IRAT GIT W3 Answered

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S4 GIT FALL 21-22

Formative Exam
Wednesday 9/3/2022

1. The midgut will give rise to the following, except:

a. Jejunum and ileum
b. Caecum and appendix
c. Ascending colon.
d. Left one third of transverse colon
e. Duodenum below the orifice of common bile duct

2. The lower 1/2 of the anal canal is characterized by the

followings, except:
a. It is endodermal in origin
b. Its venous drainage is by systemic circulation
c. Its lymph drainage is by superficial inguinal L.N.
d. Its arterial supply is by the inferior rectal artery
e. It is lined by stratified squamous epithelium

3. Control of enzymatic pancreatic secretion is mainly
a. Gastrin hormone.
b. Local stimuli.
c. Unconditioned reflexes.
d. Cholecystokinin (CCK) hormone.

4. The main duct of the pancreas is lined by:

a. Simple cubical epithelium.
b. Simple columnar epithelium with goblet cells.
c. Pseudo stratified columnar.
d. Stratified columnar epithelium.
e. Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.

5. The exocrine part of the pancreas:

a. Secrets insulin.
b. Secrets somatostatin.
c. Secrets gastrin.
d. Secrets glucagon.
e. Helps in digestion

6. The following antigen marker is the first antigen to
appear and last to disappear in Hepatitis B virus
(HBV) infection:
a. HBsAg
b. HBcAg.
c. HBeAg
d. Anti core IgG
e. Anti- HBe antibody.

7. The majority of cases of this virus (99%) recover

completely, a few cases experience permanent liver
damage, although convalescence may be prolonged,
there is no chronic form of the disease and no
oncogenic potential:

a. Hepatitis B virus
b. Hepatitis C virus
c. Hepatitis A virus
d. Hepatitis E virus
e. Hepatitis Delta virus

8. Which of the following drugs used for chronic viral
hepatitis B may cause pancreatitis?
a. Entecavir
b. Tenofovir
c. Adefovir dipivoxil
d. Lamivudine
e. Interferon

9. Which of the following drugs inhibit NS3/NS4A

a. Ribavirin
b. Interferon
c. Grazoprevir
d. Elbasvir
e. Sofosbuvir

10. Examination of stool in a case of diarrhea reveals

the presence of icosehadral virus with cup-like
depression on capsid surface suggesting of:
a. Norwalk virus
b. Echovirus
c. Rota virus
d. Polio virus
e. Adenovirus

11. Which type of reaction is conversion of
norepinephrine to epinephrine?
A. Transamination
B. Decarboxylation
C. Transmethylation.
D. Phosphorylation
E. Deamination

12. Phenylketonuria results due to the absence of the


A. Phenylalanine oxidase
B. Phenylalanine hydroxylase.
C. Phenylalanine transaminase
D. Phenylalanine oxygenase
E. Phenylalanine carboxylase

13. One of the following is NOT synthesized from

A. Melanin
B. Serotonin.
C. Dopamine
D. Epinephrine
E. Thyroxine

14. In alkaptonuria, which one of the following
accumulates abnormally in the urine?

A. Phenylalanine
B. Acetoacetate
C. Homogentisate.
D. Fumarate
E. Pyruvate

15. The disease exists in short-term (acute) and long-

term (chronic) forms. How long does acute hepatitis

A. Less than 6 months

B. Less than 3 months
C. About 6 weeks
D. 1 month
E. More than 6 months

16. A 15-year-old boy from Ghana has the acute onset of right
upper quadrant abdominal pain. Abdominal ultrasound reveals a
dilated gallbladder with thickened wall and filled with calculi. A
laparoscopic cholecystectomy is performed. The gallbladder is
opened to reveal ten multifaceted 0.5 to 1 cm diameter dark,
greenish-black gallstones. Which of the following underlying
conditions does this boy most likely have?
A. Sickle cell anemia
B. Crohn disease
C. Hypercholesterolemia
D. Hyperparathyroidism
E. Primary biliary cholangitis

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