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Background of Study


Technology has become increasingly integrated into educational settings, transforming the way

teaching and learning take place. The use of technology in teaching has shown significant effects

on various aspects of education, including pupil interaction. Pupil interaction refers to the

engagement, communication, and collaboration among students during the learning process.

Understanding the impact of technology on pupil interaction is crucial for educators and

policymakers to make informed decisions regarding its effective integration into classrooms.

This study aims to explore the effects of technology in teaching on pupil interaction and identify

the potential benefits and challenges associated with its implementation (Fuchs, L. S., & Fuchs,

D. 2017).

Technology has revolutionized the field of education, transforming teaching and learning in

profound ways. The integration of technology in classrooms has the potential to impact various

aspects of education, including pupil interaction. Pupil interaction refers to the active

engagement, collaboration, and communication among students during the learning process.

Understanding how technology affects pupil interaction is crucial for educators and
policymakers to harness its benefits effectively. This study aims to explore the effects of

technology in teaching on pupil interaction, examining both the positive outcomes and potential

challenges associated with its implementation (Fuchs, L. S., & Fuchs, D. 2017).

The students of today are surrounded by technology, where access to a vast collection of

information is only a fingertip away (Egbert, 2009). Many in the field of pedagogy state that

technology integration is helpful, meaningful, and necessary for a school to function

successfully. However, many teachers are reluctant to make the change, and many students are

not motivated to try. In 2013, a survey was given to the Chicago Public Schools by Ehrlich,

S porte, ebring,S & the onsrtium

C on hicago
C cholsS ( 2013) . It wa s f ound t ha t 92% of

students had some form of technology and internet access in their home, but fewer than half of

the students used that technology for work related to school.


On the study aim to investigate the use of Technology in Teaching:It's Effecs on the Pupils Inter

know interaction at Tambo Elementary School specially the study seeks to answer the following


The study seeks to answer the following...1.What is the respondents profile in terms of:

a. Age;
b. Sex;2.How does Technology use effect the Pupils Interaction in Tambo Elementary School?

3.What is the relationship between Technology use and the literation of Pupils in Tambo

Elementary School?

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of the study was depicted at the paradigm in figure 1 below, within

the setting of the investigation. The participants' age and sex information is presented in the first

box on the upper left, followed by the pupils interactions and potential study findings in the

second and third boxes.

Figure 1.1 Schematic Diagram


Null hypothesis
HOP:1 There is no significant effect of technology in teachingb to the pupils

interactionAlternative hypothesis

HOP:2 There is a significant effect of technology in teaching to the pupils interaction .

Significant of the study

Teachers- this study will give information to the teachers the effect of technological to the


Students -this study gives students the chance to interact with their classmate more by

encorraging collaboration.

School (MNHS)-this study will help the school find out if there is a great contribution to the use

of technology in teaching.

Parents-this study parents will realize how important they are as a source of encoungemint in

which children and even support their children in using technology for the upliftment of

learning.Scope and delimitation

This study will concerne with: Technology in

Teaching: It's Effect to the Pupils Interaction..

To get possible solution of this research tittle and to know the effect of technology and to

provide a solution on this research.

This study will be conducted on the respective selected Teachers of Tambo Elementary School.

This study will be conducted in the end of semester.

We find a resourch of this research title to provide a solution for the students , we will use

interest to gain some information to be facilitate our study.

Definition of terms

The following term are use in this study and are depired for better understanding.


It refers to the use of extent to which students us technology in their academic performance

including the use of devices such as tablets, loptaps and smart phone as well as online resources

and software.

Academic performance

It refers to the level of achievement of student, including grade test scores ,and participation .

It refers to the engagement with learners to enable their understanding and application of

knowledge, concepts and processes.


It refers to the engaging students in the learning process increases their attention and focus and

motivates them to engage in higher-level critical thinking.


It refers to the exchange of information to achieve a better understanding .


It refers to work together towards a common goal.

Teacher of Tambo Elementary School

The respondents of the study.



Crompton,H.Bernacki, M.& Greene,J.A.(2020)As the research on the use of Educational

Technology increase greater focus is being placed on the psychological processes underlying
Teaching and learning with these tools. In this research review,we examine six contemporary

Technologies identitied. In the 2020 edition of the lens of Educational psychology theory,

specifically, we highlight the Educational cognitive,and social psychological processes that

unfold during Teaching and learning with each technology and illustrate how considering these

processes can....

Diane Keyser Westworld,June H Middleton ( 2024) Technology use among senior student is

s t e a di l y e xpa ndi ng, bot h i ns i de a nd out s i de t he c l a s s r oom, a nd i t i s be c omi ng mor e

vi t a l t o unde r s t a nd how t hi s i s a f f e c t i ng a c a de mi c pe r f or ma nc e , De s pi t e t he f a c t t

studies have revealed little to no effect, cognitive theory and multitasking research strongly

s ugge s t a de t r i me nt a l e f f e c t , t hi s s t udy ma de a n e f f or t t o c l a r i f y t he s e c onf l i c t i n

addressing them by using a suitable sample of students.we looked at the connection between

students usage of Technology and their academia standing as shown by their GPA, SAT

scores,studiy time, and projected course grade.

Raja,R.,Z Nagasubramani, P.C.(2018) Technology is a gift of God.after the gift of life it is

perhaps the greatest of goods gifts. It is the mother of Eivilizarions, of arts and of has certainly changed the way we has impacted different facets of life

and redefined living undoubtedly technology plays an important role in every sphere of

life.several manual task can be automated , thank to technology.also many complex and eritical
with the help of modern technology.thanks to the application of technology,living his changed

and it has changed for has revolutionized the field of aducation the important

of technology in schools cannot be ignored in fact with the onset of computers in education it

has become easier for teachers to import knowledge and for students to acquire it the use of

technology has made the process of teaching and learning all the more enjoyable .

Research has been contacted across multiple subject areas to identify some math, science,

technology,and special education teacher feelings forward the use technology

(Mohammed,2018,Berlin,2012;Badia 2019).to begin the examination of Educational leaders

beliefs ,it has been found that special education teacher are more apt to accepting technology

when they can connect it to their daily teaching routine (Mohamed,2018). Although special

education teacher have technology in their classroom that does not necessarily mean that they

are confident in using such technology and believe that they need more training and experience

using technology (Mohamed,2018).


Tabassum Rashid , Hanan Muhammad Asghar (2016) For any higher educational institution

worldwide, a crucial issue is does technology improve student learning and students

engagement,and how best to indicate the self-directed learning skills a.k.a the life long learning
skills among students,Using a path model ,The present multivariable study provides a unique

contribution to existing literature by exploring the interelationship among a set critical constructs

of academic behaviour central todays educational.

When it comes to the benefits of using technology in education there are benifits for both

teachers and students, The way that teacher teach and students learn have changed due to the

amount of touch screen technology available for students( Disney,2019) Kids today see adaults

using technology daily, which means that kids use technology to make meaning of the world

around them (Disney,2019) When pre schools use touch technology in numeracy knowledge

(Disney, 2019) Clear evidenced was enhanced subject matter,and built on their prior knowledge

by using touch screen technology (Disney,2019) A more recent technology to promote positive

feelings toward the use of technology includes "flipping the classroom" Flipping the classroom

calls for students to complete certain work at home ,While completing problem solving in an

active environment during class time with peers (cukurbasi,2018) by flipping the classroom

LEGO applications, the teachers role differ from the traditional role of teaching to creating video

for students to watch and being present during their active learning (cukurbasi,2018) upon

completion of the LEGO application assignment stidents felt learning sas fun, boosted their

motivations and any negative perceptions were shifted to positive (cukurbasi,2018).

Ahmad D. and Reza M.( 2018) The use of technology has been an important part of the learning

. . and out of the class. Every language class usually uses som e from of technology.

Technology enables teachers to adapt classroom activities, thus enhancing ,rhe language learning

process. technology continues to grow in importance as a tool to help teacher facilitate language

learning for their learner. This study focuses on the role of using new technologies in learning

English language learners to increase their learning skills through using technologies. In this

paper the researchers defined the term technology and technology Integration, explained the use

of technology in language classroom, reviewed previous studies on using technologies in

inproving language learning skills and stated recommendations for the better use of these

technologies, which assist learners in improving their learning skills. The literature review

indicated that the effective use of new technologies improves learners language skills.



This chapter of the research presented the methodology used in this study. On this chapter the
researchers will state the different method on how to get a certain data which is relevant to their topic,
“Technology in Teaching: It's Effect to the Pupils Interaction at Tambo Elementary School”. This Chapter
contains the: locale of the study, research design, research instrument, data gathering procedure, and
statistical treatment of data.

Locale of the Study

The research will take place in Tambo Elementary School located in Tambo Munai Lanao del
The municipality of MUNAI is divide into 26 baranggays, namely: Bacayawan, Balabacan,
Balintad, Kadayonan, Dalama, Lindongan, Lininding, Lingco-an, Lumbar-bayabao, Madaya, Maganding,
Matampay, Old Poblacion, North Cadulawan, Panggao, Pantao, Pantao-a-munai, Pantaon, Pindolonan,
Punong, Ramain, Sandigamunai, Tagoranao, Tambo, Tamparan (Madaya), Taporog.

Fig. 1.2 Map of Munai Lanao del Norte. Fig. 1.3 Map of Tambo Elementary School

Research Design

In this study, the researchers used the Mixed Methods as a design where it involves Quantitative
and Qualitative Research Design. The combination of quantitative and qualitative provides a more
complete understanding of a research problem than either approach alone.

Qualitative data consists of open-ended information that the research usually gathers through
focus groups and observations. The analysis of the qualitative data (words, texts or behaviors) typically
follows the path of aggregating into categories of information and presenting the diversity of ideas
gathered during data collection.

Quantitative data includes close-ended information such as that found to measure attitudes
(e.g., rating scales), behaviors (e.g., observation checklists), and performance instruments. The analysis
of this type of data contists of statistically analysing scores collected on instruments (e.g., questionaires)
or checklists to answer research questions or to test hypotheses.

Research Instrument

In this research study, the researchers will use survey data collection. These are methods that
are used to collect information from a sample of individuals in a systematic way. In the survey method
one of the researchers instrument is adopted questionnaire, a set of print or written questions for the
purpose of gathering information from the respondent, devise for a survey or statistical study.

Adopt questionnaire is from have advantages over some other type of survey in that they are
cheap, do not require as much effort from the questioner and often have standardized answer that
make it simple to compile data.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers aim to conduct survey on the respective Teachers of Tambo Elementary School
that is located in Tambo, Munai, Lanao del Norte. The researchers may use adopted questionnaire to
seek some details to those respondents who are the respective Teachers from Tambo Elementary
School.. To which we will determine the Technology in Teaching: It's Effect to the Pupils Interaction who
have various interaction. Allow to determine the effect of technology and to determine the point of view
of pupils when interacting technology in teaching used by their teachers.

Statistical Treatment of Data

This research used the following statistical tools to analysis and interpret the data gathered in
this study.

1. Simple Frequency and Percentages. The demographic profile variables of the respondents were
analyzed using the simple percentage with the following formula:


P = Percentage


N= Total number of respondents

100=Constant multiplier

P= f/n (100%)

2.Weighted Mean. The statistical tool was used to compute for the weight of the respondents by the
actual data gathering procedure. The formula for weighted mean is as follows:


X = Weighted sample average

WI = Weight of value i

XI= Individual value to be weigh

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