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SPV 1050

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Ultralow power energy harvester and battery charger

• Transformerless thermoelectric generators and PV modules energy harvester
• High efficiency for any harvesting source
• Up to 70 mA output current
• Fully integrated MOSFETs for Boost or Buck-boost configurations
• Selectable enable/disable MPPT functionality
• Programmable MPPT by external resistors
• 2.6 V to 5.3 V trimmable output overvoltage level (± 1% accuracy)
• 2.2 V to 3.6 V trimmable output undervoltage level (± 1% accuracy)
• Two fully independent LDOs (1.8 V and 3.3 V output)
• Enable/disable LDO pins
• Load disconnect function (by-pass transistor open) prior the first start-up (Cold
Start) to avoid battery lifetime shortening
• Battery Connected and DC-DC switching open drain indication pins
Product status link

SPV1050 Applications
• Internet of things
Product label
• Remote control
• Fleet and livestock tracking
• Agriculture sensors
• Toll-pay
• Electronic labels
• Smart watch and wearable.

The SPV1050 is an ultra-low power and high-efficiency power manager embedding
four MOSFETs for boost or buck-boost DC-DC converter and an additional transistor
for the load connection/disconnection.
An internal high accuracy MPPT algorithm can be used to maximize the power
extracted from PV panel or TEG.
The internal logic works to guarantee tight monitoring of both the end-of-charge
voltage (VEOC) and the minimum battery voltage (VUVP) by opening the pass-
transistor at triggering of the VEOC threshold or at triggering of the VUVP threshold to
preserve the battery life. Both the VEOC and VUVP thresholds can be trimmed by
external resistors connected between the STORE rail and the EOC and UVP pins,
In boost configuration (CONF pin connected to the supply source), the IC requires
550 mV and 30 μA to Cold start; while after the first start-up the input voltage can
range between 150 mV and VEOC. In buck-boost configuration (CONF pin connected
to ground), the IC requires 2.6 V and 5 μA at Cold start; while after the first start-up
input voltage can range between 150 mV up to 18 V.
The STORE pin is available as unregulated voltage output (e.g. to supply by external
LDO a micro-controller), while two fully independent LDOs (1.8 V and 3.3 V) are
embedded for powering other companion ICs like MCU, sensors or RF transceivers.
Both LDOs can be independently enabled through the related pins.

DS10044 - Rev 8 - March 2024 www.st.com

For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.
Block Diagram

1 Block Diagram

Figure 1. Block diagram

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Pin configurations

2 Pin configurations

Figure 2. Pin configurations

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Pin description

3 Pin description

Table 1. Pin description

Pin no.
(VFQFPN Name Type Description

Input voltage sense pin: to be connected to the voltage source. The

connection can be direct or through a ladder resistor, depending on the
1 MPP I maximum voltage of the source, and respecting both the AMR and
operating range of the MPP pin. The switching of the DC-DC is disabled
when VMPP < VEN_TH.

MPPT enable/disable and setting voltage pin.

If MPPT function is required, then connect MPP_SET and MPP pins
through a ladder resistor: the MPPT algorithm periodically deactivates the
DC-DC for sampling of the open circuit voltage of the source. The DC-DC
is deactivated for 400 ms (typical value) every 16 s (typical value).
Connect MPPT pin directly to STORE pin when MPPT function is not
required: this configuration (VMPP_SET > VSTORE-VEN_TH) inhibits the
periodic deactivation of the embedded DC-DC.
Voltage reference pin.
The switching of the DC-DC is controlled by internal logic purposing high
conversion efficiency, even with low power sources. The switching remains
active until VMPP > VMPP_REF. Connecting this pin to ground enables
continuous switching of the DC-DC converter, provided that enough power
3 MPP_REF I can be supplied by the source.
When MPPT function is required, connect this pin to a 10 nF capacitor: at
every sampling period (~16 s) this capacitor stores the reference voltage
(% of the open circuit voltage of the source) VMPP_REF.
When MPPT function is not required, connect this pin to an external
voltage reference.
4 GND GND Signal ground pin.
If high, enables LDO1 (1.8V). Note that, independently of the LDO1_EN
setting, the LDO1 is not active when the internal pass transistor is open.
If high, enables LDO2 (3.3V). Note that, independently of the LDO2_EN
setting, the LDO2 is not active when the internal pass transistor is open.
DC-DC operation output flag pin (open drain): if low, it indicates that the
DC-DC is switching; if high, it indicates that the DC-DC is not switching.
Embedded pass transistor connection status pin (open drain): if low, it
indicates that the pass transistor between the STORE and BATT pins is
closed; if high, it indicates that the pass transistor between the STORE and
BATT pins is open.
Load overvoltage/battery end of charge protection pin.
To be connected to the STORE pin through a resistor divider. Internal DC-
DC stops/restarts switching when the voltage at EOC pin is higher/lower
9 EOC I than the internal bandgap voltage (VBG = 1.23 V, typical value).
Also, at start-up (internal pass transistor between STORE and BATT is still
open) and while VSTORE is increasing, the triggering of the internal
bandgap voltage makes the internal pass transistor gets closed.
Load/battery undervoltage protection pin.
To be connected to the STORE pin through a resistor divider. Internal pass
10 UVP I
transistor between STORE and BATT pins opens when the voltage at UVP
pin goes below the internal bandgap voltage (VBG = 1.23 V, typical value).

11 LDO1 O 1.8 V regulated output voltage pin.

12 LOD2 O 3.3 V regulated output voltage pin.
DC-DC converter configuration pin.
13 CONF I Boost configuration: CONF pin connected to the input supply source.
Buck-boost configuration: CONF pin connected to ground.

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Pin description

Pin no.
(VFQFPN Name Type Description

14 BATT I/O Battery connection pin.

Tank capacitor connection pin. Application load, if any, should be
connected to STORE or LDOs pins.
Low voltage input source.
16 IN_LV I It has to be connected to one side of the inductor for both boost and buck-
boost configurations.
17 NC - Not connected.
18 PGND PGND Power ground pin.
Input pin for buck-boost configuration.
19 L_HV I Boost configuration: to be connected to ground.
Buck-boost configuration: to be connected to one side of the inductor.
High voltage input source.
20 IN_HV I Boost configuration: to be connected to ground.
Buck-boost configuration: to be connected to the input supply source.
Connect to ground layer of the application board. It's warmly
EP Exposed Pad GND recommended a direct connection (without any vias) between EP, GND,
PGND and the ground net of the tank capacitor on STORE pin.

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Maximum ratings

4 Maximum ratings

Table 2. Absolute maximum ratings

Symbol Parameter Value Unit

IN_LV Analog input VSTORE + 0.3 V

IN_HV Analog input 20 V

L_HV Analog input IN_HV +0.3 V
CONF Analog input 5.5 V
MPP Analog input 5.5 V
MPP_SET Analog input 5.5 V
MPP_REF Analog input 5.5 V
BATT Analog input/output 5.5 V
STORE Analog input/output 5.5 V

UVP Analog input VSTORE + 0.3 V

EOC Analog input VSTORE + 0.3 V

BATT_CONN Digital output 5.5 V

BATT_CHG Digital output 5.5 V

LDO1_EN Digital input VSTORE + 0.3 V

LDO2_EN Digital input VSTORE + 0.3 V

LDO1 Analog output VSTORE + 0.3 V

LDO2 Analog output VSTORE + 0.3 V

PGND Power ground 0 V

GND Signal ground -0.3 to 0.3 V
TJ Junction temperature -40 to 125 oC

TSTORAGE Storage temperature 150 oC

Table 3. Thermal data

Symbol Parameter Value Unit

Rth(JC) Thermal resistance junction-case 7.5 °C/W

Rth(JA) (1)(2) Thermal resistance junction-ambient 49 °C/W

1. Measured on 2-layer application board FR4, Cu thickness = 17 um with total exposed pad area = 16 mm2
2. Maximum power dissipation = 1.3W (@TAMB = 85oC; Rth(JA) = 49oC/W)

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Electrical characteristics

5 Electrical characteristics

VSTORE = 4 V; -40 °C < TJ < 85 °C, unless otherwise specified. Voltage with respect to GND, unless otherwise

Table 4. Electrical characteristics

Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit

Load/battery operating range

Output current to load/ boost configuration - - 70

battery buck-boost configuration 30 - -
VBATT BATT pin voltage range 2.2 - 5.3 V

RBATT Pass transistor resistance BATT_CONN = low 6 7 8 Ω

Internal reference voltage - 1.23 - V
Accuracy -1 - +1 %
VSTORE undervoltage
protection range
UVPHYS UVP hysteresis VSTORE rising - 5 - %

VSTORE end-of-charge
voltage range
EOCHYS EOC hysteresis VSTORE falling - -1 - %



operating range UVP) EOC)

Static current consumption

Shutdown mode: before first start-up or
ISD Shutdown current BATT_CONN high - - 1 nA
TAMB < 60 °C

Standby mode:
ISB Standby current VSTORE = 5.3 V, VMPP < VEN_TH and - 0.8 - μA
LDO1,2_EN low
TAMB = 25 °C

LDO1_EN = 1
Operating mode (LDOs or - 1.7 -
in open load), LDO2_EN = 1
Operating current in open
load LDO1_EN = 1
BATT_CHG high,
TAMB = 25 °C and - 2.6 -
LDO2_EN = 1
DC-DC converter
Boost configuration, BATT_CONN high
- 0.55 0.58
Cold start minimum input or at first start-up
voltage Buck-boost configuration BATT_CONN
- 2.6 2.8
high or at first start-up

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Electrical characteristics

Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit

Cold start minimum input Boost configuration - 30 -

current Buck-boost configuration - 5 -
DC-DC switching enable
VEN_TH Voltage checked during TSAMPLE 0.1 0.15 V
VIN_LV Boost configuration VEN_TH - VEOC
Input voltage range V
VIN_HV Buck-boost configuration VEN_TH - 18

R-ONB Low-side MOS resistance 0.5 1.0 1.5

Synchronous rectifier MOS Boost configuration Ω

SR-ONB 0.5 1.0 1.5
R-ONBB Low-side MOS resistance 1 1.5 2

Synchronous rectifier MOS Buck-boost configuration Ω

SR-ONBB 1 1.5 2
Maximum allowed
fSW Boost and buck-boost configurations - - 1 MHz
switching frequency
Undervoltage lockout
UVLOH VSTORE increasing - 2.6 2.8 V
activation threshold
Undervoltage lockout
UVLOL VSTORE falling 2 2.1 - V
deactivation threshold

DC-DC input current high DC-DC active and input current rising
IL(PEAK) 85 190 mA
peak threshold (TAMB = 25oC)

DC-DC output current low DC-DC active and input current falling
IL(ZC) 0 82 mA
threshold (TAMB = 25oC)

TON(MAX) DC-DC ON Time DC-DC maximum ON time 10 μs

TOFF(MIN) DC-DC OFF Time DC-DC- minimum OFF time 0.2 μs

TTRACKING MPPT tracking period BATT_CHG low 12 20 s

TSAMPLE MPPT sampling time BATT_CHG high 0.3 0.5 s

MPPT enabled, MPPTRATIO = 50%,

VMPP MPP pin voltage range VMPP(MAX) = 150mV, DC-DC switching 0.075 V
(see Section 6.4: MPPT setting)
MPPACC MPP tracking accuracy Boost and buck-boost configurations 95 %


LDO1,2 adjusted output LDO1_EN = 1 1.8

voltage LDO2_EN = 1 3.3
VUVP + 200 mV < VSTORE ≤ 5.3 V; ILDO1
LDO1 dropout 0.5
= 100 mA
ΔVLDO1,2 %
3.3 V < VUVP + 200 mV < VSTORE ≤ 5.3
LDO2 dropout 0.5
V; ILDO2 = 100 mA

tLDO LDO1,2 START-up time BATT_CONN = low; CLDO1,2 = 100 nF - - 1 ms

IOUT max from LDO1 - - 200 mA

ILDO1,2(1) BATT_CONN= low
IOUT max from LDO2 - - 200 mA

VLDO1,2_EN_H LDO1,2 enable input HIGH 1 - - V

VLDO1,2_EN_L LDO1,2 enable input LOW - - 0.5 V

Digital output

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Electrical characteristics

Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit

VBATT_CONN_L BATT_CONN voltage drop 1 mA sink current; BATT_CONN = low 40 70 150 mV

VBATT_CHG_L BATT_CHG voltage drop 1 mA sink current; BATT_CHG = low 40 70 150 mV

1. Guaranteed by design, not tested in production.

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Functional description

6 Functional description

The SPV1050 can be used as energy harvester or normal DC-DC converter, depending on the activation or
deactivation of the embedded MPPT algorithm (by MPP_SET pin setting). Also, the IC offers both output stage
over-voltage and under-voltage controls, fitting with the most typical requirements of battery charger applications.
The additional unregulated (STORE) and regulated (LDO1, LDO2) voltage rails makes the IC suitable to be used
as power manager.
Independently by the activation/deactivation of the MPPT function, the DC-DC converter stage can be configured
as boost or buck-boost by tying the CONF pin to the input source or to ground, respectively. See Figure 5. Boost
configuration example and Figure 13. Buck-boost configuration example.
If the embedded MPPT algorithm is enabled (MPP and MPP_SET pins connected to input source by a resistor
partitioning), the device periodically stops the switching of the DC-DC converter to do a sampling of the input
voltage and to store it on the capacitor connected at MPP_REF pin. When the sampling time elapses, the IC
restarts operating: if VMPP > VMPP_REF, then the DC-DC can switch again, provided that other limitations are not
active (for example, the switching is disabled if the over-voltage threshold has been triggered on EOC pin). The
selection of the resistor partitioning at the input stage depends on the electrical characteristic of the harvested
source and allows the IC to maximize the extracted power: see further details in Section 6.2: Boost
configuration,Section 6.3: Buck-boost configuration and Figure 20. MPPT setup circuitry.
The MPPT algorithm can be disabled by shorting the MPP_SET pin to the STORE pin. In this application case the
MPP_REF pin is usually connected to a voltage reference. In case of low impedance source (e.g. USB), the
MPP_REF is normally connected to GND: the IC tries switching at highest duty cycle. In case of high impedance
source (limited current capability, i.e. the source isn't able to sustain the continuous switching at maximum duty
cycle), the MPP_REF pin can be connected to a reference voltage (VEXT_REF) such that the IC stops switching
when VMPP < VEXT_REF. This voltage reference can be set through a resistor ladder connected to STORE rail or
to any other voltage reference available.

6.1 Battery voltage control

The IC integrates a pass transistor between the STORE and BATT pins to implement the battery under-voltage
protection function. The pass transistor status (open or closed) depends on two voltage thresholds controlled by
the pins UVP and EOC (normally connected to the STORE pin by a resistor partitioning): the respective voltages
(VUVP and VEOC) are compared with the IC internal voltage reference (VBG = 1.23 V, typical value).
Those protection thresholds guarantee the lifetime and the safety of the battery.

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Functional description

Figure 3. Battery management section

Before the first startup (cold start) the pass transistor is open, so that the leakage from the BATT pin is lower than
1 nA. If enough energy is available at the input stage, then the voltage at STORE pin starts rising by the activation
of an internal charge pump first, and then by the activation of the DC-DC: the pass transistor is closed once the
(rising) voltage on the STORE pin triggers the over-voltage threshold VSTORE(EOC) (corresponding to VEOC > VBG)
and the DC-DC stops switching. An internal hysteresis (EOCHYS) sets the restart voltage level for the DC-DC.
Note that, if necessary, the STORE pin can be supplied by an additional source, different form the source
connected at the input stage.
The IC also offers the under-voltage protection threshold: the pass transistor is opened once the (falling) voltage
on the STORE pin decreases down to the under-voltage threshold VSTORE(UVP) (corresponding to VUVP < VBG).
Referring to Figure 3. Battery management section, the design rules to set up the R4, R5 and R6 are the
Equation 1:
set the total output resistance (ROUT(TOT) = R4 + R5 + R6) to minimize its leakage:
• 10 MΩ ≤ ROUT(TOT) ≤ 20 MΩ
Equation 2:
• R6 = (VBG / VEOC) × ROUT(TOT)
Equation 3:
• R5 = (VBG / VUVP) × ROUT(TOT) - R6
In addition, the IC provides two open drain digital outputs to an external microcontroller:
This pin is pulled down when the pass transistor is closed. It will be released once the pass transistor will
be opened. If used, this pin must be pulled up to the STORE rail by resistor (10 MΩ, typically) .
This pin is pulled down when the DC-DC converter is switching, while it's released when it is not switching,
i.e. it is high after STORE triggers VSTORE(EOC) and until it drops by EOCHYS , or when the UVLOL
threshold is triggered, or during the sampling period (TSAMPLE ) of the MPPT algorithm. If used, this pin
must be pulled-up to the STORE rail by a resistor (10 MΩ, typically).

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Functional description

For some applications (typically with battery or super-cap connected to BATT pin) it could be necessary to
implement a reactivation hysteresis after under-voltage event (pass transistors status changes from closed to
open): it avoids the undesired continuous system reset loop due to full discharge of the CSTORE at every triggering
of the over-voltage threshold. The application solution is simply based on a diode (or p-channel MOSFET driven
by BATT_CONN) between STORE and BATT pins.

Figure 4. Implementations examples of larger UVP hysteresis

6.2 Boost configuration

Figure 5. Boost configuration example below shows an example of boost application circuit.

Figure 5. Boost configuration example

In case of boost configuration, once the source is connected, the SPV1050 will start boosting the voltage on the
STORE rail. In the range of 0 ≤ VSTORE < 2.6 V the voltage boost is carried on by an integrated high-efficiency
charge pump, while the DC-DC converter stage remains OFF.
Figure 6. Boost start-up shows the behavior of input voltage VIN (voltage supplied by the source) and VSTORE at
the start-up.

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Functional description

Figure 6. Boost start-up

In the range 2.6 V ≤ VSTORE < VSTORE(EOC) the voltage on STORE rail is boosted by the DC-DC converter that
operates driven by internal logic until VMPP > VMPP_REF. Switching activity of the DC-DC is controlled by internal
logic: ON phase stops at triggering of IL(PEAK) (peak current through the inductor) and can't be longer than
TON(MAX) ; OFF phase can't be shorter than TOFF(MIN). Also, purposing highest efficiency with low power source,
the first ON phase after reactivation of the DC-DC is limited a triggering of IL(PEAK) / 2.
If the MPPT mode is active, then the IC stops switching for ~400 ms (TSAMPLE) every ~16 seconds (TTRACKING).
During the TSAMPLE, the IC goes in high impedance and the open circuit voltage VOC at input stage is sampled
and stored by charging the CREF (capacitor on the MPP_REF pin) through the MPP_SET pin.
Once the TSAMPLE is elapsed, the DC-DC converter will start switching back: the IC impedance is set featuring the
VIN stays as close as possible to the VMPP_REF. The periodic sampling of VOC guarantees the best MPPT in case
of source condition variations (e.g. irradiation/thermal gradient and/or temperature changes).
A resistor partitioning connected between the source and the pins MPP and MPP_SET has to be properly
selected, in order to match the source manufacturer's specs: refer to Section 6.4: MPPT setting for further details.
Figure 7. MPPT tracking shows the input voltage waveform of a PV panel supplying
VOC = 1.25 V and VMP = 1.05 V.

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Functional description

Figure 7. MPPT tracking

Once the voltage at STORE pin triggers the VSTORE(EOC) the switching of the DC-DC converter stops until
VSTORE decreases below the threshold defined by the internal hysteresis.

Figure 8. Triggering of VEOC (BATT pin floating)

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Functional description

The following plots (Figure 9. Efficiency vs. input current; VOC = 1.0 V, Figure 10. Efficiency vs. input current; VOC
= 1.5 V, Figure 11. Efficiency vs. input current; VOC = 2.0 V, Figure 12. Efficiency vs. input current; VOC = 2.5 V)
show the power efficiency of the DC-DC converter configured in boost mode at TAMB = 25 °C in some typical use
cases at different open circuit voltages (MPPTRATIO = 83%):

Figure 9. Efficiency vs. input current; VOC = 1.0 V





Pout/Pin [%]

0.65 Vbatt = 4.2 V

Vbatt = 3.7 V
Vbatt = 3.0 V




0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Input current [mA]


Figure 10. Efficiency vs. input current; VOC = 1.5 V



Pout/Pin [%]

0.75 Vbatt = 4.2 V

Vbatt = 3.7 V
Vbatt = 3.0 V



0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Input current [mA]


Figure 11. Efficiency vs. input current; VOC = 2.0 V



Pout/Pin [%]

0.8 Vbatt = 4.2 V

Vbatt = 3.7 V
Vbatt = 3.0 V



0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Input current [mA]


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Functional description

Figure 12. Efficiency vs. input current; VOC = 2.5 V




Pout/Pin [%]
0.8 Vbatt = 4.2 V
Vbatt = 3.7 V
Vbatt = 3.0 V



0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Input current [mA]


6.3 Buck-boost configuration

Figure 13. Buck-boost configuration example shows an example of buck-boost application circuit.

Figure 13. Buck-boost configuration example





Input source L_HV

C STORE Battery
1.8 V


LDO1_EN _____ _____

LDO2_EN _____ _____



In case of buck-boost configuration, once the harvested source is connected, the IN_HV and STORE pins will be
internally shorted until VSTORE < 2.6 V. Figure 14. Buck-boost start-up (IIN = 5 μA) shows the behavior of the input
voltage VIN_HV and VSTORE at the start-up.

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Functional description

Figure 14. Buck-boost start-up (IIN = 5 μA)

In the range 2.6 V ≤ VSTORE < VSTORE(EOC) the integrated DC-DC switches until VMPP > VMPP_REF.
If the MPPT function is active, then the IC stops switching for ~400ms (TSAMPLE) every ~16 seconds (TTRACKING).
During the TSAMPLE, the open circuit voltage VOC of the input source is sampled and stored by charging the CREF
(capacitor on the MPP_REF pin) through the MPP_SET pin. Once the TSAMPLE is elapsed, the DC-DC converter
operates again driven by the internal logic and such that VIN (voltage supplied by the source) stays as close as
possible to the maximum power point of the source. The periodic sampling of VOC guarantees the best MPPT in
case of source condition variations (e.g. irradiation and/or temperature changes).
A resistor partitioning connected between the source and the pins MPP and MPP_SET has to be properly
selected in order to match the electrical characteristics of the source given by the manufacturer. Please refer to
Section 6.4: MPPT setting for further details.
Figure 15. MPPT tracking shows the MPPT tracking form in case of VOC = 9.9 V and voltage at maximum power
point VMP = 8.2 V.

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Functional description

Figure 15. MPPT tracking

The following plots (Figure 16. Efficiency vs. input current - VOC = 6V , Figure 17. Efficiency vs. input current -
VOC = 9V , Figure 18. Efficiency vs. input current - VOC = 12V , Figure 19. Efficiency vs. input current - VOC =
15V ) show the power efficiency of the DC-DC converter configured in buck-boost mode at TAMB = 25 °C in some
typical use cases (MPPTRATIO = 83%):

Figure 16. Efficiency vs. input current - VOC = 6V



Pout/Pin [%]

Vbatt = 4.2 V
Vbatt = 3.7 V
Vbatt = 3.0 V


0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Input current [mA]


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Functional description

Figure 17. Efficiency vs. input current - VOC = 9V




Pout/Pin [%]
Vbatt = 4.2 V
Vbatt = 3.7 V
Vbatt = 3.0 V


0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Input current [mA]


Figure 18. Efficiency vs. input current - VOC = 12V



Pout/Pin [%]

Vbatt = 4.2 V
Vbatt = 3.7 V
Vbatt = 3.0 V


0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Input current [mA]


Figure 19. Efficiency vs. input current - VOC = 15V



Pout/Pin [%]

Vbatt = 4.2 V
Vbatt = 3.7 V
Vbatt = 3.0 V


0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Input current [mA]


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Functional description

6.4 MPPT setting

When MPPT is enabled, the SPV1050 can regulate its impedance to extract the maximum power from the
harvesting source. Typically, the datasheet of an harvesting source reports the main electrical characteristics:
open circuit voltage (VOC) and voltage at maximum power (VMP); the MPPTRATIO is intended as VMP/VOC.
Referring to PV panels and TEGs, the VMP and VOC can change according to the external conditions (light
irradiation, temperature), but usually the effect on MPPTRATIO remains limited.
The highest MPPT accuracy of the SPV1050 can be achieved only by a proper selection of the resistors at the
input stage (R1, R2, R3).

Figure 20. MPPT setup circuitry



Source R3 MPP_REF



To select R1, R2 and R3 it is necessary to set some application parameters and then apply the below equations
from 4 to 7.
• Electrical characteristics of the harvesting source
– VOC(MAX), intended as VOC at max operating condition of the source
– MPPTRATIO , intended as VMP(TYP)/VOC(TYP) at typical operating conditions of the source
• Application constraints
– ILEAKAGE, intended as the acceptable leakage through the resistors at the input stage
– Usually, 0.1 μA ≤ ILEAKAGE ≤ 1 μA fits for most of the applications.
• SPV1050 constraints
– VEN_TH (MAX) ≤ VMPP(MAX) ≤ (VUVP(MIN) - 100 mV) ⇒
150 mV ≤ VMPP(MAX) ≤ 2.1 V

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Functional description

Equation 4:
Equation 5:
R1 = RIN(TOT) × [ 1 - (VMPP(MAX) / VOC(MAX) ) ]
Equation 6:
Equation 7:
Harvesting source is a PV panel with VMP(TYP) = 1.5 V and VOC(TYP) = 2.0 V ( ⇒ MPPTRATIO = 75%). At
maximum light irradiation VOC(MAX) = 2.2 V.
VMPP(MAX) could be set between 0.15 V and 2.1 V: it is warmly suggested to set VMPP(MAX) at highest allowed
value (so, VMPP(MAX) = 2.1 V). Assume that for the application ILEAKAGE < 1 μ A is acceptable.
Hence set
• VOC(MAX) = 2.2 V
• VMPP(MAX) = 2.1 V
RIN(TOT) > (2.2 V / 1 uA) × 0.75 > 1.65 MΩ ==> RIN(TOT) = 10 MΩ
R1 =10 MΩ × [ 1 - (2.1 V / 2.2 V) ] = 0.455 MΩ
R2 =10 MΩ × (2.1 V/ 2.2 V) × (1- 0.75) = 2.38 MΩ
R3 =10 MΩ × (2.1 V/ 2.2 V) × 0.75 = 7.16 MΩ
Also, the MPPT accuracy can be strongly affected by an improper selection of the input capacitor. The input
capacitance CIN = 4.7 μF generally covers the most typical use cases.
The energy extracted from the source, and stored on CIN, is transferred to the load by the DC-DC converter
through the inductor. The energy extracted by the inductor depends by the sink current: the higher input currents
cause higher voltage drop on the input capacitance and this may result a problem for low voltage (< 1 V) and high
energy (> 20 mA) sources. In such application cases the input capacitance has to be increased or, alternatively
the L1 inductance has to be reduced.
During the TSAMPLE time frame the input capacitor CIN is charged up to VOC by the source with a time constant
(T1) resulting from the capacitance and the equivalent resistance REQ of the source.
In case of PV source, being IMP the minimum operating current for MPPT, the REQ can be calculated as following:
Equation 8:
• REQ = (VOC - VMP) / IMP = VOC × (1 - MPPRATIO) / IMP
Thus CIN is calculated by the following formula:
Equation 9:
• CIN ≤ T1 /REQ
The following plots (Figure 21. Energy harvester equivalent circuit, Figure 22. Voltage vs. time at different C
values and fixed current) show the effect of different CIN values on the time constant. If the capacitance is too
high, the capacitor may not be charged within the TSAMPLE = 400 ms time window, thus affecting the MPPT

Figure 21. Energy harvester equivalent circuit




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Functional description

Figure 22. Voltage vs. time at different C values and fixed current

6.5 Power manager

The SPV1050 device works as a power manager by providing two regulated voltages on the LDO1 (1.8 V) and
LDO2 (3.3 V) pins.
Each LDO can be selectively enabled or disabled by driving the related enable/disable pins LDO1_EN and
LDO2_EN. The performances of the LDOs can be optimized by selecting a proper capacitor between the LDO
output pin and ground. A 100 nF for each LDO pin is suitable for the most typical use cases.
Figure 23. LDO1 turn on with 100 mA load and Figure 24. LDO2 turn on with 100 mA load show the behavior of
the LDOs when a 100 mA load is connected.

Figure 23. LDO1 turn on with 100 mA load

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Functional description

Figure 24. LDO2 turn on with 100 mA load

Note that the internal logic inhibits both LDOs when the embedded pass transistor is open, that is when the
battery is not connected. Also, the LDOs are both supplied by the STORE rail: if the input source is unable to
sustain the current required by the load, then the missing energy will be supplied by the battery connected to the
BATT pin. In this case, the current from the battery causes a voltage drop between STORE and BATT pins due to
the resistance of the pass transistor:
If VSTORE drops and UVP pin triggers the undevoltage threshold, then the pass transistor gets open and the load
is no longer supplied until next end of charge condition is reached.

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Package information

7 Package information

In order to meet environmental requirements, ST offers these devices in different grades of ECOPACK packages,
depending on their level of environmental compliance. ECOPACK specifications, grade definitions and product
status are available at: www.st.com. ECOPACK is an ST trademark.

7.1 Package and packing information

Figure 25. VFQFPN20 3 x 3 x 1 mm - 20-lead pitch 0.4 package outline

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Package information

Table 5. VFQFPN20 3 x 3 x 1 mm - 20-lead pitch 0.4 package mechanical data

Dimensions [mm](1)
Min. Typ. Max.

A 0.80 0.90 1.0

A1 - 0.02 0.05
A2 - 0.65 1.00
A3 - 0.20 -
b 0.15 0.20 0.25
D 2.85 3.00 3.15
D1 - 1.60 -
D2 1.50 1.60 1.70
E 2.85 3.00 3.15
E1 - 1.60 -
E2 1.50 1.60 1.70
e 0.35 0.40 0.45
L 0.30 0.40 0.50
ddd - - 0.07

1. “VFQFPN” stands for “Thermally Enhanced Very thin Fine pitch Quad Packages No lead”. Very thin: 0.80 < A ≤ 1.00 mm /
fine pitch: e < 1.00 mm.

Figure 26. Recommended footprint of VFQFPN20 3 x 3 x 1 mm - 20-lead pitch 0.4

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Package information

Figure 27. Tape and reel design

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Ordering information

8 Ordering information

Order code Op. temp. range [oC] Package Packing

SPV1050TTR -40 to 85 VFQFPN 3 x 3 x 1 20L Tape and reel

DS10044 - Rev 8 page 27/30

Application tips

Appendix A Application tips

In the DC-DC converters the energy is transferred from the input to the output through the inductor. During the ON
phase of the duty cycle the inductor stores energy; during the OFF phase of the duty cycle the energy is released
toward the output stage.

Figure 28. Inductor current and input voltage waveforms

L *



Driving Signal



The SPV1050 activates the driving signal of the DC-DC when VMPP > VMPP_REF. During the ON phase of the
driving signal, the inductor is loaded for TON until one of the following events occurs:
• VSTORE triggers the overvoltage threshold
• The inductor current (IL) triggers the internal threshold IL(PEAK) (= 140 mA, typ.)
• TON(MAX) = 10 μs elapses
In the OFF phase the energy stored in the inductor will be released to the output stage: during TOFF the IL
decreases to ILZC. According to the internal controls of the IC, TOFF(MIN) = 0.2 μs: in order to prevent IL goes
negative, the application must be designed such that the energy stored in the inductor during TON is always
greater than, or equal to, the energy released during TOFF. This goal can be achieved through the proper
selection of R2 + R3. Thus, in order to guarantee IL(MIN) > 0, it must be:
Equation 10:
• IL(MIN) = IH - (VSTORE - VIN)×(TOFF(MIN)/L) > 0
Equation 11:
• IL(MIN) = (VIN/L) × TON(MAX)- (VSTORE - VIN)×(TOFF(MIN)/L) > 0
Equation 12:
As worst case for the above equation it can be considered VSTORE at the overvoltage level.
The resistor R1, part of the partitioning at the input stage, can be used purposing the DC-DC switch-off before
IL(MIN) ≤ 0.
VMPP = VIN *(R2+R3)/(R1+R2+R3) < VEN_TH

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Revision history
Table 6. Document revision history

Date Version Changes

25-Nov-2013 1 Initial release.

Document status promoted from preliminary data to production data, with
28-Aug-2014 2 comprehensive update of electrical characteristic sand graphic content
throughout the document.
18-Dec-2014 3 Document status corrected to reflect current phase of product development.
Minor text edits throughout the document. Added maximum values for Rth j-c
and Rth j-a in Table 2: Thermal data, with associated footnote. Multiple
changes to parameters, test conditions and values in Table 4: Electrical
06-Aug-2015 4 characteristics. Modified text in Section 6: Functional description and Section
6.4: MPPT setting. Removed order code SPV1050T from Table 7: Device
summary, and modified package and packing values for order code SPV1050-
WST. Added Appendix A: Application tips
17-May-2018 5 Added Figure 26 on page 32. Minor modifications throughout the document
Changed datasheet formatting. Front page: rephrased Features list and
Description; extended Application list. Block diagram: added details of the
input stage with internal control thresholds. Pin Description: rephrased
descriptions of input and output stage pins. Electrical characteristics: minor
12-Oct-2021 6
editing fixes; added VEN_TH, IL(PEAK), IL(ZC) , TON(MAX) and TOFF(MAX)
parameters. Chapter 6: minor editing; added application examples for the
management of larger UVP hysteresis. Chapter 6.4: reviewed calculation of
input resistor partitioning. Deleted Appendix A.
Updated cover image in the front page, pin configuration, ordering information
26-Jan-2022 7 and package information: deleted any reference to die form.
Corrected editing error in Equation 1.
Minor rephrasing in the column Description of the Table 1. Pin description for
MPP, MPP_SET, LDO1_EN, LDO2_EN, BATT and STORE pins. Added
27-Mar-2024 8 maximum power dissipation note in the Table 3. Thermal data. Minor
rephrasing in Section 6 and Section 6.1. Changed values in the application
example values in Section 6.4.

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