Group 5 Certitude Final
Group 5 Certitude Final
Group 5 Certitude Final
Practical Research
January 2023
Brokenshire College Toril
Research Adviser
Tomato, and Watermelon extracts. This study sought to determine the amount of the
following: pH level, current, voltage, electrical resistance. Furthermore, the study aimed
to know the significant difference in the electrical properties of the aforementioned fruit
The research design that was utilized was experimental research design and the
sampling method used was convenient sampling method, which is a type of non-
the fruit samples, mean and standard deviation was used. In determining the significant
The experiment was able to show the amount of electrical properties of the fruit
extracts in terms of: pH level, current, voltage, electrical resistance. Further, the pH paper
test was able to show that there was a significant difference in the pH levels of the fruit
extracts. Additionally, the experiment showed that in terms of the amount of current,
voltage, and electrical resistance between the fruit extracts; there was no significant
We, the researchers, would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere
appreciation and gratitude for the following people for making this research possible.
This would not be successful without them; who supported us throughout the whole
First, we would like to thank the Lord God Almighty for always leading our group
and guiding us. Your presence is truly our foundation. You gave us enough strength,
To our parents and family members, thank you for always being there to support us
and giving us the needed encouragement that served as our inspiration. We are very much
thankful for providing us with financial assistance for us to be able to finish this research.
To Dr. Josabeth Dumanig, our research adviser, who is the key for us to learn and
apply the knowledge she brought upon us in our study. Thank you for being an
understanding, compassionate, helpful, and outstanding research advisor. You have given
us the space to be confident and explore the curiosity we are passionate about. Every
piece of advice you have given us is very much appreciated. Thank you so much, Doc!
We would also like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our Panel members:
To Dr. Arthelo P. Palma, who also lent us their time and knowledge in doing the
To Ms. Cristina Pusta for giving us a chance to propose and provided advices for us
for staying with us until 8 pm just for us to get great results. Such assistance and
Group 5 Certitude, we have come this far! The roller coaster ride is surely worth it.
Every minute of us together is a moment to treasure. Let’s thank ourselves for being
To Skippy the cat and Cassie the dog, thank you for being our emotional support
Last but definitely not the least, our Alma Mater, Brokenshire College Toril. Thank
you for providing us with quality education. We are very proud to be a brokenshirian.
The experiences and knowledge we had in this institution are truly amazing.
The Researchers.
Background of the Study...........................................................................13
Review of Related Literature.....................................................................15
Conceptual Framework..............................................................................22
Statement of the Problem...........................................................................22
Significance of the Study...........................................................................23
Scope and Limitation.................................................................................24
Definition of Terms....................................................................................25
Research Design.........................................................................................26
Sampling Design........................................................................................27
Data Analysis.............................................................................................28
RESULT, ANALYSIS, AND DISCUSSION.....................................................30
Appendix 1 - Preparation of extracts.........................................................40
Appendix 2 – pH paper test ......................................................................41
Appendix 3 – Measuring of current, voltage, and electrical resistance.....42
CURRICULUM VITAE......................................................................................43
Chapter 1
(Citrullus lanatus) extracts have the potential to generate electricity because of their
electrical properties. In fact, many fruits and vegetables can conduct electricity because
content are both known to be factors of conductivity. Thus, this research aimed to study
lycopersicum), and Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) extracts. The study discussed factors
such as chemical properties of the fruits which may conduct electricity: (a) pH level, (b)
The term pH stands for “potential of Hydrogen” in which it is used to determine the
acidity and also tackles the ion concentration of a solution. Furthermore, the pH and
that strongly acidic solution will have high conductivity since the pH is a measure of the
concentration of the Hydrogen [and the Hydroxyl] ions, for an acidic solution, the lower
the pH the greater the conductivity will be. Hence, fruits who possess low pH levels can
conduct electricity. Past studies show that the pH levels of Calamansi (Citrus
microcarpa) and Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) are low and considered acidic. The
study of Mundt and Norman (1982), proves that the pH of fresh tomatoes (3,6,17,19) and
canned tomatoes (4,6,11,15) is in the range of 4.0 to 4.6, and rarely outside these values.
And according to Lee (2000), the pH level of calamansi is 2.4, which means acidic.
Studies have proven that citrus plants can produce electricity due to the citric acid.
Deziel (2018) states that citrus fruits can become batteries by virtue of the citric acid they
contain, which creates a conducting medium inside the fruit. Calamansi (Citrus
(Citrullus lanatus) are just fruits that contain citric acid. Accordingly, citric acid is the
most abundant organic acid in fresh tomatoes, and it comprises about 9 percent of their
dry weight (Dubois., 2017). Moreover, according to Libal (2017), citric acid does not
produce electricity by itself; rather, this weak acid turns into an electrolyte -- an
that when dissolved (as in water) conducts an electric current. In the study shown on
edubirdie (2022), one of the main qualities of being an acidic substance is that acids
easily break up when it dissolves in water into charged anions and cations. Anions are
negatively charged ions, while cations are positively charged ones. When these charged
ions move, current is produced. Thus, the charged ions of the electrolyte allow electricity
and Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), have a potential to conduct electricity due to their
chemical properties. The acidity or pH levels, citric acid property, and electrolytes, are
the contributing factors of the possibility to conduct electricity. Albeit many previous
fruit waste to conduct electricity or produce energy and failed to utilize fresh fruits and its
properties that may conduct electricity are tackled, the mixing of different fruit extracts
are not given focus. If noticed, researchers can conduct experiments utilizing and mixing
the extracts of the fruits and conduct electricity considering the chemical properties.
Thus, this study utilized the extracts of Calamansi (Citrus microcarpa), Tomato
The citric acid and electrolytes of fruit are the main conductor for electricity energy,
although it can produce electricity it also needs other factors to help create a more
Libal (2017), that citric acids are electrolytes because they break into negatively charged
anions and positively charged cations when they're placed in solution. Furthermore, the
electron exchange between two electrodes placed in the pulp of a lemon or other citrus
fruit can lead to the creation of a charge (Deziel, 2018). Even though citric acid is a weak
acid, it can possibly still produce high electricity that is enough to light a bulb with the
help of other factors. Moreover, the most common types of light bulb used in homes are
25, 40, 60, 75 and 100 watts (Superior Lighting, 2018). Hence, according to product
descriptions of light bulbs of Home Science Tools (n.d.), we need at least 110-120 volts
It was reported by Deziel (2018) that citrus fruits contain a lot of juice which is in
liquid form, when a lemon generates juice that contains electrolytes it has the potential to
generate electricity and it allows the interaction of two different metals because it is
unable to generate energy on its own. Hence, to conduct electricity we need the help of
two different metals directly touching the citrus fruits. Furthermore, electrolytes can
differ in range, they can be strong or weak enough to produce or conduct electricity. In
fact Deziel (2018) also stated that there will be more voltage produced if the amount of
the current in the circuit is high and aside from citrus fruits, this technique can also be
used to make power from locally grown fruits with a high acid content.
According to Murphy and Academy (2014), the fruit that contains extra acid
produced higher current voltage than the fruit that was less acidic, and the voltage being
made can be the energy that creates the electric current flow. This means that the
utilization of extra acidic fruits can conduct higher current voltage and higher electric
conductivity. It is also stated by Murphy and Academy (2014) that there will be more
voltage produced if the amount of the current in the circuit is high. Furthermore, an
orange, lemon or lime can act as a battery, and while a single one might not generate
enough voltage to illuminate an LED bulb, several wired in series will (Deziel, 2018). It
is because oranges and lemons are known to have high acid content, thus it can act as a
source of electricity. However, the existence of resistance determines the counter flow of
the current. According to Hioki (n.d), electricity will flow from high to low and it
counteracts that flow. Hioki (n.d.) also stated that the greater the resistance, the lower the
current and conversely, the lower the resistance, the greater the current. This means that
even though fruits have high acid levels and have electrolytes, they would not be able to
Acidic components from the extracts of the citrus fruits that are present makes it
possible to make electrolytes work. However, The amount also matters in creating the
right and exact voltage in producing the power. You may need to use a big amount for it
to work for energy consuming electronics and supplies. This is where metals and wiring
comes into the picture to help regulate the right amount of voltage to illuminate a small
bulb or generate electricity for a bigger electronic device consumption. This means that
the electric conductivity of citrus fruits, with their citric acid and electrolyte content, can
be achieved with the help of other factors such as wiring and metal.
The pH level of a substance measures its acidity or alkalinity, and ranges from 0 to
14 on the pH scale (Tucker, n.d.). When an acidic solution is diluted with water the
concentration of H+ ions decreases and the pH of the solution increases towards 7 (BBC
Bitesize, n.d.). Furthermore, according to AAT Bioquest (2022), when a basic solution is
diluted by adding water to it, the concentration of hydroxide ions decreases, and the pH
decreases, and as more water is added, the solution becomes incrementally less alkaline
south-east Asia, including the Philippines where it is native. It is a fruit about half the size
of a lime and almost perfectly round (Alker, 2022), and is considered a citrus fruit. It is
often used as a flavoring agent for some Filipino food like Palabok. Furthermore, it is
famous for its delicious juice that is often mixed with sugar and water and is sold on the
streets in the Philippines. However, Calamansi is an acidic fruit just like other citrus
fruits. The pH of Calamansi ranges from 2.4 to 2.6, depending on the specific country it
is grown in, but even though it is highly acidic, it has been proven to help lower the level
is because Tomatoes are rich in lycopene and other nutritional properties like Vitamin C
that people often call it a vegetable. It is a flowering plant of the nightshade family
(Solanaceae), cultivated extensively for its edible fruits (Berry, 1999). In the Philippines,
it is called Kamatis and is often used in classic Filipino dishes such as Chicken Menudo.
When they are fully ripe, you can either eat them right away or put them in the
refrigerator to keep them fresh. Inside the refrigerator, a ripe tomato can remain fresh for
about two weeks. However, Tomatoes are also known to be acidic, but the acidity level of
a tomato depends on its ripeness. The more mature and riper, the lower the acidity, with
(Have a Plant, 2015). This fruit is famous during summer or warm seasons. In fact
according to Pearlman (2018), watermelons are 92 percent water making them a perfect
refresher for those hot summer months. Furthermore, watermelons, just like tomatoes, are
rich in lycopene. According to USDA ARS (n.d.) studies have shown that a cup and a
Theoretical Framework
oxidation reaction so that the electrons on the surface of the anode will be released and
carried by the electrolyte ion to the positive electrode (cathode). The transfer of electrons
by electrolyte ions will then produce a voltage difference and an electric current if
connected or coupled with electronic components such as diodes, resistors or capacitors
spontaneous reaction is converted into electricity or electrical energy is used so that non-
spontaneous reactions can occur (Chang, 2004). Fruits and vegetables can be used as
conventional batteries because they have electrical properties that contain a lot of
chemical process known as fermentation occurs. During this process, fruits and
vegetables produce more acid which increases electrolyte strength in fruits and
vegetables. Thus, juices from ripe and rotten fruits and vegetables become more reactive
with electrodes and produce higher stresses than fresh fruit or vegetable juices (Amin et.
al., 2005).
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study
Figure 1. Presents the relationship of the variables in the study. It consists of two
variables, one of which affected the other. The chemical properties of Calamansi (Citrus
This study utilized the extracts of Calamansi (Citrus microcarpa), Tomato (Solanum
determine if it would be practical to use fruit as a natural source for generating electricity.
a. pH level
b. voltage
c. current
d. electrical resistance
2. Is there a significant difference in the electrical properties of calamansi (Citrus
a. pH level
b. voltage
c. current
d. electrical resistance
Watermelon extracts contains the electrical properties to conduct electricity. As this study
Community. The result of this study can give the community an option to create a
low-cost and natural alternative source of electricity that will help them in their daily
our environment, locally and globally. One of the implications is that it contributes to
local pollution in several parts of a community. For vulnerable people in our society that
are still emerging economically, these effects are particularly severe. However, with the
use of natural sources (eg. fruits and vegetables) in creating electricity in a local
community, it can help lessen the utilization of non- renewable energy in their area
Future Researchers. Using this research, other researchers can create innovations or
creations that can benefit society. This research can serve as the source of knowledge that
future researchers will certainly require in their new research. Additional information
from this study can help future researchers to fill gaps and more understanding about
This study focused on the electric properties of the extracts of Calamansi, Tomato
calamansi, tomato, and watermelon extracts and its relation to electricity. Moreover, the
experiment was conducted inside the Chemistry Laboratory of Brokenshire College Toril,
The study was only limited to Calamansi, Tomato, and Watermelon fruit extracts.
Furthermore, the study did not go beyond the creation of a battery using the extracts. The
study only tested the extracts to determine their electrical properties. Moreover, the study
was conducted in a limited time frame as the study is a fulfillment for a requirement in
personal agendas, and emergencies are also some of the limits of this study.
H0 - There is no significant difference on the electrical properties of Calamansi
lanatus) extracts.
lanatus) extracts.
Definition of Terms
For better understanding of the study, the following terms were defined:
Electrical Properties. This refers to the electrolyte mass, voltage and current derived
Electrolyte. This is a substance that separates in water into charged particles called
Voltage. This is the pressure that pushes electricity and expressed in V in this study.
Current. This is the flow and amount of electricity through a circuit and expressed in
mA in this study.
Electrical Resistance. This is the force that counteracts the flow of current and is
This chapter presents the research design, specimen or subjects, sampling design,
Research Design
involves the selection of subjects which are randomly allocated to either an experimental
group or a control group, in which only members of the experimental group are exposed
to the variable that is the purpose of the study, while the control group do not come into
contact with the variable, and so act as a control within the experiment (Chico, et. al,
2016). In this study, the extracts of calamansi (Citrus microcarpa), Tomato (Solanum
lycopersicum), and Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) were tested if these would possibly
conduct electricity and determine if it would be practical to use fruit as a natural source
and Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) were tested to see if these contain electrical
Sampling Design
This study used the convenient sampling method to determine the samples of the
study. This is a non-probability testing method where subjects are chosen based on their
potential and component in terms of electrolyte and/or citric acid content. Fresh
calamansi, tomatoes, and watermelon from the market was used since it is practical and
The following materials were used in the experiment. To determine the voltage,
current, and electrical resistance, this study utilized a digital multimeter. To determine the
pH level, a pH paper was used. Furthermore, the following materials were used in the
experiment: test leads, short pieces of copper wire, aluminum foil, alligator clips.
In preparing and utilizing the fruit extracts and mixture, the following materials
were needed: container, beaker 1L, blender, 1kg calamansi, 1kg tomato, 3kg watermelon,
Step 1: Preparation of fruit extracts. 1000g of fresh calamansi fruits and 1000g of
fresh tomatoes that were bought from Toril Public Market were washed and sliced into 2
pieces using a knife. 3000g of watermelon was also bought from the same place. The
seeds of the calamansi were removed and the skin of the calamansi fruit were included.
The fruits were individually blended until smooth. For better quality, a strainer was
utilized to properly remove seeds from the calamansi fruit and to also help separate any
Step 2: From the individual 1000g of fruits, 800g of individual fruits extracts from
the blender were mixed with 200g of H2O. From the acquired extracts, 720ml of
calamansi, tomato, and watermelon extracts was strained and the extracts derived from
the 720ml were tested. The remaining fruit extracts and solid fruit parts were discarded.
wrapped with aluminum foil that were also clipped with alligator clips that were
connected to the digital multimeter via test leads to determine and measure their
individual voltage, current, and electrical resistance. To measure the pH levels of the fruit
extracts, pH paper was utilized. The pH level, electrolyte, voltage, and current of the
calamansi and tomato extracts was recorded 6 times with an interval of 60 minutes within
Data Analysis
level, voltage, current, and electrical resistance, Mean and standard deviation was used.
Chapter 3
This section presents the results and discussion of the data gathered and analyzed.
terms of pH level, all fruit samples increased by at least 2. This phenomenon occurred
because we mixed the extracts with water. This is supported by BBC Bitesize (n.d.) that
when an acidic solution is diluted with water the concentration of H+ ions decreases and
the pH of the solution increases towards 7. After adding water to Calamansi and Tomato
extracts, the pH levels increased. Likewise, with the Watermelon, the pH level increased
by adding water. This was also supported by AAT Bioquest (2022), when a basic solution
is diluted by adding water to it, the concentration of hydroxide ions decreases, and the pH
decreases, and as more water is added, the solution becomes incrementally less alkaline
In terms of current and voltage, although these fruit samples did contain electrical
properties, they did not reach the required amount of current and voltage to light up a
light bulb. The average current of Calamansi, Tomato, and Watermelon, measured within
6 hours, respectively, is 0.20, 0.57, and 0.14. However, according to Superior Lighting
(2018) the most common types of light bulb used in homes are 25, 40, 60, 75 and 100
watts. Furthermore, it was stated by product descriptions of light bulbs of Home Science
As for resistance, it has a high amount of resistance in every fruit sample, which
signifies that it has a high amount of force that counteracts the current. The higher the
resistance the lower the current, and vice versa. According to Hioki (n.d.) it is stated that
the greater the resistance, the lower the current, and conversely, the lower the resistance,
Test Statisticsa,b
df 2 2 2 2
significant differences in terms of pH level. This is because Calamansi and Tomatos are
acidic in nature, whereas Watermelon is a basic one. This is supported by Kerri (2022),
the pH of Calamansi ranges from 2.4 to 2.6. Also by Mateljan (2015), stating that the pH
of tomatoes is approaching the 4.9 end of the range (Mateljan, 2015). And lastly by Have
a Plant (2015), stating that watermelon or Citrullus lanatus is a basic fruit and has a pH
range of 5.18-5.60.
In regards with the voltage of these 3 fruits when compared, it turns out that there is
When these 3 fruit extracts were compared in terms of current, there was no
significant differences. This means that the Calamansi, Tomato, and Watermelon in this
study have lower currents. This is supported by Hioki (n.d.), stating that the greater the
resistance, the lower the current and conversely, the lower the resistance, the greater the
The experiment was able to show that the Calamansi, Tomato, and Watermelon
extracts do contain electrical properties that have the ability to conduct electricity.
In terms of pH level, they had increased because of the added water. Calamansi, Tomato
and Watermelon extract respectively, are 5.0, 7.0, and 8.0. As for the voltage of
Calamansi, Tomato and Watermelon extracts, accordingly, are 0.20 V, 0.57 V, and 0.14
V. Next, the average current measured within 6 hours for Calamansi, Tomato, and
Watermelon extracts, respectively, are 0.20 amp, 0.57 amp, and 0.14 amp. Lastly,
Calamansi, Tomato, and Watermelon extracts have a high level of electrical resistance,
and accordingly, are 6.65 ohm, 7.60 ohm, and 7.01 ohm.
Tomato, and Watermelon, it was found out that there was a significant difference in terms
resistance, there is no significant difference between them. Respectively, the results were
conclusions of the study. Based of the findings of this study, since we mixed the extracts
with water the pH level of the extracts increased and the other electrical properties such a
current and voltage was low, we recommend to instead utilize water mixed with either
salt or chlorine to gain more electrolyte and increase the amount of current and voltage of
the mixture without increasing the pH levels and/or electrical resistance of the extracts.
extracts is recommended.
AAT Bioquest (2022). How does dilution affect the pH of a basic solution? Retrieved
BBC Bitesize (n.d.). Water and neutral solutions - Acids and bases - National 5
Chico, et. al, (2016). Quantitative Research According to Chico and Matira.
Retrieved from on
Dubois, S. (2017, November 21). What Different Acids Are in a Tomato? Healthy Living.
Retrieved from
en/learning/electricity/resistance.html#:~:text=When% 20an%20electron
%20differential%20exists,resistance%2C%20the%20greater%2 0the
Libal, A. (2019, March 2). Why Does Citric Acid Produce Electricity?
Mateljan, G. (2015). World’s Healthiest Foods, 2nd Edition: The Force For Change
Mundt, J. O., & Norman, J. M. (1982). Metabiosis and pH of Moldy Fresh
Murphy, K., & Academy, C. (2014). The study of voltage produced from
Pearlman, N. (2018, August 3). 10 Refreshing Facts About Watermelon. Mental Floss.
USDA ARS Online Magazine Vol. 50, No. 6. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Tucker (n.d.). What Happens to the PH of an Acidic Solution As Pure Water Is Added?
Tomato Watermelon
Tomato Watermelon
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