Ee Gung Bohun

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MATRIC NO: 2211920060






AUGUST, 2024

This is to certify that this project work is carried out by Olatunde

EEGUNGBOHUN JANET Blessing with matric number 2211920060 and it has been read

and approved as meeting the requirements for the award of Higher National

Diploma (HND) in the Microbiology, faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Osun

State College of Technology, Esa Oke, Osun-State.

____________________________ _______________



____________________________ __________________




I dedicate this project to God almighty my creator, my strong pillar, my

source of inspiration and strength.


All praises, adoration and glorification due to Almighty God the most beneficent, the most

merciful, the ancient of days, the creator and sustainer of the universe for sparing my life till this

very moment to see and to conquer all challenges.

My highest gratitude goes to my beloved, caring, amazing and wonderful parents for their love,

care, special advice and support rendered enormously throughout my Higher National Diploma

(HND).I pray to Almighty God to continue to shower his endless blessing and mercies upon you

and spare your life to reap the sweet fruit of your labour in sound health, long life, prosperity,

wealth and good health.

I acknowledge my supervisor Miss Omole who has nature in spite of their extremely busy and

tight schedule to read through my project report and her guidance through the success of the

project .I say's thank you ma. I will not forget to thank my benefactor of knowledge, my able

H.O.D. Mr Agbesanya for his fatherly roles and words of encouragement and to all other viable

lecturer's in the department of microbiology, who has contributed in one way or the other and

positively in planting me quality education and moral of high value. I say's a big thanks to you

all and may Almighty God bless you all (Amin)


A dumpsite is an arena specifically used for the disposal of wastes. It is an old traditional

method of waste disposal similar to landfill method of waste management. The aim of this study

is to isolate, characterize and identify bacteria present in different dumpsite in Esa Oke town.

Isolation was done by serially diluting the soil samples and pour plated on nutrient agar,

MacConkey agar, and EMB agar, then incubated at 37oC for 24 hours. Colonies developed after

24 hours were subcultured and stored for biochemical characterization. The organisms isolated

in this study include Proteus vulgaris, Proteus mirabilis, K.pneumonia, Citrotrobacter ferundii,

Citrobacter diversus, Providentia retgerri. The presence of these potential pathogens reported in

the present investigation may be attributed to the disposal of raw human faecal discharges and

other human wastes at the waste-dump site. The health hazard associated with the indiscriminate

dumping of waste around residential areas and other ecologically sensitive areas such as rivers

and streams and arable land cannot therefore be under-estimated. Nigeria should therefore

direct her efforts towards the treatment of waste before disposal as to minimize the health

hazards associated with dumping of waste.



Title page i

Certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Abstract v

Table of contents


1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem 3

1.3 Aim and Objective of the Study 4

1.4 Significance of the Study 5

1.5 limitation of the study 5

1.6 scope of the study


2.0 Literature Review 7

2.1 Soil 7-10

2.2 Organisms in soil 11-17

2.3 Fungi 17-22

2.5 Beneficial effect of fungi 23-24

2.6 Soil pollution. 25-26


3.1 Materials and Methods 26

3.2 Collection of samples 26

3.3 Isolation of bacteria 26

3.4 Biochemical characteristics of the isolates 26-30


4.1 Result and Discussion 31-33


5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation 34

5.1 Summary 34

5.2 Conclusion 34

5.3 Recommendation 34



1.1 Background to the Study

Soil is generally a favourable home for the increasing the number of microorganisms, with micro

colonies, developing around soil particles. Number of microorganisms in soil habitats normally

are much higher than those in fresh water or marine habitats (Atals & Bartha, 2008).

Bacteria and fungi actively participate in organic matter decomposition liberating chemical

nutrients and increase plant growth. Microorganism numbers vary in and between different soil

types and conditions, with bacteria makes up the most abundant in soils. Bacteria counts in

different soil ranged from 4x106 to 2x109 dry soil (Whitman et al., 1998). Grayston et al., (1998)

reported that the growth of microbial population and their action on soils are dependent on the

interaction between plant species and soil. Marschner et al., (2001), reported that bacterial

community composition results from the interaction between soil type, plant species and its

rhizosphere localization. According to Wieland et al., (2001); Pinto & Nahas, (2002), the size

and structure of microbial population are affected by soil type and plant species.

Soil microorganisms have been isolated and quantified using several selective and non-selective

culture media (Sorheim et al., 2009) that have some advantages over non culturable methods,

allowing for taxonomic, genetic and functional studied in the isolated microorganism. According

to Kennedy & Gewin, (2007), different growth rates are often seen in microbial population from
different soils, which have different nutrient requisites that are not supplied by the media.

Moreso , many media containing different nutritional requirements have been suggested for the

estimation of bacterial diversity (Balestra % Misaghi, 2007), which include saline media

prepared using a chemically defined mixture of salts and a carbon source, as well as a complex

media, rich in polypeptides, amino acids and vitamins and mineral (Seeley et al., 2001).

1.2 Scope of the Study

Microorganisms are known to be ubiquitous in nature (i.e. can be found everywhere) and have a

whole lot of advantages and disadvantages (disease causing organisms), therefore it is imperative

to analyze soils from dumpsite to be able to known the type of microorganism that can be found

there and possible danger the organisms can pose on human when we get in contact with soil

from dumpsites.

1.3 Aim and Objectives

The main aim of this study is to isolate organisms from soil of dumpsites and characterize the

organism isolated to be able to know their identity and their possible effect to human.


The objectives of the study are to;

1. Collect soil samples from dumpsites

2. Isolate organisms from the soil using different culture medium

3. Characterize the organisms isolated using biochemical characterization

4. Identify the isolated organism using Bergeys manual of determinative bacteriology

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study will provide information of the type of organisms inhabiting different dumpsites.

1.5 Limitation of the Study

This study is limited to isolation of bacteria and fungi, other group of microorganisms such as

viruses and some protozoans will not be isolated.

Literature Review

2.1 Soil

Soil is normally considered as the fine earth which covers land surfaces as a result of the in situ

weathering of rock materials or the accumulation of mineral matter transported by water, wind,

or ice (Sharma, 2019). The distinctive feature of soil is that to this weathered mineral material is

added organic material. This organic material may be both living and dead. The dead organic

matter will include little altered and freshly added dead plant roots and leaf and other plant litter,

dead fauna, and organic material in various stages of decomposition from little modified

relatively fresh materials to the complex decomposed material called humus. It is this mixture of

mineral and organic material which gives the soils their distinctive characteristics (Rasool,

2018). Across the surface of the earth there are many different types of soil which reflect, at least

in part, varying combinations of mineral and organic matter and their differing responses–both

separately and often in complex association–to different environmental conditions. Indeed soil

(and the soil constituents), together with the plant life it supports, the rock on which it lies, and

the climate it experiences, forms a finely balanced system (Sharma, 2019).

Depending upon the context, the word ‘‘soil’’ may have very different meanings. A simple

definition of soil is the material that plants grow in and which provides them with physical

support, water, and nutrients. There are other more particular uses of the term soil. To the

engineer, soil is the finely divided and relatively loose ‘‘rock’’ material at the earth’s surface,

and this overburden is often considered an inconvenience because it must be removed. The

geologist calls this layer the regolith and geological investigations frequently begin below it. The

hydrologist looks on the soil as if it were a large reservoir storing water to supply streams and
rivers. The most widely held view of the soil, however, is as a medium for plant growth and the

provision of food and fiber directly or through the intermediate stage of animals (Araujo, 2018).

Soil is important as a medium for plant growth and for the support of much animal and human

activity (Abarkeli, 2016). The soil acts as a reservoir for nutrients and water providing the plants’

needs for these requirements throughout their growth. The soil may also provide an environment

for the breakdown and immobilization of materials added to the surface (in addition to the

aforementioned plant and animal remains) such as fertilizers and pesticides and waste products

such as sewage sludge, animal wastes and slurries, and composted refuse materials (Monterio,

2018). The soil is a complex dynamic system in which the interactions of the biological,

chemical, and physical environments results in the transformation of materials, possibly

rendering initially harmful materials less dangerous and immobilizing others as a result of the

interactions between these added materials and the organic and inorganic soil constituents. This

immobilization may enable breakdown of the potentially dangerous materials to less dangerous

forms. These interactions and transformations may be long term, over decades, medium term

over months or years, short term between individual events such as rainstorms, or almost

instantaneous (Abarkeli, 2016).

2.2 Organisms in the soil

The microbial population of 1 g of soil in a country is an index of the agricultural prosperity of

that country. The total mass of the microflora and -fauna beneath the soil is 20 times that of the

human population of the earth (Torsvik et al. 2019). One gram of healthy soil contains 1 million

to 100 million bacteria involved in the breakdown of organic matter, 0.15–0.5 mg of fungal

hyphae, 10,000–100,000 protozoa, few to several hundred microarthropods, 15–500 nematodes

and a few earthworms (Coleman 2018). The bacteria and fungi break down organic matter and

help retain soil particles as macroaggregates/clumps, while the remaining components of the soil

food web maintain the correct number of bacteria and fungi by prey–predator interactions, and

thus help in the recycling and retention of basic nutrients in the soil. This is necessary to

maintain soil fertility and crop productivity.

These components of the soil food web exist in harmony and are intricately woven in

interdependent relationships (Johansson et al. 2016). The structure and function, i.e. number,

activity and community structure of the soil food web, may act as a prime indicator of ecosystem

health. Monitoring the active and total biomass of each organism group directly may help in

detecting the dynamics of change leading to a damaged ecosystem.

2.3 Fungi

Fungi are living organisms that are distantly related to plant, and are more closely related to

animals, but rather different from either of those groups. Fungi are eukaryotic that, like algae,

have rigid cell walls and may be either unicellular or multicellular. Some may be microscopic in

size, while other form much larger structure, such as mushrooms and bracket fungi that grow in

soil or on damp logs. Unlike algae, fungi do not contain chlorophyll and thus cannot carryout

photosynthesis. Fungi do not ingest food but must absorb dissolved nutrients from the

environment of the fungi classified as microorganisms, these that are multicellular and produce

filamentous, microscopic structures are frequently called molds, whereas yeasts are unicellular

fungi (Saleemi et al., 2010).

In molds, cell are cylindrical in shape attached end to end to form thread like filaments (hyphae)

that may bear spores. Individually, hyphae are microscopic in size. However when large numbers
of hyphae accumulate for example, on a slice bread or fruit jelly, they from a fussy mass called a

mycelium that is visible to the naked eye. The unicellular yeasts have forms, from spherical to

egg-shape to filamentous. Yeasts are noted for their ability to ferment carbohydrates, producing

alcohol and carbon dioxide in product such as wine and bread (Sneath et al., 2006).

2.4 Fungi as an Infectious Agent

Fungi are large organisms that usually live on dead and rotting animal and plant matter. They are

found mostly in soil, on objects contaminated with soil, plants and animal, and on skin and they

may also be airbone. Fungi may exist as yeasts or molds and may alternate between the two

forms, depending on environmental conditions. Yeasts are simple cells, 3 to 5 micrometers

(0.0001 to 0.0002 inch) in diameter. Molds consists of filamentous branching structures (called

hyphae) , 2 to 10 miconietres in diameter, that are formed of several cells lying end to end

(Chelkowisky et al., 1991).

Fungi can produce their mycotoxins under laboratory conditions or naturally in various

agricultural products (Massey, et al., 1995). Fungi cause a significant yield reduction and

economic losses because it's commonly contaminate food and crops. It addition, they changes the

appearance, taste, texture and order to food, and also unsafe for human consumption because of

their mycotoxins. The consumption of foods which contaminated with mycotoxins are associated

with several cases of human poisoning, sometimes resulting in death. (Molina and Gianuzzi.

2009). Nowadays, mycotoxins have been receiving worldwide attention and several group of

mycotoxins are known as ergot, afflatoxins, ochratoxins, citrinin, patulin and fumonisines

(Mohanamba et al., 2002). Fusarium, aspergillus and penicillium were noted to be the major
fungal populations in feeds and foods. F. monilifome present in the feed and food for about a

year. The predominant naturally occurring fungi belonging mainly to penicellum purpurogenum,

aspergillus glaucus and A. candidus (Dalie et al., 2010).

Importance of fungi: fungi inhabit almost every niche in the environment and humans are

exposed to these organisms in various fields of life (Saleemi et al., 2010).

2.5 Beneficial Effects of Fungi:

1 Decomposition- nutrients and carbon recycling

2 Biosynthetic factories. The fermentation property is used for the industrial production of

alcohols, fats, citric, oxalic and gluconic acids.

3 Important source of antibiotics, such as penicillin

4 Model organisms for biochemical and genetic studies e.g. Neurosporacrassa.

5 Saccharomyces cerevisae is extensively used in recomninant DNA technology, which include

the hepatitis B vaccine.

6 Some fungi are edible (mushrooms).

7 Yeasts provide nutritional supplements such as vitamins and cofactors

8 Penicillium is used to flavor roguefort and camembert cheeses.

9 Ergot produced by clavicepspurpurea contains medically important alkaloids that help in

including uterine contractions, controlling bleeding and treating migraine.

10 Fungi (leptolegnia caudate and Aphanomyceslaevis) are used to trap mosquito larves in

paddy fields and thus help in malaria control (Saleemi et al.. 2010)
2.6 Soil Pollution

Soil pollution as part of land degradation is caused by the presence of xenobiotics chemicals or

other alteration in the natural soil environment (Davies, 2005). It is typically caused by industrial

activity, agricultural chemicals or improper disposal of waste. The most common chemicals

involved are petroleum hydrocarbons, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, solvents, pesticides,

lead, and other heavy metals (Scott, 2012). Contamination is correlated with the degree of

industrialization and intensity of chemical substance. The concern over soil contamination stems

primarily from health risks, from direct contact with the contaminated soil, vapors from the

contaminants, or from secondary contamination of water supplies within and underlying the soil

(Rao et al., 2017). Mapping of contaminated soil sites and the resulting cleanups are time-

consuming and expensive tasks, requiring extensive amounts of geology, hydrology, chemistry

and computer modeling skills as well as an appreciation of the history of industrial chemistry

(Yang et al., 2021). Developing countries tend to be less tightly regulated despite some of them

having undergone significant industrialization. It is important to understand that all soils contain

compounds that are harmful/toxic to human beings and other living organisms. However, the

concentration of such substances in unpolluted soil is low enough that they do not pose any

threat to the surrounding ecosystem. When the concentration of one or more such toxic

substances is high enough to cause damage to living organisms, the soil is said to be

contaminated (Sadiq, 2017).


Materials and method

3.1 Materials

Test tubes

Conical flasks


Measuring cylinder

Glass slides and cover slips

Inoculating loops


Weighing balance

Test tube rack

Bunsen burner



Staining rack


Sterile petri dishes

Cotton wool Aluminum foil paper

Paper tape

Sterile syringes


Methylated spirit

Hand glove

Sterile nylon

Permanent marker.

Nutrient agar

Saboraud dextrose agar

Sterile distilled water

Oil immersion

Gram staining kit

Lactophenol cotton blue

Biochemical agar and reagents

3.2 Sterilization of Materials

3.2.1 Hot Air Oven

All glassware carefully washed with detergent and rinsed with tap water followed by distilled

water. They were then set to drain out and before sterilization in the hot air oven at a temperature

of 160°C for two hours.

3.2.2 Autoclaving

Culture media and distilled water were sterilized in the autoclave at 121 °C for 15 minutes.

3.2.3 Flaming

Inoculating loops were sterilized using Bunsen flame. The mouth of conical flask were flamed

before media were poured into petri dishes, inoculation were done near bunsen burner flame to

avoid contamination.

3.3 Sample Collection

Five different sample of dumpsite soil were collected from different point in Esa Oke, samples

were taken to the laboratory immediately for microbial analysis.

3.3.1 Serial Dilution

One gram of soil from each of the five samples was weighed and added aseptically into sterile

test tubes which contain 9ml of sterile distilled water each and shaken thoroughly for even

distribution of organisms to make a stock. Five-fold dilution was carried out by transferring 1ml

each of the mixture into the sterile test tubes that contain 9ml of sterile distilled water labeled to

make 10mL using a new sterile syringe 1 ml of the solution that is already been mixed and
shaked was dispensed from test tube labeled into another test tube labeled 10' 2 containing 9ml of

distilled water, this same method was repeated until 10-5 .

Distinct colonies were then sub-cultured by streaking on a fresh solidified agar and incubated

appropriately. A pure culture of each colony type on each plate was obtained and maintained.

3.4 Morphological, Microscopic Characterization and Identification of the


3.4.1 Macroscopy

Microscopy examination of the fungal plates were done with the naked eye on day-to-day basis,

from first day of inoculation for a period of a week for features such as formation of colonies, the

texture, size and colour of the colonies from both the front and reverse sides of the saboraud

dextrose agar plates.

3.4.2 Microscopy

The microscopic observation of the fungi isolates was performed with the use of a microscope.

The technique of James & Natalie (2011) was adopted for identification of the unknown isolated

fungi using lactophenol cotton blue stain. Young cultures (5 days old) were used so as to avoid

overgrowth of the organisms that may lead to difficulty in viewing distinct features under the


The identification was achieved by placing a drop of the stain on clean slide with the aid of a

mounting needle a small portion of the mycelium from the fungal cultures was removed
aseptically and placed on the drop of lactophenol cotton blue on the glass slide. The mycelium

was spread uniformly on the slide with the needle. A cover slip was gently applied on the slide

with little pressure to eliminate air bubbles. The slide was then mounted and observed under x l0

and x40 objective lenses of the microscope respectively.

3.5 Microscopic morphology of the bacterial isolates

Gram staining

Microscopic morphology of the isolates was studied using the Gram staining technique

(Harrigan & McCance, 1998). A thin smear of 18-24 h old culture of each of the isolate was

made on clean grease free slide and heat-fixed by passing over a bunsen burner flame. Two

drops of crystal violet was added to the smear and then allowed to stay for 60 seconds. The

crystal violet was washed off with distilled water and then flooded with Gram’s iodine for 60

seconds. The Grams iodine was washed off with 95% ethyl alcohol for 15 seconds. Two drops

of safranin solution was then used to counter stain the smear and allowed to stay for 30 seconds

before rinsing off with distilled water. The slides were then allowed to air dry after which they

were observed under oil immersion objective lens of a microscope. Gram positive bacteria were

stained purple, while Gram negative bacteria stained red. The shape and arrangement of cells of

the isolates were also observed (Olutiola et al., 1991).

3.5.1 Physiological and biochemical characterization of lactic acid bacteria

(a) Catalase test

Catalase test was carried out using the slide method. A colony of 18-24 h old culture of the test

isolate was mixed with a drop of freshly prepared 3% hydrogen peroxide solution on a clean

grease free microscope slide. The occurrence of effervescence indicated gas evolution

representing a positive catalase reaction, while the absence of gas evolution indicated a negative

reaction (Harrigan and McCance, 1998).

The catalase test is represented by the equation below

H2O2→2H2O + O2 (g)

(b) Indole test

Tryptone broth (1% w/v) was prepared as directed by manufacturer and 10 mL was dispensed

into each McCartney bottle and then sterilized by autoclaving. Inoculation of the bottles was

carried out by using 48 hours old culture of the isolates. The isolates tubes and a control tube

were incubated in anaerobic jar for 48 hours. After incubation, a few drops of Kovac’s reagent

was added to tryptone basal culture medium. Formation of red or pink ring at the top which is

concentrated by alcoholic layer was taken as positive indole test while negative indole test is

indicated by the primary yellow colour of the medium and the control. The test confirms the

ability of the test organisms to produce indole from amino acid trytophan (Oyeleke et al., 2006).
(c) Oxidase test

A what man filter paper (No 1) was soaked with oxidase reagent (1% aqueous tetramethyl-p-

phenylenediamine hydrogen chloride) and placed in a sterile petri-dish. A sterile wire-loop was

used to pick 24 hours old culture of the organism from the plate and used to touch the filter paper

containing oxidase reagent. The development of purple coloration within 5-10 seconds signified

an oxidase positive reaction while a delayed reaction or no colour change indicates a negative

reaction (Olutiola et al., 1991). The test confirms whether there is presence or absence of certain

oxides in the bacteria that will catalyse the transport of electrons between electron donor in

bacteria and redox-dye (Tanaka et al., 1999).

(d) Methyl red test

About 5 ml of sterile MRVP medium (Glucose phosphate broth) in test tubes was inoculated

with 0.1 ml of 18-24 h old of the isolates and incubated at 35℃ for 5 days (Harrigan &

McCance, 1998). The MRVP culture (1.0 mL) was transferred to a clean test tube and few drops

of methyl red indicator was added. A resultant red coloration was indicative of a positive

reaction. Uninoculated MRVP medium was used as control.

(e) Voges proskauer test

The ability of the microorganisms isolated to produce acetoin was tested as described by

Harrigan & McCance (1998). Sterile five millilitres (5 mL) of MRVP broth in test tubes was

inoculated with 0.1 mL of 18-24 h old MRS broth culture of the test isolates with an

uninoculated broth serving as control. The inoculated medium was incubated at 35° C for 5 days

and 1 mL of the MRVP culture was tested by adding 0.5mL of 6% α-naphthol and 0.5 mL of
16% KOH. The test tube was shaken thoroughly and left to stand. Appearance of a red coloration

within five minutes was indicative of the production of acetoin which constituted a positive


4.0 Results and Discussion

4.1 Results

Table 4.1: The mean of the total viable counts of the isolates in cfu/ml from dumpsite soil

S/N Samples Bacterial Count (Cfu/

1 DS1 2.8

2 DS2 1.28

3 DS3 1.72

4 DS4 2.0

Table 4.2: Morphological Characteristics of the Isolated Bacteria

Isolate Colour Size Texture Shape Optical Elevation

DS1a Colourless Big Smooth Irregular Opaque Flat

DS1b Colourless Small Smooth Circle Transparent Flat

DS2 Orange Small Smooth Circle Opaque Flat

DS3 Colourless Small Smooth Rhizoid Opaque Flat

DS4a Colourless Big Smooth Irregular Transparent Flat

DS4b Colourless Medium Smooth Circle Transparent Flat

Table 4.3: Biochemical Characteristics of the Bacterial Isolated

Isolate Catalase Coagulat Oxidas MR V Glucos Lactose Sucrose H2S Motilit Indol Ga Gr
e e P e Pro. y e s s
Pr re
o. n
DS1a + + _ _ _ + + + + + + + +

DS1b Weak+ + _ _ _ + + + _ _ + _ +

DS2 + Weak + + _ + + + + _ _ _ +

DS3 Weak+ _ + _ _ + + + + + Weak + +c

DS4a _ _ _ + _ + _ + + _ _ _ +c

DS4b Weak+ + + + _ + _ + _ _ Weak _


a. Discussion
The bacteria isolated included Proteus vulgaricus, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella pneumonia,

Citrobacter ferundii, Citrobacter divrsus, and Providentia retgerri. The isolation of these from

the dump sites is an indication that microbes are not only ubiquitous in nature but also populate

the soil, thus increase the nutritional value of the soil. These microbes produce enzymes which

help to degrade waste materials at dump sites (Chukwu et al., 2004).

All the bacterial isolates reported in this study have been reported to be associated with waste

and waste biodegradation. Faecal coliforms and Providentia retgerri have been reported to be

associated with waste (Ekundayo, 2007). Klebsiella, and Pproteus were also reported by Cook et

al., (2004). The present investigation has revealed the presence of various bacteria known to be

associated with waste biodegradation and their frequency of isolation. The activities of these

bacteria if properly harnessed can be used in future treatment plants in Nigeria in accelerating the

bioconversion of waste compost into organic fertilizer for use in gardening, agriculture and


All the bacterial genera reported in this study have been reported by Cook et al (2004) and

Monica Chesborough (2005) as potential pathogens. That is, they are capable of causing disease.

The presence of these potential pathogens reported in the present investigation may be attributed

to the disposal of raw human faecal discharges and other human wastes at the waste-dump site.


5.1 Conclusion

The isolation, characterization, and identification of microorganisms from dumping site soil

provide valuable insights into the environmental impact and potential risks associated with

lain/soil pollution. The findings help in implementing necessary safety measures, controlling

pollution, and maintaining a healthy environment.

5.1 Recommendation

The recommendations are being proposed for consideration, further research could be conducted

to compare the performance or efficiency of organism that can bio remediate soils in dumping

sites so as to reduce soil pollution with disease causing organisms.

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