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G.O.A.T - Guidely Online Academic Training - Quantitative Aptitude Booklet Sample
Profit and Loss
Cost price:
The price at which an article was purchased is known as cost price (CP).
Selling price:
The price at which an article is sold is known as selling price (SP).
If the selling price is always more than its cost price is known as profit.
If the selling price is always less than its cost price is known as loss.
If there is neither profit nor loss means, the selling price and cost price will be equal.
Marked price:
The price on the label of the article is known as marked price.
Note: If there is no discount given for an article, then the selling and marked price of the article is same.
When an article is sold, there is reduction in the marked price of the article is known as discount.
Discount = Marked price - Selling price
Markup price:
Difference between the marked price and cost price of an article is known as markup price.
Markup price = Marked price - Cost price
Type 6: Type 7:
Cost price for A:
Cost price for A:
A sold an article to B at ‘x%’ profit and B sold the
article to C at y% loss, if C paid Rs.z, then the cost
price for A is,
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Cost price for A = z * 100/(100+x) * 100/(100-y) Amount paid by C:
(OR) A sold an article to B at ‘x%’ profit and B sold the
Let overall Profit/loss% = d article to C at y% profit, if A’s cost price is Rs.z,
d= x - y - xy/100 then the amount paid by C is,
If there is positive sign, so it is profit %, then Amount paid by C = z * (100+x) /100* (100+y)/100
Cost price for A = z/(100+d)*100 (OR)
If there is negative sign, so it is loss %, then Let overall Profit% = d
Cost price for A = z/(100-d)*100 d= x + y +xy/100
Here, similarly we can find A sold an article to B at Amount paid by C = z*(100+d)/100
‘x%’ profit and B sold the article to C at y% profit Here, similarly we can find A sold an article to B at
and C sold the article to D at z% profit, if D paid ‘x%’ profit and B sold the article to C at y% profit
Rs.d, then the cost price for A is, and C sold the article to D at z% profit, if A’s cost
Cost price for A = d * 100/(100+x) * 100/(100+y) * price is Rs.d, then the amount paid by C is,
100/(100+z) Amount paid by C = d * (100+x) /100* (100+y)/100
Note: In this formula, we want to use + and -, if it * (100+z)/100
is profit and loss respectively. Note: In this formula, we want to use + and -, if it
Example 1: is profit and loss respectively.
A sold an article to B at 15% profit and B sold the Example 1:
article to C at 20% loss, if C paid Rs.3450, then A sold an article to B at 20% profit and B sold the
find the cost price for A? article to C at 30% profit, if A’s cost price is
Explanation: Rs.1500, then find the amount paid by C?
Cost price for A = z * 100/(100+x) * 100/(100-y) Explanation:
Here, z =Rs.3450, x=15 and y=20 Amount paid by C = z * (100+x) /100* (100+y)/100
Cost price for A = 3450 * 100/(100+15) * 100/(100- Here, z= 1500, x=20 and y=30
20) Amount paid by C = 1500 * (100+20) /100*
= 3450 * 100/115 * 100/80 (100+30)/100
= 3750 = 1500 * 120 /100* 130/100
(OR) = 2340
Let overall Profit/loss% = d (OR)
d= x - y - xy/100 Let overall Profit% = d
We can take, x=15 and y=20 d= x + y +xy/100
d = 15-20-(15*20)/100 We can take, x=20 and y=30
=15-20-3 d = 20+30+(20*30)/100
d = -8 =50+6
Here, we get negative sign, so it is loss %, then d = 56
Cost price for A = z/(100-d)*100 Amount paid by C = z*(100+d)/100
= 3450/(100-8)*100 = 1500*(100+56)/100
= 3450*100/92 = 1500*156/100
= 3750 = 2340
Example 2: Example 2:
Raj bought a laptop for a certain amount. Raj Suresh bought a table fan for Rs.2250. Suresh sold
sold it to Anu at a profit of 20% and Anu sold it to it to Raja at a profit of 12% and Raja sold it to
Kavi at a loss of 10%. If the loss incurred by Anu Mohan at a profit of 20%. Find the amount paid
is Rs.900, then find the cost price at which Raj by Mohan.
bought the laptop. Explanation:
Explanation: The amount paid by Raja = 2250 * 112/100 =
Raj bought the laptop for Rs.y. Rs.2520
y * 120/100 * 10/100 = 900 The amount paid by Mohan = 2520 * 120/100 =
y = 7500 Rs.3024
Type 8: Type 9:
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Amount paid by C: A sold an article to B at ‘x%’ loss and B sold the
A sold an article to B at ‘x%’ loss and B sold the article to C at y% loss, if A’s cost price is Rs.z, then
article to C at y% profit, if A’s cost price is Rs.z, the amount paid by C is,
then the amount paid by C is, Amount paid by C = z * (100-x) /100* (100-y)/100
Amount paid by C = z * (100-x) /100* (100+y)/100 (OR)
(OR) Let overall loss% = d
Let overall Profit/loss% = d d= -x - y + xy/100
d = -x + y - xy/100 Amount paid by C = z*(100-d)/100
If there is positive sign, so it is profit %, then Here, similarly we can find A sold an article to B at
Amount paid by C = z*(100+d)/100 ‘x%’ loss and B sold the article to C at y% loss and
If there is negative sign, so it is loss %, then C sold the article to D at z% loss, if A’s cost price is
Amount paid by C = z*(100-d)/100 Rs.d, then the amount paid by C is,
Example 1: Amount paid by C = d * (100-x) /100* (100-y)/100
A sold an article to B at 25% loss and B sold the * (100-z)/100
article to C at 40% profit, if A’s cost price is Note: In this formula, we want to use + and -, if it
Rs.2500, then find the amount paid by C? is profit and loss respectively.
Explanation: Example 1:
Amount paid by C = z * (100-x) /100* (100+y)/100 A sold an article to B at 15% loss and B sold the
Here, z= 2500, x=25 and y=40 article to C at 40% loss, if A’s cost price is
Amount paid by C = 2500* (100-25) /100* Rs.3500, then find the amount paid by C?
(100+40)/100 Explanation:
= 2500 * 75 /100* 140/100 Amount paid by C = z * (100-x) /100* (100-y)/100
= 2625 Here, z= 3500, x=15 and y=40
(OR) Amount paid by C = 3500* (100-15) /100* (100-
Let overall Profit% = d 40)/100
d = -x + y - xy/100 = 3500 * 85 /100* 60/100
We can take, x=25 and y=40 = 1785
d = -25+40-(25*40)/100 (OR)
=40-25-10 Let overall Profit% = d
d=5 d= -x - y + xy/100
Here, we get positive sign, so it is profit %, then Here, z= 3500, x=15 and y=40
Amount paid by C = z*(100+d)/100 d = -15-40+(15*40)/100
Amount paid by C = 2500*(100+5)/100 =-55+6
= 2500*105/100 d = -49
= 2625 Here, we get negative sign, so it is loss %, then
Example 2: Amount paid by C = z*(100-d)/100
Mani bought a mobile phone for a certain amount. Amount paid by C = 3500*(100-49)/100
Mani sold it to Ria at a loss of 15% and Ria sold it = 3500*51/100
to Ana at a profit of 30%. Find the amount paid = 1785
by Ana if Mani bought the mobile phone for Example 2:
Rs.12000. Kumar sold a stove to Abi at a loss of 10%. Abi
Explanation: sold it to Bala at a loss of 15%. If Kumar bought
The amount paid by Ria = 12000 * 85/100 = the stove for Rs.4000, then find the amount paid
Rs.10200 by Bala.
The amount paid by Ana = 10200 * 130/100 = Explanation:
Rs.13260 The amount paid by Abi = 4000 * 90/100 = Rs.3600
The amount paid by Bala = 3600 * 85/100 = Rs.3060
Type 10:
Amount paid by C: Type 11:
Cost price of an Article:
Practice Questions
1. A shopkeeper sold the watch at the discount of 8. A shopkeeper marks the price of Pen is 25%
15% on the marked price. If the selling price of above its cost price. If the selling price of the pen
the watch at Rs.3400, then find the marked price is Rs.10 when no discount is allowed, then what is
of the watch? the cost price of the pen?
a) Rs.4200 b) Rs.4800 c) Rs.5000 a) Rs.6 b) Rs.8 c) Rs.4 d) Rs.7 e) None of these
d) Rs.4000 e) Rs.5200
9. A shopkeeper sold dolls at Rs.240 each after
2. Ratio of the cost and marked price of the article giving 20% discount on labelled price. Had he not
is 2:3. If the difference between the selling and given the discount, he would have earned a profit
marked price of the article is Rs.400 and the of 20% on the cost price. What was the cost price
shopkeeper gets the profit of 10%, then find the of each doll?
cost price of the article? a) Rs.150 b) Rs.300 c) Rs.250
a) Rs.1000 b) Rs.1200 c) Rs.800 d) Rs.350 e) None of these
d) Rs.1500 e) Rs.900
10. By selling a laptop for Rs.12000, a shopkeeper
3. If a shopkeeper selling 20 Apples and he gets gains 20%. If the profit is reduced to 15%, find
the profit is equal to the cost price of 10 apples, the selling price of laptop?
then find the profit percentage? a) Rs.11500 b) Rs.13480 c) Rs.14560
a) 20% b) 40% c) 60% d) 70% e) 50% d) Rs.23490 e) None of these
11. The shopkeeper sold the mobile for Rs.8640
4. Ratio of the cost and marked price of the article while he got the loss of 10%. Find the selling price
is 2:3. If the difference between the marked price of the mobile, while the shopkeeper sold at the
and cost price of the article is Rs.180 and the profit of 20%?
shopkeeper offers the discount of 10% on marked a) Rs.11520 b) Rs.11500 c) Rs.11480
price of the article, then find the selling price of d) Rs.11420 e) None of these
the article?
a) Rs.524 b) Rs.486 c) Rs.512 12. Arun earned a profit of 20% after allowing a
d) Rs.472 e) Rs.496 discount of 10%. Marked price is what percentage
more than cost price?
5. The selling price of the table is Rs.4800 and the a) 33.33% b) 25% c) 45.65%
shopkeeper offers 20% discount on the marked d) 56% e) None of these
price of the table. Find the marked price of the
table? 13. A shopkeeper sells his mobile for Rs.6875 at
a) Rs.5400 b) Rs.6400 c) Rs.6000 10% profit. If he sells his mobile for Rs.7812.5,
d) Rs.7200 e) Rs.6800 then find the profit earned by the shopkeeper?
a) Rs.1560 b) Rs.1600 c) Rs.1562.5
6. Shopkeeper bought two tables for Rs. 1500 d) Rs.1205.4 e) None of these
each. If he sold one at a profit of x% and another
at a loss of 20 %, then in the whole transaction, 14. The cost price of the mobile is Rs.2000. If the
there is no profit or loss. Find the value of ‘x’. shopkeeper marked up the price by 30% and
a) 24 b) 26 c) 28 d) 20 e) None of these allowed the discount of 10%, then what is the
profit percentage of the mobile?
7. By selling a mobile phone for Rs.9250, a a) 13% b) 15% c) 12% d) 17% e) None of these
shopkeeper gains 25%. If the profit is reduced to
6%, find the selling price of mobile phone. 15. A seller pays 6% tax on a laptop that costs
a) Rs.7844 b) Rs.8700 c) Rs.9400 Rs.45000 in Singapore. For how much should he
d) Rs.9878 e) None of these mark it, if he desires to make a profit of 10% after
giving a discount of 20% to the buyer?
17. A manufacturing company declared 20% 24. Rani buys an article for Rs.2500. She sold it at
discount for wholesale buyers. Aditya bought 25% loss and gets some money and from that
products from the company worth Rs.16000 after money she again buys an article and this time she
getting discount. The fixed up selling price of got 25% profit. What was profit or Loss she got
products is in such a way that he earned a profit from this transaction?
of 3% on original price. What is the total selling a) Rs.156.25 b) Rs.180 c) Rs.190.25
price? d) Rs.200 e) None of these
a) Rs.40000 b) Rs.20600 c) Rs.20000
d) Rs.60000 e) None of these 25. If the sales tax be reduced from 3% to 2%,
what difference does it make to person who
18. Ratio of the marked price to cost price of a purchases a toy whose marked price is Rs.350?
book is 5:4 and the ratio of the marked price to a) Rs.2 b) Rs.2.5 c) Rs.3
selling price of the book is 25:22. What is the d) Rs.3.5 e) None of these
profit percentage of the book?
a) 5% a) 7% a) 8% a) 10% a) None of these 26. A shopkeeper offers a discount of 10%. If the
ratio of the marked price to cost price is 6:5, what
19. A mobile phone sold for Rs.8750 at a gain of is the profit or loss percentage?
25%.what would have been the gain or loss a) 4% loss b) 6% profit c) 8% profit
percent, if it had been sold for Rs.6300? d) 5% loss e) None of these
a) 10 b) 20 c) 30 d) 25 e) None of these
27. The total cost price of (x-3) number of pencil
20. If the selling price of mobile and laptop in the and x number of pen is Rs.234. The cost price of a
ratio of 5: 6 and the shopkeeper sold the mobile pencil is Rs 6, while the cost price of a pen is
and laptop at the profit of 25% and 20% Rs.15. Find the total cost price of 2x pencils and
respectively. If the shopkeeper gets the overall (x-2)pens?
profit is Rs.4000, then what is the difference a) 280 b) 288 c) 290 d) 294 e) 300
between the cost price of mobile and laptop?
a) Rs.2000 b) Rs.4000 28. A shopkeeper fixes the marked price of a
c) Rs.6000 d) Cannot be determined dress at 20% above its cost price. At what amount
e) None of these should he sell the dress to get a profit of 40%, if
the marked price of the dress is Rs.9600?
21. Janu bought a bike for Rs.y and spent Rs.3000 a) Rs.9900 b) Rs.10000 c) Rs.11200
for its transportation and also spent Rs.2000 for d) Rs.10500 e) None of these
its repair. If she sold the bike at a profit of 12%,
then the selling price of the bike is Rs.28000. Find 29. The cost price of the laptop is Rs.6500 and the
the value of y. shopkeeper sold the laptop, he gets the profit of
a) 25000 b) 15000 c) 18000 Rs.2000. What is the marked price of the laptop, if
d) 20000 e) None of these the shopkeeper offers 15% of the discount?
a) Rs.9000 b) Rs.10000 c) Rs.12000
22. Ratio of the marked to cost price of the mobile d) Rs.15000 e) None of these
is 6: 5 and the shopkeeper offers a discount of
10% on marked price of the mobile. What is the 30. A Shopkeeper marked an article 50% above
profit percentage of the mobile? its cost price and sold it after giving a discount of
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20%. If total profit made by the shopkeeper is Rs. d) Rs.21000 e) None of these
60, then find the marked price of the article.
a) Rs.250 b) Rs.380 c) Rs.550 37. The ratio of the cost price to the marked price
d) Rs.450 e) None of these of the mobile is 5:8. The shopkeeper allows two
successive discounts of 20% and 10% respectively,
31. A shop sold 10 shirts and the cost price of each and the cost price of the mobile is Rs.7500, then
shirt is Rs.500. Some of the shirts damaged and find the discount amount?
the damaged shirts are sold with a discount of a) Rs.2550 b) Rs.3360 c) Rs.1750
20% on the cost price and the remaining shirts are d) Rs.2140 e) None of these
sold at a profit of 25%. If the total selling price of
all shirts together is Rs.4900, then find the 38. A shopkeeper bought 15 coffee markers for
number of damaged shirts sold. Rs.31500 and he also spends Rs.500 each for its
a) 8 b) 4 c) 2 d) 6 e) None of these repair. If he sold 15 coffee markers for Rs.46800,
then find the profit percentage?
32. Nani sold his mobile to Amir at a profit of a) 40% b) 10% c) 15% d) 20% e) None of these
20% and Amir sold it to Ram at a loss of 10% and
Ram sold it to Khalid at a profit of 25%. If Khalid 39. The selling price and the marked price of the
bought the mobile for Rs.6750, then find the table is Rs.x and Rs.(x+180) more than its cost
actual cost price of the mobile. price and the cost price of the table is Rs.1200. If
a) Rs.4000 b) Rs.6000 c) Rs.7000 the ratio of the profit amount to the discount
d) Rs.5000 e) None of these amount is 2:3, then find the value of x?
a) 100 b) 320 c) 200 d) 120 e) None of these
33. The marked price of the mobile is Rs.800 40. A shopkeeper marked an article at 1/4th above
more than the cost price of the mobile and the its cost price and sold it after giving a discount of
shopkeeper offers a discount of 15% on marked Rs. 34 and still made a profit of 8%. Find half of
price of the mobile. If the shopkeeper gets the the 8/9th of the selling price the article?
profit of 10%, then find the marked price of the a) Rs. 91 b) Rs. 86 c) Rs. 96
mobile. d) Rs. 76 e) Rs. 80
a) Rs.3320 b) Rs.3520 c) Rs.3860
d) Rs.4060 e) None of these 41. A man bought a keyboard for Rs.1000 and
sold it at a profit of x%. Had he sold the keyboard
34. The marked price of the article is 25% more at a loss of (x/2)%, he would have been got Rs.300
than the cost price of the article. If the discount less than earlier. Find the selling price of the
offered by shopkeeper is 16 % and the sum of the keyboard at a profit of 2x%.
marked and cost price of the article is Rs.5760, a) Rs.1200 b) Rs.1350 c) Rs.1500
then find the profit percentage of article. d) Rs.1400 e) None of these
a) 5% b) 2% c) 8% d) 4% e) 1%
42. If the ratio of the cost price to marked price of
35. If the marked price of the TV is 25% more the mobile is 4: 5 and the shopkeeper offers a
than its cost price and the shopkeeper offer two discount of 15%, while he gets the profit of
successive discounts of 20% and 15% on marked Rs.280, then what is the cost price of the mobile?
price of the TV. If the selling price of the TV is a) 3680 b) 4280 c) 4480
Rs.13600, then find the cost price of the TV? d) 4880 e) None of these
a) Rs.12000 b) Rs.14000 c) Rs.16000
d) Rs.18000 e) Rs.20000 43. The marked price of the article is 25% more
than its cost price and sold it at the discount of
36. The cost price of four mobiles is equal to the 15% on the marked price of the article. If the
cost price of 3 laptops. If the cost price of 5 marked price of the article is 3500, then what is
laptops and 7 mobiles is Rs.12300, then what is the the profit percentage of the article?
cost of 12 mobiles and 7 laptops together? a) 4.5% b) 5.25% c) 7.5%
a) Rs.19200 b) Rs.18800 c) Rs.17900 d) 6.25% e) None of these
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marked price and cost price of the article is
44. The marked price of the Ear phone is Rs.3600 Rs.2000, then find the value of x?
and the shopkeeper sold it with a discount of 14% a) 32 b) 45 c) 30 d) 28 e) None of these
on the marked price. If the cost price of the ear
phone is 20% less than its marked price, then find 51. A shopkeeper sold the mobile and he offer a
the profit percentage of the ear phone? discount of 15%, while gets the profit of Rs.1925.
a) 5.5% b) 6.5% c) 7.5% If the ratio of the marked price to cost price of the
d) 8.5% e) 10.5% mobile is 3:2, then find the cost price of the
45. If the selling price of the mobile is Rs.6000 and a) Rs.6000 b) Rs.7000 c) Rs.8000
the ratio of the marked to cost price of the mobile d) Rs.9000 e) None of these
is 5: 3. If the shopkeeper offers a discount of 20%
on the marked price of the mobile, then find the 52. Rani bought 200 bags and he sold a certain
profit percentage of the mobile? bags at a profit of 10% and the remaining bags
a) 28.28% b) 44.44% c) 33.33% sold at a profit of 20%. If he gets an overall profit
d) 48.48% e) 52.52% of 12.5%, then find the ratio of the number of
bags sold at a profit of 10% to the number of bags
46. A shopkeeper allows a discount of 45% in an sold at a profit of 20%?
article. If the selling price of the article is Rs. 6600 a) 3:1 b) 1:1 c) 5:3 d) 1:2 e) None of these
and the shopkeeper marked the article is thrice its
cost price, then find the profit percent of the 53. Jaya bought a hair dryer for Rs.x and she sold
shopkeeper. it to Prabhu at a profit of 10%. Prabhu sold it to
a) 55% b) 65% c) 35% Keerthi at a loss of 10% and Keerthi sold it to
d) 60% e) 50% Preethi at a profit of 20% and the amount paid by
Preethi is Rs.(x + 470). Find the amount paid by
47. The ratio of the marked to cost price of the Jaya.
mobile is 6:5. If the shopkeeper offers a discount a) Rs.4000 b) Rs.2800 c) Rs.2500
of 15% on the marked price of the mobile, then d) Rs.3000 e) None of these
what is the profit percentage?
a) 2% b) 3% c) 1.5% 54. A man bought a fan for Rs.x and paid 20%
d) 3.5% e) Cannot be determine extra as tax and he spent Rs.x/20 for
transportation. If the man sold the fan at a profit
48. The marked price of a shoe is 40% more than of 40%, then the selling price of fan would be
its cost price. If the profit earned by selling the Rs.(x + 1500). Find the value of x.
shoe for Rs.2400 is Rs.200 more than the loss a) 4000 b) 2000 c) 3000
incurred by selling the same shoe for Rs.1800, d) 2500 e) None of these
then find the marked price of the shoe?
a) Rs.2100 b) Rs.4200 c) Rs.3500 55. A man bought a speaker for Rs.x and sold it at
d) Rs.2800 e) None of these a profit of 20% and if the man had sold it at a
49. The profit earned after selling an article for profit of 30%, he would have obtained Rs.(x/15 +
Rs. 3,378 is the same as the loss incurred after 50) more profit. Find the cost price of the speaker.
selling the article for Rs. 2,922. What is the selling a) Rs.1600 b) Rs.1800 c) Rs.1200
price of the article, if the article is sold at a profit d) Rs.1500 e) None of these
of 30%?
a) Rs. 3,564 b) Rs. 3,878 c) Rs. 4,260 56. The marked price of article A is 90% of the
d) Rs. 3,150 e) Rs. 4,095 marked price of article B and the ratio of the
selling price of articles A and B is 6:5. The
50. If the ratio of the marked price to cost price of discount amount of article A is Rs.110 less than
the article is 2: 1 and the shopkeeper offers a the discount amount of article B. If the selling
discount of x% on marked price, while he gets price of article A is Rs.360, then find the marked
25% of the profit. If the difference between the price of article B.
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a) Rs.320 b) Rs.400 c) Rs.500 cost price of article B is Rs.1020, then find the cost
d) Rs.480 e) None of these price of article A.
a) Rs.1800 b) Rs.1500 c) Rs.1200
57. Abi bought a bicycle and a shoe for Rs.x and d) Rs.1600 e) None of these
(x-1000) respectively. She sold the bicycle at a loss
of 16% and the shoe sold at a profit of 20% and 64. A dealer marked the price of an article 20 %
on the whole she gained neither profit nor loss, above the cost price and allowed two successive
then find the value of x. discounts of 10 % and 15 % respectively to a
a) 4000 b) 3000 c) 5000 particular customer. At what price did he sell the
d) 6000 e) None of these item to the customer, if he incurred a loss of Rs.
58. A shopkeeper sold a book for Rs.2400 and 41?
incurred a profit of Rs.x. If he sold the same book a) Rs. 534 b) Rs. 427 c) Rs. 475
for Rs.1750 and incurred a loss of Rs.(x-150), then d) Rs. 459 e) None of these
find the cost price of the book.
a) Rs.2200 b) Rs.1900 c) Rs.2000 65. A shepherd buys two watches for Rs. 1500. He
d) Rs.1800 e) None of these sells the first watch at a profit of 22% and the
second watch at a loss of 8%. What is the CP of
59. Banu bought a steel bottle and a book together second watch if there is no profit no loss in the
for Rs.980. She sold the steel bottle at a profit of whole transaction?
20% and the book sold at a profit of 25%. If she a) Rs.1100 b) Rs.1200 c) Rs.1300
earns a total profit of Rs.220, then find the cost d) Rs.1500 e) None of these
price of the book?
a) Rs.600 b) Rs.750 c) Rs.480 66. The total cost price of two articles A and B is
d) Rs.500 e) None of these Rs.850. If article A is sold at 10% profit and
article B is sold at 6/5 of its cost price. The overall
60. A shopkeeper bought a headset for Rs.1000 gain obtained is Rs.125. Find the cost price of
and the marked price of the headset is x% more article A.
than the cost price of the headset and he sold after a) 350 b) 400 c) 450
giving a discount of (x – 30)%, but still obtained a d) 425 e) None of the above
profit of Rs.200. Find the value of x.
a) 25 b) 30 c) 50 d) 20 e) None of these 67. Ratio of the cost price of Pen and Pencil is 3:2.
If the shopkeeper sold the pen at 10% profit and
61. Arun bought a weighing machine for Rs.3100 pencil at 20% profit and offers a discount of 10%
from Amazon and marked it to a certain price and and 5% on marked price of Pen and Pencil
then sold the machine to his neighbor after giving respectively, then what is the ratio of the marked
two consecutive discounts of 10% and 20%. Find price of Pen and Pencil?
the marked price of the weighing machine, if he a) 211:142 b) 209:144 c) 211:141
had a profit of Rs.500 in this sale. d) 219:143 e) None of these
a) Rs.4500 b) Rs.5000 c) Rs.7500
d) Rs.8400 e) None of these 68. A man bought a certain number of pencils for
a total cost of Rs.200 and the man sold 20 pencils
62. The cost price of 50 articles is same as the at a profit of 40% and the remaining at a loss of
selling price of x articles. If the profit is 25%, then 20% and the man obtained a total profit of Rs.20.
the value of x is? Find the total number of pencils sold.
a) 50 b) 45 c) 40 d) 65 e) 42 a) 40 b) 50 c) 45 d) 60 e) None of these
63. The Selling price of articles A and B is the 69. A shopkeeper bought a table for Rs.x and
same. Article A is marked 40% above its cost marked 40% above its cost price and sold it to his
price and sold after giving a discount of 15%, friend at a discount of 20%. His friend sold the
while article B is sold at a profit of 75%. If the table for Rs.3080 and earned a 10% profit. Find
the value of x?
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a) 2000 b) 2700 c) 2500 table and the pot is Rs.1000 and Rs.1200
d) 3000 e) None of these respectively.
a) 12 b) 25 c) 20 d) 15 e) None of these
70. Kumar bought a chair and a sofa together for
Rs.2000. If he sells the chair at a profit of 40% 76. The marked price of the refrigerator is
and the sofa at a profit of 20%, then he earns a Rs.2400 more than its cost price and the
total profit of Rs.550. Find the cost price of the shopkeeper offers a discount of 25% on the
chair? marked price. If he gets a profit of Rs.300, then
a) Rs.900 b) Rs.1000 c) Rs.750 find the discount amount.
d) Rs.1250 e) None of these a) Rs.1800 b) Rs.3000 c) Rs.1500
d) Rs.2100 e) None of these
71. A man bought a calculator for Rs.x and also
bought a book for Rs.3x/2 and he sold the 77. A man sold a watch for Rs.1200 at a loss of
calculator at a profit of (y + 5)% and the book at a y/2%. He also sold a fan for Rs.2100 at a profit of
profit of y%. If the selling price of the book and y% and the cost price of the both watch and fan is
the calculator is Rs.9x/5 and Rs.1250 respectively, the same. Find the cost price of the fan.
find the cost price of the calculator. a) Rs.1500 b) Rs.1200 c) Rs.1800
a) Rs.1200 b) Rs.1000 c) Rs.1500 d) Rs.2000 e) None of these
d) Rs.1800 e) None of these
78. The cost price of a book is 4/5th of its selling
72. Raju bought a mobile and sold it at a profit of price and the ratio of the cost price to the marked
20%. If the cost price and the selling price of the price of the book is 5:8. If the marked price of the
mobile is decreased by Rs.1000 each and he gets a book is Rs.84 more than its selling price, then find
profit of 25%, then find the cost price of the the cost price of the book?
mobile? a) Rs.1000 b) Rs.960 c) Rs.240
a) Rs.4000 b) Rs.2000 c) Rs.5000 d) Rs.1200 e) None of these
d) Rs.3000 e) None of these
79. A man bought 10 keyboards for Rs.x each. He
73. Raja bought 40 kg of rice at the rate of Rs.50 sold 60% of the keyboards at a profit of 25% each
per kg. He sold 37.5% of the total quantity of rice and the remaining keyboards at a loss of y%. If he
at the rate of Rs.60 per kg and the remaining had obtained a profit of Rs.(x + 100) by selling
quantity of rice sold at the rate of Rs.y per kg. If 60% keyboards and the over all profit obtained is
he gets an overall profit of 40%, then find the Rs.140, then find the value of y?
value of y? a) 12 b) 18 c) 20 d) 10 e) None of these
a) 65 b) 76 c) 58 d) 80 e) None of these
80. A dress sold at a discount of Rs.200, the
74. The cost price of a bottle is 2/3rd of the cost shopkeeper earns the profit of 120%. The profit
price of a flask. If the shopkeeper sold the bottle at will be 200%, if the same dress is sold without
a profit of 25% profit and the flask sold at a profit discount. Find the cost price of dress?
of 15%, he gets total profit of Rs.380, then find the a) Rs.350 b) Rs.250 c) Rs.200
cost price of the bottle? d) Rs.400 e) None of these
a) Rs.900 b) Rs.800 c) Rs.700
d) Rs.500 e) None of these 81. A shopkeeper sold a table at a loss of 10%. If
he bought the same table for Rs.100 less and sold
75. A shopkeeper sold a table and a pot at a profit it at a profit of 25%, then he gets Rs.50 more.
of x% and y% respectively and the ratio of the Find the actual cost price of the table.
selling price of the table to pot is 4:5, if the a) Rs.720 b) Rs.500 c) Rs.640
shopkeeper had sold the table at the profit of d) Rs.800 e) None of these
25%, then he would have earned Rs.50 more
profit. Find the value of y, if the cost price of the 82. M and N sell vegetables worth Rs. 420 each
and gain 40%and 50% respectively. N calculates
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profit on SP and M calculates profit on CP. Then d) Rs.900 e) None of these
CP of N is how much percentage more or less than
that of M? 88. If the selling price of mobile and laptop in the
a) 20% less b) 15% less c) 30% less ratio of 5: 6 and the shopkeeper sold the mobile
d) 40% less e) None of these and laptop at the profit of 25% and 20%
respectively. If the shopkeeper gets the overall
83. Sanya bought a fan for Rs.x and sold it at a profit by selling mobile and laptop is Rs.4000,
profit of 30% and also bought a keyboard for then what is the difference between the cost price
Rs.(x + 1000) and sold it a loss of 25% and the of mobile and laptop?
profit obtained by selling the fan is equal to the a) Rs.2000 b) Rs.4000
loss incurred while selling the keyboard. Find the c) Rs.6000 d) Cannot be determined
difference between the selling price of the fan and e) None of these
the keyboard.
a) Rs.2500 b) Rs.1800 c) Rs.2000 89. A man bought a book and a watch for Rs.3000
d) Rs.1500 e) None of these and Rs.4500 respectively and he sold the book at a
profit of x% and also sold the watch at a profit of
84. A shopkeeper has a certain number of key x/2% and obtained a profit of (x – 12)% on the
chains and rings and the number of rings is 10 whole. Find the selling price of the watch, if the
more than that of the key chains and the ratio of man sold it at a profit of (x – 10)%.
the cost price of each key chain and ring is 3:4 and a) Rs.6400 b) Rs.5850 c) Rs.6000
he sold each key chain and ring at a profit of 20% d) Rs.7500 e) None of these
and 25% respectively. If the ratio of the total
selling price of key chains to rings is 72:125, then 90. A shopkeeper sold 40% of the pen to Ramesh
find the total number of key chains and rings. at 20% more than its cost price and 80% of the
a) 80 b) 90 c) 125 d) 100 e) None of these remaining pens sold to Ram at the cost price and
the remaining pens are sold to Ravi at the loss of
85. Mohan bought a glass and metal bowl for Rs.x 25%. Find the profit percentage of selling of all
each. He sold the glass bowl at a profit of Rs.450 the pens?
and the metal bowl at a profit of Rs.150. If the a) 10% b) 8% c) 12% d) 7% e) None of these
selling price of the metal bowl is 25% less than
that of the glass bowl, then find the sum of the cost 91. A man bought 40 rings for Rs.x and out of
price of the glass and metal bowl? total purchased rings 16 rings are damaged and
a) Rs.1700 b) Rs.1200 c) Rs.1000 the remaining are undamaged and 50% of the
d) Rs.1500 e) None of these damaged rings are sold at a loss of 10% and the
remaining damaged rings are sold at a loss of 20%
86. A man bought a fan and a chair for Rs.x and and the undamaged rings are sold at a profit of
Rs.y respectively and he sold the fan at a profit of 20%. If the total selling price of all the rings is
20% and also sold the chair at a loss of 15% and Rs.(x + 120), then find the cost price of each ring.
the total selling price is Rs.2000 more than the a) Rs.45 b) Rs.36 c) Rs.40
cost price of the fan. If the cost price of the fan is d) Rs.50 e) None of these
Rs.500 less than that of the chair, find the cost
price of the fan. 92. A seller bought x kg of apple for Rs.2000 and
a) Rs.2500 b) Rs.1000 c) Rs.2000 also bought (x + 5) kg of oranges for Rs.1800 and
d) Rs.1500 e) None of these the seller sold each kg of apple and orange at a
profit of 40% and 25% and the selling price of
87. The marked price of 5 bags is equal to the cost each kg of orange is Rs.150. Find selling price of
price of 8 bags and the shopkeeper sold the bag at (x – 5) kg of apple.
a profit of 10%. If he had sold the bag at a profit a) Rs.1800 b) Rs.1400 c) Rs.2500
of 20%, he would have been earned a profit of d) Rs.2000 e) None of these
Rs.45 more. Find the marked price of a bag?
a) Rs.600 b) Rs.450 c) Rs.720
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93. A dishonest seller sells his goods at a loss of 25% of the profit. If the difference between the
10% but the seller uses 750 gram of weight instead marked price and cost price of the article is
of 1 kg weight and then obtains a profit of x%. If Rs.2000, then find the value of x?
he sells his goods at a profit of x% and he uses 750 a) 32% b) 45% c) 30%
gram of weight instead of 1 kg weight, then now d) 28% e) None of these
find the profit % obtained by the seller.
a) 65% b) 60% c) 45% 98. If the ratio of the marked price to cost price of
d) 50% e) None of these TV is 5: 4 and sum of the selling price of TV when
it sold at the discount of 10% and 15% is Rs.4375,
94. The marked price of an iron box is Rs.2700 then find the cost price of the TV?
more than its cost price. If the profit earned by a) Rs.1500 b) Rs.2000 c) Rs.2400
selling the iron box for Rs.5580 is equal to the loss d) Rs.3000 e) None of these
incurred when the same iron box is sold for
Rs.3420, then find the marked up percentage? 99. The marked price of the laptop is 50% more
a) 40% b) 25% c) 60% than its cost price and the shopkeeper allows two
d) 35% e) None of these successive discounts of 15% and 20% respectively
on its marked price. If the shopkeeper made a
95. 45% of goods are sold at 10 % loss, while the profit of Rs.400, then find at what price should the
remaining goods are sold at 20 % profit. If there is shopkeeper sell the laptop to make a profit of
a total profit of Rs. 650, then the total CP of the 25%?
goods? a) Rs.15000 b) Rs.20000 c) Rs.18000
a) Rs. 12000 b) Rs. 10000 c) Rs. 14000 d) Rs.25000 e) Rs.30000
d) Rs. 16000 e) None of these
100. The Ratio of cost price of an article to
96. A man sold a TV for Rs. 13000 and incurred a marked price of the article is x: 5. If the selling
loss. Had he sold the TV for Rs. 21000, his gain price of the article is Rs.4400 and the shopkeeper
would have been equal to three times of the offers 20% of discount on marked price of the
amount of loss that he incurred. At what price article, then marked price is what percent more
should he sell the TV to gain 20 %? than the cost price, if the profit earned by
a) Rs. 18000 b) Rs. 20000 c) Rs. 24000 shopkeeper is 10%?
d) Rs. 26000 e) None of these a) 28.5% b) 32.7% c) 33.60%
d) 37.5% e) None of these
97. If the ratio of the marked price to cost price of
the article is 2: 1 and the shopkeeper offer a
discount of x% on marked price while he gets
Answer Key
1. D 11. A 21. D 31. D 41. D 51. B 61. B 71. B 81. B 91. D
2. A 12. A 22. E 32. D 42. C 52. A 62. C 72. C 82. C 92. B
3. E 13. C 23. B 33. B 43. D 53. C 63. B 73. B 83. C 93. B
4. B 14. D 24. A 34. A 44. C 54. B 64. D 74. B 84. B 94. C
5. C 15. A 25. D 35. C 45. C 55. D 65. A 75. B 85. D 95. B
6. D 16. C 26. C 36. A 46. B 56. C 66. C 76. D 86. D 96. A
7. A 17. B 27. D 37. B 47. A 57. C 67. B 77. A 87. C 97. E
8. B 18. D 28. C 38. D 48. D 58. C 68. A 78. C 88. A 98. B
9. C 19. A 29. B 39. D 49. E 59. C 69. C 79. C 89. B 99. D
10. A 20. A 30. D 40. C 50. E 60. C 70. C 80. B 90. E 100. D
Workout Space
Workout Space
Workout Space
● If a person lives on the lowermost floor, then no one lives below that person. For example, if A lives on the
lowermost floor, then no person lives below A.
● In the same way, if A lives on the topmost floor, then no person lives above A.
● If, A lives on an even numbered floor, then the following cases are applicable.
● If, A lives on an odd numbered floor, then the following cases are applicable.
Note: This is similar to the number of persons living between A and B is three less than the number of persons
living between B and C.
Persons live between A and B = (Persons live between B and C) – 3
Statement – 12: The number of persons living between B and C is one more than the number of persons living
between A and B.
Short Hint: Persons live between B and C = (Persons live between A and B) +1
Note: This is similar to the number of persons living between A and B is two more than the number of
persons living between B and C.
Statement – 15: Only one person lives between A and B. (If one of the floors is vacant).
The above statement implies the following possible cases:
● B lives two floors above/below A. (No floors are vacant between A and B,)
● B lives three floors above/below A. (One of the floors is vacant between A and B)
(If six persons living in the seven-storey building)
Practice Questions
Direction (1-5): Study the following information P opens the shop on an even-numbered floor. W
carefully and answer the below questions opens the shop three floors below P. As many
Seven persons- L, M, N, O, P, Q, and R are living on persons open the shop below W as above R. U opens
different floors of the seven-storey building, such that the shop immediately below R. J does not open the
the lowermost floor is numbered as one and the floor shop on an odd-numbered floor. G opens the shop
immediately above it is numbered as two and so on. above L but not on the topmost floor.
All the information is not necessarily in the same 6. U opens the shop on which of the following
order. floor?
N lives on the fourth floor. M lives on an odd number a) Fourth b) Sixth c) Fifth
floor above N. Only three people live between M and d) Seventh e) Eighth
L. P lives three floors above Q. O lives above R. R
lives on an odd number floor. 7. Who among the following person opens the
1. Who among the following person lives on the shop on the fourth floor?
fifth floor? a) The one who opens the shop immediately below R
a) R b) O c) M d) P e) Q b) W
c) G
2. Which of the following statement is/are true d) The one who opens the shop between L and G
with respect to the final arrangement? e) J
I. Three floors are there between M and Q
II. Q lives on the second floor 8. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE
III. N and L are living on an adjacent floor as per the given arrangement?
a) Only I and III b) Only III c) Only I and II I. L opens the shop two floors below G
d) Only II and IIIe) All I, II and III II. More than three persons open the shop below P
III. J opens the shop immediately below L
3. How many floors are between R and N? a) Only I and II b) Only II and III
a) One b) Two c) Three c) Only I and III d) All I, II and III
d) None e) None of these e) Only III
4. What is the position of P from the top of the 9. If U is related to P and G is related to L in a
building? certain way, then who among the following person
a) Second b) Sixth c) Third is related to G?
d) Fourth e) Fifth a) Y b) P c) R d) D e) L
5. Four of the following are alike in a certain way 10. If the person who opens the shop on the 1 st and
based on the given arrangement and thus form a 7 th floors are interchanged their position and
group. Which one of the following does not belong similarly the persons on 2 nd and 6 th floors did the
to the group? same, then who among the following person opens
a) M b) O c) P d) L e) R the shop two floors below J?
a) G b) R c) L d) J e) P
Direction (6-10): Study the following information
carefully and answer the given questions. Direction (11-15): Study the following information
Seven persons - G, J, L, P, R, U and W are opening carefully and answer the below questions
the shop on different floors of a seven-storey building Eight persons- A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are living
where the lowermost floor is numbered one and the on different floors in the eight-storey building. The
floor immediately above it is numbered two and so lowermost floor is numbered as one and the topmost
on. No two persons opened the shop on the same floor is numbered as eight. All the information is not
floor. necessarily in the same order.
27. Who among the following person lives three 34. How many persons are living between A and
floors below L? the one who lives two floors above C?
a) P b) The one who lives on the second floor a) As many persons live between E and I
c) M d) The one who lives immediately below K b) Four
e) N c) As many persons live between C and J
d) As many persons live between I and H
28. As many persons live between N and __ as e) Seven
between O and ___ respectively.
a) P, L b) R, J c) J, M 35. Who among the following person lives three
d) O, Q e) L, P floors below I?
a) The one who lives immediately below G
29. Which of the following statements is/are b) G
TRUE as per the given arrangement? c) J
a) No one lives above J d) The one who lives two floors below E
b) Only three persons live between M and K e) None of these
c) O lives immediately below K
d) Both a and b Direction (36-40): Study the following information
e) Both b and c carefully and answer the given questions.
Five persons – W, E, R, T, and Y are living on
30. What is the sum of floor numbers of P, K, and different floors of a five-storey building such that the
R? lowermost floor is numbered as one and the floor
a) 12 b) 17 c) 13 d) 14 e) 15 immediately above it is numbered as two and so on.
Note: They blew up different numbers of balloons,
Direction (31-35): Answer the questions based on which are more than 20 but not more than 100.
the information given below. Only one floor is between R and Y, who lives on one
Ten persons- A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J are living of the even-numbered floor. E lives immediately
on different floors of a ten-storey building, but not above R and blew 76 balloons. Only two persons live
necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor is between E and the one who blew up 24 balloons
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more than E. W lives two floors below T. The Only two persons live between the one who likes
difference between the numbers of balloons blew up horse and U, who lives above the third floor. T lives
by Y and T is 44. W blew up 27 balloons less than T, immediately below the one who likes horse. The one
but half of the balloons blew up by R. who likes cat lives two floors above T. Q lives three
36. What is the sum of the number of balloons floors above the one who likes dog. Q doesn’t like
blown up by the persons who live on the even- cat. No one lives between the one who likes duck and
numbered floor? fish. Only three persons live between R and the one
a) 176 b) 158 c) 156 d) 100 e) 129 who likes fish. The one who likes dog lives on the
adjacent floor of S.
37. Who among the following persons lives either 41.
on the top-most floor or on the bottom-most floor? Who among the following person likes cat?
a) The one who blew up 76 balloons a) R
b) R b) The one who lives immediately above S
c) The one who live immediately below Y c) The one who lives on the sixth floor
d) Both A and B d) T
e) Both A and C e) None of the above
38. If E is related to the one who blew up 56 42. How many persons live between Q and the one
balloons and R is related to Y in a certain way, who likes hen?
then who among the following person is related to a) As many persons live below S
the one who blew up 29 balloons? b) As many persons live above the one who likes fish
a) The one who lives immediately above T c) Four
b) Y d) As many persons live between the one who likes
c) The one who blew up 56 balloons duck and T
d) E e) Five
e) The one who blew up 58 balloons
43. S lives on which of the following floor?
39. Find the difference between the number of a) First floor b) Fifth floor c) Third floor
balloons blew up by the person who lives on the d) Fourth floor e) None of the above
4 th floor, and the person who lives on the 2 nd floor?
a) 42 b) 32 c) 52 d) 48 e) 38 44. Who among the following person lives
immediately above the one who likes hen?
40. Four of the following five are alike in a certain a) The one who likes cat b) U
way based on the given arrangement and thus c) The one who likes dog d) Q
form a group. Which one of the following does not e) No one
belong that group?
a) E – the one who blew 58 balloons 45. Find the odd one out.
b) R – The one who lives on the third floor a) RT b) QU c) SV d) RQ e) TS
c) T - the one who blew 100 balloons
d) Y – The one who lives on the second floor Direction (46-50): Study the following information
e) W- the one who blew 100 balloons carefully and answer the given questions.
Six persons - A, B, D, E, G, and H are staying on six
Direction (41-45): Study the following information different floors of a six-storey building where the
carefully and answer the questions given below. lowermost floor is numbered one and the floor
Six persons - Q, R, S, T, U and V are living on immediately above it is numbered two and so on.
different floors of a six-storey building, but not Each person likes different kinds of music viz., Jazz,
necessarily in the same order. They like different Folk, Blues, Soul, Disco, and Punk. No two persons
animals - Dog, Hen, Horse, Cat, Duck and Fish. The stay on the same floor.
lower-most floor is numbered as 1 and the floor D stays on one of the odd-numbered floors. Only two
immediately above is numbered as 2 and so on. floors are between D and G, who likes Blues. The
one who likes Jazz stays three floors below H, who
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does not live on the topmost floor. The number of the topmost floor is numbered as 7. Each person is
floors above H is one less than the number of floors from different countries viz. China, India, Japan,
below the one who likes Folk. E stays immediately Korea, Russia, Spain and USA. All the given
below the one who likes Folk. A stays above E, information is not necessarily in the same order.
where neither of them stays on the adjacent floors. A O lives on an even-numbered floor and three floors
likes neither Soul nor Disco. B likes either Disco or below the one who is from Korea. P lives
Punk. immediately below the one who is from Korea and
46. If only the names of music are arranged in the two floors above the one who is from Japan. The
dictionary order from the sixth floor to first floor, number of floors above P is same as the number of
then which of the following statement is false with floors below the one who is from Russia. R lives
respect to the new arrangement? three floors above the one who is from Russia, who
a) The one who likes folk stays immediately above D lives immediately above M. The one who is from
b) Only two persons stay between H and the one who Spain lives immediately below the one who is from
likes punk India and immediately above N. S is neither from
c) A likes folk Spain nor from USA.
d) D stays two floors above the one who likes soul 51. Who among the following person is from
e) All the given statements are true Spain?
a) Person who lives immediately below P b) R
c) Person who lives on 6th floor d) S
47. The number of floors above A is one less than e) None of these
the number of floors below __.
a) E b) The one who likes punk c) G 52. On which of the following floor does S live?
d) B e) The one who likes the Folk a) Floor 6 b) Floor 3 c) Floor 4
d) Floor 1 e) None of these
48. How many floors are between the one who
stays immediately above H and the one who likes 53. How many floors are there between N and the
Jazz? one who is from Japan?
a) None b) Two c) One a) One
d) Three e) Four b) As many floors are there between R and P
c) Three
49. Which among the following pair of persons d) More than three
stays on the adjacent floors? e) As many floors above the one who is from India
I. G and A II. D and B III. H and A
a) Only III b) Only II and III 54. If all the persons are living in alphabetical
c) Only II d) Only I and III order from bottom to top, then how many persons
e) Only I and II remain unchanged in their position?
a) One b) Two c) Three
50. Who among the following person stays on an d) More than three e) None
even numbered floor?
a) The one who likes punk music 55. M is from which of the following country?
b) The one who likes Jazz music a) China b) India c) Korea
c) Both A and B d) USA e) None of these
d) The one who likes folk music
e) Both a and d Direction (56-60): Study the following information
carefully and answer the given questions
Direction (51-55): Study the following information Seven persons viz. P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are living
carefully and answer the questions given below. on different floors of the seven-storey building such
Seven persons viz. M, N, O, P, Q, R and S are living that the lowermost floor is numbered as one and the
on different floors of the seven-storey building such floor immediately above it is numbered as two and so
that the lowermost floor is numbered as 1, the floor on. Each of them has different birds viz., Parrot,
immediately above it is numbered as 2 and so on till
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Macaw, Cockatoo, Finches, Dove, Cockatiel and Only two persons live below M. O lives three floors
Budgerigar. No two persons live on the same floor. above M. The only person who lives adjacent floor of
The one who has Parrot lives two floors above U, O is J. Only two persons live between J and N. N
who lives on an odd-numbered floor. Only three does not live on odd numbered floor. L lives below P,
persons live between U and Q. Only one person lives where neither of them lives adjacent to the vacant
between Q and V, who does not live on the topmost floor.
floor. R, who has cockatoo, lives immediately below 61) How many persons live between the vacant
S. The number of persons living between V and R floors?
is one less than the number of persons living between a) Three b) Four c) Two
S and the one who has Dove. T, who has finches, d) Five e) More than five
lives two floors above P. P has neither Cockatiel nor 62) Who among the following person lives
Macaw. The one who has Macaw does not live on an immediately above L?
odd numbered floor. a) M b) P c) N d) K e) J
56. As many persons live below the one who has
Parrot as above ______. 63) _____ lives adjacent floor of M and lives three
a) The one who has Macaw floors above ____ respectively.
b) Q a) JN b) PL c) KN d) PN e) NL
c) U
d) The one who lives on the first floor 64) If Q lives on a vacant floor above P, then how
e) T many persons live below Q?
a) Six b) Seven c) Five
57. Who among the following person lives two d) Four e) Three
floors above P?
a) T b) U c) S d) V e) Q 65) Four of the following five are alike in a certain
way based on the given arrangement and thus
58. What is the sum of the floor numbers of U and form a group. Which one of the following does not
the one who has Dove? belong to that group?
a) 9 b) 11 c) 7 d) 10 e) 5 a) JM b) PN c) KJ d) ML e) OM
59. If Q is related to V and P is related to S in a Direction (66-70): Study the following information
certain way, then in the same way, who among the carefully and answer the given questions
following person is related to R? Nine persons, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, and T are living
a) P b) V c) T d) S e) U on different floors of the nine-storey building where
the lowermost floor is numbered as one and the floor
60. Four of the following five are alike in a certain immediately above it is numbered as two and so on.
way based on the given arrangement and thus No two persons live on the same floor.
form a group. Which one of the following does not T lives on an even number floor but below the
belong to the group? seventh floor. The number of persons living above T
a) R b) The one who has Finches is one more than the number of persons living below
c) Q d) V L. Only three persons live between L and M. S lives
e) The one who has cockatiel two floors below M. P lives immediately below N.
The number of persons living below N is the same as
Direction (61-65): Study the following information the number of persons living above Q. Q lives above
carefully and answer the question given below: both O and R, who lives below O.
Seven persons - J, K, L, M, N, O and P live on nine 66. What is the sum of the floor numbers of O and
different floors of a nine-storeyed building where the R?
lowermost floor is numbered one and the topmost a) 14 b) 12 c) 11 d) 9 e) 10
floor is numbered nine. Two floors are vacant and at
least two floors are there between the vacant floors. 67. Which of the following statements is true with
No two persons live on the same floor. respect to the final arrangement?
I) M lives on the topmost floor
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II) S lives immediately above O
III) No one lives between O and T 72) Who among the following person lives
IV) N lives on an odd number floor immediately above G’s husband?
a) Only (III) and (IV) b) Only (I) and (II) a) The one who lives immediately below H’s mother
c) Only (II) and (IV) d) Only (II) b) T
e) All (I), (II) and (III) c) The one who lives two floors below K
d) D
8. If all the persons are arranged in alphabetical e) None of these
order from the topmost floor, then how many
persons remain unchanged in their position? 73) Who among the following person is D’s son-in-
a) Two b) One c) None law?
d) Three e) More than three a) The one who lives immediately above H
b) C
69. As many persons live above O as below___? c) The one who lives two floors below G
a) P d) Both a and c
b) The one who lives two persons below M e) None of these
c) The one who lives immediately above N
d) T 74) How many persons are living between K and
e) L H’s aunty?
a) As many persons are living between H and T
70. How many persons are living above L? b) Two
a) None b) Four c) Three c) As many persons are living between D and K
d) Two e) One d) As many persons are living between B and T
e) None
Directions (71-75): Study the following
information carefully and answer the below 75) Which of the following statements is/are not
questions. true as per the given arrangement?
Eight persons – B, D, G, H, K, M, Q, and T are from a) K lives three floors above T
the same family of three generations living on b) Three persons are living between D and B
different floors of an eight-storeyed building where c) Two persons are living below M
the lowermost floor is numbered one and the floor d) G lives on floor number 4
immediately above it is numbered two and so on. No e) All the above statements are true
two persons live on the same floor. Two married
couples are in the family. Direction (76-80): Study the following information
Q lives four floors above D’s son-in-law but does not carefully and answer the questions given below.
live on the topmost floor. G is the only daughter of D Seven persons D, E, F, G, H, I and J are painting
and lives two floors away from her husband. The different floors of a seven-storey building. The
number of persons living below G is two more than lowermost floor is numbered as one and the floor
the number of persons living above D. H is the only immediately above it is numbered as 2 and so on.
daughter of Q’s brother. T is the mother of Q and Each of them is from a different paint companies viz.
mother-in-law of G. Only three persons live between Asian paints, Indigo paints, Nerolac paints, Nippon
T and H. B is the sibling of H. The number of paints, Berger paints, Dulux paints and Shalimar
persons living between D and T is one less than the paints.
number of persons living below B. The gender of B D paints three floors above the one who is from
and D is not the same. K’s only son lives on any floor Nippon paint. I paint immediately above D. As many
above his daughter. persons paint above the one who is from Nippon
71) How K is related to the one who lives paint as below the one who is from Indigo paint. G
immediately above B? paints three floors above the one who is from
a) Brother-in-law b) Son Shalimar paint, who paints below D. F paints four
c) Father-in-law d) Wife floors below G. The number of persons painting
e) None of these above F is one more than the number of persons
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painting below the one who is from Nerolac paint, the floor immediately above is numbered 2 and so on.
who paints two floors above H. E paints immediately Only one person lives on each floor.
below the one who is from Dulux paint. Only two X lives on a prime-numbered floor, but not on the
persons paint between J and the one who is from topmost floor. As many floors above X as below the
Berger paint. one who has Pigeon. V lives immediately above the
76. Who among the following person paints on the one who has Pigeon. The one who has Cow lives
seventh floor? three floors below V. Only one person lives between
a) I Y and the one who has Cow. The number of floors
b) The one who is from Asian paint below Y is one more than the number of floors above
c) The one who paints immediately above F the one who has Parrot. The one who has Goat lives
d) J two floors below the one who has Parrot. As many
e) D floors between X and the one who has Goat as
between the one who has Dog and Z, who doesn't live
77. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true above the one who has Dog. U and T do not live on
with respect to the final arrangement? the adjacent floors. Both U and T neither live on the
I. G is from Asian paint 6 th floor nor lives below Z. W neither has Cow nor
II. E paints three floors below the one who is from lives adjacent to T. The one who has Cat doesn't live
Berger paint on the topmost floor.
III. I Paints on an even numbered floor 81. Who among the following person has Parrot?
IV. No one paints below F a) The one who lives immediately below Y
a) Only I and II b) Only III and IV b) U
c) Only II and III d) Only II and IV c) W
e) None of these d) The one who lives on the 5th floor
e) None of these
78. The person who paints on the third floor is
from which company? 82. On which of the following floor does T live?
a) Berger paint b) Nippon paint c) Shalimar paint a) 2nd floor b) 5th floor c) 7th floor
d) Nerolac paint e) Indigo paint d) 4th floor e) None of these
79. Which of the following combination is true? 83. Who among the following person lives two
a) H-Dulux Paint b) J-Nippon Paint floors below the one who has Cat?
c) D-Asian paint d) G-Indigo paint a) The one who has Dog b) U c) W
e) I-Nerolac paint d) The one who has Pigeon e) None of these
80. How many persons paint above the one who is 84. The number of floors above the one who has
from Asian paint? Pigeon is the same as the number of floors below
a) As many persons paint below the one who is from _____.
Indigo paint a) W b) X c) V d) Y e) None of these
b) Three
c) Two 85. How many persons live between U and the one
d) As many persons paint below F who has Goat?
e) None a) As many persons live between X and Y
b) Two
Direction (81-85): Study the following information c) As many persons between W and T
carefully and answer the question given below. d) More than three
Seven persons viz. T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z are living e) None
on different floors of the seven storey building but
not necessarily in the same order. Each person has Direction (86-90): Study the following information
different pets viz. Cat, Cow, Dog, Goat, Hen, Parrot, carefully and answer the given questions.
and Pigeon. The lowermost floor is numbered 1 and Eleven persons - A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, and K
live on different floors of a twelve storeyed building
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where the lowermost floor is numbered one and the floors and those whose name contains an odd
topmost floor is numbered twelve. One floor is number of letters are living on the odd-numbered
vacant. No two persons live on the same floor. floors.
K lives on an even numbered floor but above seventh Only three persons live between the one who likes
floor. Only three persons live between K and J. J Kalakand and Shobit. Shobit lives immediately
lives neither on the fourth floor nor on the sixth floor. above the one who likes Laddu, who doesn’t live on
At least one person lives above J. The number of the lowermost floor. Kabir lives four floors above the
floors above J is the same as the number of floors one who likes Barfi. As many persons live between
below B. I lives immediately above B.F lives the one who likes Laddu and the one who likes Barfi
immediately above A, who lives on an odd numbered as above Aman. Aman likes Jalebi. Only two persons
floor. D lives immediately below A. E lives three live between Madhu and the one who likes Gulab
floors above H. The number of persons living Jamun. Neither Shobit nor Ritu likes Gulab Jamun.
between E and K is one less than the number of The number of persons living between Ritu and
persons living between F and C. Abhay is one less than the number of persons living
86. Which of the following floor is vacant? above the one who likes Rasagulla. Rehan neither
a) Fifth b) Seventh c) Sixth likes Barfi nor Halwa. Not more than two persons
d) Fourth e) Eighth live between Rehan and the one who likes Malpua.
91. Who among the following person likes
87. As many persons live above I as below ______. Rasgulla?
a) The one who lives immediately below J b) D a) The one who lives two floors above Zoya.
c) The one who lives on the eighth floor d) A b) Parul
e) E c) The one who lives immediately below Aman.
d) Either A or C
88. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true e) Kabir
as per the given arrangement?
a) Three persons live between D and C 92. Which of the following sweet dish is liked by
b) All the statements are true Kabir?
c) C lives on the topmost floor a) Halwa b) Malpua c) Gulab Jamun
d) No one lives between F and D d) Peda e) None of these.
e) Two persons live above B
93. How many persons are living between the one
89. If P lives immediately below the vacant floor, who likes Malpua and Zoya?
then how many floors are between B and P? a) Three
a) Two b) Six c) Five d) Four e) Three b) As many persons live below Parul
90. Who among the following pair of persons are c) As many persons live above Aman.
living on the adjacent floors? d) None
a) BD b) FG c) AG d) HF e) EI e) Either C or D
Direction (91-95): Study the following information 94. If the one who likes Barfi is related to Abhay,
carefully and answer the below questions. similarly the one who likes Rasgulla is related to
Nine persons – Aman, Zoya, Kabir, Rehan, Shobit, Aman, then who among the following person is
Parul, Ritu, Madhu, and Abhay are living on different related to Zoya?
floors of the nine storey building such that the a) The one who likes Halwa
lowermost floor is numbered as one and the floor b) Shobit
immediately above it is numbered as two and so on. c) The one who likes Peda
Each person likes different sweet dishes viz.- Laddu, d) The one who likes Kala Kand
Barfi, Rasgulla, Halwa, Peda, Gulab Jamun, Jalebi, e) Kabir
Kalakand, and Malpua. All the information is not
necessarily in the same order. 95. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true
Note: The persons whose name contains an even with respect to the final arrangement?
number of letters are living on the even-numbered
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I. The one who likes Malpua lives immediately above III. The one whose floor height is 16ft.
Abhay. a) Both II and III b) None
II. Kabir lives three persons above the one who likes c) Both I and II d) Only III
Gulab Jamun. e) All I, II, and III
III. Ritu likes Kalakand
a) Both II and III b) Only III 97. Who among the following persons are living
c) Only I d) Both I and II above the one whose floor height is 24ft?
e) None of these I. The one whose floor height is 18ft.
Direction (96-100): Study the following III. The one whose floor height is 20ft.
information carefully and answer the below a) Only II b) None
questions. c) Both I and III d) Only III
Eight persons – P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W are living e) All I, II, and III
on different floors of an eight-storey building marked
1 to 8 from bottom to top respectively. Each floor has 98. Who among the following person lives
a different height between 10 and 45 ft. and the immediately below P?
height of each floor is multiple of either 4 or 6 or a) The one who lives two floors above R
both. All the given information is not necessary in the b) T
same order. c) The one whose floor height is 16ft
S lives five floors below the one whose floor height d) S
is 16ft. One person lives between S and the one e) None of these
whose floor height is 20ft. The number of persons
living below the one whose floor height is 20ft. is one 99. Four of the following five are alike in a certain
more than the number of persons living above W, way based on the given arrangement and thus
whose floor height is 30ft. The height of the floor of form a group, Which one of the following does not
R is 14ft less than the height of the floor of U, who belong to that group?
lives immediately below the floor of the one whose a) The one whose floor height is 30ft.
floor height is 20ft. Q lives three floors above the one b) V
whose floor height is 24ft. The number of persons c) The one whose floor height is 18ft
living between the one whose floor height is 24ft and d) The one who lives three floors below Q
S is half of the number of floors between R and W. e) U
The number of floors between U and T is the same as
the number of floors between V and T. Not more than 100. How many persons are living above the one
two floors are between P and the one whose height of whose floor height is 20ft?
floor is 42ft. The height of one of the floors above V I. As many persons living between R and W
is 28ft. II. As many persons living below U
96. Who among the following person lives between III. As many persons living below T
the one whose floor height is 42ft and W? a) Both II and III b) None
I. The one whose floor height is 24ft. c) Both I and III d) Only III
II. U e) All I, II, and III
Answer Key
1. D 11. D 21. C 31. B 41. B 51. C 61. B 71. C 81. C 91. A
2. D 12. D 22. E 32. C 42. D 52. D 62. C 72. A 82. A 92. B
3. B 13. B 23. D 33. E 43. C 53. B 63. D 73. D 83. D 93. B
4. C 14. C 24. A 34. D 44. C 54. A 64. A 74. D 84. B 94. D
5. B 15. B 25. A 35. A 45. D 55. D 65. E 75. C 85. B 95. A
6. B 16. C 26. C 36. B 46. E 56. C 66. D 76. D 86. B 96. C
7. D 17. A 27. D 37. E 47. B 57. A 67. B 77. A 87. A 97. B
8. C 18. C 28. B 38. C 48. D 58. D 68. A 78. C 88. E 98. A
9. C 19. B 29. C 39. A 49. A 59. E 69. D 79. E 89. E 99. A
10. E 20. D 30. E 40. D 50. C 60. B 70. B 80. D 90. E 100. C
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Cloze Test
A Cloze test is a passage based on a particular topic and it is a combination of Comprehension and Fill in the
blanks, where your understanding, Analyzing and vocabulary abilities are all examined at once. It is an important
part of the General English Section. More importantly, it is important to understand the flow and meaning of the
The Cloze Test is a cluster of grammar, logical reasoning and vocabulary. The intention of the Examiner behind this
topic is to check an aspirant's reading and comprehension and analyzing abilities.
1. Fill in the Blanks
2. Replacing a Word
3. Multiple Choices
4. Selecting inappropriate usage of Words
Directions (1-6): In the following passage some of D.akin E.None of these
the words have been left out, each of which is
indicated by a number. Find the suitable word 4. D.?
from the options given to make the paragraph A.spreading B.developing C.flourishing
contextually and grammatically complete. D.originating E.None of these
The ________ (A) published on 5 May in The New
England Journal of Medicine1 — suggests that 5. E.?
current RNA vaccines are a ___________ A.with B.from C.for
(B) weapon against the most worrisome immune- D.while E.None of these
evading variants. Pfizer, ___________ (C) in New
York City, and BioNTech in Mainz, Germany, 6. F.?
are _______________ (D) an updated RNA vaccine A.responsibility B.remittance C.regard
targeting B.1.351, as is Moderna, based in D.response E.None of these
Cambridge, Massachusetts. Early
results ____________ (E) Moderna’s efforts suggest Directions (1-6):
that a booster shot of the updated vaccine triggers a 1.Explanation
strong ___________ (F) against B.1.351. Answer: A
The given blank will take the word ‘findings’(means
1. A.? ‘information discovered as the result of an inquiry or
A.findings B.overdo C.concealing investigation’) as the sentence talks about a work
D.resulting E.None of these related to vaccines which is published in a journal.
Hence, option A is the right answer choice.
2. B.? 2.Explanation
A.potentially B.outgoing C.ominous Answer: D
D.potent E.None of these The given blank will take the word ‘potent’ (means
having great power, influence, or effect) as the
3. C.? sentence talks about the importance of the RNA
A.biased B.congregation C.based vaccines. Hence, option D is the right answer choice.
2. Replacing a Word
In the type of passage the particular word is highlighted in the sentence that word may or may not be appropriate.
If the given highlighted word is logically correct with the sentence, aspirant should choose ‘No Correction is
required’, If not it can be replace with another word from the given options.
The example cloze test set is given below for candidate’s understanding.
3. Multiple Choices
In this type one or more options may be fitted for the given question. Aspirant has to choose one or more options
appropriately that will fit for the particular blank of the question given in the passage. This type of passage will be
asked in mains level examinations.
The example cloze test set is given below for the candidate's understanding.
Improving Methods
1. Strong your vocabulary
2. Improve your reading and understanding skills
3. Go through with preposition, articles
4. Revise grammar rules
5. Categorize the given passage is positive or negative sense
6. Practice more
Practice Questions
Directions (1-6): In the following passage, some of 4. And, as Dalrymple reminds us, while others in
the words have been left out, each of which is theory paid homage to the crown, Tipu Sultan
indicated by a number. Find the suitable word discarded even this (D) …….
from the options given against each number and a) quiver b) quire c) posse
fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make d) dipterist e) None of these
the paragraph meaningfully complete.
As a man, Shah Alam was not, to be clear, all (A) 5. Those who bowed before Shah Alam,
……, but, as scion of the Mughals, he inspired little announced Mysore’s sultan, “act through (E) ……
support. He was a poet of talent, writing verses in a) ignorance b) capitalize c) censurable
languages as diverse as Braj Bhasha and Persian. EIC d) undermining e) None of these
officer Col Polier described him as “a good and (B) 6. Since the real condition of the so-called
…… man” so far as his private characteristics went, Emperor is…(that he is) the servant of (the
but acknowledged that he was not by any stretch a Marathas) (F) …… the monthly wages of
“great king”. The English governor Warren Hastings, Rs15,000
who refused to remit even the share of Bengal a) in b) at c) for d) to e) None of these
revenues that were due to the emperor, was more (C)
……: Shah Alam was merely a “wretched King of Directions (7-11): In the following context five
shreds and patches”. blanks (a)-(e) has been given. Fill those blanks
And, as Dalrymple reminds us, while others in theory with the suitable words given below.
paid homage to the crown, Tipu Sultan discarded From the ___(a)___ of the year, Kashmir has been
even this (D) ……. Those who bowed before Shah facing its ___(b)___ crisis since 2008 and 2010.
Alam, announced Mysore’s sultan, “act through (E) Neither Delhi nor Srinagar appears to be equipped to
……, since the real condition of the so-called effectively deal with it. News emanating out of
Emperor is…(that he is) the servant of (the Kashmir over the past few months should be a matter
Marathas) (F) …… the monthly wages of Rs15,000”. of utmost ____(c)____. Delhi and Srinagar, but
1. As a man, Shah Alam was not, to be clear, for ____(d)____ reasons, seem to be unwilling to
all (A) ……, but, as scion of the Mughals, he admit to the gravity of the situation that is developing
inspired little support. in the Valley. However, if those in power at the
a) mellifluous b) incompetence c) dulcet Centre and in the State fail to heed the lessons of
d) sprightly e) None of these history, merely hoping against hope that things
will ___(e)___ down, it could be a costly mistake.
2. EIC officer Col Polier described him as “a good 7. (a). ?
and (B) …… man” so far as his private a) introduction b) evolution c) beginning
characteristics went, but acknowledged that he d) starting e) None of these
was not by any stretch a “great king”.
a) benevolent b) vivacious c) garble 8. (b). ?
d) obscure e) None of these a) cheerful b) gravest c) trivial
d) Both a & c e) None of these
3. The English governor Warren Hastings, who
refused to remit even the share of Bengal revenues 9. (c). ?
that were due to the emperor, was more (C) a) trouble b) situation c) Rule
……: Shah Alam was merely a “wretched King of d) concern e) None of these
shreds and patches”.
a) intractable b) decrepit c) ingrained 10. (d). ?
d) blunt e) None of these a) different b) various c) big
d) Both a & b e) None of these
11. (e). ?
Directions (12-16): In the following passage, some 16. As they say, Life is a boomerang, your (E)
of the words have been left out, each of which is …… come back to you.
indicated by a number. Find the suitable word a) deeds b) imperil c) imbibe
from the options given against each number and d) laud e) None of these
fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make
the paragraph meaningfully complete. Directions (17-21): Read the paragraph
Reading about a (A) …… incident in Badaun district thoroughly and completely. There are five blanks
of Uttar Pradesh, where a man slit open his wife’s in the paragraph. Fill the blanks with the
belly in a (B) …… bid to ascertain the sex of the following options to make the coherent paragraph.
foetus, I was instantly reminded of Karma- you get The grey wolf also known as the timber wolf or wolf
what you deserve. The man who had already fathered is a mammal of the order Carnivore. Genetic
five daughters was (C) …… for a son. When the studies (A) the grey wolf shares a common ancestry
local priest told him that his wife, who was six to with the domestic dog and might be its ancestor.
seven months pregnant was carrying a girl child this Many other grey wolf subspecies have
time as well, the man (D) …… for an abortion and been (B) however the actual number of subspecies is
when the woman refused to relent, he took a sickle still open to discussion. Though once (C) over much
and slit open his wife’s belly. Timely assistance by of North America and areas of Europe and Asia, the
the woman’s brother saved her life, but the child (a grey wolf inhabits a very small portion of its former
‘boy’ as revealed by the doctors attending to the range because of the widespread destruction of its
woman) could not be saved and the woman’s uterus habitat. Gray wolves are highly (D) and have thrived
also suffered irreparable harm rendering her in forests, deserts, mountains, tundra and grasslands.
medically unfit for future pregnancies. As they say, They function as social predators and hunt in packs
Life is a boomerang, your (E) …… come back to organized according to strict social hierarchies. It was
you. This man’s impulsive actions have not only originally believed that this comparatively high level
landed him in prison but will also haunt him for the of social organization was related to hunting success,
rest of his life. He himself killed the son that he was and while this still may be true to a certain extent,
yearning for. emerging theories (E)that the pack has less to do with
12. Reading about a (A) …… incident in Badaun hunting and more to do with reproductive success.
district of Uttar Pradesh 17. A.?
a) lambast b) shocking c) certain a) post b) indicate c) point
d) assuage e) None of these d) reveal e) None of the above
13. where a man slit open his wife’s belly in a (B) 18. B. ?
…… bid to ascertain the sex of the foetus a) counted b) noted c) identified
a) desolate b) soothe c) refrain d) projected e) None of the above
d) jeopardise e) None of these
19. C. ?
14. The man who had already fathered five a) sporadic b) heavy c) hugely
daughters was (C) …… for a son. d) abundant e) None of the above
a) rebut b) castigate c) agitate
d) desperate e) None of these 20. D. ?
a) bearing b) adoptable c) adaptable
15. When the local priest told him that his wife, d) adept e) None of the above
who was six to seven months pregnant was
carrying a girl child this time as well, the man (D) 21. E. ?
…… for an abortion and when the woman refused a) suggest b) proves c) details
to relent, he took a sickle and slit open his wife’s d) doubles e) None of the above
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Directions (22-26): Read the following passage 25. Which of the following is inappropriate in the
and answer the questions as directed. There are blank (D)?
some blanks given in the passage given with a a) Continuously b) Regularly c) Persistently
word in brackets. You have to find the d) Repeatedly e) Intrigue
inappropriate word according to the word given
in the brackets and mark the corresponding 26. Which of the following is inappropriate in the
option as your answer. blank (E)?
The telecom giant has not just launched a 1GBPS a) Depressed b) Deviated c) Disheartened
fiber connection as part of Airtel Stream fiber, but d) Saddened e) Despondent
also a router that can deliver this over Wi-Fi, while
others are only able to do this via a LAN cable. The Directions (27-33): In the following passage there
whole family can enjoy ultra-fast internet, no matter are blanks, each of which has been numbered and
how speed-(intensive) ---A---- the tasks are. one word has been suggested alongside the blank.
Technology is changing the way we live and work, These numbers are printed below the passage and
and 2020 was proof enough. The pandemic had against each, five options are given. In four
forced physical office spaces to shut down, causing options, one word is suggested in each option.
businesses to (embrace) ----B---- the ‘work from Find out the appropriate word which fits the
home’ model. If there’s one thing the world blank appropriately. If the word written alongside
heavily (relied) ---C---- on, it was the home internet the blank fits the passage, choose option ‘e’ (No
connection, which has been stretched beyond correction required) as the correct choice.
capacity. Whether it’s children taking online classes, The announcement of the 67th National Film Awards
or parents attending their Zoom meetings, never has on Monday, to recognise films certified in 2019,
there been a time when the entire house has quite predictably drew its share of controversies.
been (constantly) ----D---- connected to the Wi-Fi, While some attributed a few of the awards to the
and that, too, on multiple devices! Unsurprisingly, a political alignment of the personalities and films
lot of Wi-Fi connections haven't been able to keep concerned, there were others who thought that
up, leaving consumers (disappointed) ----E----. As deserving candidates were (A) overturned.
always, Airtel has been ahead of the curve when it However, there was no disputing the fact that the
comes to understanding the needs of the consumers. awards acknowledged both well-known and less
Providing innovative solutions has always been their known films from different pockets of the country.
mission and today, it enjoys a favorableposition as Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi and Bengali
one of the world’s largest telecommunication films have always had their fair share of recognition,
companies offering mobile, fixed broadband, digital winning a (B) cohort of awards. Thanks to the (C)
TV solutions, and mobile commerce to over 400 burdening of regional and language boundaries in
million customers across India, South Asia and cinema in recent years, a Tamil or a Telugu film, for
Africa. instance, now stands a better chance at enjoying a
22. Which of the following is inappropriate in the pan-Indian theatrical release with subtitles, and
blank (A)? thereafter reaching wider audiences through digital
a) Exhaustive b) Concentrated c) Contradictory platforms. Dhanush, Vetri Maaran and Vijay
d) Fast e) Absolute Sethupathi are names that are (D) revered well
beyond the boundaries of Tamil cinema, appreciated
23. Which of the following is inappropriate in the for projects that have smudged the line between art
blank (B)? house and mainstream cinema. Dhanush being
a) Compensate b) Support c) Engage declared the Best Actor for Asuran, which was
d) Encompass e) Adopt also (E) allotted the Best Tamil Film, and Sethupathi
winning Best Supporting Actor for Super Deluxe,
24. Which of the following is inappropriate in the have been lauded widely. Sharing the Best Actor
blank (C)? honours with Dhanush is Manoj Bajpayee for his
a) Depend b) Count c) Lean internalised performance in Bhonsle. The Kannada
d) Relay e) Reckon film Avane Srimannarayana was chosen for Best
Action Direction. The Malayalam period magnum
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opus Marakkar: Lion of the Arabian Sea bagged Best 33. Which of the following words will replace the
Feature Film. word marked (G)?
The award that drew the (F) fiercest criticism was a) Ration b) Sporadic c) Frequency
that of Kangana Ranaut for being declared Best d) Spotlight e) No improvement required
Actress for Panga and Manikarnika: The Queen of
Jhansi. Whether or not her politics was a factor in the Directions (34-38): In the following passage, some
choice, there is no doubting Kangana’s talent. Look of the words have been left out, each of which is
beyond the noise surrounding this recognition, and indicated by a number. Find the suitable word
the National Awards also put the (G) from the options given against each number and
spontaneous on films from the Northeast region — fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make
the Khasi film Iewduh for Best Audiography the paragraph meaningfully complete.
(Location Sound Recordist) and Water Burial, in Third, the post-Covid world trade order will most
Arunachal Pradesh’s tribal Monpa language, for Best likely be (A) …… by geo-political decisions. Many
Film for Environment Conservation. For film countries are now wary of China and may
industries that rarely enjoy their place in the sun, a strategically align themselves with other trade
National Award should ideally help winning films partners for import sourcing. India has a fine
find a wider audience. It has not always been the opportunity here and should fill the (B) …… by
case, but there is hope, in a world where cinema may scaling up its champion sectors with immediate
increasingly be consumed on digital platforms. urgency. India can pick up cues from Vietnam and
27. Which of the following words will replace the Bangladesh who are doing exceedingly well as
word marked (A)? alternative destinations for companies moving their
a) Overpressure b) Overlooked c) Overestimated production away from China. Existing and newly
d) Overwhelmed e) No improvement required. signed FTAs should factor in this trend and allow for
some economic concessions in lieu of strategic goals.
28. Which of the following words will replace the Policy choices often involve (C) …… between the
word marked (B)? economic and the political, and choosing the right
a) Clutch b) Contemporary tradeoff is key.
c) Colleague d) Cloud Fourth, India may like to focus more on bilateral
e) No improvement required trade agreements compared to multilateral
agreements. The Regional Comprehensive Economic
29. Which of the following words will replace the Partnership (RCEP) negotiations have made India
word marked (C)? learn it the hard way. India’s last-minute decision to
a) Bemoaning b) Burgeoning c) Bemusing pull out from the RCEP in 2019 was driven (D) ……
d) Blurring e) No improvement required the industry’s clarion call to the Modi government. In
hindsight, the decision was a sensible one given
30. Which of the following words will replace the China’s dominance in the trade pact and India’s (E)
word marked (D)? …… to open its domestic market to the Chinese
a) Refined b) Recognised c) Referred producers who are known for subsidisation and
d) Reiterated e) No improvement required dumping practices.
34. Third, the post-Covid world trade order will
31. Which of the following words will replace the most likely be (A) …… by geo-political decisions.
word marked (E)? a) break in b) influenced c) call around
a) Abandoned b) Assessed c) Acknowledged d) vengeance e) None of these
d) Admired e) No improvement required 35. India has a fine opportunity here and should
fill the (B) …… by scaling up its champion sectors
32. Which of the following words will replace the with immediate urgency.
word marked (F)? a) void b) skew c) fugacious
a) Farthest b) Foremost c) Forbidden d) aegis e) None of these
d) Fainted e) No improvement required
116. Which of the following would fit the blank B? 122. Which of the following would fit the blank H?
a) fabric b) qualities c) form a) carrying b) including c) accompany
d) Both A and C e) None of the above d) aids e) None of the above
Answer Key
1. B 11. A 21. A 31. C 41. E 51. A 61. C 71. C 81. B 91. C 101. E 111. D 121. D
2. A 12. B 22. C 32. E 42. A 52. C 62. A 72. D 82. D 92. A 102. C 112. E 122. C
3. D 13. A 23. A 33. D 43. D 53. B 63. A 73. B 83. C 93. D 103. C 113. A
4. E 14. D 24. D 34. B 44. A 54. A 64. B 74. A 84. C 94. B 104. A 114. D
5. A 15. E 25. E 35. A 45. B 55. D 65. D 75. D 85. E 95. D 105. D 115. D
6. B 16. A 26. B 36. D 46. C 56. D 66. C 76. E 86. B 96. E 106. E 116. A
7. C 17. B 27. B 37. E 47. D 57. A 67. A 77. C 87. C 97. A 107. B 117. C
8. B 18. C 28. A 38. A 48. A 58. B 68. A 78. C 88. D 98. C 108. D 118. A
9. D 19. D 29. D 39. A 49. D 59. E 69. B 79. A 89. E 99. D 109. B 119. B
10. A 20. C 30. B 40. B 50. B 60. A 70. E 80. D 90. B 100. B 110. A 120. C
Workout Space
Workout Space
Workout Space
Workout Space
Practice Questions
Directions [1 – 3]: Read the data carefully and answer the following questions.
The bar graph given below shows the percentage of sugar Cookies and butter Cookies baked out of the total number
of Cookies baked by four different shops, namely, P, Q, R, and S.
Total cookies = Sugar Cookies + Chocolate Cookies + Butter Cookies
1) The number of Chocolate Cookies baked in a) 800 b) 600 c) 1200 d) 1000 e) 1600
shop P is 9/25th of the total number of cookies
baked in shop S, while the ratio of unsold to sold 3)The number of Chocolate Cookies baked in
Chocolate Cookies by shop P is 2:7, respectively. shops P and R is the same, and the number of
The number of Chocolate Cookies sold in P is how Sugar Cookies sold by shop R is twice that of the
much percentage more or less than the number of number of unsold Sugar cookies in the same shop,
butter cookies baked in shop S. and the number of butter cookies unsold by shop
a) 28% b) 20% c) 32% d) 40% e) 50% P is thrice that of the number of butter cookies
sold by the same shop. Find the difference
2) One–fourth of the total cookies baked in shops between the butter cookies unsold by shop P and
Q and R together is 420 more than the number of the Sugar Cookies sold by shop R, if the total
butter cookies baked in shop Q, while the number number of cookies baked in shop P is 1500.
of Sugar Cookies baked in shop Q is 180 less than a) 120 b) 90 c) 80 d) 140 e) None of these
the number of Chocolate Cookies baked in shop
R. Find the number of Chocolate Cookies baked
in shop Q.
Directions [4-8]: Read the data carefully and answer the following questions.
An examination consists of two subjects, i.e., Quants and Reasoning. The quants section has three parts: Part X
(each question is of 1 mark), Part Y (each question is of 2 marks) and Part Z (Each question is of 7 marks). There is
no negative mark in the exam, there is no deduction for unattempted questions.
The table given below shows the percentage distribution of marks obtained by four students, namely, A, B, C, and D
in Quants out of the total marks obtained by all four students together in the Quants section, while it also shows the
ratio of the marks obtained in Quants in Part X and Part Z.
Total marks obtained in Exam = Marks in Quants + Marks in Reasoning
The line graph given below shows the percentage of marks obtained in part Z out of the total marks obtained in
Note: I. The total marks obtained by all four students together in an exam were multiples of 100 but less than 1100
and more than 900, and the marks obtained by all students together in Reasoning are 30% of the total marks
obtained by all four students together in the exam.
II. The marks obtained by student B in part Y of quants are zero.
II. ‘m’ and ‘n’ are both distinct natural numbers, where the value of m is less than 7.
2) Answer: A
Let, the number of total cookies baked in shops Q and shop R be ‘a’ and ‘b’ respectively.
25% x (a + b) – 30% x a = 420
5b – a = 8400……………… (1)
25% x b – 20% x a = 180
5b – 4a = 3600…………… (2)
On solving both equations, we get
3a = 4800
So, value of a = 1600
So, the total cookies baked in shop Q = 1600
Number of Chocolate Cookies baked in shop Q = 50% x 1600 = 800
Hence, the answer is option A.
3) Answer: B
Number of Chocolate Cookies baked in shop P = 15% x P
Number of Chocolate Cookies baked in shop R = 25% x R
15% x P = 25% x R
Directions [4-8]:
From table,
% distribution of the total marks obtained in quants by all the students together = 100%
A = 40%
So, (B+C+D) = 100% - 40% = 60%
2(n-6) + 5m + (3n-7m+16) = 60
2n-12 + 5m + 3n-7m+16 = 60
5n – 2m = 56
Put, m = 1,
5n – 2 = 56
n=58/5 (not possible)
5n – 4 = 56
n = 60/5 (possible)
Now, the next value of m should be 7 to satisfy the value, but it should be less than 7.
So, m = 2 (confirmed).
5n – 4 = 56
5n = 60
n = 12.
Now, the total marks obtained (quants + reasoning) by all the students together are multiples of 100, which is more
than 900 but less than 1100.
So, the total marks obtained (quants + reasoning) by all the students together = 1000.
Total marks obtained by all the students together in reasoning = 30% of 1000 = 300.
Total marks obtained by all the students together in quants = 70% of 1000 = 700.
Now, the total marks obtained by all the students in quants,
A = 40% of 700 = 280
B = 12% of 700 = 84
C = 10% of 700 = 70
D = 38% of 700 = 266
4) Answer: C
According to the question,
Total number of right attempts by all the students together in quants = 286
Hence, the answer is option C
5) Answer: B
Total number of right attempts in part X = 142
Hence, the answer is option B
6) Answer: A
Right attempts of student D in Part X = 63
Right attempts of student B in Part Z = 9
Required % change = (63 – 9)/9 x 100 = 600% More
Hence, the answer is option A
7) Answer: D
Marks obtained by all the students together in an exam = 1000
Hence, the answer is option D
8) Answer: C
Required value = (2 x 2 + 3 x 12) = 40
Hence, the answer is option C
9) Answer: A
Let the CPs of articles A and B are ₹5x and ₹ (5x + 150) respectively.
So, the MP of article A = 120% of 5x = ₹6x
1 (5𝑥+150)4
The MP of article B = 133 3 % of (5x + 150) = ₹ 3
The SP of article A = ₹ (6x – 90)
And the SP of article B = ₹( − 180)
Since, the SP of article B is ₹210 more than that of article A.
(20x + 600)
− 180 − (6x − 90) = 210
20x + 600 – 18x = 900
x = 150
From option (a):
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The CP of article A = 5 * 150 = ₹750
The SP of article A = (6 * 150 – 90) = ₹810
The profit per cent on article A = × 100 = 8%
So, option (a) is correct.
From option (b):
The CP of article B = 750 + 150 = ₹900
The SP of article B = ( − 180) = ₹1020
The profit per cent on article B = × 100 = 13.33%
So, option (b) is not correct.
From option (c):
The SP of article A = (6 * 150 – 90) = ₹810
The CP of article B = 750 + 150 = ₹900
Since, the SP of article A is not equal to the CP of article B.
So, option (c) is not correct.
Hence, option (a) is correct.
10) Answer: A
Ratio of length of train P and platform = 4:3 = [4a, 3a]
4a + 3a = 14 x Y
So, a = 2Y……………... (1)
Length of train Q = 4a + 60
4a + 4a + 60 = (Y – 90 x 5/18) x 108
2a + 15 = 27Y– 675
27Y = 2a + 690……………... (2)
From (1) and (2), we get
27Y = 2 x 2Y + 690
23Y = 690
Value of Y = 30
So, value of a = 30 x 2 = 60
Required sum = 8 x 60 + 60 = 540 meters
Hence answer is option A
11) Answer: C
According to question,
5/2 x [1 + (Y + 15)/100]2 = 1 x (5/4)3 x 72/25
1 + (Y + 15)/100 = 3/2
Y + 15 = 50
Y = 35
Required simple interest = 40000 x 32% x 3 = Rs. 38400
Hence answer is option C
Directions [12-15]:
First, we need to find the value of M and N
6M + 7N = 95, where M and N are prime numbers
N = (95 – 6M)/7
If M = 2, N = 8.875 (not possible)
If M = 3, N = 11 (Possible)
12) Answer: D
According to the Question,
Selling price of blue tables = (840– 21R) = (840 – 21x 10) = Rs. 630
Hence, the answer is option D
13) Answer: D
From the final calculation table, we know that green chairs are more profitable.
14) Answer: B
Marked price of pen = 60*130/100 = 78
Discount offered on a pen = (1/10)* 250=Rs. 25
Selling price of a pen = Rs.53
Profit = Rs.20
Cost price of 30 pens = 30*33 = Rs.990
15) Answer: A
Difference between the total number of chairs and tables = 20-15 =5 which is 5 less than R
This statement is true.
II: Ratio between Marked price of green table to selling price of blue chair = 250:200 = 5:4
This statement is true.
III: Profit earned by selling all the tables is 40 more than the total profit earned by selling all the chairs
This statement is not true.
Only statement I and II is true.
Hence, the option A is correct answer.
Practice Questions
Directions (1-4): Study the following information 2. Who among the following person sold the
carefully and answer the given questions. products between U and the one who sold Laptop?
Eight persons – A, D, E, G, H, I, P, and U sold eight I. The one who sold Modem
different products one after another. The products are II. The one who sold two persons before I
– Laptop, Book, Modem, Gold, Egg, Auto, Ice- III. E
cream, and Umbrella. All the above information is IV. The one who sold Umbrella
not necessarily in the same order. a) Only I, II, and III
Note: If the person name starts with a vowel, then b) Only II and IV
the person did not sell the product which has an c) Only II, III and IV
even number of vowels count and if the person d) Only I, III, and IV
name starts with a consonant, then the person did e) All I, II, III, and IV
not sell the product, which has odd number of
vowels count. 3. If D sold his product for Rs.5700 and the price
Only two persons sold the product between D and the of each product is increased by Rs.300 from first
one who sold Auto. P sold immediately after the one to last, then what is the sum of the products sold
who sold Auto. Only one person sold the product by E, A and H?
between P and the one who sold Egg. A sold the a) Rs.20700
product three persons after the one who sold Egg. b) Rs.18900
The one who sold Laptop sold two persons after A. c) Rs.22500
The one who sold Gold sold the product adjacent to d) Rs.21600
the one who sold Laptop. The number of persons sold e) Rs.21100
the product before the one who sold Gold is two
more than the number of persons sold the product 4. Which of the following statement(s) is/are false
after E. Only four persons sold the product between with respect to the final arrangement?
H and U. The one who sold Book sold the product I. More than four persons sold the products between
immediately before U. The number of persons sold U and I
the product between G and the one who sold Modem II. E sold the product two persons before the one who
is one less than the number of persons sold the sold Umbrella
product between I and the one who sold Ice-cream. III. No one sold the product between H and the one
who sold Ice-cream
1. Match List I with List II IV. The one who sold Egg sold the product
List I List II immediately before P
a) Only II and III
A. E I. Modem b) Only IV
B. Ice-cream II. U c) Only I and IV
C. D III. Auto d) Only I, III, and IV
D. Egg IV. Umbrella e) Only I and III
E. A V. P
Directions (5-8): Study the following information
carefully and answer the given questions.
In a certain code language following statements are
coded as follows:
“Burn Are More Empty Close” is coded as “#%+
a) A-II, B-V, C-I, D-III, E-IV @%¥ #$¥ @^* @^¥”.
b) A-III, B-V, C-I, D-IV, E-II “Went All File Above Equal” is coded as “@^¥
c) A-III, B-V, C-I, D-II, E-IV @^© #$£ #%£ #%¥”.
d) A-III, B-I, C-V, D-II, E-IV “Blue Copy Age Down Today” is coded as “@%+
e) A-III, B-II, C-I, D-V, E-IV #$¥ @^+ @^* @^¥”.
D Modem
G Book
U Egg
E Auto
P Ice cream
A Umbrella
H Laptop
Common explanation
We have,
• Only two persons sold the product between D and the one who sold Auto.
• P sold immediately after the one who sold Auto.
• Only one person sold the product between P and the one who sold Egg.
• A sold the product three persons after the one who sold Egg.
From the above conditions, there are two possibilities
Case 1 Case 2
D (Egg)
(Egg) P
(Auto) A
Again, we have
• The one who sold Laptop sold two persons after A.
• The one who sold Gold sold the product adjacent to the one who sold Laptop.
• The number of persons sold the product before the one who sold Gold is two more than the number of
persons sold the product after E.
Case 1 Case 2
(Egg) E (Auto)
E (Auto) P
(Gold) (Laptop)
(Laptop) (Gold)
Again, we have
• Only four persons sold the product between H and U.
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• The one who sold Book sold the product immediately before U.
• The number of persons sold the product between G and the one who sold Modem is one less than the
number of persons sold the product between I and the one who sold Ice-cream
After applying the above conditions case 2 gets eliminated because there is no possibility to place the one who sold
modem and the one who sold Ice-cream. Hence, case 1 gives the final arrangement.
Case 1 Case 2
D (Modem) G (Book)
G (Book) U (Egg)
U (Egg) E (Auto)
E (Auto) P
A (Umbrella) D
I (Gold) H (Laptop)
H (Laptop) I (Gold)
Direction (5-8):
5. Answer: D
6. Answer: A
7. Answer: C
8. Answer: B
Common Explanation:
We have:
For the first symbol: If the word starts with a consonant then it is coded as ‘@’, else it is coded as ‘#’.
For the second symbol: the second symbol represents the number of letters in the word.
For 3 → $, 4 → ^, and 5 → %
For the third symbol: the third symbol represents the last letter of the word.
Y → +, N → *, E → ¥, and L → £
Directions (9-12)
9. Answer: D
10. Answer: E
11. Answer: D
12. Answer: B
Final arrangement:
We have,
• S, who does not sit adjacent to U, sits second to the left of the one who faces E.
• E, who sits on the shorter side of the table, sits opposite to the one who sits second to the right of M.
• M faces the one who sits third to the right of F.
From the above conditions, we have two possibilities:
Again we have,
• The number of persons sitting between F and S is one less than the number of persons sitting between U
and D, when counted from the right of D and F.
• The one who sits immediate right of D faces O.
Directions (13-15):
13. Answer: d
14. Answer: c
15. Answer: e
Practice Questions
Directions (1-2):In the following question, three bats in nine States, including Kerala, and the Union
sentences are given. Decide which part of the Territory of Pondicherry.
sentences has error in it. A sentence might have (C) As per a 2021 study, Nipah virus was found to be
multiple errors. Choose which part of the sentence in circulation in fruit bats in “many districts” in
is erroneous and mark the answer accordingly. Kerala.
1) (D) Fruit bats that can cause Nipah virus outbreaks in
I. There was a lots of buzz around retail e-rupee in humans are not restricted to Kozhikode district.
the first half of 2023(1)/ with many of us getting (E) While date palm saps was linked to Nipah virus
invites from the banks(2)/ to downloading the e-rupee outbreaks/A in Bangladesh, and pigs acting as
wallet and participate in the pilot(3). intermediate hosts were/B responsible for Nipah
II. Previous studies have highlighted the outbreaks in Malaysia, the route of/C virus
relatively(1)/lower social security coverage in urban transmission from bats to humans has not been
areas during(2)/the pandemic and the differential clearly established in Kerala/D. No error/E
factors affecting poverty(3). 3) Which among the following is the correct
III. Family- run enterprises are faced on(1)/ striking a sequence of rearrangement that forms a
delicate balance between upholding(2)/ traditional meaningful coherent passage ?
values and embracing modern practices(3). a) BACDE b) ADCBE c) ABECD
a) I-1, II-2, III-2 b) I-3, II-1, III-1 d) BDCEA e) CABED
c) I-1, I-3, II-1 d) I-1, III-1, I-3
e) I-3, II-1, III-1