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2020 학년도 1 학년 2 학기 1 차 ∥ 화성고 1 영어시 전선생의 영/어/시/험 고수되

1. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [3.5 점]1) 3. [3.7 점]3)

What can be the prominent feature that defines the For a long time, from antiquity to the eighteens
human kind and tells it apart from other beings? Great century, many people in many countries accepted
thinkers of history are those who tried to answer this slavery as just another economic arrangement. But in
question in their own ways. One example is the Greek the eighteen and nineteen centuries, some people in
philosopher Aristotle, who thought life was defined by Europe and America attacked the immorality and injustice
movement. What has speed and mobility has more of slavery, and finally began to convince their countrymen
possibilities, more life. Aristotle saw it is the fluidity of that the old convention should be brought to an end.
human mind – the source of creativity – that is the essence Afterwards, slowly, one by one, countries like Great
in any human life. Another Greek thinker Pythagoras saw Bratain, France, and the United States stopped
mathematics as nothing less than a way of life. importing slaves, which led to the quick decline of the
Pythagoras thought that all existing objects and the Atlantic slave trade. This was followed later by the
entire cosmos constituted some vast and glorious abolition of slavery itself. By the mid-1800s most of the
musical scale. The Pythagoreans thus became the first to Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America had
understand the world not via religion or observation, abolished slavery. After the long and bloody Civil War,
but through imagination on pattern over matter, which the United States abolished slavery in 1866.
they regarded as a unique human ability based on human
intellect. Besides, a contemporary psychologist, Carl ① people should not trade people
Jung, believed it was important to study dreams and
② legal systems need to be improved
mythology to learn about the human experience. Jung
③ Europe and America should help slaves
believed unconscious instincts had governed our behavior
long before civilization papered over and obscured them ④ radical changes can bring about side effect
and thus we can best understand what makes us uniquely ⑤ the economic effect of slavery should be concerned
human by uncovering the workings of the unconscious.

① profound questions raised by great thinkers

② different views on the essence of the human being
③ historical advancement in uncovering the human nature [4-5]. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥에 맞는 말로
④ how humans can be best understood through their 가 장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
unconsciousness 4. [3.8 점]4)
⑤ how Greeks and contemporaries were similar and When a child breaks a rule, parents have an obligation
different in their views on human nature to impose some form of (A)[compliment / discipline].
This gets the child’s attention and says, “See, we were
telling you the truth.” Consistency, therefore, is a
demonstration of (B)[reliability / generosity]. The more
[2-3]. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분이 의미하는 바로 가장
children feel they can rely on – believe in – his parents,
적 절한 것을 고르시오 the more secure they feel. If, however, the child breaks a
2. [3.6 점]2) stated rule and instead of enforcing, parents threaten or
Homelessness continues to be a major problem, even talk themselves blue in the face or get excited but
in the wealthiest countries. It is a problem that society don’t do anything, the child is forced to test the rule,
simply must solve, but many cities are fighting a losing again and again and again. Testing of this sort spins the
battle in trying to do so. Some city fathers try to sweep child’s wheels. It wastes time and energy that the
the problem under the carpet, although they are well aware child could otherwise be spending in creative,
of the extent of the problem. They think that people constructive, growth-producing activities. Because (C)
sleeping in the city center will make their city less [consistency / inconsistency] frees children from the
likely to attract tourists. Some city councils have even burden of having to repeat the testing of rules, it
tried to stop holeless people from making homes out of helps children become all they are capable of becoming.
cardboard boxes, newspapers, and old coats in their
districts. Such action, of course, in no way makes the (A) (B) (C)
homeless situation less severe. It simply drives it to other ① compliment reliability consistency
parts of the city, where the problem might be less obvious ② compliment generosity inconsistency
to sime people.
③ discipline reliability inconsistency
④ discipline generosity inconsistency
① clean up the problem
⑤ discipline reliability consistency
② cover up the problem
③ think creatively for the problem
④ make the problem open to the public
⑤ dig into the background of the problem

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2019 1 학기 1차 ∥ 화성고 1 영어시험 ∥ 수능만만 기본 어법어휘 전선생의 영/어/시/험 고수되
5. [3.8 점]5) [7-8]. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법에 맞는 말로
When powerful people work together, they come to 가 장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
have (A)[biased / impartial]. They determine whether 7. [4 점]7)
prices rise or fall by their control of the financial
The stress of labor may be beneficial for babies.
system, money supply, and markets. And in turn they
Much like an adult, a bay responds to the stress of
make money in whichever way markets change. They
labor. During birth, compression of the baby’s head
determine what our rights are and which laws have
triggers a rise in hormones. But the baby’s body reacts
effect, by appointing judges. They decide who our
to the stress very differently from the way an adult’s
highest officials shall be by making arrangements among
(A)[does / is]. Whereas stress increases an adult’s heart
themselves and then selling candidates to us via the
rate and enhances blood flow to the muscles, it has the
media which they own, (B)[admiring / dismissing] the
opposite effect on a young baby, decreasing their heart
others they don’t like. Important issues and facts are
rate, slowing breathing activity, and even (B)[paralyze /
omitted from discussion in the press. Or, they are (C)
paralyzing] certain movements. These changes help the
[clarified / distorted] to suit their goals. It is next to
baby conserve energy and oxygen during the birth and
impossible to make true democracy when so much power
preserve blood flow only to the most important tissue,
is concentrated in so few hands.
the brain. Babies who undergo severe oxygen
deprivation (C)[experience / experiences] increases in
(A) (B) (C) hormine levels, which helps them further compensate for
① biased admiring clarified their potentially dangerous situation.
② impartial admiring distorted
③ biased dismissing distorted (A) (B) (C)
④ impartial dismissing distorted ① does paralyze experience
⑤ impartial dismissing clarified ② is paralyze experiences
③ does paralyzing experience
④ is paralyzing experiences
⑤ does paralyzing experiences

6. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이

적 절하지 않은 것은? [3.9 점]6)
8. [4 점]8)
Although no one is exactly sure how the brain learns,
While European artists had developed a tradition
the most common theory is that it needs consolidation
of working in a realistic style, other cultures had a
time to learn a new task well. Memory consolidation is
long tradition of abstract art forms. For example, some
the process where our brains ①convert short-term
Native American artists still work in an abstract style.
memories into long-term ones. Short-term memory
Navajo Indian artists make abstract paintings (A)[which /
tends to be quite
where] don’t use oil paints, watercolors, or any kind
②unlimited in terms of duration and capacity. The
of wet materials. Their artworks are (B)[called /
human brain can only store short-term memories for
calling] sand paintings because the artist’s materials are
about 30 seconds, so if you are ever going to
crushed charcoal, crushed rocks, and sand. The artist
remember anything, important information has to be
makes a sand painting by pouring these materials onto the
moved into long-term memory. When you first learn a
ground according to one of hundreds of traditional
new task, whether it is how to balance on a board or
designs. It is a delicate task to make this kind of
how to do a new math problem, the information is
artwork because, as you can imagine, once the materials
stored ③temporarily as an electrical code within the
(C)[to be / are] poured it is very hard to correct any
brain. This electrical code is not stable, which means
that you will quickly lose the information when you stop
doing the task. However, if the task is practiced over a
long time, the electrical code is changed and stored in a (A) (B) (C)
more ④permanent, stable chemical code. Memory stored as ① which called to be
a chemical is remembered better in the long term, so you ② which called are
perform the task ⑤better the next time you try it. ③ where calling to be
④ which calling to be
⑤ where calling are

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2020 2 학기 1 차 ∥ 화성고 1 영어시험 ∥ 2010-10-20 전선생의 영/어/시/험 고수되
9. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법이 적절하지 않 at work, micromanagement multiplies a normal level of
은 것을 고르시오. [4 점]9) stress by every action an employee undertakes. An
employee has to worry about whether every choice
In recent years, the number of cities competing to
they make is right during the course of the day. That
host the Olympic Games ①has been increasing. Cities
kind of anxiety builds up quickly and has serious
and their politicians and business people realize that
physical consequences. Risk-taking and innovation are
hosting the Games offers many advantages. Actually,
impossible under the close watch of a judgemental
it promotes tourism, boosts the economy, and helps the
boss. Besides, because they are micro-thinkers, they are
host city ②to improve sports facilities, which will be of
only interested in short-term objectives and have no
advantage to the athletes of the country. In addition,
interest in your long-term objectives, like your
the national athletes won’t have a hard time ③adjusting
promotional ambitions. If you work for one, you will find
to a new environment while comepeting in the Games,
it difficult to get them to focus on any of your long-
leading to a good record. A former mayor of Vancouver
term goals. Although they won't stand in your way if
called the Games “a two billion dollar golden egg,” ④which
you have an opportunity to get promoted, they won’t
is a good description, as hosting the Olympics can create
offer you much help either. They are not well-versed in
long-term economic growth as well as fame. ⑤Selecting
operating or thinking in a long-term environment, so
to host the Games, the lucky city has seven years to
if you have long-term promotional objectives, don’t
prepare. Those seven years will bring big changes to the
expect much help from a micro-manager. But if you have
host city. And many of these changes will remain long
short-term objectives, they can help you.
after the Games have ended.

① Micro managers could be incompetent leaders.

② Excessive interference of managers could prevent
10. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절 innovation.
한 것은? [4 점]10) ③ You should not persuade your manager to have
In one study on people’s eating habit, when people long-term objectives.
ate alone, some ate very little, while others ate quite a ④ Your promotional ambitions don’t get easier to be
lot. realized with micro managers.
⑤ When it comes to long-term environment, micro
(A) This goes back to the power of norms. Large managers are not helpful.
groups create their own norms for pizza consumption. If
everyone else is eating three pieces of pizza and you
were going to eat just one, you might find yourself
nibbling on a second piece.
[12-13] 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기
에 가장 적절한 곳은?
(B) What was interesting was what those same people 12. [3.9 점]12)
did when eating with others. When eating in groups of But the delusion was what led him to document the
four or eight, light eaters ate more, and heavy eaters ate chaos of the twentieth century in art.

The real can lead to the surreal just as the surreal

(C) Likewise, if you would otherwise have eaten six,
can lead to the real. This is lost on most grounded
you might find yourself slowing down, showing a rare
individuals. It was not lost on a visionary like Pablo
display of restraint and eating only five. When you eat
Picasso. ( ① ) The Spanish artist painted way outside
with a group, the average amount others eat suggests
logic or conformity, which brought him much criticism in
the amount that’s appropriate for you to eat. The pace
his early years as most people thought he was just
subtly influences us.
deluded, misguided, or mistaken. ( ② ) Great artists,
whether in the literary arts or the visual arts, are
① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) basically philosophers with a talent for projecting on
③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) image of the world from a different perspective. (
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A) ③ ) The metaphors of Picasso’s Cubism and Surrealism
were philosophical message about the nihilism of a chaotic
world. ( ④ ) In Guernica he would document the horrible
destruction of his Spanish homeland by the Nazis. ( ⑤ )
11. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [4 점]11)
No matter what you think of Picasso’s artwork, he
Micro-managers are interested in knowing everything portrayed the destructive nature of man seeking power.
you’re doing relative to your current job. In many
cases, micromanagement is a symptom of weak
leadership. When supervisors are unsure of themselves
and their team, they inevitably try to maintain as much
control over the work output as they can. While
micromanagement might be common, that doesn’t mean
it should be accepted. For example, though a certain
level of stress is to be expected

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2020 2 학기 1 차 ∥ 화성고 1 영어시험 ∥ 2010-10-20 전선생의 영/어/시/험 고수되
13. [4 점]13) like thinking, planning, and holding a
As the water was absorbed, the wedges expanded, conversation.
breaking off workable chunks.
15. 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [4.1 점]15)
It is as tall as a 48-story-building and covers an ① think simply
area the size of ten football fields. Building the Great ② get works done
Pyramid was an enormous task that took about 20 years. ③ lack technical expertise
Thousands of craftspeople and laborers built this giant ④ want to show special knowledge
tomb. ( ① ) Every year, when the Nile River flooded ⑤ are willing to admit that their choice was wrong
the land for three months, the farmers could not grow
crops. They were sent to help the other workers
who were constructing the pyramid thoughout the year. [16-18] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을
( ② ) Ancient Egyptians cut stone into rough blocks 고 르시오.
by hammering stones to make holes, inserting wooden 16. [4.2 점]16)
wedges, then soaking these with water. ( ③ ) Once the
Oil in the ground is not the same thing as oil
blocks were cut, they were carried by boat either up or
flowing from a well. Conventional oil fields are vast
down the Nile River to the pyramid. ( ④ ) The workers
dragged 2.5 million stone blocks up a ramp, one at a time pressurized reservoirs. Tap into one that has never been
and placed the blocks one on top of the other. ( ⑤ ) The tapped before, and oil flows freely. Drill more wells, and
stones fit together so well that they did not need any oil keeps flowing at a rapid rate. As total production
cement to hold them in place! of a well rises,
*wedge:쐐기 . More
work is required for each additional barrel. Oil producers
drill yet more wells to try to increase the flow.
[14-15] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. They insert detergents to lower oil surface tension,
Complexity has taken over how we attempt to get allowing it flow more freely. They pump in high-
things done in organizations, communities and governments. pressure water or pressurized gas to force the oil out.
( ① ) We can’t seem to do anything in a simple way These techniques work. They increase the total amount
anymore. Making a decision, creating a plan, holding a of oil recoverable from a field. But each successive
meeting – all of these now involve complex processes. effort involves more labor, more energy, and more
A once-simple process, like a neighborly conversation, dollars spent on pulling oil out of the field. The result
has become a technique, an inter-generational, cross- is that each barrel pumped from an oil field is more
cultural dialogue. ( ② ) We become exhausted by expensive than the last.
these time-consuming processes and frustrated by the lack
of productive outcomes. As much as we’d like to leave
① oil flows out faster
behind the weakness we experience with these
② the quality of oil gets worse
processes, it’s really hard to follow the movement
toward complexity. As soon as a simple process ③ the well grows less productive
becomes a technique, it grows only more complex and ④ so does the pressure from the field
tougher. ( ③ ) Instead, we become keen students of ⑤ the relief of pressure causes more oil to leak
difficult methods.
In the presence of so many specialized techniques for 17. [4.2 점]17)
doing simple things, we’ve become suspicious of anything that
looks easy. And it’s especially those who We don’t exist unless there is someone who see
who act this way. I’ve seen myself pull back from us existing. What we say has no meaning until
simplicity more than once because I realized I wouldn’t be someone understands it. To be surrounded by friends is
needed any longer. These are useful moments that force constantly to have our identiy confirmed. Their knowledge
me to clarify what’s more important – my expert status or and care for us have the power to pull us from our
making sure the work gets done well. ( ④ ) There may numbness. Through small comments, many of them
be another reason why people hesitate to believe in simple teasing, they reveal they know our weaknesses and
solutions: it’s always hard to acknowledge that we’ve accept them and so, in turn, accept us for who we
wasted our time. If something’s so simple, why have we are. We can ask them “Isn’t this frightening?” or “Do
invested so much time and money in learning a complicated you have feel that...?” and
method? ( ⑤ ) We stay invested in what’s complicated just , rather than encounter the puzzled “No,
because it took so long to learn it. not particularly” - which can make us feel, even
when in company, as lonely as polar explorers.

14. 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가 ① be supported

장 적절한 곳은? [4.1 점]14) ② be misguided
We forget that we already know how to do simple ③ disclose our anonymity
things ④ be answered negatively
⑤ have our weaknesses revealed

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2020 2 학기 1 차 ∥ 화성고 1 영어시험 ∥ 2010-10-20 전선생의 영/어/시/험 고수되
18. [4.3 점]18) ③ (C): the number of lives to be saved looked smaller
It’s a difficult task to soothe your team aftr forced when seen as a relative portion of the total
redundancies. It’s a very, very difficult job. But you’ve ④ (D): depend on a complete, solid evidence
got to do something, right? First of all, you need to ⑤ (E): precaution
tackle the inevitable drop in morale that comes after
restructuring. People may be relieved to have evaded
the chop on this occasion, but they’ve still had a nasty 20. 다음 글에 대한 설명으로 옳은 것만을 <보기>에
shock, and will feel unsure about their future. Most
서 있는대로 고른 것은? [4.5 점]20)
likely there is a very good reason why they weren’t let
go, so you don’t want to lose them. Give them the Why should we hesitate to put everything up for sale?
opportunity to tell you about their feelings and fears. It is not about inequality and fairness. It is (A)because
Be flexible about reallocation of duties and take on of putting a price on the good things in life can (B)
board your staff’s comments: them. (C)Markets don’t only allocate goods they also
. One person may be eager to take on express and promote certain attitudes toward the
a job that another colleague wouldn’t want to touch goods being exchanged. Paying kids to read books might
with a bargepole, and it’s only by talking to your team get them to read more, but (D)they also teach them to
that you can help them to feel happier about their regard reading as a chore rather than a source of
situation. intrinsic satisfaction. Auctioning seats in the freshman
class to the highest bidders might raise revenue but
also (E) the integrity of the college and the value
① rebuild your company of its diploma. Hiring foreign soldiers to fight our wars
② find out their positive sides might spare the lives of our citizens but downgrade the
③ make them stick to the current job meaning of citizenship.
④ figure out what they’d like to do
⑤ persuade them not to be redundant
a. The underlined (A)because of is correct because it
is followed by the noun phrase “putting a price on the
good things in life”.
19. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 적절한 것을 모두 고르 b. A possible word for blank (B) is
면? [4.4 점]19)
c. The underlined statement (C) is supported by
Decision-making on matters concerning life and three examples.
safety requires much prudence, caution, and discretion. d. The underlined (D)they also teach must be changed
However, there are a few kinds of bias that (A ) into “it also teaches” because the pronoun subject
more life-saving decisions. One such bias is that we indicates “paying kids to read books”.
seem less sensitive to changes when the numbers get e. A possible word for blank (E) is
larger. Studies have shown that people think it’s more “degrade”.
important to save the same number of lives in a small
refugee camp than a large refugee camp: even though ten
lives is ten lives, they preferred (B) . This explains ① a, b ② a. b, e ③ b, c, d
why in the 1990s, the United States, managed to reduce ④ b, c, e ⑤ b, c, d, e
its road fatalities by a much smaller percent than the
United Kingdom though the United States Originally had a
larger number of total road fatalities. In this case, the 21. 다음 글에 대한 설명으로 옳은 것을 모두 고르
total road death toll failed to elicit the proportionate 면? [5.0 점]21)
amount of concern because (C)
In June 2019, Forrester Consulting published a
In addition, we have a strong preference to (D )
study (A)investigating how emotions impact
when it comes to important decisions. However,
customer decision-making. The study reveals that “rthe
absulute certainty is rarely on option in the area of
way customers think and feel predicts how they act”. This
environmental health. If we insist on waiting for it
crucial piece of information can help understand
before taking action, people will die and the environment
customers’ purchasing decisions. In their search on
will be damaged. To reduce the bias, the precautionary
customers’ behaviour, shoppers desire more fulfillment,
principle states that full scientific certainty should not
more happiness, more personal transformation, more
be required before taking action against threats of
self-actualization than material goods can provide. (B)
serious or irreversible harm. Following this principle,
at its most basic level retailers must make a store that
environmental health scientists make pronouncements
focuses on the shopping experience, which shoppers
about hazards and risks by weighing available,
turn to in their search for emotional satisfaction. Still,
although incomplete, evidence and preferring to err
the majority of retailers believe consumers make decisions
on the side of (E ) based on a rational analysis of the available
alternatives. (C) , multiple neuroscience studies
show emotions actually play vital a role in
① (A): facilitate decision-making. When confronted with a decision, we
② (B): saving ten lives in a two-hundred-person camp use previously established emotions to evaluate the
to saving ten lives in a fifty-person-camp options we

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2020 2 학기 1 차 ∥ 화성고 1 영어시험 ∥ 2010-10-20 전선생의 영/어/시/험 고수되
are considering. (D ) , creating a shopper- nebulae and galaxies.
friendly store, even more a store where shoppers can feel ④ ⓒthey were receding implies that the distant galaxies
that they are greately loved and respected, were retreating, resulting in the extension of the
becomes critically important. Everything about the universe they constitute.
store and the shopping experience needs to be designed
⑤ A possible phrase for blank ⓕ is “the duration and
from the customers’ point of view. It needs to be focused
speed of its expansion”.
exclusively and primarily on (E)satisfaction the shoppers’
personal desire.

① The underlined (A) should be corrected into

“investigated”. 23. 다음 글에 대한 설명으로 옳은 것만을 <보기>에
② A possible word for blank (B) is “That is why”. 서 있는 대로 고른 것은? [5 점] 23)
③ A possible word for blank (C) is “However”.
When it comes to healthy eating, polar bears break all
④ A possible word for blank (D) is “On the other hand”. the rules. they consume mostly fat, but they don’t get
⑤ The underlined (E) should be corrected into heart disease the way humans would. Scientists say
“satisfying”. that the reason lies in their genes: an evolutionary
adaptation has allowed polar bears to survive in the
Arctic and it all happened after the polar bear (A )
from its cousin the brown bear. According to the
scientists who compared the two animal’s genomes, the
22. 다음 글에 대한 설명으로 옳은 것을 모두 고르
면? divergence between polar and brown bears happened
from 600,000 to 5 million years ago. It happened
[5.0 점]22) during a warm interglacial period that encouraged
In ancient times, most observers saw the stars as brown bears to venture further north. Then, when
a sphere surrounding the earth and often the home of conditions cooled again, a group of brown bears may
deities. The Greeks ⓐwas the first to see celestial have become isolated and (B)forced to adjust to a
events as phenomena, subject to human investigation cold, snowy environment.
rather than the fickle whims of the Gods. One philosopher About half of the polar bear’s overall weight is made
and sky-watcher named Anaxagoras, for example, suggested up of fat, rather than muscle and bone. In contrast, a
that meteors are made of materials found on Earth and healthy human’s body fat percentage ranges between 8
might have even come from the Earth. Those early and 35 percent. In order to understand how they are
astronomers built the foundations of modern science. But able to cope with (C)that, the researchers compared the
they would be shocked to see the discoveries being made blood and tissue samples from 79 polar bears with
by ⓑtheir counterparts today. (D)that from 10 brown bears. They found that one of
Astronomer Edwin Hubble, along with his assistant the greatest differences was in the APOB gene, which
named Milt Humason, analyzed the light of fuzzy patches allows bad cholesterols to move from the blood into
of sky known then as nebulae. They showed that cells. Scientists say one day the polar bear’s digestive
these were actually distant galaxies located far beyond our secrets might help (E ) human health in an age of
own. Hubble and Humason discovered that most of them increasing obesity.
are moving away from us. The farther out they looked, the
faster ⓒthey were receding. This fact, now known as
Hubble’s law, suggests that there must have been a time
when the matter in all these galaxies was together in one A. A possible word for blank (A) is
place. “diverged”.
Everything that astronomers saw in their B. The underlined (B)forced is correct because it
increasingly large telescopes ⓓis dated back to a singular is connected to “may have”.
beginning, now called the Big Bang. How large the cosmos C. The underlined (C)that indicates “about half of the
has gotten since then ⓔdepends on ( ⓕ ). Recent polar bear’s overall weight is made up of fat,
precision measurements gathered by the Hubble space rather than muscle and bone”.
telescope and other instruments have brought a consensus D. The underlined (D)that is correct because it agrees
that the universe dates back 13.7 billion years. Its radius, with what it refers to in number.
then, is the distance a beam of light would have traveled E. A possible word for blank (E) is
in that time: 13.7 billion light years. That works out to “enhance”.
about 1.3 quadrillion kilometers. ① A, B ② B, C ③A, C, E
④ B, C, D ⑤ B, C, D, E
① The given text is about the historical progress in our
understanding of the universe, especially about its
② For each of ⓐwas, ⓓis, and ⓔdepends, “were”, “are”
and “depend” are grammatically correct because the
subjects for each verb are plural.
③ ⓑtheir counterparts refer to the newly

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2020 2 학기 1 차 ∥ 화성고 1 영어시험 ∥ 2010-10-20 전선생의 영/어/시/험 고수되

24. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임

이 적절하지 않은 것을 모두 고르면? [5 점] 24)
Industrial capitalism not only created work, it also
created leisure in the modern sense of the term. This
might seem surprising, for the early cotton masters wanted
to keep their machinery running as long as possible
and forced their employees to work very long hours.
However, by requiring continuous work during work hours
and ruling out non-work activity, leisure and work had
been integrated. Some did this quite explicitly by
creating distinct holiday periods, when factories were
shut down, because it was better to do this than have
work stopped by the casual taking of days off. Leisure
as a distinct non-work time, whether in the form of the
holiday, weekend, or evening, was a result of the
disciplined and bounded work time created by
capitalist production. Workers then wanted more leisure
and leisure time was secured by union campaigns, which
first started in the cotton industry, and eventually new
laws were passed that limited the hours of work and
gave workers holiday entitlements.
Leisure was also the creation of capitalism in
another sense, through the public service of leisure. This
no longer meant participation in traditional sports and
pastimes. Workers began to pay for leisure activities
organized by capitalist enterprises. Mass travel to
spectator sports, especially football and horse-racing,
where people could be charged for entry, was now
possible. The importance of this can hardly be
exaggerated, for whole new industries were emerging to
exploit and develop the leisure market, which was to
become a huge source of consumer demand,
employment, and profit.


본 시험지의 저작권은 화성고등학교에 있으므로, 무단

복 제 및 전재, 배포를 금합니다.

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2020 2 학기 1 차 ∥ 화성고 1 영어시험 ∥ 2010-10-20 전선생의 영/어/시/험 고수되

2020 1 학년 2 학기 1 차 [정답]

1) ②
2) ②
3) ①
4) ⑤
5) ③
6) ②
7) ③
8) ②
9) ⑤
10) ②
11) ③
12) ②
13) ③
14) ③
15) ④
16) ③
17) ①
18) ④
19) ③, ④. ⑤
20) ⑤
21) ②, ③, ⑤
22) ①, ④, ⑤
23) ③
24) ①, ④

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