Assignment 2 Option 3 - Store Design Canvas
Assignment 2 Option 3 - Store Design Canvas
Assignment 2 Option 3 - Store Design Canvas
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Store Design Canvas
Persona Promised Value
What are characteristics of the targeted consumers (including their abilities, pains or constraints, personality, utilitarian, hedonic or What type of values is promised to customers who experience the physical
social needs, motives, preferences, …)? environment of the store you have chosen?
In other words, what broad meanings or values are associated with the
design of the physical store?
Recommended improvements
What elements should be changed (removed or added) in the interior or exterior design of the physical store; and/or what type of appeals (e.g., social appeals, emotional appeals, rational appeals, nostalgia
appeals, sex appeals, etc.) can be added to the design of the physical store to create point of parity and/or point of difference?