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h ps://career5.successfactors.eu/career?company=C0000168410P&site=&lang=en_GB&requestParams=JXDyP+r2Bc7XTjLU8yy4yQ5rmAN42lv...

Informa on about recrui ng process

Informa on about the processing of personal data

1. General

This electronic job applica on site is run for the World Food Programme (WFP).

WFP collects, processes and uses any personal data provided to us via this job applica on site, including
personal data contained in any a achment(collec vely referred to hereina er as "data"), for the purpose
of processing your applica on. Special types of personal data (e.g. informa on about racial or ethnic
origin, poli cal opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership or sexual orienta on)
will not be requested.

2. Data storage

Your data will be stored in encrypted form in a data center located in the European Union.
Your data is protected against unauthorized access through encrypted transmission and storage, a role
and authoriza on concept, a data backup concept and physical security measures for the servers.

3. Data access

Persons within WFP have access to your stored data to the extent required to process your applica on
and fill open posi ons.

To ensure proper opera on of the pla orm, selected employees of WFP and other United Na ons (UN)
agencies and of external service providers suppor ng WFP will have access to the data. Such service
providers may be located in countries in which your data may not be subject to the same protec ons as
those applicable in your home country. Such service providers will only be engaged a er best efforts are
made to obtain adequate privacy protec ons (e.g. EU Standard Contractual Clauses have been concluded
with the service provider or the service provider has a sufficient safe harbor cer fica on).

4. Data query, maintenance and dele on; right of objec on

You can view your data at any me in this job applica on site. In addi on, you have the right to have
any data edited, removed or deleted, to object to the processing of your data and to have any incorrect
data corrected. If you do not have your data deleted they will remain stored a er the applica on process
has been completed so that they remain available for other career opportuni es at WFP. This will be true
for each applica on. If you do not delete your data (candidate profile), this data remain stored.

5. Contact mail address: global.hrerecruitment@wfp.org

Data Privacy Consent Statement

To be able to con nue the applica on process you need to give your consent to the following terms. This
data protec on consent statement can be revoked at any me using the email address listed above.

1. I hereby consent to the collec on, processing and use of my data as described in this “Informa on
about recrui ng process”.

2. I consent that any special types of personal data in my applica on (including those contained in
a achments), will treated in the same way as described in this “Informa on about recrui ng process”.

h ps://career5.successfactors.eu/career?company=C0000168410P&site=&lang=en_GB&requestParams=JXDyP+r2Bc7XTjLU8yy4yQ5rmAN42lv...

By clicking the “Accept” bu on, you agree to the above terms. Your consent will be saved.

If you do not agree to the above terms, your candidate profile will not be saved and processed within
the WFP.

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