Class 9 2023 24

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Class - IX ENGLISH - II (Literature)


ENGLISH - I (Language)
Book : Drama : "Julius Caesar"
-William Shakespeare
Book : Total English (IX) Morning Star
Act : 1 - All the Scenes
Book : Poetry : Treasure Chest
1. The Night Mail - W.H. Auden
Unit Test - I :
1. Notice Writing 2. Skimbleshanks - The Railway Cat

2. E-Mail Writing - T.S. Eliot

3. I Remember I Remember - Thomas Hood
# [1]

3. Total English (Unit 1 to 4)

20.03.2324.03.23 (3rd Proof)

4. Speaking & Listening Skills Book : Prose : Treasure Chest

22.03.23 (2nd Proof)
20.03.23 (1st Proof)

Unit Test - II : 1. Bonku Babu's Friend - Satyajit Ray

1. Letter Writing (Formal & Informal) 2. Oliver asks for More - Charles Dickens
2. Total English (Unit 5 to 8) 3. The Model Millionaire - Oscar Wilde

SECOND TERM : UNITS 9 to 15 Unit Test - I :

1. Julius Caesar Act I (Scene I)
31.03.23 (5th Proof)
25.03.23 (4th Proof)

Unit Test - III :

2. The Night Mail
1. Composition Writing
3. Bonku Babu's Friend
2. Total English (Unit 9 to 12)

Unit Test - IV : Unit Test - II :

1. Julius Caesar Act I (Scene II)
1. Total English (Unit 13 to 15)
2. Oliver asks for More
Note : Annual Examination will include the entire 3. Skimbleshanks
syllabus of Class IX.

SYLLABI : 2023-24 1 Class - IX SYLLABI : 2023-24 2 Class - IX

SECOND TERM meeefnlÙe meeiej (keâefJelee) :
Book : Drama : “Julius Caesar”-William Shakespeare
1. meeKeer
Act : II - All the Scenes

2. efieefjOej keâer kegâC[efueÙeeB

Book : Poetry : Treasure Chest
3. mJeie& yevee mekeâles nQ
1. A Doctor's Journal Entry - Vikram Seth
2. A Work of Artifice - Marge Piery Unit Test - I :
Book : Prose : Treasure Chest 1. yeele De"Veer keâer
1. Home Coming - R. N. Tagore
2. meeKeer
2. The Boy who broke the Bank - Ruskin Bond
3. mecemle JÙeekeâjCe - efJeueesce, heÙee&ÙeJeeÛeer, YeeJeJeeÛekeâ meb%ee,
Unit Test - III :
Jele&veer MegefækeâjCe Deeefo~
1. Julius Caesar (Act II Scene I)

Unit Test - II :

2. A Doctor's Journal Entry

Unit Test - IV :
1. keâekeâer
24.03.23 (3rd Proof)
22.03.23 (2nd Proof)
20.03.23 (1st Proof)

2. efieefjOej keâer kegâC[efueÙeeB

1. Julius Caesar (Act II Scene III)
2. Home Coming 3. mecemle JÙeekeâjCe (cegneJejs SJeb ueeskeâesefkeäleÙeeB, lelmece-leodYeJe

efnvoer efÉleerÙe me$e

31.03.23 (5th Proof)
25.03.23 (4th Proof)

ØeLece me$e hegmlekeâ : meeefnlÙe-meeiej (keâneveer)

hegmlekeâ : JÙeekeâjCe hegefmlekeâe (mejme efnvoer JÙeekeâjCe) 4. vesleepeer keâe ÛeMcee
meeefnlÙe-meeiej (keâneveer-keâefJelee) 5. Dehevee-Dehevee YeeiÙe
meeefnlÙe meeiej (keâneveer) : meeefnlÙe meeiej (keâefJelee) :
1. yeele De"Veer keâer 4. Jen pevceYetefce cesjer
2. keâekeâer
5. cesIe DeeS
3. ceneÙe%e keâe hegjmkeâej

SYLLABI : 2023-24 3 Class - IX SYLLABI : 2023-24 4 Class - IX

Unit - 3 : Algebra
Unit Test - III :
Ch. 3. Expansion
1. vesleepeer keâe ÛeMcee

Ch. 4. Factorization
2. Jen pevceYetefce cesjer Ch. 5. Simultaneous Linear Equations in two variables
3. mecemle JÙeekeâjCe - ØelÙeÙe, Ghemeie&, efJeueesce Deeefo mecemle Unit - 4 : Geometry
JÙeekeâjCe~ Ch. 8. Triangles
Unit Test - IV : Ch. 9. Mid-Point and intercept theorem
1. Dehevee-Dehevee YeeiÙe Ch. 10. Pythagoras Theorem

2. cesIe DeeS Unit - 6 : Mensuration

3. mecemle JÙeekeâjCe- JeekeäÙe MegefækeâjCe, JeekeäÙe heefjJele&ve, Ch. 16. Area of Plane Figures
Ch. 17. Circle-Circumference and area

efJeMes<eCe Deeefo

Unit - 8 : Co-Ordinate Geometry

veesš : mejme efnvoer JÙeekeâjCe mes efJeefYeVe Øekeâej kesâ efveyevOe uesKeve, Ch. 20. Co-ordinates & Graphs of Simultaneous
24.03.23 (3rd Proof)
22.03.23 (2nd Proof)
20.03.23 (1st Proof)

DeewheÛeeefjkeâ, DeveewheÛeeefjkeâ he$e uesKeve Je heÙee&ÙeJeeÛeer, efJeueesce, Linear Equations

lelmece, leodYeJe MegefækeâjCe kesâ DeYÙeeme keâjeÙes peeÙeWies leLee Unit Test - I :
ØeLece me$e kesâ hee"Ÿe›eâce Yeer efÉleerÙe me$e ceW meefcceefuele nQ~
Ch. 1. Rational and Irrational Numbers
Ch. 2. Compound Interest Ch. 3. Expansion
Unit Test - II :
31.03.23 (5th Proof)
25.03.23 (4th Proof)

Book : ICSE Mathematics - I S. Chand Ch. 4. Factorization

O.P. Malhotra, S.K. Gupta, Anubhuti Gangal Ch. 5. Simultaneous Linear Equations in two variables
Ch. 8. Triangles

Unit - 1 : Pure Mathematics SECOND TERM

Ch. 1. Rational and Irrational Numbers Unit - 3 : Algebra
Unit - 2 : Commercial Mathematics Ch. 6. Indices / Exponents
Ch. 2. Compound Interest Ch. 7. Logarithms
SYLLABI : 2023-24 5 Class - IX SYLLABI : 2023-24 6 Class - IX
Unit - 4 : Geometry PHYSICS
Ch. 11. Rectilinear Figures
Book : Concise Physics - Selina Publications

Ch. 12. Area-Theorems

Ch. 13. Circle FIRST TERM
1. Measurement and Experimentation
Unit - 5 : Statistics 2. Motion in one dimension
Ch. 14. Statistics, Introduction, Data and Frequency 3. Laws of Motion
7. Reflection of Light
8. Propagation of sound waves
Ch. 15. Mean, Median and Frequency polygon Unit Test - I :
1. Measurement and Experimentation
Unit - 6 : Mensuration
Unit Test - II :

Ch. 18. Surface Area and Volume of 3D Solids 2. Motion in one dimension

3. Laws of Motion
Unit - 7 : Trigonometry
24.03.23 (3rd Proof)
22.03.23 (2nd Proof)
20.03.23 (1st Proof)

Ch. 19. Trigonometrical Ratios SECOND TERM

4. Pressure in fluids and atmospheric pressure.
Unit Test - III :
5. Upthrust in fluids, Archimedes’ Principle and
Ch. 6. Indices / Exponents Floatation
Ch. 7. Logarithms 6. Heat and Energy
9. Current Electricity
31.03.23 (5th Proof)
25.03.23 (4th Proof)

Ch. 12. Area-Theorems

10. Magnetism
Unit Test - IV :
Unit Test - III :
Ch. 11. Rectilinear Figures 4. Pressure in Fluids and atmospheric pressure
Ch. 10. Trigonometrical Ratios 5. Upthrust in Fluids, Archimedes Principle
and Floatation
Ch. 13. Circle
Unit Test - IV :
Note : Annual Examination will include the entire Syllabus. 6. Heat and Energy
9. Current Electricity

SYLLABI : 2023-24 7 Class - IX SYLLABI : 2023-24 8 Class - IX

CHEMISTRY 7) Study of the First Element - Hydrogen :
(Excluding : Electrolysis of Water, Electronic
Book : ICSE CHEMISTRY - Allied Publication Concept of Oxidation and Reduction, Uses of

FIRST TERM 8) Atmospheric Pollution
1) The Language of Chemistry :
(Excluding : Partial Equation Method) Unit Test - III :
2) Study of Gas Laws : 1) Periodic Table
(Excluding : Graphical Representation of Laws) 2) The Language of Chemistry
3) Chemical Changes and Reactions :
Unit Test - IV :
(Excluding : Characteristics and Conditions for
1) Study of the First Element - Hydrogen
Chemical Reactions)
2) Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding

4) Water :

(Excluding : Solubility Curve, Dilute and

Concentrated Solution, Characteristics of True BIOLOGY
24.03.23 (3rd Proof)
22.03.23 (2nd Proof)
20.03.23 (1st Proof)

Solutions, Crystals and Crystallization,

Experimental Studies.)
Prescribed Book : Concise Biology
5) Atomic Structure :
(Excluding : Discovery of Electron, Proton and FIRST TERM
Neutron, Istopes of Cl, K, Cr, O)
1. The Cell : The Unit of Life
Unit Test - I :
31.03.23 (5th Proof)
25.03.23 (4th Proof)

2. Tissues : Plant and Animal Tissues

1) The Language of Chemistry 3. The Flower
Unit Test - II : 4. Pollination and Fertilisation
1) Study of Gas Laws 5. Seed - Structure and Germination
2) Chemical Changes and Reactions 6. Respiration in Plants
7. Five Kingdom Classification
SECOND TERM 8. Economic Importance of Bacteria and Fungi
6) The Periodic Table : 9. Hygiene - A Key to Healthy Life
(Excluding : Trends in Periodic Properties) 10. Diseases : Causes and Control

SYLLABI : 2023-24 9 Class - IX SYLLABI : 2023-24 10 Class - IX

1. The Cell

2. Tissues Plant and Animal Tissues Book : Total History & Civics - 9 (Morning Star)

Unit Test - II : FIRST TERM

1. The Flower
2. Pollination and Fertilisation
1) Our Constitution
2) Salient Features of the Constitution - I
1. Nutrition 3) Salient Features of the Constitution - II
2. Digestive System

3. Skeleton - Movement and Locomotion 1) The Harappan Civilization


4. Skin - The Jack of All Trades

2) The Vedic Period
24.03.23 (3rd Proof)
22.03.23 (2nd Proof)
20.03.23 (1st Proof)

5. Respiratory System
3) Jainism and Buddhism
6. Aids to Health
4) The Mauryan Empire
7. Health Organisations
5) The Sangam Age
8. Waste Generation
6) The Age of the Guptas
Unit Test - III :
31.03.23 (5th Proof)
25.03.23 (4th Proof)

7) Medieval India - The Cholas

1. Nutrition
2. Digestive System Unit Test - I :
Unit Test - IV : 1) The Harappan Civilisation
1. Skeleton - Movement and Locomotion 2) The Vedic Period
2. Skin - Jack of All Trades Unit Test - II :
Note : Annual Examination will include the entire 1) Our Constitution
syllabus. Follow the scope of syllabus strictly. 2) Salient Features of the Constitution - I

SYLLABI : 2023-24 11 Class - IX SYLLABI : 2023-24 12 Class - IX

Book : 1. Total Geography - 9

1) Elections (Morning Star Publication Volume 1)

2) Local Self Government - Rural 2. New Topographical Map (Marina Pub.)
3) Local Self Government - Urban FIRST TERM
HISTORY : Map of the World
1) Medieval India - The Delhi Sultanate 1. Oceans and Seas - Oceans of the World,
2) Medieval India - The Mughal Empire Caribbean Sea, North Sea, Black Sea, Caspian
Sea, Mediterranean Sea, South China Sea.
3) Medieval India - The Composite Culture
2. Gulfs - Gulf of Carpentaria, Gulf of Mexico,

4) The Modern Age in Europe - The Renaissance Gulf of Guinea, Persian Gulf.

5) The Modern Age in Europe - The Reformation 3. Straits & Bays - Strait of Mallacca, Bering Strait,
Hudson Bay, Strait of Gibraltor.
24.03.23 (3rd Proof)
22.03.23 (2nd Proof)
20.03.23 (1st Proof)

6) The Modern Age in Europe - The Industrial

Revolution 4. Rivers - Mississippi, Colorado, Amazon,
Paraguay, Nile, Zaire, Niger, Orange, Volga,
Unit Test - III : Danube, Ganga Murray-Darling, Hwang Ho,
Mekong, Irrawady, Tigris, Euphrates, Zambezi,
1) Elections Rhine, Yangtse-Kiang, Ob, Indus.
2) Local Self Government - Rural
31.03.23 (5th Proof)
25.03.23 (4th Proof)

Our World :
3) Local Self Government - Urban 1) Earth as a planet
Unit Test - IV : 2) Geographic grid - Latitude and Longitude
1) Medieval India - The Delhi Sultanate 3) Rotation and Revolution

2) Medieval India - The Mughal Empire Structure of the Earth :

4) Earth's Structure 5) Landforms of the Earth
3) Medieval India - The Composite Culture
6) Rocks 7) Volcanoes
Note : Annual Exams will cover the entire Syllabus. 8) Earthquakes 9) Weathering
10) Denudation 11)Hydrosphere

SYLLABI : 2023-24 13 Class - IX SYLLABI : 2023-24 14 Class - IX

17) Sources : Noise, Air, Soil, Radiation, Water
Unit Test - I :
18) Effects : On the environment and human health
1) Earth as a planet
19) Preventive Measures

2) Latitude and Longitude

20) Natural Regions of the World
Unit Test - II :
1) Earth's Structure 2) Landforms of the Earth Unit Test - III :
3) Map Work I Term 1) Composition and Structure of the Atmosphere
2) Insolation
Unit Test - IV :
Map of the World : 1) Pollutions
1. Mountains - Rockies, Andes, Appalachian, Alps, 2) Sources of Pollution
3) Map Work of the II Term

Himalayas, Pyrenees, Scandinavian Highlands,


Zagros, Drakensburg, Khingan, Caucasus, Atlas,

Urals, Great Dividing Range. Note : Annual examination will include the entire
24.03.23 (3rd Proof)
22.03.23 (2nd Proof)
20.03.23 (1st Proof)

2. Plateaus - Canadian Shield, Tibetan Plateau,
Brazillian Highlands, Iranian Plateau, Patagonian
Plateau Mangolian Plateau. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS
3. The Major Natural Regions of the World - Book :
Equatorial, Tropical Grasslands, Tropical Desert,
Tropical Monsoon, Mediterranean type, FIRST TERM
31.03.23 (5th Proof)
25.03.23 (4th Proof)

Temperate Grasslands, Taiga, Tundra. Ch. - 1 : Introduction to Object Oriented

Atmosphere : Programming Concept
12) Composition and Structure of the Atmosphere i) Principal of Object Oriented Programming
13) Insolation (Difference between Procedure Oriented
and Object Oriented)
14) Atmospheric Pressure and Winds
ii) Introduction to Java : Types of Java
15) Humidity
Program - Applets and Applications, Java
Pollutions : Compilation process, Java Source Code,
16) Types - Air, Water (fresh and marine) Soil, Byte Code, Object Code, Java Virtual
Radiation and Noise Machine (JVM), Feature of Java

SYLLABI : 2023-24 15 Class - IX SYLLABI : 2023-24 16 Class - IX

Ch. - 2 : Elementary Concept of Objects and SECOND TERM
Ch. - 6 : Mathematical Library Methods
Modelling entities and their behaviour by

Introduction to Package Java.lang (default),

Objects, Class is a specification for objects and Methods of Math Class
as object factory, Computation as message
passing / method call between objects, Class as Ch. - 8 : Iterative Construct in Java
user defined data type. Definition, Types of Looping statements, Entry
Controlled Loops (for, while), Exit Control Loop
Ch. - 3 : Values and Data Types
(do - while), Variation in Looping Statements
Character Set, ASCII Code, Unicode, Escape
and Jump Statements (break and continue)
Sequence Character, Tokens, Constant and
Variables, Type Conversion. Ch. - 9 : Nested for Loops
Ch. - 4 : Operators in Java Introduce nested Loops through some Simple
examples, Demonstrate break and Continue
Forms of Operators, Types of Operators,
statements with the help of nested loops.

Counters, Accumulator, Hierarchy of Operators,


Operator, dot (.) Operator. Ch. - 10 : Computing and Ethics

Ch. - 5 : Input in Java Ethical issues in Computing
24.03.23 (3rd Proof)
22.03.23 (2nd Proof)
20.03.23 (1st Proof)

Initialization, Parameter, Introduction to

Unit Test - III : 6) Mathematical Library Methods
Packages, Input using Scanner Class, Types of
Errors, Types of Comments. 8) Iterative Construct in Java
Ch. - 7 : Conditional Construct in Java Unit Test - IV : 9) Nested for Loops
Application of if — else if, if — else if ladder,
31.03.23 (5th Proof)
25.03.23 (4th Proof)

Switch — Case, default, break.

Unit Test - I :
1) Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Book : ICSE Commercial Application - (Part - I)
Concept by C.B. Gupta
3) Value and Data types
Unit Test - II :
I) Introduction to Commercial Organisation
4) Operators in Java 5) Input in Java
a) Economic & Non-Economic Activities
7) Conditional Construct in Java
b) Sole Proprietorship & Joint Hindu Family Business

SYLLABI : 2023-24 17 Class - IX SYLLABI : 2023-24 18 Class - IX

c) Partnership V) Nature & Terminology of Accounting
d) Joint Stock Companies a) Need ABD Relevance of Accounting

e) Co-operative Societies b) Basic understanding of Debit and Credit

f) Public Sector Enterprises c) Basic Accounting Terminology
II) Environmental Awareness d) Journals, Ledgers, Cash Book
a) Natural Resources
Unit Test - III :
b) Causes of Depletion of Resources
1) Departmentation and Types of Departments
c) Practices for Conservation of Resources
d) Sources of Pollution 2) Business Communication
Unit Test - IV :
Unit Test - I :
1) Need and Relevance of Accounting

a) Economic & Non-Economic Activities 2) Basic understanding of Debit and Credit


b) Sole Proprietorship & Joint Hindu Family

24.03.23 (3rd Proof)
22.03.23 (2nd Proof)
20.03.23 (1st Proof)

Business Note :
1. Annual Examination will include the entire Syllabus.
Unit Test - II :
2. Unit Test will be conducted as per the Individual School.
a) Partnership
b) Joint Stock Companies
31.03.23 (5th Proof)
25.03.23 (4th Proof)

III) Functions of a Commercial Organisation Book : Heart and Mind

a) Departmentation My Sixth Safety Workbook
b) Types of Departments

IV) Business Communication FIRST TERM : Lesson 1 to 7

a) Meaning of Communication SECOND TERM : Lesson 8 to 13

b) Ways of Communicating
c) Tools of Communication

SYLLABI : 2023-24 19 Class - IX SYLLABI : 2023-24 20 Class - IX

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