Assignment 2 Option 1 - Advertisment Design Canvas

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Advertisement Design Canvas

Instructions for the Advertisement Design Canvas:

1) Download the Advertisement Design Canvas.
2) Answer the questions in each building block in the Advertisement Design Canvas. You can focus on a product/service targeted at individual
customers or at business/industry buyers.
3) To write answers in the building blocks of the Advertisement Design Canvas, you can use any software you like. You can either (i) write
answers on digital post it notes and stick them on each building block of the Advertisement Design Canvas and submit the file; or (ii) you can
directly type the answers in each building block of the Advertisement Design Canvas in a Word document and submit the Advertisement
Design Canvas (in the Word document).
4) Instead of writing long paragraphs, for this assignment, I want you to focus and outline main points using bullet points in the Advertisement
Design Canvas. However, your short answers (sentences or phrases) in each building block should still be clear and concise.
5) In addition to writing answers in the Advertisement Design Canvas, you need to record a presentation and elaborate on your answers more in
detail in your recorded presentation.

Student ID:

Advertisement Design Canvas designed by Dr. Marjan Aslan

Advertisement Design Canvas

Personas/Target market characteristics Value of the product/service

What are characteristics (e.g., life style, age, level of income, interests, values, personality, What meaning do we want the target market associate with this product/service?
motivations, needs, wants, pain points, preferences, ….) of the target market? What type of value can consumers gain by using the product/service?

Appeals Visuals and words The source

What facts and information does the ad. What images and words were used to communicate the meaning of the product/service to Who endorses the message (e.g. a celebrity, an
provide about the product/service attributes? consumers? expert, ….)? Describe reasons why the source
How detailed is the information? (e.g., a celebrity, an expert, …) has been chosen
What does the message include (e.g., emotional to communicate the message to the target
appeal, nostalgia appeal, rational appeal, fear, market.
humor, or sextual references; art forms, cultural
formula, metaphors, or any social or emotional
cues, or any stimuli appealing to five senses)?

Points of Difference Point of parity

What determinant attributes differentiate the product/service as compared to the product/service What elements are considered mandatory for the product/service to be considered a legitimate
offered by competitors? competitor in its specific category?
In other words, what attributes should the product/service have so that consumers consider the
product along with the competitors’ product?

Advertisement Design Canvas designed by Dr. Marjan Aslan

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