Assignment 2 Option 3 - Store Design Canvas

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Store Design Canvas

Instructions for the Store Design Canvas:

1) Download the Store Design Canvas.
2) Answer the questions in each building block in the Store Design Canvas. You can focus on the interior and exterior design of a retailer or a firm’s
physical outlet which sells its products or services either to individual customers or to business/industry buyers.
3) To write answers in the building blocks of the Store Design Canvas, you can use any software you like. You can either (i) write answers on digital post
it notes and stick them on each building block of the Store Design Canvas and submit the file; or (ii) you can directly type the answers in each building
block of the Store Design Canvas in a Word document and submit the Store Design Canvas (in the Word document).
4) Instead of writing long paragraphs, for this assignment, I want you to focus on and outline main points using bullet points in the Store Design Canvas.
However, your short answers (sentences or phrases) in each building block should still be clear and concise.
5) In addition to writing answers in the Store Design Canvas, you need to record a presentation and elaborate on your answers more in detail in your
recorded presentation.

Student ID:
Store Design Canvas
Persona Promised Value
What are characteristics of the targeted consumers (including their abilities, pains or constraints, personality, utilitarian, hedonic or What type of values is promised to customers who experience the physical
social needs, motives, preferences, …)? environment of the store you have chosen?
In other words, what broad meanings or values are associated with the
design of the physical store?

Store Design components Appeals

Describe different components of the physical environment of the store [including ambient conditions (e.g., temperature, In relation to the store design components you outlined, what type/s of
background music, scents, light and colours, style of furniture, …), symbols or artefacts, augmented reality, technology themes, appeals (e.g., social appeals, emotional appeals, rational appeals, nostalgia
cyberspace themes, landscape themes, spiritual themes etc.]. appeals, sex appeals, etc.) have been used?
In addition to describing the components above whenever applicable please include pictures of the physical store (in relation to the
components mentioned above).

Recommended improvements
What elements should be changed (removed or added) in the interior or exterior design of the physical store; and/or what type of appeals (e.g., social appeals, emotional appeals, rational appeals, nostalgia
appeals, sex appeals, etc.) can be added to the design of the physical store to create point of parity and/or point of difference?

Store Design Canvas designed by Dr. Marjan Aslan

Store Design Canvas

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