Draft Thesis May 19 2019 With References
Draft Thesis May 19 2019 With References
Draft Thesis May 19 2019 With References
Camille Guichard Student I.D 815011021 Final Project 2019
Integrating ecosystem services into Land Use Planning in Trinidad and Tobago: A case study of developing an inter-island ferry port near an
ecologically sensitive area in Toco.
Camille Guichard Student I.D 815011021 Final Project 2019
Figure 3: Ecosystem Risk Plot for Toco Subregion Figure 5: Risk Plots for Coral and Fish Habitats in Mission
The ecosystem risk plot (Fig. 3 above) identified These results align to the scientific principle of the
the ecosystem at the Toco section of the bay as model which describes high exposure and high
being at a significantly higher risk than the section consequence, results in a high-risk scenario. The
of the Bay bounded by Mission which was plots produced by the model identify clearly that
classified as at minimal risk.
the spatial overlap and change in area, two key
The individual habitat risk plots for coral and criteria that were weighed as very important in the
fishery in Toco section of the Bay (Fig. 4 below), model, were significantly high between the Port
showed the proposed port as the stressor which stressor and the fishery.
represented the highest risk to the coral habitat
whilst both the proposed port and associated Though there was no direct overlap of the fish
dredging posed great risk to the fisheries. habitat with the dredging stressor in Toco, the zone
of influence was represented in the model as a
buffer of 30m, thereby still impacting the fish
habitat. Likewise, at Mission, the risk plot for fish
showed little to no risk to the habitat because there
was no fish habitat data input for Mission, for an
assessment to be made. Alternately only a small
percentage of the coral habitat is located along the
portion of the Bay that resides with Toco, which is
directly affected by the Port stressor, whilst the
larger percentage is in Mission.
The HRA also produced tables (Figure 6 below)
showing the habitat-stressor interaction per region
by scoring the exposure (E) and consequence (C)
the risk and percentage of the cumulative grid cell
Figure 4: Risk Plots for Coral and Fish Habitats in Toco
per habitat at risk because of the stressor. In this
cross- boundary scenario, the model assesses the
The section of the Bay that was bounded by the percentage risk spatially by grid cell analysis. For
Mission community boundary showed zero risk to instance, there is 100% risk to the coral in Mission
the fish habitat by both stressors (Fig 5) and that the by reclamation dredging, because that is the only
risk to the coral habitat arose from the associated stressor directly impacting that Community.
However, with both stressors impacting both
dredging activity.
habitats in the Toco Section of the Bay, the % risk
was divided between them. This is also why the
Integrating ecosystem services into Land Use Planning in Trinidad and Tobago: A case study of developing an inter-island ferry port near an
ecologically sensitive area in Toco.
Camille Guichard Student I.D 815011021 Final Project 2019
Toco section of the Bay, was presented as being at
greater risk than Mission.
Integrating ecosystem services into Land Use Planning in Trinidad and Tobago: A case study of developing an inter-island ferry port near an
ecologically sensitive area in Toco.
Camille Guichard Student I.D 815011021 Final Project 2019
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Integrating ecosystem services into Land Use Planning in Trinidad and Tobago: A case study of developing an inter-island ferry port near an
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