Alcohol Detection With Vehicle Controlling System
Alcohol Detection With Vehicle Controlling System
Alcohol Detection With Vehicle Controlling System
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to develop vehicle accident prevention by method of alcohol detector in an effort to reduce
traffic accident cases based on driving under the influence of alcohol. This project is developed by integrating the alcohol sensor
with the microcontroller 16F877A. The alcohol the sensor used in this project is MQ-2 which detects the alcohol content in human
breath. An ignition system which will produce spark plugs is built up as a prototype to act like the ignition starter over the vehicle’s
engine. The ignition system will operate based on the level of blood alcohol content (BAC) from human breaths detected by alcohol
sensor. The main purpose is “Drunk driving detection”. Nowadays, many accidents are happening because of the alcohol
consumption of the driver or the person who is driving the vehicle. Thus, Drunken driving is a major reason for accidents in almost
all countries all over the world. The Alcohol Detector in Car project is designed for the safety of the people seating inside the car.
1 Introduction
Driving under the influence of alcohol continues to be one of the nation’s most serious problem faced by the general public. It is a
known fact that under the influence of alcohol the driving skills is impaired and the risk of involvement in accidents increases
exponentially. India had earned the questionable qualification of having a greater number of fatalities because of street mishaps on
the society. Street wellbeing is rising as a noteworthy social worry far and wide, particularly in India. Drinking and driving is as
of now a genuine general medical issue, which is probably going to rise as a standout amongst the most critical issues sooner rather
than later. The primary reason behind this task is "Drunk driving detection". Since numerous mishaps are increasing due to the
liquor utilization of the driver or the individual who is driving the vehicle. Subsequently Drunk driving is a noteworthy reason of
mischances in all nations everywhere throughout the world. Thus, the framework diminishes the quantum of street mischances and
fatalities because of drunk driving in future.
1.2 Objective
The main Objective is to reduce the road accidents in the near future due to drunken driving. The system detects the presence
of alcohol in the vehicle and immediately locks the engine of the vehicle.
2 Overview
Alcohol Detector in car is designed for the safety of the people seating inside the car.Alcohol Detection with Vehicle
Controlling project helps to control the vehicle in case the driver has consumed the alcohol. An Alcohol brathe analyser project
should be fitted/instaled inside the vehicle. Driving under the influence of alcohol continues to be one of the nation’s most serious
problem faced by the general public. It is a known fact that under the influence of alcohol the driving skills is impaired and the risk
of involvement in accidents increases exponentially.
3 Methodology:
The target of this projects to give an idea and inventive method for avoiding drunken driving of a Motorcar by locking the
car. Likewise, to permit man who is not alcoholic to drive a same Motorcar. To broaden this thought with more innovative
headways and make it accessible in a financially effective way. We need to plan a sort of framework which can recognize the
alcohol content in the cars to prevent the conduct of alcoholic driving. The sensor will be fixed close to the driver's seat. The driver
should breathe to the system before the individual begins the car. On the off chance that the alcohol level identified is underneath
the permissible standard, the car can be started regularly.
4 Block Diagram:
The block diagram in figure 1 explains the concept of alcohol detection and ignition locking
system. Here lpc2148 is used as the heart of the project. MQ3 sensor is used for detection of alcohol. If the
concerned person is drunk then the ignition system will not be activated. Another feature of this system is the
auto theft detection if any one tries to steal /deactivate the system then a message is sent to the concerned
person with GPS. The vehicle is shown in the form of a DC motor.
● The MQ3 Alcohol Sensor and the 16x2 LCD Display is interfaced with ARM-7 (LPC2148) Microcontroller.
● MQ3 Sensor senses alcohol and indication of high Alcohol content is through the external LED Light present on the
sensor board.
● The LCD display is used to display the results given by the MQ3 Sensor.
● The Switch is used to ensure the driver does not tamper with the system if high alcohol content is detected, the LCD
displays ‘Alcohol Detected’.
5. Conclusion:
In this paper a real time model is built that can automatically lock the motor engine when a drunken driver tries to drive a
car. These days, car collisions are mostly observed. By fitting this alcohol sensor into the car, we can save the life of the driver and
furthermore the rest of the travelers. The life time of the task is high. It has low or zero support cost and obviously low power
utilization. This is a developed system to check drunken driving. By executing this outline, a safe car travel is possible decreasing
the mishap rate because of drinking. By executing this outline, drunken drivers can be controlled so are the mishaps because of
drunken driving.
6. Future Scope:
Government must authorize laws to introduce such circuit in each car and must manage all car organizations to preinstall such
systems while manufacturing the car itself. If it is achieved, the death rate because of drunken drivers can be brought to least level.
In this kind of system, securely landing of car aside without disturbing other vehicles can also be added as a future extensi
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