narrowing their flows. Also, they argue that CBMs help reconcile
resource efficiency with the creation of commercial value, capitalizing
on both the environmental and economic value embedded in products 4.1. Expert recruitment and Delphi process
(Bocken et al., 2016).
The innovation paths for CBMs have been presented through The Delphi panel was formed by contacting experts with profound
different typologies. Vermunt et al. (2019) identified four types of CBMs knowledge via various channels and professional networks. The experts
in terms of the 4Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle and recover) framework hold various professional backgrounds working in academia and busi
proposed in the EU Waste Framework Directive (European Commission, nesses, with experience within sustainable transportation technologies,
2008; Kirchherr et al., 2018). These four models are 1) lithium- and traditional-batteries management, CBMs, and smart cities.
product-as-a-service, 2) product life extension, 3) resource recovery, and The panel is also diverse in terms of demography, culture, and gender.
4) circular supplies. Vermunt et al. (2019) reported that each model 45 experts were invited to participate in the online Delphi panel. 21
faces some barriers. The product-as-a-service model that focuses on participated in the first round, including men and women from different
leasing or performance models mainly faces organizational, financial, countries (Colombia, Finland, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Spain, and the
and market barriers. The product life extension model struggles with USA). 9% were aged between 21 and 30 years, 30% between 31 and 40,
supply chain and market challenges, while the resource recovery model 26% between 41 and 50, and 35% above 51 years. 44% had a master’s
faces supply chain, market, and institutional barriers. The business degree and 38% a doctorate. 20 out of 21 experts confirmed they have
models for circular supplies are mainly threatened by knowledge and more than five years of experience in LIBs and batteries, and nine have
technology, supply chain, and market barriers. A CBM can promote more than 20 years. 52% in the panel work in academies, research
different loops: “closing loops, slowing loops, intensifying loops, nar centers, and universities, 26% in business, 9% in governments and in
rowing loops and dematerializing loops” (Geissdoerfer et al., 2017). All ternational institutions, 9% in non-governmental organizations, and 9%
contribute to a CE from an organizational level, and such a business in other. In terms of profession, 44% identified as researchers, 26%
model that creates value from waste is identified as a sustainable busi managers, 18% consultants, 4% advisors, 4% engineers, and 4% pro
ness model archetype (Bocken et al., 2014). fessors. 12 of the experts finished the second round. The experts that
Olsson et al. (2018) proposed two types in the particular case of responded to both rounds (12) have experience from Europe (11), South
CBMs for electric vehicle batteries: 1) refurbishment after the first use, America (3), and North America (1). When establishing the expert list,
followed by second use in an EV in another market before final recy the authors wanted a representative number to provide feedback. The
cling, or 2) repackaging followed by second use in another application, surveys were sent to all experts listed and did not systematically exclude
followed by recycling. The study categorizes barriers to facilitating experts based on continent of origin to achieve equal share from Europe
CBMs as technical, organizational, and cognitive. Several stakeholders and America. The majority represents European expert opinions, as
in the battery value chain see the potential of second use for LIBs; detailed in Table 1. The panel was additionally asked to provide com
however, a need exists to overcome the current challenges (Linder and ments completed by eight experts to justify some of the statistical re
Williander, 2017; Martinez-Laserna et al., 2018; Olsson et al., 2018). sponses. The Delphi process of this study is illustrated in Fig. 2.
Three significant factors encourage businesses to seize these opportu LimeSurvey software was used to collect data in the two statistical
nities: battery ownership, inter-industry partnership, and policy support rounds, and SurveyXact software was applied to gather the additional
(Jiao and Evans, 2016). comments. These survey platforms were chosen because they allow for
anonymous data collection, offer different question formats, provide
4. Research methodology automatic reports, and offer data security. After all, experts finished
round one and two; a statistical report was provided showing the panel
The Delphi method is a systematic, anonymous, and iterative process results, i.e., the mean of the group’s ranking (Skulmoski et al., 2007).
B. Wrålsen et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 317 (2021) 128393
The experts were asked to assess the potential of four CBMs in the
first round based on the business model typology (product-as-a-service
model, product life extension, resource recovery, and circular supplies)
proposed by Vermunt et al. (2019). They were also asked to propose
Fig. 2. The Delphi process including the number of experts participating in the surveys.
B. Wrålsen et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 317 (2021) 128393
Table 2 additional business models, which were added and ranked based on
Original Delphi panel structure prior to inputs from the expert panel. their potential in the second round. The majority of the proposed CBMs
Assessment category Description and options References consisted of several EOL value chain activities, which indicate that a
broader approach may be beneficial. Table 3 shows the average ranking
Circular business Potential of CBM to extend (Merli and Preziosi, 2018;
models for lithium- the use or recover the value Nuβholz, 2018; Vermunt rated by the experts from one to six based on the potential of each of the
ion batteries from used lithium-ion et al., 2019) CBMs (1 means “no potential”, 6 means “very high potential”) and the
batteries that have been associated standard deviations of the ranking.
discarded from EVs: More than half of the experts in the first round declared knowledge of
• Product-as-a-service
organizations developing CBMs or technical applications to recover
• Product life extension by value from used LIBs. 13 experts out of 21 answered that they knew
durable design, update businesses reusing LIBs from EVs. Second use of LIBs and EV batteries is
services, remanufacture increasingly emphasized in research and at a regulatory level (European
• Resource recovery of
Commission, 2020b). 13 experts also responded that they are familiar
discarded materials
• Circular supplies by using with businesses, research centers, or any other organizations that
recyclable or biodegradable improve the material sustainability of LIB components. Eight out of 21
materials confirmed that they are familiar with a business that offers battery
• Current circular practices performance as a service instead of battery ownership. Some experts
for LIBs recovery in
organizations and
indicate that ownership models should be designed for each application,
businesses (invitation for dependent on, e.g., infrastructure and market characteristics. Martine
the panel to add) z-Laserna et al. (2018) highlighted three potential EV battery ownership
Drivers for circular Assessment and (Balbuena and Wang, models: EV owner, EV manufacturer, or a third party. If one of the two
business models for prioritization of drivers that 2004; EYDE; NCE, 2019;
latter owns the battery, there is likely a leasing agreement with the EV
lithium-ion encourage more efficient Speirs and Contestabile,
batteries waste management of 2018; Yang et al., 2021) owner. Thus, contextual factors determine the ownership model.
lithium-ion batteries: As a result of the ranking, the most suitable business model, ac
• National and international cording to the experts, is “Remanufacture + reuse + recycle + waste
regulation and policies management”, comparable to a combined, flexible version of the two
• Global difficulties in
recognized CBMs by Olsson et al. (2018). The second was the “Product
exploiting raw materials
• Pollutant risk life extension by durable design, update services, remanufacture”. These
• Raw material availability CBMs include several CE strategies (Blomsma et al., 2019) involving
• Second-hand material updating services and remanufacturing. Design for remanufacturing is
recognized as an important effort and can include, for example, modular
• Raw material production
costs design, standard parts, and complexity reduction (Prendeville and
• Production and recovery Bocken, 2017).
technologies The low standard deviation of the “Product life extension by durable
• Logistic and infrastructure design, update services, remanufacture” indicates a consensus among
the experts on the importance of this CBM. However, the highest-ranked
• Waste management costs
• Potential applications of CBM shows more conflicting opinions regarding remanufacturing and
recycled products reuse, which led to a higher standard deviation. The discrepancy is
• Potential profits from emphasized in the additional comments concerning the safety aspects of
repurposing or
remanufacturing and reuse and the potential for economic viability.
• Consumer behavior
“Resource recovery of discarded materials” was ranked as the third-
Barriers for circular Assessment and (Garcés-Ayerbe et al., highest CBM, indicating that direct recycling is the most appropriate
business models for prioritization of barriers for 2019; Kirchherr et al., EOL path in some cases. However, new LIB recycling processes need to
lithium-ion recovering materials from 2018; Ormazabal et al., be commercialized to upscale the recovery of valuable materials more
batteries lithium-ion batteries 2018; Rizos et al., 2015;
considering infrastructure, Vermunt et al., 2019; Yang
financial, legislation, et al., 2021)
Table 3
technology, human talent,
Circular business model potential to recapture value from spent lithium-ion
socio-cultural, and market
batteries from electric vehicles.
Stakeholders for end- Assessment and (Bocken et al., 2014; Del Circular Business Model Proposed by Average Standard
of-life management prioritization of Río et al., 2016; Ellen the Panel Ranking Deviation
of lithium-ion stakeholders who may MacArthur Foundation,
batteries encourage the management 2015) Remanufacture + reuse + recycle + X 5.08 1.11
of lithium-ion battery waste management
wastes: Product life extension by durable 4.83 0.80
• Governments design, update services,
• Institutions remanufacture
• Research centers and Resource recovery of discarded 4.67 0.94
universities materials
• Car users and shoppers Vertical integration of lithium-ion X 4.67 1.31
• Car producers battery production + recycling
• Public transport Product life extension + product as- X 4.33 1.11
companies a-service model to ensure that the
• Suppliers product can be remanufactured
• Waste managers and after use
recyclers Product-as-a-service model 4.08 0.86
Circular supplies by using recyclable 4.00 1.00
or biodegradable materials
Reuse without any upgrading X 4.00 1.47
B. Wrålsen et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 317 (2021) 128393
B. Wrålsen et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 317 (2021) 128393
success. Battery price was raised as something that could determine if a CBM.
battery is remanufactured, reused, or recycled. The issue concerns a
second use LIBs potential to compete with the continually decreased
5.4. Stakeholders for end-of-life management of lithium-ion batteries
price of a new battery (Martinez-Laserna et al., 2018; Zhang et al.,
2020). Raw material availability and production costs will be cooper
Several stakeholders must cooperate to recover value from spent
ating factors, as the expert panel proposed. Nevertheless, retired LIBs
lithium-ion batteries, a practice that is applicable in a broader circular
require circular business models to outcompete primary-produced
economy context (Parida et al., 2019). The experts assessed and ranked
the relevant stakeholders on a Likert scale from 1 to 6 (1 means “not
important at all”, 6 means “very important”) in this section. The panel
5.3. Barriers for circular business models for lithium-ion batteries suggested two additional stakeholders during the first round (Battery
cell manufacturers and raw material producers, and Renewable energy
Some barriers prevent a circular practice, such as enabling com companies).
mercial repurposing of spent EV batteries. Seven barriers were proposed Table 7 shows the resulting average rankings and associated stan
to the panel, based on current research. They were subsequently dard deviations.
assessed for their significance on a Likert scale from 1 to 6 (1 means “not The ranking showed that the most important stakeholders for LIB
important at all”, 6 means “very important”). One additional barrier, EOL management are governments and battery-related businesses
proposed by the experts in the first round, was added (Transportation because they develop applicable standards and regulations and have
cost of hazardous materials) to the second-round ranking. Table 6 shows crucial knowledge for optimal battery waste management.
the resulting average rankings and associated standard deviations. Overall, “Governments” are considered the most important stake
The experts stress that similar to the drivers’ findings, most barriers holder, followed by “Car producers”. The panel argues that these two
are linked; therefore, identifying a sole dominant barrier is not expected stakeholders must collaborate to steer EOL management by introducing
to occur. The highest-rated barrier was “Financial”, reflecting challenges appropriate regulations. One comment was related to the EU Battery
such as incentives and financial viability. The uncertainty of the prof Directive regarding its importance for incorporating circular economy
itability is also recognized by existing research, illustrating sensitivity to principles, eco-design, the economic impact on companies, and potential
second use LIB price, battery aging (lifetime), discount rate, and effi job creation. The following regulative tools were suggested: standardi
ciency (Kamath et al., 2020a; Rallo et al., 2020). “Technology” was zation with strict requirements, taxes, tax reduction in the initial phase,
ranked as the second most important and includes safety concerns, binding collection, recycling targets with sanctions, legislation for reuse
indicated in the additional comments. The experts additionally of LIBs, and innovation support. One expert argued that the focus should
expressed that a legal framework would support a transparent and be on studying the economic potential to reduce governmental efforts.
predictable market. Barriers related to “Socio-cultural” and “Human “Waste managers and recyclers”, as well as “Battery cell manufacturers
talent” are rated lower. No consensus exists regarding “Human talent” - and raw material producers”, are highly ranked due to their knowledge
if the people’s skills and knowledge on circular practice on batteries are that is needed to develop battery standards for practices such as
already available today. One expert pointed out that this talent will be improved recycling. “Car users and shoppers” was the lowest-ranked
available when needed; in contrast, another argued that it should be stakeholder and was not considered critical to EOL management. The
developed today. experts stated that most consumers focus on the market battery price
Guldmann and Huulgaard (2020) found that most CBM innovation rather than on the quality or potentially hazardous materials a battery
barriers were at the organizational level in their multiple-case study. In contains. According to one expert, some consumers are likely to pur
contrast, the barriers ranked the highest by the Delphi panel experts are chase a battery for reuse or remanufacturing if the technical standard is
at the market and institutional- or value chain levels. The barriers at the guaranteed.
employee and organizational level (human talent and socio-cultural) are The panel agreed that cooperation among the different stakeholders
ranked the lowest. “Financial”, however, is related to several levels. This is required. Earlier research illustrates that existing partnerships and
comparison indicates that circular practice of LIBs mainly requires dependencies can hinder new (circular) practice (Boons and Lüdeke-
system-level innovation and change to overcome current barriers. Freund, 2013) if a traditional, linear approach exists within the stake
Answering the third research question, “What are the main barriers to holder network. Several stakeholders need to collaborate to manage a
develop circular business models in the lithium-ion battery market?”, circular practice (Mont et al., 2017).
“Financial” followed by “Technology” are considered the main barriers The panel was asked for final comments about who should be man
to developing CBMs in the LIB market. The experts highlighted the aging the LIB collection; the experts suggested professional logistics
importance of considering remanufacturing or refurbishing processes to companies, recyclers, and manufacturers because they have the
technically enable the LIB to meet customer needs in the second use
application (e.g., establish a new battery management system). This is Table 7
also reflected in the “remanufacture” activity included in the preferred Stakeholders’ importance for lithium-ion batteries’ end-of-life management.
Stakeholders Proposed by Average Standard
Table 6 the Panel Ranking Deviation
Barriers importance for circular business models of lithium-ion batteries. Governments 5.77 0.42
Car producers 5.17 0.80
Barriers for Circular Business Proposed by the Average Standard
Battery cell manufacturers and X 5.08 1.04
Models Panel Ranking Deviation
raw material producers
Financial 5.42 0.65 Waste managers and recyclers 5.08 1.04
Technology 4.92 1.19 Research centers and 4.42 0.95
Lack of technical standards 4.58 0.86 universities
Infrastructure 4.58 1.11 Suppliers 4.33 0.85
Transportation cost of X 4.50 0.87 Industrial/business associations 3.92 1.26
hazardous materials and clusters
Market 4.42 1.38 Institutions 3.75 1.09
Legislation 4.33 1.03 Renewable energy companies X 3.58 1.38
Human talent 3.42 1.32 Public transport companies 3.50 1.04
Socio-cultural 2.83 0.69 Car users and shoppers 3.00 1.15
B. Wrålsen et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 317 (2021) 128393
appropriate knowledge and can meet high environmental standards. findings and to consider these options when they are about to start
Furthermore, these stakeholders are more capable of generating innovating their business models in a circular direction. Together with
economically viable businesses due to high battery volumes. the panel, we found that it may be beneficial to hold a broader view of
Answering the fourth research question, “Which stakeholders are the circular business models, often involving several end-of-life value
crucial in empowering the drivers and overcoming the barriers?”, “Govern chain activities. Nevertheless, the most appropriate circular business
ments” followed by “Car producers” are interpreted as the most model depends on the context. Our study still gives a better under
important stakeholders to empower the drivers and overcome the bar standing of which contextual factors to look at (e.g., in terms of drivers
riers mainly due to the regulative tools’ importance to upscaling circular and barriers). The results also indicated that raw material prices and
business models. availability may accelerate interest in applying particular circular
business models, which is a crucial matter to consider for companies that
6. Conclusion have not yet seen an incentive to implement CBMs.
Results related to the drivers showed that national and international
The Delphi study method was used to identify circular business regulations and policies and economic benefits are the most critical to
models for spent lithium-ion batteries, along with the key drivers, bar upscale circular business models. The most critical barriers are related to
riers, and stakeholders to consider. The invited expert panel shared the financial aspects, technologies, and lack of technical standards.
valuable experience and knowledge. Findings map vital aspects to better However, the panel commented that technological solutions for a
cope with the complexity of circular economy for lithium-ion batteries. lithium-ion battery circular economy could be found if the financial
This rapidly changing phenomenon requires clarity, supporting policies, barriers are solved. Regarding stakeholders, governments and in
and context-sensitive business activities. Appropriate waste manage stitutions were ranked the highest by the experts. Nevertheless, it is
ment systems, including logistics and infrastructure development, must emphasized that managers who bring battery-containing products to the
be adapted to recover the valuable materials incorporated in batteries as market should closely cooperate with them to develop regulations with
their volume increases. clear responsibilities.
As regulations and economic factors are ranked the highest by the
6.1. Theoretical contributions expert panel, this is a clear indication that currently, the circular econ
omy practice of spent lithium-ion batteries needs development at a
Circular business models are vital parts of the circular economy system level in parallel with the growth of spent battery volumes.
framework to enable economically viable recapturing of value. This
study proposes context-adapted, circular business models and ranks 6.3. Limitations and further research
them based on their potential for feasible lifetime management of spent
lithium-ion batteries. Previously, Olsson et al. (2018) identified two The presented study is a baseline study for circular business models
circular business models for spent electric vehicle batteries (such as for sustainable end-of-life management of spent lithium-ion batteries.
lithium-ion batteries) through interviews. This study ranks several cir Future research should focus on more in-depth analyses of the assess
cular business models and unveil the most important drivers, barriers, ment categories presented, for example, by studying the value creation
and stakeholders for upscaling circular business models through the and capture in circular business models to upscale the remanufacturing
Delphi panel method. The results support Jiao and Evans (2016) three and second use practices of lithium-ion batteries, including empirical
important factors to encourage businesses to invest in second use battery data analysis. The rated results additionally require further in
practice: inter-industry partnership, battery ownership, and policy vestigations, such as specifying the regulations needed and assessing
support. environmental sustainability.
Circular business model research (Merli and Preziosi, 2018; Nuβholz,
2018; Vermunt et al., 2019) was applied to structure this Delphi panel Data availability statement
study. Findings reveal, however, that it is beneficial to combine circular
business models for spent lithium-ion batteries. Furthermore, which The data that support the findings of this study are available on
circular business model(s) will have the most success depends on market request from the corresponding author, [BW]. The data are not publicly
characteristics, infrastructure, involved stakeholders, and regulatory available due to their containing information that could compromise the
involvement. privacy of research participants.
Drivers and barriers identified in earlier work were appropriate to
apply in the context of this study. Applying Guldmann and Huulgaard CRediT authorship contribution statement
(2020) categories of barriers for circular business models innovation, the
market and institutional- and value chain level barriers are currently Benedikte Wrålsen: Investigation, Writing – original draft, Writing
ranked the most important for spent lithium-ion batteries. Additionally, – review & editing, Project administration, Conceptualization. Vanessa
Guldmann and Huulgaard’s (2020) other two categories, organizational Prieto-Sandoval: Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing – original
and employee barriers, heavily depend on the market and institutional- draft, Conceptualization. Andres Mejia-Villa: Resources, Writing – re
and value chain level barriers. Hence the importance of system-level view & editing, Visualization, Conceptualization. Reyn O’Born: Term,
change and stakeholder cooperation is crucial to overcome the bar Project administration, Conceptualization. Magnus Hellström: Vali
riers of CBMs for LIBs. dation, Writing – review & editing, Conceptualization. Bernhard Fae
ssler: Resources, Writing – original draft, Conceptualization.
6.2. Managerial and policy implications
Declaration of competing interest
Circular business models can facilitate organizations to recapture
economic value from spent lithium-ion batteries while potentially The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
reducing environmental impacts. The three with the highest potential to interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
recover economic value from lithium-ion batteries found are 1) the work reported in this paper.
Remanufacture + reuse + recycle + waste management (disposal), 2)
Product life extension by durable design, update services, remanufac Acknowledgements
ture, and 3) Resource recovery of discarded materials. It may be inter
esting for managers to compare their existing business models with these The authors gratefully acknowledge the experts participating in the
B. Wrålsen et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 317 (2021) 128393
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