Ventil 4
Ventil 4
Ventil 4
how to create
complaint free and
energy efficient
two-pipe radiator
heating systems
Creating energy efficient heating systems
1. Purpose of this whitepaper This whitepaper is intended to support heating professionals with creating com-
plaint free and energy efficient two-pipe radiator heating systems in (multi-family
residential) buildings. The guidelines are relevant for retrofit, renovation as well as
new construction situations. You can expect clear and practical to use explanations
and recommendations. Topics such as results-based savings, balancing methods,
water quality and energy consumption of pumps are brought together by special-
ists from Danish manufacturers Danfoss A/S and Grundfos A/S to provide you a
document with a complete solution.
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
2. Introduction To comply with the Kyoto climate protocol agreement and to honor its commit-
ment to reduce CO2 emission in the long term, Europe is determined to reduce
energy consumption among its 28 member countries. In order to achieve this the
Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPDB) was established, stating a num-
ber of energy saving measurements for member countries to follow.
2.1 Saving energy in buildings As figures proof, buildings use 40% of the regions total energy consumption.
is a must With such a significant contribution to the energy consumption it is clear that the
heating systems in buildings are an important topic for improvements during new
construction, retrofit and renovation . Compared to high impact solutions such
as building insulation and implementing renewable energy sources, optimizing
pump technologies, creating automatic hydronic balancing and achieving accurate
temperature control are nowadays recognized to be a cost effective way to reduce
the energy consumption of buildings. This is the moment where you as a heating
professional come into play.
2.2 So far the focus was on solving Besides the renewed scope for energy
saving a lot of heating professionals
know about the challenges in creating
a well-functioning two-pipe radiator
heating system. In many occasions
where residents complain about heat-
ing system noise and lack of comfort
these are attempted to be solved by
e.g. experimentally adjusting heat
curves of a boiler or other heat source,
increasing the pump head capacity or
by installing, balancing valves. Besides
the fact the complaints are seldom fully
solved these measures are conflicting
with the EPDB stated need for reduc-
tion of energy consumption in build-
ings and overall increase of the amount
of energy used.
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
2.3 A new approach to buildings’ To actually solve the complaints as well as reducing energy consumption a new ap-
heating systems proach for heating systems in buildings is required. A good design, the right choice
of products and quality of execution often require just a limited additional invest-
ment but they result in a long-term high performance. This is essential for building
owners who want to make investments that suit their corporate social responsibil-
ity. Design flow and temperature must be guaranteed in both full and partial load
conditions to achieve the efficiency as well as provide the best possible comfort for
the residents.
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
3. Most recognized problems Communal heating seems a shot on target when it comes to the application of
in practice renewable energy sources in new construction buildings. Unfortunately, in existing
buildings these systems have a negative image due to noise issues, discomfort and
high energy consumption. All these symptoms can be traced back to the fact that
over 80% of these systems are not properly hydronic balanced.
3.1 Rushing sounds in Unbalanced or not properly balanced systems result in high flows through its
heating systems pipes. In many cases this applies to situations where the flow through the pipes
and radiator control valves is so turbulent that it causes a rushing sound. Besides
the fact that it is perceived as a complaint by the residents, turbulent flow causes
unnecessary loss of heat and pressure as well.
3.2 Complaints about cold In many systems the flow through the connected radiators is 3 to 4 times ! higher
as necessary for proper functioning. The consequence of this is that the pressure
loss in pipes increases dramatically which results in too little pressure being availa-
ble for the ‘critical’ radiators which are furthest away from the boiler room. Because
of this a number of residents at certain parts of the day will experience symptoms
such as completely or partially cold radiators, despite their need for heating. Often
these complaints are solved by increasing pump head settings, installing a larger
circulation pump or raising water temperature (via the weather compensators’ heat
curve), which of course will inevitably lead to increased energy consumption.
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
3.3 High energy costs Many systems have to be set to higher water temperatures in order to guarantee
a comfortable indoor climate for everyone. The result is that the boilers operate at
a lower than optimal and possible efficiency and heat loss in transportation pipes
increases. To benefit from maximum efficiency, condensing boilers must be able to
achieve condensation of exhaust gas on the heat exchanger. The colder the return
water temperature, the higher the rate of condensation and by that the higher the
efficiency of the boiler. Systems which are not hydronically balanced will result in
higher water temperatures to reach the expected comfort level. Hence, no or poor
hydronic balancing has a bad influence on heat losses in transportation pipes and
the efficiency of condensing boilers and heat pumps.
3.4 How to establish fair heat Heat cost allocators are used on all installed radiators to allocate heat consumption
cost allocation? and to generate an individual bill for each apartment. Such solution can provide
transparency for the residents although often heat cost allocators are questioned
by unexplained high energy bills. Many people do not know that the European DIN
EN 834 norm, in annex A among other things describes the properties for heating
systems that are equipped with heat cost allocators. There are 4 recommendations:
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
3.5 Unfamiliarity with the use and A radiator thermostat is designed to automatically feed the right amount of heated
application of radiator thermostats water into a radiator which is needed to efficiently bring a room to the desired tem-
perature. Many residents are unfamiliar with the operation of a radiator thermostat
and the conditions in which it performs best. Providing the right information to
the residents and choosing the right type of thermostatic sensor for the situation is
often underestimated.
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
4. What should you master? Many technical aspects in a heating system contribute to achieve an efficient
system operation. Based on physical properties the below topics will clarify that all
aspects must be properly prepared and executed to achieve the expected results
in terms of energy saving and complaint free operation.
4.1 Determine the necessary Depending local weather conditions, building construction and calculation guide-
radiator capacity per room lines the heat load per room should be determined. Dedicated software is often
used and the outcomes are the starting point for you as heating professional.
4.2 Determine the design flow The first step in creating an efficient system by hydronic balancing is to limit the
per radiator (qv) flow on each radiator. The flow that is needed (design flow) depends on flow tem-
perature, return-temperature and the room heat load. In renovation projects room
heat load and thus the capacity of the radiator can be determined by type and the
dimensions. Although many calculation tools and design programs exist, it’s still im-
portant to know the parameters a design volume flow is dependent on. These are
specified in the below formulas to calculate the design flow:
Note: Higher flows result in higher pressure losses in pipes and the need for higher
pump capacity.
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
4.3 Constrain the design flow Constraining the flow is done by limiting the capacity (max. opening) of an in-
per radiator stalled radiator valve. To do so radiator valves with pre-setting feature are required.
In addition also the pressure drop across the valve should be kept constant. To
do so a pressure controller is required on either riser or radiator level. The below
formula shows the relationship:
Note: In systems without flow limitation via valve pre-setting, flows and pressure
losses can be exceptionally high.
4.4 Set the capacity of the In order to establish the design flow it is highly recommended to use a pre-setting
radiator valve (Kv) radiator valve. Instead sometimes a lockshield valve is used but the pre-setting is
less accurate, it can’t be checked visually and is more difficult when it comes to
workability. Each pre-setting corresponds precisely to a Kv-value which indicates
the capacity of the radiator valve. The Kv-value is defined as flow in cubic meters
per hour of water passing through the valve when the pressure drop across the
valve is 1 bar. Many calculation tools exist to easily determine the correct presetting
(Kv-value) for each radiator valve.
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
4.5 Control the differential The available pressure drop across the valve should be kept as constant as possible
pressure (Δp) to prevent deviations in the design flow. The only way to achieve this is through
the use of differential pressure control, for example established by using automatic
balancing valves or pressure independent radiator valves.
Fig 1. Unbalanced systems Fig 2. Limiting the flow on Fig 3. Without automatic
cause uneven distribution of each radiator results in a differential pressure control-
water. uniform distribution of water, lers, the distribution of water
just in full load situations. shows irregularities in partial
load conditions.
4.6 Establish room temperature Automatic control of the flow through a radiator based on a desired room tem-
control perature is the most efficient way to gain control over residents heat consumption.
Radiator thermostats consists of two main parts. A thermostatic temperature sen-
sor is set to a desired room temperature and reacts to temperature changes caused
by ‘free heat’ from sun power, appliances, occupants, etc. The thermostatic radiator
valve (TRV) automatically adjusts the flow of water through the radiator to establish
the desired room temperature.
The main reasons for using automatic room temperature controls are:
• Provide control and comfort to end-user.
• Minimize energy use by responding to internal and external heat load.
• Depending country specific regulations it can improve the energy label of the
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
4.7 Select the best suited Based on the total system design flow and the total of all pressure losses a system
circulation pump suited circulation pump can be selected. The heat demand in a building depends on
outside temperatures, insulation, sun power, internal loads and overall activity. The
same is valid for the capacity demand of circulation pumps. To save money on the
electricity bill speed controlled pumps can adapt their pump head capacity to the
actual needs of the heating system. In partial load conditions the heating system is
dynamic with variable flow demands and changing differential pressures. A speed
controlled pump constantly adapts to the changing system conditions as caused by
especially the many radiator valves in the system.. To select the right circulation pump
you need to be familiar with the systems’ exact requirements to overcome the pres-
sure loss to the most unfavorable located radiator at all loads.
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
5. How do you master? A new focus on creating energy efficient heating systems in buildings requires a
critical look at existing methods and products to use. This has for example resulted
in the fact that manual balancing valves, manual radiator valves and standard
circulation pumps are more and more being replaced for automatic balancing and
control solutions and speed controlled pumps. Below you can read how to create a
high quality, energy efficient heating system.
5.1 Make the right choice of room Each pre-setting radiator valve must be equipped with a thermostatic sensor to
temperature control control the room temperature in each individual room. To guarantee the proper
functioning and operability for the residents, it is important to make the right
choice for the type of sensor. Three aspects have to be taken into account:
Nowadays also electronic sensors are available. These contain a small actuator and
open and close the valve in many small steps depending the difference between
actual measured and the desired room temperature. This provides a high accuracy.
The response time is very fast but is not possible to translate into a reaction time
(= time spent from fully open to fully closed valve) as this is not the way it is being
controlled. These sensors contain batteries to operate the actuator and display.
When selecting the sensor to use this should be taken into account as it requires
replacement of the batteries periodically.
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
5.1.2 Influence of ambient In situations where the ambient air can circulate freely around the sensor normally
you would choose a built-in sensor. It is not uncommon for curtains, wide window
sills, furniture or other obstacles hindering the free circulation of air along the ele-
ment. In these situations, a version with either a remote sensor or remote sensor
and setting is a more appropriate choice.
5.1.3 Programming capabilities Programming a weekly schedule with day and night setback times and the cor-
responding temperature settings, allows residents to effectively manage their
heating system. There are different solutions in the market. From simple, affordable
programmable radiator thermostats to more high-end solutions that can (wireless)
control all radiators in an entire apartment from one point of access. This connects
better to the luxurious desires people may have. Programmable room controls are
a worthwhile investment, residents can achieve a potential of up to 30% reduction
in energy consumption.
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
5.2 Chose the best suited automatic As explained a proper hydronic balance is important and can only be achieved by
balancing solution using an automatic balancing solution that eliminates pressure fluctuations and by
constraining the flow per radiator. As the formula
qv (radiator) = Kv • √Δp(valve)
shows there are two variables (valve capacity Kv and pressure drop Δp) that need
to be controlled to achieve the design flow (qv) per radiator. When done so for all
of the systems’ connected radiators the hydronic balance will be in place, both in
full load as well as in partial load conditions.
To meet these requirements, you can chose between two methods which are
equipped with automatic pressure control and flow constraints.
Method 1 Method 2
With a differential pressure controller per With pre-setting radiator valves having
riser and pre-setting valves per radiator. a build-in pressure controller.
Kv Kv & ∆p
Kv Kv & ∆p
Kv Kv & ∆p
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
5.3 Use speed controlled pumps The technical developments of recent years makes it worthwhile to examine the
pump energy consumption. Modern circulation pumps are speed controlled and
support the heating system by preventing differential pressure to increase at partial
load conditions. The need for an automatic balancing solution is still present though
as differential pressure changes at the radiators as well. This cannot be solved by the
pump. Speed controlled pumps contribute to lower energy consumption of the
heating system. Relating to what is known as "the Affinity laws" the power consump-
tion of a pump is proportional of 3rd of the pump speed. This indicates the lower the
pump speed is, the lower the energy consumption will be. The required pump speed
is determined by the flow rate of the circulated water (at a given differential pressure
demand). A conclusion can be drawn: the larger the overflows in the system are,
the more power the pump will consume. Therefore the biggest benefit from speed
controlled pumps can only be achieved in heating systems which have been com-
missioned with automatic balancing solutions and are equipped with pre-setting
radiator thermostats to prevent any overflow.
qv qv qv
Costant speed Costant pressure control Proportional pressure control
With this setting we are able to use a modern speed controlled pump like an old con-
ventional pump. This setting is not recommended because it will provide increasingly
high differential pressure during decreasing partial load conditions. This results in un-
necessary energy consumption, increased risk of rushing sounds and gives no benefit.
Constant-pressure control (recommended)
N S This setting ensures that the pump head creates no more differential pressure than
necessary for the most unfavorable situated radiator in the system. By setting the
maximum needed differential pressure for the system you’ll create a more efficient
way of water circulation and assure the right conditions for the system at all times.
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
5.4 Ensure correct commissioning The procedure for commissioning heating systems that are equipped with an
automatic balancing solution requires less work, less measurement operations and
fewer calculations. The pre-setting of the radiator valves can easily be prepared and
documented beforehand of the installation on the basis of the capacity of each
radiator corresponding with the calculated heat loss per room. With the details
provided in time the valves can be set to the required settings immediately after
the system has been flushed to prevent dirt remains behind inside the valves.
When differential pressure controllers per riser are used (referring to automatic bal-
ancing method 1), a Δp setting of 10 kPa meets the characteristics of many heating
systems. In some systems the required differential pressure is higher. In these cases
it is important to maintain a controlled setting below 25 kPa to prevent noise issues
and inaccurate functioning of the radiator valves.
Also in case radiator valves with integrated pressure controllers are used (referring
to balancing method 2) a Δp of 10 kPa meets the characteristics of many heating
systems. These valves can mostly be used up to higher differential pressures before
noise issues will occur though.
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
5.5 Perform a pump optimization Once you know the system is commissioned correctly, you can even try to lower
pump head pressure settings step by step and see if the required differential pres-
sure remains available. Doing so you’re optimizing the pump setting and by that
reduce its use of electricity. Systems operating with an optimized pump setting are
not just more energy efficient, they are typically more reliable as well. Before per-
forming pump optimization an index riser needs to be identified. The index riser
is in most cases the one that is most distant from the pump and thereby suffering
most from pressure losses in pipes. Next, during pump optimization the system
needs to run at full design flow. This can e.g. be achieved by lowering the flow
temperature which triggers the radiator sensors to fully open the valves.
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
5.6 Ensure high water quality The lifespan of heat exchangers, control valves and circulation pumps is very
much influenced by water quality. Heating systems having a good water quality
will benefit from minimal corrosion, chalk buildup, and bacterial growth. To avoid
damages to the heating system components the water or water mixture should
be in accordance with EN 14868 and German VDI 2035 standards. Some countries
have defined other standards which have to followed as well. For planned heating
system renovations a thorough analysis of water samples is recommended. With
the result of the analysis an overall solution by using the best possible combination
of automatic air vents, dirt separators etc. must be realized.
5.7 Ensure a de-aired system De-airing is another necessary step that ensures reliable and complaint free opera-
tion. For example, gurgling sounds are often caused by air in the system. There are
several factors that are important for proper de-airing of heating system:
• Use a closed expansion vessel. If an open expansion vessel is used there is a
high chance that air will continuously enter the water and thus be permanently
supplied to the system, resulting in an increasing risk of corrosion.
• De-air by using hot water. Water at higher temperature dissolves less air. Thus, if
de-airing is done only with cold water, air that was dissolved gets released again
at working temperature.
• Avoid that the pump is working. If de-airing is performed while the pump is
working it is less likely all the air will reach the highest points of the piping sys-
tem. Therefor it is less likely all the air will be removed.
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
6. Products In the previous two chapters you could read what and how to master in order to
create high quality and energy efficient two-pipe heating systems. In this chapter
you can find first-hand information and links to more detailed information about
the products available to establish such systems.
6.1 Automatic balancing valves These valves control the Δp on riser level as shown in the method 1 option. They
consist of two individual products or can be bundled into a set.
Typically they contain a differential pressure controller mounted in the return pipe of
the riser. This controller is set to the required differential pressure in the riser and the
connected radiators. It eliminates the pressure fluctuations in the built-in pressure
controller. Via an impulse tube they are connected with a partner valve, mounted in
the supply pipe of the riser. Although mostly not required, the partner valve can be
used to limit the maximum riser flow.
6.2 Thermostatic radiator valves These valves control the required flow through a radiator in the method 1 option.
To be able to set the required Kv value a version with pre-setting feature is required.
Each radiator valve is pre-set to its required value. In combination with the riser
mounted automatic balancing valves the entire system is hydronically balanced.
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
6.3 Pressure independent These valves control the qv on radiator level as shown in the method 2 option. They
radiator valves contain a built-in differential pressure controller as well as a flow limitation feature.
By correctly commissioning all radiator valves in the system to their design flow, the
entire system will automatically be balanced.
6.4 Thermostatic sensors Thermostatic sensors are installed on either pre-setting thermostatic radiator valves
(method 1) or pressure independent valves (method 2). The room temperature is
automatically controlled as the radiators will be provided with less or more heated
water depending the set and measured room temperature. Residents can deter-
mine their preferred temperature in each different room of their apartment.
6.5 Electronic sensors These are an alternative for the thermostatic sensors. Time schedules with differ-
ent room temperatures depending the time of the day can be selected or pro-
grammed. This offers the residents extra comfort and energy savings.
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
6.6 Speed controlled pumps Speed controlled pumps provide the best conditions for a hydronic balanced sys-
tem in both method 1 and 2. They constantly adapt the pump head capacity and
flow to the actual heating system condition which optimizes the systems efficiency,
improves the overall performance of the valves and minimizes the electricity costs.
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
7. Energy saving expectations After a heating system has been renovated or created according to the described
guidelines, in ideal circumstances up to 50% energy savings can be achieved.
7.1 Electric energy In heating systems most of the energy used is for primary energy production, be-
ing the heat from a boiler, district heating network or the alike. Systems having a
poor hydronic balance result in significant over pumping, causing the pump to use
more electric energy as would be needed in a hydronic balanced system. On aver-
age the pump energy consumption is about 6% of the total energy. In an optimal
heating system though, a speed controlled pump reduces the average pump
energy to a total of only 3%.
3% 6%
97% 94%
7.2 Investment and payback time From investment point of view, it is interesting to consider payback time, in cor-
respondence to type of renovation:
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Creating energy efficient heating systems
8. Conclusion Achieving energy efficient and complaint free heating systems in buildings can be
a challenge. Experience learns that in many buildings/systems a hydronic balance
is not established. Hydronic imbalances are the root cause for high energy bills and
resident complaints about the heating system.
© Danfoss | 2015.10 | 23
Case studies
To support the whitepaper with practical cases we collected a few case study
documents for inspiration. You can click on the below mentioned studies to open
a case story PDF document.
Case story
Case story | Dynamic ValveTM
Energy saving Case story | Dynamic Valve™ field test
7 year
tecture and advanced technological solutions, the Sky Tower meets The field test was carried out during the heating season
both the highest aesthetic and technical standards to create the New standards for indoor climate and energy efficiency of 2013-14.
perfect contemporary office building. The vision of the building owner Raiffeisen was to create a unique
pay-back period
building with the most advanced technical solutions to provide a and the comfort
Fine architecture and pleasant indoor climate are not the only pleasant and healthy indoor climate for the people working in the of a well-balanced
heating system.
advantages of the Bucharest beauty. Hidden in the structures and building while at the same time to save energy and protect the
installations is a highly energy efficient heating and cooling system environment.
fulfilling and even surpassing the requirements of the EU Building
Performance Energy Directive.
37floors 7
balanced to perfection
by automatic balancing
valves from Danfoss
This whitepaper is prepared for you by heating specialists from Danfoss A/S and
Grundfos A/S. Both are Danish companies with a long history in developing high
quality products and solutions that achieve energy efficiency and increased comfort
in heating systems. We hope the content in this whitepaper is supporting everybody
involved in designing, commissioning and servicing two-pipe heating systems. In case
you have any questions or comments about this whitepaper or the products and solu-
tions mentioned feel free to contact your local Danfoss or Grundfos sales office.