Idt Seminar

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Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a system that

monitors network traffic for suspicious activity and issues
alerts when such activity is discovered. It is a software
application that scans a network or a system for harmful activity
or policy breaching. Any malicious venture or violation is
normally reported either to an administrator or collected
centrally using a security information and event management
(SIEM) system. A SIEM system integrates outputs from multiple
sources and uses alarm filtering techniques to differentiate
malicious activity from false alarms.

Although intrusion detection systems monitor networks for

potentially malicious activity, they are also disposed to false
alarms. Hence, organizations need to fine-tune their IDS
products when they first install them. It means properly setting
up the intrusion detection systems to recognize what normal
traffic on the network looks like as compared to malicious

Intrusion prevention systems also monitor network packets

inbound the system to check the malicious activities involved in
it and at once sends the warning notifications.
Classification of Intrusion Detection System:
IDS are classified into 5 types:

1. Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS):

Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) are set up at a
planned point within the network to examine traffic from all
devices on the network. It performs an observation of
passing traffic on the entire subnet and matches the traffic
that is passed on the subnets to the collection of known
attacks. Once an attack is identified or abnormal behavior is
observed, the alert can be sent to the administrator. An
example of an NIDS is installing it on the subnet where
firewalls are located in order to see if someone is trying
crack the firewall.
2. Host Intrusion Detection System (HIDS):
Host intrusion detection systems (HIDS) run on
independent hosts or devices on the network. A HIDS
monitors the incoming and outgoing packets from the
device only and will alert the administrator if suspicious or
malicious activity is detected. It takes a snapshot of existing
system files and compares it with the previous snapshot. If
the analytical system files were edited or deleted, an alert is
sent to the administrator to investigate. An example of
HIDS usage can be seen on mission critical machines, which
are not expected to change their layout.
3. Protocol-based Intrusion Detection System (PIDS):
Protocol-based intrusion detection system (PIDS) comprises
of a system or agent that would consistently resides at the
front end of a server, controlling and interpreting the
protocol between a user/device and the server. It is trying to
secure the web server by regularly monitoring the HTTPS
protocol stream and accept the related HTTP protocol. As
HTTPS is un-encrypted and before instantly entering its
web presentation layer then this system would need to reside
in this interface, between to use the HTTPS.
4. Application Protocol-based Intrusion Detection
System (APIDS):
Application Protocol-based Intrusion Detection System
(APIDS) is a system or agent that generally resides within a
group of servers. It identifies the intrusions by monitoring
and interpreting the communication on application specific
protocols. For example, this would monitor the SQL
protocol explicit to the middleware as it transacts with the
database in the web server.
5. Hybrid Intrusion Detection System :
Hybrid intrusion detection system is made by the
combination of two or more approaches of the intrusion
detection system. In the hybrid intrusion detection system,
host agent or system data is combined with network
information to develop a complete view of the network
system. Hybrid intrusion detection system is more effective
in comparison to the other intrusion detection system.
Prelude is an example of Hybrid IDS.
Detection Method of IDS:

1. Signature-based Method:
Signature-based IDS detects the attacks on the basis of the
specific patterns such as number of bytes or number of 1’s or
number of 0’s in the network traffic. It also detects on the
basis of the already known malicious instruction sequence
that is used by the malware. The detected patterns in the
IDS are known as signatures.
Signature-based IDS can easily detect the attacks whose pattern
(signature) already exists in system but it is quite difficult to
detect the new malware attacks as their pattern (signature) is not
3. Anomaly-based Method:
Anomaly-based IDS was introduced to detect the unknown
malware attacks as new malware are developed rapidly. In
anomaly-based IDS there is use of machine learning to
create a trustful activity model and anything coming is
compared with that model and it is declared suspicious if it
is not found in model. Machine learning based method has
a better generalized property in comparison to
signature-based IDS as these models can be trained
according to the applications and hardware configurations.
Comparison of IDS with Firewalls:
IDS and firewall both are related to the network security but an
IDS differs from a firewall as a firewall looks outwardly for
intrusions in order to stop them from happening. Firewalls
restrict access between networks to prevent intrusion and if an
attack is from inside the network it don’t signal. An IDS
describes a suspected intrusion once it has happened and then
signals an alarm.
What is the function of an intrusion detection system
on a network?

Intrusion detection is a passive technology; it detects and

acknowledges a problem but interrupt the flow of network traffic,
Novak said. “As mentioned, the purpose is to find and alert on
noteworthy traffic. An alert informs the IDS analyst that some
interesting traffic has been observed. But it is after-the-fact
because the traffic is not blocked or stopped in any way from
reaching its destination.”

Compare that to firewalls that block out known malware and

intrusion prevention system (IPS) technology, which as the name
describes, also blocks malicious traffic.

Although an IDS doesn’t stop malware, cybersecurity experts

said the technology still has a place in the modern enterprise.

“The functionality of what it does is still critically important,”

said Eric Hanselman, chief analyst with 451 Research. “The IDS
piece itself is still relevant because at its core it’s detecting an
active attack.”

However, cybersecurity experts said organizations usually don’t

buy and implement IDS as a standalone solution as they once
did. Rather, they buy a suite of security capabilities or a security
platform that has intrusion detection as one of many built-in

Rob Clyde, board of directors vice chair ISACA, an association

for IT governance professionals, and executive chair for the
board at White Cloud Security Inc., agreed that intrusion
detection is still a critical capability. But he said companies need
to understand that an intrusion detection system requires
maintenance and consider whether, and how, they’ll support an
IDS if they opt for it.

“Once you’ve gone down the path to say we’re going to keep
track of what’s going on in our environment, you need someone
to respond to alerts and incidents. Otherwise, why bother?” he

Given the work an IDS takes, he said smaller companies should

have the capability but only as part of a larger suite of functions
so they’re not managing the IDS in addition to other standalone
solutions. They should also consider working with a managed
security service provider for their overall security requirements,
as the provider due to scale can more efficiently respond to alerts.
“They’ll use machine learning or maybe AI and human effort to
alert your staff to an incident or intrusion you truly have to
worry about,” he said.

“And at mid-size and larger companies, where you really need

to know if someone is inside the network, you do want to have
the additional layer, or additional layers, than just what’s built
into your firewall,” he said.

3 challenges of managing an IDS

Intrusion detection systems do have several recognized

management challenges that may be more work than an
organization is willing or able to take on.

False positives (i.e., generating alerts when there is no real

problem). “IDSs are notorious for generating false positives,”
Rexroad said, adding that alerts are generally are sent to a
secondary analysis platform to help contend with this challenge.

This challenge also puts pressure on IT teams to continually

update their IDSs with the right information to detect legitimate
threats and to distinguish those real threats from allowable
traffic. It’s no small task, experts said.
“IDS systems must be tuned by IT administrators to analyze the
proper context and reduce false-positives. For example, there is
little benefit to analyzing and providing alerts on internet
activity for a server that is protected against known attacks. This
would generate thousands of irrelevant alarms at the expense of
raising meaningful alarms. Similarly, there are circumstances
where perfectly valid activities may generate false alarms simply
as a matter of probability,” Rexroad said, noting that
organizations often opt for a secondary analysis platform, such
as a Security Incident & Event Management (SIEM) platform,
to help with investigating alerts.

Staffing. Given the requirement for understanding context, an

enterprise has to be ready to make any IDS fit its own unique
needs, experts advised.

“What this means is that an IDS cannot be a one-size-fits all

configuration to operate accurately and effectively. And, this
requires a savvy IDS analyst to tailor the IDS for the interests
and needs of a given site. And, knowledgeable trained system
analysts are scarce,” Novak added.
Missing a legitimate risk. “The trick with IDS is that you
have to know what the attack is to be able to identify it. The IDS
has always had the patient zero problem: You have to have
found someone who got sick and died before you can identify it,”
Hanselman said.

IDS technology can also have trouble detecting malware with

encrypted traffic, experts said. Additionally, the speed and
distributed nature of incoming traffic can limit the effectiveness
of an intrusion detection system in an enterprise.

“You might have an IDS that can handle 100 megabits of traffic
but you might have 200 megabits coming at it or traffic gets
distributed, so your IDS only sees one out of every three or four
packets,” Hanselman said.

The future of intrusion detection systems

Hanselman said those limitations still don’t invalidate the value

of an IDS as a function.

“No security tool is perfect. Different products have different

blind spots, so the challenge is knowing those blind spots,” he
explained. “I continue to think that IDS will be with us for a
long time to come. There’s still that basic value in being able to
identify specific hostile traffic on the wire.”

However, experts said this has some organizations rethinking the

need for an IDS – even though today implementing the
technology remains a security best practice.

“This tuning and analysis requires a significant amount of effort

based on the number of alerts received. An organization may
not have the resources to manage all devices in this capacity.
Other organizations may conduct a more comprehensive threat
assessment and decide not to implement IDS devices,” Rexroad
said, adding that the high number of IDS false positives have
some organizations opting against implementing IPSs as well for
fear of blocking legitimate business transactions.

He said other organizations may decide to focus on more

advanced protections at the internet gateway or use flow analysis
from network devices in conjunction with log analysis from
systems and applications to identify suspect events instead of
using an IDS.

Likewise, Scott Simkin, director of threat intelligence at Palo

Alto Networks, said he does not believe IDS as a solution has a
role in most modern enterprises.

But, he said, he said he does think IDS retains a place as a

function in a broader cybersecurity portfolio.

“The capability is absolutely critical and foundational to every

single security team,” he said, adding that the automation and
intelligence being built into modern security platforms have
pushed IDS as a function deeper into the solution.

“IDSs [as systems] been superseded by IPSs and next-generation

firewalls that take the concept of IDS and then layer something
on top of it. And those should exist alongside behavioral
analytics, web filtering, application identity management and
other controls,” he said. “But you don’t really buy IDSs
IDS Usage in Networks

When placed at a strategic point or points within a network to

monitor traffic to and from all devices on the network, an IDS
will perform an analysis of passing traffic, and match the traffic
that is passed on the subnets to the library of known attacks.
Once an attack is identified, or abnormal behavior is sensed, the
alert can be sent to the administrator.

IDS Evasion/Avoidance Techniques

Being aware of the techniques available to cyber criminals who

are trying to breach a secure network can help IT departments
understand how IDS systems can be tricked into not missing
actionable threats:

• Fragmentation: Sending fragmented packets allow the

attacker to stay under the radar, bypassing the detection
system's ability to detect the attack signature.
• Avoiding defaults: A port utilized by a protocol does not
always provide an indication to the protocol that’s being
transported. If an attacker had reconfigured it to use a
different port, the IDS may not be able to detect the
presence of a trojan.
• Coordinated, low-bandwidth attacks: coordinating a scan
among numerous attackers, or even allocating various
ports or hosts to different attackers. This makes it difficult
for the IDS to correlate the captured packets and deduce
that a network scan is in progress.
• Address spoofing/proxying: attackers can obscure the
source of the attack by using poorly secured or incorrectly
configured proxy servers to bounce an attack. If the source
is spoofed and bounced by a server, it makes it very
difficult to detect.
• Pattern change evasion: IDS rely on pattern matching to
detect attacks. By making slight adjust to the attack
architecture, detection can be avoided.

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